Infinity Sentence Examples
We have intuitions of cause, of infinity, of good and Flint.
The line la+ma+ny is the radical axis, and since as+43 c-y =o is the line infinity, it is obvious that equation (I) represents a conic passing through the circular points, i.e.
The process by which the mind is thus stored consists of an infinity of individual impressions.
If in a central orbit the velocity is equal to the velocity from infinity, we have, from (5),
If we now imagine the point 0 to recede to infinity, the forces P, Q and the resultant R are parallel, and we have R=P+Q, P.AC=Q.CB.
A band might in that case fade away towards zero frequencies, and as s increases, return again from infinity with diminishing distances, the head and the tail pointing in the same direction; or with a different value of constants a band might fade away towards infinite frequencies, then return through the whole range of the spectrum to zero frequencies, and once more return with its tail near its head.
God does not seem to find much place in the Wissenschaftslehre, where mankind is the absolute and nature mankind's product, and where God neither could be an absolute Ego which posits objects in the non-Ego to infinity without ever completing the process, nor could be even known to exist apart from the moral order which is man's destination.
Thus his pantheistic is also a teleological idealism, which in its emphasis on free activity and moral order recalls Leibnitz and Fichte, but in its emphasis on the infinity of God has more affinity to Spinoza, Schelling and Hegel.
He accepts an ultimate antinomy as to the finiteness or infinity of " the unconditioned," yet applies the law of the excluded middle to insist that one of the two alternatives must be true, wherefore we must make the choice.
But ecclesiastical politics gave him an infinity of trouble.
AdvertisementIn these tribes the bold and active habits, the striking colours, or the fantastic diversities of structure,have so long attracted remark that recent investigations, while adding a multitude of new species and supplying the specialist with an infinity of new details, have not materially altered the scientific standpoint.
On submitting a complex substance of this character to destructive distillation, it will be found that the yield and quality of the products will vary very considerably with the temperature existing in the retorts, with the size of the charge of coal used, with its distribution in the retort, with the length of time the distillation has been going on, and with an infinity of other factors of a more or less complex nature.
These have now to pass down the heated retort on their way to the ascension pipe, and the contact with the heated sides of the retort, and the baking from the radiant heat in the retort, set up an infinity of changes.
The entrance window is then the real image of this diaphragm projected by the objective in the surface conjugate to the plane focused for, and the exit window is the image projected by the eyepiece; this happens with the image of the object lying at infinity.
Hiroshima, visited by a bomb of exponential power, reached an infinity of destruction in seconds.
AdvertisementWhile the Tao symbol is probably better known as the yin yang symbol, the encircled symbol represents the never-ending energy of chi, which is the concept of infinity.
Take caution, though, a wide band infinity ring may overshadow a simpler engagement ring.
Diamond infinity rings are beautiful designs as rich with symbolism as they are with precious stones and sparkle.
The new Angels Infinity Edge Demi is available online and in stores now.
Taking this ideal limit as a theoretical or absolute zero, the value of H may be represented on the diagram by the whole area included between the two adiabatics BAZ, CDZ' down to the points where they intersect the isothermal of absolute zero, or the zero isopiestic OV asymptotically at infinity.
AdvertisementThe term "Nature" is put more into the foreground in the Treatise, a point which might be urged as evidence of Bruno's influence - the dialogues, moreover, being specially concerned to establish the unity, infinity and selfcontainedness of Nature 2; but the two opposed Cartesian attributes, thought and extension, and the absolutely infinite substance whose attributes they are - substance constituted by infinite attributes - appear here as in the Ethics.
At first the tension will diminish, but if the process be continued the tension will reach a minimum value and will afterwards increase to infinity as the chain between A and B approaches to the form of a straight line.
Thus mathematics assumes space as an existent infinite, without investigating in what sense the existence or the infinity of this Unding, as Kant called it, can be asserted.
The frank recognition that local income taxes are impossible, and that taxation on property for local purposes can only be applied to real property, where it becomes, usually or frequently, in the nature of a rent-charge, would have saved the legislature and the public an infinity of laborious discussion.
The sun is a small target for a meteorite coming from infinity to hit, and if this considerable quantity reaches its mark, a much greater amount will circulate round the sun in parabolas, and there is no evidence of it where it would certainly make itself felt, in perturbations of the planets.
AdvertisementBeyond mention, there is little to be said, owing to the absence of general principles in an infinity of specific details, mostly domestic and apparently trivial.
We have, in the case just referred to, to take account of a point at infinity on the line y=0; the two intersections are the point (x=110, y=0), and the point at infinity on the line y= 0.
It is, moreover, to be noticed that the points at infinity may be all or any of them imaginary, and that the points of intersection, whether finite or at infinity, real or imaginary, may coincide two or more of them together, and have to be counted accordingly; to support the theorem in its universality, it is necessary to take account of these various circumstances.
Say the projection is always a line, then if the figure is such that the two planes are parallel, the projection is the intersection of the given plane by a parallel plane, or it is the system of points at infinity on the given plane, that is, these points at infinity are regarded as situate on a given line, the line infinity of the given plane.
Reverting to the purely plane theory, infinity is a line, related like any other right line to the curve, and thus intersecting it in m points, real or imaginary, distinct or coincident.
The points in question have since been called (it is believed first by Dr George Salmon) the circular points at infinity, or they may be called the circular points; these are also frequently spoken of as the points I, J; and we have thus the circle characterized as a conic which passes through the two circular points at infinity; the number of conditions thus imposed upon the conic is = 2, and there remain three arbitrary constants, which is the right number for the circle.
Poncelet throughout his work makes continual use of the foregoing theories of imaginaries and infinity, and also of the before-mentioned theory of reciprocal polars.
Names may also be used for the different forms of infinite branches, but we have first to consider the distinction of hyperbolic and parabolic. The leg of an infinite branch may have at the extremity a tangent; this is an asymptote of the curve, and the leg is then hyperbolic; or the leg may tend to a fixed direction, but so that the tangent goes further and further off to infinity, and the leg is then parabolic; a branch may thus be hyperbolic or parabolic as to its two legs; or it may be hyperbolic as to one leg and parabolic as to the other.
If a line S2 cut an arc aa at b, so that the two segments ab, ba lie on opposite sides of the line, then projecting the figure so that the line Sl goes off to infinity, the tangent at b is projected into the asymptote, and the arc ab is projected into a hyperbolic leg touching the asymptote at one extremity; the arc ba will at the same time be projected into a hyperbolic leg touching the same asymptote at the other extremity (and on the opposite side), but so that the two hyperbolic legs may or may not belong to one and the same branch.
And we thus see that the two hyperbolic legs belong to a simple intersection of the curve by the line infinity.
The foregoing considerations also show (what is very important) how different branches are connected together at infinity, and lead to the notion of a complete branch or circuit.
First, if the three intersections by the line infinity are all distinct, we have the hyperbolas; if the points are real, the redundant hyperbolas, with three hyperbolic branches; but if only one of them is real, the defective hyperbolas, with one hyperbolic branch.
But although we thus arrive by projection at the notion of a circuit, it is not necessary to go out of the plane, and we may (with Zeuthen, using the shorter term circuit for his complete branch) define a circuit as any portion (of a curve) capable of description by the continuous motion of a point, it being understood that a passage through infinity is permitted.
This is Spinoza's theory of the infinitely infinite," the limiting notion of infinity being of a numerical, quantitative series, each term of which is a qualitative determination itself quantitatively little, e.g.
The doctrine of geometrical continuity and the application of algebra to geometry, developed in the 16th and 17th centuries mainly by Kepler and Descartes, led to the discovery of many properties which gave to the notion of infinity, as a localized space conception, a predominant importance.
A line became continuous, returning into itself by way of infinity; two parallel lines intersect in a point at infinity; all circles pass through two fixed points at infinity (the circular points); two spheres intersect in a fixed circle at infinity; an asymptote became a tangent at infinity; the foci of a conic became the intersections of the tangents from the circular points at infinity; the centre of a conic the pole of the line at infinity, &c. In analytical geometry the line at infinity plays an important part in trilinear co-ordinates.
The infinity of real existence, in contrast with the necessary finitude of human understanding and experience, is always in his thoughts.
To prove this, our thoughts of space, time, infinity, power, substance, personal identity, causality, and others which " seem most remote from the supposed original " are examined in a " plain historical method," and shown to depend either on (a) perception of things external, through the five senses, or on (b) reflection upon operations of the mind within.
If one of the foci be at infinity, the conics are confocal parabolas, which may also be regarded as parabolas having a common focus and axis.
The eyepiece, which by means of narrow pencils represents the relatively large real image at infinity, transmits from all points of this real image parallel pencils, whereby the inclination of the principal rays becomes further increased.
Its purpose in a microscope is by means of narrow cones of rays to represent at infinity the real magnified image which the objective produces.
It will satisfy Infinity and Choice if the original model of TST satisfies these axioms.
In fact, the infinity fryer has been scientifically proven to produce food with up to 25% less fat.
His first novel, To hold infinity, was one of the Daily Telegraph's ' Books of the Year ' .
It reaches the minimum in a circular object and approaches infinity in thin, complex objects.
Confidence intervals for nausea included infinity suggesting the point estimate (9.9) is unreliable.
If the argument is positive infinity, then positive infinity is returned.
Malebranche himself maintains that his view of God follows from divine infinity, which of course has a scriptural basis.
By claiming that one of those moments earlier nolan project infinity.
The lowest order contributions to the partition function will come from metrics with a U1 isometry, and given behavior at infinity.
Now we can continue the sequence ` beyond infinity ' by using the basic lemma repeatedly, starting at t w.
At M 4, the system is a damped oscillator, at M 4, the oscillations continue into infinity.
Send a review · Please help us to help our visitors by sharing your views on the Hauck infinity pushchair - Rockstar Baby.
Her words caught Daniel's senses a glancing blow and then ricocheted away into infinity.
The in solido definition as the section of a cone by a plane at a less inclination to the axis than the generator brings out the existence of the two infinite branches if we imagine the cone to be double and to extend to infinity.
If a rectangle be constructed about AA' and BB', the diagonals of this figure are the "asymptotes" of the curve; they are the tangents from the centre, and hence touch the curve at infinity.
The Ontological argument, though not wholly rejected as a proof, is taken rather as pointing to God's attribute of infinity; thought rather than experience making affirmation that the intuition in question must be attached to God.
One might prefer as a theist to hold (1) that we need a philosophical doctrine of the nature of reality - the " Absolute "; given in popular form in the Cosmological argument; (2) that we take the risk of attaching a higher degree of significance and authority to the revelations of the moral consciousness, which, although moulded or educed by society, do not terminate in the authority of society, but point beyond it to God; this position has its popular form in the moral argument; possibly (3) that necessities of thought shut us up to belief in omnipotence or infinity; (4) that divine help is the supreme revelation.
When the upper limit is infinity, so that the limits correspond to the inclusion of half the primary wave, C and S are both equal to by a known formula; and on account of the rapid fluctuation of sign the parts of the range beyond very moderate values of v contribute but little to the result.
Similarly, parallel to Oy, the increase of effective inertia is NT'/th n th(n-a), reducing to M'/th n=M' (a/b), when a= oo, and the liquid extends to infinity.
The work done in expanding to infinity from p tons per sq.
No other hand could have ventured to render the hair and beard of a sitter, as it was the habit of this inveterate linearist to do, not by indication of masses, but by means of an infinity of single lines swept, with a miraculous certainty and fineness of touch, in the richest amd most intricate of decorative curves.
A fundamental property of the curve is that the line at infinity is a tangent (see Geometry, Projective), and it follows that the centre and the second real focus and directrix are at infinity.
The equation to a parabola in triangular co-ordinates is generally derived by expressing the condition that the line at infinity is a tangent in the equation to the general conic. For example, in trilinear co-ordinates, the equation to the general conic circumscribing the triangle of reference is 113y+mya+naf3=o; for this to be a parabola the line as + b/ + cy = o must be a tangent.
If we imagine 0 to recede to infinity in any direction we learn that a system of parallel forces proportional to nh, mi,.
It will be seen that unless the conditions be exactly adjusted for a circular orbit the particle will either recede to infinity or approach the pole asymptotically.
Kepler's greatest contribution to geometry lies in his formulation of the "principle of continuity" which enabled him to show that a parabola has a "caecus (or blind) focus" at infinity, and that all lines through this focus are parallel (see Geometrical Continuity).
Above him again was the same lofty sky with clouds that had risen and were floating still higher, and between them gleamed blue infinity.
If y is an infinity, rem returns x.
Her words caught Daniel 's senses a glancing blow and then ricocheted away into infinity.
Although computer simulations can help, many algorithms fail when they address regions near black hole singularities where the gravitational fields theoretically approach infinity.
With shadows now tending to infinity, the sun teetered just above the horizon as the train worked slowly round the curve.
Claddagh icons combined with other Celtic knots such as trinity or infinity designs for added symbolism.
Successfully beat story mode to unlock "Infinity" level.
The complex philosophies of the yin yang concepts may change based on Daoism, Buddhism or the western culture, but the basic concepts of polarity, duality, infinity and balance of yin yang theory remains the same throughout belief systems.
The number eight creates a pattern of two circles with no end and is considered a symbol of infinity.
Since the number eight is associated with wealth and power, the infinity aspects means a limitless source of the energies this number will bring to you.
It's created by tying six infinity knots together.
Many universally recognize the figure eight as the symbol for infinity.
The double happiness symbol can be combined with an infinity symbol, known as the mystic knot.
This knot is always created by using a series of six infinity knots (figure eight) tied together.
It's comprised of six infinity knots (the figure eight turned on its side) entwined together.
You can vary your look with more current blouses and accessories, like a silk infinity scarf.
The reading should output as INFINITY when you have the door open and "0" when the door is closed.
When you test the leads, the reading should begin with a low ohms number and gradually rise toward INFINITY.
Simple trinity, infinity, or lover's knots, often used as the focal point of the ring instead of a gemstone.
A diamond infinity ring (also known as an eternity ring) has diamonds encircling the entire band.
Another infinity style uses the infinity symbol as part of the design.
Both styles have a loop that represents infinity and has a symbolic meaning when given as a special gift.
Show that your love will never end by giving an infinity ring in a style that reflects her personality and taste.
In addition to infinity eternity bands, there are rings that have the infinity symbol incorporated into the design.
The meaning behind the symbol, that resembles a knot, is that love is eternal and for infinity.
There are many different options for infinity ring designs.
At Wedding, you can find a variety of infinity style bands with diamonds.
Eternity Wedding Bands specializes in infinity rings done in the eternity style.
Sun Jewelry has a good selection of infinity eternity styles, especially in terms of bridal sets.
This shop also carries a 1.88 Carat Infinity Diamond style in white gold that has the infinity symbol encircling a center diamond.
Many women wear diamond infinity rings as an elegant wedding ring because not only are they beautiful bands, but they also coordinate well with any diamond engagement ring.
An infinity ring may also make the combined set disproportionately wide for the woman's finger, in which case the band should be worn by itself on whichever hand is most comfortable.
If the infinity band ring has open edges, such as with a pave setting, it should not be worn against other rings that it could scratch or the delicate edges of the diamonds may be chipped.
A recent article in Baseball America raved about the 9-Spike Pro Limited cleats, saying that their Infinity Wave Technology would set new standards of comfort in professional play.
Rocker Pink's designs include the infinity symbol, an Asian dragon and the Japanese symbol for luck.
When the two rings are connected they also create the symbol for "infinity" as there is no end in the union of the two.
Other top rated atomic clock manufacturers include Equity Skyscan, Oregon Scientific and Infinity Instruments.
Thanks to Citizen's ongoing technical innovations, your Eco-Drive watch will keep you on time and in fashion for infinity.
In projective geometry it may be defined as the conic which intersects the line at infinity in two real points, or to which it is possible to draw two real tangents from the centre.
Clarke appeals to the immensity of time and space as involving infinity in God.
Whatever one may think of the cogency of such arguments, it seems safe to conclude that thinkers, who dislike constructive idealism, but accept time and space as boundless given quanta, reach in that way the thought of infinity, and if they are theists, necessarily connect their theism with reflexions on the nature of Time and Space.
When cut open, it displays an infinity of tiny leaf-buds and stems, and at intervals there exudes from it an aromatic resin, which from its astringent properties is used by the shepherds as a vulnerary, but has not been converted to any commercial purpose.
Religion therefore is "nothing else than the consciousness of the infinity of the consciousness; or, in the consciousness of the infinite, the conscious subject has for his object the infinity of his own.
Every other concomitant is a rational integral function of these four forms. The linear covariant, obviously the Jacobian of a x and x x is the line perpendicular to x and the vanishing of the quadrinvariant a x is the condition that a x passes through one of the circular points at infinity.
The direction of magnetic induction may be indicated by lines of induction; a line of induction is always a closed curve, though it may possibly extend to and return from infinity.
If the liquid is reduced to rest at infinity by the superposition of an opposite stream given by w = - Uz, we are left with w = Ua2/z, (6) =U(a 2 /r) cos 0= Ua2x/(x2+y2), (7) 4, = -U(a 2 /r) sin 0= -Ua2y/( x2+y2), (8) giving the motion due to the passage of the cylinder r=a with velocity U through the origin 0 in the direction Ox.
The velocity of a liquid particle is thus (a 2 - b 2)/(a 2 +b 2) of what it would be if the liquid was frozen and rotating bodily with the ellipse; and so the effective angular inertia of the liquid is (a 2 -b 2) 2 /(a 2 +b 2) 2 of the solid; and the effective radius of gyration, solid and liquid, is given by k 2 = 4 (a 2 2), and 4 (a 2 For the liquid in the interspace between a and n, m ch 2(0-a) sin 2E 4) 1 4Rc 2 sh 2n sin 2E (a2_ b2)I(a2+ b2) = I/th 2 (na)th 2n; (8) and the effective k 2 of the liquid is reduced to 4c 2 /th 2 (n-a)sh 2n, (9) which becomes 4c 2 /sh 2n = s (a 2 - b 2)/ab, when a =00, and the liquid surrounds the ellipse n to infinity.
Thus with a' =o, a stream is split symmetrically by a wedge of angle ' zr/n as in Bobyleff's problem; and, by making a = oo, the wedge extends to infinity; then chnS2= u, sh nS2= b n u.
When the source S is inside the sphere and H outside, the line sink must extend from H to infinity in the image system; to realize physically the condition of zero flow across the sphere, an equal sink must be introduced at some other internal point S'.
Another important conception connected with the preceding is the infinity of philosophy, which arises out of history and is as it were a reflection from history, varying at every moment and always solving a problem by placing alongside its solution the premise of a new history and therefore of a new problem and a new philosophy.
However, looking over the whole field of North American achievement, architectural and non-architectural, composite and monolithic, the palm for boldness, magnitude of proportions and infinity of labour, must go to the sculptured mosaics of Yucatan.
It has the important property that it tends to infinity with x, but more slowly than any power of x, i.e.
The equation x 2 +y 2 =o denotes a pair of perpendicular imaginary lines; it follows, therefore, that circles always intersect in two imaginary points at infinity along these lines, and since the terms x 2 +y 2 occur in the equation of every circle, it is seen that all circles pass through two fixed points at infinity.
The general equation to the circle in trilinear co-ordinates is readily deduced from the fact that the circle is the only curve which intersects the line infinity in the circular points.
Hence the character of the orbit depends on whether the velocity at any point is, less than, equal to, or greater than the velocity from infinity, as it is called.
If A or B vanish we have an equiangular spiral, and the velocity at infinity is zero.
The question presents itself whether ther then is any other law of force, giving a finite velocity from infinity, under which all finite orbits are necessarily closed curves.
The essence of God, for instance, he held to be love; God, he said, can love nothing inferior to himself; but he cannot be an object of love to himself without going out, so to speak, of himself, without manifesting his infinity in a finite form; in other words, by becoming man.
Here the fraction converges to the sum to infinity of the series.
The foregoing notion of a point at infinity is a very important one in modern geometry; and we have also to consider the paradoxical statement that in plane geometry, or say as regards the plane, infinity is a right line.
A branch is either re-entrant, or it extends both ways to infinity, and in this case, we may regard it as consisting of two legs (crura, Newton), each extending one way to infinity, but without any definite separation.
Next, if the line S2 touch at b the arc aa so that the two portions ab, ba lie on the same side of the line Sl, then projecting the figure as before, the tangent at b, that is, the line S2 itself, is projected to infinity; the arc ab is projected into a parabolic leg, and at the same time the arc ba is projected into a parabolic leg, having at infinity the same direction as the other leg, but so that the two legs may or may not belong to the same branch.
And we thus see that the two parabolic legs represent a contact of the line infinity with the curve, - the point of contact being of course the point at infinity determined by the common direction of the two legs.
As regards the so-called hyperbolisms, observe that (besides the single asymptote) we have in the case of those of the hyperbola two parallel asymptotes; in the case of those of the ellipse the two parallel asymptotes become imaginary, that is, they disappear; and in the case of those of the parabola they become coincident, that is, there is here an ordinary asymptote, and a special asymptote answering to a cusp at infinity.
We may consider in relation to a curve, not only the line infinity, but also the circular points at infinity; assuming the curve to be real, these present themselves always conjointly; thus a circle is a conic passing through the two circular points, and is thereby distinguished from other conics.
Concurrently, there was a speculative or philosophical interest; and some prefer to defend Trinitarianism as a reconciliation of the personality with the infinity of God.
Such are modes of quantity in space, and time and number, under which Locke reports that we find ourselves mentally impelled towards immensity, eternity and the innumerable - in a word, towards Infinity which seems to transcend quantity; then there is the complex thought of Substance, to which we find ourselves mysteriously impelled, when the simple phenomena of the senses come to be regarded as qualities of " something "; again there is the obscure idea of the identity of persons, notwithstanding their constant changes of state; and there is, above all, the inevitable tendency we somehow have to refund a change into what we call its " Cause," with the associated idea of active power.
The question is rather that of the infinity of forms that matter may assume, including that most attenuated form found in the nebulae, which seem to be composed of matter more refined than even the atoms supposed to make up the matter around us.
The "infinity" of the premise is an infinity of subdivisions of a distance which is finite; the "infinity" of the conclusion is an infinity of distance.
But one may well believe that there was in his mind at any rate a foreshadowing of some of the ideas by which modern mathematicians have finally laid to rest the traditional difficulties connected with infinity and continuity."
When light from an extended source is made to converge upon the crystal, the phenomenon of rings and brushes localized at infinity is obtained.The exact calculation of the intensity in this case is very complicated and the resulting expression is too unwieldy to be of any use, but as an approximation the formula for the case of a parallel beam may be employed, the quantities and p therein occurring being regarded as functions of the angle and plane of incidence and consequently as variables.
In the case of the circle, the centre is the focus, and the line at infinity the directrix; we therefore see that a circle is a conic of zero eccentricity.
Martin 1983 among others assigns this a value of negative infinity.
The permitted range of the argument is from minus infinity to plus infinity.
This is why Craig rejects the notion of actual infinity in statement 2.1.
As the list of harmful things approaches infinity, I have found something new to fear, take note of this warning.
The feng shui symbol of unlimited happiness, the symbol for infinity, brings good luck, happiness and prosperity as it attracts positive energy bringing balance to your life.
The 2007 release Infinity on High has pushed the popularity of Fall Out Boy even higher, and the album's first single, This Ain't a Scene, It's an Arms Race, saw the band make serious in roads in the UK charts as well.
While resembling the parabola in extending to infinity, the curve has closest affinities to the ellipse.
He points out the contradiction between the attributes of infinity and individuality.
No ruins are visible, the mounds of the old city being for the most part hidden under modern buildings; but the slopes of the limestone hills behind it are pierced with an infinity of rock-cut tombs, some of which were large and decorated with sculptures, paintings and long inscriptions.
But Diogenes went much farther than Anaximenes by attributing to air not only infinity and eternity but also intelligence.
As a special case A the three points A, B, C may be in a straight line; J is then at infinity and the displacement is equivalent to FIG 10 a pure translation, since every point of the lamina is now displaced parallel to AB through a space equal to AB.
If a is negative the frequency passes through infinity and the maximum distance between the lines occurs there.
Only when we have admitted the conception of the infinitely small, and the resulting geometrical progression with a common ratio of one tenth, and have found the sum of this progression to infinity, do we reach a solution of the problem.