Inches Sentence Examples
He stopped with inches to spare.
The man lifted his hands gently from the trunk, and the rear wheels of the car lifted a few inches from the ground.
There must be a good twelve inches on the ground already.
In the morning she opened her eyes to find Destiny's face only inches away from hers.
A carny worker was bending over me, only inches away, saying something over and over again.
To the bison of the prairie it is a few inches of palatable grass, with water to drink; unless he seeks the Shelter of the forest or the mountain's shadow.
He showed his badge, inches from the man's face.
He's about 6 inches taller than you, isn't he?
The stones were sunk in the sand now, covered by a couple inches of water.
A trench was dug three and a half feet wide, four feet eight inches deep, and eight feet long.
AdvertisementDamian's silver-white hair was braided down his back, his thick body causing him to sink two inches into the mud.
Selyn peeked out from the two inches she'd opened the door, her dark eyes identical to her father's.
When his kiss ended, she whispered softly only inches from his lips.
He shifted forward, gripping her forearms in a way that brought their faces inches apart.
A ray of light is directed upon the mirror, and the motion of the latter, due to the varying strengths and direction of the received currents, is made to write the transmitted signals upon a strip of bromide photographic paper about three inches wide.
AdvertisementWhen the work was finished, the old fishing boat looked rather odd, with a paddle wheel on each side which dipped just a few inches into the water.
They stood that way, inches apart, for a few moments.
Her file --two inches thick --was yet more proof that the world that seemed foreign to her really wasn't.
In the dramatic Cupola Room his trompe l'oeil fresco gives the effect of a dome although it is only 3.5 inches in depth.
X, a kind of turret mounted on a base 32 inches in diameter, Fig.
AdvertisementL.Y. how tall r u to have 8.5 inches feet (my hands r larger than that).
The umbels of small white flowers are often six inches across.
My objective measures 5 2 / 10 English inches in diameter with its brass ring, the uncovered part measuring 4½ inches.
There 's an extra two inches of ground clearance, and the bumpers include protective underbody shields.
Some twenty three miles of plastic pipe produce a first class undersoil heating system which sits ten inches below the playing surface.
AdvertisementPaul Kelly then volleyed the rebound goalwards only to see it fly inches over the bar.
With ice walls just inches away, seventy mph feels like warp factor nine.
Cut the woven roving cloth wide enough to extend at least 3 to 4 inches on either side of the rupture.
Yes, the fairy wings I brought were 3 inches big !
The length and the width of a rectangle are 5 inches and 9 inches, respectively. Can you find the area?
The average precipitation in Kansas for the past three years has been 32.6 inches, 39.7 inches, and 40.1 inches, respectively.
Edith Shipton's rental car, blanketed in six inches of fresh snow, remained out front.
Gabriel brought his face to within inches of Jackson's.
The man inches from her fired into the melee, along with the laser guns of several more.
The tip of the towel snapped sharply only inches from his shoulder and she gasped at her accuracy.
His face inches away, the expanse of his chest so close … "Boundary."
The length and the width of rectangle are 5 inches and 9 inches, respectively. Can you find the area?
It only takes a couple of inches of water for a child to drown in.
The distance between the crib slats should be no more than 2 3/8 inches wide.
Crib Height-The crib height should be at least 22 inches.
You should only have to paint a few inches of the inside of the pot.
Be sure you allow several inches between each nipple.
It's 18 x 24 inches and retails for $50.
If you have a pool, we recommend that you install a self-locking gate at least 48 inches high.
Since babies are still learning about the basic senses, they can learn a lot from the world around them, but a newborn's world is limited to the few inches in front of his face.
Baby's world is expanding beyond the few inches before his face, and his toys should reflect his new horizons.
A glance out the window revealed that the snow had piled up to four or five inches.
The vamp's head exploded with the first shot of his hand cannon, the bullet missing Bianca by a couple inches.
It screeched across the floor a few inches.
Astonished, she leaned back and watched it rise, thick and plush, to a height of several inches.
She obeyed, inching towards the bench until she lay on her side, suspended by the harness above the seat by a few inches.
His lean build gave the impression that he was tall, but he was only five feet nine inches.
Not that it mattered; he still had her beat by a good six inches.
Their faces were inches
It would probably be easier to go back and get a stool, but it was only a few more inches.
His face six inches away, he was gazing at her with a strange light in his eyes, but it wasn't the glow that caught her attention.
Their profiles were inches apart, her hands pinned at her head.
A true mushroom is never large in size; its cap very seldom exceeds 4, at most 5 inches.
He constructed one form of his coherer of a glass tube a few inches long filled with iron borings or brass filings, having contact plates or pins at the end.
The rainfall on the summit is heavy, 72.14 inches a year being the average of twelve years' observations.
This compares with an average of 54.63 inches at Bishop's Court, Newlands, at the foot of the mountain on the east and with 2 5.43 inches at Cape Town at the northern foot of the mountain.
The planks were of wood, often beech, a few inches wide, and were fastened down, end to end, on logs of wood, or " sleepers," placed crosswise at intervals of two or three feet.
Bridges Adams, the intention being by " fishing " the joints to convert the rails into continuous beams. In the original design two chairs were placed, one under each rail, a few inches apart, as in fig.
In other countries they are generally lower; in the United States they are commonly level with, or only a few inches higher than, the top of the rails.
In British practice the chains consist of three links, and are of such a length that when fully extended there is a space of a few inches between opposing buffers; this slack facilitates the starting of a heavy train, since the engine is able to start the wagons one by one and the weight of the train is not thrown on it all at once.
Three to four inches of rain per month is the average.
Young plants a few inches high are usually attacked; the leaves, beginning with the lower ones, turn yellow, and afterwards become brown and drop. The plants remain very dwarf and generally unhealthy, or die.
West Africa.-Cotton has long been grown in the various countries on the west coast of Africa, ginned by hand or by very primitive means, spun into yarn, and woven on simple looms into " country cloths "; these are often only a few inches wide, so that any large cloths have to be made by sewing the narrow strips together.
The amygdales are three or four inches long and about three-eighths of an inch in diameter.
The galleries are not the way of access to the cemeteries, but are themselves the cemeteries, the dead being buried in long low horizontal recesses, excavated in the vertical walls of the passages, rising tier above tier like the berths in a ship, from a few inches above the floor to the springing of the arched ceiling, to the number of five, six or even sometimes twelve ranges.
West of the Pondaung ridge, however, under the Chin hills, the rainfall exceeds 50 inches.
The last trees which struggle for existence on the verge of the tundras are crippled dwarfs and almost without branches, and trees a hundred years old are only a few feet high and a few inches through and thickly encrusted with lichens.'
If the pull is measured in pounds and the area in square inches, the formula may be written B =1317 X iI P/S +H.
The Cabetes, who possessed the soil, were fierce and pertinacious; and, assisted by the French, who traded to that coast, Coelho had to gain by inches what was granted him by leagues.
The individual beds, seldom more than a few feet in thickness and sometimes only a few inches, are interstratified with an immense thickness of quartzites.
In January 1907 seven inches of rain fell in 24 hours.
If the vertical tube, measuring from the point where the branch comes in, is a few inches greater than the height of the barometer, and the glass and mercury are perfectly clean, the apparatus slowly but surely produces an almost absolute vacuum.
From both the latter it is distinguished by its rudimentary tail, measuring only a couple of inches in length, whence its name of Indris brevicaudatus.
The average rainfall is about 372 inches.
In the course of the season the borders (inside) will require several thorough soakings of warm water - the first when the house is shut up, this being repeated when the vines have made young shoots a few inches long, again when the vines are in flower, and still again when the berries are taking the second swelling after stoning.
A loose layer of earth spread over the surface of the soil acts in the same way, and a similarly effective mulch may be prepared by hoeing the soil, or stirring it to a depth of one or two inches with harrows or other implements.
Following in the furrow of an ordinary plough it breaks through the sub-soil to a depth of several inches, making it porous and penetrable by plant roots.
These inscriptions are generally on limestone or marble or on tablets of bronze, and vary from a few inches to some feet in length and height.
The body-wall is extensively calcified in the Cyclostomata and in most Cheilostomata, which may form elegant network-like colonies, as in the unilaminar genus Retepora, or may consist of wavy anastomosing plates, as in the bilaminar Lepralia foliacea of the British coasts, specimens of which may have a diameter of many inches.
In his prime Gladstone was just six feet high, but his inches diminished as his years increased, and in old age the unusual size of his head and breadth of his shoulders gave him a slightly top-heavy appearance.
Within the period of Japans written history several eruptions are recorded the last having been in 1707, when the whole summit burst into flame, rocks were shattered, ashes fell to a depth of several inches even in Yedo (TOkyO), 60 m.
Nor are there any long rivers, and all are so broken by shallows and rapids that navigation is generally impossible except by means of flat-bottomed boats drawing only a few inches.
In the district on the east of the main island the snowfall is insignificant, seldom attaining a depth of more than four or five inches and generally melting in a few days, while bright, sunny skies are usual.
He dwarfs trees so that they remain measurable only by inches after their age has reached scores, even hundreds, of years, and the proportions of leaf, branch and stem are preserved with fidelity.
The so-called water cabbage (Pistia Stratiotes) is a floating plant widely distributed in the tropics, and consisting of rosettes of broadish leaves several inches across and a tuft of roots hanging in the water.
I It is an interesting fact that Cavendish measured capacity in " globular inches," using as his unit the capacity of a metal ball, in.
The cage is guided by shoes of wrought iron, a few inches long and bellmouthed at the ends, attached to the horizontal bars of the framing, which pass loosely over the guides on three sides, but in most new pits rail guides of heavy section are used.
It has since been shown, however, that unless the gas is at a pressure of more than two atmospheres this wave soon dies out, and the decomposition is only propagated a few inches from the detonator.
When acetylene is burnt from a 000 union jet burner, at all ordinary pressures a smoky flame is obtained, but on the pressure being increased to 4 inches a magnificent flame results, free from smoke, and developing an illuminating value of 240 candles per 5 cubic feet of gas consumed.
The rainfall is very heavy and usually exceeds i 50 inches.
It combines the planisphere and armillae of Hipparchus and others, and the theodolite of Theon, and was usually of brass, varying in diameter from a couple of inches to a foot or more.
Calculations involving feet and inches are sometimes performed by means of duodecimal arithmetic; i.e., in effect, the tables of square measure and of cubic measure are amplified by the insertion of intermediate units.
For square measure 12 square inches = I superficial prime, 12 superficial primes = I square foot; while for cubic measure 12 cubic inches = I solid second, 12 solid seconds = I solid prime, 12 solid primes = I cubic foot.
When an area has been calculated in terms of square feet, primes and square inches, the primes and square inches have to be reduced to square inches; and similarly with the calculation of volumes.
It is a strip of stuff, usually silk, some 21-- yards long by 4 inches broad; in the middle and at the ends, which are commonly broadened out, it is ornamented with a cross.
The average annual rainfall is 78 inches.
The pillars composing it are close-fitting and for the most part somewhat irregular hexagons, made up of articulated portions varying from a few inches to some feet in depth, and concave or convex at the upper and lower surfaces.
Pot firmly, and plunge the pots in several inches of ashes out of doors, to protect the bulbs from frost.
These crystals may be half an inch to several inches in length; they are usually more or less completely weathered to white mica and kaolin.
Frequently in districts where slates are much crumpled they are traversed by numerous quartz veins, which have a thickness varying from several inches up to many feet, and may occasionally be auriferous.
The resistance R can thus be divided into two factors, one of which is d 2, where d denotes the diameter of the shot in inches, and the other factor is denoted by p, where p is the resistance in pounds at the same velocity to a similar I-in.
We first determine the time t in seconds required for the velocity of a shot, d inches in diameter and weighing w lb, to fall from any initial velocity V(f/s) to any final velocity v(f/s).
The last column in the Range Table giving the inches of penetration into wrought iron is calculated from the remaining velocity by an empirical formula, as explained in the article Armour Plates.
The only species, P. striatus, is a much smaller creature, growing to six inches only, and striated black and yellow; it inhabits Georgia and Florida.
For the length of the building cubit Sir C. Warren has deduced a length equivalent to 20.6169 English inches, which compares with a mean Pyramid cubit of 20.6015 in.
The small opening among the fimbriae by which the tube communicates with the peritoneal cavity is known as the ostium abdominale, and from this the lumen of the tube runs from four to four and a half inches, until it opens into the cavity of the uterus by an extremely small opening.
In the non-pregnant condition it is about three inches long and two in its broadest part, which is above.
The male urethra begins at the bladder and runs through the prostate and perineum to the penis, which it traverses as far as the tip. It is divided into a prostatic, membranous and spongy part, and is altogether about 8 inches in length.
In the first stages of the spun-silk industry, the silk was dressed before boiling the gum out; the resulting drafts were cut into lengths of one or two inches.
Ferns, of which there are about 130 species varying from a few inches to 30 ft.
In the mountain region and in the vicinity of Lake Erie there is often a fall of several inches of snow during the winter months and the rapid melting of this produces floods on the Delaware, Susquehanna and Ohio rivers and some of their tributaries.
Phillips Brooks was a tall, well-proportioned man of fine physique, his height being six feet four inches.
But in order to obtain an adequate field of view, the mirrors, and therefore the box, had to be made somewhat large, and in the close-quarters conditions of trench warfare even the few inches by which they projected over the parapet or ether cover made them sufficiently obvious to draw fire.
When in use, the prism is supported some inches above the body and is the only part that can be seen by the enemy.
A neat rainguard made of sheet metal, to the same curve as the body of the periscope and almost 8 inches long, is attached to the upper prism box by two spring straps.
The species are all characterized by short rudimentary wings, bearing four or five barbless shafts, a few inches long, and apparently useless for purposes of flight, of running, or of defence; and by loosely webbed feathers, short on the neck, but of great length on the rump and back, whence they descend over the body forming a thick hair-like covering.
Span and ridge-and-furrow roofs, the forms now mostly preferred, are exceedingly well adapted for the admission of light, especially when they are glazed to within a few inches 2.
If the shoots produced are not sufficient in number, or are badly placed, or very unequal in vigour, the head should be cut back moderately close, leaving a few inches only of the young shoots, which should be pruned back to buds so placed as to furnish shoots in the positions desired.
If they are adopted, the wires should be a few inches away from the wall, to allow free circulation of air between it and the tree, and thus avoid the scorching or burning of leaves and fruits during the summer months in very hot places.
Shallow planting, whether of wall trees or standards, is generally to be preferred, a covering of a few inches of soil being sufficient for the roots, but a surface of at least equal size to, the surface of the hole should be covered with dung or litter so as to restrain evaporation and preserve moisture.
These beds are covered with a few inches of the fine old mould obtained from the decayed manure of previous years.
In sections where it is an advantage to protect grape vines, raspberries, &c., from severe frost, these should be laid down as close to the ground as possible, and covered with leaves, straw or hay, or with a few inches of soil.
Many of the domestic kind in central and northern Europe and Canada are used for drivers' and peasants' coat linings, &c. In Great Britain many coats of the home-reared sheep, having wools two and a half to five inches long, are dyed various colours and used as floor rugs.
Alytes obstetricans is a small toad-like Batrachian, two inches in length, of dull greyish coloration, plump form with warty skin and large eyes with vertical pupils.
Closer examination, however, shows that if the prevailing slopes are not more than a few inches in the mile, yet they do exist, and scientific irrigation requires that the canals should be taken along the crests and drains along the hollows.
Metal-Work.Copper was wrought into pins, a couple of inches long, with loop heads, as early as the oldest prehistoric graves, before the use of weaving, and while pottery was scarcely developed.
It is built of mud, a somewhat conical structure rising above the water according to the depth, of which the cone is from a few inches to 2 ft.
They may be several inches in length and are no thicker than a piece of whip-cord.
Armour plates which are several inches in thickness do not come in this group, being a special article of manufacture.
But for its large size - it grows to a length of eleven inches - it is a nearly exact image of the British newt larvae.
It rarely exceeds a length of nine inches.
Some come to maturity in two months, others require seven months; some are as many feet high as others are inches; some have kernels eleven times larger than others.
The empire included within these boundaries is rich in varieties of scenery and climate, from the highest mountains in the world to vast river deltas raised only a few inches above the level of the sea.
They took the form of a piece of paper about an inch broad and five to eight inches long, on which was written the sum, the date of payment and the name of the payer and payee, with their seals; the paper was then torn down its length, and one half given to each party.
Guinea-pigs placed in plague-infected houses do not contract plague if they are protected from fleas; those placed in cages protected by a border of sticky paper at least six inches in radius, which the fleas cannot jump over, do not contract plague; the others not similarly protected, do.
Cavendish compared the capacity of different bodies with those of conducting spheres of known diameter and states these capacities in " globular inches," a globular inch being the capacity of a sphere 1 in.
The first water-jacketed cupola which came into general use was a circular inverted cone, with a slight taper, of 36 inches diameter at the tuyeres, and composed of an outer and an inner metal shell, between which water circulated.
The annual rainfall is about 68 inches.
Enveloped in a huge blue sheet, with a yard of linen as a veil perforated for two inches square with minute holes, the feet thrust into two huge bags of colored stuff, a wife is perfectly unrecognizable, even by her husband, when out of doors.
An ordinary formula for obtaining it is 1 S for highpressure engines, and S for condensing engines, where D is the diameter of the piston in inches and S the length of the stroke in feet, though varying numbers are used for the divisor.
The variety pygmaea forms a small bush a few inches high.
This occurs as a membrane on the surface of the medium, or as irregular clumps or branched masses (sometimes several inches across) submerged in it, and consists of more or less gelatinous matrix enclosing innumerable " cocci," " bacteria," or other elements of the Schizomycete concerned.
It has a flat cast-iron bottom, 5 feet in diameter, and wooden sides about 30 inches high, the lower parts of which are lined with cast-iron.
Of about the size of a turkey, it is remarkable for the curious " horn " or slender caruncle, more than three inches long, it bears on its crown, the two sharp spurs with which each wing is armed, and its elongated toes.
It is very thin, flexible, fleshcoloured to dark brown, and one to three inches broad.
This animal, also called the bear-cat, is allied to the palm-civets, or paradoxures, but differs from the rest of the family (Viverridae) by its tufted ears and long, bushy, prehensile tail, which is thick at the root and almost equals in length the head and body together (from 28 to 33 inches).
This presents itself variously developed from a mere subulate point to an organ several inches in length, and when complete (as in Andropogoneae, Aveneae and Stipeae) consists of two well-marked portions, a lower twisted part and a terminal straight portion, FIG.
The horns of the large goats are of ten thirty inches in length and stand up straight from the head.
The goats from the Arusi Galla country have fine silky hair which is sometimes sixteen inches long.
In the genus Cycas the female flower is peculiar among cycads in consisting of a terminal crown of separate leaf-like carpels several inches in length; the apical portion of each carpellary leaf may be broadly triangular in form, and deeply dissected on the margins into narrow woolly appendages like rudimentary pinnae.
Bidwillii, and some species of the southern genus Podocarpus are traversed by several parallel veins, as are also the still larger leaves of Agathis, which may reach a length of several inches.
The rivers, finally checked by the sea, deposit their remaining silt, which emerges as banks or blunted promontories, or, after a year's battling with the tide, adds a few feet or it may be a few inches to the foreshore.
His lofty themes and stately eloquence made a profound impression, especially upon young men; his platform presence was imposing, for he was six feet and four inches in height and of massive frame; his voice was clear and of great power; his gestures unconventional and individual, but vigorous and impressive.
In such a case most of the water is absorbed by the few upper inches of soil, only to be re-evaporated during the next few days, and the small proportion which sinks into the ground probably issues in springs many months later.
Thus the permeable vein grows vertically rather than horizontally, and ultimately assumes the form of a thin vertical sheet traversing the puddle wall, often diagonally in plan, and having a thickness which has varied in different cases from a few inches to a couple of feet or more, of almost clean sand rising to an observed height of 30 or 40 ft., and only arrested in its upward growth by the necessary lowering of the reservoir water to avoid serious danger.
The sand-filled vein, several inches in width, was found, on taking out the puddle, to have terminated near the highest level to which the water was allowed to rise, but not to have worked downwards.
In the best examples this has been secured by bedding the stones near to the water face in somewhat finer mortar than the rest, and sometimes also by placing pads to fill the joints for several inches from the water face, so that the mortar was kept away from the face and was well held up to its work.
The Glacial striae, and the dislocated rocks - moved a few inches or feet from their places, and others, at greater distances, turned over, and beginning to assume the sub-angular form of Glacial boulders - were found precisely as the glacier, receding from the bar, and giving place to the ancient lake, had left them, covered and preserved by sand and gravel washed from the terminal morain.
They differ greatly in size, from a few inches to several feet in length.
The average yearly rainfall is 30.57 inches.
This, of course, is unintelligible on the grouping system of treating number; on the counting system it merely means that we count backwards from o, just as we might count inches backwards from a point marked o on a scale.
In the south-west salt is found in beds and dry incrustations, varying in thickness from a few inches to 2 ft.
The animal is from a quarter of an inch to six inches (P. australis) in length.
On some islands the men collect their hair into small bunches, and carefully bind each bunch round with fine vegetable fibre from the roots up to within about two inches from the end.
Seventeen inches, or more than one-third, falls during the summer, and for the other seasons the range is only from 10.1 in.
Snow is uncommon in the south-east of the state, and whenever there is a snow-storm the snow usually melts as it falls; but in the centre and north-west occasionally covers the ground to a depth of several inches.
The plough is merely a pointed stick shod with iron, crossed by another stick which serves as a share, scratching the ground to the depth of a few inches.
Herod was a bay horse about 15 hands 3 inches high, possessed both of substance and length,-those grand requisites in a race-horse,-combined with uncommon power and stamina or lasting qualities.
The scale is generally divided into hundredths of millimetres or thousandths of inches.
The general average for the eastern district over a period of years was 22.07 inches; for the western,.
In Williamsonia the stem bore comparatively long fertile shoots, which, in contrast to those of Bennettites, projected several inches beyond the surface of the main-.
Her nose was mere inches from his as she hissed something in Spanish.
Never mind she felt awed by how sexy he was lying in bed beside her, his muscular chest inches from her and his large hand resting possessively on her stomach.
The description listed the measurements at 5 3/4 X 4 1/2 X 1/2 inches.
This pipe, called a penstock, ranged from forty-four inches down to two feet in diameter and paralleled the Uncompahgre River far above its torrent as it coursed down the deep gorge.
The snow was typical; light and fluffy and a mere six inches required no more effort than a sweeping motion to blow it away.
Here, thanks to three-hundred and twenty-five inches of average annual snowfall, a remote location that minimized lift lines and a thirty-five hundred foot maximum vertical drop, skiing was as it should be.
She met his bittersweet chocolate gaze defiantly, their noses literally inches apart.
Her feet literally inches from the floor, she could do nothing but endure his onslaught.
The word's out the grand jury is inches away from returning an indictment against Big Daddy Delasandro!
His face inches away, the expanse of his chest so close … "Boundary."
She was able to levitate three inches from the ground.
The fossilmeasured 24 inches by 18 inches by 10 inches and had been dug up on the site.
Put a lock on the toilet to prevent accidental drowning; toddlers can drown in a few inches of water.
Coming back down the path, near where the Daffodils bloom, we found a tiny dead adder, some eight inches long.
Short Throw Shifter Barely six inches long, this shift handle designed for 5.0 Mustangs is machined from ½ thick aluminum.
The church is solidly built of brick covered with stone ashlar some five inches thick overall.
Now rock the engine axially and pull it backward about 5/6 inches until the input shaft clears the clutch assembly then lower away.
This is a tough, well-sized multimedia viewer, just 3.5 inches long with a 5 color backlight TFT LCD screen.
One was about five feet six inches tall wearing a dark colored balaclava, black and white top and dark bottoms.
But the most savage beast you're likely to encounter here is the owner's dog Zoe, six inches of terrifying Maltese terrier.
The car lurches around hairpin bends, its wheels inches from the edge.
The peppers are 4 inches long and are very blocky in shape with a yellow flesh that matures to a brilliant red at maturity.
They wound the thread from the cones onto wooden bobbins about nine inches long.
The float is shotted down to its nylon bristle, with a bulk or olivette only six inches away from the hook.
Since writing the above I have been able to source a suitable phosphor bronze rod of diameter 1 1/8 inches from Classic Marine.
Inside The spacious cabin, 48 inches, is accessed by gull wing doors.
Make a climbing wall by cutting two pieces of stiff cardboard about ten inches by four inches.
Note also how the slot in the top of the centreplate casing has been extended aft by about ten inches.
The single gear is about 46.5 inches - a 42 tooth chainwheel driving an 11 tooth sprocket with a 12.2 inch rolling diameter.
Then compress 3 inches of sand onto that using a plate compactor.
Corey is a whopping 6 feet and 7 inches tall and wears bright yellow corduroy to appear quirky and whacky.
This pink leather wrist cuffs will fit wrists measuring 5.5 to 8 inches round.
The Mooncup is a reusable menstrual cup is a reusable menstrual cup around two inches long and made from soft silicone rubber.
They are filled to within about six inches of their tops with fine sand, through which constantly flow strong currants of sea water.
A crash cymbal is a single cymbal, normally 14 to 18 inches.
I started catching small dace and roach straightaway by fishing about 10 inches overdepth.
All sizes are quoted in cm or inches and are clearly denoted by each applicable product. i. Jewelry items.
On top of Exmoor, the snow was two or three inches deep and the road conditions were a little dicey in places.
The breather pipe on the front diff was only about 4 inches long so we replaced it with a 5ft length.
He stood six feet four inches tall and his stature helped to silence any of the illicit distillers who challenged the newly licensed distillery.
The aluminum tube has an outside diameter of 1 1/4 inches to suit standard telescope eyepiece sizes.
The hummingbird feeders which are also on the balcony mean you get to see these tiny hovering jewels just inches away.
The hip flask measures approx 5 inches / 12.5 cm tall, 3 inches / 7.5 cm tall.
You need to use six new terracotta flowerpots, about three inches tall, with a hole at the bottom.
The plants grow to a height of 16 inches and have very fragrant, flavorful leaves.
Free gold gourami 25/05/06 No Gold gourami approx 3 inches long, free to who can collect.
The man is described as white with a sallow complexion, five feet seven inches, slim build and short, shaved dark hair.
Dress measures approx 22 inches / 56 cm around the waist and approx 19 inches / 48 cm from shoulder to skirt hem.
The red basque dress has had the hemline lowered by approximately two inches & is now back on the portrait.
The Beagle - another athletic hare hunting hound yet only sixteen inches high.
Ian Curtis June 2005 oil on box canvas 30 x 24 inches Original oil painting of Singer ian curtis, done as a commission.
The sides of their bodies had icicles about two inches long hanging.
So why should I feel so iffy about the way I spent this day full of wild rainbows up to 21 inches?
Less radical plans turned out to be an increase in capacity to 74 cubic inches in the IoE form of the Js.
The media has dedicated more than its fair share of column inches to the burgeoning ringtone market over the past 12 months.
I felt I was walking twelve inches off the ground.
I saw some pale blue parrot fish and red squirrel fish with their V-shaped tail fins, each about fourteen inches long.
The pipes at the start of the run are to be raised three inches to minimize the ingress of silt.
After the twenty-first revolution, the penultimate internode was 2.5 inches long, and probably revolved in a period of about three hours.
Earliest daggers were made of green jade with a blade three inches wide.
A tiny jellyfish, barely the size of a 10 pence piece slowly pulses past, about six inches from my mask.
Byrd then cut a piece of 0.5mm wire into lengths of about 5 inches, into one of which Geller apparently put a kink.
Screwcutting lathe with 2.5-inch center height, 7 inches between centers.
The 10-inch lathe featured flat ways 1 1/2 inches wide with the edges of the central slot machined to guide the tailstock.
The soap provided, about two inches square and very thin, gave little lather and had no smell.
Late in 1972 Jaguar introduced the long wheel base XJ6L and XJ12L, offering an extra 4 inches legroom to the rear seating area.
Juicy Two and a half inches thick and 1400 calories - and they wonder why their eyelids need liposuction.
The tin lode varied in width from between one to twenty inches.
They started as large disks up to 20 inches in diameter holding just a few megabytes.
The hole measured over 112 inches by about 1 inch, and was possibly intended to relieve migraine or epilepsy.
It's called Seven Inches Of Joy (oh er missus ).
The ground consisted of several inches of thick dirty mud.
A woman mutters something about permanence and my head floats several inches from where it should be.
The bottle opener measures approx 4 inches / 10 cm long.
Greek oregano grows well in pots, reaching 8 to 12 inches.
It has devoted several front pages and many hundreds of column inches to this.
Its flower panicles start to appear in midsummer on stems up to 30 inches tall.
The next ball is tipped off outside edge but drops inches short of Strauss's outstretched paws.
Best picked at 1.5 inches in length or at 4 to 6 inches in length for dill pickles.
The simplest design is a sheet of 1 inch thick polystyrene cut to 14 inches wide by 8 inches height.
Odd it may sound, but there is a psychological connection between abolishing pounds and inches and abolishing Trial by Jury.
The diameter of the screw propeller is two feet six inches with a four foot pitch.
America's first railroad, the Baltimore and Ohio, used the 4 foot 8.5 inches standard.
This was to be a photographic refractor, with an object-glass of 13 inches aperture and 11 feet focus.
It has lace inset handles which measure 18 inches long and is decorated with black grosgrain ribbon.
It has 3 groove rifling with a pitch of one turn in 78 inches.
Cowl edge faced inside with two inches of gold satin; (c) a mortarboard of black cloth.
Anyone nearby was liable to be struck by flying shards of cast iron two inches thick.
Nine small skittles are positioned in a square on a raised base, nine inches square.
The new soft toy is nine inches tall and comes dressed in his signature socks and gloves.
To find the distance the strands should be unlaid for an eye splice, multiply the diameter of the wire by 36 inches.
A stalagmite floor there is 36 inches thick; it rests on coarse fill burying an earlier stalagmite floor there is 36 inches thick; it rests on coarse fill burying an earlier stalagmite.
These were made at the Lambeth factory, in salt glaze stoneware, seven inches high, colored blue and stone.
General Grant, then nearly forty-three years of age, was five feet eight inches in height, with shoulders slightly stooped.
The sleeves are all 6 inches in length and really stretchy - great for adding size to your man too!
I've managed to shift some but there's still a circle about four inches in diameter that's proving very stubborn.
Neither of the plants will grow taller than 20 inches.
They are approximately 3 inches tall by 10 inches long.
One woman's broken thighbone had been badly set, leaving her left leg at least three inches shorter than her right.
Maize fields will normally be plowed followed by seedbed preparation leaving a reasonably fine surface tilth at least 7.5cm (3 inches) deep.
Just a row of tiny little cones, no higher than 6 inches, separating you from oncoming traffic in the other lane.
The men used to dig trenches about nine inches side to about two feet deep.
If we are given a right-angle triangle of sides measuring 2 inches x 2 inches, what is the length of the Hypotenuse?
Whilst holing the cannula 3 to 4 inches from the end withdraw the trocar two thirds of the way out.
Cut the stems down to about six inches above the ground and carefully lift the tubers taking care not to damage them.
L.Y. how tall r u to have 8.5 inches feet (my hands r larger than that ).
But mirror sizes up to 16 inches are often used - but then the telescope become heavy and somewhat unwieldy.
The leaves impress even on a young tree and may be up to twelve inches long with distinctive red veining and stems.
Skirt length 35 inches (including waistband) with 14 inch rear split.
The Humber Super Snipe Chassis had a wheelbase of 117.5 inches with ground clearance of 7 inches.
Yes, the fairy wings I brought were 3 inches big!
This pink leather wrist cuffs will fit wrist cuffs will fit wrists measuring 5.5 to 8 inches round.
In many parts, particularly in the eastern basin, a calcareous or siliceous crust, from half an inch to three inches in thickness, is met with; and Natterer suggested that the formation of this crust may be due to the production of carbonate of ammonium where deposits containing organic matter are undergoing oxidation, and the consequent precipitation of carbonate of lime and other substances from the waters nearer the surface.
The first to attempt to define pitch would seem to have been Arnold Schlick (Musica ausgeteutscht and ausgezogen, Heidelberg, 1 511), who gives a measure, a line of 4s Rhenish inches, which, he says, multiplied sixteen times, should be the lowest F of a small organ.
If a jet of water issues at an angle to the horizontal from a round pinhole orifice under a few inches pressure, it travels out as an apparently smooth cylinder for a short distance, and then breaks up into drops which travel at different rates, collide, and scatter.
The "indicated horse-power" of a reciprocating engine is given by Aspn/ 33,000, where A is the area of the piston in square inches, S the length of the stroke in feet, P the mean pressure on the piston in lb per sq.
East of the Steens Mountains there is a chain of very small lakes, such as the Juniper, Manns and Alvord lakes, and also a playa known as the Alvord Desert, which in the spring is covered with a few inches, or perhaps I or 2 ft., of water, and becomes a lake with an area of 50 or 60 sq.
As a result of the mismanagement and general incapacity of the Commissary Department, the army received little food or clothing during the winter months; in the latter part of December nearly 2900 men were unfit for duty on account of sickness or the lack of clothing, and by the 1 st of February this number had increased by nearly 1000, a state of affairs which Washington said was due to "an eternal round of the most stupid mismanagement [by which] the public treasure is expended to no kind of purpose, while the men have been left to perish by inches with cold and nakedness."
In July and, August the plains of New Castile and Estremadura are sunburnt wastes; the roads are several inches deep with dust; the leaves of the few trees are withered and discoloured; the atmosphere is filled with a fine dust, producing a haze known as calina, which converts the blue of the sky into a dull grey.
Above this line the head rises one and one-fourth inches.
My furniture, part of which I made myself--and the rest cost me nothing of which I have not rendered an account--consisted of a bed, a table, a desk, three chairs, a looking-glass three inches in diameter, a pair of tongs and andirons, a kettle, a skillet, and a frying-pan, a dipper, a wash-bowl, two knives and forks, three plates, one cup, one spoon, a jug for oil, a jug for molasses, and a japanned lamp.
In one heavy thunder-shower the lightning struck a large pitch pine across the pond, making a very conspicuous and perfectly regular spiral groove from top to bottom, an inch or more deep, and four or five inches wide, as you would groove a walking-stick.
At length the wind rose, the mist increased, and the waves began to run, and the perch leaped much higher than before, half out of water, a hundred black points, three inches long, at once above the surface.
The ice in the shallowest part was at this time several inches thinner than in the middle.
So, also, every one who has waded about the shores of the pond in summer must have perceived how much warmer the water is close to the shore, where only three or four inches deep, than a little distance out, and on the surface where it is deep, than near the bottom.
That's not right! cried the prince, and himself pushed it a few inches from the corner and then closer in again.
But on the road, the highroad along which the troops marched, there was no such freshness even at night or when the road passed through the forest; the dew was imperceptible on the sandy dust churned up more than six inches deep.
A rugby style conversion is good or perhaps just hover your foot over as it crashes down inches from its puny body.
America 's first railroad, the Baltimore and Ohio, used the 4 foot 8.5 inches standard.
Rhinoceros beetles can grow to well over 4 inches in length.
A small man of 5ft 6 inches and weighing 10 stone, he was a middle order right-hand batsman who usually fielded at point.
Forssell rose well at the far post but his header was inches off target with Andersen scrambling across.
A few inches away writhes a scrawny boy, born one month prematurely, also jaundiced.
Seconds early Neil Tolson had struck a post after veteran Steve Cherry had failed to clear, whilst Gaynor has a screamer inches wide.
Much of the floor was covered by several inches of scummy water '.
The chamber consisted of 4 slabs of red sandstone, which were about 10 cm (approx 4 inches) thick.
Each eggplant is very slender in shape and is approximately 2 inches in diameter and 6 to 9 inches in length.
Drusilla slunk up to him from behind, snapped her jaw inches from his ear, and giggled some more.
The gangway is several inches deep in water and dirt (footage shows the investigators feet sloshing around).
The sloughed skin of a female, found near Church Norton, measured some 26 inches in length.
To stop sofa cushions from slipping, cut a piece of material roughly two inches smaller than the offending cushion.
The largest of the 4-step spindle pulleys was 6.5 inches in diameter and took a 1 3/8 -wide belt.
A stalagmite floor there is 36 inches thick; it rests on coarse fill burying an earlier stalagmite.
The United States standard railroad gage of 4 feet, 8.5 inches is derived from the original specifications for an Imperial Roman war chariot.
Firstly, the standard railroad gage throughout most of the world is 4 foot 8.5 inches.
The sleeves are all 6 inches in length and really stretchy - great for adding size to your man too !
In his study, he placed a strobe light ten inches from the babies ' faces.
One woman 's broken thighbone had been badly set, leaving her left leg at least three inches shorter than her right.
Baggage Transatlantic flights allow two checked bags per person with neither to exceed 62 inches.
You'll probably want the diameter of the rolled head support to be about two inches.
Distance between crib slats should be 2 3/8 inches or less to avoid entrapment.
While he should continue to grow steadily throughout his formative years, there will be periods of time in which he will gain weight and inches more rapidly than others.
A newborn has difficulty focusing on objects that are farther than 8 to 15 inches away.
The rattles are especially unique because they are larger, almost two inches long.
First, cut all of the flowers you will be using to size, typically three to four inches.
The base of your cake can be either 10 or 12 inches.
The middle layer will be 8 or 10 inches depending on the base size you choose, and the top layer will be either 6 or 8 inches.
Continue rolling and tucking the diapers until the next layer of the cake is a few inches smaller than the Boppy.
She weighed 9.9 ounces and was only 10 inches long.
Weighing in at 8.6 ounces and measuring only 8 inches long, Rahman was born at 25 weeks gestation.
Regardless of her gestational age, little Amillia weighed in at a whopping 10 ounces, and she was 9 inches in length.
Current health and safety recommendations, however, state that your child should remain in a belt positioning booster until they reach the height of 4 feet 9 inches and are between the ages of 9 and 12 years.
While state laws vary, the evidence and recommendations are clear; keep your child in a booster seat until he or she reaches a height of at least 4 feet 9 inches to help prevent injuries in a car crash.
Low-slope roofs rise up vertically four inches for each twelve inches of horizontal run.
The slats along the sides of the crib should be no more than 2-3/8 inches apart to prevent the baby from catching his head between them.
Usually, a space of several inches is left between the edge of the rug and the wall.
For picture-tube sets, wide screens usually measure 26- 34 inches diagonally.
Screen sizes range from 14-37 inches or larger.
Standard computer keyboards are about 18 inches long connected to a port on the back of your computer and are the least expensive.
This is because CRT screen size is measured diagonally corner-to-corner, reducing the actually screen viewing area by about 1.5 inches.
A vertical file cabinet takes up very little floor space, having an average depth of 15 inches.
A lateral file cabinet is longer, anywhere from 36-42 inches, and can store letter and legal-size files side-by-side.
Just 2 inches tall and less than 6 inches wide, it's the smallest desktop computer on the market running about $500 to start.
Screen sizes range from 17-60 inches, with corresponding prices running from $450-$5000.
Portable TVs are available with a variety of screen sizes, from 2.3 inches up to nine inches.
Then add 4-5 inches to both measurements.
Go for a short skirt, just about two inches above the knee is good.
As far as the length of your water skis go, look for ones that are about 6 feet long and 6 inches wide.
Get a tennis racquet that's about 27 inches in length, which is the average length of a racquet (anything less is for children).
Tulips are generally categorized as early-, mid- and late-season varieties, and short (smaller than 8 inches), medium (8 to 18 inches) and tall (taller than 18 inches).
In the deep south, tulip bulbs can be stored in the refrigerator at around 40 degrees for eight weeks and planted 6 to 8 inches deep in November.
It is beneficial to plant your bulbs about 4 inches apart, so try not to buy so many that your space will be crowded.
Bulbs should be planted about six inches deep (but smaller varieties don't have to be planted as deep, so check the package for instructions).
It is helpful to build a soil dam four to six inches high around the tree to prevent runoff and allow the roots to slowly take in water.
To test if a plant needs water, poke your finger a few inches into the soil.
Just a few inches long, it's size and style make it the perfect system for the slightly older crowd who wants to avoid strange stares on the subway.
The pictures that you see up on the internet do not give it justice, because the Nano is a mere 3.5 x 1.6 x 0.27 inches and 1.5 ounces.
The rule of thumb would be something around 8 1/4 or 8 3/8 inches.
Wood size- Your firebox should be 3 inches bigger than the firewood you put into it.
Your tablecloth should hang down from six to eight inches on each side of your table.
Some models are designed to fit right up against the wall, while others must be placed 8-12 inches away from the wall if they will also be used as a pullout bed.
Two-stage models can usually accommodate snowfalls higher than eight inches while one-stage models usually cannot.
This model is built to handle snowfalls over 8 inches deep and also has powered wheels that can be disengaged when needed for turns.
When selecting size, choose the height based on your needs and measuring from the wall because most toilets need about twelve to fourteen inches between the base and the wall.
If you have room to spare, opt for a more comfortable elongated (oval) bowl that takes up two more inches of space.
You can get heights in ten inches for kids, the standard fourteen to fifteen inches, or seventeen inches for disabled adults (often referred to as ADA designs, named for the American Disabilities Act).
You can generally find barrel lengths that range from 18 to 26 inches.
Make sure that you have two inches of clearance underneath your crotch when above the top tube.
The blade for your table saw needs to be finished well in order to be considered high-quality, and you will see ones that range from 10 to 12 inches in size.
It is recommended that you purchase a ceiling fan measuring from 29 to 36 inches for a room up to 75 square feet, and there are fans sized for medium and large rooms as well.
If you have a room measuring 225 square feet, for example, you will want a fan that measures anywhere from 50 to 54 inches, but a medium-sized room of 144 square feet can handle a fan measuring 36 inches or more.
The small one is three inches high and three inches wide and will cost you $9.95 while the large is four inches tall and four inches wide.
This model is 4.8 inches x 0.8 inches x 2.9 inches and weighs 6.1 ounces.
This device is 5 inches x 0.9 inches x 3.4 inches and it weighs 7.9 ounces.
This GPS is 5.2 inches x 0.7 inches x 3.3 inches and weighs 10 ounces.
The thickness can range from two to three inches think to up to seven or eight inches thick.
The Novaform memory foam mattress is 12 inches thick and molds to your body when exposed to body heat.
The support foam is six inches thick and only used in bedding.
You can have a monitor that does dual-duty as a television and permits you to see your PC function from 19 inches upward to 42,52, or even more.
It will mulch best and have the best chance of redirecting the airflow for a good job when the grass is one and a half inches in length.
Sizes of plexiglass sheets start at 6 inches by 12 inches and go all the way up to 36 inches by 72 inches or larger.
Write this figure down in inches and centimeters for convenience while you shop, since some brands may list their sizes in either measuring system.
Typically, laptops are 12-15 inches in length with approximate weights of four to five pounds.
Laptops that are 17-19 inches can weigh ten pounds or more... not recommended for those who travel a lot or work in the field.
They can range from real candy corn size all the way up to several inches tall.
Finches average less than five inches tall, which means they are perfect if you want a bird that takes up less space.
One advantage over plasmas is that if you want a TV that's 32 inches or smaller, you'll find those sizes mainly contain LCDs.
A lightweight saw is from 8 to 14 inches and will trim branches and saw down small trees.
A middleweight is from 14 to 18 inches and will handle larger trees and logs.
A large saw is over 18 inches and is used by professionals.
Their screens are usually 3.5 inches or bigger.
The screen is 3.5 inches, it is not a widescreen, and the resolution (480 pixels by 272 pixels) is not as good as pricier models.
When they first came out, the Eee PCs ranged from seven to nine inches, but now Asus consistently produces ten to twelve inch netbooks.
The fluffy tails that may measure up to eight inches in diameter or more, help the cats keep warm in cold weather as well as help them balance their hefty bodies in deep snow.
If you cannot find a "real" litter box, any small plastic box, about four to six inches tall, should do.
Large towering condos that range in height from four-feet-nine inches to six-feet-five inches.
These beds are circular in shape, with soft walls that stand about six to twelve inches high with an open top.Modified cuddlers look a bit like an igloo, with a side opening and a roof overhead.
Next, place the raw liver in a one quart stock pot, and add enough chicken broth and fresh water to cover the raw livers with two inches of water.
Gradually increase the amount of water in stages until there is about two inches of water in the bowl.
The entire tower is situated on a first level base that is 24 inches by 28 inches.
The second level is 12 inches by 20 inches by 14 inches.
The third level is 10 inches by 15 inches.
Depending on how tall the cat tree is, the base should be at least 24 inches wide by 24 inches deep by 4 inches tall.
Although the tiny worms are only 1/4 to 1/3 inches long, they can cause problems.
Sew the two pieces together, but leave about two inches open at the edge for stuffing.
Another way to make a toy for your cat is to draw a simple fish pattern about four inches long.
Pewter Mint Julep cups were inspired by the works of early craftsmen in the south.The cup is traditionally 6.5 inches tall, with a top diameter of 4 inches, a flat bottom and straight sides that flare only slightly at the top.
A sanded piece of four-foot by eight-foot plywood that's three-quarter inches thick can make a serviceable table.
Even though you don't need a formal dining room for your table, you should always select a spot where you can leave at least 24 inches of open space on all sides for easy access.
Standard cotton fabrics are typically 42 to 45 inches wide, while heavier home decorator fabrics can be substantially wider.
Select plans with a finished piece that will allow you at least 48 inches from the edge of the table to the nearest object on all four sides.
For comfortable seating, each person should have about 30 inches of table real estate too.
After all, at its most basic a table is just a support structure that elevates a flat surface about 30 inches off the floor.
One popular size for reels is 29 inches, a perfect size for a table base.
You'll need at least 30 inches of clearance from the bed's mattress to the ceiling.
Allowing for the width of the rails and the wooden enclosure, several additional inches should be included in determining the size of the room and the free space allowed around the table for players to shoot.
Cut the new webbing to size, adding a couple of extra inches so that the piece can be folded at the ends.
One example of entertainment centers made by Cedar Stuff has a stand-alone center unit that has the capacity to hold a television with a width of up to fifty inches.
You may have to cut a few inches of some of the cabinets off to get the height you'd like, but doing that is much simpler than building a desk from scratch.
Think about the mattress - Before you start tweaking the plans to add a few extra inches here and there, consider the fact that the textiles, like sheets, blankets, and the mattress pad will probably have to be standard manufactured goods.
Give yourself plenty of space - It's easy to get carried away and try to build enough bed to make lounging above the fray more comfortable, but keep the mattress and railings at least 30 inches from the ceiling - more if you can manage it.
This table is 33 inches high and 48 inches in diameter.
You can fit a large family around this table, which measures up to 118 inches long (with the two leaves) and 47 3/4 - 31 1/4 high.
In addition, to ensure a comfortable fit for all of their customers, all king and queen size Craftmatic beds are available in lengths of 80 and 84 inches and widths of 74 inches.
Using a table saw, cut the 8-foot piece of plywood into one long section that is 25 inches in width.
Take the third 32-inch section and cut off 12 inches in width so that the piece is now 20 inches in width.
Use the second piece of plywood to cut a section that is 21 inches wide by 26 inches long.
Using the table saw, cut another piece of plywood that is 21 x 16 inches.
This is largely due to warmer water temperatures and It's estimated that the ocean levels will rise by approximately four inches over the next 100 years.This change could eventually lead to the diminishment of shorelines around the world.
This system requires holes about four inches in diameter to be drilled every 20 feet to a depth of 100-400 feet.
They can be used and transported with very little trouble, folding to two inches in diameter.
Residential windmills of 5 feet high require a base that is at least 18 inches square.
Weighs in at 36.75 pounds and is 32 inches in diameter.
The global sea levels have risen between four and eight inches in the last century, and if this continues, communities that occupy low lying regions along the coasts risk devastating flooding.
Particle matter is commonly called black carbon pollution and is comprised of small pieces of matter measuring about 2.5 microns to about .0001 inches.
A trombe wall is an outside masonry wall that's between eight to sixteen inches thick wall that collects heat and redistributes at night.
Plant them two inches deep with six inches of space between them.
Votive candles are small. cylinder-shaped candles that measure approximately 2.5 inches x 1.5 inches, or 6 cm x 4 cm.
The plant grows approximately 30 inches tall and produces a fuchsia or purple flower at the end of each bract.
The basil plant grows between 12 and 36 inches tall and sports light green leaves.
Many homeowners feel the bigger the better when it comes to their screen of choice, but basically any model 32 inches or larger qualifies as a big screen.
This bustling resort town features three outstanding mountain resorts which encompass over 8,800 acres of slopes blanketed by some 350 inches of snow each year.
Once the glaze is up, use a brush that is at least 3 inches in diameter and paint little "x" marks in the glaze.
For a room with four walls, take the length and width measurements and add them together, changing the number to inches.
The pillow is typically a square shape and is between two to four inches in thickness.
Cut the foam or batting so it overhangs the outer edge of your headboard at least one to two inches.
This repeat pattern is very large at 25 inches.
These fit standard dining chairs without arms and a back height of up to 42 inches.
Run a decorative border of contrasting material a few inches up from the counter.
These clips enable the mirror to sit a few inches away from the wall, and tilt up and down.
The acrylic strips are made for mirrors in lengths of 36 inches 48 inches or 60 inches.
The wood grain polymer strips are made for mirrors in lengths of 36 inches and 59 ½ inches.
If you have a mirror over 60 inches long, seam plates are available that hide the seam where two strips are joined.
Rod lengths vary from 28-48 inches, 36-72 inches, 48-84 inches and 72-144 inches.
These steel rods are also adjustable and will fit windows varying in length from 28-48 inches, 35-66 inches, 48-88 inches and 66-120 inches.
Rods can extend from 28-48 inches, 51-96 inches and 102-144 inches.
The rod curves six inches outward in the center, which provides more space and elbow room in the shower.
The rod curves three inches inward at the corners, which helps prevent water from escaping.
For a 60 inch standard tub, you will mount the rod approximately three inches inside the normal line where you would mount a straight rod.
The arc of the curved rod should extend several inches away from the edge of the bathtub.
For a 60 inch oval tub, depending on the model, mount the rod six to eight inches from the centerline of the tub.
Each place setting on your round table should be at least 24 inches across and 12 inches deep.
If you need to move your table's location to make it more meal friendly, remember to leave at least 42 inches between chairs and adjacent walls or fixed objects.
Like fabric, all borders have a pattern that repeats every few inches.
If you want the rug to fill the room, simply measure the room and deduct about 12 inches to create a border for the rug.
Shake the can thoroughly and spray approximately fifteen inches from the skin in a light sweeping motion.
Relax the face, and from approximately eight or nine inches away from the face mist the foundation in small circles starting with the forehead and working downward.
At less than three inches in diameter, this mirror stashes easily to go anywhere.
The small size (approximately four inches long) and slim design are also easy to stash in a travel case or everyday bag.
Remove the cap and hold the can about six inches from the face.
You simply pull the trigger on the machine and spray the product on in a circular motion, about six inches from your face.
The speaker is a little over 2-inches thick, plus it's a bit over 6-inches long and almost 4 inches wide, so you'll need to be sure to account for its size when packing your gear.
With ultra-sleek dimensions of 2.3 inches (height) by 3.76 inches (width) by 0.75 inches (depth), the M340 tops the majority of the best point and shoot digital cameras in terms of size.
Grill onion on a greased rack set six inches over the simmering coals.
Fill a wok's base with about two inches of cooking oil.
Using a large pan that is at least two inches deep, heat one inch of oil to 375 degrees.
Vegetables are washed, dried, and cut into strips about three inches long and 1/4-inches in width.
Punch two pairs of binding holes about three inches apart along one side of one piece of cardboard.
If you plan on making your scrapbook longer than 16 inches or so, you might want to add another pair of holes and include another bow for support.
The Slice weighs less than two pounds and is only five inches wide.
The Slice only cuts designs up to four inches, while the Cricut is capable of much larger cuts.
They are sets of high quality, decorative paper with each sheet measuring 6 inches square.
Personal paper trimmers are available in a 12-inch size and are clearly marked with inches both vertically and horizontally.
Not only do their depths go one or more inches into the paper, but also their designs range from traditional lace to themed sets for birthdays.
Six inches in the maximum width of the paper that can be accommodated, but there is no limit to the length.
Large punches, including the Whale of a Punch line, are used for big designs, up to 2 inches tall.
The Cricut can cut images up to five inches tall and up to 11 inches long.
Cardstock weights can be a little difficult to understand, but the pound numbers you see represent the weight of 500 sheets of paper with dimensions of 20 inches by 26 inches.
Weighing less than two pounds and measuring five inches square, the Slice can cut out a dozen shapes in the time it takes a person to cut one by hand.
The PIONEER-Stitched Leatherette 3-Ring Scrapbook in 12x12 inches is an elegant way to bind your scrapbook pages.
The actual dimensions of the album are 2.8 x 15.2 x 12.1 inches, and it is made of archival safe materials.
Each Personal Media Cutter is capable of cutting items from 1/2-inch to 8 inches wide and up to 39 inches long.
Most of the templates are laid out for scrapbooking on standard size paper (8 1/2 x 11 inches), yet many people have square scrapbooks these days.
Beginners should choose skis that are one to two inches shorter than the top of their head.