In-truth Sentence Examples
God, who is the cause of the concomitance of bodily and mental facts, is in truth the sole cause in the universe.
Macaulay imputes this reduction to Hastings as a characteristic act of financial immorality; but in truth it had been expressly enjoined by the court of directors, in a despatch dated six months before he took up office.
Both Darwin and Wallace lay great stress on the close relation which obtains between the existing fauna of any region and that of the immediately antecedent geological epoch in the same region; and rightly, for it is in truth inconceivable that there should be no genetic connexion between the two.
As one of those who fear the Lord in truth and in patience, he looks forward to the punishment of all sinners who oppress the righteous and profane the sanctuary.
Nitzsch's name was subsequently dismissed by Cuvier without a word of praise, and in terms which would have been applicable to many another and inferior author, while Temminck, terming Naumann's work an " ouvrage de luxe "-it being in truth one of the cheapest for its contents ever published-effectually shut it out from the realms of science.
At the same time he states that authors who have occupied themselves with the sternum alone have often produced uncertain results, especially when they have neglected its anterior for its posterior part; for in truth every bone of the skeleton ought to be studied in all its details.
A third part shows, from the practices of their religious worship, that the Christians had in truth dedicated themselves to God.
The leader of modern historians, he was in truth a man of the ancien regime.
The dissolution of feudalism, the development of towns, the growth of scholasticism, all these and much more have been ascribed to the Crusades, when in truth they were concomitants rather than results, or at any rate, if in part the results of the Crusades, were in far larger part the results of other things.
Whatever were his qualities as a fighter, the Cid was but indifferent material out of which to make a saint, - a man who battled against Christian and against Moslem with equal zeal, who burnt churches and mosques with equal zest, who ravaged, plundered and slew as much for a livelihood as for any patriotic or religious purpose, and was in truth almost as much of a Mussulman as a Christian in his habits and his character.
AdvertisementEckhart is in truth the first who attempted with perfect freedom and logical consistency to give a speculative basis to religious doctrines.
He was in truth the Sicilian bee, and, plucking the flowers of the prophetic and apostolic meadow, he produced a wonderfully pure knowledge in the souls of the listeners."
She wrote a little piece which Comte rated so pre- v posterously as to talk about George Sand in the same sentence; it is in truth a flimsy performance, though it contains one or two gracious thoughts.
Adoption, for example, as a practice for improving the happiness of families and the welfare of society, is capable of being weighed, and can in truth only be weighed, by utilitarian considerations, and has been commended 1 For Comte's place in the history of ethical theory see Ethics.
There is in truth a something crude, unsympathetic, cynical in his mental attitude toward human nature, for which, even after the lapse of more than three centuries, we find it difficult to make allowance.
AdvertisementThis other of God, which is in truth one with him, is matter.
He himself designates the Animadversationes in Scriptores Graecos as flos ingenii sui, and in truth these thin booklets outweigh his big editions.
And its greatness appears in its inexhaustibly deep teachings concerning Christ's sheep and fold; the Father's drawing of souls to Christ; the dependence of knowledge as to Christ's doctrine upon the doing of God's will; the fulfilling of the commandment of love, as the test of true discipleship; eternal life, begun even here and now; and God a Spirit, to be served in spirit and in truth.
Berengar in a weak moment in 1059 was forced by the pope to recant and assert that " the true body and blood are not only a sacrament, but in truth touched and broken by the hands of the priests and pressed by the teeth of the faithful," and this position remains in every Roman catechism.
But in truth Massillon is singularly free from inequality.
AdvertisementThey had also to free themselves as much as possible from the world; but in truth they lived very much as their non-Manichaean fellow-citizens.
Such ideas of relation are in truth the stumbling-block in Locke's philosophy, and Berkeley's empiricism is equally far from accounting for them.
For the time, feudalism in truth meant that lands and offices were held on condition of service; the kinf was the genuine ruler, not only of freemen, but of the highest vassals in the nation.
With him in truth begins that wider range of Greek warfare, policy and dominion which the Macedonian kingdoms carry on.
The saying of the Johannine Gospel - that God is to be adored neither in Jerusalem nor on Gerizim, but that His true worshipper must worship Him in spirit and in truth - is in complete harmony with the old Christian piety.
AdvertisementBut in truth the king had need of him quite as much as he had of Cranmer; for it was Gardiner, who even under royal supremacy, was anxious to prove that England had not fallen away from the faith, while Cranmer's authority as primate was necessary to upholding that supremacy.
This misdirected will is punished by finding that the objects after which it thirsts are in truth vanity and emptiness.
The interlocutors must in truth render an account under the stimulus of organized heckling from their equals or superiors in de.bating ability.
When Descartes, having faithfully and successfully followed the mathematico-physical inquiry of his more strictly scientific predecessors, found himself compelled to raise the question how it was possible for him to know what in truth he seemed to know so certainly, the problem entered on a new phase.
The last phrase scarcely does justice to the truly humane and devout intentions of the missionaries; but in truth the mission system was a complete failure save in the accumulation of material wealth.
The whole logical or scientific problem is treated as if it were one of co-existence, to which in truth the method of exclusion is scarcely applicable, and the assumption is constantly made that each phenomenon has one and only one cause.'
With proclamations, placaats and statutes abundantly filling huge tomes, the caprice of the governor was in truth the law.
Zola was the apostle of the "realistic" or "naturalistic" school; but he was in truth not a "naturalist" at all, in so far as "naturalism" is to be regarded as a record of fact.
And if in truth he knew it before you, he ought not to blame any but himself for having taken no more care to secure a discovery, which he puts so much value on.
These are in truth the outstanding problems of modern philosophy.
The invention of the microscope, attributed to Galileo by his first biographer, Vincenzio Viviani, does not in truth belong to him.
He had no difficulties in respect of the teaching and practice of his church, being in truth an ardent Ultramontane in doctrine, as was all but inevitable in his time and circumstances, and his great merit was the instinctive tact which showed him that the system of monasticism could never be the leaven of secular life, but that something more homely, simple, and everyday in character was needed for the new time.
The want of courage and self-reliance, the deficiency in truth and honesty sometimes noticed in connexion with them, are doubtless due to long servitude under an unsympathetic government.
While he exuded honesty and sincerity, in truth we barely knew the man.
As we approached the scene of the crime I could see that my friend under all his habitual coolness was in truth deeply agitated.
It is, in truth a futile scramble, unless of course you're Chelsea and have a shady Russian billionaire to back you.
Not the slightest intimation of any sexual interest could in truth have arisen between these two.
Now I have ruthlessly lampooned everything so far, even Bouillon's improvisation, but in truth I am actually wildly impressed.
The work content is in truth the estimated man-hours for each wee task.
He battled well enough, but in truth he never even ruffled Ricketts ' feathers enough to get him really vocal.
Why should carnall ordinances & an earthly sanctuary still remayne & the worship in spirit & in truth be yet refused?
Thereon is thy kingdom exalted and thy throne is established in mercy, and thou sittest thereon in truth.
My response was that while in truth the standards set forth might be unachievable, they were not unapproachable.
We were in truth becoming very bored which seemed most ungenerous as Mamallapuram was a reasonable place to be.
But the religion of the Old Testament did not become merely individualistic in becoming individual, and now the problem was to realize a new conception of the society of faith, the true Israel, the collective servant of Yahweh - in a word to form the idea of a spiritual commonwealth and to show how it was possible for faith to hold fast, in spite of all seeming contradiction, to the truth that Yahweh had chosen for himself a spiritual people, every member of which was in truth the object of His saving and unfailing love, and which should ultimately in very deed inherit that glory of which the carnal Israel was unworthy.
But inasmuch as there are many persons, including most makers of school editions, who prudently and modestly desire a better road to truth than their own investigations can discover and think thus to find it, it will not be amiss to observe on the one hand that the concurrence of a succession of editors in a reading is no proof and often no presumption either that their agreement is independent or that their reading is right; and on the other that, though independence may generally be granted to coinciding emendations of different scholars, yet from the general constitution of the human mind it is likely that not a few of these will be coincidences in error rather than in truth.
Sicily in truth never had a more hopeful champion than Hiero II.
The Reformation, inspired by the same energy of resuscitated life as the Renaissance, assisted by the same engines of the printing-press and paper, using the same apparatus of scholarship, criticism, literary skill, being in truth another manifestation of the same world-movement under a diverse form, now posed itself as an irreconcilable antagonist to Renaissance Italy.
She means everything so thoroughly that her very quotations, her echoes from what she has read, are in truth original.
The episode had a deadening effect on Helen Keller and on Miss Sullivan, who feared that she had allowed the habit of imitation, which has in truth made Miss Keller a writer, to go too far.
Strut braces are nothing new and in truth many are more for show than go.
May we indeed respond to His desire and ever worship Him in spirit and in truth.
Guys like Danny Zuko in Grease and The Fonz in Happy Days popularized the leather jacket among men of their respective eras, but in truth the garment has been popular for decades.
This is possibly where many people first learned of the fedora, but in truth the accessory has been around for decades.
While there may be anger beneath the surface - or even bubbling way over the surface - of individuals who consider themselves emo, in truth emo may best be described as a cataclysm of feelings that aren't easily explained.
A functional wardrobe might best be defined as classic, but in truth there are numerous possibilities for trendy, of-the-moment pieces to make an appearance.
Though they seem to be enjoying a fashion "moment" right now, in truth sweater coats have never been completely out of style.
Other urban legends are simply made up stories that have no basis in truth.
Many urban legends and myths like those above are based in truth.
Many diets claim to be associated with the Mayo Clinic, but in truth most of them are nothing more than fad diets.
Most people think coconut milk is the liquid that sloshes around inside the fruit, when in truth this is called coconut water.
Nick D'Anna - To be fair, he's a brunette too, so in truth Jenae isn't the only one.