Inadequate Sentence Examples
Gabriel had never felt inadequate in his life until that moment.
His size was inadequate for any hopes of a serious basketball future but he was obviously a fine athlete.
The force was inadequate, but it was all that Holland could spare.
Transport facilities are inadequate.
I've tossed him a scrap of bread but I fear it will be inadequate to meet his long-term needs.
During each stage, inadequate hormone stimulation will prevent normal development.
All this concern was making him feel inadequate.
Some, but not all, are due to inadequate androgen stimulation.
Again, not every defect is due to inadequate hormones.
Though cost is important, you do not want to spend money for an inadequate policy.
AdvertisementBut the question of knowledge was never generalized by them, and their reply to Hume, therefore, remains partial and inadequate, while its effect is weakened by the uncritical assumption of principles which is a characteristic feature of their writings.
The French subsidies, which might have sufficed for a six weeks' demonstration (it was generally assumed that the king of Prussia would give little trouble to a European coalition), proved quite inadequate; and, after five unsuccessful campaigns, the unhappy Hats were glad to make peace and ignomini- YearsThe Sevenar.
Issues affecting low-income students, such as inadequate health care, homelessness, and minimal parental involvement are also not addressed.
Again, this comprises unstructured, one-time assistance, very expensive and/or totally inadequate for the needs of a growing business.
Inadequate amounts force your body to break down your bones to obtain enough minerals for its needs.
AdvertisementMany small businesses fail within just two years of start up because they had inadequate funds to play the advertising game.
Eating on the run and eating nutritionally inadequate food can cause women to gain weight, retain fluid, have digestive disturbances, and increases the chance for health issues to develop.
It also includes coverage for inadequate building insurance.
What a shame it would be to have inadequate insurance coverage on a yacht when an accident occurs.
Not asking the right questions and demanding proper coverage may eventually result in inadequate coverage for a very valuable watercraft.
AdvertisementWhen the yacht is used for profit, it changes the scope of the insurance policy and makes regular policies inadequate.
Some provide inadequate coverage or coverage that you are less-likely to qualify for.
Wearing a bra that is too small can inhibit circulation and be extremely uncomfortable for daily wear, while wearing a bra that's too loose may offer inadequate support and appear bulky beneath your clothes.
Despite the many good bras available, more than half of active women can experience some pain during exercise, due to inadequate support.
While these assets upgraded our efficiency, the LeBlanc house continued to be inadequate.
AdvertisementHe anticipated the ideals of Peter the Great, and only failed in realizing them because his material resources were inadequate.
Now there is no reason to believe that meteors in anything like this quantity can be supplied to the sun, and, therefore, we must reject this source as also inadequate.
No alternative hypothesis prevails, mere desultory criticism of the internal intricacies being quite inadequate.
As an explanation of what has taken place in later years, or of the actual economic life of the present day, it is ludicrously inadequate.
This system has in great measure been followed throughout the present work, but it is obvious that in numerous instances these rules must prove inadequate.
His political programme was, however, entirely subordinate to the social, that of bettering the condition of the working classes, for which he believed the schemes of Schulze-Delitzsch were utterly inadequate.
We have now to consider the reasons for rejecting this definition as inadequate.
When Pemberton's army was besieged in Vicksburg by Grant, Johnston used every effort to relieve it, but his force was inadequate.
General Johnston was recalled to active service, and showed his usual skill, but his forces were inadequate.
There is no good history of Agenais; that published by Jules Andrieu in 1893 (Histoire de l'Agenais, 2 vols.) being quite inadequate.
The key of the duke's position was now in Napoleon's hands, Wellington's centre was dangerously shaken, the troops were exhausted, and the reserves inadequate.
But these measures proved inadequate, and in 1533 the lord marcher, Ostafi Daszkiewicz, the hero of Kaniev, which he had successfully defended against a countless host of Turks and Tatars, was consulted by the diet as to the best way of defending the Ukraine permanently against such inroads.
But it did nothing for the southern lakes, so that a further system of dikes was recommended in preference, in 1614, by the Dutch engineer Adrian Boot; it was inadequate for its work and, not being lined with masonry, it was liable to be choked by falls.
The inadequate results of the British campaigns against the northern colonies in 1776 and 1777 led the home government to turn its attention to the weaker colonies in the south.
A small British force sent to assist in its defence proved altogether inadequate and had to retreat to Aden.
On the other hand, there are still more fundamental points in which the first three books of the Eudemian Ethics are a very inadequate preparation for the common books.
But the Rhetoric to Alexander was considered spurious by Erasmus, for the inadequate reasons that it has a preface and is not mentioned in the list of Diogenes Laertius, and was assigned by Petrus Victorius, in his preface to the Rhetoric, to Anaximenes.
The slope of the land is from north-west to south-east, but the general drainage is very inadequate.
The charges 1 were in part quite trivial, and the evidence was ridiculously inadequate for the graver charges.
But when the prophets were succeeded by the scribes, the interpreters of the written word, and the yoke of foreign oppressors rested on the land, Yahweh's kingship, which presupposed a living nation, found not even the most inadequate expression in daily political life.
In order to form a relative idea of the importance of the various countries engaged in silk manufacture, a tabulation of the number of looms employed in each country would prove an inadequate guide, owing to the variations from time to time of the fabrics woven, as also to the difficulty in obtaining trustworthy statistics of the number in active operation.
The exceptional position of the United States, with a population about equal to that of the rest of the American continent, and of Great Britain, an island state but little exposed to military invasion, places both beyond absolute need of large standing armies, and renders an enlisting system feasible which would be quite inadequate for the recruitment of armies on the French or German scale.
Not by any means an argument to be despised, but stopping short of the truth through an inadequate analytic of knowledge."
It is realism - but inconsequent and inadequate realism, something like that of Spencer; according, indeed, more knowledge of the distinction between Nature as condition of sensations and God as condition of Nature; but very like in holding that all we know of natural forces is our perceptions.
The publication of these papers is said to have exercised a beneficial influence in drawing attention to the inadequate calculations on which many insurance and benefit societies had recently been formed.
From the close of the Thirty Years' War to the outbreak of the French Revolution the papacy suffered abroad waning political prestige; at home, progressive financial embarrassment accompanied by a series of inadequate governmental reforms; and in the world at large, gradual diminution of reverence for spiritual authority.
Kepler (1571-1630) was led by his study of the planetary motions to reject this method of statement as inadequate, and it is in fact incapable of giving a complete representation of the motions in question.
The young king soon quarrelled with his father, who allowed him no power and a wholly inadequate revenue, and headed the great baronial revolt of 1173.
But when kings and kingdoms were in conflict, and distant and prolonged expeditions became necessary, it was speedily discovered that the unassisted resources of feudalism were altogether inadequate.
On the British side, the naval force in American waters under Sir John Borlase Warren, who took up the general command on the 26th of September 1812, consisted of ninety-seven vessels in all, of which eleven were of the line and thirty-four were frigates, a power much greater than the national navy of America, but inadequate to the blockade of the long coast from New Brunswick to Florida.
In a necessarily inadequate sketch it is impossible to give more than the barest mention to one or two other features of modern missionary achievement in India, e.g.
Hume's well-known distinction between relations of ideas and matters of fact corresponds fairly to this separation of the formal and real problems in the theory of cognition, although that distinction is in itself inadequate and not fully representative of Hume's own conclusions.
But an effective reforming monarchy must stand upon a sound financial basis; and the usual revenues of the crown, always inadequate, were so diminished that they did not cover half the daily expenses of government.
The heir apparent, the prince of Orange (see William of the Netherlands), was sent on a peaceful mission to Brussels, but furnished with such limited powers, as under the circumstances were utterly inadequate.
It appears, however, that these two establishments were found inadequate to supply the wants of the inhabitants, and a third edifice of the same character, the socalled central baths, at the corner of the Strada Stabiana and the Strada di Nola, but on a still more extensive scale, intended for men only, while the other two had separate accommodation for both sexes, was in course of construction when the town was overwhelmed.
The chief nominally complete edition at present in existence is that of Bossut (1 779, 5 vols., and since reprinted), which not only appeared before any attempt had been made to restore the true text of the Pensees, but is in other respects quite inadequate.
For a cause not easy to determine Alcibiades was defeated by Nicias in the election to the post of strategus in the next year, and the suspicions of the Peloponnesian coalition were roused by the inadequate assistance sent by Athens, which arrived too late to assist Argos when the Spartan king Agis marched against it.
It has to be considered, however, that many of those sermonizing pieces which are so tedious to us, especially when we read two or three in succession (perhaps in a very inadequate translation), must have had a quite different effect when recited under the burning sky and on the barren soil of Mecca.
The complications to which the pressure of foreign nations, and especially of France, on the frontiers of the territories gave rise, became at this period so acute that the resources of a private company were manifestly inadequate to meet the possible necessities of the to position, Relations with.
The discipline of the old army had been regulated by a translation of part of the Code Napoleon, which was inadequate for an Eastern army, and the sirdar replaced it by the British Army Act of 1881, slightly modified, and printed in Arabic. -
A few cuneiform transcriptions, reaching as far back as the XVIIIth Dynasty, give valuable hints as to how Egyptian was pronounced in the 15th century B.C. Coptic itself is of course quite inadequate to enable us to restore Old Egyptian.
Of the small family of the Tilopteridaceae our knowledge is as yet inadequate, but they probably present the only case of pronounced oogamy among Phaeosporeae.;.They are filamentous forms, exhibiting, however, a tendency to division in more than one plane, even in the vegetative parts.
It was doubtless this expectation that has led to the description of a number of Silurian and Devonian remains as algae upon what is now regarded as inadequate evidence.
These reforms profoundly modified and in some cases abolished older organizations which had grown inadequate to modern wants.
The long wars had been adverse to commerce, for which ransoms and the booty of Bannockburn made inadequate compensation.
Burton's anti-Celticism, and scepticism as to archaeology, make his work inadequate in the earlier parts.
In all these distinctively Buddhist verses the existing translations (of which Professor Max Miller's is the best known, and Dr Karl Neumann's the best) are inadequate and sometimes quite erroneous.
This, as Wolsey saw, was quite inadequate for the purpose in view; and he again instructed Gardiner, while thanking the pope for the commission actually granted, to press him once more by very urgent pleas, to send the desired decretal on, even if the latter was only to be shown to the king and himself and then destroyed.
It is almost impossible, without asceticism of a radically inartistic kind, to treat with the resources of instrumental music and free harmony such passages as that from the Crucifixus to the Resurrexit, without an emotional contrast which inevitably throws any natural treatment of the Sanctus into the background, and makes the A gnus Dei an inadequate conclusion to the musical scheme.
We marvel at the obstinacy with which he, with inadequate mathematical knowledge, opposed the Newtonian theory of light and colour; and at his championship of "Neptunism," the theory of aqueous origin, as opposed to "Vulcanism," that of igneous origin of the earth's crust.
During 1910-21 the country made considerable economic progress, though much hampered by inadequate means of communication with the outer world.
At first he expressed himself in the phrases common to scholastic theology, when these were found to be inadequate in words borrowed from the mystical writers of the 14th and 15th centuries, and then in new phrases more appropriate to the circle of fresh thoughts.
Its appearance has been associated with the invasion of the Israelites or with the establishment of the independent monarchy, but on very inadequate grounds; and since it has been independently placed at the latter part of the monarchy, its historical explanation may presumably be found in that break in the career of Palestine when peoples were changed and new organizations slowly grew up. 5 The great significance of these vicissitudes for the course of internal conditions in Palestine is evident when it is observed that the subsequent cleavage between Judah and Samaria, not earlier than the 5th century, presupposes an antecedent common foundation which, in view of the history of the monarchies, can hardly be earlier than the 7th century.
The sewerage system and conditions of house sanitation were found extremely inadequate when the American army occupied the city in 1899.
When Protagoras included in his course grammar, style, interpretation of the poets, and oratory, supplementing his own continuous expositions by disputations in which he and his pupils took part, he showed a not inadequate appreciation of the requisites of a literary education; and it may be conjectured that his comprehensive programme, which Prodicus and others extended, had something to do with the development of that versatility which was the most notable element in the Athenian character.
In conclusion, there are of course some grounds for the Tubingen view, but they are wholly inadequate to bear the structure that has been raised upon them.
The recklessly wasteful manner in which these fisheries are conducted, and the inadequate measures taken by the United States government for their protection, threaten the entire industry with destruction.
After partial and inadequate legislation in 1891 and 1898, the regular system of land surveys was made applicable to Alaska in 1899, and a generous homestead law was provided in 1903.
By the advocates of radical reforms these measures were regarded as utterly inadequate, and even in Belgium, among those friendly to the Congo State system of administration, some uneasiness was excited by a letter which was published along with the decrees, wherein King Leopold intimated that certain conditions would attach to the inheritance he had designed for Belgium.
Mining.-The mineral resources of Utah are varied and valuable, but their development was retarded for many years by the policy of the Mormon Church, which practically forbade its members to do any mining; more recently the development has been slow because of inadequate transportation facilities, and the inaccessibility of some of the deposits.
As a general argument his account of the determination of the will is defective, notably in his abstract conception of the will and in his inadequate, but suggestive, treatment of causation, in regard to which he anticipates in important respects the doctrine of Hume.
The stern determination of the British troops, which alone made possible the reduction of Delhi with so inadequate a force, was intensified, if possible, by the ghastly story of The Mass- Cawnpore.
The old sewers were found quite inadequate to carry off the large increase of water, and besides they all led directly into the bay, causing a terrible odour and rendering the water near the town unwholesome for bathing.
In buildings of small width in proportion to their height this method of securing rigidity, is generally found to be inadequate, and the frame is also braced at right angles to the outer walls to take up the strains directly.
The fabric of a state built up on the basis of serfdom proved inadequate to meet the tasks of modern times.
The best-known English criticism, that of Hallam in his Literature of Europe, is inadequate.
Moreover, the inadequate compensation awarded to slaveowners, and the suspicions engendered by the method of payment, caused much resentment, and in 1835 the trekking of farmers into unknown country in order to escape from an unloved government, which had characterized the 18th century, recommenced.
He redeemed by organized strategy the vacillations and follies of statesmen who had sat at home and sent out inadequate expeditions or incompetent commanders.
To Laromiguiere he attributes the lesson of decomposing thought, even though the reduction of it to sensation was inadequate.
Whitefield's printed works convey a totally inadequate idea of his oratorical powers, and are all in fact below mediocrity.
Here he is usually said (but on inadequate data) to have adopted the opinion then gaining ground in favour of the celibacy of the clergy, and to have separated from his wife Theosebia, who became a deaconess in the church.
Aware that the resources of his own duchy were inadequate to the conquest of England, he sent all over Europe to hire mercenaries, promising every knight who would join him broad lands beyond the Channel in the event of victory.
The price of food, already raised by the war, was still further increased by sueCore Laws cessive Corn Laws, and the artificial value thus given and to arable land led to the passing of Enclosure Bills, Enclosure under which the country people were deprived of their Acts, common rights with very inadequate compensations and life in the village communities was made more and more difficult.
Conservatives, who thought its remedies inadequate.
But the abstainers condemned the bill as inadequate; the publicans denounced it as oppressive; and the whole strength of the licensed victuallers was thenceforward arrayed against the ministry.
His force, utterly inadequate for the purpose, was stopped by the Boers,, Ia,neSOn and he and his fellow-officers were taken prisoners.
But before the great outburst of scholasticism, ancient literature found a somewhat less inadequate channel in Arabian and partly even in Jewish scholarship. Aristotle was no longer strained through the meshes of Boetius; study of and the new light inspired Roscellinus with heresy.
Now, as perception of these atoms and their relations is beyond us, we must be satisfied with inductive presumptions, for which " experimental verification " affords, after all, only conclusions that wider experience may prove to be inadequate.
All our " interpretations of nature " are inadequate; only reasonable probabilities, not final rational certainties.
His knowledge of the mddile ages is inadequate, and his criticisms are not discriminating.
His literary training was inadequate; his vocabulary is limited and his style awkward and pretentious; and he had a fondness for moralizing tritely and obviously, which mars his best passages.
But thin amount of knowledge, however valuable in itself, is utterly inadequate to the needs of sidereal research; and various.
But it is pointed out in the report that while the returns as regards farm produce, food stuffs, and raw materials may be considered approximately complete, the information as to manufactured goods-especially of the more valuable grades-is rough and inadequate.
Any careful perusal of modern attempts to recover historical facts or an historical outline from the book will show how very inadequate the material proves to be, and the reconstructions will be found to depend upon an interpretation of the narratives which is often liberal and not rarely precarious, and to imply such reshaping and rewriting of the presumed facts that the cautious reader can place little reliance on them.
As in every social scheme where the government is wor without real power, the weakest sought protection of the strongest; and the system of patron, client and journeyman, which had existed among the Romans, the Gauls and the Germans, spread rapidly in the 6th and 7th centuries, owing to public disorder and the inadequate protection afforded by the government.
The prestige of the governor was greatly increased by this event, and he was prepared to follow up his advantage by an attack on Boston from the sea, but his resources were inadequate for the undertaking.
In this particular case the parabolic formula appears to be undoubtedly inadequate.
Yet in their inadequate way they served to keep alive throughout the dark ages some little knowledge of the antique culture and learning.
It would be unjustifiable to assume from the inadequate data available that the Spanish people retains the vitality which characterized it from 1797 to 5857.
The silk industry, though inadequate to meet the home demands, is active in Valencia, Murcia and Seville.
They were wholly inadequate, and the result of the attempt to dominate all western Europe was to Character of produce bankruptcy and exhaustion.
It was an open secret that this grave decision was not taken at the cabinet council presided over by the queen without a solemn protest by Seor Moret and the ministers of war and marine that the resources of Spain were totally inadequate for a struggle with the United States.
Leonese.Proceeding on inadequate indications, the existence of a Leonese dialect has been imprudently admitted in some quarters; but the old kingdom of Leon cannot in any way be considered as constituting a linguistic domain with an individuality of its own.
The country was still bearing an income-tax of elevenpence in the pound; it appeared that the old sources of revenue were inadequate; and meanwhile the statistics of trade, it was argued, showed that the English free-import system hampered English trade while providing the foreigner with a free market.
Detroit has made three experiments with municipal ownership. On account of inadequate and unsatisfactory service by a private company, the city bought the water-works as long ago as 1836.
He distinguished himself by being the only member of the assembly who entered a protest against what he deemed the inadequate sentence passed on John Simson, professor of divinity at Glasgow, who was accused of heterodox teaching on the Incarnation.
The dogmatic or individualist conception of experience had thus proved itself inadequate to the solution of Hume's difficulty regarding the notion of cause, - a difficulty which Kant, erroneously, had thought to be the only case contemplated by his predecessor.
The difficulties or obscurities of the Kantian system, of which the above are merely the more prominent, may all be traced to the one source, the false or at least inadequate idea of the individual.
The inadequate number of steaks was surreptitiously replaced with hamburgers after the women were talked into staying for dinner.
He'd never felt inadequate in his long existence until he stood before a mere mortal with the knowledge he had nothing to offer her.
He instinctively wished to question the validity of the Exemplars and their power, yet felt so inadequate in his comprehension that he decided to trust Frederick implicitly, and prayed the vampire couple's sincerity was genuine.
Are you really willing, in your land of extortionate inadequate health coverage, to watch women dying from botched backstreet abortions?
The local density approximation (LDA) is shown to be inadequate for calculating the band-gap narrowing.
Inexplicably, but as on so many precision bench lathes, the tailstock barrel carried an inadequate a No. 1 Morse taper.
Present day provision for research work in this country is shockingly inadequate, depending chiefly on the capricious support of private beneficence.
A lot of parents made a big fuss about this as vegetarianism was still thought of as rather cranky and inadequate.
Not only was the heating inadequate, but on occasion it proved dangerous.
Method would generate an inadequate range of useful quantitative data and there are considerable concerns about reliability.
One common reason for inadequate pain relief is a failure of the block to spread to the sacral dermatomes.
We found that the planning and implementation of nursing care and the level of nursing documentation were inadequate.
This sum proved totally inadequate generations later to meet the cost of eradicating the dry rot at an estimated sum of £ 40,000.
Hotels in some countries may be built to poor standards and have inadequate fire escapes.
But the odd little brick dimple here or a shiny stainless steel flue there are inadequate.
Many people develop gingivitis and it is primarily due to inadequate bacterial plaque control.
At best this information is inadequate 3 rd hand hearsay.
A couple of them were suffering from mild hypothermia, due to becoming wet, in inadequate clothing.
That said, focusing narrowly on Iraq is woefully inadequate for reducing the nuclear threat.
Of course one post is grossly inadequate to deal with all the duties relating to public paths.
The supply of drugs even under the oil for food program is still hopelessly inadequate.
Existing road and rail services are wholly inadequate and major public investment would be required.
I struggled to find some words of comfort to send by private email, but they seemed pitifully inadequate.
Dr. Levine is concerned about the totally inadequate intake of DHA by most Americans.
In some small houses, even a large sump has proved inadequate.
The defense he gives, however, seems somewhat inadequate.
He'd never said anything about the physical side of their marriage to make her feel inadequate.
At present the systems of committees and debate appear inadequate.
The testing for infectious diseases was inadequate, and the provision of a regime for mental health inpatients was poor.
Mrs E felt that this was an inadequate response and wanted the Commission to instigate a statutory inquiry.
The Nuclear Installations Inspectorate has launched an investigation into what BNFL said was an ' inadequate ' reaction to the alarms.
Detonation is generally caused by excessive heat, excessive cylinder pressure, improper ignition timing, inadequate fuel octane or a combination of these.
Even tho we may feel quite inadequate to bear it, we cannot but sense its essential rightness.
A child dies every 15 seconds from diseases associated with unsafe drinking water and inadequate sanitation.
The supply of indentured servants from England was soon inadequate to meet the labor needs of the sugar industry.
Lying in the inadequate shade of some high grass tussocks was an enormous old lion.
Matter in motion, which used to seem so unquestionable, turns out to be a concept quite inadequate for the needs of physics.
These innovations have been attributed on inadequate evidence to other algebraists, e.g.
The Goths having meanwhile reconquered Italy, Belisarius was despatched with utterly inadequate forces to oppose them.
It was natural, therefore, that he rejected the idea of a spontaneous generation of organisms (which was just then being advocated by his friend Forster), not only as unsupported by experience but as an inadequate hypothesis.
But Jerome proved quite inadequate to his position, listening to the complaints of his subordinates as to want of supplies and even of pay; he spent four whole days in absolute inertia, notwithstanding the emperor's reprimands.
Mayer's real merit consists in the fact that, having for himself made out, on inadequate and even questionable grounds, the conservation of energy, and having obtained (though by inaccurate reasoning) a numerical result correct so far as his data permitted, he applied the principle with great power and insight to the explanation of numerous physical phenomena.
But His Montcalm Et Levis (1891) And Other Works On The Conquest, Are' All Warped By A Strong Bias Against Both Wolfe And Montcalm, And In Favour Of Vandreuil, The Canadian Born Governor; While They Show An Inadequate Grasp Of Military Problems, And' Practically Ignore The Vast Determining Factor Of Sea Powei Altogether.
The evidence of Mycenaean remains, as compared with the literary evidence of Homer, is both inadequate and inconclusive (see Aegean Civilization; Greek Art; Arms And Armour, Ancient; Plate; &c.).
But from the new point of view its method was inadequate too, its contentment with an induction that merely leaves an opponent silent, when experiment and the application of a calculus were within the possibilities.
It is an age of conscious selection as between ideal systems. Instead of necessitating a wasteful and precarious elimination of inadequate customs by the actual destruction of those who practise them - this being the method of natural selection, which, like some Spanish Inquisition, abolishes the heresy by wiping out the heretics one and all - progress now becomes possible along the more direct and less Comte's own term " fetishism " was most unfortunately misleading (see Fetishism).
It marks only that we feel our knowledge to be inadequate, and for the reason that there may be another species of sensation than ours, that other beings may not be tied by the special laws of our constitution, and may apprehend, as Plato says, by the soul itself apart from the senses.
Owing to Aratus's irresolute generalship, the indolence of the rich burghers and the inadequate provision for levying troops and paying mercenaries, the league lost several battles and much of its territory; but rather than compromise with the Spartan Gracchus the assembly negotiated with Antigonus Doson, who recovered the lost districts but retained Corinth for himself (223-221).
And the actual criteria of conduct derived from biological considerations are almost ludicrously inadequate.
Buddha 's account of the reincarnation process is inadequate.
It is an inadequate bill, riddled with glaring loopholes.
Cirencester was held for Parliament in early 1643, but it was a straggling town with inadequate defenses.
Existing theories of abstract syntax are inadequate; we will develop improved algebraic theories, covering variable binding and structured types.
Inadequate provision of any of these can increase the risk of workplace stress.
Parents may receive inadequate and even dishonest legal proceedings, spending lot of time and money without ever being able to adopt a child.
Most of us simply change the bulb for one with a higher power rating when we find the light inadequate for whatever reason - not realizing that it creates resultant heat and damage to the lamp and its parts.
If the pool stick bends at an awkward angle or at the wrong moment or with not enough strength, then the spin of the ball is will inadequate and send the cue ball for the wrong part of the target.
The FDA has also mentioned that the use of melamine is still a controversy since inadequate research has been conducted as to the chemical's effect on animals.
Cats can suffer from diabetes, particularly those that are overfed on inadequate diets.
Gardeners with a lot of experience and space for composting may find that a compost tumbler is inadequate for their needs.
Thinning, dry, brittle hair can be an early sign of inadequate intake of certain vitamins and minerals.
Latisse is a prescription used to treat hypotrichosis, a condition that causes inadequate or sparse eyelashes.
A poorly-adjusted ski binding is like a cell phone with inadequate service.
Should dietary intake be inadequate, the body can then draw upon this reserve.
Do you often feel guilty, anxious, and inadequate?
Avoid Puppy Mills - disreputable breeding farms that mistreat animals by confining them in inadequate kennels, under poor conditions just to create additional litters.
Pitbulls are not aggressive by nature, but aggression can be caused by living in inadequate conditions.
It can also be caused by inadequate amounts of sunlight.
This label, however, is completely inadequate to account for the myriad of genres that Led Zeppelin experimented with in their nine album, thirteen-year career.
While these cans provided an excellent solution to solving minor draft or insulation problems, they were inadequate for larger applications like insulating a garage attic or an empty wall cavity.
Replacing an inadequate door with an energy efficient patio door choice will also allow the homeowner to save on energy bills.
A healthy lawn is better able to fight off parasites and disease than one which suffers from some type of deficiency or inadequate care.
If you're a woman who's constantly battling backaches due to inadequate support from a regular bra, this piece of lingerie may be the solution you've been searching for.
Vivid, bold frame colors to catch the eye and make a fashion statement without resorting to awkward styles or inadequate construction.
While not stealing direct components from Halo (would that really be a bad thing?), this first person shooter features decent graphics and open levels, but also showcases very inadequate gameplay.
If the upper biliary system is also inadequate, the surgeon will attach a piece of intestine directly to the liver using the Kasai procedure, named after Morio Kasai, the Japanese surgeon who developed the procedure.
Curiosity, inability to read warning labels, a desire to imitate adults, and inadequate supervision lead to most childhood poisonings.
Children with food allergies need to be followed by a physician and or dietitian to ensure they are not at risk for growth problems or inadequate intake of nutrients.
Intense thirst and a highly concentrated, reduced volume of deep yellow or orange urine are signs of inadequate fluid intake.
Breastfeeding is an important risk factor for hyperbilirubinemia in healthy infants and is related to inadequate maternal milk supply in the first few days, decreased caloric intake and delayed passage of meconium.
The patient may feel aching or pain in parts of the body affected by inadequate blood supply, such as aching in the legs while walking or cramping sensations in the abdomen after meals.
Infarct-An area of dead tissue caused by inadequate blood supply.
Women who receive inadequate prenatal care tend to have increased chances of delivering a very low birth weight (VLBW) infant, which is linked to risk of early death.
Children who live in poverty and suffer from malnutrition, unhealthy living conditions, and improper or inadequate medical care are at a higher risk.
H., et al. "Infant with inadequate feeding and weight gain, progressive respiratory difficulty, hypotonia, and weakness, with onset at birth."
Most people with CF need to take pancreatic enzymes to supplement or replace the inadequate secretions of the pancreas.
This type of malnutrition is the result of inadequate intake of protein and energy.
The most common reason for poor growth is inadequate caloric or nutrient intake.
A component of this temporary deficit is inadequate control of their breathing reflex.
Heart disorders that cause a decreased, inadequate amount of oxygen in blood pumped to the body are called cyanotic defects.
The four most common causes of dwarfism in children are achondroplasia, Turner syndrome, inadequate pituitary function (pituitary dwarfism), and lack of emotional or physical nurturance.
Dyskinetic refers to abnormal movements caused by inadequate regulation of muscle tone and coordination.
As a result, either no enzyme is produced, or the amount produced is inadequate.
Furthermore, the bowel and bladder have inadequate nerve connections, causing an inability to control bowel and bladder function.
Broken bones are slightly more common among children due to their increased level of activity and among older people due to their lack of exercise and inadequate intake of calcium.
Other less common causes of conjunctivitis include exposureto sun lamps or the electrical arcs used during welding and problems with inadequate drainage of the tear ducts.
Inadequate fluid intake, heat, and detergents in diapers aggravate the condition.
The heart may not be able to "work around" the damaged valve, which may result in a consistently inadequate amount of blood entering the circulation.
Premature infants and low birth weight babies in general are known to be at increased risk of developing SIDS, as are infants born to teenage mothers, poor mothers, and mothers who for any reason have had inadequate prenatal care.
Although the greatest nutritional concern is with inadequate levels of minerals, it is possible to take too much, particularly when people already eating a normally healthy diet take supplements.
Failure to thrive (FTT) is a term used to describe children whose physical growth over time is inadequate when compared to a standard growth chart.
They tend to be inflexible, rigid, with inadequate response to the changes and demands of life.
Poor hand-eye coordination can have a wide variety of causes, but the main two conditions responsible for inadequate hand-eye coordination are vision problems and movement disorders.
Deceleration-A decrease in the fetal heart rate that can indicate inadequate blood flow through the placenta.
An inadequate diet, improperly calculated insulin dose, minor illnesses, or excessive activity without adequate sustenance can contribute to the condition.
Asphyxia neonatorum is respiratory failure in the newborn, a condition caused by the inadequate intake of oxygen before, during, or just after birth.
If an inadequate supply of oxygen from the placenta is detected during labor, the infant is at high risk for asphyxia, and an emergency delivery may be attempted either using forceps or by cesarean section.
The primary cause of osteoporosis may be inadequate levels of estrogen circulating in the body; however, defects in bone structure or strength may also be related to the loss of unknown X-chromosome genes.
For example, a test may reveal that a patient's folate status is sufficient, borderline, or severely inadequate.
Research supported by the U.S. Public Health Service during the 1990s found that an inadequate diet during pregnancy was associated with premature rupture of amniotic sac membranes and premature birth.
If the pituitary output is inadequate, so will be the output from the gonads and adrenals.
The enzymes lactase, maltase, and isomaltase (or sucrase) are needed to break down the disaccharides; when one or more is inadequate, the result is carbohydrate intolerance.
The inadequate digestion of lactose will result in an increase of acid in the waste matter excreted by the bowels and the presence of glucose.
The word dyslexia is derived from the Greek word, dys (meaning poor or inadequate) and the word lexis (meaning words or language).
For example, if students stay away from school because of inadequate academic skills, special tutoring programs may be initiated.
Bone growth is not only affected by simple caloric malnutrition due to inadequate food intake, but also if there is protein deficiency (protein-calorie malnutrition or Kwasiorkor).
Hypogonadism is the condition in which the production of sex hormones and germ cells (sperm and eggs) is inadequate.
Hormones can be inadequate during or after each stage of development-embryonic and adolescent.
Inadequate vitamin D can lead to a number of health problems besides rickets, including increased risk of coronary disease and certain cancers.
There remained a short but muddy and drenching hike, only partially covered by the inadequate umbrella.
He'd done the right thing in protecting her, even if the wounded look on her face made him feel both inadequate and frustrated.
This was his last great undertaking; but as Robertson's Charles V., in the light of new sources of information, was inadequate to take its place as a link in the series, he republished it in an improved and extended form in December 1856.
Large as the estimate for 1914 was, it was attacked by naval experts as inadequate.
The government also turned its attention to the inadequate accommodation at the docks, and proposals for a new quay on the western side of the present basin, and for a second basin 900 yds.
The chief method employed for their destruction is spraying the swarms with arsenic. The districts with the greatest area under cultivation are Heidelberg, Witwatersrand, Pretoria, Standerton and Krugersdorp. The chief crops grown for grain are wheat, maize (mealie) and kaffir corn, but the harvest is inadequate to meet local demands.
Diagnosis, or recognition of the disease, must have been necessarily imperfect, when no scientific nosology or system of disease existed, and the knowledge of anatomy was quite inadequate to allow of a precise determination of the seat of disease; but symptoms were no doubt observed and interpreted skilfully.
The means at his disposal were inadequate, his excavations were incomplete and also unscientific in that his prime object was the discovery of inscriptions and museum objects; but he was wonderfully successful in achieving the results at which he aimed, and the numerous statues, monuments, inscribed stones, bronze objects and the like found by him in the ruins of Calah are among the most precious possessions of the British Museum.
The original dependence upon the Spirit for light and guidance was inadequate.
But these standards proved inadequate to the emergency, for it was possible, especially by the use of the allegorical method, to interpret them in more than one way, and their apostolic origin and authority were not everywhere admitted.
A personal union, under one monarch, however close, had proved inadequate.
The provision for the instruction of the European and Jewish population was also inadequate.
And it was well that it should be so, because the methods of criticism are apt to be, and certainly would have been when the Canon was formed, both faulty and inadequate, whereas instinct brings into play the religious sense as a whole; with spirit speaking to spirit rests the last word.
The postal and telegraphic services are also somewhat inadequate.
Such theories, as we have noticed, are extremely likely to be only approximations in ancient times, even if recognized then; and our data are quite inadequate for clearing the subject.
The hypothesis of inherence gives an inadequate account of the dependence of an attribute on a substance, and is a kind of half-way house between separation and predication.
This is perhaps the subject on which our information is most inadequate.
Notes are here added on some divinities who have received inadequate or no attention in the preceding pages.
In general the pentateuchal legislation as a whole presupposes an undeveloped state of society, and would have been inadequate if not partly obsolete or unintelligible during the monarchies.5 But more elaborate legal usages had long been known outside Palestine, and, to judge from the Talmud and the Syrian lawcode (c. 5th century A.D.), long prevailed.
Sugar is manufactured both from the sugar-cane and from the bastard date-palm, but the total production is inadequate to the local demand.
The various motives assigned for the Mutiny appear inadequate to the European mind.
In the third case - that of Malik Ashtar - the evidence is equally inadequate.
The view of Herbart and his school is contradicted by our primary judgments of and from sense, in which we cannot help believing existence; and it gives an inadequate account even of our secondary judgments in which we no longer indeed believe existence, but do frequently believe that a nonexistent thing is (or is not) somehow determined unconditionally.
In virtue of the remaining tables it rejects any suggestion qualitatively or quantitatively inadequate.
The total expenditure for the schools is creditable to the state; but before 1909 hardly half the school population attended; and in general the rural conditions of the state, the shortness of the school terms and the dependence of the schools primarily upon local funds and local supervision, make the schools of inadequate and quite varying excellence.
These volumes were largely written under Mr. Bancroft's direction and control by an office staff, and are of very unequal value; they are a vast storehouse of detailed material which is of great usefulness, although their judgments of men are often inadequate and prejudiced.
The development of Wyoming's naturally rich mineral resources has been retarded by inadequate transport and by insufficient capital.
As his slender forces were inadequate to encounter the fierce hostility which he aroused, he left Italy in the autumn of 1155 to prepare for a new and more formidable campaign.
Mechanical uniformity and minute regulation are inadequate substitutes for observance of the canons of equality, certainty and economy in the operation of the tax system.
Formerly, ordinary conscription had existed alongside this indelning, or distribution system; but it had proved inadequate as well as highly unpopular; and, in 1682, Charles XI.
The Indian campaign showed that his Macedonian troops were in fact inadequate to the conquest of the world, and in the summer of 326 they compelled him to turn back from the banks of the Hyphasis.
The watchmen appointed by parishes were useless, inadequate, inefficient and untrustworthy, acting often as accessories in aiding and abetting crime.
In the Biographia he avows that the writings of Kant "more than any other work, at once invigorated and disciplined my understanding"; yet the gist of his estimate there is that Kant left his system undeveloped, as regards his idea of the Noumenon, for fear of orthodox persecution - a judgment hardly compatible with any assumption of Kant's Christian orthodoxy, which was notoriously inadequate.
Few Europeans really see the Himalaya; fewer still are capable of translating their impressions into language which is neither exaggerated nor inadequate.
But the growth of expenditure - chiefly of an unremunerative kind, such as the cost of war and missions - soon rendered these resources inadequate; and after 1515 the empire became ever more dependent on the spoils of hostile states and on subsidies from the royal treasury in Lisbon.
Ecclesiastical benefices were the chief means by which, before the Reformation, the civil servants of the crown were paid for services which, being clerical, were also ecclesiastical, and for which the settled stipends were wholly inadequate.
To the preliminaries of the peace concluded in February 1763 he offered an indignant resistance, considering the terms quite inadequate to the successes that had been gained by the country.
It is not surprising, therefore, to find that he fails altogether to present a clear and coherent picture of the history and working of the Roman constitution, or that his handling of intricate questions of policy is weak and inadequate.
About 1846 the project of writing a history of Holland had begun to take shape in his mind, and he had already done a large amount of work on this subject when, finding the materials at his disposal in the United States inadequate, he went to Europe in 1851.
It is evident that Freeman's definition of history as "past politics" is miserably inadequate.
The Domestic Calendar (the first volume of which is very inadequate) extended in 19o9 in a series of more than seventy volumes nearly to the end of tbe 17th century; the mass of MSS.
The values of d 2 E/dt 2 agree as well as can be expected, considering the difference of the ranges of temperature and the great variety in the methods of observation adopted; they are calculated assuming the parabolic formula, which is certainly in many cases inadequate.
Reading that little lot makes a moderately confident cantor feel thoroughly inadequate.
Most boroughs were slow to take advantage of the 1835 Act and remained grossly inadequate until after 1856.
They slept in the mud, wet and cold, with inadequate slit trenches for excrement.
No one realized more fully than dear Frau Grote how slow and inadequate her spelling was.
I feel every day more and more inadequate.
This may result in infertility due to inadequate sperm production.
Rain dances were most common in the Southwest, where rainfall was often inadequate.
Hair dryers may be found in many hotel rooms, but they may be damaged, hard to manage, or simply inadequate for different styling needs.
In the 1880s, Mason was distressed at the inadequate education provided by governesses who taught the children of the middle class.
Any signs of inadequate accessibility and trespass must be documented and reported.
You'll want a report that generates details in instances when an item is marked as inadequate or poor.
I would hate for an expecting mother to feel inadequate because she carries her weight differently than the images seen in the media or in our store.
If you have no insurance or inadequate coverage, it’s important to talk to your doctor and the hospital where you plan to deliver your baby right away.
An individual who seems disinterested in communicating efficiently with an owner may also be inadequate at caring for your dog during his stay.
When you're headed to the beach during the summer or when you are on vacation, sunburns from inadequate sunscreen application or beach gear can be a common occurrence and a true pain.
Many women loathe wearing a swimsuit because they feel shy or inadequate about their bodies.
Inadequate intake and/or absorption of vitamin D can lead to vitamin D deficiency.
Vitamin A deficiency can be present in cases of inadequate intake or malabsorption.
People who get inadequate sunlight or have malabsorption can still receive adequate vitamin D through food sources and supplementation.
Additionally, inadequate iron or protein in the diet can cause or contribute to hair loss.
Some studies suggest inadequate vitamin D levels can influence obesity.
However, one of the common celiac symptoms including blood is inadequate absorption of fat.
It's crucial to understand which discounts are legitimate, and which ones may result in inadequate coverage that could lead to outstanding bills and accumulating debt in the case of a medical emergency.
What are the fees for inadequate cleaning or repairs if I move out?
Regardless of whether a patient is suffering from Type I or Type II diabetes, the affected person will have an excess amount of glucose circulating throughout the bloodstream due to inadequate insulin production or uptake.
Coming up with relevant experience is often an area where students feel inadequate, but if you stop and think about it, you're interests and activities will provide what you need to highlight your experience and skill sets.
But mono- and poly-unsaturated fats are important to the proper working of many body systems and absorption of essential vitamins, and serious health conditions can result from inadequate consumption of the healthful fats.
Going into the election in 2008, most parties agreed that healthcare in the United States was inadequate for the millions of people who worked hard but simply could not afford coverage.
While some families have health insurance that is severely inadequate, many families go without health insurance entirely.
But beyond this the pastoralist learnt most effectually the lesson that, in a country like Australia, provision must be made for the occasional season when the rainfall is entirely inadequate to the wants of the farmer and the pastoralist.
With this inadequate sum some railway plant was obtained, and subsequently lay for ten years at Delagoa Bay, the scheme having to be abandoned for want of funds.
But the result of these conditions and of his own inadequate conception of the proper limits of his art is that his best poetry is clogged with a great mass of alien matter, which no treatment in the world could have made poetically endurable.
These, however, as having arbitrary and inadequate foundations, and for other reasons, have not been accepted.
The Government temporized and took inadequate military measures; meanwhile a rebellion grew, and Turkish and Christian hatred became more and more inflamed.
In the first, or general, prologue, Douglas claims a higher position for Virgil than for his master Chaucer, and attacks Caxton for his inadequate rendering of a French translation of the Aeneid.
On the one hand it became necessary, in face of an inadequate harvest, to suspend in 1898 the application of the law on the import of corn.
But a little consideration showed that, though Lamarck had seized what, as far as it goes, is a true cause of modification, it is a cause the actual effects of which are wholly inadequate to account for any considerable modification in animals, and which can have no influence at all in the vegetable world; and probably nothing contributed so much to discredit evolution, in the early part of the 29th century, as the floods of easy ridicule which were poured upon this part of Lamarck's speculation.
He found that they were wholly inadequate, and summed up his views in a remarkable letter to the Directory (23rd of February), wherein he pointed out two possible alternatives to an invasion of England, namely, a conquest of the coast of the north-west of Germany, for the cutting off of British commerce with central Europe, or the undertaking of an expedition to the Orient which would be equally ruinous to British trade.
Yet judged by modern standards he had an inadequate conception of the meaning of ordered research.
Only two of these, however, maintain a weekly connexion with Basra, and they are quite inadequate to the freight traffic between the two cities.
Occasionally, the whole country suffers much from drought; but disastrous floods not unfrequently occur, particularly in the spring, when the beds of the rivers are inadequate to contain the increased volume of water caused by the rapid melting of the snows on the Carpathians.
Rhode Island's water powers have been its only natural resources which have aided in the development of its manufactures, and its transportation facilities have always been inadequate, because of shallow water at Providence and scanty railway communication; but the state's manufacturing enterprises are of great importance.
In the first of these books his nomenclature is unfortunate; his division of ethical theories into the " unpsychological," " idiopsychological," and the " hetero-psychological," is incapable of historical justification; his exposition of single ethical systems is, though always interesting and suggestive, often arbitrary and inadequate, being governed by dialectical exigencies rather than historical order and perspective.
At this period much money was spent on the Marsa extension of the Grand Harbour, but the rapid increase in the size of steamships made the scheme inadequate, and limited its value prematurely.
Even his frequent use of Greek words, phrases and quotations, reprehended by Horace, was probably taken from the actual practice of men, who found their own speech as yet inadequate to give free expression to the new ideas and impressions which they derived from their first contact with Greek philosophy, rhetoric and poetry.
So soon as State control was applied to any article it could be taken as a sign that the supplies would soon come to an end, or at any rate were very restricted; and thus it was impossible to prevent the equipment of the army from becoming gradually more inadequate, and the provision both of the army and of the population behind the lines with all kinds of necessaries from being altogether insufficient; only wholly unsatisfactory substitutes could be provided, and the available provisions could hardly be made to go round.
Secondly, it means that the actual development of ecclesiastical doctrine began, not from the Apostolic consciousness itself, but from a far lower level, that of the inadequate consciousness of the subapostolic Church, even when face to face with their written words.
It may further be added that materialism can be shown to be an inadequate philosophy in its attempts to account even for the physical universe, for this is inexplicable without the assumption of mind distinct from, and directive of, matter.
Some spinners cover their yarn contracts merely by buying " futures," but the cover thus provided is frequently most inadequate owing to variations in the " points on or off" for the particular cotton that they want.
Owing to the inadequate supply of labour two important immigration leagues of business men were formed in 1904 and 1905, and in 1907 the state government began officially to attempt to secure desirable foreign immigration, sending agents abroad to foster it.
The chief concern of the Natal government was to remodel their native policy where it proved inadequate, especially in view of the growth of the movement for the federation of the South African colonies.