In-the-act Sentence Examples
He reached out to take the hourglass, grazing her skin in the act.
Curses, caught in the act.
Hastings was named in the act as governor-general for a term of five years.
In this picture three men are represented as having played a bowl, while the fourth is in the act of delivering his bowl.
The bowler delivers his bowl with one foot on a mat or footer, made of india-rubber or cocoanut fibre, the size of which is also prescribed by rule as 24 by 16 in., though, with a view to protecting the green, Australasian clubs employ a much larger size, and require the bowler to keep both feet on the mat in the act of delivery.
While Cook was speculating on the cause of this phenomenon, and was in the act of ordering out the boats to take soundings, the " Endeavour " struck heavily, and fell over so much that the guns, spare cables, and other heavy gear had at once to be thrown overboard to lighten the ship. As day broke, attempts were made to float the vessel off with the morning tide; but these were unsuccessful.
Economy in capital outlay and cheapness in construction is indeed the characteristic generally associated with light railways by the public, and implicitly attached to them by parliament in the act of 1896, and any simplifications of the engineering or mechanical features they may exhibit compared with the standard railways of the country are mainly, if not entirely, due to the desire to keep down their expenses.
The French were victorious, but Gaston fell in the act of pursuing the enemy.
The number of senators was reduced to 50, the number of commoners to 120, and the manner of choosing senators and commoners was changed as directed in the act providing for the convention.
A slave, having detected her in the act of embracing it and supposing it to be a lover, informed her father, who ordered her to burn the image; whereupon she threw herself with it into the flames.
AdvertisementSuch foundations had been created from the earliest times, and the execution of the testator's wishes was generally left to his descendants, under the supervision of some high official designated in the act of endowment.
Sebastiani, commanding the advanced guard, overtook the Russians in the act of evacuating Moscow, and agreed with the latter to observe a seven hours' armistice to allow the Russians to clear the town, for experience had shown the French that street fighting in wooden Russian townships always meant fire and the consequent destruction of much-needed shelter and provisions.
It may, however, well be that both peach and almond are derived from some pre-existing and now extinct form whose descendants have spread over the whole geographic area mentioned; but this is a mere speculation, though indirect evidence in its support might be obtained from the nectarine, of which no mention is made in ancient literature, and which, as we have seen, originates from the peach and reproduces itself by seed, thus offering the characteristics of a species in the act of developing itself.
It will be observed that the legality of the trial, in so far as the jurors were not properly qualified and the law of treason was shamefully strained, was denied in the act of William & Mary which annulled the attainder.
In 1621 an act of the Scottish parliament accorded to the university all rights and privileges enjoyed by other universities in the kingdom, and these were renewed under fresh guarantees in the treaty of union between England and Scotland, and in the Act of Security.
AdvertisementThe invasion of 1054 was checked by the battle of Mortemer; in 1058 the French rearguard was cut to pieces at Varaville on the Dive, in the act of 'crossing the stream.
But he pointed out also that the question of a separate bank did not actually figure in the act of 1867, and that it could not be introduced into it, more especially since the capital article of the ministerial programme, i.e.
Thus Arakawa Reiun, one of Kouns most brilliant pupils, has exhibited a figure of a swordsman in the act of driving home a furious thrust.
We see a black crow tightly holding a human mask which he is in the act of incubating.
He was in the act of issuing his orders when a psychological wave swept through the fighting-line, and the men rose and rushed the village at the point of the bayonet.
AdvertisementThe obligations involved in the act of homage were more general than those associated with the oath of fealty, but they provided a strong moral sanction for more specific engagements.
Forchhammer, however, pointed out that this method gave inexact and variable results, as in the act of.
Some provisions for reciprocity arrangements with other countries, opening the way for possible reductions of duty by treaty arrangements, were also incorporated in the act of 1897, though with limitations which made it improbable that any considerable changes would ensue from this policy.
Some such provisions had also been contained in the act of 1890, but here also without important results.
General McClellan had captured the passes of South Mountain farther east on the 14th, and his Army of the Potomac marched to meet Lee's forces which, hitherto divided, had, by the 16th, successfully concentrated between the Antietam and the Potomac. The Confederate Army of Northern Virginia occupied a position which, in relation to the surrounding country, may be compared to the string of a bow in the act of being drawn, Lee's left wing forming the upper half of the string, his right the lower, and the Potomac in his rear the bow itself.
AdvertisementThe gesture described was probably the same as that with which a Christian priest averts demonic influences from the heads of his congregation in the act of blessing them.
No definition of the meaning of the words "adjacent waters" was given in the act.
He took a prominent part in the corn-law debates of 1814 and 1815; and in 1819 he presented a memorandum to Lord Liverpool advocating a large reduction in the unfunded debt, and explaining a method for the resumption of cash payments, which was embodied in the act passed the same year.
The United States government therefore proposed that the signatories should insert in the act of ratification a reservation to the effect that resort to the International Prize Court, in respect of decisions of their national tribunals, should take the form of a direct claim for compensation.
That the sense of touch is highly developed seems quite certain, because the bird, although it may not be audibly sniffing, will always first touch an object with the point of its bill, whether in the act of feeding or of surveying the ground; and when shut up in a cage or confined in a room it may be heard, all through the night, tapping softly at the walls..
So intense is the cold in Tibet that these springs are sometimes represented by columns of ice, the nearly boiling water having frozen in the act of ejection.
Hence in the act of solidifying it expels any excess of gas which it has dissolved while liquid, and this gas becomes entangled in the freezing mass, causing gas bubbles or blowholes, as at A and B in fig.
The emperor Francis Joseph pointed out that the question of a separate Bank for Hungary did not figure in the act of 1867, and could not be introduced into it, especially since the capital article of the ministerial programme, i.e.
The word "animal" in the act includes bird, beast, fish or reptile.
Again, from different points of the cortex the assunIption of the requisite positions of the tongue, lips, cheeks, palate and epiglottis, as components in the act of sucking, can be provoked singly.
Bodvildr and her attendant also appear, and Egill, who in one version made VOlundr's wings, is depicted in the act of catching birds.
Besides the abolition of tests, effected by the act of 1871, many of the reforms there suggested, such as the revival of the faculties, the reorganization of the professoriate, the abolition of celibacy as a condition of the tenure of fellowships, and the combination of the colleges for lecturing purposes, were incorporated in the act of 1877, or subsequently adopted by the university.
His death in the act of maintaining his rights was of the greatest service to his house and of corresponding disadvantage to the enemy.
The pure ego is inferred from the fact that the non-ego is realized only in the act of the ego in positing it.
Damage done to or loss of cargo necessarily caused in the act of discharging, storing, reloading and stowing shall be made good as G.A.
Nothing in the act was to extend to religious orders of females.
One inevitable consequence of materialism is that subject and object can no longer be regarded as one in the act of perception, as Plato and Aristotle tended to assume, however imperfectly the assumption was carried out.
It will be seen, therefore, that for some purposes, called in the act general county purposes, the entire county, including all boroughs other than county boroughs, is assessed to the county rate; while for others, called special county purposes, certain boroughs are now assessed.
Among the powers and duties given to county councils by the Local Government Act 1888, the first to be mentioned, following the order in the act itself, is that of the appointment ty of county coroners.
The third part of the act deals with what is called in the act working-class lodging-houses.
Another group of sketches shows the horse galloping or rearing in violent action, in some instances in the act of trampling a fallen enemy.
Joan's knowledge of the prophecy does not, however, appear till 1429; and already before that, from 1424, according to her account at her trial, she 1 In the"act of ennoblement the name is spelt Day, due probably to the peculiar pronunciation.
This view of liberty of will is the only one in accordance with the facts of humanity; it excludes reflective volition, and explains the enthusiasm of the poet and the artist in the act of creation; it explains also the ordinary actions of mankind, which are done as a rule spontaneously and not after reflective deliberation.
In a famous picture by Apelles she was represented under this title as if just emerged from the sea and in the act of wringing her tresses.
To commemorate this exploit, a statue of the poetess, in the act of putting on a helmet, with books lying at her feet, was set up in the temple of Aphrodite at Argos.
Elaborate provisions were also made in the act for fixing the proportion of the grant to which each county should be entitled, and the lord-lieutenant was empowered to pay half-yearly the proportion so ascertained to the county council.
The king, having succeeded in taking refuge at Chartres, ended, however, by granting him in the Act of Union all that he had refused in face of the barricades the post of lieutenant-general of the kingdom and the proscription of Protestantism.
Hundreds of thousands of Moors were driven out from the country on subsequent occasions, and in the act Spain lost the best of her agriculturists and handicraftsmen.
It would be difficult to imagine anything more exhilarating to a beginner in bee-keeping than the sight of his first hive in the act of swarming.
The possibly apocryphal story is that King John was discovered in the act of cuckolding a man of modest means.
Deacon paused in the act of fiddling with the strange looking contraption strapped to his wrist.
In November 2001 a judicial review ruled that creating cloned human embryos lay outwith the strict definition of embryos in the Act.
However, this option is only available where the applicant has first sought to apply all other derogations listed in the Act.
A pitheadman, named John Maxton, was in the act of putting in an empty hutch on the cage.
This ensures that powers that continue on the granter's incapacity can only be granted by opting into the provisions in the Act.
Those people died intentionally in the act of killing infidels.
These are not moments of abandonment - viewer and artist remain self-conscious in the act of experiencing.
Here we provide some useful tips for doing just that, examining the salient points of each Article in the Act.
The first player's bowl has come to rest just in front of the jack; the second has delivered his bowl and is following after it with one of those eccentric contortions still not unusual on modern greens, the first player meanwhile making a repressive gesture with his hand, as if to urge the bowl to stop short of his own; the third player is depicted as in the act of delivering his bowl.
In January 1643 he seized the royalist high sheriff of Hertfordshire in the act of proclaiming the king's commission of array at St Albans; in February he was at Cambridge taking measures for the defence of the town; in March suppressing royalist risings at Lowestoft and Lynn; in April those of Huntingdon, when he also recaptured Crowland from the king's party.
This declaration was again repeated by the Commons in 1689 on the occasion of another attack made upon Danby in that year, and was finally embodied in the Act of Settlement in 1701.
The symbolism employed by Mithraism finds its best illustration in the large central relief, which represents Mithras in the act of slaying the bull as a sacrifice to bring about terrestrial life, and thus portrays the concluding scenes in the legend of the sacred animal.
His main idea was that the sacrament of the Lord's Supper was not the repetition of the sacrifice of Christ, but the faithful remembrance that that sacrifice had been made once for all; and his deeper idea of faith, which included in the act of faith a real union and communion of the faithful soul with Christ, really preserved what was also most valuable in the distinctively Lutheran doctrine.
Xylographa, e, f, Two soredia in the act of germinating; the Graphis, &c.) or hyphal envelope has grown out below into G none (e.g.
It represents a man in the act of turning a somersault over the horns of a charging bull, a unique rendering of a familiar theme in Minoan art.
In some cases of induction concerned with objects capable of abstraction and simplification, we have a power of identification, by which, not a priori but in the act of inducing a conclusion, we apprehend that the things signified ..SisP.
Thomson, the successor of Maxwell and Lord Rayleigh in the Cavendish chair of physics in the university of Cambridge, began about the year 1899 a remarkable series of investigations on the cathode discharge, which finally enabled him to make a measurement of the ratio of the electric charge to the mass of the particles of matter projected from the cathode, and to show that this electric charge was identical with the atomic electric charge carried by a hydrogen ion in the act of electrolysis, but that the mass of the cathode particles, or " corpuscles " as he called them, was far less, viz.
To the young Michelangelo was presently entrusted a rival battle-piece to be painted on another wall of the same apartment; he chose, as is well known, a surprise of the Florentine forces in the act of bathing near Pisa.
Avicenna's view of the universal may be compared with that of Abelard, which calls it " that whose nature it is to be predicated of several," as if the generality became explicit only in the act of predication, in the sermo or proposition, and not in the abstract, unrelated form or essence.
She liked to feel the cat purr; and if by chance she felt a dog in the act of barking, she showed great pleasure.
Staring out at us with wide, startled eyes, they seem almost to have been caught in the act.
Perhaps the most vivid portrait offered is of the creative mind in the act of creating.
While there really isn't a definite way to tell if someone is lying unless you catch him in the act or have him take a lie detector test (and even these tests can be wrong), you can become your own personal detector with a few techniques.
Since the signs are scattered across the property and on the roads leading up to it, there have been no eyewitnesses on hand to catch the vandals in the act.
It didn't matter that the scene was portrayed as a dream sequence - the image of Christ in the act of sex with Mary Magdalene was too much for many people to stomach.
The best way to correct your dog is to catch him in the act and yell "NO" very loudly and firmly.
When housebreaking a dog, it is critical to catch the dog in the act of voiding and correct the action then and there.
If you did not catch the puppy in the act but do find spots, clean them using an odor eliminating spray so the puppy cannot smell the old urine.
Your goal is to catch a notorious cat burglar in the act of her final job in Telgrad.
If you're wearing makeup instead of a mask, you may want to practice your tongue waggle to get in the act.
If you suspect your man is seeing another woman, sometimes the only way to find out is to catch him in the act.
Zoe, in order to cover up her lies, then began sleeping with Den and Dennis eventually caught the two in the act and exposed Zoe's lies.
A later performance received flack from PETA for her use of animals in the act.
What they don't know is that there's a hidden camera trying to catch them in the act of looking at their competitor's private medical folders.