Incomparable Sentence Examples
As a tragic monodrama it is incomparable for sustained power and terrible beauty.
By his sermons and his writings he exerted a great influence in colonial Massachusetts, and according to Mather was "a most incomparable scholar."
The view from the south-western balcony is incomparable.
He is the great sportsman, the incomparable archer, the lover of the greenwood and of a free life, brave, adventurous, jocular, open-handed, a protector of women.
The Mokau and Wanganui run between ferny and forest-clad hills and precipices, often of almost incomparable beauty.
Alone, "without one counsellor on her side among so many," Mary conducted the whole of her own defence with courage incomparable and unsurpassable ability.
She despatched to France a special envoy, the bishop of Dumblane, with instructions setting forth at length the unparalleled and hitherto ill-requited services and merits of Bothwell, and the necessity of compliance at once with his passion and with the unanimous counsel of the nation - a people who would endure the rule of no foreign consort, and whom none of their own countrymen were so competent to control, alike by wisdom and by valour, as the incomparable subject of her choice.
This company was founded way back in 1860 and offers incomparable quality.
His first Collection of Psalms and Hymns (Charlestown, 1737) contains five of his incomparable translations from the German, and on his return to England he published another Collection in 1738, with five more translations.
Their artillery was numerous and for the most part of heavy calibre - 18and 24-pounders were common - but the strength of the army lay in its infantry, with its incomparable tenacity in defence and its blind confidence in the bayonet in attack.
AdvertisementThe function of the nected system the new mode of thinking, and to the incomparable power and eloquence with which he expounded and enforced it.
But his opening lecture, in which, amid the applause of the students, Renan declared Jesus Christ "an incomparable Man," alarmed the Catholic party.
Cross the Continental Divide and behold incomparable vistas of lush meadows, alpine glaciers, and thundering waterfalls.
To his modesty Bossuet bears witness, when he told him to stand up sometimes, and not be always on his knees before a critic. Gibbon vouches for his learning, when (in the 47th chapter) he speaks of "this incomparable guide, whose bigotry is overbalanced by the merits of erudition, diligence, veracity and scrupulous minuteness."
God is " all truth, all knowledge, all bliss, boundless, almighty, just, merciful, unbegotten, without a beginning, incomparable, the support and Lord of all, all-pervading, omniscient, imperishable, immortal, eternal, holy, and the cause of the universe; worship is due to him alone.
AdvertisementThe perfection and finish of every line, the correspondence of sense and sound, the incomparable command over all the most delicate resources of verse, and the exquisite symmetry of the complete odes which are extant, raise her into the very first rank of technical poetry at once, while her painting of passion, which caused Longinus to quote the ode to Anactoria as an example of the sublime, has never been since surpassed, and only approached by Catullus and in the Vita Nuova.
But his speeches were packed with epigram, and expressed with rare felicity of phrase; his terse and telling sentences were richer in profound aphorisms and maxims of political philosophy than those of any other statesman save Burke; he possessed the orator's incomparable gift of conveying his own enthusiasm to his audience and convincing them of the loftiness of his aims.
A royal palace existed at Westminster at least as early as the reign of Canute, but the building spoken of by Fitzstephen as an "incomparable structure furnished with a breastwork and a bastion" is supposed to have been founded by Edward the Confessor and enlarged by William the Conqueror.
He cou'd imagine admirable situations, and he could write verses of incomparable grandeur - verses that reverberate again and again in the memory, but he could not, with the patient docility of Racine, labour at proportioning the action of a tragedy strictly, at maintaining a uniform rate of interest in the course of the plot and of excellence in the fashion of the verse.
The variety is incomparable and the formula is just right.
AdvertisementThese included Margie Hart, Georgia Southern, Ann Corio, and the incomparable Gypsy Rose Lee.
Eddie Van Halen is arguably the most influential rock and roll guitarist of the last thirty years, and all guitar players who are fans of his incomparable style will be interested in Van Halen tabs.
A feminine alternative to shorts and tank tops, dresses offer incomparable versatility and a range of flattering cuts to suit all body shapes.
With music by the incomparable Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky and choreography that combined classical romantic ballet, character and folk dances, it was an instant success and remains one of the most popular ballets in the world.
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This type of wallet is a great gift for a young man - a high school graduate may not appreciate the label just yet, but the quality and workmanship is incomparable and will last him years.
Two Rode Together - Released in 1961, this film stars the incomparable Jimmy Stewart, Richard Widmark, Shirley Jones and Linda Cristal.
The wedge is renowned for its incomparable comfort.
The beauty these women have is incomparable, yet they also benefit from great hair stylists.
However, the unquestionable queen of the daytime drama was Erica Kane played by the incomparable Susan Lucci.
Separated from south Florida by a string of barrier islands, Key West is known for its charming architecture, its excellent seafood, incomparable sunsets, and casual and playful atmosphere.
Cabo San Lucas is a majestic oceanic playground on the edge of the earth, and Villa del Palmar is an ethereal vacation oasis of incomparable beauty.
Where the Pacific meets the Sea of Cortez, delicious seafood and Mexican cuisine is celebrated in a festive environment that inspires vibrant revelry amid an unprecedented menu and incomparable scenery.
To create wristwatches built to withstand the forces of nature, F&S engineers smoothly fuse sporty style and elegance with superior functionality and incomparable strength.
Gibbon justly describes it as " a golden volume, not unworthy of the leisure of Plato or Tully, but which claims incomparable merit from the barbarism of the times and the situation of the author."
It contains incomparable studies of the Florentine housewife and her husband, a grave business-like citizen, who falls into the senile folly of a base intrigue.
As a history of Prussian policy from 1860 to 1866 it is therefore of incomparable value.
So the practice of securing places for persons who have served the party, in however humble a capacity, has sprung from the maxim that in the strife of politics the spoils belong to the victors, and has furnished a motive of incomparable and ever-present activity ever since the administration (1829-1837) of President Andrew Jackson.
They make incomparable guides for fishing, hunting and surveying parties, on which they will cheerfully undergo the greatest hardships, though tending to shrink from regular employment in cities or on farms.
Garrick brought to the meetings his inexhaustible pleasantry, his incomparable mimicry, and his consummate knowledge of stage effect.
Nevertheless, it is on a false interpretation of this challenge that the dogma of the incomparable excellence of the style and diction of the Koran is based.
Meanwhile the Provencal poets had developed their modern language with incomparable richness and dexterity, creating forms of verse and modes of emotional expression which determined the latest medieval phase of literature in Europe.
It lay not in the German genius to escape from the preoccupations and the limitations of the middle ages, for this reason mainly that what we call medieval was to a very large extent Teutonic. But on the Spanish peninsula, in the masterpieces of Velazquez, Cervantes, Camoens, Calderon, we emerge into an atmosphere of art, definitely national, distinctly modern, where solid natural forms stand before us realistically modelled, with light and shadow on their rounded outlines, and where the airiest creatures of the fancy take shape and weave a dance of rhythmic, light, incomparable intricacy.
In this incomparable work St Anne, pointing upward with her left hand, smiles with an intense look of wondering, questioning, inward sweetness into the face of the Virgin, who in her turn smiles down upon her child as He leans from her lap to give the blessing to the little St John standing beside her.
Excepting in the correspondence with Flamsteed we hear nothing more of the preparation of the Principia until the 21st of April 1686, when Halley read to the Royal Society his Discourse concerning Gravity and its Properties, in which he states " that his worthy countryman Mr Isaac Newton has an incomparable treatise of motion almost ready for the press," and that the law of the inverse square " is the principle on which Mr Newton has made out all the phenomena of the celestial motions so easily and naturally, that its truth is past dispute."
He was also the author of a translation of The Confessions of the Incomparable Doctor St Augustine, which led him into controversy.
His Dialogues philosophiques, written in 1871, his Ecclesiastes (1882) and his Antichrist (1876) (the fourth volume of the Origins of Christianity, dealing with the reign of Nero) are incomparable in their literary genius, but they are examples of a disenchanted and sceptical temper.
Verily there was no formula by which the Tathagata attained the consummation of Incomparable Enlightenment.
Cross the Continental Divide and behold incomparable vistas of lush meadows, Alpine glaciers, and thundering waterfalls.
A massive slipcased hardcover, featuring the stunning art of the Eisner Award-winning team of the incomparable Alex Ross and writer Paul Dini!
This makes Z values incomparable across methods, and needed to be corrected for.
That we are talking of asymmetries of almost incomparable proportions doesn't matter.
The number one award winning games domain - totally incomparable.
Spanning two centuries, the ILN archive offers a truly incomparable record of changing London life.
God's future is so amazing, so beautiful, so incomparable.
The reward is rich, lean meat with an incomparable richness of flavor.
Enjoy a whale watch cruise, visit the oceanarium or marvel at the incomparable scenery in the park.
Climb the ancient turnpike stair to the Duke's Suite, including the incomparable 17th century plasterwork ceilings.
And we praise you for the incomparable riches of your grace expressed to us in your kindness to us in Christ Jesus.
Apart from its incomparable natural beauty, Kerala is also known for its aromatic spices.
Within an arcosolium is a tablet set up by " Aurelius Ampliatus and his son Gordian, to Aurelia Bonifatia, his incomparable wife, a woman of true chastity, who lived 25 years, 2 months, 4 days, and 2 hours."
Makeup is, indeed, an incomparable art form.
The influence of literature on Burke lay partly in the direction of emancipation from the mechanical formulae of practical politics; partly in the association which it engendered, in a powerful understanding like his, between politics and the moral forces of the world, and between political maxims and the old and great sentences of morals; partly in drawing him, even when resting his case on prudence and expediency, to appeal to the widest and highest sympathies; partly, and more than all, in opening his thoughts to the many conditions, possibilities and "varieties of untried being," in human character and situation, and so giving an incomparable flexibility to his methods of political approach.
Besides the incomparable Journal, his Appeals to Men of Reason and Religion also produced an extraordinary effect in allaying prejudice and winning respect.
This factor is the Record of the Past, which grows and develops by laws other than those affecting the perishable bodies of successive generations of mankind, and exerts an incomparable influence upon the educable brain, so that man, by the interaction of the Record and his educability, is removed to a large extent from the status of the organic world and placed in a new and unique position, subject to new laws and new methods of development unlike those by which the rest of the living world is governed.
The young Raphael, whose incomparable instinct for rhythmical design had been trained hitherto on subjects of holy quietude and rapt contemplation according to the traditions of Umbrian art, learnt from Leonardo's example to apply the same instinct to themes of violent action and strife.
The first volume published of his posthumous works was the exquisite and splendid Thedtre en liberte, a sequence if not a symphony of seven poems in dramatic form, tragic or comic or fanciful eclogues, incomparable with the work of any other man but the author of The Tempest and The Winter's Tale in combination and alternation of gayer and of graver harmonies.
To this list we must add the short but incomparable feuilletons (tdrezalevelek) of Dr Adolf Agai (writing under the nom de plume of Porz6), whose influence on the formation of modern Hungarian literary prose is hardly less important than the unique esprit and charm of his writings.