Indict Sentence Examples
Federal grand juries vote to indict 99% of the time.
A grand jury voted to indict the parents of the murdered toddler oncharges of child abuse resulting in death.
The District Attorney moved to indict the suspect in the murder case.
The grand jury was reduced to twelve members, and nine concurring may indict.
Outside of one well-publicized (and quickly squelched) attempt in Belgium, no one has tried to formally indict Bush.
The sheriffs natural impulse was to indict every man from whom money could be got; the new coroners were influenced by other motives than financial rapacity, and so were much more likely to deal equitably with accusations.
By revisers elected annually the Riksdag controls the finances of the kingdom, and by an official (justitieombudsman) elected in the same way the administration of justice is controlled; he can indict any functionary of the state who has abused his power.