In-relation-to Sentence Examples
The great interest in connexion with a dwarf West African race of elephant is in relation to the fossil pigmy elephants of the limestone fissures and caves of Malta and Cyprus.
Still, the close relationship of the existing Liberian pigmy hippopotamus to the fossil Mediterranean species is significant, in relation to the foregoing observations on the elephant.
Owing to the great distances which must be covered, and also to the defective means of communication in sparsely settled districts, the costs of the postal service in Argentina are unavoidably high in relation to the receipts.
He was the author of a number of works, of which the most notable besides Ocean to Ocean are, Advantages of Imperial Federation (1889), Our National Objects and Aims (1890), Religions of the World in Relation to Christianity (1894) and volumes of sermons and lectures.
Since our conception of velocity is essentially relative, it is plain that any property possessed by a body in virtue of its motion can be effectively possessed by it only in relation to those bodies with respect to which it is moving.
During the first week of April Convocation sat almost from day to day to determine questions of fact and law in relation to Catherine's marriage with Henry as affected by her previous marriage with his brother Arthur.
Very curious, in relation to modern evolutional ideas, is the Stoical doctrine that our world is but one of a series of exactly 1 Zeller says that through this distinction Aristotle first made possible the idea of development.
Lewes points out that Leibnitz is inconsistent in his account of the intelligence of man in relation to that of lower animals, since when answering Locke he no longer regards these as differing in degree only.
The development of man is explained in connexion with that of the earth, and in relation to climatic variations, &c.
For evolution in relation to society see Sociology.
AdvertisementIn fleshy leaves which contain a great bulk of tissue in relation to their chlorophyll content, the central mesophyll contains little or no chlorophyll and acts as waterstorage tissue.
The abundance of waterconducting channels is in relation to the need for a large and rapid supply of water to the unfolding leaves in the spring and early summer.
It stands in relation to Danish history somewhat as Westminster Abbey does to English, containing the tombs of most of the Danish kings from Harold I.
The zemstvos were originally given large powers in relation to the incidence of taxation, and such questions as education, public health, roads and the like.
The bill was withdrawn on the 11th of August 1903, Lord Morley appealing to the Board of Trade to bring in a more comprehensive measure to amend the unsatisfactory state of legislation in relation to tramways and light railways.
AdvertisementThe points in relation to this offering which are clearly demonstrable from the Christian writers of the first two centuries, but which subsequent theories have tended to confuse, are these.
The main points in which the pre-medieval formularies of both the Eastern and the Western Churches agree in relation to the Christian sacrifice are the following.
Most frequently it appears historically, in relation to some definite system of belief, as a reaction of the spirit against the letter.
Hence the study of the mountain ranges of a continent is, for a proper apprehension of its physical conditions and characteristics, as essential as the examination of its extent and position in relation to the equator and poles, and the configuration of its coasts.
That he did not reform at a stroke all ancient abuses appears particularly in relation to the practice of blood revenge; to put an end to this deep-rooted custom would have been an impossibility.
AdvertisementFor its size and in relation to its sheep population Wales harbours the disease to a far greater extent than the other divisions of Great Britain.
And in the same spirit Mill desired, whilst incorporating all the results arrived at in the special science by Smith's successors, to exhibit purely economic phenomena in relation to the most advanced conceptions of his own time in the general philosophy of society, as Smith had done in reference to the philosophy of his century.
A correct sense of proportion and the faculty of seizing upon the dominant factors in an historical problem are the result partly of the possession of certain natural gifts in which many individuals and some nations are conspicuously wanting, partly of general knowledge of the working of the economic and political institutions of the period we are studying, partly of what takes the place of practical experience in relation to modern problems, namely, detailed acquaintance with different kinds of original sources and the historical imagination by which we can realize the life and the ideals of past generations.
They have to be interpreted in every age in relation to the state of society, the other motives or ideals with which they are associated, the kind of action they inspire, and the means through which they operate.
In modern problems we can watch the economic machine actually at work, cross-examine our witnesses, see that delicate interplay of passions and interests which cannot be set down or described in a document, and acquire a certain sense of touch in relation to the questions at issue which manuscripts and records cannot impart.
AdvertisementOf what possible use are the works of the so-called classical writers, except in relation to the history of economics and the practical influence of theory in past times ?
The same may be said of another subject, too frequently neglected by earlier writers, to which due significance has been given in the best recent work, namely, time in relation to value.
Green was thus driven, not theoretically, but as a practical necessity, to raise again the whole question of man in relation to nature.
A man accustomed to devote the whole of his time to the study of demand and supply in relation to cotton, after some years of experience, will be qualified ordinarily to form fairly accurate judgments of the prices to be expected.
Such specialists have appeared in the cotton brokers and dealers who make their living out of bearing the risks connected with anticipating demand and supply in relation to cotton.
William James distinguishes the transmissive function of the brain from the productive in relation to thought, and admits only the former, and not the latter (Human Immortality, p. 32).
During this process of growth the kingdom stood in relation to two sects of powers - the three Frankish principalities in northern Syria, and the Mahommedan powers both of the Euphrates and the Nile - whose action affected its growth and character.
The part played by conscience in relation to general moral laws and particular cases will vary according to the view taken of the character of the general laws.
By manumission the Athenian slave became in relation to the state a metic, in relation to his master a client.
Yet general sentiment seems to have given a stronger sanction to this sort of connexion; the names of husband and wife are freely used in relation to slaves on the stage, and even in the laws, and in the language of the tombs.
The orbits of earth and moon are elliptical, so that the earth is sometimes nearer, sometimes farther away from the sun, and the same is the case with the moon in relation to the earth.
More specifically the word has been restricted to emotional states which are in relation to persons.
When therefore sensible uniformity is desired, the radius of the ring should he large in relation to that of the convolutions, or the ring should have the form of a short cylinder with thin walls.
When the ellipsoid is so much elongated that I is negligible in relation to m'-, the expression approximates to the simpler form N=412 (log 201-I).
The distinguishing feature of the first is the steepness of its outlines; this indicates that the induction increases rapidly in relation to the magnetic force, and hence the metal is well suited for the construction of dynamo magnets.
It may be that, just as the usages of civilized nations have slowly crystallized into international law, so there may come a time when the political principles that govern states in relation to each other will be so clearly defined and so generally accepted as to acquire something of a legal or quasi-legal character.
Outside the scientific world an immense mass of observation and experiment had grown up in relation to this subject.
The immediate result was, as pointed out above, a reconstruction of the classification of animals upon a genealogical basis, and an investigation of the individual development of animals in relation to the steps of their gradual building up by cell-division, with a view to obtaining evidence of their genetic relationships.
The work on diseases of women is the only complete work on that subject which has come down to us from antiquity, and shows remarkable fullness of practical knowledge in relation to its subject.
This explains the position of Middlesex in relation to London.
In the same way glass can be rendered more or less fusible, and its stability can be increased both in relation to extremes of temperature and to the chemical action of solvents.
In 1847 he was made tutor of his college, and in 1853 he delivered the Bampton lectures, his subject being "The Atoning Work of Christ viewed in Relation to some Ancient Theories."
So long as they were fulfilled, he, and his heir after him, held the fief as his property, practically and in relation to all under tenants as if precarium and patrocinium were lacking.
Hence he is spoken of with respect in the Clementines; while Paul, as a radical in relation to the Law, is discountenanced.
The technology of distillation is best studied in relation to the several industries in which it is employed; reference should be made to the articles COAL-TAR, GAS, PETROLEUM, SPIRITS, NITRIC ACID, &c. (C. E.*)
Like Mach, he started from the principle of economy of thinking, and in the Kritik endeavoured to explain pure experience in relation to knowledge and environment.
Comte's special object is a study of social physics, a science that before his advent was still to be formed; his second object is a review of the methods and leading generalities of all the positive sciences already formed, so that we may know both what system of inquiry to follow in our new science, and also where the new science will stand in relation to other knowledge.
The elaboration of these ideas in relation to the history of the civilization of the most advanced portion of the human race occupies two of the volumes of the Positive Philosophy, and has been accepted by very different schools as a masterpiece of rich, luminous, and far-reaching suggestion.
It was not possible, however, that the theistic idea could be discussed in relation to nature only.
In 1901, Professor Max Neuberger of Vienna called attention to certain anticipations of modern views made by Swedenborg in relation to the functions of the brain.
The first difficulty was to make it sufficiently light in relation to the power its machinery could develop; and several machines were built in which trials were made of steam, and of compressed air and carbonic acid gas as motive agents.
The importance is now widely recognized of considering the mechanical properties of alloys in connexion with the freezing-point curves to which reference has already been made, but the subject is a very complicated one, and all that need be said here, is that when considered in relation to their meltingpoints the pure metals are consistently weaker than alloys.
The result was, however, extremely bad for the allies, whose status in the league necessarily became lower in relation to that of Athens, while at the same time their military and naval resources correspondingly diminished.
In this article an account will be given of the general significance of Montanism in relation to the history of the Church in the 2nd century, followed by a sketch of its origin, development and decline.
It was a very important experience in relation to his life-work.
His reconstruction of the creed of Aphraates is interesting in relation to the other traces of a Syriac creed form existing prior to the 4th century.
He is not a person of much importance in history except in relation to a strange theory raised in a later age about his birth, which we shall notice presently.
It might be supposed that all possible methods had now been considered, and that a combination of the three methods which have established their validity in relation to the interpretation of the Apocalypse would be adequate to the solution of all the problems of the book, but this is not so; for even when each in turn has vindicated the provinces in the book that rightly belong to it, and brought intelligibility into these areas, there still remain outlying regions which they fail to illumine.
But these ideas are themselves intelligible only in relation to one another and to the whole.
It was these paradoxes that Kant sought to rebut by a more thoroughgoing criticism of the basis of knowledge the substance of which is summed up in his celebrated Refuta tion of Idealism,' wherein he sought to undermine Hume's scepticism by carrying it one step further and demonstrating that not only is all knowledge of self or object excluded, but the consciousness of any series of impressions and ideas is itself impossible except in relation to some external permanent and universally accepted world of objects.
Heat and cold, rain and drought, the winds in relation to the points of the compass, were nearest their wants and supplies, and were never out of their thoughts.
The law under which the census of 1840 was taken contained a novel provision for the preparation in connexion with the census of statistical tables giving "such information in relation to mines, agriculture, commerce, manufactures and schools as will exhibit a full view of the pursuits, industry, education and resources of the country."
But after half a century's further experience, public opinion, stimulated by growing need for common action in relation to certain practical problems of home and foreign work, proved ripe for the realization of the earlier idea in its double form.
Prescot was formerly of greater importance in relation to the now populous district of south-west Lancashire; it was also a postal centre, and it is curious to notice that such addresses as.
In order to understand the attitude which the Free State took at this time in relation to the Transvaal, it is necessary to review the history of Mr Reitz from an earlier date.
These antinomies are four - two mathematical, two dynamical - connected with (I) the limitation of the universe in respect of space and time, (2) the theory that the whole consists of indivisible atoms (whereas, in fact, none such exist), (3) the problem of freedom in relation to universal causality, (4) the existence of a universal being - about each of which pure reason contradicts the empirical, as thesis and antithesis.
The stability of such structures depends on the position of the line of pressure in relation to the extrados and intrados of the arch ring.
It may be admitted that, in many cases, the distinction between Ultramontanism and Catholicism cannot be clearly traced; and it is impossible to draw a sharp line of severance between the two, which could be absolutely valid under all circumstances and in relation to all questions.
Whilst all who approached the queen bore witness to her candour and reasonableness in relation to her ministers, all likewise proclaimed how anxiously she considered advice that was submitted to her before letting herself be persuaded that she must accept it for the good of her people.
According to the early disciples Jesus was the Jewish Messiah, and had significance only in relation to the expected Messianic kingdom.
It was this book which first put before the world, with Schwegler's characteristic boldness and clearness, the results of the critical labours of the earlier representatives of the new Tubingen school in relation to the first development of Christianity.
General McClellan had captured the passes of South Mountain farther east on the 14th, and his Army of the Potomac marched to meet Lee's forces which, hitherto divided, had, by the 16th, successfully concentrated between the Antietam and the Potomac. The Confederate Army of Northern Virginia occupied a position which, in relation to the surrounding country, may be compared to the string of a bow in the act of being drawn, Lee's left wing forming the upper half of the string, his right the lower, and the Potomac in his rear the bow itself.
He also devoted much attention to the study of obscure morbid conditions like hysteria, especially in relation to hypnotism; indeed, it is in connexion with his investigation into the phenomena and results of the latter that his name is popularly known.
The new view clears away some manifest difficulties in the reconciliation of the Epistle and the Acts, and the early date for Galatians in relation to the other Pauline epistles is not so improbable as it may seem; but the chronology still appears more satisfactory on the older view, which enables the conversion to be placed at least three years later than on the alternative theory.
The isothermal lines, in fact, suggest that in the vast area of the Pacific something corresponding to the " planetary circulation " is established, further investigation of which may be of extreme value in relation to current inquiries concerning the upper air.
Thus, for the first time in the world's history, the ultimate problem of faith is based on the relation of God to the individual believer; and this problem Jeremiah is compelled to face mainly in relation to his own personality, to assure himself that his own faith is a trLic, possession and lifts him above all the calamities that assail him, in spite of the hopeless ruin of his nation.
In 1784 the French government decided that new tables of sines, tangents, &c., and their logarithms, should be calculated in relation to the centesimal division of the quadrant.
Clearly then the question which the myth of the Primal Man is intended to answer in relation to the whole universe is answered in relation to the nature of man by this account of the coming into being of the first man, which may, moreover, have been influenced by the account in the Old Testament.
Owing to the circumstance that the great majority of the Mexican people own no property, carry on no industry, and are not even to be considered regular productive labourers, the revenues are small in relation to the population and are comparatively inelastic.
Each probate court, consisting of a single judge, has jurisdiction within its county of the probate of wills, of the granting of administration, in insolvency proceedings, and in relation to the adoption of children; it may appoint and remove guardians of minors, insane persons and spendthrifts, and, upon application, may change a person's name.
The wife may hold, acquire and manage property the same as if she were single; she is also subject to the same liabilities in relation to her property as a single woman except that no contract or conveyance by her as surety or guarantor for her husband is binding.
Dana introduced the term "as" for this rough kind of lava-stream, whilst he applied the term "pahoehoe" to those flows which have a smooth surface, or are simply wrinkled and ropy; these terms being used in this sense in Hawaii, in relation to the local lavas.
And neither is intelligible, except in relation to the rival theory of Ultramontanism.
Nevertheless the resemblance between the biology of this organism in relation to syphilis (as regards mode of infection, habitat, &c.) and that of Trypanosoma equiperdum, the cause of dourine or " horse-syphilis," may not be without significance.
Thus we pass from Egoistic to Universalistic hedonism, Utilitarianism, Social Ethics, more especially in relation to the still broader theories of evolution.
One of the most important contributions to the discussion is that of Sir Leslie Stephen (Science of Ethics), who elaborated a theory of the "social organism" in relation to the individual.
The plains may be described in northern, intermediate, central and southern sections, in relation to certain peculiar features.
Similar myths are found in relation to the Finnish smith-god Ilmarinen, who made a golden woman, and the Teutonic Wieland; a belief in the magical power of metal-workers is a common survival from an age in which their art was new and mysterious.
But however vague and uncertain might be the meaning of Hoadly in regard to several of the important bearings of the questions around which he aroused discussion, he was explicit in denying the power of the Church over the conscience, and its right to determine the condition of men in relation to the favour of God.
The resulting reaction caused a regrettable loss of life in the Madras and Bombay famine of 1876-1878; and the Famine Commission of 1880, followed by those of 1898 and 1901, laid down the principle that every possible life must be saved, but that the wages on relief works must be so regulated in relation to the market rate of wages as not to undermine the independence of the people.
If a witness answers truly all questions which he is required by the court to answer, he is entitled to receive a certificate of indemnity, which will save him from all proceedings for any offence under the Corrupt Practices Acts committed by him before the date of the certificate at or in relation to the election, except proceedings to enforce any incapacity incurred by such offence.
The extent to which these two attitudes have been combined or separated is discussed in the ensuing article which deals with the various schools of modern metaphysics in relation to the principles of the Aristotelian " first philosophy."
After the repudiation of the British protectorate of the Ionian Islands, the order was placed on a new basis, and by letters patent of 1868 and 1877 it was extended and provided for such of " the natural born subjects of the Crown of the United Kingdom as may have held or shall hold high and confidential offices within her majesty's colonial possessions, and in reward for services rendered to the crown in relation to the foreign affairs of the Empire."
The endiking of low lands against the sea which had been quietly proceeding during the first eleven centuries of the Christian era, received a fresh impetus in the 12th and 13th centuries from the fact that the level of the sea then became higher in relation to that of the land.
Professors Peter Jensen and Zimmern have also done excellent work in the same field and, together with Haupt, have established the correct method of investigating the Sumerian vocables, which should be studied only in relation to the Sumerian literature.
Either we have a right to the assumption contained in the conception of the individual mind as standing in relation to things, in which case the grounds of the assumption must be sought elsewhere than in the results of this reciprocal relation, or we have no right to the assumption, in which case reference to the reciprocal relation can hardly be accepted as yielding any solution of the psychological problem.
For the first of these the reader is referred to the article Ethics, where Theology Hume's views are placed in relation to those of his pre- and ethics.
Berkeley had already, in the Querist, attacked the mercan t i le theory of the nature of national wealth and the functions of money, and Locke had, in a partial manner, shown that political economy could with advantage be viewed in relation to the modern system of critical philosophy.
The spirit in which he acted may be judged of from The Reformed Pastor, a book published in relation to the general ministerial efforts he promoted.
Its author himself, in tracing its filiation, points to the phrase "struggle for existence" used by Malthus in relation to the social competition.
In considering vernation we must take into account both the manner in which each individual leaf is folded and also the arrangement of the leaves in relation to each other.
Since, however, the evidence of ordinary consciousness almost always goes to prove that the individual, especially in relation to future acts, regards himself as being free within certain limitations to make his own choice of alternatives, many determinists go so far as to admit that there may be in any action which is neither reflex nor determined by external causes solely an element of freedom.
The depth of the feeders is the same in relation to the conductor.
In such theories not only animals and plants but even the smallest particles of matter are regarded as having some rudimentary kind of sensation or "soul," which plays the same part in relation to their objective activities or modifications as the soul does in the case of human beings.
Each measure had, therefore, to be considered not only on its own merits, but in relation to the general balance of advantage, and an amendment in one might bring about the rejection of all.
The position of the embryo in relation to the endosperm varies, sometimes it is internal, sometimes external, but the significance of this has not yet been established.
Advance has been along two lines, markedly in relation to insect-pollination, one of which has culminated in the hypogynous epipetalous bicarpellate forms with dorsiventral often large and loosely arranged flowers such as occur in Scrophulariaceae, and the other in the epigynous bicarpellate small-flowered families of which the Compositae represent the most elaborate type.
The watershed of the Southern Uplands is of much interest in relation to their geological history.
The Episcopalians, in this period, were nearly as much perturbed as the Presbyterians, by questions as to the election of bishops in relation to their exiled king, and by the introduction of ritualism in the shape of " the usages."
It is derived from the adjective rab (in Aramaic, and frequently also in Hebrew, "great"), which acquired in modern Hebrew the signification of "lord," in relation to servants or slaves, and of "teacher," "master," in relation to the disciple.
The aim of this review was to give a critical account, certified by the names of the contributors, of the literary and philosophical productions of the time, in relation to the general progress of knowledge.
The fact that the southern extremity of South America is the only land extending into this belt gives it special physical importance in relation to tides and currents, and its position with reference to the Antarctic Ocean and continent makes it convenient to regard it as a separate ocean from which the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans may be said to radiate.
He held that in relation to the will things possess an objective fitness similar to the mutual consistency of things in the physical universe.
On April 2 Brusati sent a further report upon the concentration of enemy troops in the Trentino, and stated that he had taken the steps which he considered to be most opportune in relation to the means at his disposal.
If what are to be conjoined are severally in relation to a common third it does perforce relate or conjoin them.
One of the chief practical objections to air-engines is the great bulk of the working substance in relation to the amount of heat that is utilized in the working of the engine.
Since Kant the two phrases have become purely adjectival (instead of adverbial) with a technical controversial sense, closely allied to the Aristotelian, in relation to knowledge and judgments generally.
Over such an extensive area there is, of course, great variety in the climatic character of different districts, especially when viewed in relation to health.
This theory gives birth to a sort of ethical by-product whose dominant note is Harmony, the subordination of the individual to the universal reason; moral failure is proportionate to the degree in which the individual declines to recognize his personal transience in relation to the eternal Unity.
The remarkable federation of the Dominion of Canada which was thus originated presented the unique feature of a federal union of provinces practically exercising sovereign rights in relation to all local self-government, and sustaining a constitutional autonomy, while cherishing the colonial relationship to Great Britain.
Peter's function in relation to the Gentiles belongs to the early Palestinian conditions, before Paul's distinctive mission had taken shape.
Two plane figures so related are called reciprocal, since the properties of the first figure in relation to the second are the same as those of the second with respect to the first.
We shall deal with it more fully below in relation to the modern and more complicated class of machinery; and this also applies to the ordinary stop or single cylinder, and small platen machines, both of which have been in use many years, and are still in demand.
It remains to consider shortly the consecration of life in relation to particular categories and departments.
Amongst his economic works may be mentioned Money and the Mechanism of Exchange (1875), written in a popular style, and descriptive rather than theoretical, but wonderfully fresh and original in treatment and full of suggestiveness, a Primer on Political Economy (1878), The State in Relation to Labour (1882), and two works published after his death, namely, Methods of Social Reform and Investigations in Currency and Finance, containing papers that had appeared separately during his lifetime.
The latter was built in relation to the earlier central statue-base but at a higher level than either of its predecessors, doubtless for dryness' sake.
So much controversy has been aroused on the subject of Himalayan altitudes that the present position of scientific analysis in relation to them maybe shortly stated.
The orography of Portugal cannot be scientifically studied except in relation to that of Spain, for there is no dividing line between the principal Portuguese ranges and the highlands of Galicia, Leon and Spanish Estremadura.
In 1847 he gave his first lecture at St Thomas's Hospital, on the "Aims and Philosophic Method of Pathological Research," followed a little later by lectures on general pathology in relation to the principles of diagnosis, and the treatment of disease.
Certainly what Paul has in mind throughout the epistle is not a Judaizing tendency among the Jewish Christians at Rome, but the general and perplexing question of Judaism in relation to the new faith.
His Unpolitische Lieder, Deutsche Lieder aus der Schweiz and Streiflichter are not without poetical value, but they are mainly interesting in relation to the movements of the age in which they were written.
Though the latter took the first rank in relation to man's eternal welfare, the former was necessary for the perfection of his intellect and the civilization of his manners.
The word was first used by Leibnitz, practically in the sense of the modern Attention, by which an object is apprehended as "not-self" and yet in relation to the self.
The occupations of the people may be so considered as to afford a conception of the relative extent of the industries already noticed, and their importance in relation to other occupations.
The county council have the same power as a sanitary authority to enforce the provisions of the Rivers Pollution Prevention Acts in relation to so much of any stream as passes through Revers or by any part of their county.
Of Dr Stirling's other works the most important is the volume of Gifford Lectures, in which he developed a theory of natural theology in relation to philosophy as a whole.
Therein appeared Polyeucte, the memorable comedy of Le Menteur, which though adapted from the Spanish stood in relation to French comedy very much as Le Cid, which owed less to Spain, stood to French tragedy; its less popular and far less good Suite, - and perhaps La Mort de Pompee.
He also carried out considerable works in relation to the Nene Valley drainage and the reclamation of land at the Norfolk estuary.
When, however, a reservoir is employed to equalize the flow during and before the period of dry weather, the minimum flow continuously available may be increased to a much higher figure, depending upon the capacity of that reservoir in relation to the mean flow of the stream supplying it.
But this did not obviate the necessity for house - to-house inspection, and although the number of different points at which leakage occurred was still great, it was always small in relation to the number of houses which were necessarily entered by the inspector; moreover, when the best had been done that possibly could be done to suppress leakage due to domestic fittings, the leakage below ground in the mains, ferrules and service pipes still remained, and was often very great.
To render the organization of this creature perfect in relation to its wants, it is provided with three long filaments inserted along the middle of the head, which are, in fact, the detached and modified three first spines of the anterior dorsal fin.
The series of halves 2 in the one case, and of thirds in the I O I other, are entirely different series of 2 fractional numbers, but we can corn ‚ 0 0 pare them by putting each in its proper position in relation to the series of sixths.
It was to the efforts of Cousin that France owed her advance, in Relation to primary education, between 1830 and 1848.
The state, for all its elaborate structure, did not assume jurisdiction in relation to any crimes except political ones, such as treason or the disturbance of a large assembly.
It was frequently of consequence in relation to contracts and other clan affairs; but it emerges most clearly in connexion with crime.
We may consider in relation to a curve, not only the line infinity, but also the circular points at infinity; assuming the curve to be real, these present themselves always conjointly; thus a circle is a conic passing through the two circular points, and is thereby distinguished from other conics.
Although Adams's researches on Neptune were those which attracted widest notice, the work he subsequently performed in relation to gravitational astronomy and terrestrial magnetism was not less remarkable.
He published numerous essays, chiefly in relation to the contest between Great Britain and revolutionary France, as it might affect the liberty and prosperity of America.
The line itself, again, in relation to the plane is a unit, while the plane is infinite, i.e.
A similar relation exists in thought between the various grades of species and genera; the highest genus is the " infinitely infinite," each subordinated genus being infinite in relation to the particulars which it denotes, and finite when regarded as a unit in a higher genus.
It is clear that the position of a chancellor holding these views in relation to a ruler so masterful and so impulsive as the emperor William II.
The position of the fertile spike in relation to the leaf corresponds to that of the synangium or sporangiophores in the Psilotales and Sphenophyllales.
The stem, from the ground tissue of which sclerenchyma is absent, has a complicated system of steles arranged in concentric circles; the thick roots, the central cylinders of which have several alternating groups of xylem and phloem, arise in relation to these.
The differences in the form and mode of dehiscence of the sporangia (those of the Simplices having median dehiscence and a horizontal annulus, those of the Gradatae a more or less oblique position of the annulus and of the plane of dehiscence, while in the Mixtae the annulus is vertical and the dehiscence transverse) stand in relation to the position of the sporangia in the sorus relatively to one another.
The development of the sporocarp shows that it corresponds to a pinna, although when mature it may appear to occupy a ventral position in relation to the vegetative portion of the leaf.
Men in general characterize their own conduct and character and that of other men by such general adjectives as good, bad, right and wrong, and it is the meaning and scope of these adjectives, primarily in relation to human conduct, and ultimately in their final and absolute sense, that ethics investigates.
We see here, as in other activities of the age, a determination to acquire technical knowledge, and to apply it directly to the practical issue; just as music was being enriched by new technical knowledge, architecture by modern theories of plans and T-squares (sc. Hippodamus), the handling of soldiers by the new technique of " tactics " and " hoplitics," so citizenship must be analysed afresh, systematized and adapted in relation to modern requirements.
For though Aristotle's divergence from Plato is very conspicuous when we consider either his general conception of the subject of ethics, or the details of his system of virtues, still his agreement with his master is almost complete as regards the main outline of his theory of human good; the difference between the two practically vanishes when we view them in relation to the later controversy between Stoics and Epicureans.
But man we must and do consider in relation to a larger system of which he forms a part, and so we call him " good " only when his impulses and dispositions are so balanced as to tend towards the good of this whole.
This point, though it can never be occupied by an observer, is used because the positions of the heavenly bodies in relation to it are more readily computed than they can be from a point on the earth's surface.
The one general function of the ego, thought, becomes in relation to the non-ego either receptive or spontaneous action, and in both forms of action its organic, or sense, and its intellectual energies co-operate; and in relation to man, nature and the universe the ego gradually finds its true individuality by becoming a part of them, "every extension of consciousness being higher life."
It represents in his system the ideal and aim of the entire life of man, supplying the ethical view of the conduct of individuals in relation to society and the universe, and therewith constituting a philosophy of history at the same time.
Schleiermacher classifies the virtues under the two forms of Gesinnung and Fertigkeit, the first consisting of the pure ideal element in action and the second the form it assumes in relation to circumstances, each of the two classes falling respectively into the two divisions of wisdom and love and of intelligence and application.
In later life he described it as the feeling of absolute dependence, or, as meaning the same thing, the consciousness of being in relation to God.
This must be remembered in considering nearly all his writings, and also in estimating his position, both in relation to the ruling clerical party - the Jesuits - and also to the politics of the court of Piedmont after the accession of Charles Albert in 1831.
He had distinguished the universal essence in its abstract nature, from the universal considered in relation to a number of singulars.
But he substituted the equally unnecessary hypothesis of a magnetic attraction, and failed to perceive that the phenomenon to be explained was, in relation to absolute space, not a movement but the absence of movement.
More valid instances of the anticipation of modern discoveries may be found in his prevision that a small annual parallax would eventually be found for some of the fixed stars, and that extra-Saturnian planets would at some future time be ascertained to exist, and in his conviction that light travels with a measurable, although, in relation to terrestrial distances, infinite velocity.
This is the equation to a parabola, and is equivalent to the empirical formula of Avenarius, with this difference, that in Tait's formula the constants have all a simple and direct interpretation in relation to the theory.
The above embraces all that is necessary to be said in relation to diseases, though bees have been subject to other ailments such as paralysis, constipation, &c.
This work, the earliest published in Christian Europe, treats the conic sections in relation to the original cone, the procedure differing from that of the Greek geometers.
By a correct choice of the focal length of the illuminating lens in relation to the focal length of the mirror, it is possible to choose the size of the image of the source of light so that the whole object-field is uniformly lighted.
The optical system must be kept at a certain distance and well centred, and a correct position for the object in relation to the system must be assured.
A fine adjustment is also necessary, in order to perform conveniently and with certainty the slight motion of the microscope in relation to the object.
If the eye is moved to and fro over the eyepiece and the image makes apparently similar movements in relation to the cross threads, then the image does not yet lie in the plane of the threads.
They condemned marriage (save, perhaps, first marriages), the eating of meat, baptism of children, veneration of saints, fasting, prayers for the dead and belief in purgatory, denied transubstantiation, declared the Catholic priesthood worthless, and considered the whole church of their time corrupted by the "negotia saecularia" which absorbed all 1 One result is their inability to form a true theory of Judaism and of the Old Testament in relation to the Gospel, a matter of great moment for them and for their successors.
One of its practical aims is to obtain a wide and accurate knowledge of remedial substances in relation to their application in the treatment of disease, while another is to discover new or improved remedies.
The antagonism between certain drugs has been much studied in relation to their use as antidotes in poisoning, the aim being to counteract the effects rather than to obtain a direct physiological antagonistic action.
Those notions, according to the Dissertation, had no function save in relation to things-in-themselves, i.e.
That the ego to which different parts of experience are presented must be the same ego, if there is to be cognition at all, is analytically evident; but the peculiarity is that the ego must be conscious of its own unity and identity, and this unity of self-consciousness is only possible in relation to difference not contained in the ego but given to it.
The unity of apperception, then, as Kant calls it, is only possible in relation to synthetic unity of experience itself, and the forms of this synthetic unity, the categories, are, therefore, on the one hand, necessary as forms in which self-consciousness is realized, and, on the other hand, restricted in their application and validity to the data of given sense, or the particular element of experience.
Under the dynamical principles, the general modes in which the existence of objects are determined, fall the analogies of experience, or general rules according to which the existence of objects in relation to one another can be determined, and the postulates of experience, the general rules according to which the existence of objects for us or our own subjective existence can be determined.
The permanent in time is substance in any possible experience, and no experience is possible save through the determination of all changes as in relation to a permanent in time.
Determined sequence is the causal relation in any possible experience, and no experience is possible save through the determination of perceived changes as in relation to a determined order in time.
The existence of external things is as certain as the existence of the concrete subject, and the subject cannot cognise himself as existing save in relation to the world of facts of external perception.
The ideas, therefore, in relation to knowledge strictly so called, have regulative value, for they furnish the general precepts for extension and completion of knowledge, and, at the same time, since they spring from reason itself, they have a real value in relation to reason as the very inmost nature of intelligence.
The idea of such an understanding is, for cognition, transcendent, for no corresponding fact of intuition is furnished, but it is realized with practical certainty in relation to reason as practical.
He felt ambivalence from the committee in relation to genomics.
There are inherent contradictions in the new labor policy in relation to the real experiences of young people.
A seemingly innate ability to put herself right in relation to the work she had to do never deserted her.
He was acting against a clearing bank in relation to the recovery of substantial monies fraudulently obtained by a former employee and his accomplices.
The happenings will be assessed in relation to their coherence with another observed phenomenon.
The uncertainty analysis is continued at a scale more recognizable to civil engineers by examining decision-making in relation to flood alleviation.
In my judgment, therefore, it is highly arguable that the Article 13 defense in relation to Adriano was simply not made out.
A study of purposes in relation to pupil's attainment.
Functions in relation to marine and freshwater biology, and fishery research, were passed to the Natural Environment Research Council in 1965.
Are these concerns well founded in relation to the use of human cadavers?
Sometimes the manufacturers will also adjust the camber in relation to the stiffness of the snowboard's longitudinal flex.
The diagnosis may produce a psychological catharsis which may benefit the afflicted in relation to the real fear of witchcraft.
Lord Hoffmann has recently on at least two occasions counseled caution in relation to arguments based on redundancy.
The Growing Up proposals in 1999 put this sharply into context for the United Reformed church in relation to the Five Marks of Mission.
To make its own services more culturally competent, Diabetes UK has been reviewing its own practice in relation to minority ethnic groups.
These limits are explained in relation to each class of deemed consent.
The constabulary has also developed an Independent Advisory Group (IAG) to assist and advise the Constabulary in relation to policies and functions.
The research explored the inherent contradictions of New Labor policy in relation to the real experiences of young people.
The most important hormone secreted in relation to Cushing's is called cortisol.
Textures and fabrics in the GRIP ice core, in relation to climate history and ice deformation.
Another family decided against court action in spite of being blatantly discriminated against in relation to enrollment in the local high school.
The order also disapplied the provisions of Schedule 7 to the 2000 Act in relation to " regulated donees " in Northern Ireland.
Can our individual narratives in relation to race, culture and attachment be unmasked in the therapeutic dyad to reveal our human connectedness?
Its recordings are subsequently analyzed in relation to the digitally encoded output from all radio stations participating in the survey.
Deficiency is defined as an inappropriately low serum erythropoietin level in relation to the degree of anemia.
She has written widely on gender, ' race ', ethnicity, and class in relation to social policy.
What is the position of the fume extractor in relation to supply and return air vents?
This appears to be particularly so when those negotiations never reached any finality, as was the case in relation to the collaboration agreement.
Part of the need has been a political gambit to boost Europe's position in relation to the US.
Data were coded in relation to six main clusters - themes and summaries of results are presented as repertory grids.
This study investigated bird distributions in relation to local habitat and landscape pattern and the implications which habitat fragmentation may have for woodland birds.
He also advises the Bank on best practice in relation to health and safety issues and assists in developing programs of preventative healthcare.
Similar claims have also been made in relation to Mr Williams ' appeal hearing.
The critical factor in relation to habitat recovery or change will be the relative balance of domestic and wild herbivores.
The directional growth of germ tubes in relation to stomata and veins, and of intercellular hyphae in relation to veins, were recorded.
We will try to locate a small winter snow pack and gage its melt rate in relation to glacial ice.
The paper discusses the implications of these findings in relation to students ' learning.
A majority recognized the importance of eating patterns in relation to dental caries.
Simple cushioning, such as silicone gels or sorbothane insoles applied to the area can also help, particularly in relation to high-impact sports.
Case Studies Eleven teacher education institutions in Europe were selected for detailed study in relation to the Profile.
These features include aspects internal to the language and aspects of Japanese in relation to other languages.
The same question could be asked in relation to teaching a new SHO how to use a laryngoscope.
Claims By far most frequently litigated incident of the duty of the utmost good faith in relation to matters after the contract is concluded.
It was mentioned that there were several inaccuracies on the website, particularly in relation to examples given as successful mainstreaming.
Indeed, both real and virtual communities can be better understood in relation to a discussion of technological mediation.
But, at the same time, the Lord Jesus was also mutable in relation to his human nature.
Dr. Lee Horsley works on film noir in relation to twentieth- and twenty-first century literary noir.
In 1988, English Heritage did not raise an objection to the bypass in relation to the castle.
Because prohibited offal is handled by knackers and renderers, the processes were also examined in relation to possible occupational hazards from BSE.
The significance of the abnormalities has been discussed in relation to sites of cellular oncogenes.
But other factors mean that they give more oomph in relation to their clock speed.
Yes, I agree some of my original comments seem otiose, but where made in relation to a flawed solution.
The Standing Committee of Deans itself now exercises general oversight in relation to modularisation.
Placing considered wages know how to make an extremely practical particulars in relation to the other players by watching how they respond and respond.
This scheme is separate to provisions in relation to leave in respect of maternity, parental, paternity or urgent family reasons.
We examine the properties of the polynomial kernel in relation to a polynomial classifier.
The results will be discussed in relation to current theories of negative priming.
This, in itself, is potentially problematic in relation to ethics.
We are currently enjoying great demand for our services in relation to major PFI, NHS LIFT and traditionally procured projects.
There are no specific statutory provisions governing secrecy in relation to companies.
However, Section 1(6) contains a proviso in relation to " wild birds " which relates only to that section.
The open-ended questions provided mainly qualitative data in relation to the research question.
One would n't quibble in relation to solving a puzzle like this.
We encourage children to think about their own views and values in ren to think about their own views and values in relation to the themes and topics studied in the RE curriculum.
Group Members understand the importance of the emergent housing agenda, particularly in relation to sustainable community regeneration within diverse neighborhoods.
In fulfilling this remit, the GPCC undertakes regular reviews of the BBC's processes and performance in relation to complaints handling.
The other area affecting directors which has attracted a great deal of comment is in relation to directorsâ remuneration.
We may change these terms without notice to you in relation to future subscription renewals.
The requirements in relation to the classification of long-term liabilities should be made more rigorous.
This proliferation makes rather risible the Guardian's expressions of expletive fatigue in relation to Gordon Ramsay's television appearances.
This is one of the most common questions we are asked about in relation to modern hand tufted and shaggy rugs.
The Scottish secession, among whom the movement began, were dissenters in relation to a Presbyterian establishment.
The amazing natural ampitheatre beneath now seems much more significant to me in its positon in relation to the figure.
All costs for treatment in relation to the primary presenting tumor and metastatic spread will be excluded including any complications relating to the cancer.
This will be the second 24-hour strike at the Haydock site in relation to a dispute over rates of pay.
What conclusions in relation to Japanese are justified by the long series of experiments on cross-linguistic sound symbolism?
These several facts are interesting in relation to true tendrils.
It has become all too topical in relation to possible British membership of the Euro.
Due to the sunken nature of the site in relation to the surrounding townscape, not all entrances are wheelchair friendly.
But it is equally common, in relation to particular (putative) examples of virtues to give these truisms up.
Does it imply, if not tyrannical lordship, at the very least some sort of pivotal leadership role in relation to the earth?
The implications of these findings in relation to the current model for protein sorting to storage vacuoles are discussed.
Seasoned number watchers will remember it in relation to the false claims for speed camera successes.
This quality of standing in relation to other things is that which gives to a thing its reality.
That method, however, implied a careful study and comprehension of the results which accrued to man from reason and revelation, and a thorough grasp of all that had been done by man in relation to those two sources of human knowledge; and so, in his preliminary writings, Thomas proceeds to master the two provinces.
The excitement caused by these proceedings led Mendelssohn to publish his most important contribution to the problems connected with the position of Judaism in relation to the general life.
He further recognizes a progress in the production of vegetable and animal forms, though this part of his theory is essentially crude and unscientific. More important in relation to the modern problems of evolution is his thoroughly materialistic way of explaining the origin of sensation and knowledge by help of his peculiar hypothesis of effluvia and pores.
The general proposition as to a parallelism between individual and ancestral development is no doubt indisputable, but extended knowledge of the very different ontogenetic histories of closely allied forms has led us to a much fuller conception of the mode in which stages in embryonic and larval history have been modified in relation to their surroundings, and to a consequent reluctance to attach detailed importance to the embryological argument for evolution.
The external conjunctive tissue is often arranged in relation to each bundle separately, the pericyclic fibres for instance, already referred to, being cften confined to the bands of pericyclic tissue abutting on the phloem of each bundle, while the Cortex and pith frequently form rays in the intervals between the adjacent bundles.
The Nucleus in Relation to Heredity.There is a certain amount of cytological evidence to show that the nucleus is largely concerned with the transmission of hereditary characters.
Analogy.Considering the parts of the body in relation to their functions, that is as organs, they are found to present peculiarities of form and structure which are correlated with the functions that they have to discharge; in other words, the organ shows adaptation to its functions.
With the aid of this general theory the methods we have sketched in relation to historical problems apply with greater Applica- force to the special problems of modern times, and are tion to rewarded with results more accurate, more fruitful, modern more relevant to difficulties which all civilized nations problems. have to face, than those of historical research.
It is not so easy to determine their relevance and usefulness in relation to distinctively modern problems, or to indicate within what limits their work is of permanent value, and we can only deal with these questions in their more general aspects.
The valuable work of Gauss on magnetic theory and measurements, especially in relation to terrestrial magnetism, was published in his Intensitas vis magneticae terrestris, 1833, and in memoirs communicated to the Resultate aus den Beobachtungen des magnetischen Vereins, 1838 and 1839, which, with others, are contained in vol.
Though he treated his subject in relation to himself with more levity and irony than real feeling, yet by his sparkling wit and fancy he created a literature of sentiment and adventure adapted to amuse the idle and luxurious society of which the elder Julia was the centre.
Quite recently under the name of "Ecology" or "Oecology" the study of plants in relation to each other and to their environment has become the subject of systematic investigation.
We, on the contrary, mainly through the influence of Descartes, rather ask what are the things we know, and therefore, some more and some less, come to connect ontology with epistemology, and in consequence come to treat metaphysics in relation to psychology and logic, from which epistemology is an offshoot.
The structure and development of the Myzostomida seem to show that they are nearly related to Polychaeta (see Chaetopoda), though highly modified in relation to their parasitic mode of life.
Logic, therefore, agrees with epistemology (and differs from psychology) in treating thought not as mental fact but as knowledge, as idea, as having meaning in relation to an objective world.
Metrical form is distinguished from prose by the uniformity of corresponding lines in relation to the number of syllables and the similarity of final sound (rhyme or assonance), by the repetition of certain letters at regular intervals (in alliterative measure), or merely by the regular succession of ups and downs of intonation.
To her consternation she detected in herself in relation to little Nicholas some symptoms of her father's irritability.
Not only was the paper money valueless which Napoleon so graciously distributed to the unfortunate, but even silver lost its value in relation to gold.
Thus our conception of free will and inevitability gradually diminishes or increases according to the greater or lesser connection with the external world, the greater or lesser remoteness of time, and the greater or lesser dependence on the causes in relation to which we contemplate a man's life.
A Trustee shall not be counted in the quorum present in relation to a resolution on which he is not entitled to vote.
We have received funding to develop race discrimination work in relation to immigration cases.
We encourage children to think about their own views and values in relation to the themes and topics studied in the RE curriculum.
Daily variations in reflectance factors were quantified in relation to changes in the solar zenith angle, applying the modified Walthall et al.
He refused to accept a police caution in relation to the offenses.
Mr White advised that a pit would require to be reinstated as part of an agreement in relation to this application.
Present day relevance The Leipzig war trials were remarkable for particular reasons in relation to the conduct of the victors of the Great War.
East Ayrshire Council takes its responsibilities in relation to the local environment very seriously.
This proliferation makes rather risible the Guardian 's expressions of expletive fatigue in relation to Gordon Ramsay 's television appearances.
In 2005, the drought was more notable in terms of accumulated runoff deficiencies than in relation to the minimum river flows experienced.
Traffic OCU was not able to mount any targeted enforcement activities during Safer Streets in relation to speed or seat belt offenses.
The Scottish Secession, among whom the movement began, were dissenters in relation to a Presbyterian establishment.
Our recommendations would remedy some of these shortcomings in relation to the reference brown goods.
If the left is more visible than the right, the shoulder girdle must be rotated to the left in relation to the pelvis.
A study of 14,000 babies has shown that the type of diaper used is not significant in relation to incidence of diaper rash.
Accidental events Oil spills are probably the issue of greatest public concern in relation to the offshore oil industry.
Other subcommittees may be established in relation to hospital catering and National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE).
For him the memorial, not the journal, is the best record for temporary needs for instance in relation to subcontracted work.
Perhaps it would be timely to remind you of some facts about Oxford University 's track record in relation to the new animal lab.
This general area of chemical contaminants and inherent toxicants in food is further considered in relation to the Food Surveillance Paper.
At present, the Safety Code of Practice only has statutory force in relation to undertakers ' works.
Work is already underway in relation to Secured by Design initiatives.
There is, admittedly, something both admirably and unnerving in the stance taken by both Blair and Kamm in relation to Iraq.
It will not waive disqualification in relation to any later event.
But the single expert will be well-advised to make express arrangements in relation to the method of charging and manner of payment.
Studies investigating the introduction of solids in relation to ever wheezing came to conflicting results.
Jones was found guilty only by association and always denied any wrongdoing in relation to current rules and testing procedures.
Most people have heard of left brain and right brain functions, but to understand gross motor skills, it's important to understand how the brain works in relation to these skills.
If you've heard the term infant percentiles thrown around and wonder what it really means in relation to your child's size, it really isn't a complicated matter.
You can get a steamer, a spritzer, a bagless, or a traditional vacuum, so it's up to you to weigh your requirements for a good vacuum in relation to price.
Additionally, you should look into the insurance, governing bodies, audits, and compliance with regulation in relation to the reputation of the storage entity.
The main abbreviation or term used in relation to a wireless router is IEEE 802.11.
If you are working with older children, discuss literary terms, such as setting, plot, climax, genres, symbolism, and themes in relation to the text and the pictures.
The following FICO chart may help you to determine where your score is in relation to others.
Ergonomics is the study of human capabilities in relation to the workplace environment.
Is Styrofoam harmful for the environment in relation to pollution other than filling our landfills?
In The Apple Cider Vinegar Miracle Health System, author Paul Chappuis Bragg identifies the following hair symptoms in relation to potassium deficiency.
Using a dark color on the bottom half of a tall wall, with a lighter color above will help to bring the wall down visually in relation to the rest of the space.
Some groups may require that you be a member of their student branches to be eligible for scholarships, but the cost of joining an organization is typically minimal in relation to the potential rewards.
The map view feature also allows teens to view where potential jobs are in relation to their home, which may be especially helpful for teens who will have to walk or take public transportation in order to get to work.
However, some schools have different styles for prom wear in relation to how formal everyone will dress.
For relatively immature teenagers who discover they are pregnant, the decision making process that is required in relation to keeping the baby or having an abortion is a complex and frightening one.
Most customers also reported being very pleased with the quality of the bedding, especially in relation to the cost.
As a pet owner, this leisurely inspection is your opportunity to preview the park's rules as well as gauge its safety for your pet in relation to other dog breeds present.
Give them soil which is well drained and a sunny, exposed place away from all protection, taking care so to place them in relation to surrounding objects that their stems cannot easily be hurt.
You'll need to position your fingers on the strings in relation to the fifth fret of your guitar in order to play the chord correctly.
The center speaker should also be centered in relation to the television and not off to one side or the other.
The fence is a straight edge to align the crown against, and the miter index provides an angle for the blade to cut in relation to the fence.
Consider the roofing material of your home in relation to the vinyl color samples, especially if you have a very prominent roofline.
Body temperatures rise and fall in relation to stress and happiness.
It's also important to remain very aware of where you are in relation to your opponent, because body collisions are very common for people who are new to the sport.
Brochures typically include a regional map that can help guests locate the somewhat isolated park in relation to main roads and highways.
Princess Zelda is a tall woman; well, tall in relation to her species.
These pictures show where objects or people are in relation to others.
While there are certainly individual differences between the individual systems that people choose to buy, there are a few common issues that seem to arise in relation to Microsoft's Xbox 360.
One of the most prominent issues to have risen to the surface in relation to this smartphone has to do with that brilliant AMOLED touchscreen display.
Young children are at risk because, in relation to their weight, they have a large surface area of skin through which to lose water.
If this is not the woman's first pregnancy, outcomes of her previous pregnancies are of importance in relation to the outcome of this one.
Postural-Pertaining to the position of the head, neck, trunk and lower limbs in relation to the ground and the vertical.
Toddlers also develop a basic understanding of time in relation to their regular activities, such as meals and bedtime.
Achievement and ability tests follow a uniform testing protocol, or procedure (i.e., test instructions, test conditions, and scoring procedures) and their scores can be interpreted in relation to established norms.
In norm-referenced assessments, one person's performance is interpreted in relation to the performance of others.
A criterion-referenced assessment allows interpretation of a test-taker's score in relation to a specific standard or criterion.
The individual's score is based not on how he or she does in comparison to how others perform, but on how the individual does in relation to absolute expectations about what he or she is supposed to know.
Portfolios allow the teacher to evaluate each student in relation to his or her own abilities and learning style.
Parents should request an assessment from the teacher whenever necessary to understand their child's progress, both in relation to expected grade-level expectations and performance in relation to other children in the class.
Eurocentric-Centered or focused on Europe or European peoples, especially in relation to historical or cultural influence.
Anatomical age is the numerical assessment of a child's physical growth in relation to the statistical average based on the child's chronological age.
People who feel excluded or disconnected from society have fewer qualms about stealing, because they have less sense of respect, trust, or responsibility in relation to the community.
One of the most important things to think about when applying the principles of feng shui to your bedroom is the position of the bed in relation to the windows and doors in the room.
Here's a short list of some common concerns in relation to Long Island laser hair removal.
Achievement testing for homeschooling can be a very helpful tool when you are trying to gage exactly where your child is in relation to your child's peers.
Below is a list of pros and cons in relation to adjustable rates.
If you work an average week of 40 hours, the time off would be in relation to that.
Medications do cross the placenta and almost no medications have been proven 100 percent safe in relation to fetal development.
Because discharge and bleeding often go hand-in-hand in relation to hormonal changes, differentiating between what is normal and what is abnormal can be tricky.
Rest assured that the number of birth defects in relation to the large number of healthy babies born each year remains rather low, so chances are your baby will be perfectly fine.
The vast majority of minerals and vitamins taken in pill form do not contain specific significant ingredients in relation to proteins, carbohydrates, or fats.
You most frequently hear about the B-complex vitamin in relation to pregnancy, but folate is an essential nutrient best obtained by eating foods rich in folic acid.
The floating shaver head freely pivots and floats in relation to the shaver grip.
Pay closer attention to this if a guy begins to brag in relation to something you have said.
How important is your career to you in relation to spending time with loved ones?
Briefly describe your credentials in relation to your article proposal.
You can learn more about the FTC guidelines in relation to online writing by visiting the Blog Her website.
Interpret each card's meaning in relation to its position in the spread and which other cards appear with it.
Others may take one because they've been instructed to do so by a mental health professional in relation to a court order.
Movie Web offers a detailed review of Casablanca, discussing the importance of the film in relation to the overall history of film.
Since most of us were raised to believe it's impolite to discuss money, it's common to feel like you have no clue whether or not your spending is "normal" in relation to those around you.
Despite our comparative wealth in relation to the rest of the world, poverty in the United States remains a persistent problem.
The United States government does not tolerate fraud in relation to SNAP benefits.
The salesperson who measures the foot will surely be able to tell how much wider your foot is in relation to the average sizes.
Different countries, religions, and cultures have developed their own beliefs and concepts in relation to it.
This allows the wearer to be able to feel where the watch hands are in relation to the indicators.
In times past, watches were much more expensive in relation to the wages people made.
Zink instructed Grilley, and is considered by some to be responsible for popularizing the term "yin yoga" in relation to understanding and practicing Taoist yoga.
However, when the word "guru" is used in relation to yoga, many people confuse the reference with religion.
Another alternative treatment that is often explored in relation to autism is the use of detoxification for heavy metals.
Many individuals on the autism specturm may possess "splinter skills" that stand out in relation to their level of functioning, but the skills are not necessarily genius.
Incorporating effective strategies in relation to the goals outlined in Individual Education Plan (IEP) can be very effective.
A copy of the memo is sent to everyone directly affected by the news it bears, and the final paragraph of the memo should clearly spell out what each person is expected to accomplish in relation to the memo.
While Business DSL has been touted as an efficient business solution, these are some severe limitations in service and speeds delivered depending upon your provider's central office location in relation to yours.
However, portion sizes are vaguely described, and the importance of total calories in relation to a person's body weight is absent.
These steps are easy and while the results aren't as accurate as those achieved by a professional, they do give you a truer grasp on where you stand regarding body fat in relation to your size and build.
The signs of a vitamin B12 deficiency are significant in relation to the nervous system, cognitive processing, red blood cell count and energy levels.
Morbidly obese women may experience changes in menstrual flow and sometimes experienced more pain in relation to their menstrual cycle.
Body mass index is a measure of an individual's body weight in relation to his or her height.
Before you arbitrarily choose to follow a 2000 calorie diet plan, it is important to determine whether or not that is the right amount of calories for you in relation to your weight goal.
So, what is aerobic activity in relation to exercise?
Strength training for football will vary depending on the time of year in relation to the football season.
When to mail party invitations depends on a number of factors, including the type of event and where the guests live in relation to the party location.
Because Chanukah falls near the Christmas holiday season, it is particularly popular in relation to those seasonal celebrations.
One of the first questions that is always asked in relation to Kate Gosselin and her debt is the question of how she could fall into debt.
The couple has taken to the media numerous times to air out their stories of personal horror in relation to the divorce and both have been dragged through the mud.
Besides categorizing skin as fair, medium or dark, you may also come across the terms "warm" and "cool" in relation to complexions.
The crucial point to remember is that the images must have meaning in relation to the content on the site.
Like the HTML pages, it is important that these images are not renamed or moved from their directory in relation to the HTML files.
Once you have a better grasp of how SEO tools work as well as what they mean in relation to your website and in conjunction with your goals, you can always upgrade.