Infectious Sentence Examples
In 1878 an act was passed giving like powers in the case of the infectious diseases of animals.
His humor was infectious.
His grin was infectious.
These relate for the most part to nuisances and infectious disease, having special reference to ships.
The Public Health Acts contain important provisions relating to infectious disease.
Since the virus is highly infectious and extremely communicable, it was easily transmitted.
When plague is present in a place, the measures to be taken are the usual ones for dealing with infectious disease, with some additions.
When adopted it enabled an urban or district council to obtain the inspection of dairies where these were suspected to be the cause of infectious disease, with a view to prohibiting the supply of milk from such dairies if the fact were established.
It also compels dairymen to notify infectious diseases existing among their servants.
That it is conveyed from person to person is an undoubted fact, proved by innumerable cases, and tacitly implied by the word " infectious," which is universally allowed.
AdvertisementThe principles are the same as those which govern the prevention of other infectious diseases.
The diseases to which the act applies are smallpox, cholera, membranous croup, erysipelas, scarlatina or scarlet fever, typhus, typhoid, enteric, relapsing, continued or puerperal fever, and any other infectious disease to which the act has been applied by the local authority of the district in the prescribed manner.
Listeriosis may be diagnosed and treated by infectious disease specialists and internal medicine specialists.
Owners and drivers of public conveyances must not knowingly convey any person suffering from infectious disease, and if any person suffering from such a disease is conveyed in any public vehicle the owner or driver as soon as it comes to his knowledge must give notice to the medical officer.
Many local bands are taking their contemporary Celtic sound to foreign shores where it's proving infectious.
AdvertisementWhen it comes to infectious disease, infants and young children are some of the most vulnerable members of society.
The combination of infectious beat and suggestive video proved to be the perfect formula for stardom, and soon, Spears was the one to be beat in the charts.
The most important provision, however, relating To infectious disease is that contained in the Infectious Disease Notification Act 1889.
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)-An infectious disease caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
Bats in the United States have developed a particularly infectious form of the virus.
AdvertisementOne of the consequences of global warming in mountain regions is increasing risk of infectious diseases.
Private veterinary surgeons and veterinary inspectors are those whose occupation may put them at risk if an infectious agent is present.
Outstanding tracks include the latest single ' Only This Moment ', the incredibly infectious ' Triumphant ' and ' Follow My Ruin ' .
Incorporating rumba, ragga, Spanish guitar and myriad African beats, their music is instantly infectious and delivered with impeccable artistry.
The Childrenâs Theater Group joins with members of the Senior Theater Group to present this razzle-dazzle musical with a bright, infectious score !
AdvertisementAll reasonable precautions have been taken to prevent the spread of infectious or contagious diseases.
He goes on to suggest that ' American concerns about global social change are refracted through the lens of infectious disease '.
Dressed in full Viking regalia for part of her talk, Jeanne 's enthusiasm was infectious.
The condition is not infectious and is not usually severe enough to affect general health.
Infectious, ridiculously danceable and shot through with sparkling sequins shimmering in the cities ' moonlit glow.
Anyone suffering from, or in close proximity to, an infectious illness.
The relative incidence and effect of bovine infectious keratoconjunctivitis in Bos indicus and Bos taurus cattle.
Zoonoses - annual report The European Food Safety Authority has published its first annual report on infectious diseases transmissible from animals to humans.
I have spent my day caring for around 30 patients with infectious diarrhea and vomiting on an understaffed ward.
They are viral in nature and whilst not infectious they do seem to spread on individuals.
The World Health Organization (WHO) warns that water-borne infectious diseases have spread through contaminated water supplies.
However, your adopted child may face medical issues like developmental delays, lead poisoning, infectious diseases, and intestinal parasites.
Shelters and humane societies screen their animals for infectious diseases and make sure they have their baby shots.
Make sure to take him to the vet's for a checkup and all shots before you allow him to associate with your other household pets, just in case he might have an infectious disease.
Feline infectious peritonitis is also known as FIP.
There is currently one feline infectious peritonitis vaccine that is licensed.
When infectious diseases like AIDS are brought into the mix, this issue quickly becomes an epidemic.
Additionally, infectious diseases like malaria and dengue fever are being spread to new areas that were once inhospitable to mosquitoes, putting the health of millions of human beings at risk.
According to the National Center for Complimentary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM), berberine shows some promise fighting infections, especially eye infections and infectious diarrhea.
The show deals with a lot of issues that many kids face in school and in life, and Miley's positive, if sometimes sassy, personality is infectious.
Efron is indeed a cutie, with his clear blue eyes and infectious smile.
Whether it is his mild manner, inquisitive ways or infectious laugh, toddlers are attracted to Elmo.
The university specializes in teaching the research of infectious disease, atmospheric science, clean energy technologies, and environmental science.
In related jobs, they will be responsible for motivating their co-workers or the public, and their enthusiasm should be infectious and genuine.
Kennel cough is highly infectious, so if one of your dogs develops an infection, any other dogs you may have are also likely to get the virus.
If you own a hunting or sporting dog that spends a lot of time in streams and creeks, it is a good idea to rinse his paws when returning from the field to remove possible infectious germs.
Infectious Threads prides itself on "kool clothing and awesome accessories," which is just what you'll find.
Most people turn off the music while they play Tetris, but that's only because it's infectious.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report that dental caries are perhaps the most prevalent of infectious diseases in children.
Other well-known risk factors, such as family history, infectious agents, diet, environmental toxins, and pollution, can apply equally to children.
The Latin name for fifth disease is erythema infectiosum, meaning infectious redness.
The physician will also exclude other potential causes for the symptoms and rash, including rubella, infectious mononucleosis, bacterial infections such as Lyme disease, allergic reactions, and lupus.
It is thought that an infectious organism of some kind is the cause of Kawasaki disease, although no specific virus or bacterium has been identified as of 2004.
Some doctors think that genetic and immunologic factors are involved as well as an infectious organism.
As with Kawasaki disease, various infectious organisms have been proposed as the cause of IPAN, including hepatitis B virus, Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), various retroviruses, streptococci, and even a virus usually found in cats.
The specialist may be a pediatric rheumatologist, cardiologist, neurologist, or specialist in infectious diseases.
Antibodies are proteins produced by the immune system in response to infectious agents that are foreign to the body, such as viruses, bacteria, parasites, or toxins.
These infectious organisms have antigens on their surfaces that stimulate the immune system to produce corresponding antibodies.
Virus-A small infectious agent consisting of a core of genetic material (DNA or RNA) surrounded by a shell of protein.
The incubation period ranges from three to 21 days, but cases are most infectious from seven to ten days before and after the onset of symptoms.
Antipyretics may be suggested to lower a fever and make the child more comfortable but will not affect the course of an underlying infectious disease.
A wound may be caused by an act (such as a gunshot, a fall, or a surgical procedure), by an infectious disease, or by an underlying condition.
Toxoplasmosis is an infectious disease caused by the one-celled parasitic organism Toxoplasma gondii.
All dirty diapers should be regarded as infectious and disposed of in a sanitary manner.
Meningococcus, a bacteria formally called Neisseria meningitidis, can be one of the most dramatic and rapidly fatal of all infectious diseases.
Trachoma is the most common infectious cause of blindness in the world.
Most fevers caused by infections are acute, appearing suddenly and then dissipating as the immune system defeats the infectious agent.
An infectious fever may also rise and fall throughout the day, reaching its peek in the late afternoon or early evening.
Blood tests can aid in identifying an infectious agent by detecting the presence of antibodies against it or providing samples for growth of the organism in a culture.
Adenoviruses are small infectious agents that cause upper respiratory tract infections, conjunctivitis, and other infections in humans.
In one mode of adenovirus infection (called lytic infection because it destroys large numbers of cells), adenoviruses kill healthy cells and replicate up to 1 million new viruses per cell killed, of which 1 to 5 percent are infectious.
Practicing good personal hygiene and avoiding contact with people with infectious illnesses can reduce the risk of developing adenovirus infection.
Other areas of research include the links between schizophrenia and family stress, drug use, and exposure to certain infectious agents.
All contagious disease is infectious, but not all infections are contagious.
It is possible for a child with FUO to spread infection or illness to other individuals, particularly if an infectious organism is the underlying cause.
The first step medically is to search for an infectious cause.
Antibodies to a number of infectious agents can be measured; if antibody levels are rising, they may point to an active infection.
In some cases, a febrile agglutination test can be performed to detect the presence in blood of certain infectious organisms that may stimulate the immune system to produce antibodies known as febrile agglutinins.
Portions of the biopsy are also sent to the laboratory for culture in an attempt to grow and identify an infectious organism.
Once physicians are satisfied that there is no infectious cause, they may recommend medications such as acetaminophen, NSAIDs, or corticosteroids to decrease inflammation and reduce constitutional symptoms.
The mutation was transmitted to later generations because people who carried a single copy of the mutated gene had a modified (but not abnormal) inflammatory response that may have protected them against some infectious agent at that time.
Although some experts suspect the rash may be triggered by a virus, no infectious agent had, as of 2004, been found.
In many cases, acute infectious diarrhea is a mild, limited annoyance common to adults and children.
Worldwide, acute infectious diarrhea has a huge impact, causing over 5 million deaths per year.
Prognosis is related to the cause of the diarrhea; for most individuals in developed countries, a bout of acute, infectious diarrhea is at best uncomfortable.
The care provider should wash his or her hands carefully after swabbing the throat and handling the specimen to prevent the spread of any infectious organisms.
Immunization-A process or procedure that protects the body against an infectious disease by stimulating the production of antibodies.
Infectious mononucleosis is a contagious illness caused by the Epstein-Barr virus that can affect the liver, lymph nodes, and oral cavity.
Infectious mononucleosis, frequently called "mono" or the "kissing disease," is caused by the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) found in saliva and mucus.
People with weakened or suppressed immune systems, such as AIDS patients or those who have had organ transplants, are particularly vulnerable to the potentially serious complications of infectious mononucleosis.
The most effective treatment for infectious mononucleosis is rest and a gradual return to regular activities.
In most cases, the infectious organisms are Streptococci or Staphylococci.
Because the human mouth contains a multitude of potentially harmful microorganisms, human bites are more infectious than those of most other mammals.
Immunocompromised people should avoid owning kittens, which are more likely than adult cats to be infectious.
Plague-A serious, potentially life-threatening infectious disease caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis.
Yellow fever-An infectious disease caused by a virus.
The blood of infected individuals is thus highly infectious.
Immunizations for pneumonia and infectious diseases are part of treatment along with prompt treatment for sickle cell crises and infections of any kind.
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, a very rare brain disorder caused by an infectious particle called a prion, may also cause encephalitis.
Chest CT examinations are used to assess complications from infectious diseases, such as pneumonia and tuberculosis, inflammation of the airways, and birth defects.
Pinta can be diagnosed by dermatologists (doctors who specialize in skin diseases) and infectious disease specialists.
Approximately 24 hours after the treatment the skin lesions are no longer infectious and the child can no longer transmit the disease to others.
In Bell's palsy, this nerve becomes compressed due to swelling and inflammation that is a part of the body's reaction to an infectious disease process.
Shigella are extremely infectious bacteria, and ingestion of just 10 organisms is enough to cause dysentery.
The most widespread form of infectious rhinitis is the common cold.
Chickenpox (also called varicella) is a common, extremely infectious, rash-producing childhood disease that also affects adults on occasion.
Because there is an infectious element to the disorder, infants with necrotizing enterocolitis may be isolated to avoid infecting other infants.
Tattoos can lead to the transmission of infectious diseases, such as hepatitis B and C and theoretically HIV, when proper sterilization and safety procedures are not followed.
Mature B cells are capable of making antibodies and developing memory, a feature in which the B cell will rapidly recognize and respond to an infectious agent the next time it is encountered.
In some infants with this disorder, laboratory tests are able to show that the antibodies present do not react properly with infectious bacteria.
Sleep deficits are known to make people more susceptible to infectious illnesses as well as automobile or workplace accidents.
Mucus produced through the respiratory system also serves to trap dust and infectious organisms.
Influenza-An infectious disease caused by a virus that affects the respiratory system, causing fever, congestion, muscle aches, and headaches.
Hepatitis A is a form of viral hepatitis also known as infectious hepatitis, due to its ability to be spread through personal contact.
Hepatitis A-Commonly called infectious hepatitis, caused by the hepatitis A virus (HAV).
However, if identification of the infectious agent is required, a stool sample will be collected and analyzed for the presence of rotavirus, disease-causing (pathogenic) bacteria, or parasites.
Clean bathroom surfaces, disinfected toys, and prompt washing of soiled clothes in hot water also help prevent the spread of infectious germs.
For example, practicing good hygiene and providing optimum nutrition are important for helping children avoid contact with infectious organisms and to develop resistance against them.
Parents may consider enrolling their EG diagnosed child or adolescent in a clinical trial sponsored by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID).
In other cases, transmission may occur during pregnancy, if the infectious agent can cross the placental barrier, and it may occur during breastfeeding, if the infectious agent can be found in breast milk.
In Infectious Diseases, 2nd ed. Edited by Jonathan Cohen et all.
Drugs that fight the infections associated with AIDS have improved and prolonged the lives of HIV-infected persons by preventing or treating conditions such as Journal of Infectious Diseases.
Dr. Mark Dybul, of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and the study author, noted that this approach together with high patient adherence could be a powerful and cost-effective tool in HIV treatment.
The organism sometimes invades localized areas of tissue, producing meningitis, infectious arthritis, conjunctivitis, cellulitis, epiglottitis, or inflammation of the membrane surrounding the heart.
Children may also develop infectious arthritis from Hib.
Endemic disease-An infectious disease that occurs frequently in a specific geographical locale.
Congenital brain defects may have genetic, infectious, toxic, or traumatic causes.
Co-infection with other infectious organisms spread by ticks in the same areas as Borrelia burgdorferi (babesiosis and ehrlichiosis, for instance) may be responsible for treatment failures or more severe symptoms.
Blood-brain barrier-An arrangement of cells within the blood vessels of the brain that prevents the passage of toxic substances, including infectious agents, from the blood and into the brain.
Usually referred to as the flu or grippe, influenza is a highly infectious respiratory disease.
Prior to effective immunization programs in the United States, pertussis was the major cause of death from infectious disease among individuals under the age of 14.
Mothers with acute or chronic infectious hepatitis B can be identified by a blood test for HBsAg.
If fluid or pus is draining from the ear, it can be collected and sent to a laboratory to determine if any specific infectious organisms are present.
In making the diagnosis, the doctor examines the affected person's eyes, ears, nose, and throat in order to rule out other diseases that may cause fever and sore throat, such as infectious mononucleosis, a sinus infection, or strep throat.
Many researchers have looked for some infectious cause for JA, but no clear connection to a particular organism had been made as of 2004.
The tests may also be ordered in later stages if the pregnant woman comes in contact with an infectious agent or develops symptoms of infection.
It is not possible to prevent colds because the viruses that cause colds are common and highly infectious.
Some cases of elevated pressure hydrocephalus may be avoided by preventing or treating the infectious diseases that precede them.
According to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, annually, more than 50 million Americans suffer from allergic diseases, with approximately 36 million suffering from allergic rhinitis.
When an infectious agent enters the body, the immune system develops antibodies which can weaken or destroy the disease-producing agent or neutralize its toxins.
Sources of blood and blood products are regulated and screened for infectious substances and were as of 2004 much safer.
Other infectious diseases from animal bites include cat-scratch disease, tetanus, and rabies.
It is rhythmic, especially in the spelling of the words, which gives a chance for claps and stomps to create an infectious beat (kind of like the infamous "WE WILL WE WILL ROCK YOU!!").
No longer content to ride the coattails of his friend Busta Rhymes, Rampage grabbed Sean Paul and The Neptunes and came up with this infectious little ditty.
Fans who loved Jet for their infectious hit Are You Gonna Be My Girl might be a little surprised here, but really, give Jet a chance to show you their sensitive side.
As part of the main character's ploy to make robbers think his house was occupied, cardboard silhouettes "dance" to the song as Christmas lights twinkle, proving anyone can get caught up in its infectious beat.
True to their hip hop roots, Gym Class Heroes songs often feature an infectious beat you can dance to, and they frequently include a touch of humor in both the lyrics and their music videos.
With a little help from hip hop illuminati like Pete Rock and B-Real, House of Pain ruled the airwaves and the nightclubs with their infectious jam – they were fist-pumping way before Jersey Shore.
Now, I myself am not passionate about mathematics, but I find her enthusiasm for math to be infectious.
Bedbugs do not generally carry infectious diseases, but there are a few health consequences you should be aware of.
The act of 1890 also forbids the keeping for more than forty-eight hours of the body of a person who has died of infectious disease in a room used at the time as a dwelling-place, sleeping-place or workshop. It provides for the bodies of persons dying of infectious diseases in a hospital being removed only for burial, and gives power to justices in certain cases to order bodies to be buried.
We showed that one or more proteins encoded by gene 1 of infectious (IB) virus have a dominant impact on pathogenicity.
It's a feel good sound, chiming guitars and infectious melodies.
Infectious Diseases These include hepatitis that typically features severe depression in the recovery phase.
There is no evidence to suggest that CAD is either hereditary or infectious.
Prions are rather ill-defined infectious agents believed to consist of a single type of protein molecule with no nucleic acid component.
This promises to be visually spectacular, musically infectious and darkly comic.
The highly infectious nature of the disease prompted a search for a viral agent.
These reagents should be marked ` potentially infectious - not tested at source for.
Still, it's utterly infectious and totally irresistible.
Once you have the virus you remain infectious for life.
In Essex, however, ambition seems to have become infectious.
Blood, semen or vaginal secretions, and human milk from a person with HIV are considered infectious.
People who have infectious mononucleosis may be able to spread the infection to others for a period of weeks.
The testing for infectious diseases was inadequate, and the provision of a regime for mental health inpatients was poor.
Beside this, about 12.2% of all grafts were done for active infectious keratitis.
John's infectious laugh made everyone feel that he was nothing more than a mate playing a few tunes for you.
Goodall's infectious tunes which included light opera and modern musical theater numbers - were complemented by dazzling word play from Hart.
Other forms of TB e.g. lymph or bone are not infectious.
The presence of ascending lymphangitis and lymphadenopathy suggest an infectious cause.
He set out to find dyes that would destroy other infectious microbes within the body.
Sir John's academic background is in medical microbiology, with special interest in mechanisms of infectious disease.
Feline leucocyte antigen class II polymorphism and susceptibility to feline infectious peritonitis.
Malaria is an infectious disease due to the presence of a parasite called plasmodium within the red blood cells.
The former make an occasionally infectious noise that's part '80s electro pop, part Goth gloom.
The Childrenâs Theater Group joins with members of the Senior Theater Group to present this razzle-dazzle musical with a bright, infectious score!
Dressed in full viking regalia for part of her talk, Jeanne's enthusiasm was infectious.
Discussion The number of unfilled posts in 1999 was surprisingly high, and only renal medicine and infectious diseases managed to fill all vacancies.
Authored by Sue Skirrow, a Veterinary Officer, this document discusses atrophic rhinitis, an infectious disease of the nasal bones of pigs.
Chicken pox An infectious disease that makes you break out in tiny blisters which then scab over.
The nucleotide sequence of the infectious cloned DNA components of potato yellow mosaic virus.
The occurrence and distribution in the United Kingdom of antibodies to parainfluenza 3 and infectious bovine rhinotracheitis viruses in bovine sera.
A pregnant woman with infectious syphilis can pass the infection to her fetus via the placenta or during birth.
Working when sick is infectious Are you a mucus trooper, a stoic, a model patient, a walking epidemic or a shirker?
The resistance may be lowered temporarily by trauma or infectious disease such as measles, and skeletal tuberculosis or miliary tuberculosis may supervene.
Glanders is a very virulent, infectious disease spread by bacteria.
We produced the first recombinant infectious bronchitis virus using reverse genetics technology.
A reverse genetics system was developed for infectious bronchitis virus, which could lead to more stable vaccines.
Presenting the true flavor of Eastern Europe with a fiery gypsy vivacity and an occasional swing feel that is infectious.
This organism belongs to a family of infectious agents which cause yaws and pinta as well as syphilis.
Albinism, with which variegated foliage may be considered, concerns a different set of causes, still obscure, and usually regarded as internal, though experiments go to show that some variegations are infectious.
It is to him that the world is indebted for the introduction of methods which have already worked wonders, and bid fair to render possible the preventive treatment of all infectious diseases.
The decrease may chiefly have been due to infectious diseases, especially a very severe epidemic of smallpox.
On the Easter Hill stands the Royal Edinburgh asylum for the insane, which formerly occupied a site in Morningside, while the City infectious diseases hospital is situated at Colinton Mains.
The history of this discovery need not be told here, but it may be pointed out that, apart from its practical importance, it has had great influence on the scientific study of infectious diseases.
Among the hospitals and charitable institutions are the Syracuse hospital (1872) for infectious diseases, the Hospital of the Good Shepherd (1873), the Syracuse homoeopathic hospital (1895), the Syracuse hospital for women and children (1887), St Mary's infant and maternity hospital (1900) under the Sisters of Charity, St Joseph's hospital (1869) under Sisters of the Third Order of St Francis, the Syracuse home for aged women (1852), Onondaga county orphan asylum (private; 1841), and two other orphan asylums controlled by the Sisters of Charity, and the state institution for feeble-minded children (1896).
The disease is peculiarly contagious and infectious, owing to the development of the fungus through the skin, whence spores are freed, which, coming in contact with healthy caterpillars, fasten on them and germinate inwards, giving off corpuscles within the body of the insect.
The disease is thus hereditary, but in addition it is virulently infectious and contagious.
Plague is a specific infectious fever, caused by the bacillus pestis, which was identified in 1894 by Kitasato, and subsequently, but independently, by Yersin (see Parasitic Diseases).
Septicaemia, tuberculosis, glanders, fowl-cholera, relapsing fever, and other diseases are now brought definitely within the range of biology, and it is clear that all contagious and infectious diseases are due to the action of bacteria or, in a few cases, to fungi, or to protozoa or other animals.
The council are empowered to make by-laws for fixing the number of lodgers and separating the sexes therein, promoting cleanliness and ventilation, giving of notices and taking precautions in case of any infectious disease, and generally for the well-ordering of such houses.
They may not be deaf, blind, mentally disabled, have deformed or dysfunctional limbs, face, or trunk, or have AIDS or other infectious diseases.
An outdoor cat, on the other hand, should be vaccinated against all of the above, and the owner may even want to consider other vaccines, including Chlamydia, ringworm and Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP).
Feline Infectious Anemia, a parasitic disease, is known by several names.
These cats have no signs or symptoms of illness and can live long lives as carriers of Feline Infectious Anemia.
This is the very best way to confirm the presence of Feline Infectious Anemia.
One particularly lethal offender is Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP), a disease that is brought on by a mutation of a feline enteric coronavirus.
Diseases such as Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP), Chlamydia and Feline Leukemia (FeLV) are often given to animals that are at least one year old and delivered on an annual or every third year basis thereafter.
Much like in cases of Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIV), fluid accumulation occurs in the advanced stages.
By the time the rash appears, individuals are no longer infectious.
Some of the childhood vasculitides may be preceded and possibly triggered by infectious diseases.
In Infectious Diseases, 2nd ed. Edited by Jonathon Cohen and William Powderly.
Whooping cough-An infectious disease of the respiratory tract caused by a bacterium, Bordetella pertussis.
The majority of children with FUO are eventually found to have one of several infectious diseases or an autoimmune disease.
Mandal, B., et al. Lecture Notes on Infectious Disease.
Another infectious cause of diaper rash is impetigo.
The Infectious Diseases Society of America stated in 2000 that immunization is recommended for all adults who have never had chickenpox.
Food poisoning is sometimes called bacterial gastroenteritis or infectious diarrhea and is sometimes incorrectly called ptomaine poisoning.
In a few cases, the doctor may take a skin biopsy in order to rule out certain infectious skin diseases.
Water in the ear canal can carry infectious microorganisms into the ear canal.
Infectious disease-A disease caused by a virus or a bacterium.
The specific cause of Kawasaki syndrome was as of 2004 unknown, although the disease resembles an infectious illness in many ways.
While this food might not cause infection in others, it is a potential source of infectious organisms for someone with an immunodeficiency.
Isolation from other children is brief or not carried out at all; since the infectious stage is so brief, there is little danger of passing on the infection after the rash appears.
Tuberculosis is a chronic, infectious disease that primarily attacks the lungs.
This condition, called lymphoid hyperplasia, may also be associated with a variety of inflammatory and infectious diseases, such as Crohn's disease, gastroenteritis, respiratory infections, mononucleosis, and measles.
In this way children are best able to develop the immunities they need to survive in a world full of infectious diseases.
Different groups of viruses are more infectious at different seasons of the year, but knowing the exact virus causing the cold is not important in treatment.
Excellent hand washing and careful food handling should always be followed, but the healthcare provider should also provide guidance about other ways to avoid exposure to infectious disease.
The production continues to thrill audiences with infectious excitement and a universally understandable story of conflict and resolution.
Alice can be denied nothing for her infectious cheer is a tangible emotion.
In short, all you really need to understand about the Aries man is that he is an assertive, active, dynamic and fearless individual with a zest for life that is infectious!
Additionally, even if you don’t like your Cap’s penchant for telling stories, it will be verydifficult not to smile when you hear his booming, or her throaty, infectious laugh.
A body piercing, even when healed, can be a conduit for infectious bacteria.
It is also forbidden to let houses or rooms in which infected persons have been lodging, or to make false statements to persons negotiating for the hire of such rooms. An act was passed in the year 1890, called the Infectious Diseases Prevention Act.
It was also considered to be highly infectious and to spread rapidly from person to person until whole areas were affected.
Tolerance is therefore analogous to, but not identical with, the immunity which takes place with the toxins of infectious diseases and snake poison.
It's not just the infectious nature of heavy dub bass and ska chops over a hip-hop backbeat that gets them moving.
To become infectious, it has to rid itself of Gag by splitting these proteins into smaller ones, called capsid.
They are a melodic guitar band with catchy tunes and infectious sing-a-long choruses, and somewhat unsurprisingly, they're creating a storm.
The Plasmodium falciparum chromosome 2 project was funded by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID ).
By contrast, there were no unfilled posts in renal medicine or infectious diseases.
Cats and kittens should be vaccinated against flu and feline infectious enteritis.
The most common infectious diseases reported are viral diseases, such as duck virus hepatitis and duck virus enteritis (duck plague ).
He contributes infectious enthusiasm to all forms of teaching using a wide range of media.
She gained the position of RCUK academic fellow in infectious disease epidemiology in June 2006.
Infectious disease is a major cause of reduced life expectancy in developing countries.
It is the result of an infectious process or other disease.
Such clothing is not necessarily infectious; indeed, the probability is that it is not, unless contaminated by discharges.
They must give notice of any infectious disease to the medical officer of health and to the poor-law relieving officer, and they must give free access for inspection.
When sulphur is burned in air or oxygen, sulphur dioxide is produced, which is a powerful disinfectant, used to fumigate rooms which have been occupied by persons suffering from some infectious disease.
On Dartford Heath is a lunatic asylum of the London County Council, and, at Long Reach, the infectious diseases hospital of the Metropolitan Asylums Board.
As might be expected from these considerations, the bubonic type is very little infectious, while pneumonic cases are highly so, the patients no doubt charging the surrounding atmosphere by coughing.
It is not too much to say that this act has been one of the most effectual [England [Local Government]] means of preventing the spread of infectious disease in modern times.
Where any part of the country appears to be threatened with or is affected by any formidable epidemic, endemic or infectious disease, the Local Government Board may make regula tions for the speedy interment of the dead, house-tohouse visitation, the provision of medical aid and accommodation, the promotion of cleansing, ventilation and disinfection, and the guarding against the spread of disease.
The local sanitary authorities carry out the provisions of the Infectious Diseases (Notification and Prevention) Acts, which for London are embodied in the Public Health (London) Act 1891.
For special cases - infectious, massage, mental and maternity - nurses on a fixed salary usually, receive extra pay.
Simpson in his Report on the Causes of the Plague in Hong Kong (1903) reports the endemicity of the plague in that colony to be maintained by (a) infection among rats often connected with infectious material in rat runs or in houses, the virus of which has not been destroyed, (b) retention of infection in houses which are rat-ridden, and (c) infected clothing of people who have been ill or died of plague.
Any person who knows he is suffering from an infectious disease must not carry on any trade or business unless he can do so without risk of spreading the disease.
The provisions of the Public Health Acts relating to infectious disease are for the most part extended to ships by an act of the year 1885.
A department of public health was formed within the precincts of the Local Government Board; government laboratories were established, and machinery was devised for the notification of infectious diseases.
Only in a few isolated cases has any contamination been traced to fever or other zymotic germs. In this connexion it is worth noting that the infectious diseases hospital has a separate system of drainage which is carefully disinfected, and not allowed to be employed for the purposes of manure.
After the infectious diseases come the non-infectious ones such as cancer, Alzheimer's, and heart disease.
In this campaign Aurelius, after a series of successes, was attacked, according to some authorities, by an infectious disease, of which he died after a seven days' illness, either in his camp at Sirmium (Mitrovitz), on the Save, in Lower Pannonia, or at Vindobona (Vienna), on the 17th of March 180, in the fifty-ninth year of his age.
On the other hand, inheritance was dismissed, or survived only as a "susceptibility," in the cases of tubercle, leprosy and some other maladies now recognized as infectious; while in others, as in syphilis, it was seen to consist in a translation of the infectious element from parent to offspring.
The infectious joyousness of his nature, his sterling character, his solid, if not brilliant, intellect, and his prowess at games gave him an undisputed lead among his contemporaries.
Under the Isolation Hospitals Acts 1893 and 1901, a county council may provide for the establishment of isolation hospitals for the reception of patients suffering from infectious diseases on Hospi t a l s the application of any local authority within the county, or on the report of the medical officer of the county that hospital accommodation is necessary and has not been provided, or it may take over hospitals already provided by a local authority.
Where the body of a person who has died of an infectious disease is retained in a room where persons live or sleep, or the retention of any dead body may endanger health, any justice on the certificate of a medical practitioner may order the removal of a body to a mortuary and direct the body to be buried within a time limited by the friends of the deceased or in their default by the relieving officer.
The Pellegrini is exclusively surgical; the Santa Maria di Loreto is especially for the inmates of the Reclusorio and for street accidents; the Ospedale Lina for children; and the Ospedale Cotugno for infectious diseases.
But her frank recklessness, her generosity, her invariable good temper, her ready wit, her infectious high spirits and amazing indiscretions appealed irresistibly to a generation which welcomed in her the living antithesis of Puritanism.
Among charitable institutions are the Royal Alexandra Infirmary, the Victoria Eye Infirmary (presented by Provost Mackenzie in 1899), the burgh asylum at Riccartsbar, the Abbey Poorhouse (including hospital and lunatic wards), the fever hospital and reception house, the Infectious Diseases Hospital and the Gleniffer Home for Incurables.
Thus malaria and sand-fly fever, dysentery, typhoid and paratyphoid fever, cholera, smallpox, and occasionally typhus fever, eye diseases, oriental sores and indeed any disease conveyed by impure water, flies, contaminated dust or the contagion of sufferers from infectious diseases, are prevalent in the inhabited places along the Persian Gulf, and precautions must always be taken to guard against them.
Hospitals.-The Metropolitan Asylums Board, though established in 1867 purely as a poor-law authority for the relief of the sick, insane Metro- and infirm paupers, has become a central hospital authority for infectious diseases, with power to receive into politan its hospitals persons, who are not paupers, suffering from Asylums fever, smallpox or diphtheria.
The example once given was infectious, and was followed in rapid succession by Holland, Utrecht and Overysel.
Local authorities may require premises to be cleansed and disinfected; they may order the destruction of bedding, clothing or other articles which have been exposed to infection; they may provide proper places for the disinfection of infected articles free of charge; they may provide ambulances, &c. In the case of a person found suffering from infectious disease who has not proper lodging or accommodation, or is lodging in a room occupied by more than one family, or is on board any ship or vessel, such person may by means of a justice's order be removed to a hospital; a local authority may pay the expenses of a person in a hospital or, if necessary, provide nursing attendance; any person exposing himself or any other in his charge while suffering from infectious disease, or exposing infected bedding, clothing or the like, is made liable to a penalty.
It enables a local authority to require dairymen to furnish a complete list of sources of supply if the medical officer certifies that any person is suffering from infectious disease which he has reason to suspect is attributable to milk supplied within his district.
Nevertheless, the fact, commented upon by several observers, that even here an infected fly is only infectious for a comparatively short period suggests that this species of fly, at any rate, is not the true alternate host in which the life-cycle of that particular Trypanosome is completed.