In-question Sentence Examples
I asked where the house in question was located and was told it was several blocks away and this was a staging area.
As has been said of another thinker, he was " one of those deeply religious men who, when crude theological notions are being revised and called in question seek to put new life into theology by wider and more humane ideas."
To know the mind of the god was equivalent to knowing what the god in question proposed to do.
As early as the 3rd century B.C. Megasthenes makes mention of spices brought to the shores of the Ganges from " the southern parts of India," and the trade in question was probably one of the most ancient in the world.
The supremacy of the emperor is not called in question.
But the starting-point of the argument in question is the purely empirical evidence of a single fact or set of facts; it proceeds by way of analogy, not of strict demonstration; and it claims for its results nothing more than probability.
Both these medusae have sense-organs of a peculiar type, which are said to contain an endodermal axis like the sense-organs of Trachylinae, but the fact has recently been called in question for FIG.
In a second type they are situated at the ends of tracheal strands and consist of groups of richly protoplasmic cells belonging to the epidermis (as in the leaves of many ferns), or to the subjacent tissue (the commonest type in flowering plants); in this last case the cells in question are known as epithem.
The interesting occurrence of certain halophytes and hemi-halophytes on sea-shores and also on mountains is probably to be explained by the past distribution of the species in question.
The numerous Letters of Cyprian are not only an important source for the history of church life and of ecclesiastical law, on account of their rich and manifold contents, but in large part they are important monuments of the literary activity of their author, since, not infrequently, they are in the form of treatises upon the topic in question.
AdvertisementJosephus' history of the Jews contains accounts of John the Baptist and Jesus, the authenticity of which has been called in question for plausible but not entirely convincing reasons.
The workers in question remain within the nest, suspended by their feet, and serve as living honey-pots for the colony, becoming so distended by the supplies of honey poured into their mouths by their foraging comrades that their abdomens become sub-globular, the pale intersegmental membrane being tightly stretched between the widely-separated dark sclerites.
His reasoning appeared to me to be just; there was, therefore, a necessity to call in question the principles upon which it was founded, or to admit the conclusion."
And in regard to Reid's favourite proof of the principles in question by reference to "the consent of ages and nations, of the learned and unlearned," it is only fair to observe that this argument assumes a much more scientific form in the Essays, where it is almost identified with an appeal to "the structure and grammar of all languages."
In Ozobranchus the structures in question are still more complicated.
AdvertisementIn this Annelid later the sac in question joins its fellow, passing beneath the nerve cord exactly as in the leech, and also grows out to reach the exterior.
An intermediate step between Anu viewed as the local deity of Erech (or some other centre), Bel as the god of Nippur, and Ea as the god of Eridu is represented by the prominence which each one of the centres associated with the three deities in question must have acquired, and which led to each one absorbing the qualities of other gods so as to give them a controlling position in an organized pantheon.
Its importance has not been seriously, or at any rate successfully, called in question.
The real state of the case is certainly unsuspected by Origen himself; but many of his opponent's arguments he is unable to meet except by a speculative reconstruction of the church doctrine in question.
The wingless forms in question are always allied to winged forms, and there is every reason to believe that they have been really derived from winged forms. There are also insects (fleas, &c.) in which metamorphosis of a " complete " character exists, though the insects never develop wings.
AdvertisementAmong the marks of the second half of the 17th century was growing material prosperity, and there were those who thought their fellows unduly willing to relax church tests of fellowship when good trade was in question.
His accuracy, which has been called in question by some scholars, has been remarkably vindicated by recent excavations at Athens and elsewhere.
When this is done, such densities are measures of the molecular weights of the substances in question.
The classification in question was drawn up by an international committee of eminent mathematicians, and thus has the highest authority.
The average number of seals killed annually is about 33,000.1 The 1 Owing to representations of the Swedish government in 1874 as to the killing of seals at breeding time on the east coast of Greenland, and the consequent loss of young seals left to die of starvation, the Seal Fisheries Act 1875 was passed in England to provide for the establishment of a close time for seal fishery in the seas in question.
AdvertisementIts presence at Shiloh, and its prominence in the life of Joshua, support the view that it was the palladium of the Joseph tribes, but the traditions in question conflict with others.
This can be seen at once because the factor in question being once repeated in both differentials, the resultant of the latter must vanish.
The invariants in question are invariants qud linear transformation of the forms themselves as well as qud linear transformation of the variables.
The planets in question appeared in the telescope as star-like objects which could be compared with the stars with much greater accuracy than a planetary disk like that of Mars, the apparent form of which was changed by its varying phase, due to the different directions of the sun's illumination.
The inequality in question has its greatest negative value near the time of the moon's first quarter, and the greatest positive value near the third quarter.
Harnack, who was the first to show that these Acts were Catholic in character and not Gnostic as had previously been alleged, assigns their composition to this period mainly on the ground that Hippolytus was not acquainted with them; but even were this assumption true, it would not prove the non-existence of the Acts in question.
The report of this commission was then handed over to a committee of cardinals, who pronounced unanimously for the nullity of the orders in question.
On the contrary, the districts in question have invariably formed part of the state from which it is now proposed to sever them, and they are separated from Natal by mountains which form a welldefined natural boundary.
The term " grade " is also made use of for the purpose of indicating the conclusion that certain branches on a larger or smaller stem of the genealogical tree have been given off at an earlier period in the history of the evolution of the stem in question than have others marked off as forming a higher grade.
Let us conceive the zone in question to be divided into infinitesimal rings of equal area.
The amplitude of the light at any point in the axis, when plane waves are incident perpendicularly upon an annular aperture, is, as above, cos k(at-r 1)-cos k(at-r 2) =2 sin kat sin k(r1-r2), r2, r i being the distances of the outer and inner boundaries from the point in question.
Such a conclusion would be in the face of the principle of energy, which teaches plainly that the retardation in question leaves the aggregate brightness unaltered.
Peligot's results, though called in question by Berzelius, have been amply confirmed by all subsequent investigators; only now, on theoretical grounds, first set forth by Mendeleeff, we double Peligot's atomic weight, so that U now signifies 240 parts of uranium, while UO 3 stands as the formula of the yellow oxide, and UO 2 as that of Berzelius's metal.
Rome is indeed to be honoured as the mother of the churches; nor would Gerbert oppose her judgments except in two cases - (I) where she enjoins something that is contrary to the decrees of a universal council, such as that of Nice, or (2) where, after having been once appealed to in a matter of ecclesiastical discipline and having refused to give a plain and speedy decision, she should, at a later date, attempt to call in question the provisions of the metropolitan synod called to remedy the effects of her negligence.
The wisdom of the step taken by Shep- British stone has been called in question.
Even if, by a bold assumption, we grant the unity of authorship, it is plain upon the face of it that the chapters in question cannot have been composed at the same time or under the same circumstances; literary and artistic unity is wholly wanting.
It is questionable if the substance in question is mucoid.
It is much more likely, as Verworn alleges, that the nerves which influence the characteristic function of any tissue regulate thereby the metabolism of the cells in question - in other words, that every nerve serves as a trophic nerve for the tissues it supplies.
One of the two statements called in question was certainly founded on information provided by Aubrey.
It is also included in the Paropamisus, though the latter term embraces more, Caucasus being apparently used only when the alpine barrier is in question.
It is named the tractory, since a weight placed on the ground and drawn along by means of a flexible string by a person travelling in a straight line, the weight not being in this line, describes the curve in question.
When a suitable temperature for the fusion of the particular glass in question has been attained, the mixture of raw materials is introduced in comparatively small quantities at a time.
Besides the conventional use of certain signs as the indications of names of gods, countries, cities, vessels, birds, trees, &c., which, known as " determinants," are the Sumerian signs of the terms in question and were added as a guide for the reader, proper names more particularly continued to be written to a large extent in purely " ideographic " fashion.
Thus the name of the chief god of the Babylonian pantheon, Marduk, is written by two signs to be pronounced Amar-Ud, which describe the god as the "young bullock of the day " - an allusion to the solar character of the god in question.
With the emphasis upon the "know" he asserts that his knowledge of the matter in question cannot be affected by anything whatever.
We must therefore regard the law in question as the broadest and most fundamental one which nature makes known to us.
These proceedings were challenged in the House of Lords by Lord Houghton, and the lord chancellor (Westbury), speaking on behalf of the government, stated that if there was any ' `synodical judgment" it would be a violation of the law, subjecting those concerned in it to the penalties of a praemunire, but that the sentence in question was "simply nothing, literally no sentence at all."
The electric density on the sphere being uniform, the quantities of electricity on these areas are proportional to the areas, and if the electric force varies inversely as the square of the distance, the forces exerted by these two surface charges at the point in question are proportional to the solid angle of the little cone.
The potential of a conductor has already been defined as the mechanical work which must be done to bring up a very small body charged with a unit of positive electricity from the earth's surface or other boundary taken as the place of zero potential to the surface of this conductor in question.
The mathematical importance of this function called the potential is that it is a scalar quantity, and the potential at any point due to any number of point charges ql, q2, q3, &c., distributed in any manner, is the sum of them separately, or qi/xl+q2/x2+q3/x3+&c. =F (q/x) =V (17), where xi, x2, x 3, &c., are the distances of the respective point charges from the point in question at which the total potential is required.
To these ought perhaps to be added the transformation of the Franco-Russian entente cordiale into a formal alliance, since the alliance in question might be regarded as favourable to the preservation of the status quo in Europe.
The persons in question were not to be hunted out, but if they were reported and were found guilty, they were to be punished.
But in that case we must either reject the testimony of the same Hegesippus that up to their death, and that of Symeon son of Clopas, successor in the Jerusalem see of James the Lord's brother, " who suffered martyrdom at the age of one hundred and twenty years while Trajan was emperor and Atticus governor," " the church (universal) had remained a pure and uncorrupted virgin " free from " the folly of heretical teachers "; or else we must reject the superscription, which presents the grandfather in vehement conflict with the very heresies in question.
It would be rash, considering the buried treasures that may yet await the future explorer, to assert that such records as those in question can never come to light.
For most of the period in question Thucydides is the only source; and despite the inherent merits of a great writer, it can hardly be doubted that the tribute of almost unqualified praise that successive generations of scholars have paid to Thucydides must have been in some measure qualified if, for example, a Spartan account of the Peloponnesian War had been preserved to us.
The particular tablets in question date only from about the 7th century B.C., but it is agreed among Assyriologists that they are copies of older texts current in Babylonia for many centuries before, and it is obvious that the compilers of Genesis had access to the Babylonian stories.
The documents in question consist chiefly of letters, and constitute one of the most important of archaeological finds.
When the event in question happened between the 1st of January and the 1st of the following July, the sum of the Olympic year and of the year before Christ is always equal to 776.
It is almost certain that the distal of these two segments really belongs to the thigh, but the ordinary nomenclature will be used in the present article, as this character is of great importance in discriminating families, and the two segments in question are referred to the trochanter by most systematic writers.
After full hearing of arguments they gave their decision against both the practices in question.
When the heliometer-part of Lord Lindsay's heliometer was acquired by Gill in 1879, he changed the manner of imparting the motion in question.
Dawes found the best method for the purpose in question was to limit the aperture of the object-glass by a diaphragm having a double circular aperture, placing the line joining the centres of the circles approximately in the position angle under measurement.
In particular Sir John Murray considers that only deeps exceeding 3000 fathoms in depth should be named, and in his charts he has named these deeps after persons whether the individuals thus honoured had themselves discovered or explored the deeps in question or not.
The Ombos in question is not the distant Ombos south of Edfu, where the crocodile was worshipped; Petrie has shown that opposite Coptos, only about 15 m.
No one called in question the claim of the clergy to control completely all " spiritual " matters.
Both political parties were committed to this policy, and strong passions were aroused whenever it was called in question.
As with light the ratio involved in the second law is always equal to the ratio of the velocity of the wave in the first medium to the velocity in the second; in other words, the sines of the angles in question are directly proportional to the velocities.
For Ultramontanism fears that any infusion of a national element into ecclesiastical life would entail the eventual independence of the people in question from papal control, and lead to developments opposed to its papalistic mode of thought.
The whole is put forth as substantially the apostolic teaching (Didache) on the subjects in question.
The men in question claimed to be Christians and to enjoy divine illumination as truly as anybody, and so other safeguards appeared necessary.
The theory of the papal supremacy held by the Curia was thus at least called in question.
But this statement is wrong, for at least five phrases or clauses in the Greek Legend are derived from the sections in question.
The opposition, being taken as absolute, implies the impeachment of the veracity of the senses in the interest of the rational truth proclaimed by the philosophers in question.
The law in question is in its present form post-exilic, and is plainly directed to the regulation of a known usage.
Protests from other Indian missionaries led the society to determine that it could circulate only such versions as gave neutral renderings for the terms in question.
Smith had omitted the paragraph in question (an omission which had escaped notice for twenty years) on the ground that it was unnecessary and misplaced; but Magee suspected him of having been influenced by deeper reasons.
Their veracity was impeached in ancient times by Asinius Polio and has often been called in question by modern critics.
But this reference to Babylonian religion does not solve the problem which is here in question.
This theory, however, is based upon a hypothetical reconstruction of the Gospel in question which has found very few supporters.
The letter in question was occasioned by a dispute in the church of Corinth, which had led to the ejection of several presbyters from their office.
But although the book in question was issued under letters patent, it is not really a translation of the Elizabethan book at all, but simply a reshaping of Aless's clever and inaccurate translation of Edward VI.'s first book.
In the rubric in question words are altered here and there in a way which shows that its reappearance can hardly be a mere printer's error; but in any case its importance is very slight, for the Act of Uniformity specially provides that the English service alone is to be used for the Eucharist.
When they are regarded as typical figures of the later episcopi of the Church, the point of this emphasis upon elementary principles and duties is at once clear; they outline graphically the qualifications for the church offices in question.
An event of still greater importance took place almost immediately after the value of the copper region in question had been fully ascertained.
The Judiciary Act of 1789 (as amended by subsequent legislation) provides for the appeal to the Supreme Court of the United States of a final judgment or decree in any suit rendered in the highest court of a state in which a decision in the suit could be had where is drawn in question the validity of a treaty or statute for an authority exercised under the United States, and the decision is against their validity; or where is drawn in question the validity of a statute of, or an authority exercised under, any state, on the ground of their being repugnant to the Constitution, treaties or laws of the United States, and the decision is in favor of their validity; or where any title, right, privilege or immunity is claimed under the Constitution, or any treaty or statute of, or commission held or authority exercised under the United States, and the decision is against the title, right, privilege or immunity specially set up or claimed by either party under the Constitution, treaty, statute, commission or authority.
This was an early conception, and in early times the order in question was simply verbal; thus some letters patent of Henry III.
See the articles on the books in question.
Meanwhile the difficulties in the way of contemporary nationmaking are fostered by many extraneous influences, as well as by dogged resistance of the races in question.
The discussion on the question of the " opendoor " in connexion with the Morocco difficulty was useful in calling general public attention once more to the undesirability of allowing any single power to exclude other nations from trading on territory over which it may be called to exercise a protectorate, especially if equality of treatment of foreign trade had been practised by the authority ruling over the territory in question before its practical annexation under the name of protectorate.
These considerations no doubt led the Swedish and Norwegian governments, in their settlement of September 1905, to establish a " buffer " zone of 15 kilometres on either side of the frontier between the two states in question.
The dismantling of the forts in question has now been carried out.
The British government had no desire to place obstacles in the way of a belligerent desiring to take reasonable precautions in order to prevent the enemy from receiving supplies, but they insisted that the right of taking such precautions did not imply a " consequential right to intercept at any distance from the scene of operations and without proof that the supplies in question were really destined for use of the enemy's forces, any articles which that belligerent might determine to regard as contraband of war."
It seems remarkable, however, that we should not have succeeded yet in reproducing in the laboratory the trunk and main branch of the hydrogen spectrum, if the spectra in question really belong to hydrogen.
Pringsheim seems, however, to have modified his view in so far as he now seems to consider that the spectra in question might be obtained also in other ways, and to attach importance to the process of reduction only in so far as it forms an effective inciter of the particular spectra.
And where there are several such coincidences the ground for the supposition that the writing in question has been used may become very strong.
In other cases there is more divergence, but in some of them this is accounted for by the consideration that in Matthew passages from the source now in question have been interwoven with parallels in the other chief common source before mentioned.
But some have maintained that the source in question also contained a good many narratives, and in order to avoid any premature assumption as to its contents and character several recent critics have named it " Q."
It is his duty to watch the proceedings in the public interest, to issue summonses to witnesses whose evidence is desired by the court, and to prosecute before the election court or elsewhere those persons whom he thinks to have been guilty of corrupt or illegal practices at the election in question.
Kepler (1571-1630) was led by his study of the planetary motions to reject this method of statement as inadequate, and it is in fact incapable of giving a complete representation of the motions in question.
It has since been discovered, however, that the magnitude of the acceleration in question is not exactly the same at different places on the earth, the range of variation amounting to about 2%.
It involved the adoption of a point of view as to the relation between the motions of bodies of different forms, which practically amounted to a perception of the principle of energy as applied to the case in question.
The four phases are (I) crystals of salt, (2) crystals of ice, (3) a saturated solution of the salt in water, and (4) the vapour, which is that practically of water alone, since the salt is non-volatile at the temperature in question.
But if all the species in question resemble each other the resemblance will be mutually beneficial to them because the association between the two attributes they have in common, namely distastefulness and a particular scheme of colour, will be rapidly established.
Simplicius's further suggestion that Thales conceived the element to be modified by thinning and thickening is plainly inconsistent with the statement of Theophrastus that the hypothesis in question was peculiar to Anaximenes.
A cross-hair, in the focal plane of an eyepiece, is then moved horizontally until it coincides with the line in question.
But all these mythological explanations are supererogatory, since the actual legend in question can be definitely traced to the pamphlet of 1602.
For example, anyone studying Briinnow's List s will find the same sign denoting pages of meanings, many of which have apparently no connexion with any other meaning belonging to the sign in question.
The idea in question is, therefore, the idea of something connected with the present impression as its cause or effect.
Thus "Canis vulpes Linnaeus" is the specific designation of the common fox, Canis being the generic term common to dogs, wolves and so forth, and vulpes indicating the particular species, whilst the attached author's name indicates that Linnaeus first named the species in question.
On the other hand, it is argued that the authority of Galen and Cicero (pro Cluentio) place it beyond a doubt that, so far from being allowed to pass with impunity, the offence in question was sometimes punished by death; that the authority of Lysias is of doubtful authenticity; and that the speculative reasonings of Plato and Aristotle, in matters of legislation, ought not to be confounded with the actual state of the laws.
The priest indicates into what object the bohsum will enter and proceeds to the abode of the local god to procure the object in question.
For the particular soil in question it was found that the diffusivity varied enormously with the degree of moisture, falling as low as ooio C.G.S.
The period in question may be regarded as extending from 1794 to 1826 inclusive.
The quieting effect that this drastic action might have had was marred by the fact that certain members of the British parliament called in question the justice of the sentencespassed unanimously by a court of which the best English and the best native judge were members.
The inevitable ecclesiastical crisis was still further postponed by the superior stress of two urgent political events - Christian II.'s invasion of Norway (1531) and the outbreak, in 1533, of " Grevens fejde," or " The Count's War " (1534-36), The the count in question being Christopher of Oldenburg, count's great-nephew of King Christian I., whom Lubeck and War, her allies, on the death of Frederick I., raised up 1533= against Frederick's son Christian III.
As for the denunciations, apart from the charge of insincerity, it appears that the scribes in question are pilloried for the defects - or the excesses - of their qualities.
Such aberrant forms are to be regarded in the same light as Cuscuta and Orobanchaceae, for example, among Phanerogams. As these non-green plants do not cease to be classed with other Phanerogams, so must the forms in question be retained among algae.
Klebs insists that the only solution of such problems is the subjection of the algae in question to a rigorous method of pure culture.
Peck, led an unsuccessful movement to increase the number of Supreme Court judges and to relieve them of their circuit duties, and succeeded in defeating an attempt to repeal the twenty-fifth section of the Judiciary Act of 1789, which gave the Supreme Court appellate jurisdiction by writ of error to the state courts in cases where federal laws and treaties are in question.
In the first place the variations in question are "acquired characters."
When beetles, or medusae, or cats vary, the range of possible variation is limited and determined by the beetle, medusa or cat constitution, and any possible further differentiation or specialization must be in a sense at least orthogenetic - that is to say, a continuation of the line along which the ancestors of the individual in question have been forced.
In response Lord Minto was sent to Rome as " an authentic organ of the British Government," but the policy in question proved abortive.
Yet, apart from the references to cultic prostitution (which was adopted by the Israelites from the Canaanites), the mention of the vice in question is not frequent; in a polygamous society and in a country without great cities it was not likely to grow to great proportions.
As a poet, his fame has undergone many vicissitudes since his death, ranging from the indifference of the "Young German" school to the enthusiastic admiration of the closing decades of the 19th century - an enthusiasm to which we owe the Weimar Goethe-Gesellschaft (founded in 1885) and a vast literature dealing with the poet's life and work; but the fact of his being Germany's greatest poet and the master of her classical literature has never been seriously put in question.
The case in question was a claim of title against the crown, represented by the government of Cape Colony.
Briinnow thinks that " the rock " in question was the sacred mountain en-Nejr (above); but Buhl suggests a conspicuous height about 16 m.
The jurisdiction of this chief god was, however, limited to the political extent or control of the district in which the main seat of the cult of the deity in question lay.
On the other hand the doctrine became effective if the manors in question had been granted by later kings to subjects, because if they remained in the hand of the king the only remedy against ejectment and exaction lay in petitioning for redress without any definite right to the latter.
But in the judgment the point is not what we state, but what we think; and so long as the existence of A is added in thought, the judgment in question must contain the thought that A exists as well as that A is B, and therefore is a judgment that something is determined both as existing and in a particular manner.
Usually we leave the predicate indefinite, because, as long as the thing in question is (or is not) determined, it does not matter about other things, and it is vain for us to try to think all things at once.
Newton did indeed first show synthetically what kind of motions by mechanical laws have their ground in a centripetal force varying inversely as the square of the distance (all P is M); but his next step was, not to deduce synthetically the planetary motions, but to make a new start from the planetary motions as facts established by Kepler's laws and as examples of the kind of motions in question (all S is P); and then, by combining these two premises, one mechanical and the other astronomical, he analytically deduced that these facts of planetary motion have their ground in a centripetal force varying inversely as the squares of the distances of the planets from the sun (all S is M).
By the first he means any starting-point, " that from which the matter in question is primarily to be known," 14 particular facts therefore, premises, and what not.
The data of sense are clearly not the principles in question here.
Nay, he even treats the idea of cause 6 as probable enough so long as nothing more than action upon expectation is in question.
A mathematico-physical calculus that would work was in question.
The method now proceeds on the basis of the first table to set f p rth the possible suggestions as to a general explanatory formula for the quality in question.
The reserve, therefore, that it was abstraction and not a decomposing that was in question remained to the admirers of his logic quite nugatory.
New foundations were regularly provided by their lord with a charter embodying the most important points of the special law of the town in question.
Elsewhere several series of such symbols resembling inscriptions have been found scratched on bones of the same period s For the history of writing these may be important, but for the history of the alphabet, as we know it, they are not in question.
Though " some at least of the alterations in Codex Bezae arose through a gradual process, and not through the action of an individual reviser," the revision in question was the work of a single reviser, who in his changes and additions expressed the local interpretation put upon Acts in his own time.
But its value lies mainly in the light cast on ecclesiastical thought in certain quarters during the epoch in question.
Conversely, any six geometrical relations restrict the body in general to one or other of a series of definite positions, none of which can be departed from without violating the conditions in question.
This axis traces out a certain cone in the body, and a certain cone in space, and the continuous motion in question may be represented as consisting in a rolling of the former cone on the latter.
The plane in question is called the null-plane of P. If the null-plane of P pass through Q, the null-plane of will pass through P, since PQ is a null-line.
The word virtual is used because the displacements in question are not regarded as actually taking place, the body being in fact at rest.
If we imagine the bar in question t be removed, equilibrium will still persist if we introduce two equal and opposite forces S, of suitable magnitude, at the joints which it connected.
In the case of an axial moment, the square root of the resulting mean square is called the radius of gyration of the system about the axis in question.
For if the line in question be the axis of y, the first process gives us the values of mx, and the second the value of 2(mx.x) or Z(mx2).
If this amount be negative the sum in question is diminished by a corresponding amount.
Thus the unit of velocity is that of a point describing the unit of length in the unit of time; it may be denoted by LTi, this symbol indicating that the magnitude of the unit in question varies directly as the unit of length and inversely as the unit of time.
The position of the connected point of the crank-arm in question at such an instant is called a dead-point.
The oldest specimen of a distinctively Ionian alphabet is the famous inscription of the mercenaries of Psammetichus, in Upper Egypt, as to which the only doubt is whether the Psammetichus in question is the first or the second, and consequently whether the inscription is to be dated 01.40 or 01.47.
At the period in question an Aeolic literature, the lyrics of Sappho and Alcaeus, were in existence.
The further argument that the Nostoi recognized a son of Calypso by Ulysses but no son of Circe, consequently that Circe was unknown to the poet of the Nostoi, rests (in the first place) upon a conjectural alteration of a passage in Eustathius, and, moreover, has all the weakness of an argument from silence, in addition to the uncertainty arising from our very slight knowledge of the author whose silence is in question.
The table also shows that the proportion of the women of the ages in question who were married exceeds half only in Italy, France and Germany, not to mention Galicia.
It is necessary, therefore, to eliminate the difference in the age-constitution of the countries in question by excluding from the field of observation, as before, all except possible mothers, basing the rate upon the respective numbers of women of the conceptive age, that is between 15 and 45.
In the present day, however, these indications do not appear, so it would seem that the tendency in question had been interrupted by some other influence, a point to which reference will be made below.
Herbert Spencer, again, before the decline in question set in, put forward the hypothesis that "the ability to maintain individual life and the ability to multiply vary inversely"; in other words, the strain upon the nervous system involved in the struggle for life under the conditions of modern civilization, by reacting on the reproductive powers, tends towards comparative sterility.
It becomes complete when the adventure has come to an end, either by arrival at the destination, or by having been broken up at some intermediate point, while the interest in question still survives.
The Liberties in question were certain ancient rights, whose origin was lost in the mists of time.
We must not suffer it to lead us into rhetoric about the deadness and the darkness of the middle ages, or hamper our inquiry with preconceived assumptions that the re-birth in question was in any true sense a return to the irrecoverable pagan past.
This was the opinion of Sir Frederick McCoy, by whom the deposits in question were regarded as probably of Pliocene age.
Various experimenters, especially Fenn, have asserted that by engrafting an eye of one variety into the tuber of another, not only will adhesion take place but the new tubers will present great variety of character; this seems to be the case, but it can hardly be considered as established that the variations in question were the result of any commingling of the essences of the two varieties.
When that has been done (it has been achieved by the present writer in the case of the sea fish Cottus with demersal eggs,) it would be possible to deposit the young fish in suitable localities on a large scale, with a reasonable prospect of influencing the local abundance of the s p ecies of fish in question.
If a i, a 2 represent the densities of the two infinite solids, their mutual attraction at distance z is per unit of area 21ra l a fZ '(z)dz, (30) or 27ra l 02 0(z), if we write f 4,(z)dz=0(z) (31) The work required to produce the separation in question is thus 2 7ru l a o 0 (z)dz; (32) and for the tension of a liquid of density a we have T = a f o 0 (z)dz.
The problem is to make the sum of the interfacial tensions a minimum, each tension being proportional to the square of the difference of densities of the two contiguous liquids in question.
Even If The Tension At The Circumference Of The Tube Acted Vertically, And The Whole Of The Liquid Below This Level Passed Into The Drop, The Calculation Would Still Be Vitiated By The Assumption That The Internal Pressure At The Level In Question Is Atmospheric. It Would Be Necessary To Consider The Curvatures Of The Fluid Surface At The Edge Of Attachment.
Extremely local contacts of the liquids, while opposed by capillary tension which tends to keep the surfaces flat, are thus favoured by the electrical forces, which moreover at the small distances in question act with exaggerated power.
In 1907 the legislature passed an elaborate act providing for the taxation of mines, its principal clause being that the basis of valuation for taxation in each year be one-fourth of the output of the mines in question for the next preceding year.
Most of the forms in question are found growing on the dung of herbivorous animals, but the bacteria occur not only in the alimentary canal of the animal but also free in the air.
Here, just as in the general subject of fermentation, we must inquire whether the bacteria form the substances in question directly or by means of non-living ferments or enzymes.
Reproductive sexual cells may be found in either of these two layers, according to the class and sub-class in question.
In its present form the constitution confers suffrage upon every male citizen of the United States who is twenty-one years of age or over and has resided in the state six months and in his township or ward twenty days immediately preceding an election; and any woman may vote in an election involving the direct expenditure of public money or the issue of bonds if she have the qualifications of male electors and if she have property assessed for taxes in any part of the district or territory affected by the election in question.
Where there are parallels in the other Gospels they should be compared and the words in Matthew noted which in many instances serve to emphasize the points in question.
In each township there are from two to five justices of the peace, any one of whom may preside over the " small cause court," which has jurisdiction of cases in which the matter in dispute does not exceed $too and is not an action of replevin, one in which the charge is slander, trespass or assault, battery or imprisonment, or in which the title to real estate is in question.
The court of common pleas, which may be held either by the " president " judge or by a justice of the supreme court, may hear appeals from the " small cause court," and has original jurisdiction in all civil matters except those in which the title to real estate is in question.
Penaud succeeded in overcoming the difficulty in question by the invention of what he designated an automatic rudder.
All matters relating to the exercise of the powers of the education authority (except those of rating and borrowing) must be referred to the committee, and before exercising any of their powers the council must (except in cases of emergency) receive and consider the report of the education committee with respect to the matter in question.
The work in question is now in the Academy at Florence.
Toland's next work of importance was his Life of Milton (1698), in which a reference to "the numerous supposititious pieces under the name of Christ and His apostles and other great persons," provoked the charge that he had called in question the genuineness of the New Testament writings.
But the whole class, apart from minor variations, was characterized by the idea that the peasants in question were serfs of the soil (servi terrae) on which they were settled, though protected by the laws in their personal and even in their praedial status.
That the Book of Enoch was written in Semitic is now accepted on all hands, but scholars are divided as to whether the Semitic language in question was Hebrew or Aramaic. Only one valuable contribution on this question has been made, and that by Halevy in the Journal Asiatique, AvrilMai 186 7, pp. 35 2 -395.
Sulphur is also recovered in a very pure state from the "alkali waste" of the Leblanc process, but this "recovered sulphur" is too expensive to be burned for the purpose in question.
Although there are no means of ascertaining whether the extinct pigmy British sheep was clothed with hair or with wool, it is practically certain that some of the early European sheep retained hair like that of their wild ancestor; and there is accordingly no prima facie reason why the breed in question should not have been hairy.
The Commons rejected his scheme, and prepared to call in question the most obnoxious of the clergy.
But it was his love of war, not his skill in carrying it on, which was Teally in question.
The points in question have since been called (it is believed first by Dr George Salmon) the circular points at infinity, or they may be called the circular points; these are also frequently spoken of as the points I, J; and we have thus the circle characterized as a conic which passes through the two circular points at infinity; the number of conditions thus imposed upon the conic is = 2, and there remain three arbitrary constants, which is the right number for the circle.
The notion is very probably older, but it is at any rate to be found in Lagrange's Theorie des fonctions analytiques (1798); it is there remarked that the equation obtained by the elimination of the parameter a from an equationf (x,y,a) = o and the derived equation in respect to a is a curve, the envelope of the series of curves represented by the equation f (x,y,a) = o in question.
Again, when there is in question only one pair of points or lines, these, if coincident, must be real; thus, b line meets a cubic curve in three points, one of them real, and other two real or imaginary; but if two of the intersections coincide they must be real, and we have a line cutting a cubic in one real point and touching it in another real point.
It is a form of the theorem for the case D = r, that the coordinates x, y, z of a point of the bicursal curve, or in particular the co-ordinates of a point of the cubic, can be expressed as proportional to rational and integral functions of the elliptic functions snu, cnu, dnu; in fact, taking the radical to be r -0 2 .r - k 2 0 2, and writing 8 =snu, the radical becomes = cnu, dnu; and we have expressions of the form in question.
If it did so, the will of the gods was in favour of the enterprise in question.
He revived previous doubts as to the direct Pauline origin of the Epistle to the Hebrews, called in question Peter's authorship of the first epistle, and referred the second epistle to the end of the 2nd century.
Often the theologians in question look to psychology as the permanent basis of religion; who is to deny that religion is a psychological fact, and the natural expression of something in man's constitution?
If we put the population of France at 40,000,000, the states in question could, at the same ratio, support a population of 140,000,000.
Considering the equations ax +by +cz =d, a'x +b'y +c' z =d', a"x+b"y+cnz=d" and proceeding to solve them by the so-called method of cross multiplication, we multiply the equations by factors selected in such a manner that upon adding the results the whole coefficient of y becomes = o, and the whole coefficient of z becomes = o; the factors in question are b'c" - b"c', b"c - be", bc' - b'c (values which, as at once seen, have the desired property); we thus obtain an equation which contains on the left-hand side only a multiple of x, and on the right-hand side a constant term; the coefficient of x has the value a(b'c" - b"c') +a'(b"c - bc") +a'(bc' - b'c), and this function, represented in the form a, b,c, a' b'c', a" b" c" is said to be a determinant; or, the number of elements being 32, it is called a determinant of the third order.
The products in question may be obtained by permuting in every possible manner the columns (or the lines) of the determinant, and then taking for the factors the n elements in the dexter diagonal.
Francis I., desirous to continue the suppression of the Protestants but anxious, because of his strife with Charles V., not to break with the Protestant princes of Germany, instructed his ambassador to assure these princes that it was only against Anabaptists, and other parties who called in question all civil magistracy, that his severities were exercised.
There is one passage which seems to support the view that they agreed with the Gaulish druids in this respect, but it is not safe to deny the possible influence of Christian teaching in the document in question.
As the riverain powers could not come to an agreement on the subject, the great powers at the congress of Berlin (1878) entrusted to Austria-Hungary the execution of the works in question.
As to foreign affairs, its aggressive policy imperilled the conquests that had been the glory of the Convention, and caused the frontiers of France, the defence of which had been a point of honor with the Republic, to be called in question.
During the period in question there is considerable archaeological evidence for intercourse between the west coast of Norway and the regions south of the North Sea, and it is worth noting that this seems to have come to an end early in the 9th century.
By this scepticism the real validity of even the forms of experience is called in question on account of the contradictions they are found to involve.
Thus if on a certain occasion the rise of the new moon in a cloudy sky was followed by victory over an enemy or by abundant rain, the sign in question was thus proved to be a favourable one and its recurrence would be regarded as a good omen, though the prognostication would not necessarily be limited to the one or the other of those occurrences, but might be extended to apply to other circumstances.
But the only well-authenticated observations we have of this kind show anomalies which have never been cleared up. This is especially the case with those of Chaplain George Jones, who spent eight months at Quito, Peru, at an elevation of more than woo ft., for the express purpose of observing the phenomenon in question.
Hall also reaches the interesting conclusion that the plane in question seems to lie near the invariable plane of the solar system, a result which might be expected if the light proceeded from a swarm of independent meteoric particles moving around the sun.
It follows that the period in question is 305 days.
But owing to meteorological causes the motion in question is subject to annual changes.
In France and Holland, no less than in England, the institution of chartered companies became a settled principle of the governments of those countries during the whole of the period in question.
The investigations of the last quarter of the 10th century established that these ' Endlicher's name Dadoxylon is conveniently used for Palaeozoic specimens of the kind in question when nothing beyond the woodstructure is known.
In the first place, the adaptation may be merely subjective, when the empirical condition for the exercise of judgment is furnished by the feeling of pleasure or pain; such adaptation is aesthetic. In the second place, the adaptation may be objective or logical, when empirical facts are given of such a kind that their possibility can be conceived only through the notion of the end realized in them; such adaptation is teleological, and the empirical facts in question are organisms.
The administrators in question are accused of trying to illegally acquire the cattle, either in their own names or in the names of relatives.
The ending was more ambiguous, one in which the future of the world was in question.
It may take the form of examining the demographic antecedents of the characteristics in question.
And yet in this instance, I may not at all know the causal antecedents of the appearances in question.
Essays that are too obsequious are often too obviously pandering to the writer in question.
The employee in question who was responsible for the error has been given a severe reprimand along with a written warning.
I am highly amused that on the forum in question he is saying lots of rude things about Australians.
A large bribe in a brown envelope will secure total anonymity to the client in question!
It was, therefore, decided to investigate the deposition of chromium carbide onto the tool in question.
John Elliott, this simple catechism, in question and answer format, is a modern alternative to the ever popular penny catechism.
The mediation process helps disputants to look at alternative options for the child in question.
My little doggy at home is very sick indeed, infact his future is well in question at the moment.
What happens is it fails to resolve the domain name in question totaly.
In that case the student will be assessed by a written examination in the language in question by the ninth week of Trinity term.
The incidents in question took place during Hewett's mayoralty, when various alleged felons were not punished.
Will be putting the actual flyer / poster up on rm 237 in the near future, the flyer in question is really freaky.
It think the technical term for the phrase in question is " gobbledy gook " .
Higher percentage percent bdo stoy hayward pounds million in question how much.
The journalist in question will probably never be seen as impartial on that issue in the future.
There was a ' general Aramaic indisposition to literary composition at the time in question ' .
A huge underwater landslide produced the tsunami in question.
The hills in question are always fairly benign lumps without any sharp edges to fall off in the dark.
In March 2005 the chief ombudsman issued his final decision on lead case E, upholding the complaint of the consumer in question.
They soon reached a small hut, near which, enclosed within some high palings, was the animal in question.
In either case, the likelihood of professionals and family members establishing authentic partnerships on behalf of the child in question appears problematic.
The Commission would then have to withdraw the legislative proposal in question.
One can formalize this by using restricted quantifiers, which incorporate a restriction on the domain over which the variable in question ranges.
Take notes only on those issues which are directly relevant to the subject in question.
The phrase in question is of course, " hit The Ground running!
Because the people in question are the latest scapegoats for Britain's ills -- civil servants.
The issue was whether the constant repetition of messages about marriage symbolism would lead the laity to internalize the values in question.
That Iraq has trillions of dollars worth of oil reserves is not in question.
Any Member who wishes to check the veracity of this, should visit the place in question.
I'm not sure what the heavy plant in question was - but Martin tells me the nettles were fairly weighty!
Much will depend upon the precise wording of the provision in question.
The incident in question related to a holly wreath on a Stromness property being set alight.
Having found that some of the commonest diseases of beer, such as yeast turbidity and the objectionable changes in flavour, were caused not by bacteria but by certain species of yeast, and, further, that different species of good brewery yeast would produce beers of different character, Hansen argued that the pitching yeast should consist only of a single species - namely, that best suited to the brewery in question.
The prediction in question was doubtless added by Ezekiel after the event; the code belongs precisely in his time, and the constitution was natural for a priest; Noah, Daniel and Job are old legendary Hebrew figures; and it is not probable that the prophet's " Paras " is our " Persia."
The passages in question do not exaggerate his obligations to the "well of English."
When the legality of the Roman Catholic Convention in 1792 was called in question by the government, Tone drew up for the committee a statement of the case on which a favourable opinion of counsel was obtained; and a sum of I 5 'oo with a gold medal was voted to Tone by the Convention when it dissolved itself in April 1793.
Flint that while materialism requires sensationalist psychology, yet the psychology in question allows no valid inference to matter, and therefore destroys materialism.
The Ontological argument, though not wholly rejected as a proof, is taken rather as pointing to God's attribute of infinity; thought rather than experience making affirmation that the intuition in question must be attached to God.
The union taking place underground, while the bulk of both partners in the symbiosis rises into the air, renders the association a little difficult to see, but there is no doubt that the plants in question do afford each other assistance, forming, as it were, a kind of partnership. The most pronounced case of parasitism, that of Cuscuta, the dodder, which infests particularly clover fields, appears to differ only in degree from those mentioned, for the plant, bare of leaves as it is yet contair.s a little chlorophyll.
Clement himself had declared that natural lore, as taught in the course of higher Christian education according to the canon of truth, ought to proceed from "cosmogony" to "the theological idea," 2 and even in the little that is left of the works of Origen we have two instances of the proceeding in question.
The heat makes itself evident by raising the temperature and therefore elongating the wire, whilst the magnetic field creates mechanical forces which act on pieces of iron or other conductors conveying electric currents when placed in proximity to the conductor in question.
The language of various treatises was doubtful and ambiguous, largely owing to the ignorance of the diplomatists who drew up the articles of the exact geography of the territory in question.
The House passed by an enormous majority a resolution (introduced on June 25) "that in order to give effect to the will of the people, as expressed by their representatives, it is necessary that the power of the other House to alter or reject bills passed by this House should be so restricted by law as to secure that within the limits of a single parliament the final decision of the Commons shall prevail"; but the prime minister's explanation that statutory provision should be made for two or three successive private conferences between the two Houses as to any bill in dispute at intervals of about six months, and that, only after that, the bill in question should be finally sent up by the Commons with the intimation that unless passed in that form it would become law over their heads, was obviously not what was wanted by enthusiastic opponents of the second chamber.
He thinks with Berkeley that objects of sight are quite distinct from those of touch, and that the one therefore cannot give any assurance of the other; and he asks the Cartesians to consider how far God's truth and goodness are called in question by their denial of the externality of the secondary qualities.
Perhaps it may be sufficient to remark that the defects in question certainly exist, and detract to some extent from the authority of the work, more especially of those parts of it which deal with remoter periods, and were taken by Herodotus on trust from his informants, but that they only slightly affect the portions which treat of later times and form the special subject of his history.
This inexactness may, however, be ignored, since the numbers or ratios in question can generally be obtained to a greater degree of accuracy than the other numbers involved in the calculation (see (ii) (b) below).
Consequently, if any single deputy believed that a measure already approved of by the rest of the house might be injurious to his constituency, he had the right to rise and exclaim nie pozwalam, " I disapprove," when the measure in question fell at once to the ground.
Hence there seem to be good reasons for regarding the likeness in question as due to similarity in habitat and not as mimetic.
Klebs has concluded that transpiration is the important factor in determining the formation of sporangia, while zygotedevelopment depends on totally different conditions; these results have been called in question by Falck.
He was assisted to detect the small potential differences then in question by the use of a multiplying condenser or revolving doubler (see Electrical Machine).
In the first place it is never clear whether Spencer regards the fact that a particular course of conduct is accompanied by a feeling of pleasure as a test of its life-preserving and life-sustaining character, or whether he wishes us to use as our criterion of what is pleasant in conduct the fact that the conduct in question seems conducive to the continued existence of man's organic life.
The employe in question who was responsible for the error has been given a severe reprimand along with a written warning.
The phrase in question is of course, Hit The Ground Running !
Architectural salvage undoubtedly raises the question of whether or not listed building consent has been obtained to remove the items in question.
Because the people in question are the latest scapegoats for Britain 's ills -- civil servants.
And the lady in question was an eighty year old spinster of the parish !
The gentleman in question solved this delicate social problem by requesting a rope in a strangulated tone.
They are supervenience theses that take the supervening set A to be the identity facts for particular entities of whatever kind is in question.
On the other hand, some of the other states in question may not have techies with enough pull to make their voice heard.
We do our upmost to ensure that any request added to a reservation for this service is reserved with the supplier in question.
Normally, correspondence or interviews will be conducted by the officer who is appointed to deal with the valuation of the hereditament in question.
The plan was to head from Leeds Station to a Hotel in the vicinity of the junction in question.
In the first activity we wan t to retrieve a YAC contig from a genomic database covering the genomic area in question.
I 'm not sure what the heavy plant in question was - but Martin tells me the nettles were fairly weighty !
The veracity of his claim was in question because every other witness told a different version of the events.
Providing the toddler in question is cognizant enough, you can also plant a small garden with your little one during the summer months.
Once you are satisfied that the cattery in question is professionally run and reputable, it is time to visit.
Simply run a pearl from the set in question along the edge of your teeth.
The memorabilia in question does not have to be wildly popular, but is should be important enough that it is unlikely to decrease in value.
Tails or no tails, or whether wearing a colored shirt is acceptable or not should be found out before the event in question.
The mystery shopper then relays their experiences to the regional managers in charge of the store in question.
If the website in question charges you for viewing a list of opportunities, steer clear of it.
Use discretion when learning how to purchase tax liens, as the entire system contains hundreds of stipulations that vary based on the property in question.
If the child in question isn't your child, make sure you know the parent's policies.
After the above two steps, talk to the mechanic or anyone who has knowledge of the history of the cart in question.
Because of this, the bureau in question may have information on you that the other two don't have.
If only one part of the burden of proof for special equity is fulfilled, then the Court will determine whether the funds or property in question is marital property.
A presumption is made that one spouse intended to gift the other with the funds or property in question.
If the man being tested is, in fact, the biological father, then the Court will order him to make child support payments until the child in question reaches the age of majority.
In some states, you can only order these types of documents if you are one of the persons named on the certificate in question.
Where the arrangement is not a 50/50 one, the joint custody laws of the state in question determine how child support will be calculated.
Check state, county, and town records or websites to find out if foraging is okay on the land in question.
When the bathroom in question is used by a child, a theme is a good starting place for bathroom decorations.
The most important thing to do when coming up with teenage bedroom ideas is to consult the teen in question and get his or her input.
Bedrooms should always reflect the personalities of the people who reside in them, so it should be the teenager in question who makes the final decisions.
The most important thing to remember when coming up with teenage bedroom ideas is to take the personality of the teenager in question into account.
These samples are presented in several different formats, depending on the product in question.
Just provide the Web site in question with your contact information and a sample will be sent to you in the mail.
Users may have compared it to other similar scents, or they may have similar tastes to those of the recipient and give the perfume in question the thumbs-up or thumbs-down.
If Avon has sufficient inventory on hand of the color in question and decides to exhaust the supply, the product will usually go on sale in the Avon Outlet Sales Flyer until all pieces are sold out.
They often offer better value for your money, and include several products laced with the fragrance in question.
Once there, ask for a sample of the foundation in question.
This year, the one item in question was the Sephora Perfect Ten Brush Set.
If you're still not sure when to wear smoky eye makeup, chances are the look is still in question.
You'll learn about the object in question and learn more about the phrase or word.
Knowing what you want, understanding how the creature in question behaves, and being aware of its actions will lead to the shot you're hoping for.
If the wedding involves the family's culture at all, consider traditional food from the country in question.
The proper way to do this depends on the drug in question.
The symptoms of compulsive liars are often quite subtle, especially if the person in question has become skilled at lying.
If a woman is asked, "What do you think of my hair, outfit, etc.?", she will typically respond by finding something positive to say, even if she personally didn't like item in question.
There are some advantages to online catalogs versus print ones, primarily the fact that consumers can often view close-ups and various angles of the bedding in question before purchasing.
Adding an animal print to your bedroom certainly doesn't have to be a worrisome venture, especially if the print in question is the classic zebra one.
In order to qualify, the retailer, textile mill or manufacturer in question must meet select quality standards and construct products made solely of 100 percent American Pima Cotton.
Her parenting skills have been in question in the wake of her wild outings.
Sources state that the treatment center in question is the Pasadena Recovery Center.
When the party in question includes a celebrity or two (or more) and the order creeps up into the hundreds (and sometimes thousands) of dollars, it's certainly anticipated that the tip will be commensurate.
In 2002, Nona Paris Lola Jackson filed suit against "The Gloved One" (since the glove in question was recently auctioned off, can he still be called by that name?) claiming that she was the mother to all his children.
Often, the media speculates on whether or not a particular star is pregnant or not, and sometimes this comes with disastrous and embarrassing consequences, when the celeb in question turns out not to be pregnant at all.
The girl in question was only 16, but Lowe stated that he had no idea she was so young.
Even if you haven't seen the movie or television show the scene appeared in, you've likely heard plenty about the love scene in question.
Or it may just be impossible to find something in a fabric and color that really suits the girl in question.
However, if the boy in question wears dress clothes frequently - to religious services or as part of a school uniform - it's wise to invest in quality pieces that will hold up to frequent washing.
Individuals who claim that there is no difference between a ten dollar shirt and a sixty dollar shirt should investigate the manufacturing, tailoring, and composition of the shirts in question to see if such claims hold any truth.
However, at the end of the day, it never hurts to try, particularly when there's a potential twenty percent discount in question.