In-use Sentence Examples
The jibs of transporters are often made to slide forward, or lift up, so as to be out of the way when not in use.
Various methods of making the connexions between the large main cables and the subscribers are in use.
About that time a thorough reform of the machinery in use was effected whereby the number of hands employed was reduced, but the yearly production doubled or trebled.
This system required two line wires, and, although a remarkably serviceable apparatus and in use for many years, is no longer employed.
Hughes's form was taken up by the French government in 1860, and is very largely in use not only in France but in all European countries, including Great Britain.
We can see also that, though several languages were in use in England during the time of Norman rule, yet England was not a land of many languages in the same sense in which Sicily was.
English, French, Latin, were all in use in England; but the distinction was rather that they were used for three different purposes than that they were used by three distinct races or even classes.
This Strophanthus is not remarkable for its rubber - which is mere bird lime - but for the powerful poison of its seeds, often used for poisoning arrows, but of late much in use as a drug for treating diseases of the heart.
Next in date comes the huge temple G, which, as an inscription proves, was dedicated to Apollo; though it was never entirely completed (many of the columns still remain unfluted), it was in use.
Though the standard gauge is in use in Lower Egypt, the line into the Egyptian Sudan was built on a gauge of 3 ft.
AdvertisementIn Germany, where they have met with greater favour, there were over 261 millions in use in 1905, 1 and they I ave been tried by some American railways.
To some extent cars divided into separate compartments are also in use in that country.
In America the long open double-bogie passenger cars, as originally introduced by Ross Winans on the Baltimore & Ohio railway, are universally in use.
In Great Britain the mineral trucks can ordinarily hold from 8 to io tons (long tons, 2240 lb), and the goods trucks rather less, though there are wagons in use holding 12 or 15 tons, and the specifications agreed to by the railway companies associated in the Railway Clearing House permit private wagon owners (who own about 45% of the wagon stock run on the railways of the United Kingdom) to build also wagons holding 20, 30, 40 and 56 tons.
In Australia, among the Hottentots, in the Malay Peninsula and elsewhere, blood ceremonies are in use which are unconnected with the slaughter of a victim; in this blood ritual we may see another possible source of sacrifice.
AdvertisementOstwald has proposed a modification of Berthelot's method which has many advantages, and is now commonly in use.
The ancient name of Krete or Kriti was, however, always retained in use among the Greeks, and is gradually resuming its place in the usage of literary Europe.
The name remained in use until after the revolution of 1688.
Korea received its civilization and religion from China, but differs in language, and to some extent in customs. An alphabet derived from Indian sources is in use as well as Chinese writing.
Indian influence is predominant as far as Cambodia (though with a Chinese tinge), Indian alphabets being employed and the Buddhism being of the Sinhalese type, but in Annam and Tongking the Chinese script and many Chinese institutions are in use.
AdvertisementIn particular, the Roman "North Road" which ran from York through Corbridge and over Cheviot to Newstead near Melrose, and thence to the Wall of Pius, and which has largely been in use ever since Roman times, is now not unfrequently called Watling Street, though there is no old authority for it and throughout the middle ages the section of the road between the Tyne and the Forth was called Dere Street.
The methods of threshing and winnowing were the same as those in use in ancient Egypt.
In every age economists have applied the methods ordinarily in use amongst scientific men.
Similar preparations are in use wherever the spruce fir abounds.
Chariots were in use in the later period, as is proved by the pictures of them on Cretan tablets, and therefore, probably, the horse also was known.
AdvertisementHence it is that Gmelin appears as the authority for so much of the nomenclature now in use.
He would not tolerate any of the " barbarous " generic terms adopted by other writers, though some had been in use for many years.
Thus, though the word " Catholic " was late in finding its way into the formal symbols of the church, it is clear that it had long been in use in the original sense defined above.
With the end of the Persian Wars, the original object of ostracism was removed, but it continued in use for forty years and was revived in 417 B.C. It now became a mere party weapon and the farcical result of its use in 417 in the case of Hyperbolus led to its abolition either at once, or, as Lugebil seeks to prove, in the archonship of Euclides (403 B.C.).
The former of Systems. is not only employed in the United States, but is in use in Upper Burma, Java, Rumania and elsewhere.
The primitive methods originally in use in the Russian oil-fields have already been described; but these were long ago superseded by pipe-lines, while a great deal of oil is carried by tank steamers on the Caspian to the mouth of the Volga where it is transferred to barges and thence at Tzaritzin to railway tank-cars.
Numerous other forms of open-test and close-test instruments have from time to time been devised, some of which are in use in the United States and in other countries.
For any aboriginal race inhabiting these countries, such important articles of diet as the duri-an, &c., could not fail to be among the first natural objects to receive a name, and thus we find primary terms in use among the Sakai and Semang, the aborigines of the Peninsula, to describe these fruits.
The art of writing also appears to have been independently invented by the Malayan races, since numerous alphabets are in use among the peoples of the archipelago, although for the writing of Malay itself the Arabic character has been adopted for some hundreds of years.
Sails, paddles, oars and punting-poles are all in use.
With the Mahommedan conquest the Perso-Arabic alphabet was introduced among the Malays; it has continued ever since to be in use for literary, religious and business purposes.
The orifice leads into a large pouch lodging a pair of very long penes, which are coiled up when not in use.
At the instance of Euric's son, Alaric II., an examination was made of the Roman laws in use among Romans in his dominions, and the resulting compilation was approved in 506 at an assembly at Aire, in Gascony, and is known as the Breviary of Alaric, and sometimes as the Liber Aniani, from the fact that the authentic copies bear the signature of the referendarius Anian.
The vehement protest made in the 9th century by Agobard, bishop of Lyons, against the Lex Gundobada shows that it was still in use at that period.
In the Toth century a collection was made of the capitularies in use in Italy, and this was known as the Capitulare Langobardorum.
Leuzinger and other able cartographers, however admirable as works of art, do not, from the point of utility, supersede the combination of horizontal contours with shaded slopes, such as have been long in use.
The charts in use of the medieval navigators of the Indian Ocean - Arabs, Persians or Dravidas - were equal in value if not superior to the charts of the Mediterranean.
In Athens it was doubtless in use for literary as well as for other purposes as early as the 5th century B.C. An inscription relating to the rebuilding of the Erechtheum in 407 B.C. records the purchase of two papyrus rolls, to be used for the fair copy of the rough accounts.
Even after the introduction of vellum as the ordinary vehicle for literature papyrus still continued to some extent in use outside Egypt, and was not entirely superseded until a late date.
From the pastoral staff must be distinguished the staff of the chorepiscopus (director of the choir) and cantors, which is still in use here and there.
The Ostiaks know them under the names of Orghoy, or Workho, both of which recall the Ugrians; the name of Hui is also in use among the Ostiaks, and that of Yaron among the Syrgenians.
This solution, being an inferior conductor of electricity, requires a much higher electromotive force to drive the current through it, and is therefore more costly in use.
The canals in use communicating with the Thames, in addition to the Thames and Severn canal, are the Oxford canal, giving communication from that city with the north, the Kennet and Avon canal from Reading to the Bristol Avon, the Grand Junction at Brentford, the Regent's canal at Limehouse, and the Grand Surrey canal at Rotherhithe.
Even pure waters, however, such as that of Loch Katrine (which forms the Glasgow supply), act so slowly, at least on such lead pipes as have already been in use for some time, that there is no danger in using short lead service pipes even for them, if the taps are being constantly used.
It is the ritual of a magician, imbedded in which, and alternating with magic formulae and other occult matter, are a number of invocations and prayers which Dieterich reconstructs as a liturgy in use by the clergy of Mithras between A.D.
The Magna via Colomanni Regis was in use for centuries after his death.
Stifel introduced the sign (+) for addition or a positive quantity, which was previously denoted by plus, pia, or the letter p. Subtraction, previously written as minus, mene or the letter m, was symbolized by the sign (-) which is still in use.
But it is possible that, as suggested by Rowland,' the structure of natural spectra may be too coarse to give opportunity for resolving powers much higher than those now in use.
There is also some uncertainty as to the actual temperature of the grating when in use.
We have already noticed the difficulty of supposing that the Elohistic Psalter was compiled in a place where a Jehovistic Psalter was already in use.
Several modifications of this and of the Abel heat test are also in use.
These denominations are still in use except the silver 20-centimos piece, which was replaced by one of 25 centimos in 1891.
The fishery is also carried on along the coast of Norfolk and Suffolk, where great quantities of the fish are caught with hook and line, and conveyed to market alive in "well-boats" specially built for this traffic. Such boats have been in use since the beginning of the '8th century.
By their relations with the farther East, the Arabs became acquainted with valuable new remedies which have held their ground till modern times; and their skill in chemistry enabled them to prepare new chemical remedies, and form many combinations of those already in use.
Such cars are in use at a number of deep inclined shafts in the Lake Superior copper district, where the depths range from 3000 to 5000 ft.
So you should indicate precisely, what parts of your site are restricted in use — because the 1911 text as such (whether on paper or in electronic form) is free, and anyone may use it for any purpose, without any conditions.
The process of sheet-glass manufacture described above is typical of that in use in a large number of works, but many modifications are to be found, particularly in the furnaces in which the glass is melted.
The annealing process is therefore carried out in a manner differing essentially from that in use for any other variety of flat glass and nearly resembling that used for optical glass.
Many of the ornamental processes which we admire in Venetian glass were already in use in this century.
It is probable that flintglass was not invented, but gradually evolved, that potash-lead glasses were in use during the latter part of the 17th century, but that the mixture was not perfected until the middle of the following century.
The term is not in use in self-governing churches like the Congregationalists and Baptists, though these from time to time hold councils or assemblies (national and international), for conference and fellowship without any legislative power.
Great attention was naturally paid to the calendar, and we find a week of seven and another of five days in use.
This was in use in the district along the Yssel formerly called Hamalant.
In Virgil's time the varieties in cultivation seem to have been exceedingly numerous; and the varied methods of training and culture now in use in Italy are in many cases identical with those described by Columella and other Roman writers.
Since that date this wood has continued in use in Britain under the name of quassia to the exclusion of the Surinam quassia, which, however, is still employed in France and Germany.
Beads of baked earth, cylindrical and of all shapes, with smooth or polished surfaces, mostly black and red in colour, were chiefly in use.
But this competition among inventors, whatever the incentive, has not been without benefit, because to-day, by means of very simple improvements in details, such as the addition of circulators and increased area of connexions, what may be taken to be the standard type of multiple-effect evaporator (that is to say, vertical vacuum pans fitted with vertical heating tubes, through which passes the liquor to be treated, and outside of which the steam or vapour circulates) evaporates nearly double the quantity of water per square foot of heating surface per hour which was evaporated by apparatus in use so recently as 1885 - and this without any increase in the steam pressure.
It was the Roman patron and client relationship which had remained in existence into the days of the empire, in later times less important perhaps legally than socially, and which had been reinforced in Gaul by very similar practices in use among the Celts before their conquest.
In conjunction with Josiah Latimer Clark, with whom he entered into partnership in 1861, he invented improved methods of insulating submarine cables, and a paper on electrical standards read by them before the British Association in the same year led to the establishment of the British Association committee on that subject, whose work formed the foundations of the system still in use.
From this appears that Battel was familiar with both the chimpanzee and the gorilla, the former of which he terms engeco and the latter pongo - names which ought apparently to be adopted for these two species in place of those now in use.
The first is quite free from Nestorian influence, dates from some remote period, perhaps prior to 431, and is certainly the most ancient of those now in use in Christendom; the other two, though early, are undoubtedly of later date.
The official titles recorded by Ibn Fadlan are those in use amongst the Tatar nations of that age, whether Huns, Bulgarians, Turks or Mongols.
Some too amongst the medieval authorities (Ibn Haugal and Istakhri) note a resemblance between the speech in use amongst the Khazars and the Bulgarians; and the modern Magyar - a Ugrian language - can be traced back to a tribe which in the 9th century formed part of the Khazar kingdom.
The French metric system is the official standard of weights and measures and is in use in the custom-houses of the republic and in foreign trade, but the old units are still commonly used among the people.
Several forms of the second type are in use.
Many types of distilling plant are in use in addition to those mentioned above, for example the Rayner, Kirkaldy, Merlees, Normand; the United States navy has adopted a form designed by the Bureau of Engineering.
In color-printing, the colors, which are much the same as those in use in Europe, are mixed, with rice-paste as a medium, on the block for each operation, and the power of regulating the result given by this custom to an intelligent craftsman (who, again, is neither the artist nor the engraver) was productive in the best period of very beautiful and artistic effects, such as could never have been obtained by any mechanical device.
In the year after the war (240), when the armies had returned and the people were at leisure to enjoy the fruits of victory, Livius Andronicus substituted at one of the public festivals a regular drama, translated or adapted from the Greek, for the musical medleys (saturae) hitherto in use.
Other names have been in use among the earlier chemists for this same liquid.
Eau de vie (" elixir of life") was in use during the 13th and 14th centuries; Arnoldus Villanovanus applied it to the product of distilled wine, though not as a specific name.
Gold readily alloys with silver and copper to form substances in use from remote times for money, jewelry and plate.
In the mills of the Californian type the stamp is a cylindrical iron pestle faced with a chilled cast iron shoe, removable so that it can be renewed when necessary, attached to a round iron rod or lifter, the whole weighing from 600 to 900 lb; stamps weighing 1320 lb are in use in the Transvaal.
The commercial process was patented in 1890 by MacArthur and Forrest, and is now in use all over the world.
Several methods are in use for removing the silver.
It has been known that the forms in use in the south of France approximated to it but without those words.
In the 6th century we find creed forms in use in Gaul which include them, but include also other variations distinguishing them from the form which we seek.
That it was restored and was in use in Roman time is shown by the fact that both the seven columns still standing and two fallen columns discovered in the excavations, to say nothing of several fragments of others, have a thick coating of Roman stucco laid over the finer Greek.
The extension of intercourse between the various small groups or societies of men, and still more their union in larger groups, made a common epoch necessary, and led to the adoption of such a starting point by each larger group. These leading epochs continued in use for many centuries.
It is believed to have been in use from the year of its origin.
From extant charters it is known to have been in use in England before the close of the 8th century.
It is believed to have been in use from the very time of its origin; for the observations of eclipses which were collected in Chaldaea by Callisthenes, the general of Alexander, and transmitted by him to Aristotle, were for the greater part referred to the beginning of the reign of Nabonassar, founder of the kingdom of the Babylonians.
In Portugal it is said to have been in use so late as the year 1415, or 1422, though it would seem that after the establishment of the Portuguese monarchy, no other era was used in the public acts of that country than that of the Incarnation.
The era in use among the Turks, Arabs and other Mahommedan nations is that of the Hegira or Hejra, the flight of the prophet from Mecca to Medina, 622 A.D.
Numerous modifications of this bottle are in use.
It is also in use in India, where it is known as "value payable," and was introduced in 1877 in Australia.
The instrument so altered was in use at the Cape Observatory from March 1881 till 1887 in determining the parallax of some of the more interesting southern stars.
The dial between 30 and 32 indicates the screen in use.
This epoch-making great discoverers of the modern period were only familiar with expedition lasted from Christmas 1872 to the end of May 1876, the hand-lead, and the lines in use did not exceed 200 fathoms and gave the first wide and general view of the physical and in length.
Two main types of water-bottle for collecting samples have been long in use.
Since 1870 thermometers on this principle have been in use for regular observations at German coast and light-ship stations.
The method of working which has been long in use is represented in fig.
When in use the machine is placed upon a wooden platform inclining vi.
But attempts to execute this were so unsuccessful that it has been succeeded by a law imposing what is known as the "mulct tax," which requires the payment of $600 in quarterly instalments for a licence to sell such liquors and places a lien for the whole amount on the real property in use for the business.
Such were the sights in use with smooth-bore guns in the first half of the last century.
French, called cross-bar sights, and were in the year 1908 still in use with British 6-in.
The rocking-bar sight, which had been for some time in use in the navy, was introduced.
Such Homiliaria as were in use in England down to the end of the i 5th century were at the time of the Reformation eagerly sought for and destroyed, so that they are now extremely rare, and the few copies which have been preserved are generally in a mutilated or imperfect form.'
There is also little doubt that the names of the first six notes of the scale, ut, re, mi, fa, sol, la, still in use among Romance nations, were introduced by Guido, although he seems to have used them in a relative rather than in an absolute sense.
Gradually, from Eratosthenes to Tycho, Hipparchus playing the most important part among ancient astronomers, the complex astrolabe was evolved, large specimens being among the chief observa tory instruments of the 15th, 16th and even 17th centuries; while small ones were in use among travellers and learned men, not only for astronomical, but for astrological and topographical purposes.
There were also arrangements for flooding the arena, but these can only have been in use before the construction of the greater part of the subterranean portion with its cages, &c. The whole amphitheatre measures 489 by 381 ft., and the arena 245 by 138 ft.
In Birmingham in particular this system became highly developed and was long in use.
The crucible is placed in the pouring cradle, which has been in use since 1816, and is shown in fig.
The syrinx was in use during the middle ages, and was known in France as frestel or fretiau, in medieval Latin as fistula panis, and in Germany as Pansflöte or Hirtenpfeife (now Papagenoflöte).
Private irrigation by pumping was first successfully introduced about 1901, and in 1906 a state report estimated that 125 pumping irrigation plants were in use in the state.
In Gaul and Spain we already find it in the 6th century; our first evidence for its use in Rome is of the 8th century, which is however, of course, no proof that it was not in use earlier.
The baptistery of the Lateran must be the earliest ecclesiastical building still in use.
This curious bridge is still in use.
There are no hereditary titles, those in use being conferred for life only and being attached to some particular office.
He lost no time in bringing this substance before the managers of Pullar's dye-works, Perth, and they expressed a favourable opinion of it, if only it should not prove too expensive in use.
A Socinian Bible was issued by Simon Budny in 1570 at Nieswiez, as he professed to find many faults in the version issued under the patronage of Radziwill; in 1597 appeared the Roman Catholic version of the Jesuit Wujek; and in 1632 the so-called Danzig Bible, which is in use among Protestants and is still the most frequently reprinted.
Ships' cables of esparto, being light, have the quality of floating on water, and have long been in use in the Spanish navy.
Two critical editions of the Iliad and Odyssey were produced by his successor, Aristarchus, who was librarian until 1 4 6 B.C. and was the founder of scientific scholarship. His distinguished pupil, Dionysius Thrax (born c. 166 B.C.), drew up a Greek grammar which continued in use for more than thirteen centuries.
About the middle of the same century grammar had a far abler exponent at Rome in the person of Aelius Donatus, the preceptor of St Jerome, as well as the author of a text-book that remained in use throughout the middle ages.
Virgil is the main authority quoted in Remi's Commentary on Donatus, which remained in use until the Renaissance.
In November 1903 a syndicate was of Grant (1575) was succeeded by that of Camden (1 595), founded mainly on a Paduan text-book, and apparently adopted in 1596 by Sir Henry Savile at Eton, where it long remained in use as the Eton Greek Grammar, while at Westminster itself it was superseded by that of Busby (1663).
The Latin grammar in use was that of the Jesuit rector of the school at Lisbon, Alvarez (1572).
Bennett of Cornell in 1901, a year in which it was estimated that this pronunciation was in use by more than 96% of the Latin pupils in the secondary schools.
It is since that time only that the expression Algeria has been in use.
It is probably the best extant witness to the type of Greek text which was in use in Italy at an early time.
The earliest is that which is represented by the quotations in Clement, and must have been in use in Alexandria at the end of the 2nd and beginning of the 3rd century.
It has been in use for measuring corn, potatoes, &c., from a very early date; the value varying locally and with the article measured.
The metric system of weights and measures was introduced by law in 1884, but the old Spanish system is still in use.
Here is carried out the work of standardizing measuring instruments of various sorts in use by manufacturers, the determination of physical constants and the testing of materials.
Troy pound in use in 1415, established as monetary pound 1527.
Seeing the good reasons for this digit having been exported to the West from Egypt--from the presence of the 18.23 cubit in Egypt, and from the 0.729 digit being the decimal base of the Greek long measures--it is not surprising to find it in use in Italy as a digit, and multiplied by 16 as a foot.
For common weights and measures this margin (tolerance, remedy or allowance, as it is also called) has been set out by the Board of Trade for all the various kinds of weights and measures in use for commercial purposes in the United Kingdom, and similar margins of error are recognized in other countries.
The former translated the work into English; the latter was concerned with Napier in the change of the logarithms from those originally invented to decimal or common logarithms, and it is to him that the original calculation of the logarithmic tables now in use is mainly due.
The power of io, which occurs as a factor in the tables of both Napier and Byrgius, was rendered necessary by the fact that the decimal point was not yet in use.
In the construction of the natural trigonometrical tables Great Britain had taken no part, and it is remarkable that the discovery of the principles and the formation of the tables that were to revolutionize or supersede all the methods of calculation then in use should have been so rapidly effected and developed in a country in which so little attention had been previously devoted to such questions.
Telephone lines were in use in all the large cities and in connexion with the large industrial enterprises and estates, beside which the government had 500 m.
It is evident that any Old English versions which might have survived the ravages of time would now be unintelligible, it was equally natural that as soon as French came to be looked upon as an alien tongue, the French versions hitherto in use would fail to fulfil their purpose, and that attempts should again be made to render the Bible into the only language intelligible to the greater part of the nation - into English.
The object of the change was primarily to leave the hands of the celebrant freer for the careful performance of the manual acts, and to this end a process of cutting away at the sides of the vestment began, which continued until the tent-shaped chasuble of the 12th century had developed in the 16th into the scapular-like vestment at present in use.
At the beginning of that reign Malesherbes during his short ministry endeavoured to infuse some measure of justice into the system, and in March 1784 the baron de Breteuil, a minister of the king's household, addressed a circular to the intendants and the lieutenant of police with a view to preventing the crying abuses connected with the issue of lettres de cachet.
The government offered a bonus to those owners of creameries who would provide cold-storage accommodation at them and keep the room in use for a period of three years.
Three miles north of Acqualagna the Via Flaminia, which is still in use as the modern high-road, traverses the Furlo Pass, a tunnel about 40 yds.
There is another tunnel at lower level, which belongs to an earlier date; this seems to have been in use till the construction of the Roman road, which at first ran round the rock on the outside, until Vespasian cut the tunnel.
How great their commerce was is shown by the fact that the Euboic scale of weights and measures was in use at Athens (until Solon, q.v.) and among the Ionic cities generally.
It Is Therefore Infinitely More Commodious To Determine The Commencement Of The Year By A Fixed Rule Of Intercalation; And Of The Various Methods Which Might Be Employed, No One, Perhaps Is On The Whole More Easy Of Application, Or Better Adapted For The Purpose Of Computation, Than The Gregorian Now In Use.
After The Metonic Cycle Had Been In Use About A Century, A Correction Was Proposed By Calippus.
It continued in use till the Gregorian reformation.
In Order To Investigate A Formula For The Epact, Let Us Make E=The True Epact Of The Given Year; J =The Julian Epact, That Is To Say, The Number The Epact Would Have Been If The Julian Year Had Been Still In Use And The Lunar Cycle Had Been Exact;, S =The Correction Depending On The Solar Year; M =The Correction Depending On The Lunar Cycle; Then The Equation Of The Epact Will Be E=J S M; So That E Will Be Known When The Numbers J, S, And M Are Determined.
During the whole of the 12th century it shared with Latin the distinction of being the literary language of England, and it was in use at the court until the 14th century.
This tendency to vote the entire party ticket is the more pronounced because under the system of voting in use in many of the states all the candidates of the party are arranged on one ticket, and it is much easier to vote a straight or unaltered ticket than to change or " scratch " it.
The only consonants are k,1, m, n and p, which with the gently aspirated h, the five vowels, and the vocalic w, make up all the letters in use.
He took also an active part in the teaching of the academy, and executed for the instruction of his pupils the celebrated Ecorche still in use.
Besides these terms there were others which were probably in use everywhere, viz.
Bows and arrows were certainly in use for sporting purposes, but there is no reason for believing that they were much used in warfare before the Danish invasions.
There can be little doubt that before the AngloSaxons came to Britain they possessed no instrument for grinding corn except the quern (cweorn), and in remote districts this continued in use until quite late times.
It is not unlikely that they were in use during the Roman occupation of Britain, and consequently that they became known to the invaders almost from the first.
The whole attire was of national origin and had probably been in use long before the invasion of Britain.
In the early laws the money actually in use appears to have been entirely silver.
A town was founded in 1833, the Pennsylvania Canal (no longer in use here) was completed to this point in 1834, and the name of the place was suggested by two canal locks and the harbour, or haven, for rafts in the river.
On the other hand, in Scandinavian countries it continued in use through the greater part of the middle ages - in Gotland till the 16th century; indeed, the knowledge of it seems never to have wholly died out.
It came into Britain with the Anglo-Saxon invaders and continued in use in certain districts perhaps until nearly the close of the 6th century.
As early therefore as the late 16th century B.C. the name Naharin (N'h'ryn) was in use.
The weights and measures in use are practically those of China; the dry measures, the most commonly employed, are the bre or bo of about four pints and the bchal of twenty bo; the capacity of the bo varies according to localities.
Gewandung, p. 250) thinks that it was probably in use by the popes themselves so early as the 3rd century, since St Cyprian (d.
He gave his name to the Gupta era, which continued in use for several centuries, dating from the 26th of February, A.D.
Meanwhile Hebrew did not become a dead language - indeed it can hardly be said ever to have died, since it has continued in use till the present day for the purposes of ordinary life among educated Jews in all parts of the world.
In the Pontificale Romanum, the old Ordo Romanus and the manual or Common Prayer Book in use in England before the Reformation forms for the blessing or consecration of new knights are included, and of these the first and the last are quoted by Selden.
The individual and collective influence of the several impurities which occur in the product of the Heroult cell is still to seek, and the importance of this inquiry will be seen when we consider that if cast iron, wrought iron and steel, the three totally distinct metals included in the generic name of "iron" - which are only distinguished one from another chemically by minute differences in the proportion of certain non-metallic ingredients - had only been in use for a comparatively few years, attempts might occasionally be made to forge cast iron, or to employ wrought iron in the manufacture of edge-tools.
It is crossed by several tracks, passable for pack-animals, the most in use being the road between Sawlon, the capital of Gantarawadi and Man Mail.
Between 1850 and 1902 the area of canals and docks in use on both sides of the river increased from 96 to over 300 acres, about £2,000,000 having been spent on the building of docks in the last quarter of the 17th century.
Many kinds of contest, such as the chariot race of the apobatai (said to have been introduced by Erechtheus), which were not in use at Olympia, were practised in Athens.
Local and provincial " peils " are, however, also in use on some water-ways.
For brevity we may call these the periods of wrought iron, of cast iron, and of molten steel, recognizing that in the second and third the earlier processes continued in use.
Latium originally means the land of the Latini, and in this sense, which alone is in use historically, it was a tract of limited extent; but after the overthrow of the Latin confederacy, when the neighbouring tribes of the Rutuli, Hernici, Volsci and Aurunci, as well as the Latini properly so called, were reduced to the condition of subjects and citizens of Rome, the name of Latium was extended to comprise them all.
Numerous isolated palaeolithic objects of the Mousterian type have been found in the neighbourhood of Rome in the quaternary gravels of the Tiber and Anio; but no certain traces of the neolithic period have come to light, as the many Pre" flint implements found sporadically round Rome pro- historic bably belong to the period which succeeded neolithic (called by Italian archaeologists the eneolithic period) inasmuch as both stone and metal (not, however, bronze, but copper) were in use.
Certain parts are common to all the forms in use and to the level.
Though no radical changes have been made in the design of turbines for some years, an immense amount of skill and ingenuity has been shown in perfecting and improving details, and such machines of great size and power are now constantly being made, and give every satisfaction when in use.
Only two of his works have been printed, his Erotemata (published at Venice in 1484), which was the first Greek grammar in use in the West, and Epistolae III.
The machinery in use is very varied in character, and it has been evolved principally by practical planters of a mechanical turn.
Where water power is available, turbines of a variety of types are in use.
Next to water, tea is the beverage most widely in use throughout the world as regards the number of its votaries as well as the total liquid quantity consumed.
The field gun in use is the quickfiring gun 96/N.A.
Nearly all the farms are worked by their owners, and a simple and efficient system of landtransfer is in use.
Genoa, being a natural harbour of the first rank, must have been in use as a seaport as early as navigation began in the Tyrrhenian Sea.
No case-endings are recognizable, but construct formsto judge by Copticwere in use.
Shovel-boards, to hold in right (93) or left hand for scraping up the grain in winnowing, are usual in the XVIIIth Dynasty, and are figured in use in the Old Kingdom Pruning knives with curved blades (94) are Italic, and were made of iron by the Romans.
The vague Egyptian year, however, continued in use in native documents for some centuries along with the Alexandrian lonian year.
The succession of archaeological types revealed in them has been tabulated by Petrie in his Diospolis Parva; and the detailed publication of Reisners unusually careful researches is bringing much new light on the questions involved, amongst other things showing the exact point at which the prehistoric series merges into the 1st Dynasty, for, as might be surmised, in many cases the prehistoric cemeteries continued in use under the earliest dynasties.
This system is also in use on the line which runs south fromRoskilde to the island of Falster, from the southernmost point of which, Gjedser, ferrysteamers taking railway cars serve Warnemunde in Germany.
Besides this the harness of each horse consisted of a bridle and a pair of reins, mostly the same as in use now, made of leather and ornamented with studs of ivory or metal.
The "iron" chariots in use among the Jews appear to have been chariots strengthened or plated with metal, and no doubt were of the form above described, which prevailed generally among the other ancient nations.
Although hydraulic limes have been in use from the most ancient times, their true nature and the reason of their resistance to water have only become known since 1791.
The foregoing description represents the procedure in use in many English factories.
It has been warned of the limitations and risks in use of the information, and despite such warnings, chooses of its own free will to continue to access or use the Contents.
Here must have stood the capital of some great empire connected with its extremities, Sardis or Ephesus on the west, Sinope on the north, the Euphrates on the east, the Cilician Gates on the south, by roads so well made as to continue in use for a long time after the centre of power had changed to Assyria, and the old road-system had become circuitous and unsuitable.
The standard of measurement most in use is the St Petersburg standard, which contains 165 cubic ft.
In these states the title remained in use from the earliest times until 1658 in the case of the first state, and until 1716 in that of the second, when it gave way to Hospodar.
In 1836 he founded the Dublin Review, partly to infuse into the lethargic English Catholics higher ideals of their own religion and some enthusiasm for the papacy, and partly to enable him to deal with the progress of the Oxford Movement, in which he was keenly interested.
In his lifetime he was known no doubt simply as Fra Giovanni or Friar John; "The Angelic" is a laudatory term which was assigned to him at an early date, - we find it in use within thirty years after his death; and, at some period which is not defined in our authorities, he was beatified by due ecclesiastical process.
In England the hawthorn, owing to its hardiness and closeness of growth, has been employed for enclosure of land since the Roman occupation, but for ordinary field hedges it is believed it was generally in use till about the end of the 17th century.
Spanish is the only language in use.
The rock is a favourite material for curling-stones, about three-fourths (according to estimate) of those in use in the countries where the game obtains being made of it.
His detection of considerable errors in the tables then in use led him to the conclusion that a more accurate ascertainment of the places of the fixed stars was indispensable to the progress of astronomy; and, finding that Flamsteed and Hevelius had already undertaken to catalogue those visible in northern latitudes, he assumed to himself the task of making observations in the southern hemisphere.
A process devised by him for the manufacture of illuminating gas from turpentine and resin was in use in New York for a time.
In the manufacture of sugar most of the mills in use extract only about three-fourths of the juice from the cane; in 1902 about 73% of it was manufactured by 528 mills operated by steam; 17% by 470 mills operated by hand or by a carabao; and to% by 77 mills operated by water-power.
Hypodermic tabloids of morphine sulphate either alone or combined with atropine are much in use.
But, to judge from the photographic reproduction of the Nippur tablet, the characters upon it do not appear to resemble those in use at the time of the First Dynasty, nor those of the period of the Dynasties of Ur and Isin.
The coins chiefly in use were (i) copper cash, which were strung in hundreds on strings of straw, and, as about 911 weight was equal to one shilling, were excessively cumbrous, but were nevertheless valued at their face value; (ii) nickel coins, which, being profitable to mint, were issued in enormous quantities, quickly depreciated, and were moreover extensively forged.
He had acquired such a mastery of the Greek language that, when he presided over the courts in Asia, he was able to answer each suitor in ordinary Greek or any of the dialects in use.
Hence they applied to all fortified habitations the term in use for their own primitive fortifications; the walls remained with them the main feature distinguishing a town from a village; and the fact of the town being a fortified place likewise necessitated the special provisions mentioned for maintaining the peace.
It has been suggested, but with very scant measure of probability, that the existence of elephants in Borneo, whose confinement to a single district is remarkable and unexplained, is due to importation; and the fact is on record that when Magellan's ships visited Brunei in 1522 tame elephants were in use at the court of the sultan of Brunei.
K is still in use as an ordinary consonant, and not limited to a symbol for abbreviations as in the classical period.
Wimmer's own view is that the runes were developed from the Latin alphabet in use at the end of the 2nd century A.D.
Another form of the Aramaic alphabet, namely, the so-called Estrangela writing which was in use amongst the Christians of northern Syria, was carried by Nestorian missionaries into Central Asia and became the ancestor of a multitude of alphabets spreading through the Turkomans as far east as Manchuria.
On the other hand, the implements and weapons found in the Scottish and Irish crannogs are usually of iron, or, if objects of bronze and stone are found, they are commonly such as were in use in the Iron Age.
The preservation of this vast mass can only be attributed to writing, which must therefore have been in use for two centuries or more before there was any considerable prose literature.
No deduction to be made in respect of old material which is repaired without being replaced by new, and provisions and stores which have not been in use.
No deduction shall be made in respect of provisions and stores which had not been in use.
The results of these investigations were published in 1899, 5 and have been in use since the beginning of Igo'.
The First Book of Discipline set forth the whole of the proposed religious and educational constitution, and this book speaks of " the order of Geneva which is now in use in some of our churches."
In accepting in 1645 the Westminster Directory of Public Worship she tacitly gave up her own liturgy which had been in use till recently, and committed herself to a bald and uninviting order of worship, in which no forms of prayer were allowed to be used.
Another Russian port from which a large quantity of flax is imported is Pernau, where the marks in use are comparatively few.
In Citium and Idalium, on the other hand, a Phoenician dialect and alphabet were in use from the time of Sargon onward.'
From this it will be observed that in a general way there had only been two kinds of wooden presses in use for a period of no less than three hundred and fifty years, and when the work of some of the early printers is studied, it is marvellous how often good results were obtained from such crude appliances.
We shall deal with it more fully below in relation to the modern and more complicated class of machinery; and this also applies to the ordinary stop or single cylinder, and small platen machines, both of which have been in use many years, and are still in demand.
This perfecting class of machine has been in use a great many years, Machines.
An improved form of this machine is still in use.
The rotary presses in use at the present time are indeed wonderful specimens of mechanical ingenuity, all the various operations of damping (when necessary), feeding, printing (both sides), cutting, folding, pasting, wrapping (when required) and counting being purely automatic. These machines are of various kinds, and are specially made to order so as to cope with the particular class of work in view.
The system of making-ready employed now is quite different from that in use when it was necessary to dampen paper before it could be satisfactorily printed.
Shaft furnaces are in use for ores rich in sulphur, and where it is desirable to convert the waste gases into sulphuric acid.
Provision for circulation of solution is made in the systems of copper-refining now in use.
The process was abandoned, but in a modified form appears to be now in use in Nijni-Novgorod in Russia.
About twenty telephones are in use per thousand of population, and a system of trunk-lines between the important towns has been established since 1889.
The large number of English names on this coast is due to the fact that the earliest detailed survey of this region was made by English naval officers; the charts prepared from their surveys are still in use and form the basis of all subsequent maps.
With the Mahommedan conquest of Persia and the fall of the Sassanians the title was abolished; it was in use for a short time during the ioth Century, having been granted to Shah Ismail Samani by the Caliph Motadid A.D, 900; it appeared again on coins of Nadir Shah, 1736-1747, and was assumed by the present dynasty, the Kajars, in 1799.
But "dogmatic" has also continued in use among Protestant theologians of the Left no less than among the orthodox.
Barium carbide, BaC2, is prepared by a method similar to that in use for the preparation of calcium carbide (see Acetylene).
Other writs having somewhat similar effect were in use at an early date, e.g.
The dye was introduced into Europe from Mexico, where it had been in use long before the entrance of the Spaniards in the year 1518, and where it formed one of the staple tributes to the crown for certain districts.
In the latter the words in use for common objects and acts are nearly all pure Baluchi, the remainder of the language being borrowed from Persian, Sindhi and Panjabi.
In the sequel he defines the role of the angel of baptism who does not infuse himself in waters, already holy from the first; but merely presides over the washing of the faithful, and ensures their being made pure for the reception of the holy Spirit in the rite of confirmation which immediately follows.
Thumi Sambhota accordingly invented an alphabet for the Tibetan language on the model of the Indian alphabets then in use.
Fresh incidents were inserted, new motives suggested and speeches composed in order to infuse the required life and freshness into these dry bones of history.
He collected a number of words and phrases in use among them which show clearly that their language, though not unaffected by Iranian influence, was still essentially a form of Gothic.
In the 13th century opium thebaicum is mentioned by Simon Januensis, physician to Pope Nicholas IV., while meconium was still in use.
After several years' trials he at last produced a satisfactory cast steel, purer and harder than any steel then in use.
The Bronze Age in Europe is characterized by weapons, utensils and implements, distinct in design and size from those in use in the preceding or succeeding stage of man's civilization.
Even in the north, metal bullae were also occasionally in use.
The its muscular coat; g, g, the heart is of the usual Arthro lateral teeth, which when podous type, lying in a more or in use are brought in conless well-defined pericardial blood tact with the sides of the sinus, with which it communi median tooth m; c, c, the cates by valvular openings or muscular coat.
Thus it passed into the schools, where text-books still in use devote 200 pages to the Peloponnesian war and two to the Athens of Pericles.
The father of modern French history, or at least of historical research, was Andre Duchesne (1584-1640), whose splendid collections of sources are still in use.
Therefore every highway - whether carriage-way, driftway, bridleway or footway - which can be shown to have been in use before 1836, is presumably repairable by the inhabitants at large, the only exceptions being such highways as are repairable by private persons or corporate bodies ratione clausurae, ratione tenurae, or by prescription.
In medieval times this relation existed, and the term " protection " was in use.
In Tabulae Regiomontanae (1830), he definitively established the uniform system of reduction still in use.
His weapons, tools and other appliances such as the hammer, hatchet, spear, knife, awl, thread, net, canoe, &c., are the evident rudimentary analogues of what still remains in use among Europeans.
Direct knowledge of the tribes who made them is scanty, but implements so similar in make and design having been in use in North and South America until modern times, it may be assumed for purposes of classification that the Neolithic peoples of the New World were at a similar barbarous level in industrial arts, social organization, moral.
Although the army has been equipped with modern rifles, the common weapon of the people is the matchlock, and slings are still in use.
Paulinus of Nola (c. 490) alludes to the tonsure as in use among the (Western) monks; from them the practice quickly spread to the clergy.
The standard sections in use are numerous and varied, and from time to time a steel user has occasion to design a new steel shape because no existing section is suitable.
The colouring, however, is only visible when the wings are expanded and in use.
In both these cases the litanies are stated to have been long in use.
The French decimal system is in use for weights and measures, together with Turkish standards.
On the railways and in post offices the Gregorian calendar is employed; elsewhere the Julian remains in use.
The name tarantella, in use at the present time, applies both to a dance still in vogue in Southern Italy and also to musical pieces resembling in their stimulating measures those that were necessary to rouse to activity the sufferer from tarantism in the middle ages.
He was the first to arrange a complete liturgy for the synagogue, and his Prayer-Book (Siddur Rab Amram) was the foundation of most of the extant rites in use among the Jews.
Porcelain, enamelled iron, for high concentrations even cast-iron without any protection, are also in use.
Pulleys are usually cast in one piece, and the proportions of the various parts are designed to resist the unknown stresses due to contraction of the casting in cooling, in addition to the stresses to which pulleys are subjected in use.
Finally should be mentioned yet another kind of compilation still in use in the Greek Church, bearing the name of nomocanon, because in them are inserted, within the sphere of the see of Constantinople, it was not till later that a similar result was arrived at in the West.
These two works, which were almost contemporary (Gratian is only about two years earlier)," were destined to have the same fate; they were the manuals, one for theology, the other for canon law, in use in all the universities, taught, glossed and commented on by the most illustrious masters.
Many other legal terms can be definitely traced to Scandinavian sources, and they are first found in use in the district of the Danelagh.
The system which is now almost universally in use amongst civilized nations for representing cardinal numbers is the Hindu, sometimes incorrectly called the Arabic, system.
Thus the weights ordinarily in use for measuring from 4 oz.
The metric system is now in use in the greater part of the civilized world, but some of the measures retain the names of old disused measures.
Miguel de los Ranchos which he visited was "of the same nature as those in use before the introduction of Christianity."
Much safer and more powerful diuretics are now in use.
Many forms of composite gas-apparatus are in use.
We do not even know what the appearance and form of the birrus were; and the question of the origin of the cope is not whether it was derived from any garment of the time of the Roman Empire, and if so from which, but what garment in use in the 8th and 9th centuries it represents.
The old name of the place, Byzantium, however, continued in use.
The other title in use among the Jews, Vayyidhabber (" And he said"), is simply the first word of the book and has no reference to its contents.
Conishead Priory, near Ulverston, an Augustinian foundation of the reign of Henry II., has left no remains, but of the priory of Cartmel (1188) the fine church is still in use.
The Greeks, Turks and Jews here occupy different quarters of the city, but most of the Turkish inhabitants have now quitted the country, so that only four of the numerous mosques remain in use.
The rooms contain much of the furniture which was in them when they were occupied by General Washington and his family; and the furniture that had been lost has been in part replaced by other furniture of historic interest and of the style in use in Washington's day.
The imports consist principally of cereals and flour, coffee, sugar, ale, wines and spirits, tobacco, manufactured wares, iron and metal wares, timber, salt, coal, &c. The money, weights and measures in use are the same as in Denmark.
In the D'Entrecasteaux Islands the sling is in use.
The Massachusetts ballot which had been in use in1897-1899was again adopted in 1 9 00.
There are native names for the plough, so it may be assumed that some form of that implement, worked by oxen, yoked together with a simple straight yoke, was in use in early times.
Part of the church is still in use.
It is an amplification and interpolation, by means of spurious decretals, of the canonical collection in use in the Church of Spain in the 8th century, all the documents in which are perfectly authentic.
The so-called Byzantine or Roman era (which continued in use in the Greek Church until its liberation from Turkish rule) was adopted in the Chronicum for the first time as the foundation of chronology, in accordance with which the date of the creation is given as the 21st of March, 5507.
At that time the " compass " microscope was in use.
Very different constructions are in use.
The term "parish" is not in use as a territorial designation except in Louisiana, the sixty parishes of which correspond to the counties of the other states of the Union.
Of the vertical presses the Anglo-American type of press is most in use.
From the time of the Conquest down to the 18th century, Bideford remained in the possession of the Grenville family, and it first appears as a borough in an undated charter (probably of the reign of Edward I.) from Richard de Grenville, confirming a charter from his grandfather, Richard de Grenville, fixing the rent and services due from the burgesses and granting them liberties similar to those in use at Breteuil and a market every Monday.
The Series 60 Platform is the world's most widely adopted smartphone platform, with millions of devices already in use.
Kipp & Zonen Net Radiometers in use recording surface albedo at the Jornada test site, New Mexico, USA in May 1997.
Only minutes from the city there are ancient Roman and Etruscan remains including an amphitheater that is still in use.
Nearby there were also orchards on which lead arsenates were almost certainly in use.
Quality assurance Quality assurance schemes have been in use in early years settings for a number of years.
This gives you plenty of slack, to enable the running backstay to be taken forward when not in use.
Its integral bipod is totally out of the way when not in use.
To operate a BES service the blackberry enterprise server is required to connect the mobile Blackberries with the enterprise systems in use.
In 1980/81, I had the pleasure of painting a new standard for the exhibition budgerigar, which is still in use today.
I suspect there are a lot more digital cameras in use out there than properly equipped scanners... ... ... .
The LT rejected the transactions by specialists and specialized clinics as being too different both in use and type of premises.
How representative or typical such collocations are of actual language in use can now be tested against corpus evidence.
In the early years, ingenious contraptions were devised, like the trolley seen here in use during work on the long groin.
It has a full sized standard layout keyboard which doesn't feel cramped in use.
At these times surgical diathermy is not in use.
It is claimed that there are 100,000 geodesic domes in use around the world.
The project methodology is to conduct evaluations of CAL in use in universities across the UK.
The ore was so fine-grained that the mechanical methods of concentration then in use could not trap it.
Not too much otherwise the disturbance to the rest of the old gasket may promote a leak in use.
When not in use the gnomon is folded downwards and stored inside the cylinder.
Seating There is plenty of seating in the ground, including the famous grandstand which is the oldest ground in use in the country.
Many of the original buildings, including the large hangar constructed for Vimy production, are still in use within the Yeovil factory today.
There are various heuristics you can use to make an educated guess at the encoding in use.
Solar panels in the roof provide hot water when the Aga is not in use in the summer.
D-1 152mm towed heavy howitzer 1943 One of the last WWII vintage weapons still in use.
With Bt maize, the reduction in use of insecticides should result in less harm to beneficial insects.
As you see these language features in use you'll eventually internalize them.
The site design is reasonably intuitive in use with a standard menu available on every page within the site.
Some of the rules are still in use today in what is known as sport or competition karate.
The shower is fitted with warm air heating which creates a perfect drying space and wet locker when not in use as a shower.
Since putting on standby all the time when not in use have not had another lockup.
Snares - wire nooses set to catch wild animals - have been in use for a great many years.
We are born into the contractual obligations of a language already in use.
When a filter is in use this should be lowered by removing compressed air from the pneumatic pistons.
The input radix controls the interpretation of numbers typed in; all numbers typed in use this radix.
The name Rameses was in use before the 13th century, and could have been associated with someone else.
In the context of working applications where there is often a difference between the schema in use and the ' standard ' namespace schema.
It became the village schoolroom in 1580 and was in use until the School House was built in 1859.
Particularly under the present circum- stances, weapons causing casualties on a large scale and mass destruction have appeared in use.
Electrical impedance tomography a new imaging technique for epilepsy All imaging methods in use today have their limitations.
They could have the networks block calls made from within the prison by using triangulation similar to the location based services in use.
Note too the fork and pin arrangement for the side trill key, which gives a very nice feel in use.
Gaze into traditional mash tuns, see the modern Millenium Brewhouse and contrast historic steam engines with the automated equipment in use today.
Chemicals can infuse the air with a scent that mimics fresh aroma, but in some cases they can actually make the air unhealthy.
Weekly supplies for the 100,000 or so bottled water coolers in use in the UK is adding tons of CO2 into the atmosphere.
Two common types of desiccator are in use.
It has been said that he showed a want of personal courage; this is not improbable, the excess of feeling which made him so great an orator could hardly be combined with the coolness in danger required of a soldier; but no one was able, as he was, to infuse courage into others.
The term is in use in the Roman Catholic Church in Ireland to designate an assistant clergyman, and also to a certain extent in the American Episcopal Church, though "assistant minister" is usually preferred.
Instruments of this kind have been in use for a long series of years, and have recorded pressures up to and even exceeding 60 lb per sq.
Although the " ink-writer " is still in use it is practically an obsolete instrument, and has been displaced by the " sounder."
In consequence of their high capacity, the attenuation constant of submarine cables is high, and only a small number of cables, of comparatively short length, are in use for telephonic purposes.
Later in Englnd it became usual to appoint one man to the two offices and to call him chancellor, a word perhaps borrowed from cathedral chapters, and not in use for a diocesan officer till the time of Henry VIII.
The particular form of this general speech which was used as the lingua franca, the Hindustani of the period, was the form in use in Kosala.
In antiquity, however, it was evidently in use for the transportation of merchandise and even of armies.
In the introductory paper in Maxwell's collection we are told that " The practice of draining, enclosing, summer fallowing, sowing flax, hemp, rape, turnip and grass seeds, planting cabbages after, and potatoes with, the plough, in fields of great extent, is introduced; and that, according to the general opinion, more corn grows now yearly where it was never known to grow before, these twenty years last past, than perhaps a sixth of all that the kingdom was in use to produce at any time before."
The existing refineries were accordingly altered so as to adapt them for the refining of petroleum; but in the manufacture of burning oil from petroleum the small stills which had been in use in the distillation of shale-oil were at first employed.
Not far off are mineral springs by the coast (Neptuniae aquae), known to the Romans and still in use - except one containing arsenic which was blocked up both by the ancients and again in 1839 as a precaution.
Vieta, who does not avail himself of the discoveries of his predecessors - the negative roots of Cardan, the revised notation of Stifel and Stevin, &c. - introduced or popularized many new terms and symbols, some of which are still in use.
After Augustus, the road gave its name to the district which formed the eighth region of Italy (previously known as Gallia or Provincia Ariminum), at first in popular usage (as in Martial), but in official language as early as the 2nd century; it is still in use (see Emilia).
So you should indicate precisely, what parts of your site are restricted in use  because the 1911 text as such (whether on paper or in electronic form) is free, and anyone may use it for any purpose, without any conditions.
Many of the ornamental processes which we admire in Venetian glass were already in use in this century, as that of mille fiori, and the beautiful kind of glass known as " vitro di trina " or lace glass.
It may conveniently be called the Total Heat, by a slight extension of the meaning of a term which has been for a long time in use as applied to vapours (see Vaporization).
The syrinx was in use during the middle ages, and was known in France as frestel or fretiau, in medieval Latin as fistula panis, and in Germany as Pansflöte or Hirtenpfeife (now Papagenoflöte).
But, as this is probably the same as the English monetary pound, or tower pound of 5400, which was in use earlier (see Saxon coins), it seems more likely that this pound (which is common in Roman weights) was directly inherited from the Roman civilization.
The Pontifical known as Ecgbert's shows that it was then in use both as an office and as an order, and Aelfric (Io06) in both his pastoral epistle and canons mentions the acolyte.
Some regard the legend as a chthonian myth, Aea (Colchis) being the under-world in the Aeolic religious system from which Jason liberates himself and his betrothed; others, in view of certain resemblances between the story of Jason and that of Cadmus (the ploughing of the field, the sowing of the dragon's teeth, the fight with the Sparti, who are finally set fighting with one another by a stone hurled into their midst), associate both with Demeter the corn-goddess, and refer certain episodes to practices in use at country festivals, e.g.
This style continued in use under the Persians, under whose rule the Phrygians passed when Cyrus defeated Croesus in 546, and lasted till the Roman period.
There are several materials now in use possessing remarkable power to decolourize clarify, chemically purify and oxidize water; but they are too costly for use in connexion with public water supplies unless a rate of filtration is adopted quite inconsistent with the formation of a surface film capable of arresting micro-organisms. This fact does not render them less useful when applied to the arts in which they are successfully employed.
Tully and now in use at Truro, in which tar is injected into the incandescent fuel in a water-gas generator and enriches the water gas with methane and other hydrocarbons, the resulting pitch and carbon being filtered off by the column of coke through which the gas passes.
This mollified Jim a little, and after some thought the green maiden decided to give the cab-horse a room in the palace, such a big building having many rooms that were seldom in use.
Thousands and thousands of women were switchboard operators before direct dial phones were in use.
Perhaps an explanation of the method that was in use when I took my examinations will not be amiss here.
The manual alphabet is that in use among all educated deaf people.
A variety of relaxant drugs are in use in different parts of the world.
It needed major repair work in 1868, but then remained in use until 1983 when it was replaced by an attractive new bridge.
Mouthparts highly modified for piercing and blood-sucking, and retracted into the head when not in use.
The seaward end of the pier is at present not in use.
This view of Canterbury East signal box from the 1970s reveals both semaphore signal arms still in use.
A portable ramp must be securely located in the doorway when deployed, and be securely stowed when not in use.
Bagging and soiling of upholstery leather Development of methods to assess the resistance of leathers to bagging and soiling in use.
It is useful to know how many handsets are in use at any one time.
They vitiated the decision not to offer any assistance in advance of the road having been built and in use for a year.
Gazeley church is still in use for Christian worship.
Will you garage it when not in use or put it in a storage facility?
Keep in mind that lasers use a lot of power, so shop for energy efficient units that turn off automatically when not in use.
You will need a greater number of cranking outputs for each engine in use on your boat.
These types of processors are still in use today and laptops featuring them can still be found, just don't expect the laptop's performance to blow anyone's doors off.
Flip-ups have a hinge that secures them to the top of your glasses, making it possible for them to stay on your frames even when not in use.
How and where was the tank stored when it wasn't in use?
To avoid the mint leaves in your teeth scenario, infuse your simple syrup with mint leaves rather than muddling the leaves while making the cocktail.
These are popular ruses in use in the United States.
If you or your guests want to catch some sun, move the furniture out into the light, but put it back in a protected spot, or cover it, when it's not in use.
Unlike new styles, which come and go year after year, the rustic wood table has been around for centuries and has remained in use.
Some space saving pieces are small; others are multi-functional or fold away when they're not in use.
Space saving dining sets can range from tables with removable leaves to drop-leaf tables that can fold down and be used for other purposes when not in use as a dining table.
These types of tables can accommodate large numbers of people and can then be shrunken down when not in use.
One option is to use folding chairs that can be tucked away when not in use.
To make sure it lasts as long as possible, try using waterproof vinyl outdoor furniture covers when the items aren't in use.
According to scientific calculations, the sun provides up to 10,000 times the amount of energy currently in use on the planet today.
Remove bicycle racks and ski racks when they are not in use and never tow a trailer if it is empty.
Instead, plug everything into a surge protector and turn that off at the main switch when not in use.
Turn off everything when it isn't in use.
Many are powering cars, but they are also in use for other fuel needs, too.
One type of biofuel that is in use readily is ethanol.
Some types of fuel can be in use in various forms for any energy need.
These can be old panels that are being replaced, panels that are no longer in use or surplus stock.
Currently, there are five popular renewable energy sources in use that have a minimally invasive impact on the environment and promise sustainable renewal.
You may also want to consider closing off rooms when not in use.
You can also unplug appliances between uses to avoid energy drain when they are not in use.
Saving energy by unplugging appliances that are not in use is easy and free.
Unlike aromatherapy, in which fragrant herbs are used to stimulate the emotions through the sense of smell, Bach Flower Essences infuse the essential qualities of plants and some minerals into a tincture.
It is said to have been in use for centuries for just this purpose.
It can be in use in as a tea or a cold drink, or in supplement form.
Many of these remedies have been in use for thousands of years, and only the most highly trained physicians are considered capable of fully understanding their use.
An elegant table setting will add color to your dining room - keep your table decorated even when not in use to keep the color alive.
Install window blinds that you can open when the bathroom is not in use.
Storage is key - If your family room is where your children play, store their toys and other playthings when they are not in use.
Small appliances such as hair dryers and electric shavers should always be stowed in a drawer when not in use.
Some beds have built in chests that store the television set when it's not in use.
Armoire-style pieces can be closed to conceal electronics when not in use.
Drop leaf tables that can be pushed against walls when not in use are another great addition to a small apartment.
Extra chairs can be used to line walls and can double as plant stands when not in use.
Hold backs or tie backs keep your drapes pulled away from the window when not in use.
Make sure you have space in the cabinet to store your iron when not in use.
Fold-down or pull-out drying racks also take up little space when they aren't in use.
No matter what your makeup style is, Stila Silk Eye Shadow Wash is worth a second glance because of its versatility in use and the number of skin tones it can flatter.
This keeps them out of sight when not in use and helps prevent dust buildup.
Both machines come with a cutting mat included, and have caps available to place on the blades when not in use.
However, keep in mind that you are creating a scrapbook, not a generic cookbook; therefore you need to infuse your album with personality.
In other words, it can be folded up and placed under your bed when it is not in use.
Whether you want to incorporate your Asian ancestry, want to infuse the myths symbolized by this plant in your wedding, or just want a tasteful elegant favor for your reception, a bamboo plant may fit the bill.
Prasang Decorators and Event Planners offers a slideshow of their decorating expertise, including many photos of aisle runners in use.
As modern men become more interested in fashions and their own looks, however, they want to infuse their own ideas.
This makes it a good option for wedding programs that will be in use for a long period of time on the day of the wedding.
Photographs showcasing the items in use can help trigger exciting new reception decoration schemes or even an entire wedding day theme.
To infuse the flavors further, crush the berries before mixing them in.
Comforters have come a long way in use and design.
When making this decision, take time to decide whether your curtain will be pulled to one side or closed when the shower isn't in use.
Note the colors, style, and accessories already in use so that you can either match them up with a unique shower curtain or swap them out in favor of a complete new look.
Fondant icing dries out quickly, so always store it properly and keep it covered when not in use.
According to Hilton, she has changed her light bulbs to the energy efficient variety, plans to buy a hybrid car and turns the water off when not in use.
These are not admittance tests but rather are in use to help place each student into the appropriate college program.
Follow the directions on these products carefully, as nearly all recommend that you and all of your pets leave the home for several hours while the fogger is in use.
You might also like to look at the Kitchen Photo Gallery to see some of the faucets in use.
Over the course of the day, the water that's held in the tank of a standard hot water heater loses its heat, causing the tank's heating elements to turn on and heat the water even when it's not in use.
Alternatively, purchase solar screens to use when the room is not in use.
Keep your sweaters aired and folded when not in use and launder in the most delicate detergent available so that they remain pristine for years.
It sheds wrinkles easily and fits into the smallest bag or tote when not in use.
In other words, sometimes it is more cost effective for coffee suppliers to infuse instant coffee with artificial flavors than it is to keep the flavorings completely natural.
Always hang the coat up when not in use.
With this type of cover, the pool is covered at all times when the pool is not in use.
Do not leave the grill unattended when in use.
However, gerontology researchers have begun to study the best practices that are in use by various centers.
For this reason, some of the allergy medications can be in use as a tool to keep you awake.
Treatments can be successful especially when they are in use early on.
These chemicals are in use to control the sleep and awake cycle.
This chemical is in use by the brain to control sleep patterns.
Prior to purchasing one, Sleep Number bed reviews can be in use to help gauge whether the investment in this type of bed is worthwhile.
Make sure you have a case for storing the night guard when it's not in use.
Be sure to rinse them with a contact solution before and after wearing and also be sure to store them in a contact case when not in use.
If you get the pouch type that fits inside of your regular eyeglass case (eyeglass and clip on sets typically come with this type of set-up), you can keep your clip ons conveniently with your eyeglasses when not in use.
Always store your custom lenses in a contact case when not in use and clean them with a solution made for contact lenses.
This magnifier is designed to attach to a lamp and is flexible enough to be adjusted and moved so that you can more easily view your needlework, knitting or any other activity for which your hands are in use.
Be sure to store your magnetic clip on in its case when not in use to protect it from scratches and damage.
Make sure that you store your Oakleys in the soft case that comes with them when they're not in use.
Store them in a protective case when not in use.
To properly care for your lenses they must be stored in a case when not in use.
An upright case, also called a barrel case, is used to store your contact lenses when not in use.
This case is done in an upright barrel style that will keep your lenses clean and safe when not in use.
Be sure to store them in a protective case when not in use and rinse them with a contact lens solution before and after wearing.
All harmful light is filtered and the style gives you the option to flip them up when not in use.
Be sure that when you get your frameless style, you handle them with care, keeping them in a case or safe place when they're not in use.
See Water Parks in Texas for examples of "generic" pictures in use.
A rumored grenade in Halo 3 features a new opponent motion tracking system that has a ribcage that expands and lights up when in use.
Winemakers at the Hayman & Hill winery in Sonoma County infuse their passion for winemaking into all of their product offerings, and this Cabernet Franc is no exception.
Oil lamps are also great decorative items even when they're not in use.
Hat pins, also spelled hatpins, have been in use since the Middle Ages.
Law books are unique in that they cover laws that may no longer be in use.
In fact, since this model was made to be repaired rather than replaced many model 27 machines are still in use.
Be sure to turn them off when they are not in use.
It is more exciting to dream about the trips you can take than thinking about how to store your trailer when not in use.
There are protective cases available that essentially replace the exterior housing of your phone, as well as holsters where you can keep your handset when it's not in use.
This is by far the most popular iPhone app for Facebook in use today, though some competitors have jumped onto the scene.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has banned the use of sulfites as a preservative for fruits and vegetables, but they are still in use in some foods.
Male condoms have been in use in varied forms for at least three thousand years.
Erythromycin is similar in use to penicillin and is widely used for patients who are allergic to penicillin.
Chemical agents should always be used according to the manufacturer's instructions and properly stored when not in use.
Racial/ethnic differences in use of substances were also found.
Remove stove knobs or put covers over the burners when the stove is not in use.
Unplug electrical appliances when not in use and store them in a locked cabinet or drawer.
Place a protective screen around the fireplace, and never leave children unsupervised when the fireplace is in use.
Prenatal therapy, in which a pregnant woman at risk for a second CAH child is given dexamethasone to decrease secretion of androgens by the adrenal glands of the female fetus, has been in use since 1994.
This treatment has been in use for over 25 years and it has had positive response from parents.
If you must have electronics in your bedroom, like TVs and radios, put them in a place where they cannot be seen when not in use like in an armoire or hutch.
Finding the records may present additional problems if the cemetery is no longer in use.
The funds from this collection are in use to provide compensation to unemployed individuals.
If the Japanese origami paper airplane project has inspired you to dive into making paper airplanes using the techniques that have been in use for decades, you are not alone.
The word origami is now commonly in use to refer to any type of paper folding.