Incidents Sentence Examples
Though in sympathy with the Covenanters, the town was the scene of few incidents comparable to those which took place in the northern parts of the shire.
Such incidents were the Damascus charge of ritual murder (1840), the forcible baptism of the Italian child Mortara (1858), and the Russian pogroms at various dates.
No longer individual sons of Jacob or Israel, united tribes were led out by Moses and Aaron; and, after a series of incidents extending over forty years, the " children of Israel " invaded the land in which their ancestors had lived.
In order to prevent such incidents in future, Peter the Great abolished the patriarchate altogether, and entrusted the administration of the Church to a synod entirely dependent on the government.
From time to time incidents arise which appeal to the Jewish sympathies everywhere and joint action ensues.
Her character and these incidents of her life presented an attractive subject to the Greek tragic poets, especially Sophocles in the Antigone and Oedipus at Colonus, and Euripides, whose Antigone, though now lost, is partly known from extracts incidentally preserved in later writers, and from passages in his Phoenissae.
The incidents can be supplemented from Josephus.
The incidents that marked the approach of the War of Independence need barely be adverted to.
Reverting to incidents in England itself, in 1870 the abolition of university tests removed all restrictions on Jews at Oxford and Cambridge, and both universities have since elected Jews to professorships and other posts of honour.
It is possible that some of the incidents ascribed to this period properly belong to an earlier part of his life, and that tradition has idealized the life of David the king even as it has not failed to colour the history of David the outlaw and king of Hebron.
AdvertisementTaking Varro for his model, Fenestella was one of the chief representatives of the new style of historical writing which, in the place of the brilliant descriptive pictures of Livy, discussed curious and out-of-the-way incidents and customs of political and social life, including literary history.
On this various incidents in the war are represented.
Bancroft's The Native Races of the Pacific States of North America, of which the principal authorities are the Noticias del Estado de Chihuahua of Escudero, who visited the ruins in 1819; an article in the first volume of the Album Mexicano, the author of which was at Casas Grandes in 1842; and the Personal Narrative of Explorations and Incidents in Texas, New Mexico, California, Sonora and Chihuahua (1854), by John Russell Bartlett, who explored the locality in 1851.
Of all these marvellous incidents very little, by the universal admission of Catholic scholars, has survived the test of modern criticism.
The old Gothic church is dedicated to her, and in the choir is a shrine, enclosing her relics, with fine panel paintings representing incidents in her life by, probably, a contemporary of Memling.
AdvertisementThe basis of his legend is mainly historical, although the story of his journey to Constantinople and the East is mythical, and incidents have been transferred from the reign of Charles Martel to his.
The time slipped by with incidents but few and slight, Tennyson's popularity in Great Britain growing all the time to an extent unparalleled in the whole annals of English poetry.
We also possess in one of the so-called Mabinogi a Welsh version of the tale, Peredur, son of Evrawc. This appears to be a free rendering of the adventures found in Chretien combined with incidents drawn from Welsh tradition.
Incidents of guns being brought to school by students are becoming startlingly common.
It's not surprising that incidents of coupon fraud have been increasing.
AdvertisementExamples of covered incidents include theft, fire, or damage from a storm.
Even when they were both determined not to let this happen, it was difficult to avoid such incidents.
Her life was as strange and adventurous as any of her novels, which are for the most part idealized versions of the multifarious incidents of her life.
Anti-Italian demonstrations occurred periodically also at Vienna, while in Dalmatia and Croatia Italian fishermen and workmen (Italian citizens, not natives) were subject to attacks by gangs of half-savage Croats, which led to frequent diplomatic incidents.
Pinto (q.v.), which minutely describes certain incidents of his life in the Far East (especially in Japan and Malacca).
AdvertisementIt is indeed easy to understand that the romantic incidents of this period were much in the mouths of the people - to whom David was a popular hero - and in course of time were written down in various forms which were not combined into perfect harmony by later editors, who gave excerpts from several sources rather than a new and independent history.
But he watched all public incidents with a vigilant eye, and seized every passing opportunity of exposing departures from sound principle in parliament and courts of justice.
So much is certain, though the precise incidents of the interview are variously told.
We have no means of explaining this statement, nor can we fully understand all the incidents connected with his usurpation; but the attempts of modern authors to prove that Gaumata in reality was the genuine Smerdis and Darius a usurper have failed.
To Spohr the frequency of these incidents must have produced the impression that Wagner was perpetually beginning arias and breaking them off at once.
Thus, whilst the members of the class were personally free, their condition had some incidents of a semi-servile character.
The principal incidents of a seignory were an oath of fealty; a "quit" or "chief" rent; a "relief" of one year's quit rent, and the right of escheat.
Among the incidents of these troubled years was the arrival in Louisiana (after 1765) of some hundreds of French exiles from Acadia, who made their homes in the Attakapas country.
The severe actions of Diirrenstein (near Krems) ors the iith, and of Hollabriinn on the 26th of November, in which Napoleon's marshals learned the tenacity of their new opponents, and the surprise of the Vienna bridge (November 14) by the French, were the chief incidents of this period in the campaign.
The stirring incidents in the political emancipation of Portugal inspired his muse, and he describes the bitterness of exile, the adventurous expedition to Terceira, the heroic defence of Oporto, and the final combats of liberty.
Dinizulu, however, remained at the time quiescent, though the Zulus were in a state of excitement over incidents connected with the war, when they had been subject to raids by Boer commandoes, and on one occasion at least had retaliated in characteristic Zulu fashion.
A series of incidents proved the difference of outlook to be not merely personal but fundamental.
Further incidents in Isaac's life at Gerar are narrated in Gen.
On the other hand, comparatively trivial incidents do more harm to a relatively delicate plant like the tobacco than to more robust plants.
In the course of a long period characterized by a weak central government, it was not difficult to enlarge the rights which the lord thus obtained, to exclude even the king's personal authority from the immunity, and to translate the duties and payments which the tenant had once owed to the state into obligations which he owed to his lord, even finally into incidents of his tenure.
The action of France led to counter-action by Turkey and to various frontier incidents.
The incidents of his life are shrouded by uncertain traditions, which naturally sprang up in the absence of any authentic record; the earliest biography was by one of the Sorani, probably Soranus the younger of Ephesus, in the 2nd century; Suidas, the lexicographer, wrote of him in the 11th, and Tzetzes in the 12th century.
In all these biographies there is internal evidence of confusion; many of the incidents related are elsewhere told of other persons, and certain of them are quite irreconcilable with his character, so far as it can be judged of from his writings and from the opinions expressed of him by his contemporaries; we may safely reject, for instance, the legends that he set fire to the library of the Temple of Health at Cnidos, in order to destroy the evidence of plagiarism, and that he refused to visit Persia at the request of Artaxerxes Longimanus, during a pestilential epidemic, on the ground that he would in so doing be assisting an enemy.
The descriptions, though three or four entire failures occurred, were of remarkable accuracy as a rule, and contained facts and incidents unknown to the inquirers, but confirmed as accurate.
In fact, some Oriental scenes and descriptions of incidents were corroborated by a letter from India which arrived just after the experiment; and the same thing happened when the events described were occurring in places less remote.
On one occasion a curious set of incidents were described, which happened to be vividly present to the mind of a sceptical stranger who chanced to be in the room during the experiment; events unknown to the inquirer in this instance.
Considering the important part played by the Egyptian sojourn of the Hebrews, as narrated in the Scriptures, it was certainly not an overenthusiastic prediction that the Egyptian monuments when fully investigated would divulge important references to Joseph, to Moses, and to the all-important incidents of the Exodus; but half a century of expectant attention in this direction has led only to disappointment.
It is true that the cases are not very numerous where precisely the same event is described from opposite points of view, but, speaking in general terms rather than of specific incidents, we are already able to subject considerable portions of history to this test.
The premature death and high talents of these young men, and the association of one of them with the most popular poem of the age, have made Hallam's family afflictions better known than any other incidents of his life.
The tale bears marks of high antiquity, and presents one of the few incidents in the French cycle which may be referred to a mythic origin.
In the third day's battle he commanded the left centre, upon which fell the full brunt of Pickett's charge, one of the most famous incidents of the war.
The resemblance between incidents in the lives of Isaac and Abraham is noteworthy; in each case Isaac appears to be the more original.
Many incidents recorded in the histories make manifest the meekness, fortitude and even cheerfulness with which he went to his death.
There are many vase and wall paintings and bas-reliefs illustrative of incidents in his life.
In the romance of Alexander the tent of the hero is decorated with incidents from his adventures.
In connexion with the journey from this region to Jerusalem three striking incidents are recorded, x.
But apart from this celebration the second period of the Beck Ministry was attended by unfortunate incidents.
The distribution of medals to the soldiers and the institution of the Victoria Cross (February 1857) as a reward for individual instances of merit and valour must also be noted among the incidents which occupied the queen's time and thoughts.
Richelieu's position was much strengthened by these incidents, but to the end of life he had to struggle against conspiracies which were designed to deprive him of the king's support, and usually Gaston of Orleans had some share in these movements.
The discredit into which he fell was due partly to the unedifying incidents of his personal career.
Professor Zimmer, in his examination of the story, sees reason to believe that the main incidents may repose on a genuine historic tradition, dating back to the 9th or 10th century, the period of Viking rule in Ireland.
In his own character it produced the somewhat blunted moral sense which led to the few incidents in his career which need moral defence, his performance of the marriage ceremony between his first patron Lord Devonshire and the latter's mistress, the divorced wife of Lord Rich, an act completely at variance with his principles; his strange intimacy with Buckingham; his love of power and place.
Apart from this, and other actions referred to, two incidents of the coast war call for notice - the career of the "Albemarle" and the duel between the "Atlanta" and the "Weehawken."
A large part of his book is biographical, describing various incidents of his ministry.
The phenomena which are sometimes supposed to require the hypothesis of an Ur-Marcus are more simply and satisfactorily explained as incidents in the transmission of the Marcan text.
It is worth while to mention these few early incidents of the Rational legend of Guatemala, because their Biblical incidents show how native tradition incorporated matter learnt from the white men.
Pio Perez (in Stephens, Incidents of Travel in Yucatan) and in the remarkable 16th century Relation de las cocas de Yucatan by Diego de Landa, published by Brasseur de Bourbourg (Paris, 1864).
Richardson Afterwards Wrote Half A Dozen Other Romances, Dealing Chiefly With Incidents In Canadian History.
Porter wrote a Life of Commodore David Porter (1875), gossipy Incidents and Anecdotes of the Civil War (1885), a none too accurate History of the Navy during the War of the Rebellion (1887), two novels, Allan Dare and Robert le Diable (1885; dramatized, 1887) and Harry Marline (1886), and a short "Romance of Gettysburg," published in The Criterion in 1903.
The work is a lively chronicle of the incidents of camp and court life, and forms a very valuable source for the history of France during the period it embraces.
Another place associated with incidents of his later life is Dwarka, the westernmost point in the peninsula of Kathiawar.
They would obviously react against the feeling known as " esprit de frontiere," and diminish the danger of incidents arising out of this feeling, and might attenuate the rivalry of neighbouring counter-armaments.
These incidents led to a representation on the part of the native sovereign to the" governments of Great Britain, France and the United States, and the independence of the islands (recognized by the United States in 1842) was recognized in 1844 by France and Great Britain.
His local connexions and the incidents of his previous career introduced him to the notice of his countrymen Lords Bute and Mansfield.
The incidents which have been brought forward as evidence to this effect may with at least equal probability be interpreted as cases of profession or transference of personal allegiance.
Incidents illustrative of this custom are of frequent occurrence in early history and tradition.
It is possible to learn from them more regarding the social and political condition of the period than perhaps from any other source, for they abound, not only in exposures of religious abuses, and of the prevailing corruptions of society, but in references to many varieties of social injustice and unwise customs, in racy sketches of character, and in vivid pictures of special features of the time, occasionally illustrated by interesting incidents in his own life.
There he remained for eighteen months, but shortly after his return to England he accompanied Groves and other friends on a private missionary enterprise to Bagdad, where he obtained personal knowledge of Oriental life and habits which he afterwards applied with tact and skill in the illustration of biblical scenes and incidents.
The original Digenes epic is lost, but four poems are extant, in which the different incidents of the legend have been worked up by different hands.
The second is described below, and the third and fourth, incidents of Jourdan's campaign of 1794, under French Revolutionary Wars.
He took as his chief subjects incidents of western life, cowboys and Indians, with which he was familiar from his years on the ranch; notably "Lassoing Wild Horses," "Stampeding Wild Horses," "Last Round-up," "On the Border of White Man's Land," and "Burial on the Plains."
Tithe rent charge under these acts is subject to the same liabilities and incidents as tithes, such as parliamentary, parochial, county and other rates, especially the poor rate and highway rate; but the owner of tithe rent charge attached to a benefice has been exempted by an act of 1899 from payment of half the amount of any rate which he would be liable to pay under the Agricultural Rates Act 1896, the other half being borne by the Inland Revenue Commissioners.
For whatever explanation may be offered of the miraculous element in Elijah's life, it must obviously be one that accounts not for a few miraculous incidents only, which might be mere excrescences, but for a series of miraculous events so closely connected and so continuous as to form the main thread of the history.
He then became a counsellor of the parlement of Paris, and witnessed many of the incidents that marked the growing hostility between that body and Louis XVI.
The Gospel narratives are unanimous in describing Peter as one of the first disciples of Christ, and from the time of his call he seems to have been present at most of the chief incidents in the narrative.
Out of this mass of incidents the following are central and call for closer critical consideration.
The framework of both is a narrative purporting to be written by Clement (of Rome) to St James, the Lord's brother, describing at the beginning his own conversion and the circumstances of his first acquaintance with St Peter, and then a long succession of incidents accompanying St Peter's discourses and disputations, leading up to a romantic recognition of Clement's father, mother and two brothers, from whom he had been separated since childhood.
Its capture, defence and surrender by Louis of Nassau in 1572 was one of the striking incidents of the religious troubles.
Believing in the perfectibility of the race, that there are no innate principles, and therefore no original propensity to evil, he considered that "our virtues and our vices may be traced to the incidents which make the history of our lives, and if these incidents could be divested of every improper tendency, vice would be extirpated from the world."
The result of the day was thus unfavourable to the allies, but the three chief incidents of the engagement - the two cavalry charges and the fight of the 93rd Highlanders - gave to it all the prestige of a victory.
Others are highly imaginative or with miraculous incidents, like the story of the Predestined Prince and the story of the Two Brothers, which begins with a pleasing picture of the industrious farmer, and, in demotic of the Ptolemaic and Roman periods, two stories of the learned Sethon Khamois, sonofRameses II.
It was a veritable drama that was here enacted, and recalled in its incidents the story of Osiris, the divine proto type of all successive generations of the Egyptian dead.
The incidents of this episode were a favorite subject in the sculptures of his temples, where their representation was accompanied by a poetical version of the affair and other explanatory inscriptions.
The last twelve or fifteen years of his life were spent in Paris, whence he supplied the Globe with a series of piquant letters on the incidents of the day.
Edvard Lembcke (18r5-1897) made himself famous as the admirable translator of Shakespeare, but the incidents of 1864 produced from him some volumes of direct and manly patriotic verse.
In thus repeating over and over on wood and copper nearly the same incidents of the Passion, or again in rehandling them in yet another medium, as in the highly finished series of drawings known as the "Green Passion" in the Albertina at Vienna, Darer shows an inexhaustible variety of dramatic and graphic invention, and is never betrayed into repeating an identical action or motive.
To effect the rescue of these incidents, he boldly admits the forgeries in the registers, abandons all the traditional dates, throws over Tschudi's account, and regards the shooting by Tell of the apple from his son's head as an "ornamental addition" to the tale.
Two incidents illustrate the spirit of judgment with which He approached the splendid but apostate city.
Moreover, though they both accepted the general scheme of St Mark's narrative, each of them was obliged to omit many incidents in order to find room for other material which was at their disposal, by which they were able to supplement the deficiencies of the earlier book.
From the historical standpoint its value must be appraised by the estimate which is formed of the writer's general trustworthiness as a narrator, and by the extent to which the incidents receive confirmation from other quarters.
The whole series of incidents differ from that which we find in St Matthew's Gospel, but there is no direct variance between them.
St John's Gospel meets our questionings by a wholly new series of incidents and by an account of a ministry which is concerned mainl y not with Galileans but with Judaeans, and which centres in Jerusalem.
In the Resurrection scenes he also gives incidents in which he has, played a part; and the appearances of the risen Lord are not confined either to Jerusalem or to Galilee, but occur in both localities.
But, secondly, the general source of the doctrine that life is higher than all its incidents is of interest.
The European wars of the 17th and 18th centuries were marked by various incidents in local history.
The chief incidents of his administration were the Bhutan war and the terrible Orissa famine of 1866.
In 1836 and 1844 Americans were prominent in the incidents of revolution; divided in opinion in both years they were neutral in the actual " hostilities " of the latter, but some gave active support to the governor in 1836.
It was a very small, very disingenuous, inevitably an anomalous, and in the vanity of proclamations and other concomitant incidents rather a ridiculous affair; and fortunately for the dignity of history - and for Fremont - it was quickly merged in a larger question, when Commodore John Drake Sloat (1780-1867) on the 7th of July raised the flag of the United States over Monterey, proclaiming California a part of the United States.
Several difficulties in the present Biblical text appear to have arisen from the attempt of later tradition to find a place for Aaron in certain incidents.
Sheridan's corps took part in the battles of the Wilderness and Spottsylvania Court House (see the article Wilderness), incidents of which led to a bitter quarrel between Sheridan and Meade and to Sheridan's being despatched by General Grant on a farreaching cavalry raid towards Richmond.
Incidents of the poem or the play are illustrated or alluded to as may be convenient, and the exigencies of musical form are not unfrequently disregarded for the sake of special effects.
There are similar alternative possibilities with regard to the explanation of the striking resemblances which certain incidents of the adventures with Grendel and the dragon bear to incidents in the narratives of Saxo and the Icelandic sagas.
The Iliad is not a history, nor is it a series of incidents in the history, of the siege.
But the original nucleus and parts of the incidents may be the work of a single great poet, and yet other episodes may be of different authorship, wrought into the structure of the poem in later times.
The chief incidents in that part of the poem - the panic rush to the ships, the duels of Paris and Menelaus, and of Hector and Ajax, the Aristeia of Diomede - stand in no relation to the mainspring of the poem, the promise made by Zeus to Thetis.
Once more, some of the incidents seem to belong properly to the beginning of the war.
And if some of the incidents (those of the third book in particular) seem to belong to the beginning of the war, it must be considered that poetically, and to the hearers of the Iliad, the war opens in the third book, and the incidents are of the kind that is required in such a place.
It is not proposed to deal here with incidents appertaining to the "ante-natal gloom," and we are concerned only with human beings when once they have been born.
Interest is confined to the actions, passions, sufferings and joys of human life, to its pathetic, tragic, humorous and sentimental incidents.
His disciple, the famous Pharisee 11vleir, remained his steadfast friend, and his efforts to reclaim his former master are among the most pathetic incidents in the Talmud.
Lingard's History gives an exhaustive and trustworthy account of the Popish terror and its victims; and the chief incidents in Oates's career are graphically described by Macaulay.
A serious insurrection broke out in 1764, but was speedily suppressed; and a few similar incidents are the only evidence of the Turkish oppression of the Christian population of the island, and the consequent stagnation of its trade.
The former tell us much of the incidents of the frontier war, and particularly enable us to reconstruct in detail the history of the third siege of Nisibis in 350.
The chief incidents and episodes would be deeply graven in the popular memory; and it is the poet's function to make the past live again.
All psychical states may, according to him, be treated as incidents of the correspondence between the organism and its environment.
The incidents recorded in the charters characterize folkland as subject to ordinary fiscal burdens and to limitations in respect of testamentary succession.
These incidents and limitations are thrown into relief by copious illustrations as to the fundamental features of bookland contained in the numberless "books."
The Targum on both passages has " book of the law," an explanation which is followed by the chief Jewish commentators, making the incidents the fulfilment of passages in the Pentateuch.
But his highest and rarest literary quality is his power of painting characters, scenes, incidents and actions, whether from past history or from contemporary life.
It is not in comparison with the picturesque beauty of European Alpine scenery that the Himalaya appeals to the imagination, for amongst the hills of the outer Himalaya - the hills which are known to the majority of European residents and visitors - there is often a striking absence of those varied incidents and sharp contrasts which are essential to picturesqueness in mountain landscape.
In 1543 Martim Affonso de Sousa, governor of India, organized an expedition to sack the Hindu temples at Conjeveram in Vijayanagar itself, and similar incidents are common in Indo-Portuguese history.
Such incidents, unimportant in themselves, were symptoms of a dangerous state of public opinion, which was debarred from expression in the cortes.
Turkish Corps under the energetic Djavid.5 The battle of Monastir, which was finally launched on the whole front on the 18th, will long be studied for its tactical incidents, but as an ensemble it is sufficiently described by saying that the resistance of the half division of Morava II.
Columns (a) and (b), forming the strongest part of the army, and also column (c) soon met with strong resistance (morning 22nd), and the country, the weather (stormy since the 20th) and tactical incidents making progress uneven, the front at nightfall of the 22nd was very sinuous, the Turks holding pronounced salients at Eski Polos, and .also at Almajik, while the Bulgarians had penetrated nearly to Kadikoi in the centre and within 2 m.
I, with various tactical incidents, of which the most important was a successful night-attack of the Bulgarians at Turk Bey, the Turks disengaged themselves, beginning from the left, and by the 2nd the three corps on the right were also in retreat.
When war came in the last days of June 1913, outpost "incidents" were occurring at many points of the line from Salonika to the old Serbian frontier at Vranya.
Henry was an undutiful son, and his reign was one long period of confusion, marked by incidents of the most ignominious kind.
Some of the incidents given as facts by Dio Cassius are manifest absurdities; and Cicero paid more regard to the effect than to the truthfulness of an accusation.
The siege which followed forms one of the memorable incidents of the British history of India.
Fresh incidents were inserted, new motives suggested and speeches composed in order to infuse the required life and freshness into these dry bones of history.
Pseudopremonitions, due to hallucinatory memory, are not unknown; there is also some ground for holding that crystal-gazers are able to perceive incidents which are happening at a distance from them.
Sophocles and Euripides (and in modern times Corneille) made the story the subject of tragedies, and its incidents were represented in numerous ancient works of art.
The main object of King Leopold's ambition was to obtain an outlet on the Nile, and for the history of the incidents connected with the two important agreements made in 1894 with Great Britain and France, and their sequel in the agreement made with Great Britain in 1906, reference must be made to the article Africa, §5.
Both may be regarded as incidents in the course of glacial streams (incidents which are diminishing in volume day by day), ' rather than original springs or sources.
The minuteness of his narrative detracts from its interest; though his arrangement is generally good, here and there the reader finds the thread of a subject broken by the intrusion of incidents not immediately connected with it, and does not pick it up again without an effort.
Lyonnesse is the scene of many incidents in the Arthurian romances, and especially in the romances of Tristram and Iseult.
To sum up the incidents of this eventful period of his life, it was during it that he lost his mother, always loved and dutifully honoured, by death; his sister had been estranged from him some years before by an imprudent marriage, which, though making her a liberal allowance, he never forgave.
It was of cedar-wood, gold and ivory, and on it were represented the chief incidents in Greek (especially Corinthian) mythology and legend.
The subjects of Longfellow's poetry are, for the most part, aspects of nature as influencing human feeling, either directly or through historical association, the tender or pathetic sides and incidents of life, or heroic deeds preserved in legend or history.
It is contended by some that the tax becomes in the nature of a rent-charge upon the property affected, and that the state really acts as landowner in levying the charge just as it does in receiving the rent of crown lands, and with similar economic incidents and consequences.
The other incidents in which he appears in a purely triumphal character are his transforming into dolphins the Tyrrhene pirates who attacked him, as told in the Homeric hymn to Dionysus and represented on the monument of Lysicrates at Athens, and his part in the war of the gods against the giants.
Bas-reliefs and painted vases reproduce the contests of Apollo with Tityus, Marsyas, and Heracles, the slaughter of the daughters of Niobe, and other incidents in his life.
But the common objection to the play at the time was that it was too natural and too devoid of striking incidents.
The incidents of the Venetian dispute from day to day are related in the contemporary diaries published by Enrico Cornet (Vienna, 1859).
The manufacture of a big gun, which was able to compete with the Boer " Long Tom," at the De Beers workshops, under Rhodes's orders, and by the ingenuity of an American, Mr. Labram, who was killed a few days after its completion, forms one of the most striking incidents of the period.
The whole legend of this stone, which is full of miraculous incidents, seems to have arisen from a misconception, the Maqam Ibrahim in the Koran meaning the sanctuary itself; but the stone, which is a block about 3 spans in height and 2 in breadth, and in shape "like a potter's furnace" (Ibn Jubair), is certainly very ancient.
The Old English origins of the tenure are still apparent even at this time in the shape of some of its incidents, especially in the absence of feudal wardship and marriage.
Military service and the paying of the feudal taxesaids, reliefs, &care incidents of the bargain between the crown and the grantee to whom land has been given.
The incidents of the voyage are related in Deel iii.
Remembrance of these characteristics - remembrance, too, that his mind, which was neither English nor European, worked in absolute detachment - should accompany the traveller through all the turns and incidents of Disraeli's long career.
Border traditions and folklore, and the picturesque, pathetic and stirring incidents of which the country was so often the scene, appealed strongly to James Hogg ("the Ettrick Shepherd"), John Wilson ("Christopher North"), and John Mackay Wilson (1804-1835), whose Tales of the Borders, published in 1835, long enjoyed popular favour.
These incidents seem to have been chosen for the purpose of casting light on the religious history and character of the people and showing how later generations explained the origin of various place names, cf.
Such incidents as this, however, though they served to exhibit consummate tact and diplomatic skill, give little index to the fundamental character of his work as chancellor.
As the scene of many incidents in the life of Gautama Buddha, it was a holy land.
Nothing can be more vividly told than the escape of the Yankee man-of-war through the shoals and from the English cruisers in The Pilot, but there are few things flatter in the range of fiction than the other incidents of the novel.
These two incidents form the first occasion when Venizelos came into official contact with the Great Powers.
According to Spencer (and his premises, at least, are correct), the names of human beings in an early state of society are derived from incidents of the moment, and often refer to the period of the day or the nature of the weather.
But is there any known stage of the human intellect in which these divine adventures, and the metamorphoses of men into animals, trees, stars, and converse with the dead, and all else that puzzles us in the civilized mythologies, are regarded as possible incidents of daily human life?
At the same time, the Zulus have many " nursery tales," the plots and incidents of which often bear the closest resemblance to the heroic myths of Greece, and to the marchen of European peoples.'
As in the case of the Vedas, hymns are poor sources for the study of mythology, just as the hymns of the Church would throw little light on the incidents of the gospel story or of the Old Testament.
Isis wandered, mourning, in search of the body, as Demeter sought Persephone, and perhaps in Plutarch's late version some incidents may be borrowed from the Eleusinian legend.
Sometimes these myths are probably later than the Veda, mere explanations of ritual incidents devised by the priests.
These incidents have been roughly classified by Von Hahn.'
These are twelve specimens of the incidents, to which we may add (13) " the false bride," as in the poem of Berte aux grans Pies, and (14) the legend of the bride said to produce beast-children.
Jacob is otherwise known as Israel and becomes the father of the tribes of Israel; Joseph is the father of Ephraim and Manasseh, and incidents in the life of Judah lead to the birth of Perez and Zerah, Judaean clans.
The latter part of Rashi's life was saddened by the incidents connected with the first Crusade.
Gilbert White's daily life was practically unbroken by any great changes or incidents; for nearly half a century his pastoral duties, his watchful country walks, the assiduous care of his garden, and the scrupulous posting of his calendar of observations made up the essentials of a full and delightful life, but hardly of a biography.
An active propaganda was carried on in Turkish Armenia by emissaries, who tried to introduce arms and explosives, and represented the ordinary incidents of Turkish misrule to Europe as serious atrocities.
In its more recent history the only incidents that need be mentioned are its capture by Ibrahim Pasha, the Egyptian general, in 1832, when the city was first opened to the representatives of foreign powers; its revolt against Ibrahim's tyranny in 1834, which he crushed with the aid of the Druses; the return of the city to Turkish domination, when the Egyptians were driven out of Syria in 1840 by the allied powers; and the massacre of July 1860, when the Moslem population rose against the Christians, burnt their quarter, and slaughtered about 3000 adult males.
The White God is safe and well, but there are incidents that must unfold here before they can return.
Keeping your room tidy and implementing the followingmeasures will help avoid future incidents.
It is odd that incidents involving supposedly civil aeroplanes similar to that which the Miami terrorists provoked years later were among the pretexts included.
He was also a chartist and I have heard him tell of many incidents connected with the Chartist agitation and movement.
Riders losing control through left-hand bends accounted for four of these incidents, two of these resulted in death.
Ernst & Young continues to avoid copping to these incidents in public, preferring for us and police blotters to expose the details.
Police are determined to tackle incidents of organized criminality with paramilitary links.
Incidents No events regarded as constituting incidents in which drinking water quality demonstrably deteriorated came to the attention of the Inspectorate in 2000.
The incidents in question took place during Hewett's mayoralty, when various alleged felons were not punished.
He wrote about his personal experience attending incidents in and around the pretty south Shropshire town which has its own fire station.
The system should only be used for ongoing illegal hare coursing incidents where people feel intimidated or threatened.
Greater Manchester Police actively encourage people to report homophobic hate crime and /or incidents and has set up a website to make it easier.
Food for Thought Pugh reviewed 23 incidents of accidental hypothermia in walkers, campers and climbers in Scotland, Wales and the Lake District.
We also investigate incidents which affect, or could affect, drinking water quality.
Alternatively you can report racist incidents to the police or the Islamic Human Rights Commission or Positive Action in Housing.
Beside isolated incidents, I don't know whether racism exists in the visual arts today.
At the same time, the Council revised its guidelines for schools on good practice regarding racial incidents and equal opportunities in general.
How your angling club can work in partnership with the Environment Agency to detect pollution incidents on your fishery.
Several incidents that took place at this visit have deeply ingrained in her mind that what she thinks is true.
Its national reporting and learning system has been set up to facilitate national learning about unsafe practices and foster work to reduce adverse incidents.
We will draw lessons about authority from the four incidents recorded in the chapter.
Types of incidents vary from the extremely serious to the apparently minor.
Incidents involved different kinds of waste, of varying amounts, using different modus operandi, and involving different kinds of offenders.
Draper offers the opinion that such incidents are not momentary slips on Trotsky's part.
The new scheme is promoted as being an alternative to widening motorways in a bid to ease congestion and manage traffic incidents.
However, none of the reported incidents involved neonates.
There were two incidents of misuse of aluminum phosphide.
The threat of terrorism Historically major incidents of maritime piracy have been rare.
In a few sinister incidents, you might be lured to a dangerous appointment by someone with a highly predatory agenda.
In one of these incidents (Appendix 2, number 5 ), other rodenticides were also involved.
No adverse sequelae resulted from any of these incidents.
Nurses completed more than 90% of the forms and the vast majority of incidents recorded had no serious sequelae for patients.
Often flooding incidents reported to Arun DC relate to a combination of land drainage, highway flooding, and foul or surface water sewerage.
One of the first recorded incidents of materialization took place in America during 1860 by the Fox sisters, founders of modern spiritualism.
Its aim is to encourage student teachers and trainees to consider how they would respond to racist incidents.
The research is the first to pinpoint the specific role of climate in causing such incidents of spatial synchrony in animals.
These incidents are often of such a nature as to bring ufology into popular disrepute.
Most real incidents are isolated things, usually involving children entirely unconnected with a " hate " group.
And by accelerating the identification of and response to virus incidents and blended security threats with automated alert notifications, it maximizes system uptime.
At least three London Scientologists claimed to have uncovered incidents in which they were crucified and rose from the dead to save the world.
Hastings appears to have been not altogether satisfied with the incidents of this expedition, and to have anticipated the censure which it received in England.
And meanwhile the rift between Alexander and his European followers continued to show itself in dark incidents - the murder of Clitus at Maracanda (Samarkand), when Alexander struck down an old friend, both being hot with wine; the claim that Alexander should be approached with prostration (proskynesis), urged in the spring of 327, and opposed boldly by the philosopher Callisthenes, Aristotle's nephew, who had come in the king's train; the conspiracy of the pages at Bactria, which was made an occasion for putting Callisthenes to death.
The chief incidents of Rhodian history during this period are a memorable siege by Demetrius Poliorcetes in 304, who sought in vain to force the city into active alliance with King Antigonus by means of his formidable fleet and artillery; a severe earthquake in 227, the damages of which all the other Hellenistic states contributed to repair, because they could not afford to see the island ruined; some vigorous campaigns against Byzantium, the Pergamene and the Pontic kings, who had threatened the Black Sea trade-route (220 sqq.), and against the pirates of Crete.
The fierce struggle between autocratic tyranny and oligarchic disorder, which went on in intermittent fashion during the whole of his reign, cannot be here described in detail, but the chief incidents may be mentioned.
In these two incidents the tsar perceived a diminution of Russian prestige and influence in Turkey, and Prince Menshikov was sent on a special mission to Constantinople to obtain reparation in the form of a treaty which should guarantee the rights of the Orthodox Church with regard to the Holy Places and confirm the protectorate of Russia over the Orthodox rayahs, established by the treaties of Kainarji, Bucharest and Adrianople.
The sordid incidents of her rise, and the insolence with which she used her triumph, had alienated all hearts from the unhappy woman.
It is noteworthy, also, that an Ahaziah and a Jehoram appear as kings of Israel, and (in the reverse order) of Judah, and somewhat similar incidents recur in the now separate histories of the two kingdoms. The most striking is a great revolt in south Palestine.
In Roman Law, the relationship of landlord and tenant arose from the contract of letting and hiring (locatio conductio), and existed also with special incidents, under the forms of tenure known as emphyteusis - the long lease of Roman law - and precarium, or tenancy at will (see Roman Law).
Also the Acts of Peter and Andrew, which among other incidents recount the miracle of a camel passing through the eye of a needle.
Dumas, who has drawn from this passage one of his very best scenes in Vingt ans apres, has done little but throw Retz into dialogue and amplify his language and incidents.
Briefly speaking, the NO was a dance of the most stately character, adapted to the incidents of dramas which embrace within their scope a world of legendary lore, of quaint fancies and of religious sentiment.
Mimetic posture-dances (Shosagoto) were always introduced as interludes; past and present indiscriminately contributed to the playwrights subjects; realism was carried to extremes; a revolving stage and all mechanical accessories were supplied; female parts were invariably taken by males, who attained almost incredible skill in these simulations; a chorusrelic of the Nochanted expositions of profound sentiments or thrilling incidents; and histrionic talent of the very highest order was often displayed.
To prevent misconception he must expand and explain what was obscure, adjust the incidents of the past to the ideas of later times, emphasize the moral lessons to be learned from the national history, and, finally, adapt the rules and regulations of the Old Covenant to the conditions and requirements of his own age.
He was wont to mention the following as the two incidents in his life which had afforded him the greatest pleasure, - that a stranger, whom he had met as a travelling companion in his youth, made to his declaration "I am Daniel Bernoulli" the incredulous and mocking reply, "And I am Isaac Newton"; and that, while entertaining Kdnig and other guests, he solved without rising from table a problem which that mathematician had submitted as difficult and lengthy.
This recital contains various fabulous incidents.
Incidents in it were his vehement opposition to the Mexican War as a scheme for more slavery territory, the assault made upon him in Washington by Congressman Albert Rust of Arkansas in 1856, an indictment in Virginia in the same year for circulating incendiary documents, perpetual denunciation of him in Southern newspapers and speeches, and the hostility of the Abolitionists, who regarded his course as too conservative.
The genealogy of Locrine, king of Britain, is traced back to Noah, through Aeneas, and the chronicler relates the incidents of the Trojan war as told by Dares the Phrygian.
The principal incidents in its political history arose out of the occurrences of 1843 (see Spain, History), in connexion with which the town received the title of city, and Generals Zurbano and Prim were made counts of Reus.
Their point of view was better expressed in the scruples of priests, who, as Tertullian (c. 200) records (De Corona, iii.), were careful lest a crumb of the bread or a drop of the wine should fall on the ground, and by such incidents the body of Christ be harassed and attacked!
St Luke appears to have taken it over in sections for the most part without much modification; but in St Matthew's Gospel its incidents seldom find an independent place; the sayings to which they gave rise are often detached from their context and grouped with sayings of a similar character so as to form considerable discourses, or else they are linked n to sayings which were uttered on other occasions recorded y St Mark.
There are, of course, many other parallels with St Mark, and at some points the two documents seem to overlap and to relate the same incidents in somewhat different forms. There is the same use of parables from nature, the same incisiveness of speech and employment of paradox, the same demand to sacrifice all to Him and for His cause, the same importunate claim made by Him on the human soul.
At the same time there were incidents in Kruger's life which but ill conform to any Biblical standard he might choose to adopt or feel imposed upon him.
The minute character of the narrative, the accurate description of the various journeyings, the unimportance of some of the details, especially some of the incidents of the shipwreck, are strong reasons for believing that the narrative is that of an eyewitness.
They can introduce such incidents as the change of a man into a horse, or of a woman into a dog, or the intervention of an afreet, without any more scruple than our own novelists feel in describing a duel or the concealment of a will.
Incidents were related evidently confirming the opinion that everything was going from bad to worse, but whether telling a story or giving an opinion the speaker always stopped, or was stopped, at the point beyond which his criticism might touch the sovereign himself.
If the will of every man were free, that is, if each man could act as he pleased, all history would be a series of disconnected incidents.
In one of these incidents (Appendix 2, number 5), other rodenticides were also involved.
Over the last three days there have been three separate incidents in which elderly people have been targeted and their handbags stolen.
Or are the incidents largely or wholly subjective in character?
It is not surprising to find such incidents leading to strange teachings in Muslim writings.
Police are linking the two incidents and reminded elderly and vulnerable people to be suspicious of all unexpected callers.
The United States is also seeking the elaboration of a mechanism for international investigations of suspicious outbreaks of disease or alleged BW incidents.
There had been a number of suspicious incidents over recent months.
Both of these incidents had involved HGV drivers sustaining head injuries due to a faulty loading lift.
There is evidence that we still face a huge underreporting of critical incidents.
It charts 111 separate incidents of civil unrest in 25 countries involving millions of people.
Snow, flooding, gales, washed-out bridges, sea damage, and many other incidents are all examined.
There have been several incidents of Muslim schoolgirls being denied access to schools due to their wearing of the headscarf.
Many pediatricians discourage them simply because of the correlation between pacifier use and the increased incidents of ear infections.
Incidents/Injuries-This section will give the amount of reports, incidents, and injuries that have occurred surrounding this product.
In the two years I have had them there have been only a few incidents where at least one of them was urinating outside the litter box on the curtains.
The website for the Department of Justice sometimes posts recent incidents of identity theft along with the details of the crime and the punishment the criminal received as a result of the theft.
Every time one of these terrible incidents rears its ugly head, it seems that the music and performers of that music are the ones we blame, not the bullies at school, not the parents, nor the guns and depression.
Encourage your teen to alert you to these incidents immediately so you can deal with them together.
Inexperience also seems to play a large role in many teenage driving incidents.
Use personal stories and funny incidents to begin brainstorming.
I can't count the number of embarrassing incidents, and for years watched her on the couch slipping away day by day, and continuing to drink.
Months After Butting Out - During this time, the non-smoker will find that he or she is less short of breath and that the incidents of "smoker's cough" decrease.
While the gossip that involves the twins has been minimal throughout the years, there have been incidents that have eluded to drug abuse in both of their personal lives.
Beckham called both incidents "ludicrous," and there seemed to be no repercussions with his marriage to Victoria.
This incident adds to the long laundry list of other incidents for Britney Spears over the past year.
In 2006, the then 20 year old was arrested a number of times in four different states for alcohol related incidents.
One of the biggest female celebrity oops incidents is the discovery of a sex tape.
What's up with the increasing amount of domestic violence incidents in Hollywood?
Many of the 2009 celebrity scandals included the usual assortment of hookups, breakups, oops moments, arrests, and other incidents that tend to plague the celeb set.
It is an estimate that 1,400 college students die each year due to alcohol-related incidents.
The sheer volume of work requires a considerable time investment without extensions for real life incidents and issues.
While these incidents are extremely rare, knowing what may happen in unusual situations can help passengers be prepared for the unexpected.
The idea of cruise ship disasters happening on your next oceangoing vacation can seem frightening, but in reality these incidents are rare and the cruise ship is well prepared to handle emergency situations.
Although the number of incidents have declined in recent years, dogs do still sometimes get lost in transit, escape on the tarmac, and even die in the cargo hold.
You don't want any embarrassing see-through incidents while you're trying to be fashionable!
Feelings of shame or guilt or the fear that they will not be believed may keep children from reporting incidents of abuse.
Companies benefit from being involved in this program through fewer health and safety incidents that lower productivity in the workplace.
To make comparisons easier to understand, the statistics are sometimes given as the number of incidents per one million takeoffs.
At least 825,000 people in the United States injure their eyes each year, according to Prevent Blindness America, and up to 90 percent of these incidents could have been prevented with protective eyewear.
Most of the injuries reported during this period were described as "stumbling, tripping, falling, slipping" incidents, and there were 69 reported injuries in this category.
The third most common cause of injuries to miners in WV in 2010 was machinery, with 21 incidents reported.
Lower income adults had higher incidents of the majority of these health issues, with the exception of cancer, which was more prevalent among higher income seniors.
The abuser is counting on the victim being unable or unwilling to report the incidents of abuse.
Seniors who live in a nursing home can report incidents of abuse to the management; they have an obligation to investigate and take action in cases of abuse.
In this state of sleep, a person appears to be able to do normal activities, except they are not aware of what is happening and will have little or no memory of sleepwalking incidents the next day.
An estimated 4700 children required treatment in hospital emergency departments for drowning-related incidents in 2001.
An explicit incident or incidents causing stress for the child is always the precipitant.
These incidents are usually not the severe traumas associated with more serious stress-related illnesses such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Each year, more than 17,000 infants and children are treated in hospital emergency departments for choking-related incidents, and more than 80 percent of these occur in children aged four years and younger.
Of the food-related choking incidents, 19 percent resulted from candy or gum.
Of the choking incidents resulting from non-food objects, 13 percent were related to coins.
Because most choking incidents occur in the home, all parents and infant/child caregivers should be trained in the Heimlich maneuver.
The likelihood of choking incidents can be reduced by closely supervising infants and children while they eat and play.
Most choking incidents are associated with food items, especially hot dogs, candies, grapes, nuts, popcorn, and carrots.
Exaggeration and embellishment when relating incidents or telling stories, and the so-called "white lies," told to avoid disappointing or hurting others feelings, do not have the negative, antisocial consequences of serious lying.
The likelihood of choking incidents can be reduced by closely supervising infants and children while eating and playing.
Although SBS is occasionally seen in children up to four years of age, the vast majority of incidents occur in infants who are younger than one year; the average age of victims is between three and eight months.
Outbreaks have occurred in schools and colleges (up to 25 incidents reported annually in the United States), among restaurant clientele, in institutions such as long-term care facilities, and in other settings serving the public.
The degree of aggression expressed must be out of proportion to any provocation or other stressor prior to the incidents.
People diagnosed with IED sometimes describe strong impulses to act aggressively prior to the specific incidents reported to the doctor and/or the police.
Many of these incidents are preventable simply by taking precautions and by using simple, relatively inexpensive child safety products widely available.
In the event that you have resistant hair, make sure you inform your stylist of prior incidents so that they can select the proper perm formula.
It does not refer to normal teasing or joking around between employees, nor does this label apply to incidents that are isolated in nature.
There is likely to be a need for workers to deal with the after effects of this particular oil spill, as well as possible future incidents, for an extended period of time.
Experts recommend checking your report with at least one of the companies every few months to alert you to any incidents of fraud.
The hair shedding typically results in the weeks or months following these incidents.
There are many other causes of hair loss, such as the aforementioned incidents of burns, animal attacks and other unforeseen circumstances.
While this will help protect your engagement ring against theft or home-related damage, such as a fire or tornado, these large-scale policies typically do not cover damage related to household chores or other incidents.
These states have seen a decrease in gun incidents among children.
Proponents also claim that when students are in uniform, it reduces the incidents of violence by eliminating some of the obvious gang related symbolism.
However, the incidents of fighting nearly doubled in the middle school where the uniform policy was adopted.
There are many sites on the Internet such as Uniform Incidents where parents, educators, and students share their opinions about why school uniform policies are not a good idea.
It turns out that many of the incidents that made for the hilariously funny film happened to a friend of executive producer Chris Bender.
Incidents included an infestation with house flies in the middle of winter, strange voices, the sense of a presence in the house, moving objects and the increasing personality change of the husband, George Lutz.
The killer was never found, and to this day, several incidents have been reported that suggest that the Villisca house is yet another in an extensive list of real life haunted houses.
Learning to live by the motto choose your battles can really help you keep perspective on the little things that can turn into huge incidents in the workplace.
If you live with small children, chances are you've had at least a few bloody incidents as they climb, run, wrestle and fall.
Blood pressure, a key factor in serious incidents like strokes, goes down.
In addition, they are less likely to file claims for relatively minor incidents such as a bump or scrape on their car.
Policyholders who are insured with the Medicus Insurance Company are encouraged to report medical incidents as they arise.
Whether you choose to download free release forms or you hire someone to create them for you, remember that while the forms will legally protect you in a limited number of ways, you could still be liable for certain incidents.
They will also not pay claims that arise because of the insured's suicide or self-inflicted injury or illness, including sexually transmitted diseases, incidents of drug or alcohol abuse, or risky or dangerous behavior.
In a legal sense, however, incidents are seldom viewed as purely accidental.
If you are interested in making sure that you are protected from all sorts of incidents in life, then it may be a good idea to seek out the assistance of all risk insurance brokers.
Allstate renters insurance provides tenants with coverage for a variety of incidents.
With any luck, these embarrassing incidents can turn into amusing stories later, once you've gotten over the humiliation!
Several other high profile, out of control incidents followed, including unflattering photos of a bald Spears lunging at photogs wielding an umbrella.
During that show, New York was also involved in one of reality TV's most infamous incidents when fellow contestant Pumkin spit in her face when New York mocked her as she was being kicked out of the house.
The opening scene in Back to the Future, with the large speakers blasting, is based on real incidents with Kim Burrafato in North Beach that the Coppola Rat Pack at Savoy Tivoli and Caffe Trieste would hear.
The following three types of heat rash can occur at any time on anyone, regardless of any prior incidents.
Hastings himself always regarded them as incidents in his general scheme of foreign policy.
The Lohengrin legend is localized on the Lower Rhine, and its incidents take place at Antwerp, Nijmwegen, Cologne and Mainz.
The emperor's share in the work is not clear, but it seems certain that the general scheme and many of the incidents are due to him.
The great career, the incidents of which we have been following, was now, however, drawing to a close.
He wrote light verse to celebrate the incidents of court life in the manner of Desportes, but his verse is more fantastic and fuller of conceits than his master's.
One of the most striking incidents in the progress has been.
But when Greek deities were introduced into Rome on the advice of the Sibylline books (in 495 B.C., on the occasion of a severe drought), Demeter, the Greek goddess of seed and harvest, whose worship was already common in Sicily and Lower Italy, usurped the place of Ceres in Rome, or rather, to Ceres were added the religious rites which the Greeks paid to Demeter, and the mythological incidents which originated with her.
The importance of these incidents, which are very characteristic of political life in the tsardom of Muscovy, will appear in the sequel.
Such incidents as the rise of Joseph Nasi to high position under the Turkish government as duke of Naxos mark the coming change.
In this connexion Yaqui tells a curious story of the opening of one of the tombs by the caliph, which in spite of fabulous incidents, recalling the legend of Roderic the Goth, shows some traces of local knowledge.
It still remains possible therefore that the seven days' eating of unleavened bread (and bitter herbs) is an historical reminiscence of the incidents of the Exodus, where the normal commissariat did not begin until a week after the first exit.
Rose, The Life and Times of William Pitt, and for other incidents of Maret's career, the memoirs of Bourrienne, Pasquier, Meneval and Savary (duc de Rovigo), may be consulted.
Incidents and Teaching connected with Journey towards Jerusalem.
To Montecucculi, indeed, both in his military character and in the incidents of his career, Joseph Johnston bears a striking resemblance.
In the former he imitates the Greek poet Archilochus, but takes his subjects from the men, women and incidents of the day.
The incidents of this undertaking are the theme of Washington Irving's Astoria.
Many incidents of those early years are fixed in my memory, isolated, but clear and distinct, making the sense of that silent, aimless, dayless life all the more intense.
I recall many incidents of the summer of 1887 that followed my soul's sudden awakening.
Many of the detached incidents and facts of our daily life pass around and over her unobserved; but she has enough detailed acquaintance with the world to keep her view of it from being essentially defective.
An elderly dame, too, dwells in my neighborhood, invisible to most persons, in whose odorous herb garden I love to stroll sometimes, gathering simples and listening to her fables; for she has a genius of unequalled fertility, and her memory runs back farther than mythology, and she can tell me the original of every fable, and on what fact every one is founded, for the incidents occurred when she was young.