In-the-air Sentence Examples
But there's a chill in the air and they'll be going indoors.
She drew a circle in the air.
Most of the time I'm at the pool or resting in the air conditioned house.
She and Claire are probably still in the air somewhere or Quinn hasn't hooked up with them yet.
The odor she had smelled earlier hung in the air.
Victor waved his hand in the air.
The smell of blood is in the air.
While she sounded relieved, there was a chill in the air like opening the door, expecting warm sunshine and forgetting it's December.
His skin was cold to the touch; his breath hung in the air as he moved.
Most of it had frozen in the coldness that made Jenn's breaths hang in the air.
AdvertisementShe felt like she stood at the door of a plane fifteen thousand feet in the air getting ready to skydive, only she didn't remember packing a parachute.
They are transparent, very hard and absolutely permanent in the air.
The power swirling in the air around her grew as she neared Damian's door, and she was reminded of the tension in the air before a thunderstorm.
Shadows crawled over the world around her, and the tension in the air made it hard to breathe.
When Carmen continued to stare at her, she threw her hands in the air.
AdvertisementWhen Carmen didn't respond, she threw her hands in the air and rolled her eyes.
She called forth a portal, and what looked like a cave opened in the air before them.
But the whole system, so to speak, hung in the air.
Bellerophon,mounted on Pegasus(q.v.),kept up in the air out of the way of the Chimaera, but yet near enough to kill it with his spear, or, as he is at other times represented,with his sword or with a bow.
As pure tin does not tarnish in the air and is proof against acid liquids, such as vinegar, lime juice, &c., it is utilized for culinary and domestic vessels.
AdvertisementA solution of the pure salt yields fine prisms of the composition Na2Sn03+10H20, which effloresce in the air.
In mining operations explosives are used on a large scale and the powder gases contain large quantities of the very poisonous gas, carbon monoxide, a small percentage of which may cause death, and even a minute percentage of which in the air will seriously affect the health.
Fire-damp and dust explosions are caused by the presence of marsh-gas in sufficient quantity to form an explosive mixture, or by a mixture of small percentages of marsh-gas and coal-dust, and in some cases by the presence of coal-dust alone in the air of the mine.
A card will show the influence of the couple N if projected with a spin in its plane, when it will be found to change its aspect in the air.
I +W a W a), ' (k) 4 (I I) I+ w- R For a shot in air the ratio W'/W is so small that the square may be neglected, and formula (II) can be replaced for practical purpose in artillery by tan26= n2 = W i (0 - a) (k ð)7()4, (12) if then we can calculate /3, a, or (3-a for the external shape of the shot, this equation will give the value of 6 and n required for stability of flight in the air.
AdvertisementCompact zinc is bluish white; it does not tarnish much in the air.
If zinc be heated to near its boiling-point, it catches fire and burns with a brilliant light into its powdery white oxide, which forms a reek in the air (lana philosophica, " philosopher's wool").
They are permanent in the air.
In ancient times meteors were supposed to be generated in the air by inflammable gases.
In August 1703 he again settled in Holland, in the air of which he seems, like Locke, to have had great faith.
Treated with sodammonium it yields a bluish-black mass, BiNa 3, which takes fire in the air and decomposes water.
As the former are only active in the air while the latter are anaerobic, the activity of either agent is conditioned by variation in the water level of the bog.
They are at a dull red heat and are allowed to cool gradually in the air and become blackened by the formation on the surface of a film of oxide of copper.
Let us suppose that a system of stationary waves is formed in the air in a pipe of indefinite length, and let fig.
Stationary waves are formed in the air in the dust-tube if the length is rightly adjusted by the closely-fitting piston, and the lycopodium dust collects at the nodes in little heaps, the first being at the fixed end and the last just in front of the piston on the sounder.
If the two interfering waves, being still of same length X, be in opposite phases, or sõ that one is in advance of the other by 2X, and consequently one produces in the air the opposite state of motion to the other, then the resultant wave is one of the same length X, but the excursions of the particles are decreased, being the difference between those due to the component waves as in fig.
Kuropatkin having already drawn in his line of defence on the south side towards Liao-Yang, the 2nd and 4th Japanese Armies delivered what was practically a blow in the air.
After all care has been taken in laying and pointing, in accordance with the rules of theory and practice, absolute certainty of hitting the same spot every time is unattainable, as causes of error exist which cannot be eliminated, such as variations in the air and in the muzzle-velocity, and also in the steadiness of the shot in flight.
The scent of pine and blooming flowers was thick in the air.
Deidre felt the heaviness in the air again, only she felt no confusion.
The advanced medical equipment and sterile scent in the air were the same.
He watched her grab the hourglass and toss it in the air.
He sensed Kris.s agitation was increased by the ensnaring scent of Katie.s blood, which was heavy in the air.
The Council meeting was a bust, and there was more tension in the air than he could understand.
The smell of pancakes still hung in the air of the cozy kitchen.
He waved a listless hand in the air.
He waved his hand in the air.
She tugged at each front foot until the goat was on her knees, her hind end in the air.
As she straightened, his snowball was already in the air.
The fed building smoldered before him, the scent of metal and burning plastic thick in the air.
He was suspended in the air by the straps of his harness.
He was like a statue, only she felt the warmth of his body and the tingle of magic in the air.
She threw her hands in the air.
Katie threw her hands in the air and rolled her eyes.
His face split into a large smile, and he waved the sword in the air.
The magic in the air crackled around them even from the distance.
Darian flipped a knife in the air then sat down on a chair in the corner.
The tattooed immortal with cocoa skin sat forward, his magic vibrating in the air around him.
I've Seen some things … and there are some things so up in the air right now, I can't figure out what it means.
The two spoke, and he felt Jenn's magic in the air as she exerted what control she could over Jonny.
The hum in the air became a whine almost too loud to bear.
Darian took it, and they Traveled to a locker cold enough for his expelled breath to hang in the air.
Already, he felt her magic in the air as she channeled it into her mate.
Katie sighed and threw her hands in the air as she turned away.
She froze for a second with the whip in the air.
Purple lightening rippled in the air nearby.
Hugging herself, she sensed the magic in the air and moved back a few steps, not wanting to be caught up in the purple crossfire.
It deliquesces in the air and melts readily on heating.
If he mastered the whole coast-line of the Levant, the enemy's fleet would find itself left in the air.
The amount of watery vapour in the air passing through a stoma has no effect upon it, as the surfaces of the guard cells abutting on the air chamber are strongly cuticularized, and therefore impermeable.
A pupil of Nessus, or, as some accounts prefer, of Democritus himself, he was a complete sceptic. He accepted the Democritean theory of atoms and void and the plurality of worlds, but held a theory of his own that the stars are formed from day to day by the moisture in the air under the heat of the sun.
Henry's English government was severe and grasping; but he "kept good peace" and honourably distinguished himself among contemporary statesmen in an age when administrative reform was in the air.
Men who imagined that they might at any moment be caught up to meet the Lord in the air were not likely to take steps for the instruction of the generations that might come after them.
But when the Agape on one side and paganism on the other receded into a dim past, owing to the enhanced sacrosanctity of the Eucharist and because of the severe edicts of the emperor Theodosius and his successors, the psychological background fell away, and the Eucharist was left isolated and hanging in the air.
For the substantial publication of these researches reference must be made to the Transactions of the Royal Society; but an account of many of them was incorporated in his best-known books, namely, the famous Heat as a Mode of Motion (1863; and later editions to 1880), the first popular exposition of the mechanical theory of heat, which in 1862 had not reached the textbooks; The Forms of Water, &c. (1872); Lectures on Light (1873); Floating Matter in the Air (188x); On Sound (1867; revised 1875, 1883, 1893).
In one experiment, specially undertaken for the sake of measurement, the total air employed was 9250 c.c., and the oxygen consumed, manipulated with the aid of partially deaerated water, amounted to 10,820 c.c. The oxygen contained in the air would be 1942 c.c.; so that the quantities of atmospheric nitrogen and of total oxygen which enter into combination would be 7308 c.c. and 12,762 c.c. respectively.
Though so little sensitive to drought and extremes of temperature lichens appear to be very easily affected by the presence in the air of noxious substances such as are found in large cities or manufacturing towns.
Carbon dioxide may have been present in the air in greater abundance in earlier periods than it is at present, but there is no reason to suppose that the percentage was appreciably higher in the Carboniferous period than it is now.
As a result convection currents are produced in the air which are sufficient to catch the basidiospores in their fall and carry them, away from the regions of comparative atmospheric stillness near the ground, to the upper air where more powerful air-currents can bring about their wide distribution.
In the Bessemer process, and indeed in most high-temperature processes, to operate on a large scale has, in addition to the usual economies which it offers in other industries, a special one, arising from the fact that from a large hot furnace or hot mass in general a very much smaller proportion of its heat dissipates through radiation and like causes than from a smaller body, just as a thin red-hot wire cools in the air much faster than a thick bar equally hot.
The goal towards which these tendencies verged was monotheism; and though this goal was only once, and then quite ephemerally, reached, still the monotheistic idea was at most periods, so to speak, in the air.
It shows the pope and emperor, with a lute-playing angel between them, kneeling to right and left of the enthroned Virgin and Child, who crown them with rose garlands, with a multitude of other kneeling saints disposed with free symmetry in the background, and farther in the background portraits of the donor and the painter, and a flutter of wreath-carrying cherubs in the air.
As they approached they threw unslaked lime in the air and the wind blew it in the faces of the French.
Scientific discovery was in the air.
Lumber the writing with nothing - let it go as lightly as the bird flies in the air or a fish swims in the sea.
A third great use of the electroscope is therefore to detect electric conductivity either in the air or in any other body.
The oil, when boiled with small proportions of litharge and minium, undergoes the process of resinification in the air with greatly increased rapidity.
Like all epoch-making works, the Novum Organum gave expression to ideas which were already beginning to be in the air.
Such a passage might well have been penned when the idea of Herod's Temple was already in the air.
Behind the king stand his bow-bearer and his lance-bearer; in the air appears the figure of the great god Ahuramazda, whose protection led him to victory.'
At a time when Ralph Waldo Emerson could write to Thomas Carlyle, "We are all a little wild here with numberless projects of social reform; not a reading man but has a draft of a new community in his waistcoat pocket," - the Brook Farm project certainly did not appear as impossible a scheme as many others that were in the air.
Though they occur all the world over in the g Y air and on the surface of exposed bodies, it is not to be supposed that they are by any means equally distributed, and it is questionable whether the bacteria suspended in the air ever exist in such enormous quantities as was once believed.
Most of the forms in question are found growing on the dung of herbivorous animals, but the bacteria occur not only in the alimentary canal of the animal but also free in the air.
The list of his works of fiction includes The Stolen Bacillus and other Stories (1895), The Wonderful Visit (1895), The Island of Doctor Moreau (1896), The Plattner Story and Others (1897), When the Sleeper Wakes (1899), The First Men in the Moon (1901), The Food of the Gods (1904), In the Days of the Comet (1906), The War in the Air (1908), Anne Veronica (1909), The History of Mr Polly (191 0).
A most singular habit possessed by this bird is that of rising in the air and soaring there in circles at an immense altitude, uttering at intervals the very loud cry of which its local name is an imitation.
The inertia of the mass of the flying creature enables it to control and direct its movements in the air.
Extensive inert surfaces indeed are contra-indicated in a flying machine, as they approximate it to the balloon, which, as has been shown, cannot maintain its position in the air if there are air currents.
No one ever saw a bird in the air flapping its wings towards its tail.
In the 1 96th proposition of his work (De motu animalium, Leiden, 1685) he states that " If the expanded wings of a bird suspended in the air shall strike the undisturbed air beneath it with a motion perpendicular to the horizon, the bird will fly with a transverse motion in a plane parallel with the horizon."
It was hoped that when the aeroplanes were wedged forward in the air by vertical screws, or by the body to be flown, each aeroplane would rest or float upon a stratum of undisturbed air, and that practically the aeroplanes would give the same support as if spread out horizontally.
Once in the air the aeroplanes, it was believed, would become effective in proportion to the speed attained.
In 1905 they made forty-five flights, in the longest of which they remained in the air for half FIG.
In July Farman remained in the air for over 20 minutes; on the 6th of September Delagrange increased the time to nearly 30 minutes, and on the 29th of the same month Farman again came in front with a flight lasting 42 minutes and extending over nearly 241 m.
On the 9th of September 1908 the former, at Fort Myer, Virginia, made three notable flights; in the first he remained in the air 571 minutes and in the second 1 hour 3 minutes, while in the third he took with him a passenger and covered nearly 4 m.
On the 31st of December he succeeded in remaining in the air for 2 hours 20 minutes 23 seconds.
It burns with a blue flame when heated in the air or in oxygen, at the same time giving a characteristic smell of rotten horseradish, a reaction which serves for the recognition of the element.
Similar atmospheric condition sometimes prevail in the air over large bodies of water on cold autumn mornings.
When issuing from the chambers, the gases still contain the whole of the free nitrogen contained in the air which had entered into the burners, together with about a third, or at least a fourth, of the oxygen originally present therein, such excess of oxygen being required in order to carry out the conversion of the sulphur dioxide into sulphuric acid as completely as possible.
But his friends and followers were not so discreet; hence when a son was at last born to Henry and Margaret, in 1453, the succession question was already in the air and could no longer be ignored.
The seeds of life which continued floating in the air were carried down with the rains and produced vegetation.
It contains considerable humic matter, discolouring rapidly in the air (when exposed it is characteristically a bright buff).
She had the sense of power shimmering in the air around him.
Damian's suite was lit only by a blazing fire in the hearth, and the scent of Jule's cigars hung in the air.
I've Seen some things … and there are some things so up in the air right now, I can't figure out what it means.
The obelisk groaned, and the hum in the air became a whine almost too loud to bear.
He rose and grabbed his dagger, tossing it in the air before lazily pushing the flat of the dagger to her neck.
He smelled the tang of blood in the air and looked down at where she held linen over a forearm dripping blood.
We can now see the magician levitating her at least two feet in the air.
The feeling was palpable in the air above the audience.
From about April onwards there has been an almost palpable feeling in the air of profound unease.
The stars of the show did acrobatics in the air right in the middle of the dome.
He was staring aghast at the sudden appearance of Kemp, followed by the extraordinary sight of clothing tossing empty in the air.
There is an air of excited anticipation in the air so tangible you can feel it creeping along your skin.
His right hand traces arabesques in the air as he reads, dipping and weaving with the rise and fall of the line.
You put garbage in and you get garbage out - particulates and dioxins in the air and heavy metals in the toxic ash.
It is no good waving an arbitrator's award in the air in victory.
He fired two blunderbusses in the air from the top of the house, and they went off.
He showed such bravery in the air that he was awarded the Military Cross in the same year.
Baldwin, confused and somewhat chagrined aimed his pistol away from MacDonell and fired it high and wide in the air.
I've always thought that haute couture is just a big fat nothing with its nose in the air.
No smoke curling in the air betrayed the presence of man.
C. How can generic advice services remain distinct from any sales process without leaving people up in the air?
The city seems jist empty, hollow echoes in the air.
Enjoy a drink in the air conditioned lounge and bar where nightly family entertainment takes place during peak season.
Pump your fist in the air and make the universal " rock " gesture by extended your index and pinky fingers in the air.
Our Business Premier seat converts from a comfortable reclining leather armchair with Ottoman footrest, into one of the biggest beds in the air.
The things appeared to be at least forty thousand feet in the air - perhaps much higher.
A drying agent, e.g., silicone gel can be placed on the shelves to absorb moisture in the air.
The tb germ is usually spread in the air.
This album is dark musically already, but when mixed with the tone in the air of Prague it becomes somewhat horrifying " .
Oxygen in the air oxidizes the iron(II) hydroxide precipitate to iron(III) hydroxide precipitate to iron(III) hydroxide especially around the top of the tube.
Spores carried in the air land on dead or dying trees and produce hyphae which ramify through the wood.
They looked decidedly iffy in the air that's for sure and there was hope there for the Reds.
In particular In The Air Tonight, which actually sounds dangerously deranged and eminently listenable.
Ask a player to mix the matchboxes together and throw them up in the air.
The excess oil is expelled from the exhaust muffler along with any other particulate in the air supply.
It transforms in the air to form gaseous nitric acid and toxic organic nitrates.
The only way to a deep penetration is with 1 leg in the air!
As you inscribe pentagram see it forming in the air in front of you.
In the middle distance a flock of about 1000 Collared pratincoles wheeled in the air only to disappear into the marsh as they landed.
Oxygen in the air oxidizes the iron(II) hydroxide precipitate to iron(III) hydroxide especially around the top of the tube.
Worse food, worse drink, darker walls, and discontent in the air smelling more rancid than the beer.
Hygrometer - a meter for measuring the relative humidity in the air.
He rarely loses a challenge in the air and is clearly reveling in his role with the Lichties.
The heady scent of betrayal was in the air.
Perfecting one's aerobatic skills will inevitably lead to increased self-assurance in handling the machine and greater safety in the air.
The somewhat sickly smell of procrastination is in the air once again.
The acrid smell of burnt eagle feathers hung in the air.
The usual way we catch the virus is to breathe them in on droplets in the air when someone sneezes.
It makes breathing easier by relaxing muscle spasms in the air passages of the lungs.
Solid shot stopper who is good in the air.
Also try using the left and right strafe key to guide yourself in the air.
A sharp, resinous tang of burning was in the air.
An approaching electrical storm is normally accompanied by thunder, heavy rain, extra static in the air.
We both felt a tingle in the air around us, heavy with static.
Mr Flibble began by waving some red underpants in the air in homage to The Railroad Children.
Indeed, from about April onwards there has been an almost palpable feeling in the air of profound unease.
Then the man mysteriously vanished leaving the lingering odor of sulfur in the air.
However, without fuel for their armored vehicles, any success in the air was meaningless.
This neglects any charge in the air 1 See Authorities below.
Kelvin, Maclean and Galt (34) found the effect greatest in the air near the level of impact.
The gatherer dips the butt of the pipe into the molten " metal " and withdraws upon it a small ball of viscous glass, which he allows to cool in the air while constantly rotating it so as to keep the mass as nearly spherical in shape as he can.
In 1903 he experimented with an aerodrome capable of carrying a man, but repeated accidents prevented it from being launched, and finally through lack of funds the experiments had to be abandoned without the machine ever having been free in the air (see also Flight And Flying).
If the two interfering waves, being still of same length X, be in opposite phases, or sõ that one is in advance of the other by 2X, and consequently one produces in the air the opposite state of motion to the other, then the resultant wave is one of the same length X, but the excursions of the particles are decreased, being the difference between those due to the component waves as in fig.
Thus a shoot will grow more vigorously whilst waving in the air than when nailed close to the wall; consequently a weak shoot should be left free, whilst its stronger antagonist should be restrained; and a luxuriant shoot may be retarded for some time by having its tender extremity pinched off to allow a weaker shoot to overtake it.
Volta then proved that all metals could be arranged in an electromotive 1 Modern researches have shown that the loss of charge is in fact dependent upon the ionization of the air, and that, provided the atmospheric moisture is prevented from condensing on the insulating supports, water vapour in the air does not per se bestow on it conductance for electricity.
The most interesting Peripatetic work of the period is the treatise De mundo, which is a good example within the Peripatetic school of the eclectic tendency which was then in the air.
No practical good can therefore accrue to aviation from elaborate measurements of the wings and body of any flying thing; neither can any rule be laid down as to the extent of surface required for sustaining a given weight in the air.
Far below her she found six great glowing balls suspended in the air.
Far up in the air was an object that looked like a balloon.
They did not bother to cross the bridges over the brooks, but when they came to a stream they stepped high and walked in the air to the other side.
I wonder why it is that we can walk so easily in the air.
With this he began walking in the air toward the high openings, and Dorothy and Zeb followed him.
To her surprise an unseen hand clutched her and held her suspended in the air.
The next moment a broad-leaved plant was jerked from the ground where it grew and held suspended in the air before the Wizard.
He waved his sword in the air.
The great bird was high in the air and flying towards the far-off mountains with all his money.
That is my castle in the air.
A field of water betrays the spirit that is in the air.
There we worked, revising mythology, rounding a fable here and there, and building castles in the air for which earth offered no worthy foundation.
A feeling of dread was in the air.
The only motion in the air was that of the dripping, microscopic particles of drizzling mist.
He could already see how these men, who looked so small at the foot of the hill, jostled and overtook one another, waving their arms and their sabers in the air.
In the sunshine the air was warm, and that warmth was particularly pleasant with the invigorating freshness of the morning frost still in the air.
All aircraft have internal auxiliary fuel tanks, and many of them can be refueled in the air.
And the booming of the little cannon resounded in the air.
Charging down a 1 mile long mountain run, cutting back and spraying rooster tails of snow in the air.
Perfecting one 's aerobatic skills will inevitably lead to increased self-assurance in handling the machine and greater safety in the air.
The object was similar in appearance to a burning green flare, the kind that is commonly used in the Air Force.
Wheels clash, whips crack and magic sizzles in the air but tactics also play a part.
Few will be unmoved when a badger pauses, with a paw half cocked, and raises its snout in the air.
They are startled by strange sounds in the air which they trace to a cavern.
The souls who spent their lives imprisoned behind tiny stone windows and rotted to the walls leave their stench in the air.
After 45 minutes in the air we were in Las Vegas and a stretch limo took us to the Venetian Hotel.
Take a deep breath, suck in the air.
They then remain suspended in the air to be inhaled.
A wicker hanging chair suspended from the ceiling was bizarrely about 6ft foot up in the air.
They are fast flyers, and swerve around in the air in tight groups.
It 's time to relax and wet parched throats, Shop shut, last customer kicked out in the air.
An unusual combination can be found this week on the new release of ' In The Air Tonight '.
It is like a great uprooted tree with its roots in the air.
Also, water vapor in the air from the impact stays aloft for awhile.
Sounds are really just rapidly vibrating waves in the air.
It consists of two thermometers mounted on the same frame that can be whirled in the air by hand.
From thence they clearly saw smoke of a yellowish color rising in the air.
Pilots must be vigilant at all times to keep their passengers safely in the air.
Moisture in the air can cause damage to a property by condensing against windows and walls, forming mold and causing wood to rot; it can generally form unpleasant living conditions.
At Wayman Pilot Supplies, the electronics selection includes a variety of headsets, transceivers, digital flight computers, microphones, and collision avoidance systems to keep you safe in the air.
They were designed to hit the ball accurately up in the air and over long distances and tough lies and often take the place of a long iron.
Alternatively, you can spray undiluted white vinegar in the air.
A tower that features one or two platforms that rest a mere three feet in the air will provide about ten minutes of fun before kitty falls asleep on the highest plateau.
Cats are highly intelligent creatures and will, more often than not, sense the tension in the air as you prepare for the hunt.
These particles can dangle in the air at perfect breathing range and sneezing will likely occur when your cat inhales those particles.
Oxygen in the air mixes with these elements to form sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide.
One of the major problems stems from the fact that trees and other plants naturally convert harmful carbon dioxide in the air into oxygen.
Pesticides and similarly constructed chemical agents can cause cancer and can damage human endocrine and nervous systems, and they can be found in the soil, food, water, and in the air.
The airborne wind design means that the turbine is supported in the air without the high tower.
If oceans can't store carbon dioxide, it remains in the air and the impact of the greenhouse effect increases.
Noxious gases and fumes include all chemical vapors that aren't naturally found in the air like carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide and others.
Acid rain is produced when sulfuric acid particles enter the atmosphere and adhere to water droplets in the air.
Other people feel that since burning trash causes pollution in the air that it should not be considered a renewable resource.
Lots of new materials, such as carpeting and wood products - even some paints - contain noxious chemicals that take time to dissipate in the air.
These rods have a specific design that makes the draperies appear to hang in the air just beneath the rod.
One unique feature of Mapquest is that if you have a broadband card and access to the Internet wherever you go, then you'll be able to update your route at any time while traveling in the air card's range.
Unlike internal and external mix systems, which use compressed air, this type of snow making system uses air from a fan to suspend the water droplets in the air.
This binding mount position increases control when riding or landing while providing a more neutral balance in the air and on the rails.
As you inhale, mentally count to six or seven slowly as you take in the air.
Yeasts live in the air around us, the soil, and even inside our bodies.
Whether your roaring fire is indoors or out, romance is sure to be in the air.
If the wedding is taking place in early autumn, you might expect a slight chill in the air.
The dimly lit evenings we spent cuddled together in cafes as we tried to escape the chill in the air over the next few months confirmed my suspicion-you are the perfect person for me.
Her father was in the Air Force in her younger years, moving the family around from California, to Biloxi, Mississippi and Del Rio, Texas, before finally settling for good back in California.
The arresting office noted a strange odor in the air which lead to the search and discover of 1 ½ pounds of marijuana and a small bag of psychedelic mushrooms.
Offscreen, it seemed love was in the air too, and the couple were engaged on December 25, 2004.
Scott recently retired after a 30-year career in the Air Force, while Paula retired from a career in medical Speech-Language Pathology.
Seems that a lot of things are up in the air for Sheen.
Her mugshot is in black and white, and she has her fist raised in the air in an act of solidarity with her fellow activists.
It's a handy item to have when there's a slight chill in the air.
The ends need the protection but also need to be able to see passes in the air to catch the ball.
This is one of the reasons for enlisting and re-enlisting in the Air Force.
By understanding how adding airfare to a cruise vacation works, cruise passengers ensure they will find the best deal in the air or on the sea.
Never dangle your dog in the air as he holds onto the toy with his mouth.
How I love the trees changing color, and the smells in the air that change so dramatically from cut grass to fresh cut hay bundled to dry for the coming months ahead.
It likes to be moderately moist at the roots and have shade and moisture in the air.
S. coccinea loves moisture, both in the air and in the soil.
When fall is in the air it's the perfect time to get garden ready for winter.
If spring is in the air and thumbing through seed catalogs has you dreaming of your vegetable garden, you may begin to wonder, "When should I plant tomatoes?"
Cash was deeply influenced by gospel music and was taught to teach the guitar by his mother, and started his first band years later in the Air Force.
Some cables are designed to give the illusion that the lights are floating in the air.
Moisture problems stem from seepage from the ground into the concrete or from condensation in the air caused by moisture that seeps in through cracks in the foundation.
Dusting and vacuuming with a HEPA vacuum will also cut down on dust in the air and help to keep your air ducts clean in the future.
Full silver and sterling silver has a tendency to tarnish when it reacts with elements in the air and our own body chemistry.
Modern polo shirts are available with long sleeves, which makes them perfect to wear in the wintertime or when there's a slight chill in the air on a spring evening.
But plants need more nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium than is readily available in the air and water, which is where a product like Ringer Lawn Restore organic fertilizer comes in.
They are perfect to wear to and from the pool, especially if you're planning a hard workout and there's a nip in the air.
Obviously, a short-sleeved shrug is preferable in summer, when you may just need an extra layer for comfort in the air conditioning.
When there is a chill in the air donning your favorite cardigan sweater makes you feel warm, comfortable and in style.
Central sleep apnea is a condition in which the brain fails to tell the muscles in the air passageways to open and allow the passage of air.
Rides range from The Hornet's Nest (you're cautioned to eat AFTER riding this one!) where you're tossed around in the air in unpredictable directions, to the Dodgems (bumper cars).
Built in 2003, this was the first coaster to rise taller than 400 feet in the air and the first in North America to reach speeds in excess of 120 miles per hour.
Designed in approximately 500 A.D., riders were held in baskets hung in the air from a sturdy pole.
Manta lifts riders 140 feet in the air and take them through 3,359 feet of track, making this the second-tallest, fastest and longest flying coaster in the world.
It will consist of more than 1,200 fountainheads that shoot and spray water up to 200 feet in the air.
The massive body of water is fed by a raging waterfall that towers 13 feet in the air and measure 30 feet across.
Riders swing back and forth at a steep arc while 137 feet in the air.
If you release the ball high in the air and avoid rotating your remote, it will land without spinning and roll down very straight.
Keep in mind that you can steer your car in the air (how the physics for that work, I'll never know) so if you see an opponent 'float' towards them.
You can even control your car a little bit while in the air!
You have to eventually pilot both because some things were meant to die on the ground and some things were meant to die in the air.
Using a unique motion sensitive controller, players can interact with their video games by waving the controller (Wii Remote, or "wiimote") in the air.
Jump using "O" button and when Sora is highest in the air Swing your Keyblade with the "X" button.
In some games, she can float in the air because of poufy gown.
I watched him spin in the air and then hit a huge cement block.
When and whether it will hit North American shores is still up in the air.
After teaching your puppy to lay down, have him learn to lay on his back with paws in the air.
Industry pundits have long predicted that Sony will not achieve this target, but hey, it's still pretty up in the air.
Since it is a run anywhere 3D game, the analog stick is focused on movement and control in the air.
Go on missions, fly through difficult terrain, find the checkpoints, and do acrobatics in the air.
In Target Mode, you destroy targets suspended in the air before running out of time.
Using Gouken, do his away throw (quick punch, quick kick, and away at the same time) to toss your opponent in the air.
While firm details are still up in the air at the time this article was written (June 6, 2006), there are several tidbits that seem very likely and these new games look fantastic.
Just like the oft-rumored Xbox Portable, the exact features and specifications surrounding the next Xbox home video game system are still very much in the air.
Harvest time in wine country is an exciting time…you can feel it in the air and all the winery staff is geared up for this event.
The smell of fermenting grapes is in the air and the vines are just starting to turn color (and once the grapes are picked, that process is sped up considerably).
When you check the next day, there should be air bubbles forming in the air lock.
For the best view of the great Juneau Icefield, the mountains, and the glaciers, you have to be in the air.
Some questions get resolved, but others are always left floating in the air.
Small children typically have quite a narrow larynx, so even a slight decrease in the airway's radius may lead to a large decrease in the air flow, leading to the symptoms of croup.
However, when the level of irritants in the air is high or when the respiratory system becomes infected, coughing may become frequent and prolonged.
Phlegm-Thick mucus produced in the air passages.
Home care includes drinking plenty of fluids, resting, not smoking, increasing moisture in the air with a cool mist humidifier, and taking acetaminophen (Datril, Tylenol, Panadol) for fever and pain.
Normally when a person breathes fresh air into the lungs, the oxygen in the air binds with a molecule called hemoglobin (Hb) that is found in red blood cells.
The symptoms of CO poisoning and the speed with which they appear depend on the concentration of CO in the air and the rate and efficiency with which a person breathes.
If a newborn infant is to breathe properly, the small air sacs (alveoli) at the ends of the breathing tubes must remain open so that oxygen in the air can get into the tiny blood vessels that surround the alveoli.
Sometimes a layer of fibrous tissue called a hyaline membrane forms in the air sacs, making it even harder for oxygen to get through to the blood vessels.
The amount of pollen in the air is reflected in the pollen count, often broadcast on the daily news during allergy season.
These are people who regulate the elements…hang meat in the air to dry…stuff a cleaned animal into its own stomach and cook it over a pit fire…put food on ice to keep cool…pull fish out of the water, vegetables out of the ground.
To execute this style, you halt on the standing foot during full measures of the music, with the moving foot in the air.
This item of ballet vocabulary does have some sense to an English speaker; you 'assemble' your feet (bring them together) while you are in the air.
Stand in fifth position, plié, and then jump straight up into the air, switching the foot that was in back on the ground into the front, creating as little visual space between the two feet in the air as possible.
This jump is an extension of the changement, and a number always follows the name of the jump; the number tells you how many times the feet have to swap positions in the air before landing on the ground again.
In an entrechat-quatre (most common), essentially two changements are done in the air so that you end up in fifth with the same foot in front as you originally had.
Alternate feet to travel across the room, and focus on pointing your toes while in the air and bending your knees with each landing to bring more grace and form to the step.
Condensation takes place when the water vapor in the air cools and changes back into liquid form.
Jumpers travel almost ninety miles and hour and are in the air for nearly four seconds before they impact with the water.
The ball stays in the air thanks to a fan, but the more intensely you concentrate on the game, the higher the ball will rise in the air.
They easily clip on to the board in the slots along the edge.To move the ball through the obstacles, you focus your concentration to move it up in the air and relax your mind to move it down.
Better Batter is similar to t-ball, except instead of placing a ball on a stand to hold it in place while the child swings, the toy suspends the ball in the air.
In fact, Thinsulation makes moving fingers in cold weather easier since it blocks out the bone-chilling freeze in the air.
These usually incorporate a filter system that weeds out any particulates in the air that might end up triggering sneezing, coughing, or rashes.
They also reduce lingering smells in the air from trashcans, food, or messes.
All of Bionaire air purifiers are proven to remove up to 99.97 percent of the containments found in the air.
Air purifiers reduce the amount of dust and allergens in the air inside your home, making it easier for you to breath.
These purifiers suck in the air in a room, process it, and produce cleaner air.
Purifiers remove dust and debris particles that float around in the air inside your home and cause allergies.
When turned on, the air conditioner uses a fan to suck in the air from a room.
These models contain an ionizer that charges the particles in the air.
Have you ever smelled a difference in the air at the base of a waterfall or after a lightning-charged thunderstorm passes through?
Once the number of positively charged particles in the air diminishes, the air in the room will smell cleaner and crisper, like it does outside after a thunderstorm passes through.
It utilizes HEPASilent™ technology, a three-tiered system that guarantees removal of 99.97 percent of all contaminants in the air that are as small as 1.0 microns.
The only sound that will be heard is a static sound when there is excess moisture in the air.
Dehumidifiers help regulate the moisture in the air inside a room by creating a cold surface that draws in and condenses the water in the air.
They can even put a little romance in the air if you need a sweet pick-me-up.
There are anti-tarnish cloths available that you can place in your storage area that will absorb pollutants in the air.
Even before the instructor could ask for a third volunteer, hands were waving in the air.
This is a mainstay in the air sign's overall makeup, but even this socialite needs a bit of down time.
Tell the toddlers to try and pop all of the bubbles while they're still in the air.
The receiving player must hit the ball back either while it is still in the air or after only one bounce.
The very phrase 'movie matinee' is redolent with imagery - sultry summer days, dusty roads and a few bucks in your pocket as you barefoot down to the theater to loll in the air conditioning for a few hours.
A sudden shiver overtook her as she felt a distinct chill in the air.
For example, manyorbs turn out to be particles of dust, pollen or moisture in the air.
Currently, Days has been renewed through 2013 with an option to be picked up through 2014, but declining ratings and a changing audience have left its future up in the air after that.
The site also includes information about impermanent modifications like temporary tattoos and a section on the practice of suspension-hanging in the air from hooks placed through the skin.
Offered by the Flight of Angels, a helium air balloon takes its passengers four hundred feet up in the air.
The model meets Breitling's strict standards for durability on land, at sea, or in the air.
Focus on lifting your hips in the air while you lower your head between your biceps.
However, stay away from coastal areas that may have high salt content in the air.
Simply lie on your back and arrange your legs how they'll be positioned when you are in the air.
The Flyers are the flexible performers that go up in the air above the bases, whether perched on their hands or tossed up in mid-air.
Unfortunately, even with the best safety precautions, sometimes flyers go up in the air only to land on the hard ground below instead of being caught by teammates.
Woot!" and pump their fists in the air than they are to yell "Go, Spartans!"
Position the legs as they will be when you are in the air and place your hands in the correct position.
Less flexible cheerleaders should not attempt the heel stretch in the air until their leg muscles are sufficiently pliable.
Until you can balance perfectly on the floor while doing a heel stretch, you should not attempt to do this stunt in the air.
Good balance is also essential, but if you've got your splits in fine order, the heel stretch is a split in the air.
Generally small and athletic, flyers perform the stunts in the air.
To finish the stunt, both teammates hit a "high V" with their arms in the air.
This paper craft can go from easy to complicated in no time as people alter their designs to try to make their crafts stay in the air longer.
Keeping your lower back pressed firmly against the floor at all times, bring your knees up to a 45-degree angle and begin a bicycle pedaling kind of motion in the air.
Romantic_French_Phrases can help you with the bon mot for those times when romance is in the air.
Chorus - Raise your hands up in the air and scream/We're finding our voice/Following our dreams.
The first challenge usually involved some kind of physical challenge with an element of fear, like walking on tightropes high in the air or bungee jumping.
By the end of season one, despite the group's best efforts to appear united, "us against them" tension was definitely in the air.
The series aired 24 episodes, ending on an extravagent special-effect-laden cliff-hanger with some of the main characters lost, some dead and the outcome of a potential peace negotiation very much up in the air.
On a spinning incline from start to finish, Goblet of Fire is the buzzing excitement and anticipation, the static in the air before the players enter the field to play out the game.
Thread falls like rain, but can be burned in the air by the flaming breath of the giant dragons.
On his Firefly class ship, named Serenity, Mal struggles to keep his boat in the air and his hand-picked crew fed by accepting any and every job he is offered.
The instrument can be played as it hangs in the air or you can lay it down, as most musicians do because it is easier to play.
However, space heaters will decrease the humidity in the air and further dry out your skin.
I usually recommend something organic so we are balancing the intense toxins in the air with something pure for the body."
The black color is often mistaken for dirt; in fact, it is the combination of melanin and oxygen in the air that is responsible for the color.
They are a fun and simple way to let someone in the Air Force know that you care and that you are thinking of him.
There was a window to see through, but it blocked the debris in the air so that the workers wouldn't breathe it in as they did their job.
She paused, sucking in a deep breath, and then threw her hands in the air in defeat.
He let the cliché hang ominously in the air.
Here and there, calves frolicked with each other, kicking their heels in the air and bellowing their delight at the balmy weather.
Mary threw her hands in the air.
Dusty felt the slow change in the air around him and tensed.
Another tension was in the air of the banquet.
Carmen threw her hands in the air.
The sight of Jessi made Xander's heart quicken, almost as much as the scent of her blood in the air.