Increases Sentence Examples
This increases the resistance of the electrolytic cell.
In dry weather the electric potential in the atmosphere is normally positive relative to the earth, and increases with the height.
All historians agree that the external activity of states and nations in their conflicts with one another is expressed in wars, and that as a direct result of greater or less success in war the political strength of states and nations increases or decreases.
Thus our conception of free will and inevitability gradually diminishes or increases according to the greater or lesser connection with the external world, the greater or lesser remoteness of time, and the greater or lesser dependence on the causes in relation to which we contemplate a man's life.
To this character the fungus owes its generic name (Marasmius) as well as one of its most valuable qualities for the table, for examples may be gathered from June to November, and if carefully dried may be hung on strings for culinary purposes and preserved without deterioration for several years; indeed, many persons assert that the rich flavour of these fungi increases with years.
As the tableland runs northward it decreases both in height and width, until it narrows to a few miles only, with an elevation of scarcely 1500 ft.; under the name of the Blue Mountains the plateau widens again and increases in altitude, the chief peaks being Mount Clarence(4000 ft.), Mount Victoria (3525 ft.), and Mount Hay (3270 ft.).
In the extreme west the salinity of the surface water is about 36 3 per mille, and it increases eastwards to 37 6 east of Sardinia and 39 0 and upwards in the Levant.
To ascertain how the increase in the voltage varies as the height in the free atmosphere increases, it is necessary to employ kites or balloons.
Wherever the ship may go, the rush of water which neither directs nor increases its movement foams ahead of it, and at a distance seems to us not merely to move of itself but to govern the ship's movement also.
The proportion of freedom to inevitability decreases and increases according to the point of view from which the action is regarded, but their relation is always one of inverse proportion.
AdvertisementThe lack of coal in Argentina greatly increases the difficulty and cost of maintaining these industries, and high prices of the products result.
Weber showed that the specific heat increases rapidly with increasing temperature.
Thus the principle of Carnot involves the conclusion that a greater proportion of the heat possessed by a body at a high temperature can be converted into work than in the case of an equal quantity of heat possessed by a body at a low temperature, so that the availability of heat increases with the temperature.
Increase in the voltage acting upon a solid conductor increases the current through it, but in the case of the electric arc an increase in current is accompanied by a fall in the difference of potential of the carbons, within certain limits, and the arc has therefore been said to possess a negative resistance.'
In these circumstances, when, as frequently will be the case, the person calling desires to be put in communication with a subscriber who belongs to another section, connexions must be established in the office between the two sections; this necessitates additional switchboard arrangements, and also increases the time required to put subscribers in communication with one another.
AdvertisementIn the case of a pure substance, and of a certain small class of mixtures, there is no further fall in temperature until the substance has become completely solid, but, in the case of most mixtures, after the freezing-point has been reached the temperature soon begins to fall again, and as the amount of solid increases the temperature becomes lower and lower.
A slump in grain prices combined with big increases in the price of luxury items put pressure on the lifestyle of the feudal aristocracy.
The value has, however, undoubtedly diminished, though the number of boats and crews increases.
While importation of raw cotton increases importations of cotton thread and of cotton stuffs have rapidly decreased.
Between 1881 and 1898 the chief increases took place in the endowments of hospitals; orphan asylums; infant asylums; poorhouses; almshouses; voluntary workhouses; and institutes for the blind.
AdvertisementThe coenosteum increases in size by new growth at the surface; and in the deeper, older portions of massive forms the tissues die off after a certain time, only the superficial region retaining its vitality down to a certain depth.
The living tissues at the surface are cut off from the underlying dead portions by horizontal partitions termed tabulae, which are formed successively as the coenosteum increases in age and size.
It is evident that as the latter increases in bulk, more and more attention must be paid to the dangers of uprooting by winds and storms. Various mechanisms have been adopted in different cases, some connected with the subterranean and others with the sub-aerial portions of the plant.
When the limit of extensibility is reached the cell wall increases in thickness from the continuation of the latter of the two processes.
The rate of growth of a cell varies gradually throughout its course; it begins slowly, increases to a maximum, and then becomes slower till it stops.
AdvertisementThe chromatin substance increases in amount; the thread stains moie deeply, and in most cases presents a homogeneous appearance.
The opening, which is at first very small, increases in size, and before the cross-wall has entirely disappeared the contents of the two cells become continuous (Scott).
As the atomic weight of the element increases, it is found that the solubility of the sulphates in water decreases.
For instance, in the fowl its volume increases about fifty-fold, growing from some 6 in.
Sharpe increases their number to about 15,000 in the New Hand-List of Birds, published by the British Museum.
Taken internally, colchicum or colchicine markedly increases the amount of bile poured into the alimentary canal, being amongst the most powerful of known cholagogues.
At low temperatures SA predominates, but as the temperature is raised S, increases; the transformation, however, is retarded by some gases, e.g.
Russian craft play, however, a much more important part on the internal waterways, the traffic on which increases rapidly, e.g.
Thus it will be observed that the five great cities of the Pacific coast-Seattle and Tacoma, Wash., Portland, Ore., and San Francisco and Los Angeles, Cal.-were already well supplied with railways; but the growth of the fertile region lying west of the transcontinental divide was most attractive to American railway builders; and railways serving this district, almost all of them in trouble ten years before, were showing great increases in earnings.
It increases the tendency, already too strong, towards concentration of industrial life in large towns.
This rate increases as the distance increases, but not in equal proportion; while the rates from large trade centres to other trade centres at a great distance are not higher than those to intermediate points somewhat less remote; if the law permits, there is a tendency to make them actually a little lower.
Thus the characteristic defect in the British railway organization has been the tendency to put out new capital at a rate faster than has been warranted by the annual increases in earnings.
Meantime, the purchasing power of the dollar which the railway company receives for a specified service is gradually growing smaller, owing to the general increases year by year in wages and in the cost of material.
Except in hard rock, the top width of a cutting, and therefore the amount of material to be excavated, increases rapidly with the depth; hence if a cutting exceeds a certain depth, which varies with the particular circumstances, it may be more economical, instead of forming the sides at the slope at which the material of which they are composed will stand, to make them nearly vertical and support the soil with a retaining wall, or to bore a tunnel.
If therefore the outer rail is laid at a level above that of the inner rail at the curve, overturning will be resisted more than would be the case if both rails were in the same horizontal plane, since the tilting of the vehicle due to this " superelevation " diminishes the overturning moment, and also increases the restoring moment, by shortening in the one case and lengthening in the other the lever arms at which the respective forces act.
The relation between the b.h.p. and the torque on the driving-axle is 55 o B.H.P. =Tu., (9) It is usual with steam locomotives to regard the resistance R as including the frictional resistances between the cylinders and the driving-axle, so that the rate at which energy is expended in moving the train is expressed either by the product RV, or by the value of the indicated horse-power, the relation between them being 55 0 I.H.P. =RV (Io) or in terms of the torque 55 0 I.H.P.X€=RVe=TW (II) The individual factors of the product RV may have any value consistent with equation (to) and with certain practical conditions, so that for a given value of the I.H.P. R must decrease if V increases.
A side wind causes excessive flange friction on the leeward side of the train, and increases the tractive resistances therefore very considerably, even though its velocity be relatively moderate.
It is not economical to force the boiler to work at too high a rate, because it has been practically demonstrated that the boiler efficiency decreases after a certain point, as the rate of combustion increases.
As the indicated horse-power of the engine increases, the weight of steam discharged increases, and the smoke-Lox vacuum is increased, thereby causing more air to flow through the furnace and increasing the rate of combustion.
Sand, driven between the wheel and the rail by a steam jet, used just at starting, increases the adhesion beyond the normal value and enables a larger pressure to be exerted on the piston than would otherwise be possible.
This high mean pressure cannot be maintained for long, because as the speed increases the demand for steam per unit of time increases, so that cut-off must take place earlier and earlier in the stroke, the limiting steady speed being attained when the rate at which steam is supplied to the cylinders is adjusted by the cut-off to be equal to the maximum rate at which the boiler can produce steam, which depends upon the maximum rate at which coal can be burnt per square foot of grate.
The way the thermal efficiency of the ideal engine increases with the pressure is exhibited in fig.
As a rule, the elevation of the timber line on the mountains increases as the latitude decreases.
Tearing up the soil with the plough is regarded as an invasion of the domain of the earth-mother, punished by the all-devouring hunger for wealth, that increases with increasing produce.
The Piedmont Plateau Region extends from this line to the Blue Ridge Escarpment, toward which its mean elevation increases at the rate of about 32 ft.
The population of the colony increases fast, and a well-grown nest contains several " queens " and males, besides a large number of workers.
This diminution of pressure, which continues as the heat increases till it reaches its maximum in July soon after the solstice, is followed by the corresponding development of the south-west monsoon; and as the barometric pressure is gradually restored, and becomes equalized within the tropics soon after the equinox in October, with the general fall of temperature north of the equator, the south-west winds fall off, and are succeeded by a north-east monsoon, which is developed during the winter months by the relatively greater atmospheric pressure which then occurs over Asia, as compared with the equatorial region.
The quantity increases considerably on that part of the coast of the Malay peninsula which is not sheltered from the south-west by Sumatra.
The truly tropical flora of the hotter and wetter regions of eastern India is continuous with that of the Malayan peninsula and islands, and extends along the lower ranges of the Himalaya, gradually becoming less marked and rising to lower elevations as we go westward, where the rainfall diminishes and the winter cold increases.
But below that city it suddenly widens out, and the width gradually increases through the stretch of 350 m.
The average daily gain in live weight is thus arrived at, and as the animal increases in age this average gradually diminishes, until the daily gain reaches a stage at which it does not afford any profitable return upon the food consumed.
Unfortunately, from the tenable theory that the intensity of a sensation increases by definite additions of stimulus, Fechner was led on to postulate a unit of sensation, so that any sensation s might be regarded as composed of n units.
Nevertheless, the constant increase of our knowledge of insect forms renders classification increasingly difficult, for gaps in the series become filled, and while the number of genera and families increases, the distinctions between these groups become dependent on characters that must seem trivial to the naturalist who is not a specialist.
At other times the pest is introduced, and under congenial conditions (and possibly in the absence of some other organism which keeps it in check in its native country) increases accordingly.
Viscosity increases with density, but oils of the same density often vary greatly; the coefficient of expansion, on the other hand, varies inversely with the density, but bears no simple relation to the change of fluidity of the oil under the influence of heat, this being most marked in oils of paraffin base.
The reason is that the heat produced in a given time in a wire is proportional to the square of the strength of the current passing through it, and hence the rate at which the heat is produced in the wire, and therefore its temperature, increases much faster than the current itself increases.
By a true confession of faith, by every good deed, word and thought, by continually keeping pure his body and his soul, he impairs the power of Satan and strengthens the might of goodness, and establishes a claim for reward upon Ormazd; by a false confession, by every evil deed, word and thought and defilement, he increases the evil and renders service to Satan.
The addition of a careful dissection of a flower greatly increases the value of the specimen.
The peculiar pouch-shape of almost all the harbours named (Matanzas being a marked exception) greatly increases their security and defensibility.
The head is rather large, and is furnished at first with five simple eyes of nearly equal size; but as it increases in size the homologues of the facetted eyes of the imago become larger, whereas those equivalent to the ocelli remain small.
The antennae are long and thread-like, composed at first of few joints, but the number of these latter apparently increases at each moult.
The excess of heat received in equatorial regions expands the water, but at the same time excess of evaporation concentrates it, so that the density increases.
It appeared that the quantity of oil contained in the liver of a cod (per unit of weight) increases with the age of the fish.
The result of this is that the alkalinity of the sea-water increases and the hydrogen-ion concentration decreases.
That is, the concentration of H-ions decreases and that of the HO-ions increases; the water becomes more alkaline because the carbonic acid of the bicarbonate has been abstracted by the phytoplankton to the extent that normal carbonate is left.
The yield of latex is at first small, but increases with successive tappings, which appear to stimulate the local production of latex, and finally reaches a maximum.
It will not in general move along a line of force, as would an isolated pole, but will follow the direction in which the magnetic force increases most rapidly, and in so doing it may cross the lines of force obliquely or even at right angles.
The distinguishing feature of the first is the steepness of its outlines; this indicates that the induction increases rapidly in relation to the magnetic force, and hence the metal is well suited for the construction of dynamo magnets.
During the first stage, when the magnetizing force is small, the magnetization (or the induction) increases rather slowly with increasing force; this is well shown by the nickel curve in the diagram, but the effect would be no less conspicuous in the iron curve if the abscissae were plotted to a larger scale.
On the application of a small magnetizing force to a bar of soft annealed iron, a certain intensity of magnetization is instantly produced; this, however, does not remain constant, but slowly increases for some seconds or even minutes, and may ultimately attain a value nearly twice as great as that observed immediately after the force was applied.'
But this " critical value " of the force is found to depend in an unexpected manner upon the hardness of the steel; the critical value diminishes as the hardness becomes greater up to a certain point, corresponding to a yellow temper, after which it increases and with the hardest steel becomes very high.
In weak fields the magnetic contraction is always diminished by pulling stress; in strong fields the contraction increases under a small load and diminishes under a heavy one.
The effects of longitudinal pressure are opposite to those of traction; when the cyclic condition has been reached, pressure reduces the magnetization of iron in weak fields and increases it in strong fields (Ewing, Magnetic Induction, 1900, 223).
It appears that as the temperature rises the resistance decreases to a minimum and then increases, the minimum point occurring at a higher temperature the stronger the field.
In a 29% nickel-steel, magnetization increases the constants by a small amount.
If now a gradually increasing magnetizing force is applied, the needles at first undergo a stable deflection, giving to the group a small resultant moment which increases uniformly with the force; and if the current is interrupted while the force is still weak, the needles merely return to their initial positions.
As the carbon content of the molecule increases, they become less soluble in water, and their smell becomes less marked with the increase in boiling point, the highest members of the series being odourless solids, which can only be distilled without decomposition invacuo.
This decreases as r increases; its value ranging from na/A to al(nA).
If, for instance, we inquire as to the time taken to reach a given height by a body thrown upwards with a given velocity, we find that the time increases as the height decreases.
This increases the extent of the numbers with which we have to deal; but it enables us to reduce the number of formulae.
Now by (17), (18) z 1 J1(z) =Jo(z)- (z); where P increases.
As the minimum focal length increases with the square of the aperture, a quite impracticable distance would be required to rival the resolving power of a modern telescope.
Let us suppose that the light is incident perpendicularly, and that the grating interval increases from the centre towards that edge which lies nearest to the spectrum under observation, and decreases towards the hinder edge.
As this increases from zero, the two processions which correspond to the two halves of the aperture begin to overlap, and the overlapping gradually increases until there is almost complete superposition.
Hence, as CA increases, viz.
It is easy to see that the length of the chord (which passes in all cases through 0) increases to a maximum near the place where the phase-retardation is s of a period, then diminishes to a minimum when the retardation is about a of a period, and so on.
As the quantity of contained water increases it becomes difficult or even impossible to detonate by an ordinary blow.
In the case of muscle, if the available nourishment be sufficient, and if the power of assimilation of the muscle cells remain unimpaired, its bulk increases, that is to say, it becomes hypertrophied.
The power required to circulate the air through a mine increases as the cube of the velocity of the air current.
The price, however, rapidly increases with the total bulk of perfect glass required in one piece, so that large disks of glass suitable for telescope objectives of wide aperture, or blocks for large prisms, become exceedingly costly.
The demand constantly increases, and, owing to constant improvements in material in the moulds and in the methods of working, the supply fully keeps pace with the demand.
This spot increases in size; in the stalks it assumes an oval shape, with its long axis parallel to the stalk, whilst in the leaves and grapes it is more or less circular in outline.
Permeability is practically identical with the speed at which percolation takes place; through clay it is slow, but increases in rapidity through marls, loams, limestones, chalks, coarse gravels and fine sands, reaching a maximum in soil saturated with moisture.
The oxygen, however, decreases with the depth, while the carbon dioxide increases.
Their highly favoured position in England, contrasting markedly with their refusal of trade facilities to the English in some of the Baltic towns and their evident policy of monopoly in the Baltic trade, incensed the English mercantile classes, and doubtless influenced the increases in customs-duties which were regarded by the Germans as contrary to their treaty rights.
As the tree increases in size, however, the upper branches become mingled together, and the tree is then clump-headed.
On distilling such a mixture pure A will come over first, followed by mixtures in which the quantity of B continually increases; consequently by a sufficient number of distillations A and B can be completely separated.
The culture of the vine increases, and the wines, which are characterized by a mildness of flavour, are in good demand.
Hence Spencer concludes that the sense of duty is transitory and must diminish as moralization increases.
Sometimes he is said to live in a shell, by throwing off which from time to time he increases the world; or in an egg, which at last he breaks in pieces; the pieces are the islands.
As it dilates the blood-vessels of the skin it increases the subjective sensation of warmth.
An electrified conductor is a store of energy, and from the definition of potential it is clear that the work done in increasing the charge q of a conductor whose potential is v by a small amount dq, is vdq, and since this added charge increases in turn the potential, it is easy to prove that the work done in charging a conductor with Q units to a potential V units is z QV units of work.
As the temperature 0" is lowered, the area of the cycle increases, but since W can never exceed H', there must be a zero limit of temperature at which the pressure would vanish and the area of the cycle become equal to the whole heat absorbed at the higher temperature.
The United States (California) after 1848, and Australia after 1851, were responsible for enormous increases in the total production, which has been subsequently enhanced by discoveries in Canada, South Africa, India, China and other countries.
When given internally it increases the actual amount as well as the rate of flow of the bile.
The separation of the images increases as the prism is approached to the object-glass, and diminishes as it is approached towards the eye-piece.
The Mediterranean Sea, the best-known member of the intercontinental class, is separated from the Atlantic Ocean by a ridge running from Cape Spartel to Cape Trafalgar on which the greatest depth is only 175 fathoms. The depth increases so rapidly towards the east that soundings exceeding 500 fathoms occur off Gibraltar.
The refraction of light passing through sea-water is dependent on the salinity to the extent that the index of refraction is greater as the salinity increases.
According to Thoulet and Chevallier the specific heat diminishes as salinity increases, so that for io per mille salinity it is o 968, for 35 per mille it is only o 932, that of pure water being taken as unity.
The thermal conductivity also diminishes as salinity increases, the conductivity for heat of sea-water of 35 per mille salinity being 4.2% less than that of pure water.
In the tropical and subtropical belts of the Atlantic and Indian Oceans south of the equator the salinity diminishes rapidly from the surface downwards, and at 500 fathoms reaches a minimum of 34.3 or 34.4 p e r mille; after that it increases again to 800 fathoms, where it is almost 34.7 or 34.8, and this salinity holds good to the bottom, even to the greatest depths, as was first shown by the " Gauss " and afterwards by the " Planet " between Durban and Ceylon.
Buchanan's large model they can be trusted to give a good account of the vertical distribution of temperature, provided the water grows cooler as the depth increases.
They would act equally well if the water grew continually warmer as the depth increases, but they cannot give an exact account of a temperature inversion such as is produced when layers of warmer and colder water alternate.
As a rule, the density increases with the amount of carbon, but in some instances a very high specific gravity is due to intermixed earthy matters, which are always denser than even the densest form of coal substance.
But he was suspicious of Sir Edward Grey's foreign policy, which he thought too slavish in its following of Lord Lansdowne; and he opposed the naval increases of the years before the World War, as the socialists in Berlin had opposed the German increases which provoked British rejoinders.
The ratio W/p increases very rapidly as 0 is increased,, and therefore, by making 0 sufficiently large, p may conveniently be made a small fraction of W, thereby rendering errors of observation of the spring balance negligible.
Loblolly pine, cypress, oaks, hickory, ash, pecan, maple, beech and a few other deciduous trees are interspersed among both the long-leaf and the short-leaf pines, and the proportion of deciduous trees increases to the westward.
Boscovich himself, in order to obviate the possibility of two atoms ever being in the same place, asserts that the ultimate force is a repulsion which increases without limit as the distance diminishes without limit, so that two atoms can never coincide.
As the temperature of a body increases the average energy of the molecules will increase, and therefore the range of their excursions from their positions of equilibrium will increase also.
Population.-The population of the state in 1910 was 3,366,416, the increases in successive decades after 1790 being respectively 11 6, 11 6, 10.9, 16.6, 20.9, 34.8, 23.8, 18.4, 22.4, 2 5.6, 25.3 and 20%.
The Mississippi valley tribes are nearly brachycephalic; the index increases around the Great Lakes, and lessens farther east.
In the peripheral ring farming increases, especially dairying; and manufacturing industries connected with the products of forests, farms and mines are developed.
The attribution of the book to an eye-witness nowhere resolves, it everywhere increases, the real difficulties; and by insisting upon having history in the same degree and way in John as in the Synoptists, we cease to get it sufficiently anywhere at all.
It is, of course, a matter of common observation that the wind increases in velocity from the surface upwards.
Since the velocity increases as we go upwards the front tends to swing round and travel downwards, as shown in the successive positions a I, 2, 3 and 4, in fig.
As he travels further round the frequency increases still more.
The pitch of this note will rise as the rate of rotation increases,_and becomes steady when that rotation is maintained uniform.
The result is a note whose pitch rises as the velocity of rotation increases, and becomes steady when that velocity reaches its constant value.
The membrane vibrates, and alternately checks and increases the gas supply, and the flame jumps up and down with the frequency of the source.
But there is always leakage of energy either through friction or through wave-emission, so that the vibration only increases up to the point at which the leakage of energy balances the energy put in by the applied force.
According to this theory, then, when a pure tone is received the auditory apparatus corresponding to that tone is most excited, but the apparatus on each side of it is also excited, though by a rapidly diminishing amount, as the interval increases.
As the interval between two tones, and consequently the number of beats, increases the effect on the ear becomes more and more unpleasant.
The cost of the superstructure increases very much as the span increases, but the greater the cost of the substructure, the larger the span which is economical.
The larger the bridge, the more important is economy of material, not only because the total expenditure is more serious, but because as the span increases the dead weight of the structure becomes a greater fraction of the whole load to be supported.
In fact, as the span increases a point is reached at which the dead weight of the superstructure becomes so large that a limit is imposed to any further increase of span.
But if a load is so applied that the deflection increases with speed, the stress is greater than that due to a very gradually applied load, and vibrations about a mean position are set up. The rails not being absolutely straight and smooth, centrifugal and lurching actions occur which alter the distribution of the loading.
The weight of main girders increases with the span, and there is for any type of bridge a limiting span beyond which the dead load stresses exceed the assigned limit of working stress.
The real nature of the action is not well understood, but the word fatigue may be used, if it is not considered to imply more than that the breaking stress under repetition of loading diminishes as the range of variation increases.
It was not until 1916 that increases took place in every field of taxation.
The price of tobacco and the tariff of the State railways were considerably increased, special war increases were introduced in the direct taxes, and in April 1916 an entirely new tax was imposed - the " war profits tax," the name of which was subsequently altered to " war tax."
But all these taxes and increases of taxation were quite inadequate to meet the enormous expense of conducting the war.
The gain was chiefly confined to cattle, but the number of horses, sheep and swine also showed substantial increases.
The mass of mercury is thus set in motion owing to the tendency of a conductor conveying an electric current to move transversely across lines of magnetic force; it becomes in fact the armature of a simple form of dynamo, and rotates with a speed which increases with the strength of the current.
Hence when a current is passed through the meter, the armature rotates and increases its speed until the driving force is balanced against the retarding force due to the eddy currents in the copper brake disk.
On electrolysis a layer of metallic calcium is formed at the lower end of this rod on the surface of the electrolyte; the rod is gradually raised, the thickness of the layer increases, and ultimately a rod of metallic calcium, forming, as it were, a continuation of the iron cathode, is obtained.
Tibet, the Kalta-alaghan does not decrease, but it increases in elevation towards the east, where, like the Chimen-tagh, it abuts upon and merges in the ranges that border Tsaidam on the south.
Nevertheless, the advances then made were of little importance as compared with the far-reaching increases of duty during the Civil War.
The value of, the Chronicle in its early stages is not great, but this increases when dealing with the reign of Henry VII.
The soil in the valleys is volcanic and fertile, but the gradual utilization of natural timber increases the liability to drought, as there are no streams. The climate is variable and rainy.
These generally succeed one another as the altitude increases, although the heat is greater at the same elevation on the Pacific than on the Atlantic coast.
In what are commonly called loans of money, it is not really the money, but the money's worth, that the borrower wants; and the lender really assigns to him the right to a certain portion of the annual produce of the land and labour of the country, As the general capital of a country increases, so also does the particular portion of it from which the possessors wish to derive a revenue without being at the trouble of employing it themselves, and, as the quantity of stock thus available for loans is augmented, the interest diminishes, not merely "from the general causes which make the market price of things commonly diminish as their quantity increases," but because, with the increase of capital, "it becomes gradually more and more difficult to find within the country a profitable method of employing any new capital" - whence arises a competition between different capitals, and a lowering of profits, which must diminish the price which can be paid for the use of capital, or in other words the rate of interest.
The function log x as x increases from o towards w steadily increases from - co towards +co.
It is positive for all values of y and increases steadily from o toward as y increases from -co towards + oo.
It can be shown mathematically that the velocity of propagation will be greatly increased if the frequency of the light-wave is slightly greater, and greatly diminished if it is slightly less than the natural frequency of the molecules; also that these effects become less and less marked as the difference in the two frequencies increases.
Although the altitude of plains increases gradually from,6oo or 1200 ft.
This sort of rock increases in importance southward and has great development in Mexico.
The ranges of the Rocky Mountains in their turn receive some rainfall from the passing winds, but it is only after the westerlies are reinforced by a moist indraft from the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlanticthe result of summer or of cyclonic inflowthat rainfall increases to a sufficient measure on the lower lands to support agriculture without irrigation.
In the two twenty-year periods after 1860 the increases of the North were 61.9 and 48.7%; of the South, 48.4 and 48.5%.
James Fergusson wrote of this temple that "each part increases in dignity to the sanctuary; and whether looked at from its courts or from outside, it possesses variety without confusion, and an appropriateness of every part to the purpose for which it was intended."
Northwards chinooks become less frequent and the winter's cold increases, but the coming of spring is not much later, and the summer temperatures, with sunshine for twenty hours out of twenty-four in June, are almost the same as for hundreds of miles to the south, so that most kinds of grain and vegetables ripen far to the north in the Peace river valley.
Occasionally in certain localities in the north-west the grain is liable to injury from frost in late summer; but as the proportion of land under cultivation increases the climate becomes modified and the danger from frost is appreciably less.
This deterioration increases with the number of successive copyings.
These two operations are not quite equivalent, since a weight added to the interior does not affect the volume of liquid displaced when the instrument is immersed up to a given division of the scale, while the addition of weights to the exterior increases the displacement.
The first degree is then found by placing on the top of the stem a weight equal to i oat h of the weight of the instrument, which increases the volume immersed by i - 0 th of the original volume.
The blood loses its transparency and becomes milky, its volume increases so that the skin cannot hold it, and it escapes through the pores.
Street in 1860, is remarkable; the richness of the work within increases from west to east, culminating in a choir arcade decorated with work among the finest of its period extant; the period is that of the choir of Westminster Abbey, and from a comparison of building materials, choir arcades and sculpture of foliage, a common architect has been suggested.
Let somehow or other retardations be introduced so that the optical length of the successive parts increases by the same quantity nX, n being some number and X the wave-length.
But we know also that in the complete radiation of a white body the radiative energy increases with the fourth power of the absolute temperature.
If N be the frequency of a homogeneous vibration sent out by a molecule at rest, the apparent frequency will be N (1 v/ V), where V is the velocity of light and v is the velocity of the line of sight, taken as positive if the distance from the observer increases.
If we compare together the spectra of the alkali metals, we find that the doublets of the branch series separate more and more as the wave-length increases.
The roots of the three series have frequencies which diminish as the atomic weight increases, but not according to any simple law.
The brightest line, for which s=o, is called the " head " of the band; and as s increases the lines diminish in intensity.
A band might in that case fade away towards zero frequencies, and as s increases, return again from infinity with diminishing distances, the head and the tail pointing in the same direction; or with a different value of constants a band might fade away towards infinite frequencies, then return through the whole range of the spectrum to zero frequencies, and once more return with its tail near its head.
As the atomic weight of the haloid increases the spectrum is displaced towards the red.
In both cases an increased number of carbon atoms increases the absorption at the most refrangible end.
More rain falls from January to May than during the other months; very much more falls on the windward side of the principal islands than on the leeward; and the amount increases with the elevation also up to about 4000 ft.
R'; the yield increases with the complexity of the organic residue of the acid amide.
He generalized Weber's law in the form that sensation generally increases in intensity as the stimulus increases by a constant function of the previous stimulus; or increases in an arithmetical progression as the stimulus increases in a geometrical ratio; or increases by addition of the same amount as the stimulus increases by the same multiple; or increases as the logarithm of the stimulus.
The first question he answered from his imagination by supposing that, while the external world is stimulus of the nervous process, the nervous process is the immediate stimulus of the sensation, and that the sensation increases by a constant fraction of the previous stimulus in the nervous system, when Weber's law proves only that it increases by a constant fraction of the previous stimulus in the external world.
That the proportion of oxygen increases at the same time is little or no drawback.
It excites the motor areas of the spinal cord and increases their reflex irritability.
As the sun rises, the rays enter the prisms more and more obliquely, and the angle of minimum deviation increases; but since the emergent ray makes the same angle with the refracting edge as the incident ray, it follows that the parhelia will remain on the parhelic circle, while receding from the inner halo.
The proportion of northern forms, as regards both species and individuals, increases as we ascend to the higher regions.
The electromotive force is practically constant no matter what the velocity of the disks, but according to some observers the internal resistance decreases as the velocity increases.
Here the rainfall for the year increases from the southern and northern extremities towards the middle.
The tenacity or tensile strength increases till the carbon-content reaches about 1.25%, and the cementite about 19%, and then in turn falls, a result by no means surprising.
In it the normal constituents are, for region II., molten metal+primary austenite; for region III., molten metal+primary graphite; for region IV., primary austenite; for region VII., eutectic austenite, eutectic graphite, and a quantity of pro-eutectoid graphite which increases as we pass from the upper to the lower part of the region, together with primary austenite at the left of the eutectic point B' and primary graphite at the right of that point.
The degree of hardening which the steel undergoes increases with its carbon-content, chiefly because, during sudden cooling, the presence of carbon acts like a brake to impede the transformations, and thus to increase the quantity of 0-iron caught in transit, but probably also in part because the hardness of this 0-iron increases with its carbon-content.
Although the presence of 1.50% of manganese makes steel relatively brittle, and although a further addition at first increases this brittleness, so that steel containing between 4 and 5.5% can be pulverized under the hammer, yet a still further increase gives very great ductility, accompanied by great hardness-a combination of properties which was not possessed by any other known substance when this remarkable alloy, known as Hadfield's manganese steel, was discovered.
Manganese by itself rather lessens than increases the malleableness and, indeed, the general merit of the metal, but it is added intentionally, in quantities even as large as 1 5 to palliate the effects of sulphur and oxygen.
Moreover, this resistance increases much more rapidly than the height of the furnace, even if the rapidity with which the blast is forced through is constant; and it still further increases if the additional space gained by lengthening the furnace is made useful by increasing proportionally the rate of production, as indeed would naturally be done, because the chief motive for gaining this additional space is to increase production.
In short, to increase the rate of production by lengthening the furnace increases the frictional resistance of the rising gases, both by increasing their quantity and hence their velocity and by lengthening their path.
Clearly this raising the level of the water by ro% increases tenfold, or by r000%, the volume of water which is above the level of the weir.
The length of the process increases with the proportion of pig used.
The gangue of the ore increases the quantity of slag, which separates the metal from the source of its heat, the flame, and thus delays the rise of temperature; and the purification by " oreing," i.e.
Second, though the brittleness should be lessened somewhat by the decrease in the extent to which the continuity of the strong matrix is broken up by the graphite skeleton, yet this effect is outweighed greatly by that of the rapid substitution in the matrix of the brittle cementite for the' very ductile copper-like ferrite, so that the brittleness increases continuously (RS), from that of the very grey graphitic cast irons, which, like that of soapstone, is so slight that the metal can endure severe shock and even indentation without breaking, to that of the pure white cast iron which is about as brittle as porcelain.
Hence, as with the progressive transfer of the carbon from the graphitic to the cementite state in our imaginary series of cast irons, the combined carbon present in the matrix increases, so does the tensile strength of the mass as a whole for two reasons; first, because the strength of the matrix itself is increasing (DE), and second, because the discontinuity is decreasing with the decreasing proportion of graphite.
To sum this up, as graphite is replaced by carbon combined as cementite, the hardness, brittleness and density increase, and the expansion in solidification decreases, in both cases continuously, while the tensile strength increases till the combined carbon-content rises a little above I %, and then in turn decreases.
The expense of cutting castings accurately to shape, cutting on them screw threads and what not, called " machining " in trade parlance, is often a very large part of their total cost; and it increases rapidly with the hardness of the metal.
Hence the manganesecontent needed increases with the sulphur-content which has to be endured.
But, because preventing blowholes increases the volume of the pipe, it is often better to allow them to form, but to control their position, so that they shall be deep-seated.
Jochem (Ber., 1901, 34, p. 3337), who arrived at the conclusion that the normal decomposition of diazonium salts by alcohols results in the formation of phenolic ethers, but that an increase in the molecular weight of the alcohol, or the accumulation of negative groups in the aromatic nucleus, diminishes the yield of the ether and increases the amount of the hydrocarbon formed.
Its lower course lies for some distance through marshes, where in times of overflow its breadth increases from the normal 700 ft.
Briefly, it prevents the dealing with the right of presentation as a thing apart from the advowson itself; increases the power of the bishops to refuse the presentation of unfit persons, and removes several abuses which had arisen in the transfer of patronage.
The direct-acting lift is perhaps the simplest of all machines using pressure-water, but as the height of the lift increases, certain problems in construction become exceedingly difficult to cope with, notably those due to the great increase in the weight and displacement of the ram.
As the ram ascends it apparently increases in weight, but this is balanced by the greater pressure on the two balance pistons as they descend, owing to the increase of the head of water acting on them.
It is probable that digitalis increases the amount of water rather than that of the urinary solids.
The drug is contra-indicated in all cases where the heart is already beating too slowly; in aortic incompetence - where the prolongation of diastole increases the amount of the blood that regurgitates through the incompetent valve; in chronic Bright's disease and in fatty degeneration of the heart - since nothing can cause fat to become contractile.
The first desideratum here mentioned - the want, namely, of an accurate statement of the relation between the increase of population and food - Malthus doubtless supposed to have been supplied by the celebrated proposition that "population increases in a geometrical, food in an arithmetical ratio."
In the middle section the salinity of the surface layers increases to o or 5%, though it is of course greater along the shores.
After flowering the plant dies down, but increases by new lateral growths from the rootstock.
This, at first sight, paradoxical result is explained by the fact that the mean free path of each molecule increases in the same proportion as the density is diminished, so that as the number of molecules crossing each square centimetre decreases, the distance to which each carries its momentum increases, and the total transfer of momentum is unaffected by variation of density.
It appears probable that the conductivity of a liquid increases considerably with rise of temperature, although the contrary would appear from the work of Lees.
The most searching scrutiny of his private life only increases the respect due to the memory of Grattan as a statesman and the greatest of Irish orators.
Prolonged infusion increases the amount extracted.
Although in many cases it is easy to explain the reasons why water artificially applied to land brings crops or increases their yield, the theory of our ordinary water-meadow irrigation is rather obscure.
In May, or earlier when the river is late in rising, when the demand for water increases, first the upper and then the under sluices are gradually opened, so as to increase the river supply, until July, when all the gates are open, to allow of the free passage of the flood.
According to numerous observations made at Cape Thorsden, the apparent angular velocity of arcs increases on the average with their altitude.
Usually the electric potential near the ground is positive compared to the earth and increases with the height (see Atmospheric Electricity).
Especially in alligators the upper teeth overlap laterally those of the lower jaw, whilst in most crocodiles the overlapping is less marked and the teeth mostly interlock, a feature which increases with the slenderness of the snout.
But the volume of the cell is not appreciably altered, despite the change of its shape, for its one diameter increases in proportion as its other is diminished.
But in the ordinary skeletal muscles the amount of the muscular contraction is for a short range of quantities of stimulus (of above threshold value) proportioned to the intensity of the stimulus and increases with it.
It has been suggested that the gradual cumulative result of the activity of the nerve cells during the waking day is to load the brain tissue with "fatigue-substances" Theories of which clog the action of the cells, and thus periodi cally produce that loss of consciousness, &c., which is sleep. Such a drugging of tissue by its own excreta is known in muscular fatigue, but the fact that the depth of sleep progressively increases for an hour and more after its onset prevents complete explanation of sleep on similar lines.
Moreover they contain no cambium and the stem once formed increases in diameter only in exceptional cases.
As the embryo develops it may absorb all the food material available, and store, either in its cotyledons or in its hypocotyl, what is not immediately required for growth, as reserve-food for use in germination, and by so doing it increases in size until it may fill entirely the embryo-sac; or its absorptive power at this stage may be limited to what is necessary for growth and it remains of relatively small size, occupying but a small area of the embryo-sac, which is otherwise filled with endosperm in which the reserve-food is stored.
The altitude of the valleys generally increases towards the east of Transylvania, the lowest depression being found in the western part of the Maros valley.
Michaelis, and undoubtedly increases the strength of the material, but it has not become general.
It divides its waters, splitting into many channels, leaving broad central islands; and as the width increases, and the depth during dry seasons diminishes, opportunities for fords become comparatively frequent.
The average increases of invested capital and products for each decade from1850-1900were, respectively, 189.26% and 152.9%; in 1900 the capital invested ($776,829,598, of which $732,829,771 was in establishments under the "factory system"), and the product ($ 1, 2 59,73 0, 168, of which $1,120,868,308 was from establishments under the "factory system"), showed unusually small percentages of increase over those for 1890 (54.7% and 38.6% respectively); and in 1905 the capital and product of establishments under the "factory system" were respectively $975,844,799 and $1,410,342,129, showing increases of 33.2% and 25.8% over the corresponding figures for 1900.
This canal provides, with the Illinois & Michigan canal and the Illinois river, an improved waterway from Chicago to the Mississippi river, and greatly increases the commercial and industrial importance of the "twin cities" of Sterling and Rock Falls, where the Rock river is dammed by a dam nearly 1500 ft.
In all cases the strength increases proportionately with the density of the wood.
The value of the oranges exported from Jaffa in 1906 was £162,000; this amount increases annually, and of course in addition a considerable quantity is retained for home consumption.
The diameter increases with the size of the globules making up the mist.
Not only is more powerful machinery required for the latter, but in bending it allowance has to be made for the difference in radius of outer and inner layers, which increases with increase of thickness.
The number of workers increases largely during the summer, and so hard do the insects work that the life of an individual may last only a few weeks.
He found that pressure increases luminosity, so that hydrogen, for example, the flame of which in normal circumstances gives no light, burns with a luminous flame under a pressure of ten or twenty atmospheres, and the inference he drew was that the presence of solid particles is not the only factor that determines the light-giving power of a flame.
The Arab, transported to a soil which does not always suit him, so far from thriving, tends to disappear, whereas the Berber becomes more and more aggressive, and yearly increases in numbers.
This method has been very generally recommended, but it is really bad, because, although it diminishes the absolute magnitude of the correction, it greatly increases the uncertainty of it and therefore the probable error of the result.
Admitting That The Electro Chemical Equivalent Of Silver Increases With The Age Of The Solution, A Fact Subsequently Discovered, And That The E.M.F.
The Specific Heat Itself Can Be Deduced Only By Differentiating The Curve Of Observation, Which Greatly Increases The Uncertainty.
They Also Indicate That It Is Much Larger, And Increases Considerably With Rise Of Temperature, In The Case Of More Condensible Vapours, Such As C1 2J Br 2, Or More Complicated Molecules, Such As Co 2, N 2 0, Nh 3, C 2 H 4.
It will be noticed that there are very few periods between 50 and 150 days, that a considerable number are less than 50 days (actually a large majority of these are less than 10 days), and that from 150 days upwards the number of periods increases to a; maximum at about 350 days and then diminishes.
According to their results the star-density increases continuously from 109 per square degree at the poles to 2019 along the galactic equator.
Since the specific heat of the liquid increases rapidly at high temperatures, while dH/d0 diminishes, it is clear that the latent heat must diminish more and more rapidly as the critical point is approached.
In the mountains the precipitation increases with the altitude; above 6000 or 7000 ft.
On nearly all lands irrigated some crops will grow in ordinary seasons without irrigation, but it is this that makes possible selection of crops; practically indispensable for all field and orchard culture in the south, save for a few moist coastal areas, it everywhere increases the yield of all crops and is practised generally all over the state.
The growth of the former from 1890 to 1900 was only 2.5%, one of the smallest increases among all the states.
The hexachloride, WC1 6, is obtained by heating the metal in a current of dry chlorine in the absence of oxygen or moisture, otherwise some oxychloride is formed; a sublimate of dark violet crystals appear at first, but as the hexachloride increases in quantity it collects as a very dark red liquid.
Thus, as the atomic weight increases, the state of aggregation changes from that of a gas in the case of fluorine and chlorine, to that of a liquid (bromine) and finally to that of the solid (iodine); at the same time the melting and boiling points rise with increasing atomic weights.
All four of the halogens unite with hydrogen, but the affinity for hydrogen decreases as the atomic weight increases, hydrogen and fluorine uniting explosively at very low temperatures and in the dark, whilst hydrogen and iodine unite only at high temperatures, and even then the resulting compound is very readily decomposed by heat.
On the other hand the stability of the known oxygen compounds increases with the atomic weight, thus iodine pentoxide is, at ordinary temperatures, a well-defined crystalline solid, which is only decomposed on heating strongly, whilst chlorine monoxide, chlorine peroxide, and chlorine heptoxide are very unstable, even at ordinary temperatures, decomposing at the slightest shock.
In some places the oblique Mongolian eye is noticed, and (together with certain Indo-Chinese customs) there is often a scantiness of beard and general "Malay" look, which increases westwards, and seems to imply relations with the archipelago subsequent to the departure thence of the pure Polynesians.
In the former the poison clearly fastens on the locality, and gradually increases its hold.
The effect of the pressures applied to a piece, consisting of the load and the sispporting resistances, is to force the piece into a state of strain or disfigurement, which increases until the elasticity, or resistance to strain, of the material causes it to exert a stress, or effort to recover its figure, equal and opposite to the system of applied pressures.
It increases with the sectional area of the rope, and is inversely proportional to the radius of the curve into which it is bent.
The assumption that the pistons of an engine move with simple harmonic motion is increasingly erroneous as the ratio of the length of the crank r, to the length of the con oecting rod 1 increases.
This expression shows that as a increases y increases until when Wa = gc, y becomes infinitely large.
As human intelligence and industry come into play the means of livelihood are proportionately extended; population multiplies, and with this multiplication production increases.
The result is that - as compared with beer or spirits - the fermentation at first is relatively slow, but it rapidly increases in intensity and continues until practically the whole of the sugar is converted.
As the berry grows the amount of sugar gradually increases, and the same up to a certain point applies to the acidity.
The character of the acidity, however, changes, the free tartaric acid gradually disappearing, forming bitartrate of potash and being otherwise broken up. On the other hand, the free malic acid increases and the tannin decreases.
It is frequently assumed that a wine is necessarily good because it is old, and that the quality of a wine increases indefinitely with age.
For that is always and necessarily present when the nature is present, absent when it is absent, decreases and increases according as the nature decreases and increases.
If allowed to remain under water too long, the fibre is weakened by what is termed " over-retting," a condition which increases the amount of codilla in the scutching process; whilst " under-retting " leaves part of the gummy or resinous matter in the material, which hinders the subsequent process of manufacture.
The first products of this reaction are copper nitrate and nitric oxide, but, as the concentration of the copper nitrate increases, nitrous oxide and, eventually, free nitrogen are liberated.
Each layer of rove increases the diameter of the material on the bobbin shank; hence, at the beginning of each layer, the speed of the bobbin must be increased, and kept at this increased speed for the whole traverse from top to bottom or vice versa.
In the above expression R, it and L are constant, therefore as d increases the term (R - r) must decrease; this can happen only when r is increased, that is, when the bobbin revolves quicker.
In this adjustment the lowest stage is taken by 'reflex action and instinct, where Spencer the change of the organs is purely automatic. As the external complexity increases, this automatic regularity fails; there is only an incipient excitation of the nerves.
Going south the temperature slowly falls and the rainfall gradually increases, the year being divided into a short rainy season and a long, dry, cloudless season.
At the same time the internal debt was 107,000,000 pesos (0,025,000), which increases the funded indebtedness to £29,725,000.
The interval O'O", termed the astigmatic difference, increases, in general, with the angle W made by the principal ray OP with the axis of the system, i.e.
On the east the watershed of the Caspian gradually increases in breadth, the foot of the scarp extending considerably to the north of the south-eastern angle of that sea, three degrees east of which it turns to the south-east, parallel to the axis of the Kopet Dagh.
For advances with good security a native sarraf charges at least 12% interest per annum; ac the security diminishes in value the rate of interest increases, and transactions at 10% a month, or more than 120% per annum, are not infrequent.
When this gland becomes enlarged, and its secretion consequently increases, the vessels dilate, the heart beats more rapidly, the skin becomes too hot, the nervous system becomes irritable, and tremors occur in the limbs.
Bier increases the blood in a part by compressing the veins and thus producing passive instead of active congestion.
Now we can see the reason for their administration, because the nitrous ether, consisting chiefly of ethyl nitrite, dilates the superficial vessels and thus allows greater escape of heat from the surface; while acetate of ammonia, by acting as a diaphoretic and stimulating the secretion of sweat, increases the loss of heat by evaporation.
In very bad cases of heart disease, where the patient is unable to go about, the best plan of treatment usually is to make him stay absolutely quiet in bed and have massage, which aids the circulation, tends to remove waste, and increases the appetite.
While this treament by itself would aid recovery from nervous exhaustion, it would lessen appetite and thus interfere with nervous repair; but the want of exertion is supplied by means of massage, which stimulates the circulation and increases the appetite, so that the patient gets all the benefit of exercise without any exhaustion.
An attack may come on suddenly, but, in general, begins by a dull aching pain in the brow or temple, which steadily increases in severity and extent, but remains usually limited to one side of the head.
The pain which is felt at first a little behind the hip-joint steadily increases in severity and extends along the course of the nerve and its branches in many instances as far as the toes.
As population increases the total number of members may be raised to 150.
Thus as it passes out by the bronchial mucous membrane it increases the amount of secretion and so acts as an expectorant.
Speaking broadly, the general type of the flora of the lower, hotter and wetter regions, which extend along the great plain at the foot of the Himalaya, and include the valleys of the larger rivers which penetrate far into the mountains, does not differ from that of the contiguous peninsula and islands, though the tropical and insular character gradually becomes less marked going from east to west, where, with a greater elevation and distance from the sea and higher latitude, the rainfall and humidity diminish and the winter cold increases.
On the drier and higher mountains of the interior of the chain, the forests become more open, and are spread less uniformly over the hill-sides, a luxuriant herbaceous vegetation appears, and the number of shrubby Leguminosae, such as Desmodium and Indigofera, increases, as well as Ranunculaceae, Rosaceae, Umbelliferae, Labiatae, Gramineae, Cyperaceae and other European genera.
What really is - the Pneuma - neither increases nor diminishes; but its modes of working, its different currents, can be conveniently distinguished and enumerated as evidence of so many distinct attributes.
He further supposed that the attractive force is constant throughout the minute distance to which it extends, but that the repulsive force increases rapidly as the distance diminishes.
This, however, often produces a worse disturbing effect, because a thin film of grease spreads over the water and increases its surface-viscosity.
If the electromotive force is from the acid to the mercury the surface-tension increases; if it is from the mercury to the acid, it diminishes.
He has also found that this action is reversible, for when the area of the surface of contact of the acid and mercury is made to increase, an electric current passes from the mercury to the acid, the amount of electricity which passes while the surface increases by one square centimetre being sufficient to decompose.
When the conjugate axis of the hyperbola increases without limit, the loops of the nodoid are crowded on one another, and each becomes more nearly a ring of circular section, without, however, ever reaching this form.
The analytical expression for the motion in the latter case involves exponential terms, one of which (except in case of a particular relation between the initial displacements and velocities) increases rapidly, being equally multiplied in equal times.
But as the head increases, so do the lateral velocities which go to form the transverse vibrations.
Lord Kelvin has applied the principles of Thermodynamics to determine the thermal effects of increasing or diminishing the area of the free surface of a liquid, and has shown that in order to keep the temperature constant while the area of the surface increases by unity, an amount of heat must be supplied 275 to the liquid which is dynamically equivalent to the product of the absolute temperature into the decrement of the surface-tension per degree of temperature.
Characteristic forms may be assumed by the young zoogloea of different species, - spherical, ovoid, reticular, filamentous, fruiticose, lamellar, &c., - but these vary considerably as the mass increases or comes in contact with others.
Fluid containing these aggressins greatly increases the toxic effect of the corresponding bacteria, and may produce death at an earlier stage than ever occurs with the bacteria alone.
In some abdominal conditions, for instance, opium is still preferred by the majority of practitioners, though certainly not in gastric cases, where morphine gives the relief for which opium often increases the need, owing to the irritant action of some of its constituents.
Thus arsenic, antimony, bismuth, tin or zinc render the metal brittle, so that it fractures under a die or rolling mill; copper, on the other hand, increases its hardness, makes it tougher and more readily fusible.
During the summer months the general course of the wind along the sea-coast is interrupted about midday by an incoming current of air, the " sea breeze," which gradually increases until about three o'clock in the afternoon, and then gradually lessens until the offshore wind takes its place.
The rate of this tax decreases as the amount of capital stock increases, thus favouring large corporations.
West of the tableland the amount of rainfall decreases as the distance from the Pacific increases, and in a large area west of the Darling the average annual rainfall does not exceed io in.
The copper lodes of New South Wales contain ores of a much higher grade than those of many well-known mines .worked at a profit in other parts of the world, and, with a fair price for copper, the production largely increases.
While, however, diminishing the surfaces of the flying animal as a whole, she increases as occasion demands the active or wing surfaces by wing movements, and the passive or dead surfaces by the forward motion of the body in progressive flight.
Thus, when the wing descends it draws after it a strong current, which, being met by the wing during its ascent, greatly increases the efficacy of the up stroke.
The year saw considerable increases in the periods for which aviators were able to remain in the air, and Roger Sommer's flight of nearly 22 hours on August 7th was surpassed by Henry Farman on November 3rd, when he covered a distance estimated at 1374 m.
One such outcrop of Carboniferous Limestone in the south forms the Mendip Hills; another of the Coal Measures increases the importance of Bristol, where it stands at the head of navigation on the southern Avon.
From July to August the heat increases slightly, with a more rapid rise to November.
The tendency to a celibate clergy increases, together with other romanizing usages, promoted by the papal legate in Beirut, the Catholic missioners, and the higher native clergy who are usually educated in Rome or at St Sulpice.
It increases as we ascend and reaches a maximum at a certain height, and then decreases according to the normal variation.
At an early stage of development a large cell makes its appearance in the central region of the nucellus; this increases in size and eventually forms three cells; the lowest of these grows vigorously and constitutes the megaspore (embryo-sac),which ultimately absorbs the greater part of the nucellus.
The average annual rainfall on the coast is 10o 8 in.; it increases to about 120 in.
The birch and larch woods of this zone give way to pine forests as the altitude increases; and the pines to mosses, lichens and alpine plants, just below the jagged iron-grey peaks, many of which attain altitudes of 6000 to 8000 ft.
The climate in the valley of the Rhone is, in general, warm, and sometimes very hot; but westward, as the elevation increases, the cold becomes more intense and the winters longer.
The equations of surfaces of equal angular motion would be of the form r =R (i --6 cos 2 0), where e is proportional to the square of the angular motion, supposed small, and R increases as e diminishes.
This he did principally by means of two great loans, and by immense increases of taxation.
Mr. Law's first budget, that of 1917, coming as it did after the great increases which Mr. McKenna had made in taxation, only raised the excess profits tax from 60 to 80%, and increased the taxes on entertainments, tobacco and dogs.
It may be taken as an axiom that the variation of minimum discharges from their mean values increases as the separate areas diminish.
It has been commonly stated that rainfall increases with the altitude.
If, therefore, instead of regarding only the mean rainfall of several gauges over a series of years, we compare the relative falls in short intervals of time among gauges yielding the same general averages, the discrepancies prove to be very great, and it follows that the maximum possible intensity of discharge from different areas rapidly increases as the size of the watershed decreases.
They show generally that, as the rainfall increases on any given area evaporation increases, but not in the same proportion.
The evaporation slightly increases as the rainfall increases, but at nothing like so high a rate.
As the formation approaches the condition of pure sand, the water-bearing property of any given mass increases, but the difficulty of drawing water from it without admixture Wells is of sand also increases.
The loss of water by leakage through such joints or fissures below the puddle wall may or may not be a serious matter in itself; but if at any point there is sufficient movement of water across the base of the trench to produce the slightest erosion of the clay above it, that movement almost invariably increases.
As the pressure of water is nil at the surface and increases in direct proportion to the depth, the overturning moment is as the cube of the depth; and the only figure which has a moment of resistance due to gravity, varying also as the cube of its depth, is a triangle.
The chemists and bacteriologists do not appear to have finally determined the true nature and origin of this growth, but it is found in the impounded waters, and passes into the pipes, where it rapidly increases.
At higher altitudes, however, the moisture increases and scattered junipers begin to appear.
It is only by careful investigation, by the method of comparisons, that these elements can be disentangled; but as the number of documents of this class known to us is continually increasing, their value increases even more than proportionately.
It increases the depth of water on the bar from a few feet to 2 2 or 24 ft.
South of the belt salinity falls quickly as latitude increases, while to the north of it, in the monsoon region, the surface water is very fresh off the African coast and to the north-east.
With the individual, as with the race, the limit of the number that can be seen gradually increases up to four or five.
The graduation of a thermometer is determined by the freezing-point and the boiling-point of water, the interval between these being divided into a certain number of degrees, representing equal increases of temperature.
The barriers between these groups may be regarded as horizontal planes cutting across the branches of the ascending tree of life at levels determined chiefly by our ignorance; as knowledge increases, and as the conception of a genealogical classification gains acceptance, they are being replaced by vertical partitions which separate branch from branch.
The decennial increases of population from 1860 to 1900 were 2 39.9, 1 73.4, 43.3 and 3.
The stringency of the money market increases the distress of the industrial classes by diminishing the demand for work; and, when labor suffers, political agitation flourishes.
It commences to rise in November, and increases in volume until June, and then falls until the end of October.
As the temperature is raised, the yield of gas from a given weight of coal increases; but with the increase of volume there is a marked decrease in the illuminating value of the gas evolved.
From this it will be seen that, with the increase of temperature, the hydrocarbons - the olefines and marsh gas series - gradually break up, depositing carbon in the crown of the retort, and liberating hydrogen, the percentage of which steadily increases with the rise of temperature.
The fact that coal gas of an illuminating power of from 14 to 16 candles can be made from the ordinary gas coal at a fairly low rate, while every candle power added to the gas increases the cost in an enormous and rapidly growing ratio, has, from the earliest days of FIG.
Sieger has traced a series of isobasic lines, or lines of equal rate of elevation, for portions of Sweden and Finland; these indicate that the movement is now almost nil along the axial lines of the Baltic and the Gulf of Finland, but increases in amplitude northwards to the Gulf of Bothnia and in the direction of the main ridge of the massif of southern Sweden.
The Hauran, therefore, has become the stronghold of the Druses, offering nowadays the best field for studying their peculiar customs and religion; and the group there still increases at the expense of the other groups, despite efforts on the part of the Ottoman government to check Druse migration by both conciliatory and repressive measures.
The height of the mountains of the southern frontier increases gradually from west to east.
The influx of visitors, attracted by the presence of the royal family, by the prolonged local festivities, the bull-fights and the bathing, increases the number of the inhabitants in summer to about 50,000.
The population is greater and increases more rapidly than that of any other Spanish province, a fact due not to any large excess of births over deaths, but to the industrial life which attracts many immigrants.
Or, again, we should recognize as a test of the " authoritative " character of moral ideas or feelings the fact that they are complex and representative, referring to a remote rather than to a proximate good, remembering the while that " the sense of duty is transitory, and will diminish as fast as moralization increases."
Hesiod increases the number of Gorgons to threeStheno (the mighty), Euryale (the far-springer) and Medusa (the queen), and makes them the daughters of the sea-god Phorcys and of Keto.
Clinically, dysentery manifests itself with varying degrees of intensity, and it is often impossible without microscopical examination to determine between the amoebic and bacillary forms. In well-marked cases the following are the chief symptoms. The attack is commonly preceded by certain premonitory indications in the form of general illness, loss of appetite, and some amount of diarrhoea, which gradually increases in severity, and is accompanied with griping pains in the abdomen (tormina).
Although the constitutional disturbance is at first comparatively slight, it increases with the advance of the disease, and febrile symptoms come on attended with urgent thirst and scanty and painful flow of urine.
The obliquity continually increases until the observer reaches the equator.
There is thus in the case of each planet an oscillation of the mean longitude which increases it and then diminishes it to its original value at the end of the period of 883 years.
The uncertainty thus arising in the amount of the refraction is least near the zenith, but increases more and more as the horizon is approached.
A feature generally characteristic of the Tian-shan as a whole is that the absolute elevation of the ranges increases gradually from north to south, and from the centre decreases towards both the east and the west.
In some places limestones appear as projections from the range; at others conglomerates and Tertiary clay marls form the outermost fold."' On the north versant of the ranges the rainfall increases from the foot of the mountains upwards, and at woo-10,000 ft.
Among his results was that during the progressive phases from before the first quarter till the full moon the heat received increases in a much greater proportion than the light, from which it followed that the former was composed mainly of heat radiated from the moon itself in consequence of the temperature which it assumed under the sun's rays.
They are healthy, and the population increases steadily.
On the other hand, towns like Cork (75,978), Waterford (26,743) and Limerick (38,085), remained almost stationary during the ten years, but the urban districts of Pembroke and of Rathmines and Rathgar, which are practically suburbs of Dublin, showed considerable increases.
Except in number, the rural establishments showed greater increases than the urban.'
In certain forms of anaemia it increases the number of the red corpuscles and also their haemoglobin content.
The agricultural resources of Borgu are great, and as the population increases with the cessation of war and by immigration the country should show marked development.
The river here turns more directly to the east and increases in volume and depth.
Here the width of the stream increases at flood time to woo or 1500 yds., and though it narrows at the somewhat dangerous rapids of Rumde Gilla to 150 or 180 yds., it soon expands again.
If we suppose that s is not quite constant, but increases or diminishes slightly with change of temperature according to a linear formula s=50-1-2cT (in which so represents the constant part of s, and c may have either sign), we obtain a more general formula which is evidently the sum of the two previous solutions and may be made to cover a greater variety of cases.
By the second postulate the flow of the current increases the heat-flow, and this by the first postulate increases the E.M.F., or the resistance, which therefore depends on the current.
As spring merges into summer, sunny days become more frequent; the ever-increasing breadth of beeforage yields still more abundantly, and the excitement among the labourers crowding the hives increases, rendering room in advance, shade and ventilation, a sine qua non.
The desert character of the country increases as the river is neared, but along either bank of the Nile is a narrow strip of cultivable land.
The rainfall increases to about 20 in.
There are now one thousand well-characterized species known from different parts of the world, and the number increases almost daily.
The lakes of the sandhills are the breeding-place - less so as settlement increases - of myriads of water-fowl.
The increases of population by decades following 1860 were 326.5, 267.8, 134.1, 0.3, and 1 1 8%.
Along this axis the brightness continually increases as the sun is approached.
These experiments distinctly point to the conclusion, although without absolutely proving it, that in such cases the coefficient of kinetic friction gradually increases as the velocity becomes extremely small, and passes without discontinuity into that of static friction.
From the figure, which represents vision with a motionless eye, it is seen that the apparent size increases as the object under observation is approached.
The over-correction increases when the glass is thickened.
In Passamaquoddy Bay the rise and fall is about 25 ft., which gradually increases toward the narrow upper reaches.
This embryo-sac increases in size, gradually supplanting the cellular tissue of the nucellus until it is surrounded only by a thin layer of it; or it may actually extend at the apex beyond it, as in Phaseolus and Alsine media; or it may pass into the micropyle, as in Santalum.
As the first integument grows round it, the amount of inversion increases, and the funicle becomes adherent to the side of the nucellus.
In angiosperms when the pollentube reaches the micropyle it passes down into the canal, and this portion of it increases considerably in size.
It increases from north to south, and with the depth.
The essentials of proper oil pressing are a slowly accumulating pressure, so that the liberated oil may have time to flow out and escape, a pressure that increases in proportion as the resistance of the material increases, and that maintains itself as the volume of material decreases through the escape of oil.
It therefore increases all the secretions, especially those of the skin and kidneys, while it also stimulates the general metabolism of the body and the excretion of nitrogenous products.
Our strength increases both with age and with each human we turn.
I also know her—and our—danger increases every day.
The citizens had concern about the impact of increases in water bills.
The effect of acidosis on nutrition was highlighted - acidosis increases protein catabolism and reduces albumin production.
This ' venous admixture ' increases from 1% to around 10% following induction of anesthesia.
This increases the daytime albedo but also increases the night-time heat retentivity of the atmosphere for an additional heat gain.
The level of price increases on BW's mooring sites has been somewhat anecdotal.
It aggravates asthma and allergies, increases the risk of heart disease and reduces the ability of the lungs to work properly.
Ritalin reduces hyperactivity and impulsiveness and increases the attention span.
Difficulties in developing automaticity further increases problems, as spellings learned, for example, are lost when concentrating on writing.
Patients should therefore avoid other than short-term bed rest, as immobility increases bone loss.
In spring when the phytoplankton biomass increases and blooms the adult Cal fin begin to breed.
Risk of bladder dysfunction increases with age What could be simpler than emptying the bladder dysfunction increases with age What could be simpler than emptying the bladder?
Temperature probe monitors the freezer and sounds a buzzer if the temperature increases beyond a preset limit.
Studies in salamanders and mice show that low extracellular calcium increases calcium signaling between neurons in the eye as well as in the nose.
Trikatu formula increases the digestive fire, which then burns away these accumulated toxins and cleanses the alimentary canal.
Under these conditions, consuming carbohydrates during exercise increases both the time and the intensity the athlete is able to exercise before becoming exhausted.
Exposure to UVB increases the risk of basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma, two forms of non-melanoma skin cancer.
He said the chancellor was wrong to rule out tax increases to tackle the shortfall.
However, studies have shown that dietary cholesterol also increases HDL cholesterol which may protect against coronary heart disease.
Doctors have known for 60 years that prolonged immobility increases the risk of suffering a blood clot.
When you add coconut oil into your diet you burn off more calories because your metabolism increases.
However, eating large amounts of meat may cause short-lived increases in blood creatinine levels.
This increases its density, so it sinks and flows back south in a deep current.
Conclusion and Discussion 5.1 Across crime deciles there is a discernible pattern of a reduction in response rates as the property crime rate increases.
Once slip has started the stress required for further plastic deformation increases a little, due to work hardening in the material.
Warfarin and other coumarin derivatives Co-administration of fluvastatin with warfarin may commonly cause significant increases in prothrombin time.
The tool durability increases from high speed steel cemented carbide polycrystalline diamond, but that sequence also applies to costs.
The spectral leakage increases since zero padding introduces a discontinuity in the data stream.
The XB also features a downdraft Ram Air intake that increases airflow and power at high speeds.
Widening of the airways increases the anatomical dead space, together with increase in the size of the alveolar ducts.
In this work, we have investigated the dynamics of a modifier allele which increases the strength of assortment.
Risk of bladder dysfunction increases with age What could be simpler than emptying the bladder?
As the number of c ells available and demand increases, they will inevitably come down in price.
The activity of an organic process is the rate at which it increases the thermodynamic entropy of the universe.
Long term use of equine estrogens probably also increases the risk of breast cancer.
Not only does this enhance safety and reduce any possible eyestrain, it significantly increases productivity.
The need for vitamin E increases if the diet is high in polyunsaturated fats.
The total cost to the consumer is estimated at $ 8.4 billion a year because producing the required corn feedstock increases corn prices.
It appears that significant increases in the price of traditional felts would be needed before substantial switching would occur.
In general, the risk of carrying a fetus with Down's syndrome increases with the mother's age.
Training hard and fast increases your cardio-vascular fitness but it does not burn fat.
Dirt on udders and teats increases infection pressure, damages skin and prevents beneficial, commensal flora from establishing.
Other effects related to acid inhibition During treatment with antisecretory drugs, serum gastrin increases in response to the decreased acid secretion.
Bigger babies, multiple gestations will have increases on the higher side.
Increasing cellular glutathione leads directly to increases in muscle mass and strength.
Studies show that NAC supplementation increases blood serum glutathione levels as high as 500% in comparison to controls.
Special diets to prevent hairball contain high levels of fiber, which pet nutrition increases the amount of water held in the digestive tract.
The planned sharp slowdown in spending increases may feel like a screeching halt.
When rabbits are excluded from grassland smooth hawk's-beard is able to flower more freely and increases in number.
Instead, you use increases in STIs to push your concern for young white heterosexuals.
The sense of oppression and paranoia is palpable and only increases as the action hots up.
Their job is to ensure that the number of young people leaping the hurdle increases year on year.
Symptoms that may indicate the diagnosis include unexplained severe pain that increases rapidly over time associated with systemic toxicity including hypotension.
Now, after decades of steady increases, the number of bicycles on China's streets has begun to fall.
And wage inequality increases in the economy without benefits, whereas it remains practically unchanged in the one with benefits.
As her confidence increases, she expresses her growing infatuation with bolder and longer steps.
If you have a foot shape that increases the stresses on your Achilles tendon, a molded insole in your shoe may help.
If there is detrusor instability, inappropriate increases in bladder pressure will be observed.
This high intellectualism mixed with the reputed spiritual prowess, increases substantially the influence that these leaders have over their followers.
The Tidal Model promotes nurses ' self-confidence, fosters interaction, and increases inter-disciplinary team work.
As fluid is absorbed, the pore size of the lattice increases, releasing iodine.
No notable abnormalities in laboratory values associated with treatment were observed except for minor increases in serum concentrations of creatinine kinase.
However, the male larynx increases far more in size than the female larynx, giving men their big booming voices.
Yohimbine hydrochloride increases libido, but its primary action is to increase blood flow to erectile tissue.
It inhibits glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis, increases lipogenesis in the liver and adipose tissue and inhibits lipolysis.
This increases the lumbar lordosis, which is the sway in the lower back.
Moving the eye closer to the lens of a hand-held or stand magnifier also increases the field of view.
Greatest yield increases were found with insect-resistant maize, while herbicide-tolerant soybeans gave the greatest cost savings through reduced herbicide use.
Like many other cancers, smoking greatly increases the risk of contracting mesothelioma.
They originally opposed the minimum wage when it was introduced, and have opposed increases in it.
If roll shrinks further and surplus space increases then mothballing and community use still applies.
And although biodiesel is cleaner than diesel, ethanol is not; it generates mutagens and carcinogens and increases ozone levels in the atmosphere.
Researchers have found that sugar increases the amount of certain brain neurotransmitters that control moods.
Research has shown that increases in plasma norepinephrine levels are actually linked with staleness in athletes.
Skimming the head also increases the compression ratio and to avoid detonation with low octane fuel a low compression piston is used.
This increases osmotic pressure in astrocytes, resulting in cerebral edema.
MyoganeTM also increases neurite outgrowth, reverses oxidative damage and reverses neuronal apoptosis in vitro.
In the 10 years since then, price increases slowed but still significantly outpaced inflation.
If you have pericarditis, the amount of fluid increases and causes your heart to compress.
This in turn increases peristalsis and stool weight and reduces the transit time of the stool in through the bowel.
If on-call pharmacist use increases, we will assess the stock levels and increase them if appropriate.
The cost to SMEs combined with the impending increases to the National Minimum Wage could be counter productive.
In addition, Dying to Learn, exposes the myth that access to condoms increases promiscuity among young people.
This is comparatively puny slice, the potential for harm from radiation increases with frequency.
Bird activity increases now as the numbers of our local birds are swelled by the arrival of the first redwings and fieldfares.
This increases the oxygen content of the inhaled air and encourages the release of endorphins which are natural relaxants in the body.
It slows down, losing kinetic energy as its potential energy, of electrical repulsion, increases in compensation.
The squared-off point avoids ricochets to a certain extent and increases penetration in wet pack - for reasons which are unclear to me.
Brown predicted he would continue to meet his fiscal rules without either reining in his spending plans or implementing further tax increases.
Combined with a cesarean scar, greatly increases the likelihood of being mistaken for a Hot Cross Bun.
Domperidone increases prolactin secretion indirectly, by interfering with the action of dopamine.
They suggest that participation with the group through ActiVote increases students ' self-confidence.
Project offers chance to achieve through new activities increases self-esteem, self-confidence and social skills.
On the other hand, developments such as increases in long-term set-aside may have had a positive impact.
This greatly increases the cycle network effectiveness and reduces the community severance caused by these roads.
Similar proportions of men had reductions and increases in symptom severity and urine flow.
The tension of the rectus sheath increases the pressure within the abdomen like a pressurized balloon.
Enjoy the distinctive sound and performance increases of the most popular rear silencer available.
However, as the size increases sot does the complexity of creating an index for manipulating such representations, and searching this index.
An increase in hemoglobin content increases the stickiness or viscosity of the blood as it flows around the body.
Studies show that glutamine supplementation after exercise stimulates anabolism and increases glycogen storage [8] .
These washes are affected by three factors, presence of formamide (higher% increases stringency ), salt conc.
Aromatic fluorine substituent improves bioavailability and increases potency, but it is not critical.
The rate of synonymous substitutions in alternative regions increases in the 5 ' to 3 ' direction.
As an integrated subsystem to any OTEC facility cold sea water air conditioning significantly increases the economic viability of development.
Life speeds up and mobility increases making even familial relationships more superficial and brief.
Analysis of postural motion during exposure to the moving room revealed increases in postural sway before the onset of subjective motion sickness symptoms.
It also stimulates the sweat glands and increases blood circulation to underlying organs and tissues in the body.
However, we also now believe that life time exposure to the sun increases our risk of skin cancer.
This upgrade increases usable mid band torque and unlocks more of the engine's potential without demanding further upgrades to supporting systems.
It may account for up to 90% of isolated increases of plasma transaminase of otherwise unknown cause.
Needed a nameusagencies whether to remain unfounded McGrath Insurance Group increases and.
Full Story Stewart Willie increases Lib Dem vote in General Election May 11th.
Overall, it was found that tire noise increases with speed in a reasonably well-defined manner.
Private housing will receive a quadruple whammy of three tax increases and higher interest rates that should flatten the market outside the hotspots.
Bumstead (60) Finds That With Longer Exposure Of The Wire The Relative Importance Of The Thorium Emanation Increases.