Incubation Sentence Examples
The incubation period is about one week.
During the incubation period, the dog may not show any signs of illness and, in fact, may not show symptoms until the heartworms have reproduced and spread into other parts of the body.
The project's long incubation wasn't caused by overly stringent privacy controls, said Mark Walport, director of the Wellcome Trust.
But from this perfectly correct observation a conclusion which is by no means warranted was drawn, namely, that the chick as a whole really exists in the egg antecedently to incubation; and that what happens in the course of the latter process is no addition of new parts, " alias post alias natas," as Harvey puts it, but a simple expansion or unfolding of the organs which already exist, though they are too small and inconspicuous to be discovered.
The project 's long incubation was n't caused by overly stringent privacy controls, said Mark Walport, director of the Wellcome Trust.
Rubella has an incubation period of 12 to 23 days.
This precaution is particularly important for animal bites on the nose or other parts of the face, as the incubation period of the rabies virus is much shorter for bites on the head and neck than for bites elsewhere on the body.
An infected person can be contagious during this incubation time period and for as many as five months after the disappearance of symptoms.
The usual incubation period is 12 to 72 hours.
Since the incubation period can range from several days to many weeks, individuals often do not associate their initial symptoms with wound infection.
AdvertisementThe virus has an incubation period of two to five months.
Once someone has been infected with the virus, an incubation period of about 10 to 21 days passes before symptoms begin.
The vaccine is useful when given early after exposure to chickenpox and, if given in the midst of the incubation period, it can be preventative.
The virus enters through the skin and produces new warts after an incubation period of one to eight months.
Each type of bacteria has a different incubation period and duration, and all except the botulinum toxin cause inflammation of the intestines and diarrhea.
AdvertisementThe virus has an incubation period of three to five weeks.
The average incubation period before symptoms of the disease appear is three to seven weeks, with a range of 10 days to seven years.
The incubation period lasts from two to three weeks, averaging about 18 days.
Treatment with the antibiotic erythromycin is helpful only at very early stages of whooping cough, during incubation and early in the catarrhal stage.
The incubation period is two to seven days, with an average of three days.
AdvertisementBecause diphtheria is highly contagious and has a short incubation period, family members and other contacts of persons with diphtheria must be watched for symptoms and tested to see if they are carriers.
If the bite was from a wild animal and the animal was captured, it is generally killed because the incubation period of rabies is unknown in most wild animals.
The incubation process is the most important step of making yogurt, as incubation allows the beneficial cultures to thrive and improves the flavor of the yogurt as it sits.
It may be allowed to incubate for up to ten hours at a time for improved flavor (the tartness of the yogurt increases with incubation time) and texture.
Skin warts can affect anyone, at any age, and have a lingering incubation period of weeks to months after skin to skin contact with an infected HPV carrier.
AdvertisementTheir cells during the period of incubation of the symbiotic organism are abundantly supplied with starch.
The nest is a slight hollow in the ground, wonderfully inconspicuous even when deepened, as is usually the case, by incubation, and the blackspotted olive eggs (four in number) are almost invisible to the careless or untrained eye.
He also noticed the still stronger Ratite character, that the male takes on himself the duty of incubation.
The young, which are hatched after about four weeks' incubation, look very different from the adult.
Carter (U.S. Marine Hospital Service) that although the incubation of the disease was 5 days, 15 to 20 days had to elapse before the "infection" of the house, and from Ross's demonstration of the part played in malaria by the Anopheles.
Incubation is generally from four to six days, but it has been observed as short as thirty-six hours and as long as ten days (Bombay Research Committee).
Incubation, however, is so difficult a thing to determine that it is unwise to lay down any positive limit.
The period of incubation lasts for seven weeks, and the young are covered with a whitish down until almost as large as their parents.
In other cases the impression is involuntary or less consciously sought, as in dreams, which, however, are sometimes induced, for purposes of divination, by the process known as incubation or temple sleep. Dreams are sometimes regarded as visits to or from gods or the souls of the dead, sometimes as signs to be interpreted symbolically by means of dream-books, which are found not only in Europe but in less cultured countries like Siam.
This picture shows me using the autoclave to destroy the cultures which had grown on the agar plates during incubation.
The clutch of 14 eggs was removed for artificial incubation, however, the exact mother of each subsequent duckling is unknown.
However due to the long incubation of the disease there may still be an unexpected positive.
Note that due to overnight incubation of the bacteria, results from the transformation are only available the following day.
Field experiments involved incubation of intact plants in Plexiglass incubation chambers.
In the north of the county, Berwick is planning its own business incubation center to be opened in 2006.
Citylife plans to knock down the existing structure and use the site to construct a larger building for a new âsocial innovation incubation centreâ .
Members stated that the 72 hour incubation period used in the micronucleus assay was inappropriate.
The eggs will hatch 14 to 15 days from the day incubation is started.
He is Chairman of BioCity Nottingham, a healthcare and bioscience innovation and incubation center founded in 2002.
Due to the long incubation period of the disease it may be years before results are collated.
Where post-exposure prophylaxis has failed, incubation periods have tended to be short.
The parvo virus requires a seven to 14 day incubation period before internal effects and symptoms begin to develop.
The incubation period ranges from three to 21 days, but cases are most infectious from seven to ten days before and after the onset of symptoms.
Roseola has a slow incubation period and may not be immediately noticeable.
As incubation goes on the hollow is somewhat deepened, and perhaps some haulm is added to its edge, so that at last a very fair nest is the result.
The incubation period is three to five days, with symptoms usually beginning on the second day of the disease and lasting from four to ten days.
This precaution is particularly important, as the incubation period of the rabies virus is much shorter for bites on the head and neck than for bites elsewhere on the body.
The male of the hornbills, Bucerotinae, feeds his mate, which is imprisoned, or walled-up in a hollow tree, during the whole time of incubation, by regorging his food.
The work of building the nest, and of incubation, falls chiefly on the female, while the duty of feeding the young rests mainly with the cock bird.
As a rule no parental care is exhibited, but incubation of the developing ova within some part of the parental body, or receptacles attached to the parent, occurs in some Lamellibranchs, some Gastropods, and in Argonauta among the Cephalopods.
Bonnet affirms that, before fecundation, the hen's egg contains an excessively minute but complete chick; and that fecundation and incubation simply cause this germ to absorb nutritious matters, which are deposited in the interstices of the elementary structures of which the miniature chick, or germ, is made up.
The instincts of nest-building, incubation and the rearing of young, though they occur later in life than those concerned in locomotion and the obtaining of food, are none the less founded on a hereditary basis, and in some respects are less rather than more liable to modification by the experience gained by the carrying out of hereditarily definite modes of procedure.
It is polygamous, and the male performs the duty of incubation, brooding more than a score of eggs, the produce of several females - facts known to Nieremberg Rhea.