Infection Sentence Examples
The x-rays were conclusive and indicated a bad infection in the lower lobe of one lung.
You might have an infection.
They did another x-ray this morning and the infection has spread to the other lung.
Thus true hereditary infection of a succeeding generation of gnats may be brought about.
In other cases the infection of the first host is brought about by the ingestion FIG.
That infantile paralysis is an infection, and that its unhappy sequels are now treated with more hope of restoration, has been indicated already.
Otherwise Alex would insist it was an infection or something.
The first of these is prevalent in countries where much and imperfectly cooked beef is eaten, and where cattle in their turn are exposed to the infection of the tapeworm ova.
Those on turnips and other Cruciferae are due to the infection of Plasmodiophora, a dangerously parasitic Myxomycete.
Thus the liability to tubercular infection is far commoner in the midst of a depraved population than in one fulfilling the primary laws of nature; rickets is a disease of great cities rather than of rural districts; and syphilis is more disastrous and protracted in its course in the depraved in health than in the robust.
AdvertisementA compound named benzyl benzoate cream was once used to treat small areas of infection.
A family history of the disease, or chronic infection with the tropical diseases bilharzia also increase the risk of bladder cancer.
In humans, congenital LCMV infection can cause birth defects.
Both types of infection may also have a rash which does not blanch or go white with pressure.
Detailed description of infection process exhibited by the rice blast pathogen.
AdvertisementLarger cDNAs fragments of two of the SSH clones have been used as probes on northern blots and shown to be upregulated during infection.
These then leave the snail, and encyst of water vegetation such as the water caltrop, infection being by ingestion of these metacercaria.
An over-growth of the yeast candida albicans is a common infection in the body that can lead to a whole range of health problems.
Candida, a yeast-like fungus, has become a major cause of the life-threatening infection called invasive candidiasis.
The most common cause of infection is via pig movement.
AdvertisementPatients face repeat infection An extraordinary three percent of people admitted to hospital have an infection called cellulitis.
Lymphoedema sufferers were prone to the skin infection cellulitis, for which they had to be monitored.
Increased susceptibility to infection - due to impaired chemotaxis, and reduced hexose monophosphate activity.
Neonates Risks to the fetus and neonate from maternal chickenpox are related to the time of infection in the mother.
Nandini has acquired extensive experience in the practice of clinical microbiology and infection control both in India and in the UK.
AdvertisementTypical case requires convalescence over 7 days; chronic infection with liver damage may occur.
Look for signs of mycorrhizal infection - the root cortex will contain bright blue or purple staining hyphal threads.
Given such prodigious credulity, can anyone doubt that human minds are ripe for malignant infection?
Tony is now clear from MRSA infection, however he is totally reliant on elbow crutches to get about.
The term bacterial cystitis should technically be used where bladder inflammation is as a consequence of bacterial infection.
Severe disease in adult dairy cattle in three UK dairy herds associated with BVD virus infection.
The surgeon should be encouraged to perform a radical debridement to eliminate as much of the source of infection as possible.
Matta reported a 5% incidence of infection but was able to manage these cases successfully with early aggressive debridement.
In acute infection the ventilation defect may exceed the perfusion defect.
Infection with the dengue virus is not normally life-threatening, but in a minority of cases the potentially deadly dengue haemorrhagic fever ensues.
His white count was not elevated so as to suggest an infection and his electrolytes were not deranged so as to suggest dehydration.
The effect of human cytomegalovirus infection on the cell cycle of terminally differentiated myeloid cells.
Should urine dipsticks be used in the diagnosis of urinary tract infection?
The clouds of moral disapproval of infection were dispelled.
Dip after washing and drying, using disposable wipes to prevent the passing of infection from cow to cow.
The risk of infection chiefly arises from inhaling water droplets formed from a contaminated water supply.
Whether due to viruses or bacteria, the infection is spread from person to person by airborne droplets, hand contact or kissing.
Diphtheria is also spread by droplet infection through close personal contact.
Eczema herpeticum Infection with the herpes simplex virus can also occur in skin affected by eczema herpeticum Infection with the herpes simplex virus can also occur in skin affected by eczema.
I would only take elecampane if I had an active infection; it has little protective value.
Infection with these worms is called " lymphatic filariasis " and over a long period of time can cause elephantiasis.
The article discusses bathing and washing, topical emollients, topical steroids, infection and its treatment, scratching and wet wrapping and antihistamines.
Because of the risk of introducing infection, they should not be used to reduce catheter encrustation - rather the catheter should be replaced.
Infection - Bacterial endocarditis has been reported in unwell patients with indwelling needles in the ear.
Drug use is linked with risks such as accidents while someone is intoxicated, overdose, or infection from sharing injecting equipment.
The baby should also have a course of oral erythromycin to clear the infection from other parts of the body.
Patients with a positive leukocyte esterase or nitrite test were excluded until the urinary tract infection was treated.
The cereal eyespot fungus, Tapesia, forms specialized infection plaques in the tight spaces between leaf sheaths at the base of the plant.
Ferrets should be inoculated against this infection, which is invariably fatal for them.
I have been visiting her for several days and she is still feverish and still has an infection.
The infection has reached the fish's body A extreme example of fin rot of the caudal fin.
Dirt on udders and teats increases infection pressure, damages skin and prevents beneficial, commensal flora from establishing.
Changing patterns of fluke infection An increase in the number of cases of fluke infection An increase in the number of cases of fluke disease has been observed over recent years.
The infection may have been caused by the presence of skin flukes or it may have been stress related.
Infection also involves motor cortex, hypothalamus, and globus pallidus, brainstem nuclei, reticular formation, cerebellar roof nuclei, and vermis.
It is important to keep a patients chest free of any chest infection to help their lung function to improve.
Nizoral works by destroying the fungus that causes the infection.
Click to enlarge Synergistic gangrene is a polymicrobial infection.
Acute ulcerative gingivitis, also known as Vincentâs disease or trench mouth, is due to a bacterial infection of the gums.
Infection by a virus may come from the same virus that causes colds and from an Epstein-Barr virus - the latter causes glandular fever.
They found that use of chlorhexidine gluconate can reduce the risk for catheter related bloodstream infection by approximately 50% .
Herpes gestationis herpes gestationis Herpes gestationis is a rare disease that is not related to the viral infection herpes simplex.
Herpes gestationis Herpes gestationis is a rare disease that is not related to the viral infection herpes simplex.
However, it is not present in secondary necrotrophic hyphae, which suggests that it is specific to biotrophic infection structures.
This allows a narrow penetration peg to enter the leaf epidermis and colonize the tissue, later forming large bulbous infection hyphae.
In a neonate or young infant a severe infection may cause hypothermia.
Infection was our main concern since this could render the hand totally immobile, a daunting prospect five hours into the cave.
The findings implied benefits for herd immunity from natural infection against herpes zoster in adults.
Check for previous surgery incision scars, infection, discharge, swelling and signs of skin lesions or defects.
Acute renal failure This may occur with any serious illness or operation, particularly those complicated by severe infection.
It is the most common chronic blood-borne infection in the United States.
Nine subjects with a viral infection returned for assessment.
Can be acute with viral or bacterial infection accompanied by fever.
How should general practitioners investigate suspected urinary tract infection?
Subjects were excluded if they reported having suffered symptoms of a respiratory tract infection in the prior 8 weeks.
The danger of virus infection needs to be placed in perspective.
People who have infectious mononucleosis may be able to spread the infection to others for a period of weeks.
To date, there have been no cases of confirmed influenza A (H5N1) infection in travelers returning from these regions.
Preventing head louse infection insecticides must not be used for " prophylaxis " of head louse infection.
However, the study was limited to extremity lacerations, which have a high likelihood of infection.
Infection with the Leptospira bacterium is called leptospirosis or Weil's Disease.
To prevent infection, a physical barrier should be applied to ulcerated lesions to prevent contamination.
Complications Of all patients with chronic hepatitis C infection, around 50% will develop liver cirrhosis or liver cirrhosis or liver cancer.
Preventing head louse infection insecticides must not be used for " prophylaxis " of head louse infection insecticides must not be used for " prophylaxis " of head louse infection.
Virus infection induced late cell lysis in asthmatic cells but not in normal cells.
In contrast to the primary infection, there is no cell lysis or indirect cell damage due to inflammation.
It is also believed that HIV infection itself may cause nutrient malabsorption.
The patients usually develop severe malabsorption and most patients with AIDS never clear the infection.
The researchers are also looking at about 30 other rodent malaria genes that also seem to be particularly important during infection.
Infection of the mastoid air cells is called mastoid air cells is called mastoiditis.
I have taken this med for long term control of a mycobacteria infection in my blood so this caught me off guard.
Studies suggest that the prescription medicines approved for human flu viruses would work in preventing bird flu infection in humans.
It is less clear whether reducing skin microflora leads to a lower incidence of surgical site infection.
Once my step mom had some gold fish and one of them got an infection.
Herpes simplex is the most common viral infection to affect the oral mucosa (Groenwald et al., 1997 ).
Tuberculosis is a disease caused by an infection with the bacteria mycobacterium tuberculosis.
Infection of pancreatic necrosis was the main risk factor for death.
What can you do if you have neuropathy Check your feet daily for signs of infection or problems.
Further rounds of infection with other recombinant virus constructs could allow introduction of other oncogenes.
Osteonecrosis of the jaw is generally associated with tooth extraction and / or local infection (including osteomyelitis ).
We think that she probably had osteomyelitis (infection in the bone) and this made her feet achy at times.
Infection of the pubic bones is rare, accounting for less than 1% of cases of haematogenous osteomyelitis 4.
It also plays a role in the immune system, apparently helping control infection by intracellular parasites.
The greatest fusarium patch infection occurs from early fall to early winter when the potassium level of tissue is approaching its lowest level.
Failure to improve suggests fungal and secondary peritonitis (see below ), or just a bad infection.
Further tests reckon he had an infection which has cleared but left free radicals and elevated pH.
Regular chest physiotherapy should be available with the aim of preventing a chest infection.
Authored by Sue Skirrow, a Veterinary Officer, this document discusses Glassers disease, a bacterial infection that affects weaner pigs.
The results revealed that as infection levels increase, the deposition of carotenoid pigments in male bills decreases.
Defective viral DNA ameliorates symptoms of geminivirus infection in transgenic plants.
It is thought that PML is linked to opportunistic infection with the JC virus (a human polyomavirus ).
Standard hygiene precautions are equally effective against HIV infection.
Urinary tract infection, including prostatitis or sexually transmitted diseases, causing frequency and urgency.
Increased total PSA levels may also indicate a condition called prostatitis, which is caused by an infection.
This means that prosthetics can be attached directly to bone and the skin around them sealed to reduce the chance of infection.
Antibiotic treatment is recommended if there is evidence of infection (e.g. pus ).
The pustules are known as sterile pustules as they do not have infection within them.
Animal experiments have documented the ability of these organisms to cause acute pyelonephritis by the ascending route of infection against urine flow.
Acute bacterial pyelonephritis is the most severe clinical syndrome associated with urinary tract infection (UTI ).
The usual signs of infection (e.g. pyrexia, leucocytosis) may be absent and infection surveillance must be rigorous.
Some of them progress to more advanced disease, in others infection appears to remain quiescent.
Control of infection is to be put " at the heart of inspection regimes " .
The inflammation can result in urine retention which in turn can cause bladder, urethra and kidney infection.
This would allow Ghanaian vets to determine the epidemiology of Cowdria infection in domestic ruminants kept under different husbandry systems.
The researchers found that tick saliva was responsible for suppressing the ability of the host's immune system to repel infection.
Ringworm is a skin infection caused by fungus that can affect the scalp, skin, fingers, toenails, or feet.
In addition, he suffered psychological sequelae that would have been avoided with prompt re-admission and early control of the post-operative infection.
Infection is most commonly acquired by aerosol spread from index cases, who are sputum smear positive.
Conclusion Infection in patients with an absent or dysfunctional spleen remains largely preventable.
Despite appropriate efforts some patients remain unvaccinated, while true vaccine failures may also contribute to pneumococcal infection post splenectomy.
The main problem raised by these tumors is confounding infection which may lead to late diagnosis or an error in tumor staging.
The disease is due to a bacterial infection - caused by the organism staphylococcus hyicus.
When this is associated with biliary infection, bile stasis or a change in gall bladder function, stones tend to form.
Clinical Features of Mumps Infection with mumps virus is often subclinical, especially in children under the age of three.
Like a sneeze in a crowded subway, it's hard to find the human source of the latest viral infection.
Severe pain at rest suggests infection or crystal synovitis.
However, the infection remains in the body and can spread, causing secondary syphilis to develop.
A pregnant woman with infectious syphilis can pass the infection to her fetus via the placenta or during birth.
Research & Development Pipeline Oxford BioMedica is developing novel gene-based therapeutics in the fields of cancer, virus infection and neurodegenerative disease.
If OCD results from a strep throat infection, the symptoms seem to start quickly, probably within one or two weeks.
One problem with the test is that dogs may have positive antibody titres following natural subclinical infection, or following vaccination.
The Home Office's refusal to provide milk tokens has exposed babies to the very real risk of HIV infection.
If a person suffers with psoriasis then having tonsillitis or a throat infection can make the psoriasis flare up.
Contact with animal feces can cause an infection called toxoplasmosis which may affect your baby's eye and brain development.
Toxoplasmosis toxoplasmosis Toxoplasmosis gondii is a protozoa parasite that may causes infection in the brain.
Nearly six million people have lost their sight due to the terrible eye infection trachoma.
The most common part of the urinary tract to get infection is the bladder.
It may be necessary to use mixture models to capture aspects of the within-group infection process in a computationally tractable manner [3] .
So we've been investigating the early events in fly infection using fluorescent trypanosomes.
Tuberculosis (TB) is an infection caused by a germ called the tubercle bacillus or Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
Tuberculosis is a disease caused by an infection with the bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis is a disease caused by an infection with the bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
Uses For active immunization of chickens to reduce mortality and infection caused by Salmonella gallinarum (fowl typhoid) and Salmonella enteritidis.
The bovine udder has a capacity to clear itself of infection without therapy.
Such damage could be produced by a previous viral infection, leaving functional defects unaccompanied by any gross histological changes.
Infection from one week before to one week after delivery can lead to severe neonatal varicella.
Encephalitis is an often life-threatening illness caused by infection, usually viral, or by autoimmune diseases affecting the brain.
Infection with highly virulent strains should be more straightforward.
He pointed out that virus infection induced immediate and subsequent changes in host gene expression and has an impact on virus replication and movement.
Infection followed operations almost as a matter of course and the dread scourge 'hospital gangrene ' spread from one ward to another like wildfire.
We cannot be healed of physical infection unless we are willing to let the doctor touch and cleanse the wound.
But while gaseous products and even falling water are capable of modifying electrical conditions in their immediate neighbourhood, the " infection " produced by radium is more insidious, and other drawbacks present themselves in practice.
As the city has always been notoriously unhealthful, the United States, on undertaking the construction of the Panama Canal, became interested in preventing its becoming a centre of infection for the Canal Zone, and by the treaty of November 1903 secured complete jurisdiction in the city and harbour over all matters relating to sanitation and quarantine, and engaged to construct a system of waterworks and sewers in the municipality, which had been practically completed in 1907.
Another paroxysm begins at or near the same hour next day (quotidian ague), which results from a double tertian infection, or the interval may be fortyeight hours (tertian ague), or seventy-two hours (quartan ague).
Finally, he saw the spores accumulate within the cells of the salivary glands, and discovered that they actually passed down the salivary ducts and along the grooved hypopharynx into the seat of puncture, thus causing infection in a fresh vertebrate host" (Sambon).
Chills are recognized as predisposing both to primary infection and to relapses, and malnutrition is also believed to increase susceptibility; both should therefore be avoided.
This result is doubtless largely dependent on the existence, the distribution and the condition of the appropriate microbes for the due infection of the different descriptions of plant, for the micro-organism that dwells symbiotically with one species is not identical with that which similarly dwells with another.
Influenza, again, was well known to us in 1836-1840, yet clinical observers had not traced out those sequels which, in the form of neuritis and mental disorder, have impressed upon our minds the persistent virulence of this infection, and the manifold forms of its activity.
By embolism is meant the more or less sudden stoppage of a vessel by a plug of solid matter carried thither by the current of the blood; be it a little clot from the heart or, what is far more pernicious, an infective fragment from some focus of infection in the body, by which messengers new foci of infection may be scattered about the body.
The result is that, both in physicians and in the public, a more hopeful attitude in respect of the cure of phthisis has led to a more earnest grappling with the infection in its earliest stages and in every phase, with a correspondingly large improvement in prevention and treatment.
We have learned that "constitutional" causes play a smaller part in them than was supposed, that a large number of diseases of the skin, even if initiated by general disorder, are or soon become local diseases, being, if not initiated by local infection yet perpetuated thereby, so that, generally speaking, they are to be cured by local means.
But, as Robertson Smith observes, "holiness is contagious, just as uncleanness is"; and common things and persons may become taboo, that is, so holy as to be dangerous and useless for daily life through the mere infection of holiness.
Salmon also found that injury of a leaf by mechanical means, by heat, by anaesthetics, &c., would affect the immunity of the plant and allow infection by conidia which was not able to enter a normal leaf.
The church shared the universal belief that holiness or the holy Spirit is quasi-material and capable of being held in suspense in water, just as sin is a half material infection, absorbed and carried away by it.
This great assemblage is always a dangerous centre of infection, and the days of Mina especially, spent under circumstances originally adapted only for a Bedouin fair, with no provisions for proper cleanliness, and with the air full of the smell of putrefying offal and flesh drying in the sun, produce much sickness.
In the last thirty years there has not been a single smallpox death or even a single infection.
Antibiotic treatment is recommended if there is evidence of infection (e.g. pus).
Acute bacterial pyelonephritis is the most severe clinical syndrome associated with urinary tract infection (UTI).
There is a systemic immune response to H pylori infection.
Both had a history of recurrent chest infection dating from their teens.
Patients with neuropathy and retinopathy cannot perceive the signs of infection.
The research revealed that 68.6% of home PCs have suffered a virus infection.
An alternative way of preventing rhinovirus infection is to target viral entry pathways.
It also suggest that the two died due to some infection rife at the time.
All patients who may have been at risk of infection should receive letters today, asking them to call a special confidential helpline.
An estimate of the costs of cases of rotavirus infection admitted to hospital in Scotland was done in a similar way by Cowden.
Nevertheless, there remains the real threat of a roundworm infection.
Rubber bands cut into skin and cause infection and pain.
Maternal rubella infection in the first eight to ten weeks of pregnancy results in fetal damage in up to 90% of infants.
The researchers found that tick saliva was responsible for suppressing the ability of the host 's immune system to repel infection.
When Erica had an eye infection he treated her with a salve made from the ash of a burnt viper 's head.
Nurses working in prisons and nursing homes, for example, need to be aware of the possibility of scabies infection.
Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome is an uncommon side effect of infection with staphylococcus aureus.
Reduced secretion of mucus in the lungs predisposes to irritation and infection throughout the upper and lower respiratory tract.
Make sure that your horses are always fully vaccinated against tetanus, an invariably fatal infection which can gain access through a seedy toe.
However if infection disseminates in the blood, the widespread activation of phagocytes in the bloodstream initiates the sepsis response.
The evidence that antibiotic treatment can help to prevent some of the sequelae of toxoplasmosis infection is unfortunately contradictory.
Healthy HHV-5 seropositive blood donors can sometimes transmit HHV-5 infection to recipients.
We recently discovered that infection of mice with Friend retrovirus skewed the balance toward suppression by causing an expansion of immunosuppressive regulatory cells.
Like a sneeze in a crowded subway, it 's hard to find the human source of the latest viral infection.
People who have had their spleen removed will need to take medication to increase their body 's defense against infection.
Green sputum does not necessarily mean that you have a secondary chest infection.
She is off the vent after being off for 2 weeks and then being put back on due to her developing a staph infection.
Below is a staphylococcus aureus infection of the skin of the chin.
The disease is due to a bacterial infection - caused by the organism Staphylococcus hyicus.
Tang (2000) described a case study using VAC to treat a deep sternal wound infection following cardiac surgery.
This being the case, it is most unlikely that such a woman 's baby would be born with congenital strep B infection.
The cause of rheumatic fever is infection by group A Beta - haemolytic streptococci.
Rawson, the Navigator, had to be operated on for a streptococcus throat infection.
The urinary tract is the most common site of infection but Streptococcus faecalis may not be the only organism responsible.
In the absence of tests for the ' agent ', subclinical infection could not be detected.
Patients should be advised to report all symptoms or signs suggestive of infection.
The swab results revealed a variety of infection (Figure 1).
Four cases of swine fever infection are reported from the Newark area.
However, without treatment, the syphilis infection will continue to progress.
Tapeworm infection has traditionally been more difficult to diagnose.
Threadworm infection can be treated solely by meticulous attention to hygiene for 6 weeks.
The Home Office 's refusal to provide milk tokens has exposed babies to the very real risk of HIV infection.
Ocular toxoplasmosis associated with HIV infection is a particular challenge to the ophthalmologist.
Contact with animal feces can cause an infection called toxoplasmosis which may affect your baby 's eye and brain development.
Toxoplasmosis infection in humans occasionally produces a mild flu-like illness, or sometimes no symptoms at all.
Toxoplasmosis Toxoplasmosis gondii is a protozoa parasite that may causes infection in the brain.
Face washing is one of the most effective ways to prevent the trachoma infection.
It may be necessary to use mixture models to capture aspects of the within-group infection process in a computationally tractable manner [3 ].
The aim of this project is to understand the role of trehalose synthesis and metabolism in the infection cycle of Magnaporthe grisea.
So we 've been investigating the early events in fly infection using fluorescent trypanosomes.
Tuber infection is quickly followed by secondary fungal or bacterial infection known as 'wet rot '.
The infection does not necessarily produce active tubercular disease.
This does not mean to say that a child can be exposed with impunity to tuberculous infection.
Mastitis is an infection of the udder caused by micro-organisms, usually bacteria.
Underestimated numbers of SARS infection On 16 April, WHO claimed that China was vastly underreporting cases of SARS.
The present study was undertaken to determine the relationship between sexual behavior and EBV infection in Edinburgh University students.
Our ophthalmologist 's impression was that my girl had uveitis secondary to intra uterine infection.
Make sure that your horses are always fully vaccinated against tetanus, an invariably fatal infection which can gain access through a damaged frog.
Vaccinia infection of cells can confer protection from IFN on other viruses, e.g. Picornaviruses.
Reye 's syndrome has been reported in children treated with aspirin during natural varicella infection.
Is it right to ascribe the huge difference in verruca infection (27% versus 1 %) to the public showers?
In many cases, onset is linked to a viral infection.
Waterborne infection may also result from swallowing water during recreational activities.
I hated my body because I had developed a nasty womb infection and that is why my pregnancy ended.
Changes in the habits of humans lead to the opening up of new pathways of infection and predispose to the emergence of new zoonoses.
Abscesses are both easily diagnosable and easily treatable by a medical professional, but you should act quickly before the infection gets worse.
If the infection is not treated quickly, her appendix will have to be taken out.
Before it drops off, the cord will be tucked under the waist band of the diaper, and parents must ensure it is kept particularly clean to prevent infection.
All traces of pee and poop need to be washed off, and if blood or discharge is noticed, the nursing team must be notified as this may signify infection.
Antibodies passed from mom to infant in the breast milk help prevent infection.
Yeast infection-A yeast infection is often mistaken for a common diaper rash.
Thus, a diaper rash that is due to a yeast infection is quite common in the NICU.
Some diaper rashes become so severe that they invite staph infection which can become septic.
This is especially important for baby girls to reduce the risk of a bacterial infection.
Fit-Do you know that an ill-fitting nursing bra can actually affect breast milk production and increase the risk of developing a breast infection, such as mastitis?
As to mitigate a few concerns, purchasing nursing sports bras that have been manufactured with special antibacterial materials may reduce your chances of infection.
When the skin in the diaper area begins to break down -sometimes because of excess diarrhea or other types of diaper rashes - yeast from the intestinal tract can get under the skin surface to cause an infection.
This excess amount of yeast then becomes the source of an infection, which leads to a rash.
Some babies develop thrush, which is a type of yeast infection in the mouth.
These are signs of another infection, which may need additional treatment.
Pet Ecology's Scientific Professional Cat Litter is lightweight and bio-clumpable; it can even tell you when your cat is sick with a possible urinary infection.
Scientific Professional's patented sickness-indicating, color-change reactor is a controlled, six-patented factor which detects the pH level of a cat's urine and indicates whether urinary tract infection is present.
My immediate concern is that your cat might develop a uterine infection from this prolonged birth.
These additional symptoms might indicate a respiratory infection, something your vet should have been able to diagnose when he examined your kitten.
I'm not a vet, but I suspect that those kittens either have some sort of skin infection, or they have thyroid deficiencies.
Once his infection and/or kidney problems are treated, your cat will likely stop spraying.
The coughing could also be a sign of a feline heartworm infection.
It presents as a respiratory infection, rather than as a heart problem like it would in dogs.
It would have shown if your cat had a parasitic infection, so it really does sound like there's a food allergy in play.
Could a vaccination reaction, an allergy or a respiratory infection be the reason why one visitor's cat can't stop sneezing?
Second, did your vet check your cat for a respiratory infection when you took her back in?
Although nasal discharge is quite common with this type of infection, some cats don't present with this symptom, so it's still worth checking into.
Third, if the sneezing isn't related to the booster or an infection, we need to look at possible changes in your cat's environment to determine whether the sneezing is allergy related.
No, she did not check for a respiratory infection when I took her back, nor did she call the manufacturer of the vaccine, as far as I am aware.
What you describe are some of the symptoms of Feline Upper Respiratory Infection (URI).
Your best bet is to take your feline to the vet and get a complete diagnosis to see if this is an infection or if the swelling is being caused by something else.
Has your cat been tested for an upper respiratory infection recently?
Cats can be prone to them and it doesn't sound like the vet has tried putting her on an antibiotic to treat a possible rhinitis infection.
Her blood cell count also indicates that she has some type of infection somewhere in her body.
It sounds as though your kitten has a severe respiratory infection.
Although the mucous discharge is not a direct symptom of distemper, the disease lowers a cat's immunity, so it's possible for an affected animal to develop a secondary respiratory infection.
The kitten needs to see a vet immediately because the infection could be progressing into pneumonia.
This way the vet can rule out any infection in the paws or bladder/kidney issues.
Uneven swelling, such as in her neck and chest area indicate that she may have a local infection that is spreading.
Occasionally, incisions also cause an abscess to develop which must be drained and treated to prevent further infection as well.
A ringworm infection also causes the type of patchy hair loss you describe, so this is another avenue for your vet to investigate.
This infection attacks felines of all ages and breeds.
When the immune system detects the infection, it begins to systematically destroy the red blood cells that carry the bacterium.
If you are experiencing an elimination problem with your cat, it could be caused by a medical problem such as urethral blockage, bladder infection, cystitis or a kidney problem.
The blood that is seen in the litter box may also be coming from the pet's urine, signaling a urinary tract infection.
If your feline friend stops using the litter box, there may be a medical problem such as a bladder infection, a urethral blockage, cystitis or a kidney problem.
Watery or red eyes - A cat that has red or watery eyes or even a combination of the two may signal an infection or an allergy.
Animals in this condition may have an allergy, cold or upper respiratory infection.
Although all cats are susceptible, male cats are far more likely to experience a feline urinary tract infection than female cats.
There are several reasons why your cat might get a urinary tract infection.
Many cats that have had a feline urinary tract infection will have at least one other incidence in their lifetime.
Any cat that comes in contact with these substances may get the infection.
You pet has a greater risk of infection if it is very young, old or already has a compromised immune system.
The infection can be found in two separate stages.
However, the infection progresses into FIP in a small percentage of cats.
The cat's antibodies stop protecting the cat from infection and actually assist the virus in infecting white blood cells.
An outdoor Tom is more likely to become involved in fights and sustain infection from an injury.
Cat bite infection symptoms can vary from individual to individual.
As your body sends antibodies to fight infection, it causes the temperature around the infected area to heat up even before the area turns red.
If an infection is left too long, it can actually make you sick.
Most cat bite infection symptoms occur in the first twenty-four hours.
Bites from stray or feral cats can be more prone to infection that those from a pet.
Now that you know the signs of infection, you can take better care of yourself in the event that a cat bites you.
A cat may also develop full blown FIP months and even years after infection with the coronavirus.
During the initial stage of infection, primary viremia, a few fortunate cats will muster up enough of an immune response to overcome the virus.
Your cat may have a urinary tract infection.
After the initial infection, FHV may manifest in a milder form.
Aside from itching, scratching and howling, one of the tell-tale signs of a cat ear mite infection is a horde of dark-colored gunk within your cat's ears.
This creates the opportunity to form a dangerous infection.
Make note of any odor, redness or build-up which may indicate an ear infection or ear mites.
She may have a secondary bacterial infection.
Keeping your cat safe indoors, where its exposure to other animals and possible agents of infection is limited, is the first line of defense against colds and influenza viruses.
Understanding the rates and risks of infection regarding these diseases is important for pet owners because vaccines are not without side effects.
An upper respiratory infection can grow to be quite serious andmay become chronic in some animals.
Even a seemingly harmless cat sneezecan project a multitude of virus and/or bacteria particles into the vicinity andcontribute tothe infection of nearby cats.
Viruses, for example, will often remain dormant in the system and can reactivate every so often in an infection.
In South America, people frequently use acai pulp as an antibacterial astringent, rubbing it onto minor cuts and abrasions to prevent infection.
To use tea tree oil on a boil, you can either place a few drops of oil directly onto the boil, or create a hot compress to draw out the infection.
This treatment will need to be continued until the entire nail has grown out and is clear of the infection.
Watch it carefully though and begin treatment again at the first sign of fungal infection.
It is important with any infection to be consistent in the treatment.
Left in the skin, they can cause infection.
Candidiasis, or a yeast infection, is the term used to describe an overgrowth of Candida albicans.
If you're not sure whether or not you have a yeast infection, please see a doctor for the proper diagnosis.
Adjusting the diet should be the first line of treatment for anyone suffering from a yeast infection.
Its antibacterial qualities stop infection and promote fast healing.Aloe gel stops the itch from insect bites, rashes or psoriasis.
Many herbs are used topically to prevent or cure infection.
Tea tree oil, extracted from the Australian tea tree, has been proven in numerous studies to kill bacteria and fight infection.
It also draws increased blood flow to the area it is applied, causing infection, foreign bodies and toxins to rise to the surface.
Native Americans used the black salve as a means of drawing infection out of the body.
Boils are caused by a bacterial infection under the skin which leads to a surface inflammation.
Drawing salve reportedly has antibacterial properties that can help draw the infection to the surface.
Today, most herbalists agree that the benefits of goldenseal encompass infection but may exclude cancer treatment.
Acute inflammation occurs when a crisis triggers the body's immune system into combat, such as a splinter that gets infected or another type of wound or infection.
Ringworm is a fungal infection that can develop on the scalp or body.
Despite the name, the infection is not limited to those who play sports, male or female.
Initially, it assists the healing process by treating and preventing infection.
As discussed in Smart Medicine for Healthier Living (Avery 1999) another common cause of hair loss is fungal infection on the scalp.
Mucous from an allergy is clear whereas mucous produced from a viral infection appears yellowish or greenish colored.
Homeopaths will recommend natural medicine to treat a variety of illness and infection.
Monkshood, sometimes called homeopathic vitamin C, is commonly used at the first sign of infection such as sore throat, ear ache or bladder infection.
Windflower is commonly used on women and children to treat infection, colds and coughs, particularly if the symptoms get worse at night.
All medical procedures carry at least a small amount of risk, but with proper use of tools and safety guidelines, permanent cosmetics are a relatively safe practice.The most common problem associated with permanent makeup is infection.
According to, The leading cause of viral pink eye--a red, inflamed eye--is a virus infection.
A number of different viruses can be responsible for the infection.
She should also temporarily not use any eye make up so as not to start the cycle over again, even with new products, until the infection is completely cleared up.
This can be caused by an infection, root canal, or trauma to the tooth.
Some find that they experience allergies to the pigments used, which can cause scarring, skin cracking, blistering, and infection.
Be sure to follow your provider's after care instructions to prevent infection.
It has also been thought that they improve immune function and can help lower the risk of infection and cancer.
Candida albicans, the yeast that causes the dreaded 'yeast infection', occurs naturally on the skin and inside the gastrointestinal tract.
Signs of iron deficiency include fatigue, muscle weakness, and susceptibility to infection.
This can cause infection in organ cells.
Hepatitis C is a chronic infection that is responsible for scarring in the liver.
The risk of infection is lowered as a result.
His publicist denies rumors that Hasselhoff has been drinking again and blames his erratic behavior on medication prescribed to ease an infection in his hand.
Dr. Joshua Perper also said that Anna Nicole Smith also died from a combination of a bacterial infection from injecting medication in her buttocks and the flu.
In 2004, Abdul contracted a staph infection reportedly from an unsanitary manicure.
Mary-Kate Olsen was admitted to a New York Hospital on November 20 for a reported kidney infection.
That is, until she was admitted to a New York hospital for a kidney infection.
No further information is being offered as to the severity of the kidney infection.
When Patrick Swayze checked himself into the hospital with pneumonia, sources say the lung infection was a complication caused by his chemotherapy treatment.
Heidi Montag has been released from the hospital following a bout of a possible stomach infection.
A source said that Heidi was admitted to a Costa Rican hospital with a possible stomach infection, which was not considered serious.
Seems that Braxton was treated for a viral infection that causes an inflammation of the heart and some think it may be the same thing causing her illness now.
The symptoms of norovirus are similar to the flu, and passengers should wash their hands frequently to minimize any chance of infection.
These smells are often the sign of an ear infection.
Despite the prevalence of the infection, there are many ways that dog owners can prevent and treat the condition to avoid additional or more serious complications.
Kennel cough is a bronchial and throat infection caused by a variety of different viruses that results in a prolonged, hoarse cough.
This infection alone is neither particularly painful nor serious, but it does weaken the animal's immune system and leaves the dog more vulnerable to serious and potentially fatal secondary infections such as pneumonia or bronchitis.
Dogs afflicted with this illness do not always show each symptom, depending on the severity of the infection, and they may behave normally otherwise.
Once a dog is bitten by an infected mosquito, the worms may not reproduce for up to nine months, leaving no visible symptoms of infection.
Heartworm symptoms are not typically noticeable until adult worms begin to clog the animal's circulatory system, which may be several months after the initial infection.
Although it is a serious condition, this infection can be treated.
Before traveling to a location with a higher probability of worm infection, consult your veterinarian for appropriate precautions.
Spread through mosquito and flea bites, heartworm is a parasitic infection that disrupts an animal's circulatory system, eventually leading to life-threatening complications.
The scratching can add to the skin irritation, and if the skin becomes broken, bacteria and fungi can cause an infection that will require treatment by a veterinarian.
Ticks are little blood sucking pests that can pinch a free meal from you or your pet and leave behind a nasty infection or disease for your tip.
Ticks are far worse, causing infection at the bite site and also transferring dangerous diseases such as Lyme disease.
When cleaning your dog's ears, look for signs of mite infestation or infection, including brown residue, redness, or a foul smell.
Sounds like your dog as some sort of skin infection going on.
It's possible to pick up a yeast infection on the feet, which could explain the licking.
While often resulting in the loss of teeth, the infection caused by periodontal disease can also enter the bloodstream and infect internal organs, such as the heart, lungs and kidneys, causing serious complications.
The cough is likely due to some sort of respiratory infection, and could even be kennel cough which is actually contagious.
The lymph nodes can become enlarged when the body experiences a significant infection, but there's no way to say for sure what is going on without an examination.
Your dog might have some sort of skin infection, either caused by parasites or a fungus.
As for the foot licking, it can lead to an itchy yeast infection.
The two things that come immediately to my mind are that your dog's problem could be related to a food allergy, and that the scratching has opened him up for a secondary yeast infection.
If there's an infection or abcess present, there could be complications during the procedure that your groomer may not be qualified to handle.
I think you should take her to your vet and get an antibiotic to help clear the infection.
At the office, I suggested whether it could possibly be an ear infection as it is important for us to be our own best advocate whether it is our own health or our pets.
By 8pm that night we found out Charley is a very healthy, fat, 9 year old black lab, with a double ear infection so severe it displayed itself as a seizure.
Recognize when a dog is shaking and scratching their head, even whining, he may have an ear infection.
There is a simple way to avoid such extreme blockages or infection, by keeping your pet's ears clean.
I'm glad we rushed Charley to the vet because his ear infection would have only gotten worse, becoming septic in his body.
A visitor's dog has a terrible skin infection.
However, the urine test revealed a kidney infection and blood in the urine.
There's an outside chance that this is more than just a kidney infection.
As you can see, it's going to take a vet to diagnose the cause of the infection and decide the most effective way to treat it.
Add that to the coughing, and it seems that she may have some sort of infection or fluid building up in her lungs.
Could they have some kind of infection inside that is causing all this, or could it be something they ate?
I truly think Charlie needs a trip to the vet to discuss the problem and check for any physical issues, such as retained puppy teeth or a gum infection, that might have caused the chewing in the first place.
If your bitch isn't close to delivering, the discharge could be a sign of a urinary tract or brucellosis infection.
A urinary tract infection is common after breeding, and is fairly easy to treat with an antibiotic.
A brucellosis infection is much more serious, and can cause a spontaneous abortion.
For the most part, any pet that contracts this virus will have to endure the hacking cough, runny nose and gagging until the respiratory infection runs its course.
The good news is that, although there isn't a quick-fix cure for kennel cough, there are steps you can take to ease the symptoms and keep the infection from progressing into a serious case of pneumonia.
Your vet is able to confirm or rule out that your pet has a viral respiratory infection, and he can test for the presence of other respiratory bugs.
According to Vet, steam treatments can be a valuable aid in the fight against a respiratory infection.
Kennel cough is highly infectious, so if one of your dogs develops an infection, any other dogs you may have are also likely to get the virus.
I was wondering if this is a sign of an infection or illness.
I'm not a vet, but I suspect that your dog may have a serious ear infection that reaches deep into his ear canal.
If it's not his ears, he may have a gum infection that has worked it's way through to the sinus nerve above the tooth.
I'd also like to ask if your dog has ever been specifically tested and treated for a yeast infection?
The foot licking is usually tied to an itchy infection of this nature.
I cannot say for sure that your dog's case of Canine Valley Fever has recurred or if the initial infection caused deterioration of the joint that now requires a surgical repair.
This is part of the canine immune system that helps fight off infection.
Kennel cough is an airborne bacterial infection usually caused by Bordetella bronchiseptica.
If your dog exhibits other signs of illness such as fever, lethargy, or loss of appetite, you should consult with your veterinarian as your dog may have a secondary infection.
Although the vaccine greatly reduces the risk of infection, remember that it is still possible for your dog to contract another strain of Bordetella.
The reason for this is that moisture can build up in the ears and start an infection.
When it comes to dog health, blood in stool may be an indication of a serious medical condition or the sign of a minor intestinal infection.
Make sure they are clean, no brown, no yeast infection, no odor, no redness, no pain, no swelling, no itching.
Heartworm medication given to dogs with an active heartworm infection can seriously harm the animal.
A drive with your dog can be great, but it can also leave your best four-legged friend with an injury or infection.
Your dog can get an ear infection from the cool air rushing into the ear canal, especially if you have just come from swimming and you have not dried his ears out.
The vet will examine your dog and run tests if needed to determine whether the cause of the diarrhea is something more serious such as inflammatory bowel disease, colitis or some other infection that needs to be treated with medication.
A case of canine nail fungus can produce a very incomfortable infection.
Understanding what causes such an infection and the available treatments may help you learn what to do in the event your pet is faced with this unsightly problem.
The most common cause of nail fungus in dogs is an infection from a microorganism called Blastomyces dermatitidis.
Bathing your dog on a consistent basis should also reduce his chance of picking up a fungal infection.
A puppy may show even more severe symptoms if he is already suffering from a secondary bacterial infection or parasites.
A complete physical and blood work will also allow the veterinarian to determine the severity of the parvo infection.
If it is absolutely necessary to touch the ring area, be sure to thoroughly sanitize hands first to prevent infection.
The ear wire or post goes through the ear and as such can introduce dirt that may irritate or cause an infection.
It is important to make sure that they are cleaned before wearing if necessary to help avoid infection.
It can also occur when a person is weakened due to alcohol abuse, suffering from an infection or any other illness.
The drug can also cause problems in those that suffer from alcohol abuse, have an infection or are currently ill.
This bacterial infection can be fatal in some cases.
The threat could result from an outbreak of a disease or infection, winter storm, fire, flooding, power outage or loss of communication.
A tingling sensation may be felt and is often the result of metabolic problems, toxin explosion, infection or traumatic injury.
The swollen lymph nodes are one of the earliest warning signs of infection.
If the disease is not treated, the parasitical infection can cause anemia, cardiac disease, kidney disease and endocrine failure.
Pre-natal infection can lead to stillbirth and late term miscarriage.
Modern treatments seek to prevent the spread of the protozoa, terminate the infection in a person and avoid serious side-effects such as blindness.
While the disease is not air borne, the very real fear of parasites and death causes many tourists to have him or herself screened upon returning home from areas where infection is possible.
The tsetse fly carries the infection, which it obtained from other animals or from humans.
In both forms of the disease, the bite from the fly causes the parasitic infection.
In this condition, individuals usually have the first signs of infection within a few weeks of contracting it.
This type of disease often has symptoms of acute infection.
Individuals who suffer from this illness have a life threatening infection that can cause sleep disturbances, which is where it gets its name.
In Africa, this is a tell tale sign of the infection.
The medication Melarsoprol is used to treat the infection and is derived from arsenic.
Patients may receive a prescription for an antibiotic to prevent infection, and the doctor may require them to rinse their mouths with an antiseptic solution for several days following the procedure.
Any fever or signs of infection should be reported immediately.
Let your doctor know if you experience deep sores or if you develop signs of infection, such as a fever, discharge, or increased swelling and redness.
Always wash your hands before taking the lenses out or putting them in to cut down on the risk for eye infection.
The thinner plastic holders are flimsier, do not last as long as the other types of holders, and are more of a risk for the infection of your contacts.
Instead you could end up with an eye infection [from] not wearing them correctly.
Even though these special lenses are primarily for cosmetics or for fun, they still touch your eyes and can introduce bacteria and infection if you don't keep the lenses well cleaned and sanitized with contact lens solution.
Before putting in your contacts, make sure they are clean in order to prevent any infection.
Inserting a fresh pair of lenses not only reduces your chance for infection but also makes for a more comfortable pair of lenses.
Washing your hands with warm, soapy water is essential if you want to reduce the risk of infection.
Always be sure to care for your lenses as directed to get the most wear out of them and to protect your eyes from injury and infection.
Wearing contacts under water is not advised since bacteria can collect under the lens, causing an eye infection.
Remember that it is important to properly care for your contact lenses in order to reduce the chance of eye infection.
Sharing lenses could result in infection.
In children, ITP is usually triggered by a virus infection, most often rubella, chickenpox, measles, cytomegalovirus (CMV), or Epstein-Barr virus (EBV).
Splenectomy is usually avoided in children younger than five years because of the increased risk of a severe postoperative infection.
Bacterial endocarditis (an infection of the heart) or rheumatic fever can damage heart valves or other structures of the heart and lead to heart murmurs.
Bacterial endocarditis-An infection caused by bacteria that enter the bloodstream and settle in the heart lining, a heart valve, or a blood vessel.
Rheumatic fever-An illness that arises as a complication of an untreated or inadequately treated streptococcal infection of the throat.
A possible complication after the Kasai operation is an infection in the bile ducts (cholangitis).
Monoclonal antibodies are used to fight cancer cells in much the same way as antibodies that are produced by the body's own immune system work to fight infection.
Blood is made up of red blood cells (RBCs), which carry oxygen and other materials to all tissues of the body; white blood cells (WBCs), which fight infection; and platelets, which play a part in the clotting of the blood.
This chemical accumulates in the areas of cancer or infection, allowing them to be viewed with a special camera.
A toothache is any pain or soreness within or around a tooth, indicating inflammation and possible infection.
Toothaches caused by infection or tooth decay must be treated by a dentist.
In the absence of active infection, fillings, root canal treatments, or extractions may be performed with minimal discomfort to the patient.
When a toothache is left untreated, a severe infection may develop and spread to the sinuses or jawbone, and eventually cause blood poisoning.
If not treated promptly an infection could begin or spread.
If infection spreads to the blood, serious complications can result.
Abscess-A localized collection of pus in the skin or other body tissue caused by infection.
If they do not, it may be necessary to stimulate labor as the womb is now open to possible infection.
Studies show that although 40 percent to 60 percent of adults worldwide have laboratory evidence of a past parvovirus B19 infection, most of these adults cannot remember having had symptoms of fifth disease.
This fact leads medical experts to believe that most people with parvovirus B19 infection have either very mild symptoms or no symptoms at all.
There is also some concern that infection later in pregnancy may involve a very small risk of premature delivery or stillbirth.
The test involves measuring for a particular antibody or protein that the body produces in response to infection with the human parvovirus B19.
Mothers who develop the infection while pregnant can pass the infection on to their fetus and thus stand an increased risk of miscarriage and stillbirth.
Avoiding contact with persons who exhibit symptoms of a cold and maintaining good personal hygiene by regularly washing hands may minimize the chances of an infection.
About 50-60 percent of children with HSP were diagnosed with strep throat or another upper respiratory infection two to three weeks before the onset of the vasculitis.
Although the ultimate cause of HSP was unknown as of 2004, the disease is preceded by an acute upper respiratory infection in at least half the children diagnosed with it.
The disease has been linked to a variety of disease agents, including parvovirus B19, HIV infection, measles, influenza viruses, rotaviruses, adenoviruses, Klebsiella pneumoniae, and Mycoplasma pneumoniae.
A person who hosts bacteria without showing signs of infection is considered a carrier.
Streptococcal infection occurs when bacteria contaminate cuts or open sores or otherwise penetrate the body's natural defenses.