In-writing Sentence Examples
He was ex officio excluded from the Legislative Assembly, and his declarations of policy were thus in writing - that is, in the form in which she could most readily exert her power.
It was of the nature of a contract, entered into by mutual promise, the clasping of hands, and exchange of an agreement in writing (tabula hospitalis) or of a token (tessera or symbolum), and was rendered hereditary by the division of the tessera.
The six or seven weeks of the long vacation, during which he had pupils with him, were mainly employed in writing.
The Chinese difficulty, so far as the mining population was concerned, was solved by the exhaustion of the extensive alluvial deposits; the miners' prejudice against the race, however, still exists, though they are no longer serious competitors, and the laws of some of the states forbid any Chinese to engage in mining without the express authority in writing of the minister of mines.
There is no trace of professional advocates, but the plea had to be in writing and the notary doubtless assisted in the drafting of it.
The telautograph is on a similar principle to the Cowper apparatus, the motion of the transmitting pencil or stylus used in writing being resolved by a system of levers into two component rectilinear motions, which are used to control and vary the currents in two distinct electrical circuits.
His position, indeed, often necessitated his presence at games and shows, but on these occasions he occupied himself either in reading, in being read to, or in writing notes.
He assisted the elder Calamy in writing Smectymnuus (1641), and preached before parliament in 1643.
He now caused them to build a great capital, Ecbatana, with a royal palace, and introduced the ceremonial of oriental courts; he surrounded himself with a guard and no longer showed' himself to the people, but gave his judgments in writing and controlled the people by officials and spies.
He occupied a portion of his leisure in writing a book, entitled This Country of Ours (1897), treating of the organization and administration of the government of the United States, and a collection of essays by him was published posthumously, in 1901, under the title Views of an Ex-President.
AdvertisementHe soon found such work not sufficiently remunerative to keep his petite horde in comfort, and then turned his thoughts to employment from the French foreign office, either in writing or in diplomacy.
He had a share in writing Smectymnuus, was appointed chaplain to the earl of Essex's regiment in 1642, and a member of the Westminster Assembly in 1643.
But in writing that history Cassiodorus was himself indebted to the work of a certain Ablabius.
With Lord Kelvin he collaborated in writing the well-known Treatise on Natural Philosophy.
The Statute of Frauds also prohibits an action from being brought upon any agreement for a lease, for any term, unless such agreement is in writing and signed by the party to be charged therewith or by some agent lawfully authorized by him.
AdvertisementIn the case of proposed drainage improvements, notice in writing must be given to the landlord, who may then execute the improvements himself and charge the tenant with interest not exceeding 5% per annum on the outlay, or such annual instalments, payable for a period of twenty-five years, and recoverable as rent, as will repay the outlay, with interest at the rate of 3% a year.
Compensation was given to market gardeners for unexhausted improvements by the Market Gardeners' Compensation Act 1895 and by the Agricultural Holdings Act 1906 for improvements effected before the commencement of that act on a holding cultivated to the knowledge of the landlord as a market garden, if the landlord had not dissented in writing to the improvements.
It is only since the Dutch have established their supremacy in the archipelago that the Roman character has come to be largely used in writing and printing Malay.
He was a man of strong mind, honourable spirit and affectionate disposition, energetic both in speech and in writing.
Although he was not the author of Henry's book against Luther, he joined with his friend, Sir Thomas More, in writing a reply to the scurrilous rejoinder made by the reformer.
AdvertisementAdhemar's life was mainly spent in writing and transcribing chronicles, and his principal work is a history entitled Chronicon Aquitanicum et Francicum or Historia Francorum.
He was continually employed on diplomatic errands until 1455, when, owing apparently to ill-health, he received apartments in the palace of the counts of Hainaut at Salle-le-Comte, Valenciennes, with a con siderable pension, on condition that the recipient should put in writing "choses nouvelles et morales," and a chronicle of notable events.
A partisan element in writing of French affairs was inevitable in a Burgundian chronicle.
Further extensions of this meaning are to an explanation, comment or addition, added in the margin or at the foot of the page to a passage in a book, &c., or to a communication in writing shorter or less formal than a letter.
She returned in the summer of 1805, and spent nearly a year in writing Corinne; in 1806 she broke the decree of exile and lived for a time undisturbed near Paris.
AdvertisementWhenever the cultivation 'of his estate and the vigorous championship of his Samoan retainers gave him the leisure, Stevenson was during these years almost wholly occupied in writing romances of Scottish life.
Thus St Ignatius in writing to the Romans never refers to any presiding bishop, and somewhat earlier Clement of Rome in his epistles to the Corinthians uses the terms presbyter and episcopus interchangeably.
It is therefore difficult to suppose that the Jewish Church as a whole passed through a stage in which it was felt desirable to substitute o'n'7 H in writing for n¦n'.
He also undertook to assist Dr John Evans in writing a history of Nonconformity.
He was removed to Carnarvon Castle, and thence to Mont Orgueil Castle in Jersey, where he occupied himself in writing against popery.
Bolingbroke's conversation, described by Lord Chesterfield as "such a flowing happiness of expression that even his most familiar conversations if taken down in writing would have borne the press without the least correction," his delightful companionship, his wit, good looks, and social qualities which charmed during his lifetime and made firm friendships with men of the most opposite character, can now only be faintly imagined.
He then retired to his estate in the Posen province, and occupied himself in writing pamphlets, memoirs, &c. When his estates passed into the grand duchy of Warsaw, he chose to remain a Prussian subject, and on the outbreak of the war of liberation he asked in vain for a post on the Prussian staff.
From these treatises we learn that the adherents of the new prophecy were very numerous in Phrygia, Asia and Galatia (Ancyra), that they had tried to defend themselves in writing from the charges brought against them (by Miltiades), that they possessed a fully developed independent organization, that they boasted of many martyrs, and that they were still formidable to the Church in Asia Minor.
Naples, in writing the little treatise (afterwards included in the Characteristics) entitled A Notion of the Historical Draught or Tablature of the Judgment of Hercules, and the letter concerning Design.
He thus, in the course of his official business, gradually acquired principles and settled ways of thinking which he afterwards expressed in writing.
We know from Einhard (Vita Karoli, cap. xxix.) that the Frankish heroic ballads were drawn up in writing by Charlemagne's order, and it may be accepted as certain that he was himself the subject of many such during his lifetime.
Upon the opening of the Long Parliament he distinguished himself in defence of the Presbyterian cause, and had a principal share in writing the conciliatory work known as Smectymnuus, against Bishop Joseph Hall's presentation of episcopacy.
It is not even safe, according to these two fathers, to commit too much to writing; and Clement undertakes not to reveal in writing many secrets known to the initiated among his readers; otherwise the indiscreet eye of the heathen may rest on them, and he will have cast his pearls before swine.
If there is no express provision on the point in the submission, an award under the Arbitration Act 1889 must be made within three months after the arbitrator has entered on the reference, or been called upon to act by notice in writing from any party to the submission.
Here, though the place was bleak and lonely, he might have been happy enough, and he actually employed himself in writing the greater part of his Confessions.
Thus many of the words procured from foreign sources, not excluding Bali and Sanskrit, are more or less mutilated in pronunciation, though the entirely suppressed or altered letter is still retained in writing.
Yet if he judges too favourably the leaders of the national party in England on the eve of the Norman Conquest, that is a small matter to set against the insight which he exhibits in writing of Aratus, Sulla, Nicias, William the Conqueror, Thomas of Canterbury, Frederick the Second and many more.
Thus actual documents of native Aztec history, or copies of them, are still open to the study of scholars, while after the conquest interpretations of these were drawn up in writing by Spanish-educated Mexicans, and histories founded on them with the aid of traditional memory were written by Ixtilxochitl and Tezozomoc. In Central America the rows of complex hieroglyphs to be seen sculptured on the ruined temples probably served a similar purpose.
The cause of this expulsion is said to have been his activity in writing revolutionary proclamations.
Monday in January, and give their votes in writing for the president and vice-president.
We have now to see that, in writing the Categories, on the one hand he carried his differences from his master further than he had done in his early criticisms by insisting that individual substances are not only real, but are the very things which sustain the universal; but on the other hand, he clung to further relics of the Platonic theory, and it is those which differentiate the Categories and the Metaphysics.
Shortly afterwards, she retired into a convent and employed her leisure in writing the Alexiad - a history, in Greek, of her father's life and reign (1081-1118), supplementing the historical work of her husband.
Some of the states have usury laws giving relief to borrowers in cases where circumstances have compelled them to agree to extortionate rates; but other states have no such laws, except that a contract in writing is invariably required in all cases where the "legal rate" is exceeded.
Remusat rather dubiously suggested, while Schmidt and Schiefner maintained, that the silent letters were a device of grammarians to distinguish in writing words which were not distinguished in speech.
Failing the certificate, the clergyman cannot refuse to bury, but he must forthwith give notice in writing to the registrar.
He retired for a time to Weimar, where he occupied his leisure in the preparation of his edition of Luther, and in writing the romance Theodor oder die Weihe des Zweiflers (Berlin, 1822), in which he describes the education of an evangelical pastor.
His chief aim in writing was plainness and intelligibility, but his want of order and logical precision thwarted his purpose.
On October 22, 1669, he was sent for by the delegates of the press, "that whereas he had taken a great deal of paines in writing the Hist.
He occupied himself in writing books and in keeping up a wide scientific correspondence, and lived, in spite of his infirmities, to the age of seventy-six, dying at Black Notley on the 17th of January 1705.
The statement of the case and the evidence were frequently ordered to be put in writing.
Its elements in the hieroglyphic form are pictorial, but each hieroglyph had one or more well-defined functions, fixed by convention in such a manner that the Egyptian language was expressed in writing word by word.
Biliteral phonograms are very rare as phonetic complements, nor are two biliteral phonograms employed together in writing the radicals of a word.
No modification or amendment of this Agreement shall be enforceable against a party unless in writing and signed by the party against whom such modification or amendment is sought to be enforced.
The county councils are strengthened by certain special committees, such as the secondary education committee, whose duties have already been defined, and the standing joint committee - one half appointed by the county council, the other half by the Commissioners of Supply - which manages the county police and whose consent in writing must be obtained before the county council can undertake any work involving capital outlay.
He was busily employed up to the end of his life in writing treatises, pamphlets and open letters on subjects of military art and history, and in 1859 he was asked by Napoleon III.
Moreover, in writing to Innocent, bishop of Rome, he addresses him as a brother metropolitan, and sends the same letter to Venerius, bishop of Milan, and Chromatius, bishop of Aquileia.
The six years which followed were occupied in writing and rewriting, altering and revising the first volume, which appeared in June 1857.
As they led Him out they forced the cross, which the sufferer commonly carried, upon the shoulders of one Simon of Cyrene, whose sons Alexander and Rufus are here mentioned - probably as being known to St Mark's readers; at any rate, it is interesting to note that, in writing to the Christians at Rome, St Paul a few years earlier had sent a greeting to " Rufus and his mother."
He cared little for the law, regarding it simply as a distasteful means of livelihood, yet his experiments in writing did not encourage him to trust to this for support.
His influence largely shaped the form of the final draft of the constitution, but the labour was not finished with this draft; that the constitution was accepted by the people was due in an eminent degree to the efforts of Madison, who, to place the new constitution before the public in its true light, and to meet the objections brought against it, joined Alexander Hamilton and John Jay in writing The Federalist, a series of eighty-five papers, out of which twenty certainly, and nine others probably, were written by him.
We can now see how long and laborious was the process by which the Greeks attained to uniformity in writing and in numeration.
It is probable that the form VI is an abbreviation in writing from right to left of the earlier M, and of the four stroke *.
To have recorded it in writing at all shows considerable progress in the observation of sounds.
English, though possessing sounds comparable to the Greek 0, /, x, has never made any attempt to represent them in writing.
The h-sound ceased at a very early period to exist in Ionic, and by 800 B.C. was ignored in writing.
The manner of writing up and down instead of backwards and forwards across the stone is obviously appropriate to a surface which is of considerable length, but comparatively narrow, a connected sense being thus much easier to observe than in writing across a narrow surface where, as in the gravestones of Melos, three lines are required for a single word.
It is of moment, then, to discover from his emphasis, whether by iteration or by fulness of scale, what objects he had in mind in writing.
The last is an old interchange of sounds, and probably the others are older than their first appearance in writing (15th century) suggests.
There must have been a large body of usage to which Jewish society subscribed; customary usage is one of the most binding of laws even among modern Oriental communities where laws in writing are unknown, and one of the most interesting features is the persistence in the East of closelyrelated forms and principles of custom from the oldest times to the present day.
Knox himself had a short time before put in writing a larger claim for the historic future, "What I have been to my country, though this unthankful age will not know, yet the ages to come will be compelled to bear witness to the truth."
These are supposed to be the relics of a still earlier age, and it is hardly believed that we even possess the first that was put down in writing.
But the gravity of the situation renders it unlikely that he would delay for any length of time in writing to counteract the intrigues of his opponents; to judge from allusions like those in i.
He was permitted to spend in quiet study and in writing the last fifteen years of his life.
If we are to form a correct judgment on the merits of Livy's history, we must, above all things, bear in mind what his aim was in writing it, and this he has told us himself in the celebrated preface.
Here he was engaged in writing against the Isma'ilites (Assassins).
In the autumn he returned to England and spent his time in writing his Salmonia or Days of Flyfishing, an imitation of The Compleat Angler.
Candidates are nominated in writing by a nomination paper signed by a proposer and seconder, and subscribed by eight other assenting county electors of the division; and in the event of there being more valid nominations than vacancies a poll has to be taken in the manner prescribed by the Ballot Act 1872.
No sooner had he put in writing his theological lectures (apparently the Introductio ad Theologiam that has come down to us), than his adversaries fell foul of his rationalistic interpretation of the Trinitarian dogma.
Donne is believed to have had a considerable share in writing the pamphlets against the papists which Morton issued between 1604 and 1607.
There is a sheet at the Louvre of much earlier date than the first idea or commission for this particular picture, containing some nude sketches for the arrangement of the subject; another later and farther advanced, but still probably anterior to the practical commission, at Venice, and a MS. sheet of great interest at the Victoria and Albert Museum, on which the painter has noted in writing the dramatic motives appropriate to the several disciples.
During his exile his time was occupied in writing on behalf of his cause, and to this period belong some of his most important works, above all the great Orations or Discourses against the Arians, which furnish the best exposition of his theological principles.
Newton's desire to have no hand in writing the preface seems. to have proceeded from a knowledge that Cotes was proposing to allude to the dispute about the invention of fluxions.
On the other hand, in writing decimals, the sequence (of negative powers) is from left to right.
And Burke exhibited considerable courage in writing it; for many of its maxims seem to involve a contradiction, first, to the principles on which he withstood the movement in France, and second, to his attitude upon the subject of parliamentary reform.
And the characteristic task for living theologians was to consist in writing commentaries on the Lombard's Sentences; for a time these Sentences themselves had been suspected, but they gained immense influence.
This he did in writing Coningsby, a novel of the day and for the day, but commended to us of a later generation « syb%» not only by the undimmed truth of its character portraits, but by qualities of insight and foresight which we who have seen the proof of them can measure as his contemporaries could not.
Only a few of his contemporaries followed the example which Dositey set in writing in the vernacular (although even he introduced from time to time purely Slavonic words and forms).
For many years Mr. Labouchere himself contributed racy articles and notes, and he was to the end popularly identified with Truth, though in fact he left the direction in later years first to Mr. Horace Voules and then to Mr. Bennett, and took no active part either in writing or editing.
In his own case these views did not lead to scepticism, because he had always possessed the necessary interior conviction; and in writing Tract 85 his only doubt would have been where the true Church is to be found.
He appeared more than sixty times before the commissioners and was examined most severely upon the whole course of his official life, and was, most unjustly, allowed neither to consult papers nor to put his defence in writing.
She would be seated between them, and after introductions and five minutes of comments by each, she would ask questions previously submitted in writing.
Cecil Kilpatric, presents the fruit of his detailed research for the benefits of those who appreciate brevity in writing.
We will confirm the acceptance in writing in due course.
It also requires them to construct arguments in writing.
In normal circumstances, notification should be made in writing.
The person who is to acquire Bulgarian citizenship should have given his/her consent in writing to that end in advance.
The contract itself can be " not in writing " but the arbitration clause has to be " in writing " .
Either party may terminate the contract by giving the other party 28 days notice in writing.
Failure to register with the Chief Executive in writing by this date will result in you being unable to make a deputation.
Anyone wishing to vote by proxy on grounds of a medical emergency, must apply in writing by 5.00pm on Thursday 6th July 2006.
The only instant gratification in writing is the burst of joy from the act of creation.
If the employer refuses they must explain why in writing and give objectively justifiable reasons.
Mainly because I didn't tell the landlady in writing about the window.
The biggest challenge in writing the libretto for Sirius on Earth was to create a detached yet familiar reality within a short time frame.
Iâd also like to find other film nerds who are interested in writing some articles.
Requests to withdraw funds must be made in writing and accompanied by the account passbook.
I loved the school plays and got involved in writing playlets about time-travel.
By 1907 Machen was seriously interested in writing again, but much more interested in quasi religious polemics than in fiction.
The Head of Department will inform the probationer in writing at least seven working days in advance that there is to be a hearing.
If the tenant requires to cancel a reservation for any reason he must notify the proprietors by telephone and confirm it in writing.
She said she had received unambiguous approval in writing from the actor's publicist for the use of his words.
And in writing this book I realized I was writing about this deeply repressed part of myself.
Notification will be provided by the Competition Secretary in writing to both Clubs for fixtures so rescheduled.
If a customer requests a response in writing she/he receives one.
Where planning permission is deemed unnecessary by the Department, then this also must be produced in writing.
Those wishing to develop confidence and skills in writing and communication, studying with practicing writer, linguists and critics.
At English common law debts and other choses in action were not assignable (see CHOSE), but by the Judicature Act 1873 any absolute assignment of any debt or other legal chose in action, of which express notice in writing is given to the debtor, trustee or other person from whom the assignor would have been entitled to receive or claim such debt, is effectual in law.
In the 19th century the annalistic form was once more employed, either to preserve year by year the memory of passing events (Annual Register, Annuaire de la Revue des deux mondes, &c.) or in writing the history of obscure medieval periods (Jahrbiicher der deutschen Geschichte, Jahrbiicher des deutschen Reiches, Richter's Reichsannalen, &c.), (C. B.*)
Unhappily, a few months after the appearance of the Journey to the Hebrides, Johnson did what none of his envious assailants could have done, and to a certain extent succeeded in writing himself down.
His year's enforced leisure he spent in writing indecent stories, coarse polemics, and an autobiography which is described as "a mixture of lies, hypocrisy and self-prostitution."
The mere spelling is, of course, no more a conscious act than it is in writing.
If so, make sure that they confirm it in writing do not rely upon a simple verbal statement over the telephone.
That was not always the case, nor did everyone possess the ability to read or respond in writing.
The appointment is terminable by three months ' notice in writing on either side.
The agreement is terminable by either party at any time by giving one year 's notice in writing.
This is a wonderful opportunity to hear about best practice in writing for the web.
The valedictorian was remiss in writing his graduation speech because he was so focused on taking final exams.
Be sure you get a price quote in writing.
Make sure you get expressed or implied warranties on the car in writing.
Make sure that you understand the seller's guarantee and that it is in writing.
Get it in writing if you're unsure, and don't be afraid to negotiate.
Bidders submit their bids in writing and do not know if there are other bidders or what their bids might be.
Do get all promises of debt reduction in writing before sending money.
To stop a collection agency from trying to make contact at home or at work, a consumer should put a request in writing.
Make sure you get something in writing before you send any money.
Get the terms of your agreement in writing before opening your checkbook or making the first payment.
Never expect a creditor to keep "their word" unless you have it in writing.
Send all of your correspondence to the creditor in writing via registered or receipt requested mail.
If there is a discrepancy in the fee structure or another aspect, question it, and make sure the problem is resolved in writing before signing anything.
Don't be afraid to ask for the details in writing.
To request a debit card through Score FCU, members can fill out an application online or submit a request in writing through a local branch.
Talk to several lenders and get all of the details in writing before you make a decision.
If both you and the creditor agree upon the settlement, be sure to get this in writing.
If you opt for this method, make sure you get everything in writing in regards to your debt settlement agreement before you send money to your creditors.
Only deal with debt collectors in writing and keep copies of all communication with them.
It's especially important to get everything in writing and make sure that you read all contracts carefully.
You will need to submit your request to them in writing at TransUnion, P.O. Box 6790, Fullerton, CA 92834.
Each person must agree to this arrangement and the list of assets considered community property must be put in writing.
To help get this process under way as smoothly as possible the mediator may request many of the items in the list below in writing.
In the case of a marriage of "long duration," spousal support may be paid indefinitely unless an order for termination is obtained or the spouses agree in writing to do so.
Getting together with your spouse and carefully discussing custody issues before putting anything down in writing will most likely spare your children additional pain that could stem from frequently reshuffling their custody.
If you make any agreements that are not represented on your lease, get them in writing.
Are you interested in writing a particular genre, like romance or science fiction?
The home calls can stop too once you tell them so in writing.
If you are not interested in writing your own love poem, don't worry, there are plenty of places online where you can find sweet poems for whatever reason you would like them.
If you are not interested in writing a poem however, there are many different websites that offer poems for graduates.
While you can use graduation verses already written by someone else, they are also good to use for inspiration in writing your own.
You'll also want a full description of any damage in writing.
A general rule of thumb taught in writing classes is that traditional paragraphs should have five sentences.
The very first step in writing wedding vows should be a conversation between you and your soon-to-be spouse that sets clear expectations for the both of you.
Though he was nominated for an Academy Award for his part in writing the Royal Tenenbaums, Wilson is best known for roles in Zoolander, Wedding Crashers and Starsky and Hutch.
The show won an Emmy for "Outstanding Individual Achievement in Writing in a Variety or Music Program" after its cancellation.
The problem with promising his then wife that amount of money is the fact that no one ever got it in writing.
Even if some college applications don't require you to list a specific aspect of your experience, having your achievements available at a glance can also help you in writing your application essays and personal statements.
To appeal the amount that you must pay or to submit additional information about a changed circumstance, it is normally required that you appeal the process in writing to your college or university.
To learn the details of any particular offer, simply request the information from the offer provider, but be sure to get it in writing before accepting it.
Guitar Principles has a version of the song's chords with an explanation in writing of how to play certain parts of the song.
The bids should be in writing and contain a comprehensive price list of the necessary supplies and labor.
The focused attention given to men's fashion in the Elizabethan era combine with extensive documentation both in writing and images to make this a fascinating period in the history of menswear.
If you haven't found shipping details on the site, ask where you can get a copy of their shipping and delivery information so you have their rates in writing.
Get them to put verbal promises in writing.
Take the time to plan for future events and put your wishes in writing by making a free living will.
Make sure that the promises and guarantees are in writing.
If there is physical proof of abuse, get a doctor's report in writing.
Often a child with dyslexia has a problem translating language into thought (such as in listening or reading), or translating thought into language (such as in writing or speaking).
Children with this type of learning disorder have problems with spelling, punctuation, grammar, and organizing their thoughts in writing.
If you're not interested in writing a remembrance poem for the memorial service, there are many on the Internet you can use instead.
Because of the Freedom of Information Act; however, your state licensing entity is required to give you this report if you submit a request in writing.
Written more than two thousand years ago, many believe the ancient text the Yellow Emperor's Classic of Medicine to be the first time the theory of the five elements appears in writing.
These may be requested in writing for a search fee.
Buffalo's Office of Records Management requires that you make a request in writing.
These requirements should be in writing and you may request them from the local school district office in person or have them sent to you through the mail.
You can also request a copy of the law in writing through the board of education.
Teaching voice in writing may sound complicated, but it is actually something that comes quite natural for most students.
Be sure to put your intent to resign in writing.
If you open a line, you have three days to cancel in writing and receive refunds of any fees you paid to open the account.
The DFPR will review your complaint and respond with their opinion in writing.
If your complaint is regarding illegal action from Option One or AHMSI, you will still want to first contact the company directly in writing.
These can be helpful tools in writing a grant.
Keep your ad fresh, making changes as you become more experienced in writing dating personals.
One of the most common mistakes in writing a love letter is to direct too much on your own personal issues, concerns or problems, instead of the other person.
Famous love letters can be an inspiration to anyone who wishes to convey their love in writing.
Get the return policy in writing before you buy.
While it's probably going to be difficult earning a living from writing poetry alone, there are plenty of opportunities for freelance writers interested in writing articles for magazines, newspapers, and Web sites.
Obviously, general job search sites such as Monster and Career Builder will have listings for people interested in writing and editing positions.
They are involved in writing reports that translate scientific discoveries and innovations into language that laypersons can understand.
Before approaching an editor, spend some time reading several issues of the publications you are interested in writing for.
Perhaps your experience in writing for magazines has been minimal and you only have one or two published articles to show a potential boss.
A freelance writer should always research the industry they are interested in writing for.
You can do this by checking out the latest greeting cards in the genre you're interested in writing as well as checking out the Greeting Card Association.
Information and calls for content are often published in writing magazines and websites.
Most schools have classes for people interested in writing fiction, poetry, and writing memoirs, as well as a number of journalism courses.
Underdown and named as a tribute to his favorite children's book Harold and the Purple Crayon, this site provides a wealth of resources for anyone interested in writing children's books.
The final step in writing good query letters is to convince the editor that you are the best person to write this article.
Even if you're not interested in writing for online markets, this class could be a good way to get familiar with how technology has changed the way people view the news.
Writer's Helper has a free course in writing verse for children.
If you're interested in writing a feature article but aren't sure how to approach a topic as a feature, simply remember that you are writing the story behind the story.
You may get started in writing newspaper articles by writing for free.
With a background in science, medicine or writing you can start a career in writing about biomedical developments, or just earn a handsome second income.
All that this type of writing requires for you is some kind of background in writing and biomedical writing.
Spell things out for him or put them in writing so that he can't forget.
In this way, you'll know that you are playing a key role in writing your destiny.
Once she has been hired, much of the information should be left for her in writing.
Bedtimes, chores, food allowances, rules about playing outside, etc. should all be in writing for the sitter's reference.
If you have rules you would like the sitter to follow, put them in writing and review them with the sitter.
If and when you are approved you will be notified in writing.
Days of our Lives has undergone major shifts in storyline direction dictated either by actors coming and going or by a change in writing regime.
There are companies who specialize in writing reports.
That's all they need to know if they are interested in writing about you, calling you for a story or covering your event.
A memo simply titled "Vacation Time" might appear to be good news - until the document explains that vacation time won't be granted unless first requested in writing.
Regardless of whether you use email or snail mail, you should follow some guidelines in writing a letter of introduction.
The next step in writing a letter or a memo is to fill in the body of the communication.
Those applying for a job should invest the time in writing a high-quality letter.
They send you information through the mail about the opportunity - you have the agreement in writing.
Putting it in writing gives the person time to consider what they want to say without having to think on their feet.
Seeking position in writing and editing utilizing strong communications and journalism background and copy editing abilities.
Be sure to get their full disclosure kit in writing before doing anything else.
If you're considering leaving a job, you may want some assistance in writing goodbye letters to coworkers.
Having something typed and in writing makes more of an impact than email.
When you need to ask someone to write a letter of recommendation for you, it's best to submit your request in writing rather than via telephone.
Asking for this type of assistance in writing sends a very professional message and can help ensure the person takes your request seriously.
These sample letters can assist you in writing your own letter by providing you with potential formats and wording.
If the insurance company's representative agrees to pay for a treatment or offers you something else, ask that person to confirm it in writing.
The insurer must tell you what the time limits for filing an appeal are and whether you must do so in writing.
No matter what the agent tells you or what is listed on a website, it must be in writing on the policy to be enforceable.
When you do decide to rent from someone, make sure you receive a clear contract from them and that EVERYTHING is in writing.
Yes, there are some conventions that you violate at your peril, but breaking new ground in writing fantasy is much harder than the novice might believe.
However, Tolkien left behind his notes and other material regarding the languages he created, which has been collected and used as a resource for those interested in writing and even speaking the language.
In addition, he has been featured in many major magazines and news publications and is involved in writing and editorial proceedings for medical journals.
Nothing in writing and he left the files.
Could I get you to put that in writing?
Would you put that in writing?