Infestation Sentence Examples
The gateway between realms is cracked, and I have a slight Watcher infestation problem.
If you have a difficult infestation you may want to use flea bombs.
If you suffer from any sort of skin welt, reaction or itch after sleeping, it's important to fully inspect your surroundings and treat any pest infestation quickly to prevent a difficult to manage outbreak.
Regularly wash pet bedding and area rugs to further eliminate the possibility of a bedbug infestation.
A single female flea can lay up to twenty-eight eggs a day, which can hatch in as little as one to six days, so it's essential to get on top of the problem at the first sign of infestation.
Usually, a pest expert can tell pretty quickly if you have a bedbug infestation.
Meat inspectors working in Scottish abattoirs have also reported a marked increase in carcasses showing evidence of liver fluke infestation.
The number of larvae needed to treat an aphid infestation will vary on the number of aphid infestation will vary on the number of aphids present.
FleaScan helps you identify flea infestation in any dog or cat long before becoming full-blown.
Sheep grazing should be practiced only at the rosette stage, with a low infestation rate and other herbage available.
AdvertisementIronically the infestation of barnacles on yacht hulls - which the paint was designed to prevent - does not happen in fresh water.
The problem actually stemmed from an infestation of scale, a sap sucking insect that attacks the plant.
The larvae bore into muscle tissue; infestation is called myiasis.
When removed, apply antiseptic ointment or powder but monitor daily for contamination or insect infestation.
It also allows the squirrel to reduce the level of parasite infestation they suffer by leaving parasite infestation they suffer by leaving parasites behind in the nest.
AdvertisementThe only effective way to deal with an infestation in the first place is by using rodenticides to kill off the population.
Further, the rodent infestation can only be exacerbated by any increase in the captive bird population.
From ticks your dog may contract tapeworm infestation or Lyme disease.
In the UK, it has been estimated that about 40 per cent of children under 10 years suffer from a threadworm infestation.
There are just no shortcuts to preventing flea and tick infestation.
AdvertisementHowever, weed infestation in peas was not eliminated by cultural means.
Bedbugs can multiply very quickly, so if you have or suspect an infestation, don't wait!
While fish should not be served raw because of potential parasite infestation, it can be served lightly cooked.
Moreover, keeping your cat indoors will also significantly reduce the chances of a household flea infestation, which is a recurrent problem for many pet owners.
If the infestation is bad enough, the middle and inner ear areas can be affected.
AdvertisementTherefore, you should treat your cat promptly at the first sign of an infestation.
They provide a safe solution for even a severe flea infestation.
Consider using an indoor-approved flea insecticide for control if the infestation appears severe.
A moth infestation can ruin 100 percent wool sweaters, so store them properly during spring and summer to avoid finding holes in them the next time they're pulled out to wear.
This can help to ward off ear infections and ear mite infestation.
Flea collars are useful for cutting down the infestation on your pet.
Flea powders and sprays can reduce infestation on your pet.
Fleas don't spend all of their time on your pet, and they can also lay their eggs around the household, leading to infestation.
When flea troubles arise, it's important to be as thorough as possible in treating the problems to break the cycle of infestation and provide relief for your pet and your household.
Also be on the lookout for signs of flea infestation.
Your dog health care professional can diagnose a case of worm infestation by examining a stool sample from your pet.
If your dog tests positive, your vet will assess the extent of the infestation and begin the appropriate method of treatment.
When cleaning your dog's ears, look for signs of mite infestation or infection, including brown residue, redness, or a foul smell.
If your pet is diagnosed with some sort of infestation, I think it would be prudent to make the boarding facility aware of the situation.
When a dog eats infected stools, it may be ingesting worm ova, which will then result in a case of worm infestation.
There's no way to tell for sure how long he's had this infestation.
In order to get rid of a flea infestation, you need to take a three-pronged approach to flea control.
If it's the skin, head directly to your vet who will likely want to take a skin scraping to check for a mite infestation.
In most cases, an underweight dog has experienced malnutrition, whether it's due to an unhealthy diet, lack of food or a worm infestation.
Infestation can range from one to as many as 250 worms in an animal, with a parasitic life span of up to five to seven years.
Once your dog contracts heartworms, the treatment to eliminate those worms can be just as life-threatening as the infestation itself, although your pet will die without treatment.
This is why we must get a "jump start" on the problem and not wait until an infestation happens.
Adult fleas only make up about one percent of the total infestation issue.
The majority of the flea infestation is made up fleas in various life cycle stages, meaning eggs, larva or the pupa.
Now you see why I am saying to get a "jump start" on this problem before it becomes a true infestation.
Don't buy plants with dead, injured, big crossed and rubbing branches, split bark, trunk damage, two competing leaders, signs of insect infestation, or dry broken rootballs.
In the spring, you could have a large infestation.
It is performed as a way to prevent fly strike (a skin infestation of fly larvae) in regions where fly strike is common, such as Australia.
Lettuce is also susceptible to insect infestation and is heavily treated with chemicals.
Delicate spinach leaves are extremely susceptible to infestation of harmful insects and are therefore one of the most heavily treated crops.
Banana peels can stop a flea infestation, and washing your floor with vinegar repels ants.
If you have an infestation of pests, there are many natural recipes for organic pesticides.
By the end of the game, I actually felt like I was prepared for a viral infestation to take place here in Seattle.
Rat-bite fever occurs most often among laboratory workers who handle lab rats in their jobs, and among people who live in poor conditions, with rodent infestation.
In developing countries in tropical climates, the most common cause of iron deficiency anemia is infestation with hookworm.
A lice infestation, or pediculosis, is caused by parasites living on human skin.
Pediculosis capitis is an infestation of head lice.
A body lice infestation is called pediculosis corporis.
Neither frequent brushing or shampooing nor hair length affects the likelihood of a head lice infestation.
If the infestation is not treated, complications may develop, including headache, fever, and skin infection with scarring.
A doctor should be consulted if complications develop from a lice infestation or if a child contracts a bacterial infection from scratching the bites.
Lice usually are diagnosed by the itching; however, itching may not occur until several weeks after infestation, if at all.
Since less than 20 mature lice may be present at a given time during infestation, the nits often are easier to spot.
Manual removal alone may treat a lice infestation effectively.
Prevention of lice infestation depends on adequate personal hygiene and consistently not sharing combs, brushes, hair accessories, hats, towels, or bedding.
Infestation with huge numbers of mites (on the order of thousands to millions) occurs when an individual does not scratch or when an individual has a weakened immune system.
This form of scabies, with its major infestation, is referred to as crusted scabies or Norwegian scabies.
The prognosis for complete recovery from scabies infestation is excellent.
When combined, these prevention methods can drastically reduce the chances of an infestation.
However, keeping your hair clean regularly may help to ward off an infestation.
Being able to recognize these parasites is the first step to getting appropriate treatment to deal with the infestation.
Under their heavily coifed wigs, medieval hairstyles for men were very short to avoid the risk of insect infestation.
Insect infestation and the subsequent damage must be documented.
A home inspector should recommend a rejection in cases of extensive insect infestation and damages.
The property must be free from termites, or any other infestation.
At normal levels this moisture is not harmful, but high levels of moisture can lead to mold growth, pest infestation and general discomfort for you and your family.
Infestation estimates range from 60% to 90% of all computers using the Internet.
Sandra Diaz-Twine had to decline a second shot at surviving on the All-Stars edition due to a pesky parasitic infestation she picked up on the Pearl Islands.
Mosquitoes will only lay eggs in standing water, so keep water moving to avoid a backyard infestation.
Bed bug symptoms can vary from mildly irritating to extremely painful, depending on the size of the infestation and the life stages of the infecting bugs.
Insomnia - People who suffer with insomnia may not realize that they are experiencing a bed bug infestation.
Beds - Mattresses are a preferred home for these bugs and can hold an entire infestation.
Rashes - A common health consequence of an infestation is a skin rash that develops as a result of the bug bites.
Bedbug bites are often the first clue of a parasite infestation.
Known for its intense itch, this pest is a very difficult one to treat once an infestation begins.
If you fell victim to bedbugs from a recent overnight stay at a public establishment, you may have dealt with an infestation once you got home.
If you find symptoms of bedbugs are present, treat the entire house and bed for an infestation.
The intense itch and rash that accompanies bedbug bites can last for weeks, while the remains of the infestation within the home or establishment can take months to be treated effectively.
If you have a bedbug infestation, you'll need to hire the right kind of help to get the job done right.
Don't waste your time or money on over the counter chemical sprays or treatment if there is a visible infestation.
Other signs of infestation include fecal spots and blood stains on sheets and bedding, as well as broken shells from the bugs' molting.
This can make it somewhat difficult to detect, especially if you don't have any of the other symptoms or signs of infestation.
Still others show almost no signs of rash or infestation at all.
Here are a few tips on how to deal with a bedbug infestation.
If you or a family member has bedbug rash, the infestation is most likely in the mattress.
Though these measures will not completely eliminate the possibility of having a bedbug infestation, it can certainly help.
While the White God was off fighting the vamp infestation in Europe, he'd left his mate and brother in Dusty's protection.
They found the worst infestation of german cockroaches they had ever seen in a food shop.
Vitamin C and the mineral zinc strengthen the immune system to cope with other infections during the candida infestation.
There could possibly be more to come, now I 've removed the infestation of weeds from the vicinity of the rhubarb plants.
The puppy has to be at least two weeks old to be dewormed and follow-up treatments usually take place at the ages of four, six and eight weeks to make sure that the infestation is completely gone.
If you really have a bad infestation then go ahead and use a commercial spray, but do not let children or your dog outside for at least 24 hours or until the manufacturer say it is safe to go out again.
Pediculosis palpebrarum or phthiriasis palpebrarum, caused by crab lice, is an infestation of the pubic hair.
If you have been affected by a lice infestation or have a small child who has been exposed to head louse from an educational or recreational environment, treating the louse is the first step in ridding them.
Incidents included an infestation with house flies in the middle of winter, strange voices, the sense of a presence in the house, moving objects and the increasing personality change of the husband, George Lutz.
The story involves the development of a rash or an itch, subsequent swelling and, eventually, the eruption of an infection within which an infestation of spiders, larvae or some other insect is discovered.
According to the paper Natural Approaches for Flea Control from Colorado State University's College of Veterinary Medicine, these methods are the least effective in the treatment of an established infestation.