Indecisive Sentence Examples
Didn't you say he was an indecisive sissy?
This indecisive attitude did not last long, and the split in the party rapidly widened.
In 1342 he went to Brittany and fought an indecisive campaign against the French.
The motives and course of this indecisive struggle are equally obscure.
But Cabrera held his ground, and even gained several indecisive victories.
He didn't think he'd ever been so indecisive in his life!
I don't know, I wanted to say, except I suspected that would make me look indecisive in Father's eyes.
Your just not going to get a short answer from me, I'm too indecisive!
At the moment, one might argue, with good cause, that the scientific community is somewhat indecisive about its allegiance.
You may have a hard time concentrating on tasks; you may become forgetful, indecisive and impulsive.
AdvertisementHow can we make them moral but not indecisive, honest but not ineffective?
Though formally enrolled on the same side during the Peloponnesian War the two cities used the truce of 423 to wage a fierce but indecisive war with each other.
Owing to the apathy of the people and the enmities existing among the leaders, the Spanish forces, sent by the viceroy of Peru to crush the revolutionary movement, succeeded after two years' indecisive fighting in completely defeating the patriots at Rancagua in 1814.
Libra is a sign that Cancer does not mesh with since Cancer can become annoyed with Libra's indecisive nature.
This often gives the illusion that Gemini is flighty and even indecisive, but this is just the surface reflection of what's going on inside that lightning-fast mental process that makes up the Gemini mind.
AdvertisementBut it was delivered by both sides in a series of regimental charges, and in result was singularly indecisive.
But in the first encounter on the 17th of April to leeward of the island, Rodney's orders were not executed by his captains, and the action was indecisive.
An indecisive battle was fought in the Teutoburger Wald, where Germanicus narrowly escaped the fate of Varus, and in the following year Arminius was defeated.
External evidence does not reach back so far, and the internal evidence is curiously indecisive.
The battle of Largs, fought next day, was indecisive.
AdvertisementAn ability to accept opposite circumstances and their love of new concepts can, at times, make Geminis indecisive.
On the other end of the spectrum, some of the negative Gemini traits include being too indecisive, nervous and inconsistent to get things done.
Although Geminis may be indecisive and wanting variety in their lives, many still choose to get a constant reminder of their sign in Gemini zodiac tattoos.
The battle, fought in densely wooded country till nightfall, was severe but indecisive.
It was his skill as an artillery officer which won for the Polish general Skrynecki the battle of Igany (March 8, 1831), and he distin guished himself at the indecisive battle of Ostrolenka (May 26).
AdvertisementHood, and on the 30th of November he fought with General Hood the desperate and indecisive battle of Franklin.
During the War of Independence Salem was plundered on the 17th of March 1778 by British troops under Colonel Charles Mawhood, and on the following day a portion of these troops fought a sharp but indecisive engagement at Quinton's Bridge, 3 m.
The famous contest between the new ironclads "Monitor" and "Merrimac" (9th April), though indecisive, effectually stopped the career of the Confederate vessel, which was later destroyed by the Confederates themselves.
After a successful campaign in the Bourbonnais, Louis fought an indecisive battle with the Burgundians who had marched on Paris at Montlhery, on the 16th of July 1465, and then stood a short siege in Paris.
The battle of Guinegate on the 7th of August 1479 was indecisive, and definite peace was not established until after the death of Mary, when by the treaty of Arras (1482) Louis received Picardy, Artois and the Boulonnais, as well as the duchy of Burgundy and Franche Comte.
But in October 732 their march was checked between Tours and Poitiers by Charles Martel and after some days of skirmishing a fierce but indecisive battle was fought.
A heavy and indecisive combat took place in the evening between Oudinot and the Russian left, directed by the tsar in person, in which Oudinot's men made a little progress towards Jenkwitz.
After much indecisive fighting, Ali found his position so unsatisfactory that according to some historians he made an agreement with Moawiya by which each retained his own dominions unmolested.
As the British army under General Clinton was retreating, in June 1778, from Philadelphia to New York, the American army engaged it in the battle of Monmouth (June 28, 1778); the result was indecisive, but that the British were not badly defeated was ascribed to the conduct of General Charles Lee.
But Ubie, who was aiming at the crown, soon attacked Ras Ali, and after several indecisive campaigns proclaimed himself negus of Tigre.
He certainly set out for Rome from the south of Italy (where he remained as proconsul) at the bidding of the aristocratic party, when the city was threatened by Marius and Cinna, but he displayed little energy, and the engagement which he fought before the Colline gate, although hotly contested, was indecisive.
On the 25th of July, with General Winfield Scott, he fought a hotly contested, but indecisive, battle with the British under General Gordon Drummond (1 7 7 1-18 J4) at Lundy's Lane, where he was twice wounded.
The unpopularity of Spain, patriotism, the greater predominance of national questions in public opinion, and weariness of both religious disputation and indecisive warfare, all these sentiments were expressed in the wise and clever pamphlet entitled the Satire Mlnippe.
He reigned alone only fifteen years, Cyrus the Persian, after an indecisive battle on the Halys, marching upon Sardis, and capturing both acropolis and monarch (546 B.C.).
While seeking her inner balance, Mother Teresa can be somewhat excessive and also indecisive when she has to make choices.
By late 2003 Greek Cypriots concerns had been largely allayed, but Turkish Cypriot elections which highlighted the issues involved had proved indecisive.
Like its hero, Mendes ' film remains frustratingly indecisive.
Most females, to men can seem more indecisive, but that means they look more toward the whole picture, so hesitate!
He seems to start out on this road but become indecisive again and back off.
Though the battle between the two vessels was indecisive, its effect was to "neutralize" the "Merrimac," which had caused great alarm in Washington, and to prevent the breaking of the Federal blockade at Hampton Roads; in the history of naval warfare it may be regarded as marking the opening of a new era - the era of the armoured warship. On the 3rd of February 1865 near Fortress Monroe on board a steamer occurred the meeting of President Lincoln and Secretary Seward with Confederate commissioners which is known as the Hampton Roads Conference (see Lincoln, Abraham).
In 854 B.C. a league formed by Hamath, Arvad, Ammon, "Ahab of Israel" and other neighbouring princes, under the leadership of Damascus, fought an indecisive battle against him at Karkar (Qargar), and other battles followed in 849 and 846 (see Jews § 10).
The death of marshal de St Andr, and the capture of the constable de Montmorency and of Cond, which marked this indecisive battle, left Coligny and Guise face to face.
But the SAP is being driven to disintegration by the vacillating, indecisive policies of Seydewitz, and of Walcher as well.
The huge selection of potential dresses can be overwhelming for the indecisive.
However once you get to the pier filled with boats about to set sail, you can start to feel lost or indecisive.
Flexible, indecisive and sometimes fickle, these natives can sometimes be destructive to themselves and others.
And when for want of these active troops the first great victory proved indecisive, 1 Belated declarations of war appeared on the loth.
The fleets were equal and the action was indecisive, - as the two forces merely passed one another, cannonading.
In April the friends heard of the second and final overthrow of Ludovico it Moro, and at that news, giving up all idea of a return to Milan, moved on to Florence, which they found depressed both by internal troubles and by the protraction of the indecisive and inglorious war with Pisa.
The battle of Borodino was not fought on a chosen and entrenched position with forces only slightly weaker than those of the enemy, but, as a result of the loss of the Shevardino Redoubt, the Russians fought the battle of Borodino on an open and almost unentrenched position, with forces only half as numerous as the French; that is to say, under conditions in which it was not merely unthinkable to fight for ten hours and secure an indecisive result, but unthinkable to keep an army even from complete disintegration and flight.
An indecisive action was fought off Grenada on the 6th of July.
The war ended, after many indecisive engagements, in 1468, through the intervention of Pope Paul II.
This time it was indecisive, and Bournonville's superior forces, soon augmented by the arrival of the elector, spread into Alsace.
On the 1st of September, however, Khosrev succeeded in effecting a junction with Ibrahim off Budrun, and two indecisive engagements followed with the united Greek fleet on the 5th and loth.
The crisis passed, and the victory remained an indecisive success.
In this he played a prominent part, but the indecisive battle off Plymouth (August 16th, 1652) cost him his command, though an annuity was assigned him.
In 1676 a Dutch squadron fought two hard but indecisive battles with a superior French force, off Stromboli (8th of January) and off Messina (22nd of April).
The disaffected in Egypt kept up communications with the Fatimites, against whom the Ikshid collected a vast army, which, however, had first to be employed in resisting an invasion of Egypt threatened by Ibn Raiq, an adventurer who had seized Syria; after an indecisive engagement at LajUn the Ikshid decided to make peace with Ibn Raiq, undertaking to pay him tribute.
He fought an indecisive battle with Sorley Boy MacDonnell near Coleraine in 1564, and the following year marched from Antrim through the mountains by Clogh to the neighbourhood of Ballycastle, where he routed the MacDonnells and took Sorley Boy prisoner.
In 849 and 846 other indecisive battles were fought, but the precise constitution of the coalition is not recorded.
After a series of indecisive engagements Venice broke from the league and, under the mediation of France, concluded a treaty with the Porte practically on the basis of uti possidetis (March 7, 1 573).
The engagement was indecisive in its results, but the Union commander's purpose, to hold Hood momentarily in check, was gained, and Hood's effort to crush Schofield was unavailing.
On the 16th of May Butler fought the indecisive battle of Drury's Bluff against Beauregard, in consequence of which he had to retire to Bermuda Hundred, whence most of his troops were sent to join Grant.
An indecisive, but bravely fought action with Admiral Parker at the Dogger Bank showed, however, that the Dutch seamen had lost none of their old dogged courage, and did much to soothe the national sense of humiliation.
Yet the horrors which it wrought hardly checked the magnificent revels of Edward's court, and neither the plague nor the truce stayed the course of the French war, though what fighting there was was indecisive and on a small scale.
The Washington authorities, thoroughly dissatisfied, ordered him to turn over the command to General Thomas, but the latter magnanimously declined the offer, and Buell on the 8th of October fought the sanguinary and indecisive battle of Perryville, in consequence of which Bragg retired to Chattanooga.
After several indecisive engagements, Caesar took the camp of Cassivelaunus, who was obliged to make peace on condition of paying tribute and giving hostages.
Excellent examples of the indecisive drainage of a new land surface, on which the river system has not had time to impress itself, are to be seen in northern Canada and in Finland, where rivers are separated by scarcely perceptible divides, and the numerous lakes frequently belong to more than one river system.
During the 17th there was only indecisive skirmishing, Schwarzenberg waiting for his reinforcements coming up by the Dresden road, Blucher for Bernadotte to come in on his left, and by some extraordinary oversight Giulay was brought closer in to the Austrian centre, thus opening for the French their line of retreat towards Erfurt, and no imformation of this movement appears to have been conveyed to Blucher.
The rivalries of the two powers were concluded after a last and indecisive war by the treaty of 1846, as a result of which Ang-Duong, the protege of Siam, was placed on the throne at the capital of Oudong, and the Annamese evacuated the country.
The war in this quarter was memorable for Conde's last, and William's first, battle, the desperate and indecisive engagement of Seneffe (August 11th), in which the two armies lost one-seventh of their strength in killed alone.
In the same year he was despatched with a fleet to watch the movements of the Count d'Estaing, and in July 1779 fought an indecisive engagement with him off Grenada.
Equally indecisive is the further exploration as to evidence for the opinion held by other naturalists that the endemic species of the different islands have resulted from subsidences, through volcanic action, which have reduced one large island mass into a number of islets, wherein the separated species became differentiated during their isolation.
On the 8th of October Buell and Bragg fought an engagement at Perryville which, though tactically indecisive, was a strategic victory for Buell; and thereafter Bragg withdrew entirely from the state into Tennessee.