Infants Sentence Examples
Musonius had recommended marriage and condemned unsparingly the exposure of infants.
Breastfeeding provides infants with antibodies.
Newborn infants should always be under the care of a qualified practitioner.
Population was practically stationary for centuries owing to pestilences and the large proportion of deaths among infants.
Of these about three-fourths would be adults; but the population has increased so fast as more than to cover the deficiency - with the disadvantage, however, that in three years 220,000 workers were replaced by 320,000 infants.
Between 1684 and 1688 she had miscarried four times and given birth to two children who died infants.
His friend had written to ask his judgment concerning the baptism of infants.
That baptism or washing with water is the outward manifestation of dying unto sin and walking in newness of life; and therefore in no wise appertaineth to infants."
The 24 infants from the Victoria Street School received an ovation for their musical drill, which was accompanied by gaily bedecked tambourines.
Could you please, Mrs blackbird, stop your infants from making such a din!
AdvertisementTransient relative lactase deficiency in younger infants may be a cause of some cases of infant colic.
The simple and secure website has already been tried and tested by budding designers, from infants to arts students and foreign visitors.
The infants were randomized to receive single dose nevirapine or single dose nevirapine or single dose nevirapine plus one week AZT.
However, few researchers have studied infants beyond discharge to ascertain what impact the encounter has on mother-infant dyads.
Increased risk of necrotizing enterocolitis in premature infants with patent ductus arteriosus treated with indomethacin.
AdvertisementInfants welcome however, no children under five due to proximity of working farmyard.
Do infants enjoy infancy as much as adults enjoy adultery?
On Baptism I have often thought that the tradition of baptizing infants is a strange practice.
Breastfed infants have less exposure to cow?s milk, a potential allergen in genetically susceptible children.
The results showed that newborn infants can imitate both adult displays.
AdvertisementOnce stable, they too, including extremely premature infants, will be washed in a solution of Baby Bubbles.
Other relevant features unborn infants, neonates, immunocompromised individuals, pregnant women and the elderly are at high risk.
This changed dramatically with the administration of supplemental oxygen to preterm infants in the late 1940s.
Inhaled nitric oxide in full-term and nearly full-term infants with hypoxic respiratory failure.
Very low birthweight infants with clinical seizures have a higher incidence of impairment than preterm infants without seizures 34.
AdvertisementWhere water is unsafe baby milk fed infants are 25 times more likely to die than breastfed babies.
In a trial involving eight infants, chronic insomnia was traced to an allergy to cow's milk.
Blue light is also used to treat jaundice in infants - their eyes have to be covered to prevent damage from the light.
Show mothers how to breastfeed and how to maintain lactation even if they are separated from their infants.
Moreover, the native language phonetic categories guide word learning once they infants are able to access phonetic detail.
Suggest one reason why subadult female macaques might handle the infants more than adult or juvenile female macaques.
A crazed machete wielding maniac attacked children in St. Luke's Infants School, Blakenhall.
Both are found in abundance in crib mattresses with the infants supplying both.
Ninety-five percent of infants with inhaled meconium clear the lungs spontaneously.
Many of the surviving preterm infants suffer serious morbidity.
Thus the infants school in Weymouth House in Abbey Green was used as the emergency mortuary.
For example the MAC in preterm neonates for halothane is 0.87 percent compared to 1.20 in older infants.
Infants with early-onset nystagmus are not at any special risk for neurological disease later in life.
Infants that are physically dependent on barbiturates may be given phenobarbital, 3 to 10 mg/kg/day.
However, it is important to note that infants suffering from the rare genetic disease phenylketonuria (PKU) should not consume aspartame.
Learning Toys For Infants The cabritos never pneumatic to play with the bucket that learns.
Care should be exercised in treating infants, elderly patients and those with hepatic impairment (see 4.2 posology for dosage recommendations ).
Designed to fortify breast milk to meet the extra nutritional needs of low birth weight preterm infants.
To assist in a respiratory function study in a new cohort of infants born extremely preterm.
It remains to be seen whether other schools will follow Victoria Infants ' lead and impose a similar inspection regime.
Neonates and infants are more sensitive than adults to non-depolarising muscle relaxants.
This new classroom allowed the infants to leave the original schoolroom giving them much needed space.
Many infants, usually called happy spitters, will benefit greatly from some simple steps that you can start trying right now.
All human infants and adults and older people need the environment of oxygen - as those Russian submariners learned last week-end.
In infants born more than two months premature the quantities of lung surfactant may be greatly reduced or completely absent.
In babies and small children scurvy also causes bleeding under the bone membranes, causing very tender swellings so that infants resent being touched.
Give no artificial teats or dummies to breastfeeding infants.
In addition, neonatal tetanus kills 200,000 infants in the first month of life every year - nearly a quarter of these in India.
Early treatment with IV acyclovir is recommended for infants in this exposure category who develop varicella despite VZIG prophylaxis.
These are, of course, mere infants compared with the Southampton Town Bowling Club, founded in 1299, which still uses the green on which it has played for centuries and possesses the quaint custom of describing its master, or president, as "sir," and are younger even than the Newcastle-onTyne club established in 1657.
In doctrine the church has been from the first contentious for believers' baptism, holding that nowhere in the New Testament can be found any authority even by inference, precept or example for the baptism of infants.
As the New Town expanded, the Heriot Trust - whose revenues were greatly benefited thereby - erected day-schools in different districts, in which thousands of infants and older children received a free education, and, in 1 James Gillespie (1726-1797) was a tobacco and snuff manufacturer, and when he set up his carriage Henry Erskine suggested as a motto the homely couplet " Wha wad hae thocht it, That noses wad bocht it?
Another story is that six babes, miraculously conceived, were born of the six nymphs, and that Parvati, the wife of Siva, in her great affection for them, embraced the infants so closely that they became one, but preserved six faces, twelve arms, feet, eyes, &c. Kartikeya became the victor of giants and the leader of the armies of the gods.
In the firm conviction that churches of Christ should be made up exclusively of regenerate members, the baptism of infants appeared to him not only valueless but a perversion of a Christian ordinance.
As the chief objection of the "Separates" to the churches of the standing order was their refusal to insist on personal regeneration as a term of membership, many of them were led to feel that they were inconsistent in requiring regenerate membership and yet administering baptism to unconscious infants.
The catechetic course, which formerly preceded the complete rite, now intervenes between its two halves; and the sponsors who formerly attested the worthiness of the candidate and received him up as anadochi out of the font, have become god-parents, who take the baptismal vows vicariously for infants who cannot answer for themselves.
I am so glad that Lester and Henry are good little infants.
Children and infants must obtain their own machine readable passport.
Infants and young children are often very reassured by the presence of a parent in the anesthetic room.
None of the infants had received separate measles, mumps and rubella immunisations.
Maternal rubella infection in the first eight to ten weeks of pregnancy results in fetal damage in up to 90% of infants.
Lactation The infants of seronegative women would not have acquired transplacental antibody to varicella-zoster virus.
The majority of the difference is accounted for by the high numbers of stillborn infants for first generation mothers.
Poor families are now forced to feed their infants sweetened tea instead of milk.
We focus on infants, children and adults and chart developmental trajectories.
It needs unwrapped new toys for children, from infants to age 16...
Research is needed on the long-term follow-up of infants who have developed fetal varicella syndrome.
However neonates require lower concentrations of volatile anesthetics than infants.
Are there enough teachers to give plenty of attention to all of the babies, or are there too many infants per adult?
Current recommendations from the American Academy of Pediatrics are for one adult to every three infants under the age of one year.
Do the infants who already attend the center smile at the workers?
Methods vary, but there are a few general principles that can ease stress and provide relief for tired caregivers and their infants.
A jerky car ride accompanied by heavy metal music can be an ideal napping environment for many infants.
Although breastfeeding has often been reported to lower an infant's chances of developing allergies, some infants are actually allergic to elements in their mother's natural milk.
Some infants are allergic to certain formulas, particularly casein-based formulas.
Newborn infants are not actually as scary as some parenting manuals may lead you to believe.
Breastmilk tends to keep infants satiated for a smaller period of time, so a baby may wake every two or three hours for his next feeding.
It is not uncommon for infants to nap formidably during the day and wake many times throughout the night.
Infants, though tired, will often cry when they lack the ability to train themselves to fall asleep.
Infants have no other way to communicate their pain or needs other than by crying, and a baby that cries excessively in lieu of sleep should be investigated for a medical condition.
Breastfed children may also experience allergies to components in their mother's milk, making formula the only option for some infants.
However, most infants will develop a routine and an affinity for their food-type, making the process much easier over time.
Whereas multiple bowel movements a day are normal for many breastfed infants, formula babies may expel less often.
Infants aren't necessarily born with blemish-free skin.
Infants can inhale the small, powder particles, and this may cause respiratory problems.
For those who are willing to adopt minority infants and special needs infants, the wait may be considerably shorter.
While private adoption agencies can handle all kinds of adoptions, they are most often used for the adoption of infants and very young children.
Parents should remember, however, that foster children who are available for adoption are typically between the ages of five and ten years, and there is a limited availability of infants.
Baby Car Mirrors-Since infants under twenty pounds and less than one year have to face the rear, it's hard to see what your baby is doing when you are driving.
They need several changes of clothing, especially when they are infants, and you can't just give young babies any kind of food or drink.
Paget Gorman-While this system is primarily used to help those children who have speech impairments or difficulties, some parents find it beneficial to use in teaching infants to sign.
In fact, there has been a correlation found showing a decrease in breastfeeding among infants who consistently use them.
It is important for parents of premature infants to understand that their babies' development may be vastly different from that of full-term babies.
There are actually charts created that plot the average growth expectancy of premature infants, and these are much more accurate than full-term baby charts.
Premature infants must play catch-up, and they generally do so at different periods during the first three years of life.
The baby blues is a common term for women who feel depressed, lethargic, uninterested, and even resentful of their infants.
In fact, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that mothers breastfeed their infants until they reach at least one year old.
Prices are elevated for infants who require more personal care and eventually will lower as a child grows.
Because you may not be able to find clothing for preemie infants at stores such as Walmart or Kmart, you'll simply have to expand your search.
You may wonder how such a tiny being can require so much attention, but infants have a way of monopolizing their parents' time.
However, approximately one-half of all infants under the age of three months will suffer with this condition even if only for a short period of time.
Some women can't or simply don't want to breastfeed their babies, but formula-fed infants can still grow and thrive.
These formulas are best for infants who have protein allergies because they are made hydrolysate proteins.
Because infants' poop schedules aren't really schedules at all, many parents worry that their baby has become constipated.
While bowel obstructions aren't all that common in infants, they can lead to serious medical problems if left untreated.
Sudden infant death syndrome is the most common cause of death in infants from ages one month to one year.
There are certain risk factors which have been identified, but that doesn't mean that those infants who have those risk factors will suffer SIDS.
On the other hand, infants who appeared to have had none of the risk factors have died without any known explanation.
The American Academy of Pediatrics no longer supports side-sleeping in infants.
Choose items that aren't just for infants.
Dads are encouraged to find ways to bond with their infants as well.
In the same respect, infants are much less fussy and much more content if they are held frequently and for prolonged periods of time.
Nursery rhyme theme bedding doesn't just have to work for infants.
Because umbrella strollers offer the least amount of support among any strollers, they generally aren't recommended for infants.
Compact strollers actually have many of the features of a full-size stroller, and some compact strollers can be used with infants as well.
The age of the children range anywhere from infants to six years old.
Some childcare centers may serve children from infants to kindergarten, while others won't accept a child until he or she is potty trained.
However, preschools typically don't service infants.
Originally developed by a mother, this company strives to create enriching, interactive products and media for infants and young children.
Current collections include products aimed at preschoolers as well as infants.
Even infants can enjoy the visual and auditory stimulation that the videos offer.
It's a safe, comfortable place for your new baby to sleep, and it provides security and support for infants up to toddlers.
With infants sleeping as much as 20 out of 24 hours a day, those who haven't raised children may wonder what the problem is.
Young infants sleep quite a bit of the trip and are actually not much work as long as you keep them fed and changed.
Carnation infant formula has a long history going all the way back to 1867 when Henri Nestle first introduced a nutritious product for infants whose mothers were not able to breastfeed.
It stands alone as the first and only infant formula to offer this balance in formula-fed infants.
Many doctors recommend such formulas for infants not breastfed.
On the other side, soy infant formula like Nestle Good Start Supreme Soy is a good choice for infants who can't tolerate lactose or milk proteins.
Currently, formulas made from soy are recommended for infants with galactosemia, primary and secondary lactase deficiency and for families choosing a vegetarian lifestyle.
This condition is also a common complaint by parents regarding their infants.
The chair is designed for use by infants through toddlers up to 37 lbs, which will ensure you many years of use.
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, often referred to as SIDS, is still a very real threat to infants, and while researchers have narrowed down some of the probable causes of SIDS, parents need to be vigilant.
For infants and toddlers, you may be able to make a good guess as to your child's size a year from now.
Because infants typically outgrow their clothing long before it's worn out, you can often find designer infant clothing that looks like new without that new price tag.
Sleep apnea in infants used to be associated with SIDS but is now thought of as a separate issue.
The adoption situations available for couples who dream of having a child can range from newborn African American or Caucasian infants to American Indian or Asian teenagers looking for a permanent home.
American Adoptions specializes in the adoptions of healthy newborns and infants.
Newborn infants pee and poop a lot, and it can be a messy time.
Many infants appear to recognize their parents' voices in the womb or soon after birth.
While the birth of newborn identical triplets is certainly cause for celebration, the stress of handling three infants at once can be overwhelming.
Infants, unlike children over the age of a year, are more prone to ailments such as the common infant cold, cough or tummy bug.
With less developed immune systems infants can pick up bugs; however, in most cases they also recover from them easily.
Parents of infants are naturally protective and cautious about the delivery of their needs.
Where possible it is best to avoid giving medicines to infants.
Use a simple household anti-bacterial spray that is recommended for safe use among children and infants.
Ensure that close attention is paid to body temperature as extreme fever can quickly lead to seizures particularly in infants and young children.
Breast milk apparently causes less digestive problems in infants.
Pets, particularly dogs, should never be left alone with infants or very young children.
Many infants thrive off of photographs and paintings with strong color contrast, and they also tend to gravitate toward items involving lights and music.
It fits infants up to five pounds, and it is machine washable.
The physical development of infants encompasses not only the changes of the body, but also the maturation of the senses.
It is very common for parents of newborns to compare their baby's physical development with other infants that are close in age.
When tracking the physical development of infants, there are several areas that parents and physicians should monitor.
Documenting the sequence of motor skills is another important aspect in the physical development of infants.
Infants prefer to look at faces over many other objects.
Infants often turn towards loud, sudden noises.
Infants are comforted by rhythmic sounds.
Infants often recognize their mother's and father's voices within the first few weeks after birth.
The neonatal intensive care units in many hospitals have turned to infant massage as a means of comforting, calming, and also stimulating premature infants.
Even children who are no longer infants can benefit from massage.
UpSpring Baby™ develops innovative products that promote health, wellness and safety for infants, toddlers and parents.
Studies show that infants consuming breast milk with an alcohol concentration at 0.03% or higher will eat and sleep less.
Parents of infants often worry about Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, which is also referred to as SIDS.
Whether you're a crafty person yourself or you're simply searching for a way to enjoy some bonding time with your child, you may find yourself looking for art activities for infants and toddlers.
When planning art activities for infants and toddlers, it's helpful to keep in mind a few basic tips.
For more tips on choosing art activities for infants and toddlers, visit LoveToKnow Crafts.
Referring to a height and weight chart for infants is a good way to track the growth and development of newborns.
Low percentages are not a cause for alarm as long as infants progress along a natural curve of steady development.
For instance, if your baby was born six weeks early, the pediatrician will compare the rate of her physical development with full term infants that were born six weeks earlier than your child.
Percentiles are the main feature of a height and weight growth chart for infants and may be confusing to new parents.
If you'd like to track your baby's development with a height and weight growth chart for infants, there are many Internet resources that can help.
In 2008 there was a major recall of more than 115,000 pacifiers because they posed a choking hazard to infants.
Cerebral palsy in infants may not be diagnosed until a child is several months old.
Cerebral palsy in infants is often caused by birth-associated injuries, although brain damage later in life may be a factor.
In most cases, the first indication of cerebral palsy in infants is the presence of a variety of symptoms.
While infants who are first learning to eat tend to push their baby food back out with their tongues, eventually they stop this practice.
However, infants with cerebral palsy may continue to have difficulty controlling their tongues, continuing to push food back out instead of taking it in.
Cerebral palsy in infants generally means that many developmental milestones are delayed.
Infants usually will not begin therapy until later in their first year of life.
If you'd like to learn more about creating corsages or baby shower crafts for new mothers and infants, browse the links below.
It's typical for pediatricians to ask moms and dads if their infants are doing or attempting to do tasks appropriate to their age.
Although both infants were dramatically premature, they were released from the hospital in December and February respectively and deemed generally healthy.
Chances are, parents will be going back and forth to the nursery in the wee hours of the morning during those first months of life when infants don't sleep through the night.
While newborn infants require a lot of sleep, their schedules may vary.
Although new infants do nap during the day, their daytime and nighttime schedules are often similar to one another due to the need to feed at regular intervals.
As a baby grows, his skin will toughen, but while infants are still in the newborn stage, persistent diaper rashes can both inflame and break the skin.
Some spend a few moments cuddling in a rocking chair, and still others nurse their infants or give them a bottle.
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome is a condition that predominantly affects infants and children between 0 to 24 months of age.
It is most prevalent in infants under 4 months, and older SIDS death account for more rare cases.
This condition presents itself mostly in infants between 0 to 4 months of age, and the chances of SIDS occurring lessen dramatically after 24 months.
The same numbers that represent a category of infants between 0 to 4 months of age should not equal the statistics of children between 18 to 24 months.
The condition affects children without any warning and, curiously enough, some infants do not even have to be asleep for SIDS to occur.
There have been cases of infants being placed in their cribs to play and within a matter of minutes they have simply stopped breathing.
However, such infections are hardly a causative death factor in infants not affected by death.
The incidence of SIDS has been lowered by as much as 75 percent since parents have been advised to place infants on their backs during nap or sleep time.
Though previous parenting generations recommended putting infants to sleep on their stomachs, this position can compromise an infant's breathing.
Parents who prefer co-sleeping with their infant will have a difficult time incorporating these measures, so it is also advised that infants not sleep with their parents.
Too many parents have experienced the heartbreak of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, but SIDS breakthroughs have brought hope for infants everywhere.
What researchers do know is that there are steps parents can take to reduce the risk of crib death to their infants.
Most infants start out with pureed avocado or banana.
Current growth charts were created with data collected from the measurements of thousands of infants; this data was evaluated to determine the average weight and height for each age and gender.
The WHO charts measure the growth patterns of infants who are breastfed.
There are several different types of growth charts that can be used for infants.
The average growth patterns for male and female infants are somewhat different so there are separate growth charts measuring height and weight for boys and girls from birth to 36 months.
Since infants may be difficult to measure because of movement and squirming, parents should remember not to be too worried if one measurement appears to be below normal on the graph.
The standard charts that are used to record height, weight and head circumference were developed with data from typically developing infants.
Since these infants are underweight and undersized at birth, these charts make allowances for the amount of catch-up growth that may be involved.
Children are growing up in the era of technology, so many people feel that early exposure to computers for infants is necessary to a child's development.
Some infants wake easily at the sound of doors closing and creaky floors.
Also, some infants may never take to items such as pacifiers, swings, and bouncer chairs; hence, storing receipts for returns is a wise concept.
While most people realize that adoptable infants are typically high on the list of parents waiting to adopt a child, they may not realize that adopting a toddler can be challenging as well.
A popular natural home remedy for infant cradle cap includes the use of warm oil that is rubbed on the infants scalp in an effort to loosen up the plaque.
Carters sells clothing for newborns, infants and children up to age seven.
There are Amtrak ticket discounts for infants, children, and senior citizens.
Toy buying advice for infants, toddlers and K-5 kids can give you a good start.
It is important to note that not all car seats are designed for infants.
The outlets sell clothing for the whole family, including men, women, boys, girls, and infants.
Kids from three to five years old can experience more definitive issues than infants.
The human demographics that draw the most concern and appear to be at the highest risk for any potential health issues that could arise from BPA are infants and pregnant women.
Because infants ingest more than ten percent more BPA on average than an adult (relative to their body weight) they would appear to be at a higher risk.
It is safe for pregnant women and infants.
This supplement, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center, is safe to use during breastfeeding as GLA naturally occurs in food and is passed through breast milk to infants.
It's up to the photographer to arrange infants, as their muscle tone is limited at a young age.
For holiday images that appeal to the masses, consider portraits of infants and children that make your little ones the stars of the show.
Infants who don't crawl or walk can attend classes, but strollers aren't permitted.
This particular option is great for infants, though the company does offer additional options.
Others have suggested that Suri's absence is in keeping with Scientology doctrine, which recommends that infants are kept in peaceful, quiet surroundings, and you know how much noise those paparazzi guys can make.
Not only is the selection growing, but the options are becoming available in smaller and smaller sizes; even for toddlers and infants there is an impressive selection of little girls' evening dresses.
Gymboree has long been a staple provider of cute, cool fashions for children, offering a variety of styles for girls and boys from infants to young kids.
You can find a complete line of organic couture for newborns and infants at Babies R Us stores.
It used to be that everyone, from infants to adults, wore mostly white from the first of May through to Labor Day, but pastels quickly became popular, especially for women and girls.
Although some of the offerings are not strictly pants and fashionable white onesies abound, the variety of clothing for infants and toddlers is surprising.
Infants and babies will benefit most from the coordinating sets.
From infants to tweens, the look of Kelly's Kids clothes is old-fashioned.
Sizes range from infants to youth extra-large.
Just as special laundry detergents and toiletries are prescribed for infants, organic clothing can be the safer option for your child.
Since many infants possess the irritating habit of throwing off their shoes, socks become the next line of defense in protecting the temperature of baby's extremities.
This is particularly important in infants who are not yet crawling.
Hence, infants must regularly sport socks and booties during cooler days in order to stay comfortably warm.
Baby gowns-Newborns and infants are often dressed in gowns at night.
Infants and toddlers' two-piece pajamas are often designed to connect via buttons or snaps.
Infants grow quickly, so most parents aren't as concerned with quality as they are with price.
For infants, a matching headband or a flower barrette will create a put-together look ideal for weddings and other formal occasions.
Looking sharp on infants, toddlers, and children, paisley vests are a hot accessory in the world of boys' dress clothes, and can put the finishing touches on any color and style of tux.
A two or three-piece suit may be what is needed, and you can find these for all ages, even infants, if necessary.
Their clothes are lovely, although they seem to be predominantly for toddlers and older children, rather than infants.
Not all of Chasing Fireflies' merchandise is for parties or special occasions, but this label offers more than just a few options for party-bound infants.
How much worse is this scenario when premature infants are concerned?
What's even more frustrating regarding the hunt for micro preemie sizes is that most parents don't plan ahead for premature infants.
Micro preemie sizes are created for the smallest of premature infants.
Some sizes are meant to accommodate infants as tiny as one pound.
These infants represent an extreme minority, so it is no wonder such clothing is difficult to find.
Sizes in the micro category will accommodate infants weighing between one to three pounds.
These days they are predominately worn by infants.
This Internet retailer offers one of the most extensive children's Grateful Dead collections with items for girls, boys and even infants.
LoveToKnow Children's Clothing offers advice on fashions for children from infants through pre-teens.
Wholesale Kid - From infants and toddlers to older children, Wholesale Kid offers a nice variety of children's clothing and gift items.
True Religion offers select clothing for infants that feature high quality and cool style.
Both infants and adults can both wear one of the hippest brands in denim and share the savvy style and exceptional look of the line.
Even the items for infants are priced high and not easily found at a discount.
Religious jewelry for children can represent many faiths, and there is jewelry available for children as young as infants and toddlers.
Organic mattresses are great for everyone in the family, from infants to adults.
With the increase in popularity of the organic movement, the availability of other organic items for infants and babies, such as clothes and bedding, is also increasing.
Organic socks for infants and babies will therefore be available in a range of unbleached colors.
Lapsaky has organic clothing for infants and older kids, including hats, mittens, scarves, sweaters, jackets and more.
Each variety provides 100 percent of the recommended essential nutrients for infants throughout their first year of life.
It is little wonder that these chemicals are leaching into the rice grown there and thus showing up in the food our infants eat.
Some people believe that the chemicals used in conventionally made mattresses may be directly related to Sudden Infants Death Syndrome (SIDS).
Additionally, the beds grow with your child, expanding to accommodate newborns, infants, toddlers, and children up to about age ten.
Because organic goods contain fewer chemicals, pesticides, and toxins, they are better for those with allergies and for sensitive children and infants.
The site also includes information about safety issues and rules specifically for infants, toddlers and preschoolers who are being transported on a school bus.
For very young obstructive sleep apnea sufferers, Children's Specialty Group (CSG) offers pulmonary specialists for infants, young children, and adolescents.
Infants and young children are much more at risk for UV damage to the eyes because their lenses are clearer.
Clip-ons are not recommended for toddlers or infants.
And also like infants, video game developers (and consumers) love whatever is shiny and new.
A hemorrhagic stroke-the more common form of stroke in infants and children under age two-occurs when a weakened blood vessel leaks or bursts, causing bleeding in the brain tissue or near the surface of the brain.
In the National Hospital Discharge Survey from 1980-1998, the rate of stroke for infants less than 30 days old (per 100,000 live births per year) was 26.4, with rates of 6.7 for hemorrhagic stroke and 17.8 for ischemic stroke.
If the child has a known medical condition that increases the risk of stroke, it is important for parents and caregivers to learn the warning signs and symptoms of stroke in children and infants.
Murmurs are common in infants and children.
Congenital cardiovascular defects that may cause pathologic heart murmurs affect 36,000 infants (about nine of every 1,000 infants or 1 percent of live births) annually in the United States.
Infants who have heart murmurs and do not thrive, eat, or breathe properly, and older children who lose consciousness suddenly or are intolerant to exercise should be evaluated.
For infants with congenital cardiovascular defects, nutrition supplements may need to be added to regular formula or breast milk.
The disorder also occurs in black infants at a rate approximately two times higher than that in white infants.
Some infants may develop intense itching (pruritis), which makes them even more uncomfortable.
The operation is most successful in infants under the age of eight weeks.
Infants who are formula-fed should use special formulas (Alimentum, Pregestimil) that contain chemicals to enhance digestion of dietary fats.
Unfortunately for many infants, surgery is not a cure, and complications of cirrhosis of the liver may develop gradually, and the child eventually requires liver transplantation to avoid an early death.
Though they have the anatomical structures needed for sight, infants have not learned to use them yet.
Tracking and eye teaming skills begin to develop when infants start following moving objects.
Infants born prematurely have more difficulty integrating and interpreting visual information even when their acuity is normal.
Infants can digest breast milk much more rapidly than formula and, therefore, do not get constipated.
It can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and convulsions in infants and should not be taken by women who are nursing.
Even before infants have teeth, they have special oral hygiene needs about which all parents should be aware.
It is important that younger children only use a very small amount of fluoridated toothpaste since using too much fluoride can be toxic to infants.
These drugs should not be given to infants and are not well documented for use in older children.
This test is not administered to infants and very young children because of the risk of dehydration from drinking the lactose-containing liquid, which can cause diarrhea in those who are lactose intolerant, resulting in dehydration.
While the test is useful for children and adults, infants and young children should not take it because of the risk of dehydration from diarrhea in those who are lactose intolerant.
However, milk allergies are rare and usually only occurs in infants and young children.
For infants younger than two years of age, soy formulas are adequate substitutes for milk.
Heat stroke can be fatal, especially for infants and toddlers.
Parents need to be especially alert to dehydration and the development of heat disorders in infants who cannot ask for something to drink.
One way that infants explore their world is by putting objects in their mouths and sucking on them.
All or nearly all infants suck on their fingers, thumbs, or a pacifier.
Neonatal jaundice affects 60 percent of full-term infants and 80 percent of preterm infants in the first three days after birth.
Infants of East Asian and Native American descent have higher levels of bilirubin than white infants, who in turn have higher bilirubin levels than infants of African descent.
Sickle cell anemia does not predispose newborn infants to jaundice.
First, infants have too many red blood cells and it is a natural process for the body to break down these excess red blood cells to form a large amount of bilirubin.
Breastfeeding is an important risk factor for hyperbilirubinemia in healthy infants and is related to inadequate maternal milk supply in the first few days, decreased caloric intake and delayed passage of meconium.
It is also possible for jaundice to appear in infants with physical defects in the organs that work to eliminate bilirubin from the body.
Therefore, infants at risk for severe hyperbilirubinemia should be identified so they can be observed closely both while in the hospital and after discharge.
In the determination of cause, it is suggested that laboratory testing be reserved for infants with nonphysiologic jaundice.
In up to 50 percent of infants with severe jaundice, breastfeeding and lower gestational age were the only causes identified despite extensive workups.
Infants receiving home phototherapy need daily visits by a nurse, who performs a physical examination and measures the total serum bilirubin level.
Discontinuation of home phototherapy is safe once the total serum bilirubin level has decreased to less than 15 mg/dL in healthy full-term infants older than four days.
Many infants who are readmitted to the hospital because of hyperbilirubinemia are mildly to moderately dehydrated.
Full-term infants rarely require an exchange transfusion if intense phototherapy is initiated in a timely manner.
Bilirubin-induced complications can be prevented by introducing a neonatal jaundice protocol to identify infants at risk for significant bilirubin increases, by ensuring adequate parental education and providing for follow-up care.
Kawasaki syndrome-A syndrome of unknown origin that affects the skin, mucous membranes, and the immune system of infants and young children.
Infants should ride in a car seat that faces the rear of the car until they are one year of age and weigh approximately 20 lbs (9 kg).
Infants who weigh 20 lbs (9 kg) before they are one need a restraint approved for the higher weight and should also be rear-facing.
On average, infants account for approximately 64 percent of choking deaths among children ages 14 and under.
Group B strep (GBS) most often affects pregnant women, infants, the elderly, and chronically ill adults.
Early-onset GBS kills 15 percent of the infants it affects.
A TORCH test is performed to help screen for certain virus infections in infants who may have been exposed to a causative organism.
The mortality rate in infants infected with syphilis is about 54 percent.
Birth defects, however, are most likely (85%) in infants infected during the first eight weeks of pregnancy.
Infants born with rubella may already show signs of heart disease, retarded growth, hearing loss, blood disorders, vision problems, or pneumonia.
Surviving infants with CMV may suffer from hearing problems (15%) or mental retardation (30%).
It is estimated that between one in 1,000 and one in 5,000 infants are born with HSV infections.
Of infants born with HSV infection, about 20 percent have localized infections of the eyes, mouth, or skin.
About 50 percent of infected infants will develop the disease throughout the body (disseminated) within nine to 11 days after birth.
Samples from infants are usually obtained by the heelstick procedure when only a small quantity of blood is needed.
Other symptoms include failure to thrive in infants, poor growth, short stature, fatigue, respiratory disorders, swallowing difficulties, and increased risk of infection.
Both the biopsy and the fructose tolerance test are very risky, particularly in infants who are already sick.
If the condition is not recognized and the diet is not well controlled, death can occur in infants or young children.
Infants are born with excess red blood cells that are rapidly recycled by the spleen and liver, releasing bilirubin.
It also is more common in infants who are not breastfeeding efficiently, resulting in low fluid intake.
One cause of hyperbilirubinemia in seemingly healthy full-term or near-term infants is biliary atresia, an obstruction or inflammation of the bile ducts.
Depending on the cause and extent of the jaundice, it also may be harmful in full-term infants.