In-the-past Sentence Examples
Maybe that was what made him such a good salesman in the past.
It shouldn't be any surprise, since that was what suffered when he had been troubled in the past.
Significantly, we have witnessed in the past decades a clear re-awakening of the feminine archetype.
Haven't you been through enough danger in the past two weeks?
He's the only one who is a direct threat and that's due to our coming so close to getting him in the past.
That's all in the past.
Much about Alex was shrouded in the past.
How many men had died in the past month alone defending her?
You do not think it could have changed in the past half a day?
This is the fourth event in the past few days.
AdvertisementStanding between the men who could claim her as a mate at some point in the past week, she was caught in the need to taste Darkyn and the desire to have the love of an Immortal whose heart was never hers to start out with.
Besides, her lack of response in the past had been far more effective.
Why go through all that pain again, when she had almost succeeded in putting him in the past - almost, but not quite.
Do you think he's going back in the past?
Our inquiries are directed toward the accuracy of what you're seeing; did those scenes actually occur in the past.
AdvertisementAll four trips brought him back several years in the past.
He'd not had to work too hard for confessions in the past thousand years, not after word of his cold, methodological skills leaked to the Guardians.
There was a small room beneath the stairs on the main floor, rented in the past but occupied by Martha since her January arrival.
Still, there were some things that would be better left in the past.
That confidence had always been conveyed in conversation in the past.
AdvertisementShe'd grown up never having seen death, and in the past week, she'd seen it in its most gruesome forms.
Maybe that's all in the past.
She couldn.t eat, feeling more stressed than she had in the past three weeks.
This here was a boarding house, at least at one time in the past.
After all, every occasion in the past when he'd gotten in deep do-do with the sheriff, it was for holding back information.
AdvertisementI thought you had put that in the past.
I can talk about Jeff in the past tense now.
You would do well to leave such things in the past.
I'm ready to forgive you, but we're never going to put this in the past if you keep up this farce.
With a complexion like hers, he was often mistaken as her brother, a similarity they'd used in the past to keep people from finding out she was Damian's mate.
We've all participated in naming the animals in the past.
Damian, the White God, had tried to task him twice in the past few months.
A theory that has received much support in the past attributes the reflections to thin bubbles of water, similar to soap-bubbles, in which form vapour was supposed to condense.
While raising the taxes both on agricultural products and manufactured goods, this law introduced, between France and all the powers trading with her, relations different from those in the past.
The exportation of works of art and antiquities from Italy without leave of the ministry is forbidden (though it has in the past been sometimes evaded).
Whereas in the past the strikes had been purely local and due to local conditions, they now appeared of more general and political character, and the sympathy strike came to be a frequent and undesirable addition to the ordinary economic agitation.
Herbert Spencer finds that the modern individual has intuitions of duty which represent the inherited experience of what has been good for the race in the past.
The king promises to make amends for the injuries he has done to his barons in the past.
The former distinctly argues against the idea of a deterioration of man in the past.
Australia and Polynesia By 87, 000,000 392,000,000 170,000,000 1 43, 000,000 7,000,000 influence of climate, and by the development of trade even to inhabit countries which cannot yield a food-supply, the mass of mankind is still completely under the control of those conditions which in the past determined the distribution and the mode of life of the whole human race.
The majority of apologists in the past have further believed in an infallible Bible; but they admit this position can only be reached at a late stage in the argument.
It had a national history which left its impress upon the popular imagination, and sundry fragments of tradition reveal the pride which the patriot felt in the past.
The prophets who had marked in the past the advent of Assyrians and Chaldeans now fixed their eyes upon the advance of Cyrus, confident that the fall of Babylon would bring the restoration of their fortunes.
With his priests and Levites, and with the chiefs and nobles of the Jewish families, the high priest directs this small state, and his death marks an epoch as truly as did that of the monarchs in the past.
An interest in the past is not necessarily confined to any one age, and the critical view that the biblical history has been compiled from relatively late standpoints finds support in the still later treatment of the events - in Chronicles as contrasted with Samuel-Kings or in Jubilees as contrasted with Genesis.'
Unlike the Chinese and Indians, they have hitherto not had the smallest influence on the intellectual development of Asia, and though they have in the past sometimes shown themselves intensely nationalist and conservative, they have, compared with India and China, so little which is really their own that their assimilation of foreign ideas is explicable.
When very young he showed his interest in the past history of his native land, and in 1617, at the age of twenty-three, he had set to work looking through archives, copying charters, and corresponding with the principal men of learning of his time, the brothers Dupuy, Andre Duchesne and Jean Besly, whom he visited in Poitou.
It is not expected that military expenditure can be much reduced, except in the direction of supply contracts, which have been the cause in the past of iniquitous waste of means.
Now, both the Korahite and Asaphic groups of psalms are remarkable that they hardly contain any recognition of present sin on the part of the community of Jewish faith - though they do confess the sin of Israel in the past - but are exercised with the observation that prosperity does not follow righteousness either in the case of the individual (xlix., lxxiii.) or in that of the nation, which suffers notwithstanding its loyalty to God, or even on account thereof (xliv., lxxix.).
Malachi, Ezra and Nehemiah, like Haggai and Zechariah, are still very far from holding that the sin of Israel lies all in the past.
Hippocrates had no opportunity of verification by necropsy, and Sydenham ignored pathology; yet the clinical features of many but recently described diseases, such, for example, as that named after Graves, and myxoedema, both associated with perversions of the thyroid gland, lay as open to the eye of physicians in the past as to our own.
The book treats of the Messiah and the Messianic kingdom, the woes of Israel in the past and the destruction of Jerusalem in the present, as well as of theological questions relating to original sin, free will, works, &c. The views expressed on several of these subjects are often conflicting.
Maurice, whose character, marked by " religious realism," sought in the past " the witness to eternal truths, the manifestation by time-samples of infinite realities and unchanging relations";4 and Charles Kingsley, " a great teacher," though one " certain to go astray the moment he becomes didactic."
Thus Paulinism and its perversion alike are in the past.
It was not only that she lost many thousands of her best citizens, but this blow against Protestantism deprived her of those Protestant alliances in Europe which had been in the past her great diplomatic support.
While the evangelical party still hoped that some form of religion might be agreed upon which would prevent the disruption of the Church, the conservatives were confident that the heretics would soon be suppressed, as they had so often been in the past.
To the north-east, at about the same distance from the town, are the tiny château and park of Tiefurt, on the banks of the Ilm, the scene of many pastoral court revels in the past.
More precisely, it is a theory of what doctrine ought to be, or a deeper analysis of its nature; it is not a statement of what doctrine has been held to be in the past.
It has been in the past a source of much perplexity to observers of transits, but is now understood to be a result of irradiation, produced by the atmosphere or by the aberration of the telescope.
For there are many almost imperceptible stages of transition from the one to the other; and, for all the principal contentions of Ultramontanism, analogies may be found in the past history of the Catholic Church.
When an action is expressed in the past the word which forms with the verb the past tense is divided from the verb itself by the object.
In giving greater prominence to events of religious importance and to their bearing upon the spiritual needs of contemporaries they view and interpret the past in a particular light, and will see in the past those growths which only in their own time have become mature.
Unyoro has played rather an important role in the past (unwritten) history of Equatorial Africa as being the region from which the ancient Gala (Hamitic) aristocracy, coming from Nileland, penetrated the forests of Bantu Africa, bringing with them the Neolithic civilization, the use of metals, and the keeping of cattle.
In several of the great London hospitals there are missionary associations, the members of which are medical students; but a chief source of supply in the past has been the Edinburgh Medical Mission, founded in 1841, which, while working among the poor in that city, has trained many young doctors for missionary service.In Rajputana at Jaipur Dr. Valantine started mission in 1866 which was led by the mission of Ajmer started in 1860 by Dr. Shoolbred and was extended in various districts of rajputana by Dr. Sommerville,Rev.John Traill and lately by Rt.
Genoa has in the past been somewhat handicapped in the race by the insufficiency of railway communication, which, owing to the mountains which encircle it, is difficult to secure, many tunnels being necessary.
But Denmark's experience of Dutch promises in the past was not reassuring; so, while negotiating at the Hague for a renewal of the Dutch alliance, he at the same time felt his way at Stockholm towards a commercial treaty with Sweden.
This " beginning " is shown to be itself rooted in the past.
No attempt was made to measure the fields or calculate the out-turn, as had been done by Akbar, and is now done when occasion requires in the British provinces; but the amount payable was fixed by reference to what had been paid in the past.
Indian traditions tell how reformers have persuaded the people in the past to stop their human sacrifices to serpent-spirits (Fergusson, 64, Oldham, ioi), and a survival may be recognized in parts of the N.W.
While many cattlemen have been driven out of business by the encroachments of sheep, the majority of the present flockmasters were range cattle owners in the past and have changed to the more profitable occupation.
No age has been so responsive to the needs of man as our own; whatever doubts men have as to the doctrines or the cults there is an agreement wider than in the past in the good works whose inspiration is a divine love.
Here the sequence of the reigns in the Biblical writer and in the profane historians - in the one, Cyrus, Ahasuerus, Artaxerxes, Darius; in the other, Cyrus, Cambyses, Smerdis, Darius - led in the past (Ewald, &c.) to the identification of Ahasuerus with Cambyses (529-522 B.e.), son of Cyrus.
If carefully prepared there is no objection to these basis wines from a hygienic point of view, although they have not the delicate qualities and stimulating effects of natural wines; unfortunately, however, these wines have in the past been vended on a large scale in a manner calculated to deceive the consumer as to their real nature, but energetic measures, which have of late been taken in most countries affected by this trade, have done much to mitigate the evil.
In Butte, Montana, reverberatories have in the past been preferred to cupola furnaces, as the charge has consisted mainly of fine roasted concentrates; but the cupola is gaining ground there.
In the United Kingdom the chancellor of the exchequer, usually in April, lays before the House of Commons a statement of the actual results of revenue and expenditure in the past finance year (now ending March 31), showing how far his estimates have been realized, and what surplus or deficit there has been in the income as compared with the expenditure.
This is accompanied by another statement in which the chancellor gives an estimate of what the produce of the revenue may be in the year just entered upon, supposing the taxes and duties to remain as they were in the past year, and also an estimate of what the expenditure will be in the current year.
On the 2 ist, a few moments after the estates had assembled, the king in full regalia appeared, and taking his seat on the throne, delivered that famous philippic, one of the masterpieces of Swedish oratory, in which he reproached the estates for their unpatriotic venality and licence in the past.
For the reservation of the water-partings in the past considerably denuded by lumbermen and ranchmen the increase of the forest areas, and the creation of reservoirs along the rivers, to control their erratic flow 2 and impound their flood waste for purposes of irrigation, much has been done by the national government.
Finally, from the 4th century the epitomes of Eutropius and Festus served to satisfy the lessening curiosity in the past and became the handbooks for the middle ages.
Of these three classes, and of other than purely zoological interest, are mosquitoes, which swarm in summer in the interior in vast numbers; sea fowl, which are remarkably abundant near the Aleutians; moose, and especially caribou, which in the past were very numerous in the interior and of extreme economic importance to the natives.
The department of Santander, however, is the largest producer, and much of its output in the past has been placed upon the market as "Maracaibo," the outlet for this region being through the Venezuelan port of that name.
Unqualified reliance upon single gauges in the past has been the cause of serious errors in the estimated relation between rainfall and flow off the ground.
On the other hand, the partial or total failure of smaller dams of this description, to retain the reservoir water, has been much more common in the past than is generally supposed.
The result of using properly treated natural limes is not to be judged from the careless manner in which such limes have often been used in the past.
He recognized that the system under which Ireland had been governed in the past had failed to win the allegiance of her people; and he decided that it was wise and safe to entrust her with a large measure of self-government.
Sub-divisions of Dogmatic, whether well chosen or ill, throw light upon theology as developed in the past.
How far this name was appropriate in the past need not be considered here; at present the regions called Turkestan not only contain races which do not belong to the Turk family, but it excludes races which do, e.g.
The belief that our actions have been determined in the past carries with it no argument that they will be of a like character in the future.
Though in the future as in the past they must be equally determined, yet the forces that will determine their character in the future may be as yet unanalysed and unapparent.
He'd dropped twenty in the past six.
And they would lose a great part of their significance if they did not testify to the continued existence in a man's personality of motives and tendencies likely to influence his conduct in the future as they have already influenced it in the past.
The heaps of debris which cover so many acres near Belgrade, on the Kopaonik foothills and in the Toplitsa valley bear witness to the importance of this industry in the past.
All classes delight in hearing or intoning the endless romances which celebrate the feats of their national heroes; for every true Serb lives as much in the past as in the present, and medieval wars still constantly furnish themes of new legends and ballads.
Our answer is that everything in the civilized mythologies which we regard as irrational seems only part of the accepted and rational order of things (at least in the case of " medicine-men " or magicians) to contemporary savages, and in the past seemed equally rational and natural to savages concerning whom we have historical information.
Nothing seems to be lost, nor can any part of the bee's work be accounted labour in vain; the very wax from which the insect builds the store-combs for its food and the cells in which its young are hatched and reared is valuable to mankind in many ways, and is regarded to-day no less than in the past ages as an important commercial product.
These treat of the Messiah and the Messianic kingdom, the woes of Israel in the past and the destruction of Jerusalem in the present, as well as of theological questions relating to original sin, free will, works, the number of the saved, the nature of the resurrection body, &c. The views expressed on several of the above subjects are often conflicting.
He was so eager to believe it that he accepted Tessa's word in spite of what she had done to him in the past.
She could dwell on things in the past and be angry, or she could support him and let the past go.
That way, we can determine if the scene really existed in the past.
The problem is the further in the past I try to go, the less accuracy I can attain.
I couldn't hazard a guess how the killer might trace our friend but he'd certainly displayed amazing ingenuity in the past.
Part of me couldn't believe our Delabama stalker could track us down but I'd underestimated the opposition in the past.
He made some remarks to disparage the women's game in the past.
He saw him as a rival for his mother's affections and blamed him for hurting his mother in the past.
The village had an airstrip which in the past had been used regularly by the Missionary air service.
A person who has abused alcohol in the past does not necessarily have alcoholism, for example.
The number of people taking antidepressants has more than doubled in the past 10 years.
The monks at Canterbury have chosen a new archbishop although in the past the king has claimed the right to choose the Archbishop.
To be honest, I've done my fair share of fancy stuff in the past without too much arm-twisting!
Also on hand is a sexy little babe named Stacy who I have only seen do great things for Jules in the past.
This includes many people from disadvantaged backgrounds who the system has failed in the past.
Procurator fiscal Ms Sue Foard opposed bail, saying Mahady had breached previous orders in the past.
Few can forget Malcolm playing on club days in the past and dismissing some high quality batsman.
One of the problems of the EU in the past had been its exclusivity which had effectively blackballed Eastern European communities for many years.
I have not had problems using pressure bleeder in the past (on diverse cars ).
Europeans are not quite so blithe on these matters, having seen the continent decimated twice in the past century by war.
I've had Achilles trouble and complications from a broken collar bone in the past.
The number of books bought from high street booksellers has actually gone up by around 25 per cent in the past ten years.
Calum Macinnes, Primary 6. Eriskay Pony The native breed of pony has been rescued from near-extinction in the past 30 years.
For some reason, we let ourselves get painted as dangerous buffoons who are living in the past.
She has been targeted by burglars in the past.
Attacks on paramedics soaring Attacks on paramedics in Staffordshire have risen fourfold in the past three years according to ambulance chiefs.
Secret figures reveal there were 2123 medical negligence claims against the NHS in the past five years.
Walking through the hall instantly conjures up images of grand parties that must have been held here in the past.
All property relations in the past have continually been subject to historical change consequent upon the change in historical conditions.
Patients who have required high dose emergency corticosteroid therapy in the past may also be at risk.
He has in the past tried to destroy English cricket by writing a poorly thought out report on the future of English cricket.
The postmodern critique reminds us all that the future is not in the past!
A limited amount of hand-cutting still occurs and the two largest bogs in the LCA have been threatened by mechanized cutting still occurs and the two largest bogs in the LCA have been threatened by mechanized cutting in the past.
He has not been above funding and training terrorists such as the Al Aqsa Brigades while publicly decrying them in the past.
The import process has been enhanced to accept comma delimited files, which may now contain many more fields than in the past.
Ministerial support has been crucial in the past in preventing disinvestment.
Finns have in the past tended to have a rather down-to-earth " we don't want to show off, now do we?
Ive tried them in the past and they make me too drowsy during the day time.
Chinese firms have in the past supplied dual-use CW-related production equipment and technology to Iran.
When people think of a car club they often think of somewhat eccentric old folk who live in the past world of motoring.
She is now entombed in the past where she has long belonged.
It seems that the Guomindang has gradually regained an equilibrium by military means in the past year.
Other customers in the past have included eurythmics, Status Quo, Pulp and Squarepusher, as well as local studios and clubs.
We would not expropriate profits that NIE had legitimately earned in the past.
The Government recognizes that progress toward sustainable development has in the past been hampered by failure to take proper account of the environmental elements.
Serious consequences including false imprisonment and the carrying out of the death penalty have resulted from poor transcription in the past.
Investment in the sector In the past fe has been characterized as the Cinderella of the education world.
This is why, while other countries have made giant strides forward, our progress in the past 12 years has been so fitful.
While a small part may reflect improved tax compliance and prove more enduring, such surprises have proven fleeting in the past.
Not far away is the pub of the same name, which has been haunted in the past by phantom footsteps.
The new SSSI status is to help protect the unique freshwater mussel, which in the past produced a freshwater mussel, which in the past produced a freshwater pearl for the Queen.
The new SSSI status is to help protect the unique freshwater mussel, which in the past produced a freshwater pearl for the Queen.
Demand is expected to fall further in the next four months, tho less sharply than in the past four months.
My only hope is that it revives a few genres and some technique that was valuable in the past.
The Ouija Board - Occasionally we hear about unexplained happenings in the past.
We've tried the chain harrow in the past without anything like the same benefits.
To be totally honest I haven't managed to stick to any diet in the past.
Blue print domestic housebreaking in West Lothian has been reduced by almost a third in the past two years.
A booster dose in those successfully immunized in the past.
Anyone who has had severe indigestion or peptic ulcers in the past should avoid using NSAIDs.
Horizontal issues The number of suppliers of liquid isinglass in the UK has already reduced in the past few years from four to two.
It would be harder to accuse such a body of favoring European businesses, as many American lawmakers have done in the past.
The seven souls of man were not metaphysical " concepts " at any time in the past.
But they've been churning out lots of new 40x40 Landrangers in the past year, with the usual mishmash of good and bad.
It seems likely, however, that patients of this age dying of a progressive neurological condition would have undergone necropsy in the past.
The OSCE has sent 10,000 observers to more than 150 elections in the past 10 years.
The use of a ROV will return British deep-sea oceanography to the premier rank that it established in the past.
Bankrolled by the Russian oligarch, Chelsea have moved to control the game in England like no club has ever done in the past.
Unit Trusts and Shares In the past two years the Unit Trusts market has been growing and expanding the outreach to the poor.
One word of advice tho, these busses can become very crowded, and have in the past been known to attract pickpockets.
Thousands of those who caught polio in the past are with us today.
A truce between nations The Olympic ideal of international sport transcending politics has been enthusiastically promoted by the left in the past.
I mostly shoot still life but have done some portraiture in the past.
The throttle potentiometer has definitely been adjusted in the past (probably to try top overcome the problem ).
Influenza A(H5N1) viruses normally circulate among wild birds but can infect poultry and rarely have infected people in the past.
Such a change does not presuppose a real change in the past people.
This state has had separatist pretensions in the past to become an independent republic due to its vast oil wealth.
Wedges should not be used due to the risk of them becoming a projectile (This has caused fatalities in the past ).
Major events like hurricanes might be determined by tiny causes in the past such as the now proverbial flap of a butterfly's wing.
I have given up in the past and only suffered irritability, not psychotic depression.
The price has risen in the past few weeks after the government's attempts to shut the site brought widespread publicity.
Its net foreign assets have nearly quadrupled in the past twelve years.
It has a lot to do with my still rampant freebie focus that I've written many features on in the past.
He became more reflexive, more interested in the past.
The base of our business has been significantly reshaped in the past three years.
This simply shows how many bid retractions you have made in the past 6 months.
This stretch has in the past produced specimen roach over 3lb.
The Javascript rollover has been widely used for image buttons on navbars in the past.
So I wonder how you would say sentry go in the past tense?
Druids stone circle near Birkrigg has seen its fair share of damage in the past.
In their application, Greene King have focussed on a clean sheet on crime at the pub in the past 12 months.
These are some of the papers I've written in the past few years for some college courses and also to answer skeptics.
I never had a waistline in the past but it was even more pronounced by my very large spleen.
While the number of GA aircraft had doubled in the past 15 years the number of aerodromes had remained largely static.
Large outbreaks have occurred in the past from inadequately sterilized instruments used for cosmetic piercing.
Many of the reorganizations and changes in the health service in the past three decades have been about structural realignments.
Yes No had the testator been a regular church member in the past?
The Secretariat has been reorganized in the past triennium.
The number dying from the disease has almost tripled in the past 30 years to 9,500 in 1998.
One US-based specialist said Bush administration officials have told him of at least two attempts to secure aluminum tubing in the past 14 months.
The stretch to Ripon is quite twisty, tho reasonably flat, and has caused many accidents in the past.
In general, councils who have spent little on cycling/SRS in the past remain uninterested.
Therefore, the transport protein responsible for neuronal uptake of NE has been extensively investigated in the past decade.
The company had successfully removed oil from a sunken warship in the past.
Suspected al-Qaida militants have killed three westerners in the past week in the Saudi capital.
Mr Blair has cried wolf a number of times in the past few years.
We thank Clair for all her hard work in the past.
Sugar pastes have also been used to clean dirty and malodorous wounds in the past (Middleton & Seal, 1985 ).
Then follows a series of chapters intended to restrain the king from raising money by the harsh and arbitrary methods adopted in the past.
We must content ourselves by referring to the progress of physical (including chemical) theory, which has led to the great generalization of the conservation of energy; to the discovery of the fundamental chemical identity of the matter of our planet and of other celestial bodies, and of the chemical relations of organic and inorganic bodies; to the advance of astronomical speculation respecting the origin of the solar system, &c.; to the growth of the science of geology which has necessitated the conception of vast and unimaginable periods of time in the past history of our globe, and to the rapid march of the biological sciences which has made us familiar with the simplest types and elements of organism; finally, to the development of the science of anthropology (including comparative psychology, philology, &c.), and to the vast extension and improvement of all branches of historical study.
This was not a difficult matter, because the Sublime Porte had many things to complain of in the past and had good reason to fear aggression in the near future.
The eulogies showered upon it in the past were no longer considered adequate.
Though the aquatic members of a class of animals are in some instances derived from terrestrial forms, the usual transition is from an aquatic ancestry to more recent land-living forms. There is no doubt, from a consideration of the facts of structure, that the aquatic water-breathing Arachnids, represented in the past by the Eurypterines and to-day by the sole survivor Limulus, have preceded the terrestrial air-breathing forms of that group. Hence we see at once that the better-known Arachnida form a series, leading from Limulus-like aquatic creatures through scorpions, spiders and harvest-men, to the degenerate Acari or mites.
To the north-east, at about the same distance from the town, are the tiny château and park of Tiefurt, on the banks of the Ilm, the scene of many pastoral court revels in the past.
Although defeated in the mayoralty election, his work on behalf of the merit system, as opposed to the spoils system of politics, was such that he was made a Civil Service commissioner - probably the last office a politician would wish to hold who desired further promotion, for the conflict which a Civil Service commissioner must have with members of Congress and other party leaders on questions of patronage is usually, or, at any rate, has been in the past history of American politics, inevitably detrimental to further official advancement.
The royal family of Essex may really have been of Saxon origin (see Essex), but on the other hand the West Saxon royal family claimed to be of the same stock as that of Bernicia, and their connexions in the past seem to have lain with the Angli.
The XXXII.-3 Euphrates and Tigris have within historical times silted up their mouths to an extent that has materially altered the coast-line of the Gulf and these rivers seem destined in the future to unite El Hasa to Fao, just as in the past they produced the fertile plains of Mesopotamia.
That is the hopeful feature in the past.
They exist simply because we have not had the means to solve them in the past.
This kind of hunger is common and generally is what has triggered food riots, now and in the past.
The following chapter catalogs the difficulties inherent in trying to end war, which in the past brought misery and destruction and in the future could bring annihilation.
This is how people lived their lives in the past and if asked about it, they would have defended it.
The most difficult work is in the past.
This need for competition existed in the past the same as it does in the present.
This means that non-military manufacturing interests in the United States no longer profit as in the past from war.
Governments in the past could lie with impunity.
The intellectual improvement which Helen has made in the past two years is shown more clearly in her greater command of language and in her ability to recognize nicer shades of meaning in the use of words, than in any other branch of her education.
It is not at all the same feeling that I knew in the past.
And he vividly pictured to himself Natasha, not as he had done in the past with nothing but her charms which gave him delight, but for the first time picturing to himself her soul.
It helped launch 18 companies in recent years, and corporate-sponsored research at the medical school has nearly quadrupled in the past decade.
You may also be able to reclaim tax you 've overpaid on them in the past.
Reptile remains have also been found in the past.
Given rising house prices, many more people are potentially affected by IHT than in the past.
Nestle would not confirm rumors that its Israel branch held the contract in the past.
The ' laws of nature ' we have observed in the past are being questioned in light of new scientific discoveries.
There are footballers who played in the past who must scratch around to make a pitiful living today.
Draw and write a postcard about a day at the seaside in the past.
They must have done something significant to progress the cause of secularism in the past year.
The singularity theorems imply the universe had an infinite density at some time in the past.
These are some of the papers I 've written in the past few years for some college courses and also to answer skeptics.
Synthetic white spinel was often used in the past as a diamond substitute.
The concern is that if consumer demand for stingray leather increases, they will suffer more intentional, widespread exploitation than in the past.
Young patients might have been wrongly classified as subacute sclerosis panencephalitis in the past.
We 've had surges of popularity in the past.
In addition, Israel has cost American taxpayers more than $ 120 billion in the past 40 years.
Nevertheless it is tempting to speculate that the gene could have offered a selective advantage at some point in the past.
Yes No Had the testator been a regular church member in the past?
Studies of the three dimensional structure of a few of these trefoil proteins have been completed in the past few years.
You fly out there expecting to trot around like an old-fashioned colonial hunter, inspecting the fauna, basking in the past.
Sadly, believers in the past have often been known to resort to forgery to uphold what they have little evidence for in fact.
To produce CAL that utilizes the advantages of video has in the past meant using videodisk technology.
Suspected al-Qaida militants have killed three Westerners in the past week in the Saudi capital.
The woodland flora over this open area indicates that there was probably denser tree growth in the past.
This is due in no small part to the swell of interest among doo wop collectors in the past 10-15 years.
Medieval Minds, Changing Minds, Minds and Machines and Modern Minds help pupils to get inside the worldview of people in the past.
Sugar pastes have also been used to clean dirty and malodorous wounds in the past (Middleton & Seal, 1985).
The most recent breeding survey results indicate that the yellowhammer population is now lower than at any time in the past thirty years.
Bryce's acting career is taking a hit; he hasn't found any auditions right for him in the past six weeks.
The people elected her, knowing she presided with grace in the past.
Perhaps in the past you worked for a large organization and hated the culture-the politics, the endless meetings, the hierarchical way of relating to other employees.
How many successful placements have you done in the past year?
Although, women have been having babies into their forties for centuries, breakthrough medical techniques have aided many women who would have been unable to conceive in the past.
Additionally, they can not have had an organ transplant in the past 10 years or have a history of cancer, lupus, epilepsy, and other disorders.
Nursing bras have come a long way in the past few decades, however, and you can find bras that are stylish and comfortable.
You can also easily read reviews of a website's wares and see what others have thought of the fruit in the past.
Beginning in Europe, where space and resources have long been scarce, washing machines have undergone a design revolution in the past 15 years.
You should also talk with a representative of the association about any damages the condo you're interested in has sustained in the past.
The major complaint against iPods in the past has been that the batteries need recharging and replacing too often.
You can go from brown to blue, for example, which in the past has been the hardest for dark-eyed people to achieve.
If you've placed an order of $100 or more in the past six months, you can get a free Jewelry Maker's Comprehensive Catalog.
Overstock may or may not have the particular item you are considering, but if they do, chances are you can find reviews done by those who have purchased it in the past.
If there seems to be staining or discoloration near the seams, water damage may have occurred in the past and has since been repaired.
They have run Back to School specials in the past like the $100 Back to School Card promotion.
Read user feedback, and determine if the website has been reliable in the past.
This is similar to the process used by standard televisions in the past.
Up until recently, each instrument was produced by a only few trusted manufacturers, but in the past 20 years the market has been flooded with instruments in all price ranges.
Having tried other over-the-counter teeth whitening products in the past without seeing dramatic results, my expectations for this product were not high.
However, looking back, it seems that the disappointments I experienced in the past were probably more related to the fact that I had a hard time remembering to use them as directed since doing so added a step to my brushing routine.
Suggestions for Cat Names The following are a few suggestions for naming your new kitten or cat -- I hope you have as much fun as I have had in the past 25 years naming dogs, cats, and horses.
I have a mature adult male cat that has experienced urinary crystals and difficulty urinating in the past.
Use a good enzymatic cleaner to thoroughly clean any areas she has soiled in the past.
Finally, I would start over again and use the tips the Behavior therapist gave you before since they've worked in the past.
I'm not judging anyone who chooses this as I have declawed cats in the past.
Some stores have stopped accepting coupons that are printed off the Internet because of so many fraudulent coupons in the past.
Diamond is a large pet food manufacturer that had many of its products recalled in the past few years.
Many cats will continue to shed the virus over their lifetimes, and FHV may re-occur in a cat that has had active FHV in the past.
Silica litters have some advantages over bentonite clay litters and brands that boast biodegradable claims, but the silica litter variety has been scrutinized in the past for safety issues.
There are many more litter box choices on the market for those shopping for an automated solution than have been available in the past.
Ask for references and talk to people who have purchased animals from the breeder in the past.
The reputation of comic books has definitely changed in the past few years, so keep reading to see how comic books can be used in the classroom and at home to improve literacy skills and foster a love of reading.
While comic books can be traced back several decades, this particular genre only attracted a select group of readers in the past.
Jeff Kinney has noted in the past that Greg is not a very good role model and is a faulted character.
If you cannot afford to make a debt consolidation plan's monthly payments or if you have been unable to make payments on debt in the past three months, a negotiated debt settlement program may be the best solution for you.
That's because this card was restricted in the past to only active and retired military personnel and their families.
Good references -- Ideally, someone you trust have had a good experience with them in the past.
These too are comparable to MBNA's offers in the past.
It insures that even after they get out they will still have to give restitution for what they did in the past.
Contact your local banker who you may have done business with in the past.
This is due in part to the fact that those who have made poor financial decisions in the past are more likely to make poor financial decisions in the future.
Those who have had problems in the past with identity theft are most likely to benefit from the use of this service.
Payment History - How a consumer paid his bills in the past makes up 35 percent.
In fact, there are more men receiving alimony than in the past.
At one time, discussions of individualism and independence were limited to history and social studies classes, but in the past few decades, people started using the term to explain just about any behavior imaginable.
Mission furniture continues to be a popular interior design choice throughout America and has, in fact, gained popularity in the past decade for its simple, yet strong, sense of style.
For example, feather blend cushions are becoming more popular of late and, in fact, were quite popular in the past.
This system takes over as the primary energy source, however using a more efficient fuel system than in the past.
You need not be a scientist to know that severe storms and weather events are occurring more frequently now than in the past.
This includes pieces of wood that may have been treated with harmful chemicals in the past or items with nails or sharp edges that may cause injury.
The wide availability of furniture lead to a democratization of style and certain looks became fashionable in the way limited availability of furniture in the past did not allow.
Mineral makeup has quickly gained popularity in the past few years.
A fresh tan typically symbolizes heath and beauty, but in the past required the risk of sun exposure.
To have a wealthy and powerful woman such as Oprah step out and declare to the world "This is me!" was something that very few, if any, celebrities had done in the past.
Not exactly sure what that means, but certainly the brush is different than any other I have employed in the past.
So many of the face powders I have tried in the past tend to sit too dark or light on my fair skin.
Vincent Longo makeup will inspire you to be boldy beautiful, even if you've never taken that fashion leap in the past.
When I have purchased collections in the past from other companies, I always end up with one color I never use.
If you've avoided lip gloss in the past because of its lack of staying power, MAC Lipglass is long lasting and can be worn over lipstick.
If you shied away from this makeup in the past because you were afraid it would clog your pores or make you feel like you were wearing a mask, try the newest types out there.
Makeup brands tailored specifically to women of color are becoming increasingly mainstream and much easier to find than in the past.
The site hand picks its game selection based on what their loyal followers have enjoyed in the past.
Fruitcake has gotten a bad reputation in the past.
Stickers have come a long way in the past few years.
So you need to review the mistakes you've made in the past when you've tried to manage your time.
To determine whether you have this disorder, think about your current reaction to the situation and what you've felt or acted like in the past month or more.
Over time, you may find techniques that have worked in the past are not as effective.
Though in the past you needed a date to attend, today you can go stag or with a group of friends.
Delia's has made quite a name for its self in the past five years or so, and like Forever 21, offer incredible clothes in I-can't-believe-my-eyes-prices.
I really like this guy, but we have dated in the past and my parents didn't like him so I had to break up with him.
Heredity - You are more likely to become depressed if a family member has suffered from depression in the past.
Browsing through yearbooks is a great way to spend an afternoon in the past.
Who were the best players at your high school in the past?
Ask your friends or family members that have gone to proms in the past if you can buy or borrow one of their old dresses.
Tofu has gotten a bad rap in the past as a tasteless, good-for-you food.
Writing your own vows doesn't mean blindly following what has been done in the past.
I'm completely flabbergasted after having received a wedding invitation from an attorney I have used in the past.
To ensure you get the flowers you want for your special day, remember to ask your florist if he or she has done any Hawaiian weddings in the past.
Write announcements in the past tense, to inform people of an event that has all ready occurred.
For example, a person might take his/her sponsor or family out for dinner, then go home and write a list of things that happened in the past year that would not have occurred if he/she still been using.
Make a list and try to come up with ideas that can combat issues you've had in the past.
Be sure you share any withdrawal symptoms that you experienced when you tried to break the habit in the past such as increased feelings of depression or irritability.
You may have tried talking to your family member or friend in the past without success.
But trust me, there have been many scripts in the past where that wasn't the case!
The celebrity reality genre has become a mainstay for VH1, with the network churning out more celebreality and less music video programming in the past couple of years.
Rumors circulated that Ripa's remark was "homophobic," since Aiken has in the past refused to answer questions regarding his sexual orientation.
To my knowledge, in the past year and a half, it has grown into the most visited blog [written] by a plastic surgeon.
Sure, in the past Angelina Jolie may have been scandalous in other areas of her life, like her penchant for sharing way too much information about her, ahem…relations with ex-husband Billy Bob Thornto