Infected Sentence Examples
The horse's terror infected the men.
The other lung was infected and they had switched to yet another antibiotic.
They infected the animals in the town with the vamp disease.
I need to know if the infected town is still under lockdown.
You're lucky it's not infected.
Recent reports also show us how much may be done in infected districts.
Sometimes they became infected with other illnesses, and variolation seemed to start entirely new epidemics.
God, maybe it got infected or something!
Simpson in his Report on the Causes of the Plague in Hong Kong (1903) reports the endemicity of the plague in that colony to be maintained by (a) infection among rats often connected with infectious material in rat runs or in houses, the virus of which has not been destroyed, (b) retention of infection in houses which are rat-ridden, and (c) infected clothing of people who have been ill or died of plague.
To combat the phylloxera, the government ordered the destruction of all infected vines, distributed immune American stocks and established schools of viticulture.
AdvertisementGreat Britain relies on medical inspection, removal of sick or suspected cases, and supervision of the healthy arriving on an infected ship; infected clothing is burnt and infected ships are disinfected.
A practitioner took a scab from someone with a mild case, made an incision in the skin of a healthy person, and infected that person with the scab.
Infected with the excitement of the American Civil War, he crossed the Atlantic in 1861 and enlisted in the Northern army, taking the name of Henri Le Caron.
Mahdism, however, spread over Darfur in spite of Slatins efforts to stay it He fought no fewer than twenty-seven actions in various parts of his province, but his own troops, in course of time, became infected with the new faith and deserted him.
This state of affairs appears to have continued until the accession of James I., and in 1595 the bailiff and constables of Hexham were removed as being "infected with combination and toleration of thieves."
AdvertisementShould a person be infected with latent malaria, heat exposure is very likely to induce an acute malarial attack and the combination is almost certain to lead to hyperpyrexia.
Meanwhile, Holderlin in Jena had been following Fichte's career with an enthusiasm with which he infected Hegel.
In fact dissemination seems to have taken place, as usual, by the conversion of one house after another into a focus of disease, a process favoured by the fatal custom of shutting up infected houses with all their inmates, which was not only almost equivalent to a sentence of death on all therein, but caused a dangerous concentration of the poison.
He considers the outbreaks are favoured by the seasonal heat and moisture of the spring and early summer, and the movement from place to place of infected rats or persons.
Healthy rats contracted plague from infected rats when the only apparent means of communication between the two was the rat flea (pulex cheopis).
AdvertisementGuinea-pigs set free in plague-infected houses become infected with the rat flea and develop plague in a certain percentage.
It was also shown that animals may become infected through the faeces of a flea which has been fed on plague-infected rats.
The place is infected, not merely the people in it; for if they evacuate it, the disease soon ceases among them, and if they return in a short time, they are again attacked.
Now the poison is contained, as we have already seen, in the discharges from patients, and in such infected localities the standing conditions and the habits of the people combine to retain the discharges on the premises.
The floors, mostly of mud covered with dung, are fouled with spittle, vomit, and urine, and, being seldom or never cleaned out, foster a gradual accumulation of poison, to which infected rats and the concealment of illness contribute.
AdvertisementAccording to the Venice convention, ships are divided into (1) healthy, (2) suspected, (3) infected.
A watch should be kept on rats at ports of arrival and on board ships from infected countries.
A gallant resistance was still being made at various points, notably at Luico and Globocak, but the enemy had broken through at several positions of vital importance, and, as has been said, the reserves were becoming entangled in the crowds of fugitives, and some of them were becoming infected.
There is no question about the weak resistance of certain units in line, nor can it be denied that other troops, among the reserves, became temporarily infected with a spirit that led to what many observers likened to a strike.
This is apparent to all students of Machiavelli and Guicciardini, the profoundest analysts of their age, the bitterest satirists of its vices, but themselves infected with its incapacity for moral goodness.
Karl Schwarz happily remarks that, as the English apologists of the 18th century were themselves infected with the poison of the deists whom they end eavoured to refute, so Tholuck absorbed some of the heresies of the rationalists whom he tried to overthrow.
He worked with might and main for the continuation of the old theocracy, but before he died it had given way before an increasing Liberalism - even Yale was infected with the Episcopalianism that he hated.
The fact that in anthrax, one of the first diseases to be fully studied, numerous bacilli are present in the blood of infected animals, gave origin to the idea that the organisms might produce their effect by using up the oxygen g ' P Y g P Yg of the blood.
Local authorities may require premises to be cleansed and disinfected; they may order the destruction of bedding, clothing or other articles which have been exposed to infection; they may provide proper places for the disinfection of infected articles free of charge; they may provide ambulances, &c. In the case of a person found suffering from infectious disease who has not proper lodging or accommodation, or is lodging in a room occupied by more than one family, or is on board any ship or vessel, such person may by means of a justice's order be removed to a hospital; a local authority may pay the expenses of a person in a hospital or, if necessary, provide nursing attendance; any person exposing himself or any other in his charge while suffering from infectious disease, or exposing infected bedding, clothing or the like, is made liable to a penalty.
It is also forbidden to let houses or rooms in which infected persons have been lodging, or to make false statements to persons negotiating for the hire of such rooms. An act was passed in the year 1890, called the Infectious Diseases Prevention Act.
Of these the first is called general expenses, and it includes the expense of the establishment and officers of the council, of disinfection, providing of conveyance for infected persons, and the expenses of highways.
Whatever may have been the views of stockowners in the remote past, it is certain that during the middle ages the belief in "infection" was common amongst breeders, and that during the last two centuries it met with the general approval of naturalists, English breeders being especially satisfied of the fact that the offspring frequently inherited some of their characters from a former mate of the dam, while both English and Continental naturalists (apparently without putting the assertions of breeders to the test of experiment) accounted for the "throwing back" by saying the germ cells of the dam had been directly or indirectly "infected" by a former mate.
That mares used in mule breeding are liable to be infected is still widely believed, but irrefragable evidence of the influence of the ass persisting, as Agassiz assumed, is conspicuous by its absence.
In considering telegony it should perhaps be mentioned that some breeders not only believe the dam is liable to be "infected" by the sire, but also that the sire may acquire some of the characteristics of his mates.
In the ear of rye that is infected with ergot a species of fermentation takes place, and there exudes from it a sweet yellowish mucus, which after a time disappears.
Chronic poisoning, or ergotism, used frequently to occur amongst the poor fed on rye infected with the Claviceps.
Oxford infected St Andrews, and we find traces of more than one vigorous search made for Lollards among the teaching staff of the Scottish university, while the Lollards of Kyle in Ayrshire were claimed by Knox as the forerunners of the Scotch Reformation.
Further, the serum of a patient affected with one of the types has a marked agglutinative power on the variety with which he is infected and not on the other.
The infected fleas then fed on 15 mice that had been inoculated with the experimental vaccine containing an adjuvant (an immune booster ).
Remove any infected leaves and destroy badly affected plants.
Many of these recent cases are farmers who became infected through contact with infected animals.
A total of seven animals died and a farmer developed cutaneous anthrax after a pre-existing lesion came into contact with infected animals ' blood.
Choose the action that should be performed in case an infected attachment is found.
This task should be done working inwards from the outer ring to reduce the risk of infected badgers moving outwards to a clean area.
In such situations, people should avoid contact with infected birds or contaminated surfaces, and should be careful when handling and cooking poultry.
This could happen if someone already infected with the human flu virus catches the bird flu.
Toes can become gangrenous and can appear black in dry gangrene or when infected becomes covered in pus and slough in wet gangrene.
Life cycle Potato late blight survives the winter in infected potato tubers.
They are hoping livers grown from cord blood stem cells could be used to transfuse and cleanse the infected blood.
The update indicated that experimental BSE in sheep had been transmitted to mice through the intracerebral inoculation of infected spleen material.
These areas become infected with anaerobic bacteria, which release malodorous volatile fatty acids as a metabolic byproduct.
The time after death of the infected cadaver is also an important factor influencing the number infected.
Also big cats who had been fed infected chicken carcasses in a Thai zoo were killed by H5N1.
They seem careless in their attitudes to people infected or affected by HIV.
One dog was observed to have an infected carpus and elbow and appeared to have a very painful fracture.
The ELISA was able to distinguish vaccinated cattle from infected ones.
The incidence of infected cattle is still increasing, with 30,000 infected animals destroyed over the last four years.
Malaria parasite antigens exposed on the surface of the infected red blood cell membrane.
Snow was now certain that the well had been contaminated with infected sewage - either from the sewer or the many nearby cesspits.
Boyle doesn't let the camera stay on the " infected " long enough for their red eyes to look too cheesy.
If the condition becomes chronic the cervix becomes swollen and enlarged and may contain cysts that may also become infected.
The worm's payload is a connection proxy that allows the attacker to initiate network connections through an infected computer.
Infected horses often develop a nasal discharge which may start clear but becomes thick with pus and often copious in amount.
Viruses from the lung tissue in Toronto patients readily infected monkey kidney cells, and no known human coronavirus infects that cell line.
It is worth pointing out that virus infected crucifers are not tasty items and they are avoided by most animal predators including humans.
In 1905 the first William was infected with the virus for which there is no known cure.
In the most infected areas sclerotial size varied widely, in the range 0.1 to 1.0 mm diameter.
Hydrofibre dressings are suitable for use in wounds with medium to high exudate and may be used for infected wounds if changed daily.
The bacteria that cause TB are inhaled in the form of microscopic droplets that come from a person infected with TB.
Flu is primarily spread by aerosol droplets of saliva or by direct contact with an infected person.
Large numbers of neutrophils and lymphocytes penetrate the epidermis and entered the infected surface region.
The infected areas can sometimes have a mild erythema.
Probably the most fatal pathophysiological lesion of these is the stasis induced in the the microvascular system by aggregated infected erythrocytes.
The Committee considered options for disposal of animal excreta from experimentally infected cattle.
Up to 20% of salmonella-free pigs are infected during transport and at the abattoir lairage from contaminated excreta (57 ).
Dogs can become infected by eating an infected dogs feces and by eating another animal that is infected.
Plague infected fleas lured from mice were used to produce a bacterium that was injected in to prisoners.
However it is inadvisable to put an infected floppy disk into a diskdrive as it may accidentally get cataloged or run.
A PC which boots from an infected floppy disk becomes infected.
You can also fumigate an infected greenhouse with tecnazene smokes.
Fig 9.11 A wheat root at different magnifications, infected by the take-all fungus, Gaeumannomyces graminis.
Poor personal hygiene and infected food handlers Poor personal hygiene can result in food becoming contaminated with bacteria.
Infected potato haulms (foliage) may be composted in a good active heap.
In its most recent study, obtained by CTV News, the number of infected dairy herds had risen.
Its most important effect is to cause a severe, prolonged immunosuppression of chickens infected at an early age.
Click here to buy Britain's Most Amazing Places BEEF from cattle infected with tuberculosis could be banned from the food chain.
Recent figures from Scotland show a marked increase in numbers of young injectors becoming infected.
Once inside the trap, the male moths become contaminated with sufficient fungal inoculum to guarantee that they become infected.
Can BSE be transmitted to cows inseminated with ' infected semen '?
Once inoculated by an infected fly, the trypanosomes proliferate and gradually invade all the organs of the host.
Pregnant women infected with syphilis are also at increased risk for miscarriage, preterm labor, and stillbirth.
Birds become infected when they consume the host containing the infective larvae.
His brain was infected at the back left-hand side which controlled his vision and balance.
Sandflies and the transmission of the tropical disease leishmaniasis of sandfly gut infected with Leishmania parasites.
Dogs can contract leptospirosis if they drink or swim in rivers or canals that are inhabited by infected rats.
These questions could easily be answered by molecular genetic analysis of the virus or viruses from infected livestock in the outbreak.
A significant proportion of the adult human population has been infected by the parasite, depending on lifestyle and geographic locale.
Background The laboratory has previously identified a pathway by which infected human macrophages are induced to kill intracellular mycobacteria rapidly.
These two different viruses were traced back to a SIV that infected red-capped mangabeys and one found in greater spot-nosed monkeys.
French marigolds have been tested by planting in among Potatoes that were infected with eelworm.
Terrestrial mammals such as sheep, stone marten and man have also been recorded as having been infected with EBLVs.
Bacteria causing contagious mastitis are spread from infected quarters to other healthy quarters of the same or other cows.
We will give hospital matrons the power to close down infected wards.
But without it, cryptococcal meningitis and oral thrush are the painful fates awaiting many people infected with HIV.
For 10 years, they infected monkeys, rabbits and mice with HIV, but they never could duplicate AIDS in these species.
How many times could you have been bitten to catch malaria from an infected mosquito?
Chickenpox spreads in tiny droplets of saliva and nasal mucus coughed out by an infected person.
Fumonisin and some other mycotoxins are highly toxic, causing fatal diseases in livestock that eat infected corn and esophageal cancer in humans.
The virus causing myxomatosis is transmitted between infected and healthy rabbits by insects, particularly rabbit fleas, but also by flies.
An introduction to plant parasitic nematodes will include the students extracting cyst nematodes from infected soil.
Eric Mabius as Matt Addison returns also and is the infected human who becomes the nemesis.
The article also reported Dr. Grant as saying that infected cattle offal was still being used in pies and meat products.
The resistance of the transgenic papaya allowed farmers to directly reclaim their farms without first clearing their land of all infected papaya trees.
Up to 1 in 1000 infected children and 1 in 75 infected adults may suffer some paralysis.
From the moment Michael Rooker's town bully becomes infected by the parasite, it's a messy thrill-ride of increasingly grotesque adventures.
How do I isolate the specific pathogen from an infected fruit in the field to test in the lab?
The H5N1 strain of avian influenza is not only pathogenic to birds, but has also infected humans.
In the lab, the team use a common marine plankton infected with a virus to explore the processes in more detail.
Indeed, it is drawing its strength from the long list of health panics that have infected the body politic in recent years.
The somewhat pompous permit seller showed me a map of infected Britain.
George appears to have been infected with the mental disease porphyria, which gradually led to his madness.
Long term problems A chronic carrier state or recurrent, chronic disease may be long term problems if the guttural pouch becomes infected.
Influenza A(H5N1) viruses normally circulate among wild birds but can infect poultry and rarely have infected people in the past.
Almost all are thought to have caught the disease directly from infected poultry.
Occasionally blisters become infected, and are filled with yellow pus.
Infected Chenopodium quinoa leaves with necrotic lesions were shown to be infected by INSV when subsequently tested by both ELISA and RT-PCR.
You can catch ringworm by touching people who are infected or by sharing things like combs or shoes.
Cats and dogs can become infected this way, or if they eat an infected rodent.
Fleas become infected by feeding on the blood of an infected rodent.
Perhaps the drive for clonal diversity on resistant rootstock is due to new vineyard development and the replanting of infected vineyards.
People can be infected by the dog roundworm, but the worms cannot complete their lifecycle in humans.
It is usually contracted through eating or drinking food or water contaminated by infected sewage or feces.
The vast majority of animals reaching slaughterhouses at present will not be infected with the BSE agent.
He then infected him with the normally deadly smallpox.
Leaves were inoculated by overhead shaking of naturally infected plants having abundant sporulation.
Swallowed infected sputum has resulted in spread to the Peyer's patches of the ileum.
To dispel the suspicions which infected the subject, it was necessary to repeat the experiment in every large capital.
Infected wild swans have been found in the countries.
Point 3 - tb transmission We do not know exactly how cattle become infected with tb transmission We do not know exactly how cattle become infected with TB.
Your guinea's mouth may then become infected with oral thrush.
This method however could yield false negatives if single infected ticks failed to cause clinical disease (Norval et al., 1990 ).
Swollen adenoids are often associated with tonsillitis (infected tonsils) and are usually removed as part of an operation to remove the tonsils.
In order to transmit trypanosomiasis infected tsetse flies must land on and bite the animal.
Strain typing studies have confirmed that domestic cats, big cat and exotic ungulates have been infected by eating tainted beef.
The disease is transmitted by direct contact with infected urine, poop or saliva.
Who would buy and eat veal believed to be infected with BSE?
As each incumbent died, his successor donned the infected vestments of his predecessor and was soon a victim himself.
The hackers use ' zombie PCs ', infected by viruses such as MyDoom and Bagle, making law-abiding users and businesses unwitting participants.
Apart from troubling your baby, they will be in danger of being stung by the wasp or infected by the fly.
While running my experiments I was in ResEdit on the infected system and heard the disk whir.
A severe winter may cause an infected colony to dwindle in the spring.
Symptoms Sometimes, the first and only sign of tetanus is a spasm of the muscles nearest to the infected wound.
The results have shown that, when a soil growing leguminous plants is infected with appropriate organisms, there is a development of the so-called leguminous nodules on the roots of the plants, and, coincidently, increased growth and gain of nitrogen."
What are termed " swine-fever infected areas " are scheduled by the board when and where circumstances seem to require, and the movement TABLE Xxiv.-Outbreaks of Swine Fever in Great Britain, 1894-1905.
There is no method known of curing this disease, and all that can be done is to take every precaution to eradicate it, by pulling up and burning diseased plants, isolating the infected area by means of trenches, and avoiding growing cotton, or an allied plant such as the ochro (Hibiscus esculentus), in the field.
In this way land-hunger exploited the Albigensian, as political and commercial motives had helped to exploit the Fourth Crusade; and in the former, as in the latter, Innocent had reluctantly to consent to the results of the secular motives which had infected a spiritual enterprise.
Wright and others, in recent work on opsonins, have shown that, by injecting dead cultures of the causal agent into subjects infected with the organism, there is produced in the body fluids a substance (opsonin) which apparently in favourable conditions unites with the living causal bacteria and so sensitizes them that they are readily taken up and destroyed by the phagocytic cells of tissues.
Of a number of plants growing side by side, those which become infected with moulds are the most weakly, and an animal in low health is more subject to contagious disease than one which is robust.
Fourteen species belonging to five genera have been found in man, but only .one [Schistostomum (Bilharzia) haematobium] is of serious medical importance, the others being rare and occasioned by want of cleanliness and close association with infected domestic animals.
One is to kill the phylloxera itself; another, to destroy it along with the infected vines, and plant fresh and healthy plants; the third, to adapt the secular therapeutics of nature, and to introduce American vines which a long acquaintance with the phylloxera has made immune of its ravages.
That this defect was serious was dimly apprehended even by those who frequented and admired the lectures of the earlier sophists; that it was fatal was clearly seen by Socrates, who, himself commonly regarded as a sophist, emphatically reprehended, not only the taking of fees, which was after all a mere incident, objectionable because it seemed to preclude independence of thought, but also the fundamental disregard of truth which infected every part and every phase of sophistical teaching.
As has often been observed in other plague epidemics, sound people could enter infected houses and even sleep in the beds of those who had died of the plague " before they were even cold or cleansed from the stench of the diseased " (Hodges).
The exact way H. pylori causes ulcers in some infected people is not clear.
Click image to enlarge Cross section of kidney nephron from rainbow trout naturally infected with Yersinia ruckeri.
The root canal system is cleaned to remove infected, inflamed and dead tissue.
Little is known, however, of the nature of immune response in ruminants infected with T.evansi.
Caused by a virus that is in the saliva of infected animals, rabies is usually transmitted by bites from infected animals.
The biggest risk to UK horses comes from the importation of infected (carrier) stallions or their semen for artificial insemination.
Experiments were carried out to evaluate the pathways of C3 activation with sera collected from rabbits infected with T.evansi (242).
Sera from animals infected with D. congolensis were then found to have antibodies against some of the components.
Larval Therapy This can be a useful treatment, especially for sloughing open wounds, which are infected with MRSA.
Swallowed infected sputum has resulted in spread to the Peyer 's patches of the ileum.
Measuring the sterol content of barley leaves infected with powdery mildew as a means of assessing partial resistance to Erysiphe graminis f.sp. hordei.
It infected the air, tarnished the silver, might possibly destroy the health, and was speedily, tho reluctantly, abandoned.
Point 3 - tb transmission We do not know exactly how cattle become infected with TB.
Your guinea 's mouth may then become infected with oral thrush.
This method however could yield false negatives if single infected ticks failed to cause clinical disease (Norval et al., 1990).
Cats and dogs become infected through tick bites or when they hunt or eat infected rabbits, hares or rodents.
Iatrogenic transmission of CJD accepted - high titres of the agent in experimentally infected guinea pig corneas.
The CNS tissues of sheep clinically affected with scrapie had been demonstrated to have higher titres of infectivity than those of asymptomatic infected sheep.
In a person infected with CJD, the prion protein can often be seen in a sample (biopsy) of tonsil tissue.
The first contact is usually made through email, enticing the unwary user to an infected site.
He must be said to have been infected by unwitting racism in this regard.
Mastitis is an inflammation of the mammary gland infected by bacteria that decreases milk production and costs 69 billion yen per year in Japan.
Every hour almost 300 children and young adults around the world are infected with HIV.
The airborne bacteria infected all of the people on the trip.
The blood sample must be thoroughly examined under a microscope to determine whether or not the blood cells have the characteristics of infected cells.
An infected animal will quickly fall ill as the virus invades its body.
If your pet spends a lot of time outdoors, it has more of a chance of coming in contact with an infected cat as well.
In this stage, the animal will have infections of bone marrow and other tissue and will be considered terminally infected.
You can protect your pet from FeLV by keeping her inside and away from other, possibly infected, cats.
Any cats living in the same household should be kept separated and should never share a litter box, water or food bowl with the infected cat.
Any kittens born to a leukemia infected mother will have the disease as well.
The infected cells cause inflammation around the tissues where the cells ultimately locate.
There are many symptoms that a bite is becoming infected.
One of the first symptoms that your bite may be getting infected is redness around the bite.
As your body sends antibodies to fight infection, it causes the temperature around the infected area to heat up even before the area turns red.
Sometimes an infected bite can abscess and actually puff up with a growth that looks like a large pimple or boil.
If it begins to look infected, see your healthcare provider.
Female cats infected with FIV usually don't spread the condition to their offspring through birth or even through their milk.
Cats can become infected with FHV, but they cannot pass the virus to their human companions.
Humans can be infected by several other herpes viruses.
If your cat's ear is becoming infected, there may be an unpleasant odor.
Rabies is transmitted by a bite from an infected animal.
If your pet is not vaccinated and is bitten by an infected animal, she may or may not develop rabies.
So, it is possible that your new kitten was infected just prior to being brought home and is now beginning to exhibit flu symptoms.
For a pimple that has become infected, try using an Earl Grey teabag as a poultice.
Louis Pasteur first observed garlic's antibacterial qualities in 1858, and until World War II is was routinely used to prevent gangrene in patients with infected wounds.
The infected follicle forms a painful, red, pus-filled lump.
If you believe you've been infected with herpes, please see your doctor for diagnosis and treatment information.
In addition, topical ginger can be rubbed into the infected area.
Acute inflammation occurs when a crisis triggers the body's immune system into combat, such as a splinter that gets infected or another type of wound or infection.
I used to work in public health and I've seen horrible cases of infected tattoos because of dirty needles.
This deadly affliction can remain undetected for months, until infected animals are subject to a number of uncomfortable and potentially fatal conditions.
The parasites can grow between six and twelve inches long, and an infected dog may host more than a hundred worms which can spread to the lungs and large vessels in the circulatory system.
As dog owners travel (taking southerly vacations in winter months, for example), they expose their pets to the disease, and northern mosquitoes can acquire the parasites as larvae from infected dogs.
Once a dog is bitten by an infected mosquito, the worms may not reproduce for up to nine months, leaving no visible symptoms of infection.
The preventative drugs can be exceedingly dangerous for animals already infected with heartworm, and dog owners should always have their pets tested before beginning a preventative program.
When a dog eats infected stools, it may be ingesting worm ova, which will then result in a case of worm infestation.
If they are infected, your vet may want to follow up with an antibiotic, something your groomer cannot provide or prescribe.
His ears are constantly getting infected, and he is always licking his feet non-stop.
There is little you can do to keep your dog from becoming infected by dogs that you are unfamiliar with.
Wash your hands after any contact with an infected dog.
Parvovirus requires swift action to help an infected dog survive.
An infected dog will vomit uncontrollably, and continue to heave violently even after the stomach has been emptied.
The cardiac form of parvo is usually transmitted to unborn pups via the uterus of an infected mother.
A potentially fatal disease, heartworm is spread through the bite of an infected mosquito.
The mosquito ingests the larva of the worms that cause heartworm, known as microfilariae, when it bites an infected animal.
Once a dog is infected, the larvae continue to grow into adult heartworms.
Since dog heartworm symptoms can be difficult and sometimes nearly impossible to detect until the dog is seriously infected, your best defense against the risk of heartworms is to take preventative action.
Antifungal medication may also be prescribed if the area is not severely infected.
Heartworm-Positive Pets details how to tell pet owners whether or not to treat their infected animal based on age and illness.
Clinical Case Studies reviews a wide variety of results from actual cases of infected pets.
The infected stool can infect other puppies and dogs.
Allow the bleach and water solution to remain on the surface of the infected area for at least 10 minutes to kill the virus.
Wind blows through the infected trees, and spreads spores onto new maple trees.
If plants are infected, remove and discard immediately to prevent it from spreading throughout the area.
Most homes have materials exposed during remolding that contain some sort of lead paint, lead infected dust, or lead debris from old fixtures.
Some patients who become infected with the swine flu develop pneumonia.
For these reasons, anyone who is considering getting a flu shot should take steps to educate themselves about influenza and the risks associated with becoming infected with it.
The disease is parasitic in origin and, if left untreated, can result in the death of the person infected.
Mobile teams helped control the outbreak in 1920 when they screened the 'at risk' population to identify those infected.
According to the World Health Organization, the disease is endemic in portions of sub-Saharan Africa with more than 50 million people infected with the disease in some form.
Accidental infections can occur in laboratory settings through mishandling of infected blood.
It is the most common version, with more than 90 percent of patients infected having this strain.
Due to the spreading of an alien virus, the human survivors are becoming infected and turning into vicious monsters.
The pop ups are fine, so don't worry about getting infected or getting into "pop-up" trouble.
Humanity is facing extinction as many survivors are infected by an alien virus that is turning them into violent monsters.
The good news is that it is pretty easy to keep your PSP from getting infected.
You wouldn't want your computer to get infected.
When a virus enters a cell, it produces certain proteins that are projected onto the surface of the infected cell.
The virus that causes fifth disease lives in the nose, mouth, and throat of an infected person; therefore, the virus can be spread through the air by coughing and sneezing.
Fifth disease is caused by the human parvovirus B19, a member of the Parvoviridae family of viruses, that lives in the nose, mouth, and throat of an infected person.
Once infected, a person is believed to be immune to reinfection.
Pregnant women should avoid exposure to persons infected with the disease and notify their obstetricians immediately if they are exposed so that they can be tested and monitored closely.
The majority of those infected by GAS either have no symptoms or develop enlarged lymph nodes, fever, headache, nausea, vomiting, weakness, and a rapid heartbeat.
A pregnant woman who has GBS infection can develop infections of the bladder, blood, and urinary tract, and deliver a baby who is infected or stillborn.
If the child has a fever and sore throat, a wound that seems to be infected, a rash, is acting very sick, or has any other symptoms of strep infection, the doctor should be consulted.
Strep bacteria can be obtained by swabbing the back of the throat, the vagina, the rectum, or the infected area with a piece of sterile cotton.
Babies infected with GBS during or shortly after birth need to be treated right away, but they may still die.
About one in five people infected with flesh-eating bacteria die.
Exposure to infected people should be avoided, and a family physician should be notified if the child develops an extremely sore throat or pain, redness, swelling, or drainage at the site of a wound or break in the skin.
The mortality rate in infants infected with syphilis is about 54 percent.
Between 0.1 to 2 percent of newborns are infected with rubella.
Birth defects, however, are most likely (85%) in infants infected during the first eight weeks of pregnancy.
About 1 to 2.2 percent of newborns in the United States are infected with CMV.
About 50 percent of infected infants will develop the disease throughout the body (disseminated) within nine to 11 days after birth.
Humans are the only natural host for polioviruses, and it most commonly infects younger children, although older children and adults can be infected.
Poliovirus can be spread by direct exposure to an infected individual, and more rarely, by eating foods contaminated with waste products from the intestines (feces) and/or droplets of moisture (saliva) from an infected person.
About 10 percent of people infected with poliovirus develop severe headache and pain and stiffness of the neck and back.
About 1 percent of people infected with poliovirus develop the most severe form.
This immunization contains no live virus, just the components of the virus that provoke the recipient's immune system to react as if the recipient were actually infected with the poliovirus.
The infected skin in diaper rash that includes infection with Candida appears fiery red with areas that may have a raised red border.
Approximately 78 percent of HIV-infected women are minorities and most become infected through heterosexual transmission.
The infected person does not normally get the disease again.
In children with Marfan, it is the abnormal mitral valve that is most likely to become infected.
In about 60 percent of healthy adults who become infected, the organism causes no symptoms (asymptomatic).
The most common way is through contact with feces of an infected cat.
Cats, the primary carriers of the organism, become infected by eating rodents and birds infected with T. gondii.
In the United States, approximately 50 percent of cats have been infected with T. gondii.
The second way humans become infected with T. gondii is through eating raw or undercooked meat.
When humans eat raw or undercooked infected meat, the walls of the cysts are broken down in the human digestive tract, and the individual becomes actively infected.
Women who have become infected six months or more before conception do not pass the infection on to their fetus, because the organism has become dormant (inactive) and formed thick-walled cysts in muscle and other tissues of the body.
Women who give birth to one infected child do not pass the infection to their fetus during subsequent pregnancies unless they are immunocompromised (for example, with AIDS) and the infection recurs.
Finally, individuals can also become infected through blood and organ transplant from an infected person.
Women who believe they may have become infected shortly before conception or during pregnancy should call their doctor immediately.
Infected individuals with weakened immune systems may require lifetime drug treatment to keep the infection from recurring.
When a fetus is found early in pregnancy to be infected, parents are faced with the decision of whether to continue the pregnancy given the likelihood of serious complications to the fetus.
In other words, a child can catch a rotavirus infection if she puts her finger in her mouth after touching toys or things that have been contaminated by the stool of another infected child.
Infected food handlers who prepare salads, sandwiches, and other foods that require no cooking can spread the disease.
Breastfed babies may be less likely to become infected, because breast milk contains antibodies (proteins produced by the white blood cells of the immune system) that fight the illness.
Nearly every child by the age of four has been infected by this virus and has rotavirus antibodies in their body.
Children who have been infected once can be infected again.
In some communities, as many as 90 percent of children under age five are actively infected.
Infected young children serve as a reservoir of infection.
Although the disease shows no gender preference, two to three times more women eventually become blind than men, probably because they are the primary caretakers of small children who are infected.
In some heavily infected areas, up to 25 percent of the population becomes blind from this infection.
It is for this reason that if one member of a family is infected with pinworms, the whole family is treated.
Children who are infected with pinworms often show symptoms that include restlessness, irritability, and insomnia.
Most children have been infected by at least one adenovirus by the time they reach school age.
Children who have normal immune systems usually experience only minor symptoms when infected with adenovirus.
Herpes simplex virus is transmitted by infected body fluids (such as saliva) when they contact breaks in another person's skin or mucous membranes.
Newborns may become infected during delivery through an infected birth canal.
The infected human cell dies and releases thousands of new viruses.
The first symptoms of herpes occur within two to 20 days after contact with an infected person.
Anyone can become infected with the herpes virus.
Once infected, the virus remains latent in the body for life.
However, infected people need not have visible blisters to spread the infection since the virus may be present in the saliva without obvious oral lesions.
Parents should be watchful of infected children and not allow them to share toys that may be put into the mouth.
Oral lesions-A single infected sore in the skin around the mouth or mucus membrane inside of the oral cavity.
However, identifying foods which may be contaminated with salmonella is particularly difficult because infected chickens typically show no signs or symptoms.
Since infected chickens have no identifying characteristics, these chickens go on to lay eggs or to be used as meat.
It is known also that the bacteria can be passed from the infected female chicken directly into the substance of the egg before the shell has formed around it.
Only a small proportion of infected people are tested and diagnosed, and as few as 1 percent of cases are actually reported.
While the infection rate may seem relatively low, even an attack rate of less than 0.5 percent in such a large number of exposures results in many infected individuals.
Other foods can then be accidentally contaminated if they come into contact with infected surfaces.
In cases in which other medical problems complicate the illness, prognosis depends on the severity of the other medical conditions, as well as the specific organ system infected with salmonella.
Cytomegalovirus (CMV)-A common human virus causing mild or no symptoms in healthy people, but permanent damage or death to an infected fetus, a transplant patient, or a person with HIV.
Parvovirus B19-A virus that commonly infects humans; about 50 percent of all adults have been infected sometime during childhood or adolescence.
Humans are most commonly infected by swallowing the oocyte form of the parasite in soil (or kitty litter) contaminated by feces from an infected cat; or by swallowing the cyst form of the parasite in raw or undercooked meat.
The inability to sense pain along with the complications of delayed wound healing can result in minor injuries, blisters, or calluses becoming infected and difficult to treat.
However, when the level of irritants in the air is high or when the respiratory system becomes infected, coughing may become frequent and prolonged.
When these bronchioles are infected, they become inflamed, and breathing may become difficult.
Like most types of respiratory viruses, the viruses that cause bronchiolitis are usually contracted through breathing in infected droplets that are sprayed out by another ill individual during coughing or sneezing.
Bronchiolitis is spread the same way that most other respiratory viruses are communicated, through droplets and contact with infected nasal secretions.
Diagnosis of periodontal disease is made by observation of infected gums.
About 85 percent of those people exposed to the virus will become infected with it.
About 95 percent of those people infected with the virus will develop the illness called measles.
Once someone is infected with the virus, it takes about seven to 18 days before he or she actually becomes ill.
If the needle puncture site continues to bleed, or if hours or days later the site looks infected (red and swollen), then a doctor should be contacted.
Tinea capitis, which affects the hair root, is a highly contagious condition and is often transmitted when a child uses the comb, brush, hat, or bed linen of an infected child.
Natural killer (NK) cells are cells that destroy infected cells.
Even when impetigo is initially caused by strep bacteria, the vesicles are frequently secondarily infected with staph bacteria.
Although rubella causes only mild symptoms in child and adult sufferers, the infection can have severe complications for the fetus of a woman who becomes infected with the virus during the first trimester of pregnancy.
Rubella is spread through contact with fluid droplets expelled from the nose or throat of an infected person.
A person infected with the rubella virus is contagious for about seven days before any symptoms appear and continues to be able to spread the disease for about four days after the appearance of symptoms.
Although rubella is generally considered a childhood illness, people of any age who have not been vaccinated or previously caught the disease can become infected.