Ineffectual Sentence Examples
This battle ended a long series of ineffectual operations.
Her kicks were ineffectual against the guardsman's chainmail, and his sword plunged into her chest.
It needed a second insult - the firing on " La Provence," a vessel carrying a flag of truce, in the harbour of Algiers (August 3, 1829) - to spur the French government to further action than an ineffectual blockade.
Far from submitting to the papal breve, the ex-Jesuits, after some ineffectual attempts at direct resistance, withdrew into the territories of the free-thinking sovereigns of Russia and Prussia, Frederick II.
Hood proved ineffectual; and on the 1st of September Atlanta was taken.
The most remarkable military events of this period were (1) the siege and destruction of the oasis of Zaatcha, where the inhabitants, displeased by an alteration in the tax on palms, rose at the voice of a fanatic named Bu-Zian; (2) the ineffectual campaign of Marshal Saint Arnaud in Little Kabylia, where the tribes rose at the instigation of Bu-Magla (" the mule man ") in 1851.
In the first, after an ineffectual attempt by Nepal, he travelled by the Manasarowar Lake, and the road thence eastward, parallel to the course of the Tsangpo, reaching Lhasa on the 10th of January 1866, and leaving it on the 21st of April 1867.
Matthew Paris said that he had a heart of wax; Dante relegated him to the limbo of ineffectual souls; and later generations have endorsed these scathing judgments.
The efforts made from time to time by vigorous rulers to enforce the charges that remained legally due, proved quite ineffectual to restore the older fiscal system.
The Polish princes opposed a valiant but ineffectual resistance; the towns of Sandomir and Cracow were reduced to ashes, and all who were able fled to the mountains of Hungary or the forests of Moravia.
AdvertisementUnder the common law of Scotland, a submission of future disputes or differences to an arbiter, or arbiters, unnamed, was ineffectual except where the agreement to refer did not contemplate the decision of proper disputes between the parties but the adjustment of some condition, or the liquidation of some obligation, contained in the contract of which the agreement to submit formed a part.
Cranmer, Ridley, Bucer and others urged him to submit in vain; confinement to his house by order of the Council proved equally ineffectual; and it was not until he had spent some weeks in the Fleet prison that the "father of nonconformity" consented to conform, and Hooper submitted to consecration with the legal ceremonies (March 8, 1551).
Offering an ineffectual resistance to the passage of the Syrian troops, Alexander was driven back by Aretas, king of Arabia, against whom they had marched.
Edward Dillon (Glass, 1902) has very properly laid stress on the importance of the enamelled Saracenic glass of the r3th, 14th and r 5th centuries, pointing out that, whereas the Romans and Byzantine Greeks made some crude and ineffectual experiments in enamelling, it was under Saracenic influence that the processes of enamelling and gilding on glass vessels were perfected.
Many ineffectual attempts have been made to connect the Watling street in the city with the great Roman road so named in medieval times.
AdvertisementIn the case of treason, murder or rape a pardon is ineffectual unless the offence be particularly specified therein.
Alaric therefore cashiered his puppet emperor Attalus after eleven months of ineffectual rule, and once more tried to reopen negotiations with Honorius.
In his second term (1780-1781) the state was overrun by British expeditions, and Jefferson, a civilian, was blamed for the ineffectual resistance.
This report led to the passing of a number of acts which, proving ineffectual, were followed by the Factories and Shops Act of 1896, passed by the ministry of Mr (afterwards Sir Alexander) Peacock.
In 1169 he sent a joint expedition with King Amalric of Jerusalem to Egypt, which retired after an ineffectual attempt to capture Damietta.
AdvertisementTancred now sought to win over the towns by extensive grants of privileges, and at Gravina (June 1192) was reco g nized by the pope, whose ineffectual support he gained by surrendering the royal legateship over Sicily.
The serfs were rigidly debarred from intermixture or social advancement, and were watched by their masters with a suspicion fully justified by recurrent ineffectual revolts.
Judged on his results, however, he is also utterly ineffectual.
His attack on the conduct of Governor Eyre in Jamaica was listened to, but with repugnance by the majority, although his action in this matter in and out of parliament was far from being ineffectual.
All attempts to enforce the British commercial regulations were ineffectual.
AdvertisementHe was twice chosen bishop of Dunkeld, but the opposition of Bishop Skinner, afterwards primus, rendered the election on both occasions ineffectual.
He was sure, after his experiences at Baltimore, that a movement against slavery resting upon any less radical foundation than this would be ineffectual.
His endeavour, for instance, to put a stop to the slave raiding which devastated the Sudan provinces was wholly ineffectual.
A hurried campaign under the king's personal command was ineffectual.
In May 1 553 he went over to Calais as one of the English commissioners to promote peace with France; but their efforts were ineffectual.
His advice, however, was unpalatable and proved ineffectual.
Karim took refuge behind the walls of Shiraz, and all the efforts of the enemy to dislodge him were ineffectual.
These committees, while reducing the ministers to impotence, were themselves clumsy and ineffectual.
A vigorous but ineffectual warfare had already been waged against the blind traditions of the schools by Ramus and Telesius, by Patricius and Campanella, and the revolution which Galileo completed had been prepared by his predecessors.
An attempt to secure suitable lodgings nearer to Cambridge had been ineffectual.
He's an ineffectual, rather huffy man who lacks the patience to be a particularly good pastor.
Has now been adversely affected by internal politics & is largely ineffectual outside of the US.
From the outset, this system seems to have been rather ineffectual.
At first they engaged contractors, whose intervention proved completely ineffectual.
No wonder the battle to restore our sovereignty has been so ineffectual.
Furthermore, the penal clauses of the old Masters and Servants Act rendered the new rights ineffectual.
Any kind of direct involvement with the informal sector would prove ineffectual, or worse, harmful.
It will render ineffectual the means that should do them good.
The teachers often seemed largely ineffectual; they were there, but whether or not the kids noticed was another matter.
We can analyze the alternatives without the noise of public addressing systems or rallies or TV ads, which become ineffectual.
They empty the blood sacrifice of power, make ineffectual the death of the Savior and deny that our Lord actually saved anyone.
These vanes were four in number, but were found entirely ineffectual in moving the balloon, or in aiding its ascending power.
Robber barons became a law unto themselves and built unlicensed castles from which they terrorized the populace and against them Stephen was largely ineffectual.
I think they must have been given to feeble remonstrance, getting more and more peevish as it became more and more ineffectual.
Maximilian harboured the idea of driving the Turks from Europe; but his appeal to all Christian sovereigns was ineffectual.
The saints possess, by the grace of the Holy Spirit, sufficient strength to persevere to the end in spite of sin and the flesh, but may so decline from sound doctrine as to cause divine grace to be ineffectual.
By the 12th century, however, the ecclesiastical measures had proved ineffectual in coping with private warfare, and secular rulers sought independently to diminish the number and atrocity of private wars within their own domains.
His protests against the Pragmatic Sanction of Bourges were ineffectual, but by means of the Concordat of the Princes, negotiated by Piccolomini with the electors in February 1447, the whole of Germany declared against the antipope.
She was the redoubtable wife of a somewhat ineffectual husband, who was a querulous and failing lawyer.
In this way, most of his moves are ineffectual and weak, and he is best known for his over-confident taunts.
In fact, they are rather ineffectual as gloves since they are oversized and they only have four fingers.
Odds are these are both ineffectual and have been tried by hundreds and thousands of other guys.
By the end of the 90s, the heroes of the show were a mob boss and his 'hitman' while the police began to fade into the background as ineffectual.
In 1979, China instituted a number of economic reforms that transformed the country from an ineffectual developing country whose economic structure was inefficient and largely agricultural-based to a relative industrialized powerhouse.
Nests of this species were found in 1821 by Johana Wilhelm Zetterstedt near Juckasj,rwi in Swedish Lapland, but little was known concerning its nidification until 1855, when John Wolley, after two years' ineffectual search, succeeded in obtaining near the Finnish village Muonioniska, on the Swedish frontier, well-authenticated specimens with the eggs, both of which are like exaggerated bullfinches'.
Here the Jacobites made an ineffectual rally under Lord George Murray after the battle of Culloden.
Of the more formal historical writings in which the first ineffectual attempts were made in the direction of systematic chronology we have no knowledge at first-hand.
Coke, who was principal spokesman, managed the case with great want of skill, incessantly allowing the thread of the evidence to escape, and giving the prisoners opportunity to indulge in irrelevant justifications and protestations which were not ineffectual in distracting attention from the real question at issue.
About the same time he made two ineffectual applications for the mastership of the wards; the first, on Salisbury's death, when it was given to Sir George Carey; the second, on the death of Carey.
After ineffectual conferences at Noyon in 1516 and at Montpellier in 1518, an active effort was made in 1521 to establish him in the de facto sovereignty; but the French troops which had seized the country were ultimately expelled by the Spaniards.
He afterwards ruled with almost absolute power in Angora, and thence conducted the counter-offensive of the Turkish Nationalists against the Greeks when the latter, in 1921, made their ineffectual forward movement in Asia Minor, which was brought to a standstill in the autumn.
In spite of tempting offers from Louis, he was the first to join the Dutch when they were attacked by Louis in 1672, and conducted an ineffectual campaign on the Rhine until June 1673, when he was forced to make peace.
The elector had overthrown Sweden and inherited her position on the Baltic, and had offered a steady and not ineffectual resistance to the ambition of France.
All Podébrad's endeavours to establish peace with Rome proved ineffectual, and though the death of Pius II.
Their ministers, silenced by Wentworth, after an ineffectual attempt to reach New England, fled to Scotland, and there took a leading part in the great movement of 1638.
In 1809 it was the scene of the death of Ferdinand von Schill, in his gallant though ineffectual attempt to rouse his countrymen against the French invaders.
Of free commonwealths there now survived only Venice, which, together with Spain, achieved for Europe the victory of Lepanto in 1573; Genoa, which, after the ineffectual Fieschi revolution in 1547, abode beneath the rule of the great Doria family, and held a feeble sway in Corsica; and the two insignificant republics of Lucca and San Marino.
The " buffer-state " of modern diplomacy is of the same ineffectual type.
Her efforts to restore it in1526-1528were ineffectual; her prestige had depended upon her reputation for wealth derived from the fact that she had acted in recent years as the paymaster of Europe.
Columbian insurgents made ineffectual attempts to invade the island during 1819-29.
We find, however, as late as 1473 the attempt made to bind all teachers in the university of Paris by oath to teach the doctrines of Realism; but this expiring effort was naturally ineffectual, and from 1481 onward even the show of obedience was no longer exacted.
Therefore it will not be out of place to add here a chapter on snake poison and on the best means (ineffectual though they be in numerous cases) of counteracting its deleterious effects.
Coleridge seemed to him to be ineffectual as a philosopher, and personally to be a melancholy instance of genius running to waste.
There he spent much of his time in writing, though he accompanied the king's commissioners to London, and afterwards to the ineffectual convention at Uxbridge in 1645, where he disputed with Richard Vines, one of the parliamentary envoys.
After a feeble and ineffectual reign of eighteen months Louis died at Compiegne on the Loth or 11th of April 879.
Elected Italian deputy in 1861, he succeeded Cavour in the premiership. As premier he admitted the Garibaldian volunteers to the regular army, revoked the decree of exile against Mazzini, and attempted reconciliation with the Vatican; but his efforts were rendered ineffectual by the non possumus of the pope.
After several ineffectual attempts a provisional government was finally organized by two meetings at Champoeg (in what is now Marion county, north-east of Salem) on the 2nd of May and on the 5th of July 1843.
These ordinances proved, however, generally ineffectual to secure strictness of diet, and contemporaneous literature abounds with satirical remarks and complaints concerning the inordinate extravagance of the tables of the abbots.
In 1549 the town was walled and fortified by Montalembert, sieur d'Esse, the commander of the French troops, and endured an ineffectual siege in 1560 by the Scots and their English allies.
They fly hither and thither in my thought like blind birds beating the air with ineffectual wings.