Inauguration Sentence Examples
Pams, his inauguration taking place on Feb.
A stone inauguration chair of the O'Neills is preserved in the Belfast Museum.
Every king was obliged, on his inauguration, to swear that he would govern justly and according to law, to which he remained always subject.
After the inauguration of the new government, the composition of the Anti-Federalist party changed.
Blaine, and served until the inauguration of President Cleveland in 1885.
The reorganization of the Archaeological and Artistic Museum and of the Royal Gallery of Ancient Art coincided with the inauguration in April 1895 of a series of biennial International Art Exhibitions, arranged in order to celebrate the silver wedding of the king and queen of Italy.
A strong constitutionalist, Chenier took the view that the Revolution was already complete and that all that remained to be done was the inauguration of the reign of law.
Columba was honoured by his countrymen, the Scots of Britain and Ireland, as much as by his Pictish converts, and in his character of chief ecclesiastical ruler he gave formal benediction and inauguration to Aidan, the successor of Conall, as king of the Scots.
At Kazvin the ceremony of inauguration took place.
New and direct services were started to East Africa, Central America and Mexico; the service to India and the Far East, as well as that to the Mediterranean ports, was much improved; and lastly, Trieste was made the centre of the large emigration from Austria to America by the inauguration (June 1904) of a direct emigrant service to New York.
AdvertisementOn the inauguration of President Lincoln in 1861 he was appointed secretary of the navy, a position which he held until the close of President Andrew Johnson's administration in 1869.
The process of inauguration was commenced in the evening by the placing of the candidate under the care of two "esquires of honour grave and well seen in courtship and nurture and also in the feats of chivalry," who were to be " governors in all things relating to him."
From1820-1844the elections were in August and inaugurations in November; Governor King served from the 27th of December 1848 till January 1853; thereafter the inauguration was in January, and beginning with 1864 the election was in November.
Taylor performed at the inauguration of disgraced former New York mayor Elliot Spitzer.
On the occasion of his inauguration he maintained for thesis De Sacerdotio Christi.
AdvertisementA month after the inauguration the murder of Lincoln left him president, with the great problem to solve of reconstruction of the Union.
His most memorable work, however, was the inauguration of international operations for charting the heavens.
Hugh's constant disputes with Turlough were fomented by the English with a view to weakening the power of the O'Neills, but after Hugh's inauguration as the O'Neill on Turlough's resignation in 1593, he was left without a rival in the north.
Both of Michelle Obama's dresses that she wore on the inauguration catapulted the designers to fame.
Linnaeus took up the subject in the inauguration of his sexual system.
AdvertisementWhile the influence of the great prophets Elijah and Elisha is clearly visible, it is instructive to find that the south, too, has its 'share in the inauguration of the new era.
Governor Willson, immediately after his inauguration, took measures to suppress disorder.
The reforms in the regulations for degrees in divinity, the formation and first revision of the new theological tripos, the inauguration of the Cambridge mission to Delhi, the institution of the Church Society (for the discussion of theological and ecclesiastical questions by the younger men), the meetings for the divinity faculty, the organization of the new Divinity School and Library and, later, the institution of the Cambridge Clergy Training School, were all, in a very real degree, the result of Westcott's energy and influence as regius professor.
His dress was of" plain cloth "on the day of his inauguration.
He was at home again in Oxford on the 9th of July, and on the 14th Keble preached at St Mary's an assize sermon on "National Apostasy," which Newman afterwards regarded as the inauguration of the Oxford Movement.
AdvertisementThe political history of the colony after the inauguration of responsible government, until it became in 1 9 01 one of the states of Federated Australasia, was not important.
In the rosy dawn of its inauguration, Mr. Charles Maxwell had persuaded some of the clergy to take up shares.
While in Baltimore, while on the way to the inauguration, Pinkerton foiled a plot to assassinate the president.
If George ' dubya ' Bush looked a little weepy at the US presidential inauguration, nobody batted an eyelid.
These were the inauguration of the rex sacrorum and the flamens, and that abjuration of hereditary worship (detestatio sacrorum) which was made by a man who passed from his clan (gens) either by an act of adrogation (see Roman Law and Adoption) or by transition from the patrician to the plebeian order.
He had 178 votes in the electoral college against 83 given for Adams. Though the work of redistribution of offices began almost at his inauguration, it is yet an incorrect account of the matter to say that Jackson corrupted the civil service.
Immediately after his inauguration the president summoned Congress to assemble in an extra session on the 15th of March.
During the presidential inauguration, Hasselbeck complained of feeling sick to her stomach and worn out.
She believed that all the excitement leading up to the inauguration and the inauguration itself had taken its toll on her, calling it "Electionitis."
Ever since the president's young daughters showed up at the Inauguration in high style, girls the world over have been trying to get their hands on JCrew Obama jackets.
By the time the Inauguration rolled around both Obama daughters were considered "fashion-forward models," who dressed in trendy, age-appropriate attire.
Given their reputation for being among the best-dressed girls in the world, it came as no surprise that their Inauguration Day outerwear would make national headlines.
The fashionable First Daughters didn't disappoint on Inauguration Day.
The First Lady also opted to integrate JCrew accessories on Inauguration Day.
In addition to outfitting the First Daughters on Inauguration Day, JCrew also designed coats for Malia and Sasha to wear to the star-studded "We Are One" Inaugural Celebration at the Lincoln Memorial.
His refusal soon after his inauguration to honour the requisition of the governor of Virginia for three persons charged with assisting a slave to escape from Norfolk, provoked retaliatory measures by the Virginia legislature, in which Mississippi and South Carolina soon joined.
She accordingly agreed to recognize his claims to the chieftainship, thus throwing over Brian O'Neill, son of the murdered Matthew, The ceremony of "inauguration" among the ancient Irish clans was an elaborate and important one.
He returned to America from a trip round the world in time to participate in the presidential campaign of 1860, and after Lincoln's inauguration he was appointed United States district attorney for Massachusetts.
He was largely instrumental in the inauguration of the House of Laymen in the province of Canterbury (1886); he made diligent inquiries as to the internal order of the sisterhoods of which he was visitor; from 1884 onwards he gave regular Bible readings for ladies in Lambeth Palace chapel.
Immediately after his inauguration he began filling the militia regiments with young men ready for active service, saw that they were well drilled and supplied them with good modern rifles.
Mr Roosevelt never, however, presided over the deliberations of the Senate, because before the session following his inauguration convened he had ceased to be vice-president.
According to the presidential plan of reorganization, a provisional governor for Alabama was appointed in June 1865; a state convention met in September of the same year, and declared the ordinance of secession null and void and slavery abolished; a legislature and a governor were elected in November, the legislature was at once recognized by the National government, and the inauguration of the governor-elect was permitted after the legislature had, in December, ratified the thirteenth amendment.
On the inauguration of President McKinley, in March 1897, negotiations with the United States were resumed, and on the 16th of June a new treaty of annexation was signed at Washington.
On the 4th of April 1841, one month after the inauguration, Harrison died, and Tyler became president.
In the form of their solemn inauguration too, as we have noticed, the spurs together with the sword were always employed as the leading and most characteristic ensigns of knighthood.5 With regard to knights banneret, various opinions have been entertained as to both the nature of their dignity and the qualifications they were required to possess for receiving it at different periods and in different countries.
This act, which took place in the first years of the 4th century, must be regarded as the inauguration of Christian monachism.
Shortly after his inauguration he expressed a desire to lay up the larger men of war in the eastern branch of the Potomac, where they would require only "one set of plunderers to take care of them."
Arrangements were perfected for the termination of the American military occupation of Cuba and the inauguration of a Cuban Republic as a virtual protectorate of the United States, the American government having arranged with the Cuban constitutional convention for the retention of certain naval stations on the Cuban coast.
A few squares north-west of it are the General Land Office, the headquarters of the Department of the Interior (commonly called the Patent Office), with Doric portico; the Pension Office, in which the Inauguration Ball is held on the evening of each president's taking office; the Government Printing Office (twelve storeys - one of the few tall office-buildings in the city); the City Hall, or District Court House; and the District Building (1908), another building of the local government.
The chief justice takes rank next after the president, and he administers the oath on the inauguration of a new president and vice-president.
This was considered as the inauguration and formal opening of parliament.
He survived his inauguration only one month, dying on the 4th of April 1841, and being succeeded by the vicepresident, John Tyler.
The first distinctive manifestation of the change was the inauguration of Henry Ware (1764-1845) as professor of divinity at Harvard College, in 1805.
He soon became prominent; first by his contributions to its organ the Messenger; then by The Anxious Bench - A Tract for the Times (1843), attacking the vicious excesses of revivalistic methods; and by his defence of the inauguration address, The Principle of Protestantism, delivered by his colleague Philip Schaff, which aroused a storm of protest by its suggestion that Pauline Protestantism was not the last word in the development of the church but that a Johannean Christianity was to be its outgrowth, and by its recognition of Petrine Romanism as a stage in ecclesiastical development.
The failure of the conciliation movement left profound irritation between Vatican and Quirinal, an irritation which, on the Vatican side, found expression in vivacious protests and in threats of leaving Rome; and, on the Italian side, in the deposition of the syndic of Rome for having visited the cardinal-vicar, in the anti-clerical provisions of the new penal code, and in the inauguration (9th June 1889) of a monument to Giordano Bruno on the very site of his martyrdom.
The inauguration stone of the Irish kings, the Lia Fail, or Stone of Destiny, fabled to have been the pillow of the patriarch Jacob on the occasion of his dream of the heavenly ladder, was said to have been presented by Murkertagh to the king of Dalriada, by whom it was conveyed to Dunstaffnage Castle in Scotland (see Scone).
The countess was accustomed to this tone as a precursor of news of something detrimental to the children's interests, such as the building of a new gallery or conservatory, the inauguration of a private theater or an orchestra.
The good news is that JCrew plans to feature "modified versions" of the coats worn by Malia and Sasha on Inauguration Day in its fall 2009 Crewcuts collection.
In terms of style, jackets are in the spotlight sometimes, such as the JCrew jackets worn by Obama's daughters at his inauguration.
Belts and sashes also add to the flair of a good coat - witness the lovely J Crew coats worn by the Obama daughters for Inauguration Day.
Again, echoes of Jackie O.'s inauguration gown were brought up as Mrs. Kennedy also wore white when her husband was inaugurated.
In 1880 he went to Milan for the inauguration of the Mentana monument, and in 1882 visited Naples and Palermo, but was prevented by illness from being present at the 600th anniversary of the Sicilian Vespers.
In Vedic times, at the Rajasuya, or inauguration of a king, some water from the holy river Sarasvati was mixed with the sprinkling water used for consecrating the king.
During this long period of legislative activity he served in the House on the committees on elections, ways and means, and appropriations, took a prominent part in the anti-slavery and reconstruction measures during and after the Civil War, in tariff legislation, and in the establishment of a fish commission and the inauguration of daily weather reports.
The chief events of the year 1893 were my trip to Washington during the inauguration of President Cleveland, and visits to Niagara and the World's Fair.
Resorting to stimulants after illness, his marked excess in this respect on the occasion of his inauguration as vice-president undoubtedly did him harm with the public. Faults of personality were his great handicap. Though approachable and not without kindliness of manner, he seemed hard and inflexible; and while president, physical pain and domestic anxieties, added to the struggles of public life, combined to accentuate a naturally somewhat severe temperament.
The pilgrimages to Rome received their greatest impetus through the inauguration of the so-called Year of Jubilee.