In-the-main Sentence Examples
According to the invitation, the party will be held in the main entrance near the Christmas tree.
When the meal was over, I sought him out in the main room while the other crowded around the kitchen cleaning up.
Howie was paged down from intensive care and I met up with him in the main waiting room.
Three men stood in the main foyer, two in the same shade of brown as her bodyguard and a striking man in designer jeans and an expensive sweater.
His television show was playing on the large, flat screen television in the main living area.
Although new-born fawns are spotted, the adults are in the main uniformly coloured; the general tint of the coat at all seasons being reddish tawny with a more or less marked tendency to grey.
It next plunges through the deep ravine of Finstermiinz, and, continuing in the main a north-easterly direction, receives at Landeck the Rosanna.
The mining industry in Sardinia is confined in the main to the south-western portion of the island.
The place of Mersenne as his Parisian representative was in the main taken by Claude Clerselier (the Frenchtranslator of the Objections and Responses), whom he had become acquainted with in Paris.
But in the main his policy in 431-429 was sound, and the disasters of the war cannot fairly be laid to his charge.
AdvertisementThe subordinate standards have been numerous, though marked by striking agreement in the main body of Christian doctrine which they set forth.
That according to which they were set up at Munich was in the main suggested by Cockerell; in the middle of each pediment was a figure of Athena, set well back, and a fallen warrior at her feet; on each side were standing spearmen, kneeling spearmen and bowmen, all facing towards the centre of the composition; the corners were filled with fallen warriors.
In Victoria the greatest elevation is reached in the peaks of Mount Bogong (6508 ft.) and Mount Feathertop (6303 ft.), both of which lie north of the Dividing Range; in the main range Mount Hotham (6100 ft.) and Mount Cobberas (6025 ft.) are the highest summits.
It consists in the main of an Archean block or " coign,"which still occupies nearly the whole of the western half of the continent, outcrops in north-eastern Queensland, forms the foundation of southern New South Wales and eastern Victoria, and is exposed in western Victoria, in Tasmania, and in the western flank of the Southern Alps of New Zealand.
To the Netherlands, as to the rest of western Europe, the result of the crusades was in the main advantageous.
AdvertisementThe highest known peak in the main range is that of Gunong Korbu, 7217 ft.
He did not really illumine or convert great Armenia, for the people were in the main already converted by Syrian missionaries to the Adoptionist or Ebionite type of faith which was dominant in the far East, and was afterwards known as Nestorianism.
Even the prologues, which later researches have shown to be in the main by the hand of Plautus himself, though certain passages were clearly added at a later date, e.g.
The inquiries made by this body revealed an unsatisfactory condition in tile national defences, traceable in the main to financial exigencies, and as regards recruiting a new law was brought into force in 1 9071908.
His ces me, intentions in the main were still loyal, for be desired cal to capture Rome for the kingdom; and he did his tio st to avoid the regulars tardily sent against him.
AdvertisementWhat James Martineau calls A Study of Religion is really in the main a re-statement of old theistic arguments.'
The development of the Narcomedusae is in the main similar to that of the Trachomedusae, but shows some remarkable features.
But these protective layers are in the main impermeable by gases and by either liquid or vapour, and prevent the access of either to the protoplasts which need them.
The furrowed surface of the earth gives the land-area a star-shaped figure, which may from time to time have varied in outline, but in the main has been permanent.
Like this tragedy, The Broken Heart was probably founded upon some Italian or other novel of the day; but since in the latter instance there is nothing revolting in the main idea of the subject, the play commends itself as the most enjoyable, while, in respect of many excellences, an unsurpassed specimen of Ford's dramatic genius.
AdvertisementThough resembling his father in the main points of his character, the young tsar was of a more humane disposition, and he was much less of a doctrinaire.
The town walls were in the main demolished towards the end of the 19th century.
An amphitheatre is still visible, but the other buildings have in the main been covered up again.
Whatever reforms Josiah actually accomplished, the restoration afforded the opportunity of bringing the Deuteronomic teaching into action; though it is more probable that Deuteronomy itself in the main is not much earlier than the second half of the 6th century B.C.'
There are portions of later date, but still ancient, in the main building, but it has been considerably modernized as a residence.
The church of St George has Norman portions, but the building is in the main Perpendicular.
The Yarn Market, a picturesque octagonal building with deep sloping roof, in the main street, dates from c. 1600, and is a memorial of Dunster's former important manufacture of cloth.
The principal events of the later history of Cyrus are in the main correctly stated by Herodotus, although his account contains many legendary traditions.
Desultory efforts were made to establish a civil government, but in the main there was no administration formed on statesmanlike principles.
Since that period the population has in the main been Teutonic; and the French conquests of the 17th century, while modifying this element, still left it predominant.
The king has been held responsible for the fall of Spain, which was, however, due in the main to internal causes beyond the control of the most despotic ruler, however capable he had been.
Moreover, modern economists, while accepting in the main the general tenor of Malthus's theory of population, would not agree with his statement of it.
The result is that free trade had become by the end of the 19th century in the main an old habit, for which the ordinary English manufacturer could give no very reasonable explanation, whatever may be its influence in commerce and public affairs.
However, Nitzsch had not as yet seen his way to proposing any methodical arrangement of the various groups of birds, and it was not until some eighteen months later that a scheme of classification in the main anatomical was attempted.
Its appearance is in the main modern, though a few picturesque old houses remain.
Pauli and Kretschmer, proceeding on the basis of language, have reached conclusions which in the main are identical.
The Scuola di San Marco is now a part of the town hospital, and besides its facade, already described, it is remarkable for the handsome carved ceiling in the main hall (1463).
Baulked of any opportunity of joining in the main Crusade, Edward, after wintering in Sicily, conducted a Crusade of his own to Acre in the spring of 1271.
Nevertheless, of the death of a man, and of a maihem done in great ships, being and hovering in the main stream of great rivers, only beneath the [[[bridges]]] of the same rivers [nigh] to the sea, and in none other places of the same rivers, the admiral shall have cognizance, and also to arrest ships in the great flotes for the great voyages of the king and of the realm; saving always to the king all manner of forfeitures and profits thereof coming; and he shall have also jurisdiction upon the said flotes, during the said voyages only; saving always to the lords, cities, and boroughs, their liberties and franchises."
In the water of the lake there is a general set of current towards the outlet at the strait of Mackinac, following the east shore, with slight circular currents in the main portion of the lake and at the northern end around Beaver island.
His account, drawn up from notes taken in the main from personal observation, possesses an especial importance for topographical research, owing to his method of describing each object in the order in which he saw it during the course of his walks.
The community is in the main composed of simple working people, who, apart from their peculiarity, have a good reputation; but their avoidance of professional medical attendance has led to severe criticism at inquests on children who have died for want of it.
The armies of Alexander's successors were still in the main principles of their organization similar to the army with which Alexander had conquered Asia.
But unlike some sovereigns, whose reigns have been agitated, but whose personal character has left little trace, Maria Theresa had a strong and in the main a noble individuality.
The city walls date in part from Norman times, but are in the main of the 14th century.
The history of mathematics is in the main the history of its various branches.
The former of these is connected with western Bagdad by a very primitive horse-tramway, also a relic of Midhat Pasha's reforms. The two parts of the city are joined by pontoon bridges, one in the suburbs and one in the main city.
The death of Toledo in 1567 threatened a fatal blow at the satisfactory completion of the enterprise, but a worthy successor was found in Juan Herrera, Toledo's favourite pupil, who adhered in the main to his master's designs.
This committee spent about three months in camp, and assisted Washington in preparing the plan of reorganization which Congress in the main adopted.
In such minor matters as arrangement of notes and verification of citations the court found against Dana, but in the main Dana's notes were vastly different from Lawrence's.
The above account applies more particularly to Crania, but in the main it is applicable to the other Inarticulata which have been investigated.
Two methods of treatment have been carried on in parallel lines, the unsymbolic and the symbolic; both of these originated with Cayley, but he with Sylvester and the English school have in the main confined themselves to the former, whilst Aronhold, Clebsch, Gordan, and the continental schools have principally restricted themselves to the latter.
The business of the town is chiefly connected with the interests of the sheep and cattle farmers of the Riverina district, a plain country, in the main pastoral, but suited in some parts for cultivation.
The Christian legend, which is no doubt in the main based on the Jewish, is found in Greek, Syriac, Armenian, Slavonic and Medieval Latin.
His Demokratenbiichlein (1849), in the main a discussion of the Aristotelian theory of the state, and Die Athener and Sokrates (1837), in which, contrary to the almost universal opinion, he upheld the procedure of the Athenians as perfectly legal and their verdict as a perfectly just one, also deserve notice.
The medieval walls and gates are still in the main preserved.
While this opportunity of educating and training a docile people was in the main neglected, savage abuse of power by their chiefs was prevented.
The scholastic systems are not the free products of speculation; in the main they are summae theologiae, or they are modified versions of Aristotle.
For the impression which we get from Nehemiah's memoirs is that in his days the community at Jerusalem was in the main poverty-stricken, while Malachi's exhortations to the people to pay their dues to the priests implies that in the middle of the fifth century B.C. the Temple was by no means wealthy.
The scheme, in the main the work of Sieyes, was refused by the Convention, who submitted the whole question to a special commission of six, which under the influence of Robespierre adopted a report by Michel le Peletier de Saint Fargeau shortly before his tragic death.
Hanover and Hesse-Cassel, which were nearest to Prussia and therefore immediately dangerous, were dealt with promptly and without waiting for the decision in the main theatre of war.
There can be no doubt that it was in the main Greek medicine, modified to suit other climates, habits and national tastes, and with some important additions from Oriental sources.
The grave palsies in such diseases as influenza, diphtheria, beriberi, or ensuing on the absorption of lead, are in the main not central, but due to a symmetrical peripheral neuritis.
But this control does not meet the problem of actually lessening the number of vehicles in the main arteries of traffic. At such crossings as that of the Strand and Wellington Street, Ludgate Circus and south of the Thames, the Elephant and Castle, as also in the narrow streets of the City, congestion is often exceedingly severe, and is aggravated when any main street is under repair, and diversion of traffic through narrow side streets becomes necessary.
The length of sewers in the main system is about 288 m., and their construction has cost about eight millions.
His influence appeared to be in the main exercised on the side of order.
By winding in the main rope the loaded cars are hauled towards the engine, dragging behind them the tail-rope, which unwinds from its drum.
As regards large craft, the fleet consisted in the main of semi-obsolete battleships looked upon as unfit to take part in a fleet action.
July, in so far as the Allies were concerned, was in the main a month of preparation.
The variations in the degree to which these appear in different passages are in the main to be accounted for by his having before him in many cases documents or oral reports, which he repro duces with only slight alterations in the language, while at other times he is writing freely.
His system, however, like all others, is built in the main upon hypotheses incapable at present of quite satisfactory verification, such, for example, as the conjectural reading " Gargamish " for a group of symbols which recurs in inscriptions from Jerablus and elsewhere.
But the inconsistency has in part been explained by Gunkel, who has rightly emphasized that the writer did not freely invent his materials but derived them in the main from tradition, as he held that these mysterious traditions of his people were, if rightly expounded, forecasts of the time to come.
These events belonged in the main to the past, but the writer represented them as still in the future, arranged under certain artificial categories of time definitely determined from the beginning in the counsels of God and revealed by Him to His servants the prophets.
A fine carved staircase, however, still exists in the main chapel.
Duwan and found ancient ruins and inscriptions near the village of Hajren; thence he proceeded north-eastward to Hauta in the main valley, where he was hospitably received by the Kaiti sultan, and sent on to his deputy at Shibam.
The towns of the League, stretching from Thorn and Krakow on the East to the towns of the Zuider Zee on the West, and from Wisby and Reval in the North to Göttingen in the South, were arranged in groups, following in the main the territorial divisions.
The Trepostomata are in the main Palaeozoic, although Heteropora, of which recent species exist, is placed by Gregory in this division.
The northern islandYezocontains seven, and there are as many more in the main and southern islands, to say nothing of flat lands of minor dimensions.
Japan, on the contrary, owes her ceramic distinction in the main to her faience.
Originally the socially salutary action was in the main that which was enjoined on the individual by his political and religious superiors and by social sentiment; it was also in the main that to which his higher, more complex and re-representative feelings prompted.
While humour and vivacity characterize the earlier, and urbanity of tone the later development of comedy, the tendency of serious literature had been in the main practical, ethical, commemorative and satirical.
Bronsart von Schellendorf in his Duties of the General Staff says of Massenbach's work in this connexion, "the organization which he proposed and in the main carried out survived even the catastrophes of 1806-1807, and exists even at the present moment in its original outline."
The interior, which has a crypt in each transept, in the main preserves its original character.
The illuminative witness of written records is in the main denied us here.
All the existing members of the group are eminently adapted for a terrestrial life, and in the main for a vegetable diet.
The fortress of the Malatesta, constructed in 1349, has been in the main destroyed; the part of it which remains is now a prison.
Schoen (L'Origine de l'apocalypse, 1887) attached himself in the main to the scheme of Sabatier.
It is noteworthy that the sections on the right hand correspond in the main to the elements which have been those to which 1 Swete divides the Apocalypse first of all into forty-two minor sections.
It appears to consist in the main of a continuation of an axis of old schists and slates, with granite intrusions, and flanked by coastal plains with Cretaceous or Jurassic, and Miocene beds, with Pleistocene sands and reefs and volcanic rocks.
The German diet of Regensburg (1439) ratified in the main the decrees of the council of Basel, which clearly gratified the electors, princes and prelates; and Germany for the first time joined the ranks of the countries which subjected the decrees of the highest ecclesiastical instance to the placet or approval of the civil authorities.
There was also the old discontent among the orthodox in regard to the Church's exactions, bad clerics and 3 This so-called " ecclesiastical reservation " was not included in the main peace.
Whatever is to be said of ancient Idealism, the modern doctrine may be said notably in Kant to have been in the main a vindication of the subjective factor in knowledge.
The constitution of 1780, which still endures (the only remaining state constitution of the r8th century), was framed in the main by Samuel Adams, and as an embodiment of colonial experience and revolutionary principles, and as a model of constitution-making in the early years of independence, is of very great historical interest.
Property qualifications for the suffrage and for office-holding - universal through colonial times - were abolished in the main in 1780.
Its chief buildings are the Johannisburg, built (1605-1614) by Archbishop Schweikard of Cronberg, which contains a library with a number of incunabula, a collection of engravings and paintings; .the Stiftskirche, or cathedral, founded in 980 by Otto of Bavaria, but dating in the main from the early 12th and the 13th centuries, in which are preserved various monuments by the Vischers, and a sarcophagus, with the relics of St Margaret (1540); the Capuchin hospital; a theatre, which was formerly the house of the Teutonic order; and several mansions of the German nobility.
It persisted in the main during the 2nd and 3rd centuries, and only faded before the growing influence of metropolitan or diocesan bishops in the 4th century.
Parts of the crystalline area are worn down to a condition of low relief, but in the main mountain mass, although greatly worn, there are still elevations of truly mountainous proportions.
He published in1828-1830his Cours complet d'economie politique pratique, which is in the main an expansion of the Traite, with practical applications.
Theodosius erected another, with western apse, in the main court of the Jupiter temple.
The island consists in the main of limestone, and its elevation above the sea is geologically recent.
And in reality it would be difficult to account for this feature except on the supposition that one who had lived through the events had been accustomed, when required to give a comprehensive sketch of the history of the ministry and sufferings of Jesus, to relate the facts in the main as they happened; and that a hearer of his has to a considerable extent reproduced them in the same order.
As we have found it necessary to distinguish between the original composition by Mark, to whom in the main the work appears to be due, and some enlargement and alteration which it subsequently underwent whereby it reached its present form, these stages must be borne in mind in considering dates that may be assigned in connexion with this Gospel.
Brunetiere may have given countenance and currency to theidea, to regard his philosophy as in the main intended as a succour against the fear of death.
To the phrase" ye shall be as gods "a later writer may have added" knowing good and evil,"but" to be as gods "originally meant" to live the life of gods - wise, powerful, happy."The serpent was in the main right, but there is one point which he did not mention, viz.
It is generally reckoned to be uniformly distributed, but in large spans the distribution of weight in the main girders should be calculated and taken into account.
Since the closing years of the 19th century the Austro-Hungarian Bank had pursued a policy which had in the main the object of making the Austrian krone a gold exchange standard.
Or to put it more exactly, the "Apostolic Fathers" represent, chronologically in the main and still more from the religious and theological standpoint, the momentous process of 1 Cotelier included the Acts of Martyrdom of Clement, Ignatius and Polycarp; and those of Ignatius and Polycarp are still often printed by editors.
Francis Ferdinand V., who succeeded in 1846, followed in the main his father's example.
It has to be competent to transmit the transverse waves of light and electricity, and the other known radiant and electric actions; the way in which this is done is now in the main known, though there are still questions as to the mode of expression and formulation of our knowledge, and also as regards points of detail.
Within the Zollverein, after 1834, there was an almost unceasing struggle between the protectionist and Free Trade parties, Prussia supporting in the main a Liberal policy, while the South German states supported a Protectionist policy.
Such in the main remained the situation until 1816, duties being indeed raised from x xv1.
The act of 1883 was passed in the main as a party measure by the Republicans, and on the whole served rather Revision of 1883.
This translation is made from Charles's text, and his analysis of the text is in the main accepted by this scholar.
In his " tesmoynages de nostre imbecillite " he follows in the main the lines of the ancients, and he sums up with a lucid statement of the two great arguments in which the sceptical thought of every age resumes itself - the impossibility of verifying our faculties, and the relativity of all impressions.
In some of the principal streets are buildings of three to five storeys, a comparatively rare thing in Russia, indeed in the main street (Kreshchatik) fine structures have been erected since 1896.
Its defects may be referred in the main to four heads.
It drew together and gathered up into itself the forces at work in the apostolic age; and, by reaching out a hand as it were (through the preface) towards Greek philosophy, it succeeded in so formulating the leading doctrines of Christianity as to make it more acceptable than it had as yet been to the Gentile world, and in securing for the Gospel a place in the main stream of European thought.
It represents in the main the text of the later Greek MSS., but it has important textual notes, and has adopted a system of asterisks and obeli from the Hexaplar LXX.
About the foundation of Halicarnassus various traditions were current; but they agree in the main point as to its being a Dorian colony, and the figures on its coins, such as the head of Medusa, Athena and Poseidon, or the trident, support the statement that the mother cities were Troezen and Argos.
This power of judging exercised by the assemblies had in the main developed from the use of the right of appeal (provocatio) against the judgments of the magistrates.
The median age of the population of cities of 25,000 or more inhabitants was 355 years greater than that of the inhabitants of smaller urban centres and rural districts, owing probably in the main to the movement of middle-aged native and foreign adults to urban centres, and the higher birth-rate of the rural, districts.
In New England the county was originally an aggregation of towns for judicial purposes, and in that part of the Union it is still in the main a judicial district.
It thus corresponded in the main to the modern Servia and Bulgaria.
Indeed, in some respects it is more like the Eudemian, though in the main more like the Nicomachean Ethics.
His story is in the main one of expulsions from the court by victorious factions, and of his return when his conquerors fell out among themselves.
The church of All Saints is in the main Decorated, largely restored in 1860.
The relation between employer and employee is in the main far more personal and kindly than in the mills of the Northern States.
But the calamitous situation of England at the moment of his death, on the 19th of October 1216, was in the main his work; and while he lived a national reaction in favour of the dynasty was out of the question.
A statue of Ovid stands in the main square of Constantza.
The group is in the main coralline.
In the trunk series s has the particular value 1 5, and in the main branch series s has the particular value 2, but we should expect a weaker set of lines to exist corresponding to the trunk series with r=2 5 or corresponding to the main branch series with s=3, and in fact a whole succession of such series.
The correspondence is in the main full and true as regards spirit and substance, but it is rarely complete in form.
This source has supplied the Synoptic Outline, and in the main also the narratives common to all three.
It is approached in a very circuitous way, either by a passage (Xaupn) leading from a side door in the main propylaeum or by another long passage which winds round the back cf the chief hall, and so leads by a long flight of steps, cut in the rock, to the little postern door in the semicircular bastion.
Its modern growth has been very rapid, the population being in the main of the artisan class.
Trochilium apiforme, crabroniforme - present to bees and wasps is effected in the main by the loss of the scales from the wings, leaving these organs transparent.
But in the main it was everywhere the same both in its military and its ecclesiastical elements.
Simpliciano, too, though originally Romanesque, is now in the main Gothic, and has been much altered.
The reluctance of the States of Holland, and of Amsterdam in particular, to grant adequate supplies caused the campaigns of 1638 and 1639 to be in the main defensive and dilatory.
It is served by the New York Central & Hudson River and the New York, New Haven & Hartford railways, and by electric lines to New York City, Yonkers, New Rochelle, &c. The city has various manufactures, but in the main is a residential suburb of New York; the finest residences are in the eastern, central and north-eastern sections, the last being known as Chester Hill; the foreign-born element is largely concentrated in the western part.
During his long life enormous strides were made by others in collecting the materials of American history, and while in the main he kept pace with them by ruthless revision, yet even the latest edition of his work disregards some minor facts which others knew for the insertion of much which the author alone knew.
Remains of the wall are seen in the churchyard, and the West Gate still stands in the main street.
From the "Life of Savage" to the "Life of Pope" it developed a great deal, and in the main improved.
The government of the towns is regulated in the main by municipal codes (Stadteordnungen), largely based upon Steins reform of 1808.
They are in the main those who have failed or fail to present themselves, and whose names are retained on the liability lists against the day of their return.
They are in the main residential.
The facade dates from 1278, and the interior of the edifice dates in the main from 1543 In the crypt is the tomb of Andrea Doria by Montorsoli, and above the main altar hangs the dagger presented to the doge by Pope Paul III.
Their central idea was pantheistic, that God is essentially in every creature, but though many of them were sincere and honest in their attempt to express the doctrine of the Divine immanence, they were in the main unable to hold the balance.
It is often much affected by contemporary speech, but preserves in the main the characteristics of the language of the Old Kingdom.
These regulations placed heavy shackles upon the Press, but in the main they were accepted with patriotic equanimity.
They are made up of a succession of more or less parallel confluent ridges, having in the main a trend from north-east to south-west.
The church of St Mary is in the main a modern reconstruction, but retains ancient fragments and a font believed to have belonged to Furness Abbey.
He was succeeded in 1823 by General Sir Frederick Adam, who in the main carried out the same policy.
We shall, however, look to St Luke in the main as preserving for us the more nearly its original form.
If his campaigns were not always so wisely and prudently planned as those of some of his predecessors, they were in the main eminently fortunate, and resulted in adding to his dominions Belgrade, Budapest, Temesvar, Rhodes, Tabriz, Bagdad, Nakshivan and Rivan, Aden and Algiers, and in his days Turkey attained the culminating point of her glory.
It is in the main basaltic, but a band of quartz-porphyry runs from the centre in a north-westerly direction to the coast, and there is some oolitic rock on the north shores.
The order of the categories is in the main outlines fixed; but in the minor details much depends upon the philosopher, who has to fill in the gaps between ideas, with little guidance from the data of experience, and to assign to the stages of development names which occasionally deal hardly with language.
The forms of vegetation must in the main be considered North African.
To the unity of religious pragmatism in the main stock of the book of Judges corresponds a unity of chronological scheme.
Remains of several ancient buildings exist, belonging in the main to the Roman period.
The theatre, covered by a stream of lava, and built partly of small rectangular blocks of the same material, though in the main of concrete, has been superimposed upon the Greek building, some foundations of which, in calcareous stone, of which the seats are also made, still exist.
The road is in the main followed by a modern highroad.
Hence it naturally partakes somewhat of the forms of each, but is in the main Eurasian.
Leyton is in the main a residential as distinct from a manufacturing locality.
Sec±hi (1863-1867) who distinguished four " types "; subsequent research, whilst slightly modifying, has in the main confirmed this classification.
Conflicting opinions are held as to the various steps in the process of evolution and the order in which the various types succeed one another, but the following perhaps represents in the main the most generally accepted view.
The verdict given was in the main satisfactory; but doubts were expressed as to the severity of the discipline inflicted, the principal features of which were moderate labour, ample diet and substantial gratuities.
There will always be adherents of the fallacy that Italy should have attacked through the Trentino, though they are in the main confined to those who do not know the country, or those who have no experience of modern war.
Doubtless what we have is in the main a reflex of the heuristic character of Aristotle's own work as pioneer.
The values thus found agreed in the main with Raoult's law for dilute solutions (see Solutions).
So it is in the main with theosophy.
The economic evolution of the state since Reconstruction has been in the main that common to all the old slave states developing from the plantation system of ante-bellum days, somewhat diversified and complicated by the special features of a young and border community.
The Kickelhahn (2825 ft.) and the Hohe Tanne (2641 ft.) rise in Ilmenau; but the Grosser Kalm (1814 ft.) near Remda, in the extreme south, is the highest point in the main part of Weimar.
Certain it is that though the unprejudiced must admit that exclusion has not been at all an unmixed blessing, yet the consensus of opinion is that a large population, non-citizen and non-assimilable, sending - it is said - most of their earnings to China, living in the main meanly at best, and practically without wives, children or homes, is socially and economically a menace outweighing the undoubted convenience of cheaper (and frequently more trustworthy) menial labour than the other population affords.
The depth in the main entrance varies from 10 to 17 fathoms, and vessels drawing 20 ft.
The principal river is the Segovia, which rises in the main cordillera due north of Lake Managua, winds E.N.E.
The Micronesian islanders form in the main a branch of the Polynesian race, but distinguished from it by well-marked differences in appearance, language and institutions.
Considerable remains of the road exist in the neighbourhood of Rome; for the first 40 m., as far as Compitum Anagninum, it is not followed by any modern road; while farther on in its course it is in the main identical with the modern highroad.
Iris army was in the main aligned for attack.
The original plan of the city, which was prepared by Major Pierre Charles L'Enfant (1755-1825), under the supervision of President Washington and Thomas Jefferson,' was a masterpiece in landscape architecture and in the main it has been preserved.
The literary documents, both in Sanskrit and Pali, dating from about the time of Buddha onwards - particularly the two epic poems, the Mahabharata and Ramayana - still show us in the main the personnel of the old pantheon; but the character of the gods has changed; they have become anthropomorphized and almost purely mythological figures.
The district corresponds in the main to the modern districts of Kistna, Godavari, Vizagapatam, Ganjam and a part of Nellore.
Sparks's edition (12 vols., Boston, 1837) has in the main been superseded, though it contains some papers not included by Ford, and the Life, which comprises vol.
The Lexicon (AEewv Euvaywyi), published later than the Bib iotheca, was probably in the main the work of some of his pupils.
It is interesting to note that the existing four Welsh sees of Bangor, St Asaph, St Davids and Llandaff correspond in the main with the limits of these four tribal divisions.
It is true that a Young Wales party has arisen, which seeks to narrow this movement to the exclusion of English ideas and influences; and it is also true that there is a party which is abnormally suspicious of and hostile to this Welsh Renaissance; but in the main it is correct to say that the bulk of the Welsh nation remains content to assert its views and requirements in a reasonable manner.
Although, as Harris points out, it is unlikely that the original text of the Diatessaron had come down unchanged through the two centuries to Ephraim's day, the text on which he comments was in the main unaffected by the revision which produced the Peshitta.
Its style, though in the main rather unnatural and declamatory, is at its best spontaneous, dignified and rhythmical; the book is valuable for occasional facts and for its picture of the times, and it did much to make Mather the most eminent American writer of his day.
Not deeming it prudent to initiate the young man into his own system, he took for a textbook the second and third parts of Descartes's Principles, which deal in the main with natural philosophy.
These chapters present considerable difficulty to the literary critic; for while they clearly illustrate the application of the principle of " holiness," and in the main exhibit the characteristic phraseology of II, they also display many striking points of contact with P and the later strata of P, which have been closely interwoven into the original laws.
The legend of Tarquinius Priscus is in the main a reproduction of those of Romulus and Tullus Hostilius.
Of its numerous medieval buildings the most important is the cathedral of St Maurice, dating in the main from the 12th and 13th centuries.
These writers naturally quote in the main from the religious section.
The other extant prose work, the De Re Rustica, is in three books, each of which is in the form of a dialogue, the circumstances and in the main the interlocutors being different f or each.
Its animal life is in the main distinguished in species only from that of the Upper Sonoran belt, including among birds, the desert sparrow, desert thrasher, mocking-bird, hooded oriole; and among mammals small nocturnal species of kangaroo rats, pocket mice, mice and bats.
They either ignored the Scriptures, endeavoured to prove them in the main by a helpful republication of the Evangelium aeternum, or directly impugned their divine character, their infallibility, and the validity of their evidences as a complete manifestation of the will of God.
He holds that the narrative, especially of the New Testament, is in the main accurate, but, as written of ter the events narrated, has left room for misunderstandings and mistakes.
It was of no avail that they adhered in other respects in the main to the older teaching, that they professed to hold to the same ethical system, that they adhered, except in a few unimportant details, to the old regulations of the order of the Buddhist mendicant recluses.
In doctrine the great Tibetan teacher, who had no access to the Pali Pitakas, adhered in the main to the purer forms of the Mahayana school; in questions of church government he took little part, and did not dispute the titular supremacy of the Sakya Lamas.
This was due in the main to the differing quality of the forces by which the area covered by the two churches was respectively invaded.
This fault of partiality was, according to Polybius, a conspicuous blot in Fabius's account of his own times, which was, we are told, full and in the main accurate, and, like the earlier portions, consisted of official annalistic notices, supplemented, however, not from tradition, but from his own experience and from contemporary sources.
But their methods are in the main unchanged.
The latter he reproduced in the main faithfully, but with a certain exercise of discretion.
The city has a well-built and substantial appearance, its chief attraction lying in the numerous churches, which belong in the main to a well-marked basilican type, and present almost too richly decorated exteriors, fine apsidal ends and quadrangular campaniles, in some cases with battlemented summits, and windows increasing in number as they ascend.
The low island of Anglesey, which is built tip of the fundamental Archaean rocks, is important as a link in the main line of communication with Ireland, because it is separated from the mainland by a channel narrow enough to be bridged, and lies not far out of the straight line joining London and Dublin.
The patronage of the remaining benefices belongs in the main to the crown, the bishops and cathedral chapters, the lord chancellor, and the universities of Oxford and Cambridge.
The award of the tribunal made in October 1 9 03 was arrived at by the favourable vote of the three commissioners of the United States and of Lord Alverstone, whose action was bitterly resented by the two Canadian commissioners; it sustained in the main the claims of the United States.
It was in the main struggle of arquebus against pike, but it was not the arquebus alone, or even principally, that gave the victory to the French.
Nevertheless Marignan was in the main the work of the gendarmerie, the last and greatest triumph of the armoured lancer; and as a fitting close to the battle the young king was knighted by Bayard on the field.
Indeed this policy was dictated by the character and position of the British government, and had been followed in the main since the conference of Aix-la-Chapelle in 1818.
The structure of the wood agrees in the main with that of Ephedra.
In the ordinary course of intermittent supply or for the purpose of repairs, the water is cut off at some point in the main above the leakages; but this does not prevent the continuance of the discharge in the lower part of the town.
If now a tap is opened in any house connected with the main, the change of flow in the main will be represented by a vertical change of position of the horizontal line, and when the tap is turned off the pencil will resume its original vertical position, but the paper will have moved like the hands of a clock over the interval during which the tap was left open.
Charles Montague, who was afterwards earl of Halifax, was a fellow of Trinity College, and was a very intimate friend of Newton; and it was on his influence that Newton relied in the main for promotion to some post of honour and emolument.
The church of St Peter is Perpendicular; those of Holy Trinity and St James are in the main modern reconstructions.
To the pope this meant that the Constitutions of Clarendon were disavowed; to the king, who maintained that they were in the main a mere restatement of the customs of William I., it bore no such general interpretation.
Probably his long immunity was due in the main to the capacity of his strong-handed justiciar Geoffrey Fitz-Peter; the king hated him bitterly, but generally took his advice.
This period of murmuring and misery culminated in the Great Revolt of 1381, a phenomenon whose origins must be sought in the most complicated causes, but whose outbreak was due in the main to a general feeling that the realm was being misgoverned, and that some one must be 1381.
Yet he was a cautious and in the main a well-intentioned prince, and the extreme moderation of his original demands seems tc prove that he did not at first aim atthe crown.
Both Houses of Parliament were in the main assemblies of aristocrats and landowners; but agriculture was ceasing to be the characteristic industry of the country and the Parliaold semi-feudal relations of life were in process of meat and rapid dissolution.
The first reformed parliament, which met on the 29th of January 1833, consisted in the main of Whigs, with a sprinkling of Radicals and a compact body of Liberal Tories under Sir Robert Peel.
The amount of draft which is necessary to carry out the circulation of the gases and to draw in the adequate amount of air is regulated by dampers placed in the main flue.
This was due in the main to the outrageous insolence of her allpowerful favourite Biren, who hated the Russian nobility and trampled upon them mercilessly.
There is some ground nevertheless for maintaining, contrary to much modern opinion, that the controversy is fundamentally and in the main a moral controversy.
Neoplatonic philosophy had been in the main content either to formulate the contradiction or to deny the reality of one of the opposing terms. And traces of Neoplatonic influence, more especially as regards their doctrine of the unreality of the material and sensible world, are to be found everywhere in the Christian philosophers of Alexandria, preventing or impeding their formulation of the problem of freedom in its full scope and urgency.
The medieval treatment of the problem follows in the main Augustinian or Aristotelian traditional lines of thought, though successive thinkers arrive at very diverse conclusions.
As regards his conception of the Law of Nature, he takes it in the main immediately from Grotius and Pufendorf, more remotely from the Stoics and the Roman jurists.
As regards the moral faculty itself, Reid's statement coincides in the main with Price's; it is both intellectual and active, not merely perceiving the " rightness " or " moral obligation " of actions (which Reid conceives as a simple unanalysable relation between act and agent), but also impelling the will to the performance of what is seen to be right.
It is frequently impossible to discover whether he wishes by an appeal to evolutionary principles to reinforce the sanctions and emphasize the absolute character of the traditional morality which in the main he accepts without question from the current opinions about conduct of his age, or whether he wishes to discredit and disprove the validity of that morality in order to substitute by the aid of the biological sciences a new ethical code.
But it nevertheless follows in the main Bradley's line of criticism and may therefore be regarded as representative of his school.
The early Belgic settlers constituted perhaps in the main trading states which acted as intermediaries of commerce between Ireland and Gaul.'
It seems probable that St Patrick consecrated a considerable number of bishops with small but definite dioceses which doubtless coincided in the main with the territories of the tuatha.
The church founded by St Patrick was doubtless in the main identical in doctrine with the churches of Britain and Gaul and other branches of the Western church; but after the recall of the Roman legions from Britain the Irish church was shut off from the Roman world, and it is only natural that there should not have been any great amount of scruple with regard to orthodox doctrine.
The ancient Irish were in the main a pastoral people.
The food of the Irish was very simple, consisting in the main of oaten cakes, cheese, curds, milk, butter, and the flesh of domestic animals both fresh and salted.
This work is in the main a digest of the great Mu`tazalite commentary (al-Kashshaf) of Zamakhshari with omissions and additional notes.
The physical philosophy and anthropology which Baader, in connexion with this, unfolds in various works, is but little instructive, and coincides in the main with the utterances of Boehme.
The general fact of identity in the main constituents is the one of most fundamental importance.
The island may be divided into districts or provinces, which in the main indicate tribal divisions.
A system of regulating promotion to flag rank, which has been in the main followed ever since, was introduced.
Africa is thus composed of two segments at right angles, the northern running from east to west, the southern from north to south, the subordinate lines corresponding in the main to these two directions.
His system is in the main a codification of Aristotle modified by fundamental views of Neo-Platonist origin, and it tends to be a compromise with theology.
These grades in the main resemble those given by Avicenna.
In Herbart's writings logic receives comparatively meagre notice; he insisted strongly on its purely formal character, and expressed himself in the main at one with Kantians such as Fries and Krug.
The isochromatic lines, unless the dispersion be excessive, follow in the main the course of the curves of constant retardation, and the principal lines of like polarization are with a crossed polarizer and analyser dark brushes, that in certain cases are fringed with colour.
Its axes are 951and 79 yds., and it is in the main cut in the rock, though some parts of it are built with concrete.
This was in the main only an indication of the general Farmers' Movement,' but this found in Nebraska special stimulus in large losses (almost $900,000) suffered by the state from the negligence and defalcation of certain Republican officeholders.
Settlement of population has taken place principally among the plains and lower levels of the north-western, midland and south-eastern parts of the island, following in the main the rocks of Tertiary and Mesozoic age.
The rivers Palena, with its two branches, Pico and Carrenleufu, Fetaleufu, Puelo and Manso cut the two chains, while the rivers Renihue, Bodadahue and Cochamo have their sources in the main eastern ridge.
The volcanoes of Lanin (12,140 ft.), Quetropillan (9180 ft.), Villarica (10,400 ft.), Yaimas and Tolhuaca are all more or less active; the first is in the main chain, while the others are on the western slope.
The higher peaks are in the main chain, while north" the Domuyo (15,317 ft.) belongs to a lateral eastern war d .
Chimborazo, which is not in the main chain, reaches 20,517 ft.; Cotopaxi (19,580), Antisana (19,260), Coyambo (19,200) are in the eastern range, with many other peaks over 16,000 ft.
Finally, he tries to show that the Tatianic text is itself in the main merely a corrupt form of I-H-K altered in order to suit the necessities of Tatian's plan.
According to Felipa, the party was to be held in the main entrance, where the Christmas tree was.
Dictionary entries are found in the main section.
Best advice is to use consistently and to always expand the abbreviation somewhere in the main body of the text.
For starters there's the cozy alcove in the main bar that seats a maximum of ten.
That way, meteorologists could watch conditions as they develop in the main amphitheaters of meteorological action, and plot their charts accordingly.
Researchers will find much detail in the main ship listing and accompanying annexes.
The following figure shows the pressure in the main pulmonary artery in the dog during a period of hypoxia.
Caromb also has a pretty old town center and a lovely auberge in the main square.
Back in the main passage, a low gravelly bedding plane, oval in section, leads out of the chamber.
It will not be enough just to place adverts in the main broadsheets, or even the tabloid press.
There are some reasonably sized brown trout in the main river.
There is a log burning stove in the main living room.
The sub-class convertors are now generated in the main module code instead of in the class file.
The horrific blast left a huge crater in the main Belfast to Dublin road.
They have also been able to get a stall to do regular evangelism in the main guild coffee shop / courtyard.
The seedlings have been raised elsewhere and are now ready to be planted out in the main paddy field.
Mike and Callum G in the main out on the wings did very well, great footwork from both.
All of the crew took emergency landing positions which were in the main fuselage of the aircraft to prepare for a crash landing.
By the end of the day the aircraft had been placed in the main hangar.
The large Georgian house in the Main Street where they were born, is now in the care of the National Trust.
He had been at work in the main coal section, when he was knocked down by a rake of runaway hutches.
A few hundred the finals of gaming enthusiast James in the main.
The French maestro will once again take center stage in the main room as he drops an extended 4 Hour set on the night.
Bond features on the cover of this issue, and looks a lot more muscular than in the main strip.
You will enjoy sitting outside, in one of the little streets or in the main square.
Watch as the helicopter lands in the main arena and carries the parachutists to a heigh of 5,000 feet.
As they sit chatting in the main plaza, as they are walking along, their fingers are active.
And this was seen as a succesful outcome, presented in the main plenary to heads of States and governments.
Terms used in the tables such as deprivation quintile are defined in the Glossary of terms used in the main report.
D. W. The use of saints ' relics has not been in the main line of the post-Reformation Church of England.
A small number of vestments are always laid out in the main sacristy in the appropriate liturgical color of the day.
The attacks come in the main from the continuing saga of Drumcree.
Many of the guest rooms in the main house have views of the cathedral spire.
At dinner we noticed an elderly lady sitting alone along the rail of the grand stairway in the main dining room.
His remains are said to be enshrined in the main stupa.
He was murdered in the main thoroughfare of the Bazaar in broad daylight.
The clerestory continues as in the main transepts, i.e. with shaft rings.
Work is well underway on the project to renovate the men's changing rooms in the main club house.
There will be a live Webcast of the sessions taking place in the main room.
The property is also very cozy for winter lets - there is wood fired central heating plus a wood burner in the main salon.
The seats in the main stand are still wooden, and one end of the terracing is not covered.
However, by the time of the 1851 census of religious worship there were more people living in Higham than in the main village.
The Lower Devonian beds are in the main terrestrial, or coarse littoral deposits, and volcanic rocks.
The Upper Carboniferous period was in the main terrestrial, and during it were laid down the coal-seams of New South Wales; they are best developed in the basin of the Hunter river, and they extend southward, covered by Mesozoic deposits, beyond Sydney.
The hard terms, embodied in the treaty of San Stefano, to which Abd-ul-Hamid was forced to consent, were to some extent amended at Berlin, thanks in the main to British diplomacy (see Europe, History); but by this time the sultan had lost all confidence in England, and thought that he discerned in Germany, whose supremacy was evidenced in his eyes by her capital being selected as the meeting-place of the Congress, the future friend of Turkey.
The extreme north of Liberia is still for the most part a very well-watered country, covered with a rich vegetation, but there are said to be a few breaks that are rather stony and that have a very well-marked dry season in which the vegetation is a good deal burnt up. In the main Liberia is the forest country par excellence of West Africa, and although this region of dense forests overlaps the political frontiers of both Sierra Leone and the Ivory Coast, it is a feature of physical geography so nearly coincident with the actual frontiers of Liberia as to give this country special characteristics clearly marked in its existing fauna.
They, having the great opportunity of initiative, organized it in all its branches, giving it an administrative machinery that in the main endures to-day; established the doctrine of national neutrality toward European conflicts (although the variance of Federalist and Republican opinion on this point was largely factitious); and fixed the practice of a liberal construction of the Constitution,) - not only by Congress, but above all by the United States Supreme Court, which, under the lead of John Marshall (who had been appointed chief-justice by Pres.
The abbey conduit, of the middle of the 14th century, is conspicuous in the main street of the town.
Turning to the mainland of Greece we see that the astonishing remains of a highly developed prehistoric civilization, which Schliemann first brought to light in 1876 at Mycenae, Minoan and which from those discoveries received the general influence on main= name of " Mycenaean," in the main represent a trans land of marine offshoot from the Minoan stock.
I, 9, 45.2) that Cyrus was three times beaten by Astyages and that the decisive battle took place in the mountains of Pasargadae, is certainly in the main historical although Herodotus (i.
He calls himself an Eclectic. He was in the main a Neoplatonist, drawing from that school his doctrines of the Monad and his strong tendency towards mysticism.
In some theoretical views, and in the use of certain remedies, the school owed something to Van Helmont and Paracelsus, but took in the main an independent position.
The work is in the main very fine Norman, with triforium, ambulatory and apsidal eastern end.
The towns of the League, stretching from Thorn and Krakow on the East to the towns of the Zuider Zee on the West, and from Wisby and Reval in the North to Göttingen in the South, were arranged in groups, following in the main the territorial divisions.
The general French verdict on his work is in the main well summed by Morillot, when he says that, judged by the usual tests of the Romantic movement of the 'twenties (love for strange literatures of the North, medievalism, novelties and experiments), Chenier would inevitably have been excluded from the cenacle of 1827.
Bull-fights were formerly held in the main plaza, where galleries to accommodate spectators were built between the buttresses of an ancient parish church.
On the one hand, the general agreement everywhere between the Hebrew accounts and contemporaneous records from Mesopotamia proves beyond cavil that, broadly speaking, the Bible accounts are historically true, and were written by persons who in the main had access to contemporaneous documents.
The above method was adopted by Bousset in his work Der Antichrist in der Uberlieferung des Judenthums, des Neuen Testaments, and der alter Kirche (1895), in which he sought to show that a fixed tradition of the Antichrist originating in Judaism can be traced from New Testament times down to the middle ages, and that this tradition was in the main unaffected by the Apocalypse, though in chap. xi.
His Christology was in the main orthodox, though he rejected terms (such as Trinity) which he could not find in Scripture, and held a Valentinian doctrine of the celestial origin of the flesh of Christ.
The first is contained in a fragment of a cosmogony in Berossus, now confirmed in the main by the sixth tablet of the Creation epic. It represents the creation of man as due to one of the inferior gods who (at Bel's command) mingled with clay the blood which flowed from the severed head of Bel (see Cosmogony)..
They include a great number of revenue regulations, laws on civil matters such as mortgage, bankruptcy, rights of way, companies, etc., and laws governing the procedure of courts, all of which adhere to Western principles in the main.
The first part (edited by Tullberg, Upsala, 1850) reaches to the epoch of Constantine the Great, and is in the main an epitome of the Eusebian Chronicle.2 The second part reaches to Theodosius II.
In addition to these departments, whose heads form the army council itself, there is the very important department of the inspector-general of the forces, whose duties are to ensure by inspection the maintenance of military efficiency and an adequate standard of instruction, &c. This department is thus in the main a complement of the general staff branch.
He created their formal logic and contributed much that was of value to their psychology and epistemology; but in the main his work was to new-label and new-arrange in every department, and to lavish most care and attention on the least important parts - the logical terminology and the refutation of fallacies, or, as his opponents declared, the excogitation of fallacies which even he could not refute.
The appearance, in September 1604, of a new star in the constellation Serpentarius afforded him indeed an opportunity, of which he eagerly availed himself, for making an onslaught upon the Aristotelian axiom of the incorruptibility of the heavens; but he continued to conform his public teachings in the main to Ptolemaic principles, until the discovery of a novel and potent implement of research in the shape of the telescope placed at his command startling and hitherto unsuspected evidence as to the constitution and mutual relations of the heavenly bodies.
Up to recently the oils and fats were looked upon as consisting in the main of a mixture of triglycerides, in which the three combined fatty acids are identical, as is the case in the abovenamed glycerides.
In some cases the foliage is preserved in situ; more often, however, especially in the main stem and larger branches, S.C. /,???_ A the leaves had been shed, leaving behind them their scars and persistent bases, on which the characteristic sculpturing of the Lepidodendroid surface depends.
Safety The biggest problem facing visitors to Sicily are the hoards of pickpockets and purse snatchers who lurk in the main cities.
Refreshments & Services Catering The modern Cafe Bar situated in the main entrance building provides drinks and light refreshments on arrival.
A similar pattern of results are reflected in the main measure of scholastic achievement at age 16.
Some may provide all en-suite bedrooms, others may also have convertible settee beds in the main saloon cabin.
European predator anglers were already switched on to this type of lure, using large shad bodies and curly tail grubs in the main.
Squandering of goodwill is apparent from tutors ' comments and in the main this is due to poor communication and management.
The first scenes from Australia showed several hundred townsfolk gathered in the afternoon sunshine in the main street of Carnarvon.
SuDoku for Kids... published in newspapers and in the main section of the Daily SuDoku website are a little tricky for youngsters...
Work is well underway on the project to renovate the men 's changing rooms in the main club house.
There will be a live webcast of the sessions taking place in the main room.