Incipient Sentence Examples
Incipient Reflexion on the Story.-Let us give some instances of this.
The later part of the reign of Wenceslas is a record of incipient religious conflict.
But on the left there was every sign of incipient disaster, and to avert this only the, cavalry were at hand.
The saline springs are used both for drinking and bathing, and are said to be efficacious in scrofula and incipient tuberculosis.
It may lead to an incipient asphyxiation, as the supply of oxygen may be greatly interfered with and the escape of carbon dioxide may be almost stopped.
It is a stoppingpoint for the incipient steamer traffic of the valley, which is principally confined to the Apure and lower Orinoco.
Augustus also entered into communication with the Huguenots; but his aversion to foreign complications prevailed, and the incipient friendship with the elector palatine soon gave way to serious dislike.
The old Roman town of Juvavum was laid in ruins, and the incipient Christianity of the district overwhelmed, by the pagan Goths and Huns.
The church was too powerful, an incipient feudalism was present, and there was no real bond of union between the different races that acknowledged his authority.
Vandamme's exhausted troops were unnerved at the sight of this fresh foe, and an incipient panic was only quelled by turning guns on the fugitives.
AdvertisementFor this reason it is necessary that the process of collection, separation and pressing should proceed as quickly as possible at vintage time in order that the juice may not, through incipient fermentation, dissolve any of the colouring matter from the skins.
In this adjustment the lowest stage is taken by 'reflex action and instinct, where Spencer the change of the organs is purely automatic. As the external complexity increases, this automatic regularity fails; there is only an incipient excitation of the nerves.
Third, the article concludes by building an incipient theory of ideology as utopia, or the utopian moment of ideology critique.
Media has displayed growing interest in Nano S&T, specially in the technical areas, but Nano S&T penetration is still incipient.
The models will be used to determine the rheology of the incipient oceanic lithosphere around the Dabbahu rift.
AdvertisementThis Fungus stimulates the main twig to shoot out more twigs than usual; the mycelium then enters each incipient twig and stimulates it to a repetition of the process, and so in the course of years large broom-like tufts result, often markedly different from the normal.
Again, the physician as naturalist, though stimulated by the pathologist to delineate disease in its fuller manifestations, yet was hampered in a measure by the didactic method of constructing "types" which should command the attention of the disciple and rivet themselves on his memory; thus too often those incipient and transitory phases which initiate the paths of dissolution were missed.
And in 1963, Red Wing commissioned Norman Rockwell as well as incipient artist Les Kouba to sketch Red Wing shoes for the company catalog.
When a young thief breaks into his place, he recognizes an incipient Immortal, and becomes a mentor for Richie Ryan (Stan Kirsch).
Incipient brain-disease compelled him to withdraw from official life in November 1863, and he died at Spandau on the 26th of August 1865.
AdvertisementMore mobile and more searching than ice or rock rubbish, the trickling drops are guided by the deepest lines of the hillside in their incipient flow, and as these lines converge, the stream, gaining strength, proceeds in River its torrential course to carve its channel deeper and en- t trench itself in permanent occupation.
Another type of incipient crystallization which is excessively common in obsidian is spherulites, or small rounded bodies which have a radiating fibrous structure.
Again, among Siphonales only one family (Vaucheriaceae)has reached the stage of oogamy, although an incipient heterogamy is said to occur in two other families (Codiaceae, Bryoosidaceae).
Moreover, he was crippled by incipient disease of the brain, which at first inflicted unconquerable lassitude and depression, and latterly agonizing pain.
By measuring genetic divergence between populations using molecular markers, I hope to relate this host specificity to the process of incipient speciation.
AdvertisementIf matters are propitious to the development of these buds, then a tuft of twigs is formed and no burr; but if the incipient twigs are also destroyed at an early stage, new buds are again formed, and in larger numbers than before, and the continued repetition of these processes leads to a sort of conglomerate woody mass of fused bud-bases, not dead, but unable to grow Out, and thus each contributing a crowded portion of woody material as it slowly grows.
The incipient feudal baron had not been slow to take advantage of the break-down of the old German military system.
Eric himself arrived at Upsala on the 16th in a condition of incipient insanity.
The reason why at this level the walls must form an upright instead of an inverted cone, why the furnace must widen downward instead of narrowing, is, according to some metallurgists, that this shape is needed in order that, in spite of the pastiness of the slag in this formative period of incipient fusion, this layer may descend freely as the lower part of the column is gradually eaten away.
On all sides, but especially in the north-west, Henry was faced with incipient revolution, and while he was combating this the quarrel between Frederick and the Papacy broke out Frederick again in Italy.
These were cut from the water-worn rocks at the Cataractthe soundest source for large masses, as any incipient flaws are well exposed by wear.
The grapes from which the stalks are partly or wholly (and occasionally not at all) removed are crushed by treading or some other simple method, but sometimes even this is omitted, the juice being expressed by the weight of the grapes themselves, or by the pressure caused by incipient fermentation.
At the parting of the ways which led, on the one hand, to modern Scyphomedusae, on the other to Anthozoa (III.), it is probable that the common ancestor was marked by incipient mesenteries and by the limitation of the sexual cells to endoderm.
In Carinella they are generally deficient and the intestine straight; in young specimens of this species, however, they occur, though less regular and more in the form of incipient foldings by which the digestive surface is, increased.
The leaf directly opposite the bunch must in all cases be preserved, and the young shoot is to be topped at one or two joints beyond the incipient fruit, the latter distance being preferable if there is plenty of room for the foliage to expand; the lateral shoots, which will push out after the topping, must be again topped above their first or second joints.
The sight of many an eye has been destroyed by the use of atropine - in ignorance of this action on the intra-ocular tension - in cases of incipient glaucoma.
Where detachable buds are produced, which can be transported through the air to a distance, each of them is an incipient shoot which may have a root, and there is always reserve-food stored in some part of it.
As an incipient great power, she was beginning to feel the need of a seaboard.
Maxwell had himself, at an early stage of his theory, tested the absorbing power of gold-leaf for light, and found that the effective conductivity for luminous vibrations must be very much greater than its steady ohmic value; it is, in fact, there a case of incipient conductivity, which is continually being undone on account of the rapid alternation of force before it is fully established.
In these cases the activity of one of the gametes, and the passivity of the other, is regarded as evidence of incipient sex.
In 1858 he resigned his seat in the house, owing to incipient softening of the brain, of which he died on the 29th of August 1861.
We are therefore entitled to assume that the suppressed wings of Exopterygota tend to reappear; and, speaking of the past, we may say that if after a period of suppression the wings began to reappear as hypodermal buds while a more rigid pressure was exerted by the cuticle, the growth of the buds would necessarily be inwards, and we should have incipient endopterygotism.
From the time of Mimnermus this form seems to have presented itself as the most natural vehicle for the poetry of pleasure in an age of luxury, refinement and incipient decay.
The former class undergo an incipient fusion or softening when heated, so that the fragments coalesce and yield a compact coke, while the latter (also called free-burning) preserve their form, producing a coke which is only serviceable when made from large pieces of coal, the smaller pieces being incoherent and of no value.
Refusing all honours and recompense, he prepared to return to Italy upon receiving news of the incipient revolutionary movement.
It should then be thrown together in ridges and frequently turned, so as to be kept in an incipient state of fermentation, a little dryish friable loam being mixed with it to retain the ammonia given off by the dung.
The drug is absorbed through the unbroken skin - a very valuable property in the treatment of such conditions as an incipient whitlow.