In re Sentence Examples
In general, Aquinas maintained in different senses the real existence of universals ante rem, in re and post rem.
The form exists concretely in the individual things (sensibilis in re sensibili), for in sensible things form and matter are always united.
The universalia in re have little place in his thoughts, which are directed by preference to the eternal exemplars as they exist in the supersensible world of the divine thought.
In the 5th century B.C. the Athenian astronomer Euctemon, according to Geminus of Rhodes, compiled a weather calendar in which Aquarius, Aquila, Canis major, Corona, Cygnus, Delphinus, Lyra, Orion, Pegasus, Sagitta and the asterisms Hyades and Pleiades are mentioned, always, however, in re Corvus.
Memory usage is approximately linear in RE size, and largely insensitive to RE complexity, except for bounded repetitions.
The Hrault average density of population in France is about 190 Ille-et-Vil to the square mile, the tendency being for the large Indre towns to increase at the expense of the small towns Indre-et-I as well as the rural communities.
It encourages students to reflect critically on practice in assessment in RE observed in schools.
About the end of May gradually inure them to a cool temperature, and after a few weeks place them in a sheltered position out of doors.
Modern reconstructions also play a part through the use of educational videos and participation in re enactments.
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