In-person Sentence Examples
I wanted to thank you in person.
Maybe I should fly out and talk to Howie in person.
She said she'd tell you that in person if you hadn't already taken her Traveler.
Well, man up and do it in person.
You're much more beautiful in person.
Man up and tell me in person.
Even visiting the banks in person produced no success.
The epoch-making victory of the 12th of September 1683 was ultimately decided by the charge of the Polish cavalry led by Sobieski in person.
She still found it baffling how different he was in person than over the net.
To see the expression in person both touched and frustrated him.
AdvertisementWhile Dean wanted the opportunity to speak with her in person after his Norfolk trip, he didn't feel in the best mood to do it after spending half the night and day coping with Vinnie Baratto and his sleazy friends.
He found ships for the invasion of England and fought in person at Senlac; in 1067 he became earl of Kent, and for some years he was a trusted royal minister.
Refusing to recognize the new archbishop of Canterbury, William of Corbeil, as his superior, Thurstan took no part in his consecration, and on two occasions both archbishops carried their complaints in person to Rome.
In May 1566 the war broke out, Suleiman, now seventy-two years old, again leading his army in person.
Rarely do I get to see the Future unfold in person.
AdvertisementIn October of this last year, however, the duke of Savoy, who came then to assist in person at the great religious feasts which celebrated the return of the country to unity of faith, expatriated such of the leading men as obstinately refused even to listen to the Catholic arguments.
After the first defeat Francis Joseph hastened to Italy; he commanded in person at Solferino, and by a meeting with Napoleon arranged the terms of the peace of Villafranca.
In 1638 he marched in person against the Persians and succeeded in recapturing Bagdad.
For local or in-person retail shopping, the following services are available to provide you with the latest sales and price comparisons.
If you are unsure if the eye makeup remover will be able to erase your heavy-duty mascara or eyeliner, then you might consider testing the product in person at a retail store.
AdvertisementIf you are new to buying a wetsuit, it is probably best to shop in person.
Inform your local law enforcement agency about the suspected scam, especially if you're being contacted in person or over the phone or you feel harassed or threatened.
Online and in-person ticket sales allow users to buy tickets and try their chances at winning a prize.
While mailing letters can be effective, it may be better to deliver your request in person or send it via email.
Company websites may also offer better deals than their brick-and-mortar counterparts, so be sure to check the price both online and in person.
AdvertisementAs with any in-person purchase, check that all lights work within the first 24 hours of receiving them, so they can be shipped back as soon as possible.
Attending a large holiday parade in person can be an experience of a lifetime.
Otherwise, most adult Christmas costumes can be bought at any costume shop either in person or online.
You can also request an online-only relationship, a discreet in-person encounter, or simply a chance to meet and see what happens.
However, many people feel that online sex is the same as cheating, and certainly an in-person sexual encounter would meet most people's definition of infidelity.
Some even sport webcams where users can meet online before (or instead of) meeting in person.
An intimate online relationship with someone who is underage is a federal offense and can lead to jail time even though you have never met the individual in person.
Far more than anyone could ever hope to meet in person.
The young king was in the hands of the bad minister Hermeias, and was induced to make an attack on Palestine instead of going in person to face the rebels.
The wedding was celebrated first at Vienna by proxy, and at Notre Dame by the emperor in person on the 2nd of April.
He was present in person at an extraordinary affray in Sidney St., Mile End Road, on Jan.
Manuel subsequently set out in person to seek help from the West, and for this purpose visited Italy, France, Germany and England, but without material success; the victory of Timur in 1402, and the death of Bayezid in the following year were the first events to give him a genuine respite from Ottoman oppression.
A Norse belief found in Iceland is that the fylgia, a genius in animal form, attends human beings; and these animal guardians may sometimes be seen fighting; in the same way the Siberian shamans send their animal familiars to do battle instead of deciding their quarrels in person.
Mr. Harding's inaugural address, and his first message to Congress, delivered in person on April 12, voiced his desire to return to " normalcy," as he expressed it.
He attended King Edward's coronation in 1902, and accompanied the British army in person in the Chinese campaign of Igoe in command of the Bikanir Camel Corps, which also did good service in Somaliland in 1904.
Suleiman determined to support the claims of Zapolya's infant son, John Sigismund, and in 15 4 set out in person.
The attempt of the imperialists, under Joachim of Brandenburg, to retake Budapest (September 15 4 2), failed ignominiously; and in the following year Suleiman in person conducted a campaign which led to the conquest of Siklos, Gran, Szekesf ehervar and Visegrad (1544) Everywhere the churches were turned into mosques; and the greater part of Hungary, divided into twelve sanjaks, became definitively a Turkish province.
Then the main army under Napoleon in person (220,000 men; with 80,000 more under the viceroy of Italy on his right rear); and on the extreme left at Tilsit a flanking corps, comprising the Prussian auxiliary corps and other Germans (in all 40,000 strong).
Here his headquarters were surprised and he himself nearly captured by a sudden rush of French troops, and he learnt at the same time that the emperor in person was at hand.
But he showed admirable judgment in his choice of subordinates; Robert of Meulan, who died in 1118, and Roger of Salisbury, who survived his master, were statesmen of no common order; and Henry was free from the mania of attending in person to every detail, which was the besetting sin of medieval sovereigns.
This reply complained of the high words of the Latin envoys, and commanded the pope to come in person and submit to the Master of all the Earth (the Mongol emperor).
Martim Affonso de Sousa, having obtained a grant, fitted out a considerable armament and proceeded to explore the country in person.
The king in person undertook the siege of Ely, which proved unexpectedly difficult.
The Burmese in person have the Mongoloid characteristics common to the Indo-Chinese races, the Tibetans and tribes of the Eastern Himalaya.
Again the heavens had opened and the divine teaching come to mankind, no longer merely in books bearing the names of ancient patriarchs, but on the lips of living men, who had taken courage to appear in person as God's messengers before His people.
Dara in person took the field against his brothers, but was defeated and compelled to fly.
In these circumstances Catherine determined to try her powers of persuasion and argument, attempting first by correspondence to reconcile Gregory and the Florentines, who had been placed under an interdict, and then going in person as the representative of the latter to Avignon, where she arrived on the 18th of June.
Then, repenting this ill-judged step, he hurried in person to the French camp at Pietra Santa and humbled himself before the king.
Having thus secured his eastern frontier, Heraclius returned to Constantinople with ample spoils, including the true cross, which in 629 he brought back in person to Jerusalem.
It must be applied for, either in person or by proxy, at Rome by the archbishop within three months of his consecration or enthronement, and, before receiving it, he must take the oaths of fidelity and obedience to the Holy See.
That he might equip himself the more completely for his duties, he took the unusual course of visiting India in person.
In 1333 the king won in person the battle of Halidon Hill over the Scots, but his victory did not restore Baliol to power.
After Dunbar Leslie fought a stubborn defensive campaign up to the crossing of the Forth by Cromwell, and then accompanied Charles to Worcester, where he was lieutenant-general under the king, who commanded in person.
The French army under Louis in person started from Charleroi and marched down the Meuse unopposed.
In the following year he accompanied Julius upon his march through Perugia into the province of Emilia, where the fiery pope subdued in person the rebellious cities of the Church.
It could be received only by the suzerain in person.
No longer leading his armies in person he entrusted the direction of campaigns in various parts of his empire to his sons and other lieutenants, and from his favourite residence at Aix watched their progress with a keen and sustained interest.
It was found necessary to adjourn the sitting until the 7th of June, on which occasion the outward decencies were better observed, partly no doubt from the circumstance that Sigismund was present in person.
The elector of Bavaria commanded his own troops in person.
During the crisis in Schleswig and Holstein in 1850 he endeavoured in person to aid the duchies in their struggles.
While leading one of the charges in person his horse was shot and fell under him, but he was rescued and borne in a semi-conscious condition from the field.
The reply they received was that he would appear as soon as all the bishops were assembled; and at the same time the imperial commissioner, Candidian, presented himself in person and formally protested against the opening of the synod.
He lost no time in entering into fresh negotiations with the French government, and a draft treaty was already early in October drawn up in Paris and the Count d'Estrades was commissioned to deliver it in person to the prince of Orange.
A contemporary record, after attesting his pre-eminence as a goldsmith, jeweller and painter, states that he was "most handsome in person and highly eloquent."
The news of his father's death reached Eric as he was on the point of embarking for England to press in person his suit for the hand of Queen Elizabeth.
The Pindaris were surrounded on all sides by a great army, consisting of 120,000 men and 300 guns, which converged upon them from Bengal, the Deccan and Gujarat under the supreme command of Lord Hastings in person.
The next five years were disturbed by fresh rebellions of the Vlachs, against whom Isaac led several expeditions in person.
The first conspiracy was easily suppressed, and in 974 an attempt on the part of Harold III., king of the Danes, to throw off the German yoke was also successfully resisted; but an expedition against the Bohemians led by the king in person in 975 was a partial failure owing to the outbreak of further trouble in Bavaria.
Henry, who was present in person at the trial, had the good sense not to resent the defeat, but took the counsel to whose advocacy it was due into his service.
In practice, appeals to the pope, when they involved the annulling of a judgment, were judged by the pope in person.
Unfortunately they contain practically nothing that is not of Christian origin.4 On the death of Aurelius Hatra aided Niger against Septimius Severus in 194; Osroene rose against Rome, and Nisibis was besieged and other Roman places taken; but Septimius Severus appeared in person (195), and from Nisibis as headquarters subdued the whole country, of which he made Nisibis metropolis, raising it to the rank of a colony, the Sinjar district, where Arabs from Yemen had settled, being incorporated.
He was present in person at the siege of Bonn in 1689, but was not often in command of his troops.
In the early 19th century the Meyer family of Aarau conquered in person the Jungfrau (1811) and by deputy the Finsteraarhorn (1812), besides opening several glacier passes, their energy being entirely confined to the Bernese Oberland.
Among these was the closing of the Scheldt to all ships, a clause which was ruinous to the commerce of the Belgic provinces, by cutting them off from their only to the impoverished land by the introduction of new but visited Belgium in person and governor-general,g p showed a great and active interest in its affairs.
Henry led his troops in person and obtained assistance from the Russians and the Hungarians; peace was concluded in 1018, the Elbe remaining the north-east boundary of Germany.
For some time he resisted, but at length the emperor in person marched against him and he was forced to submit; the only favor he could secure when peace was made at Erfurt in November 1181 was permission to retain Brunswick and Lneburg, which have remained in the possession of his descendants until our own day.
In 1236, during another short stay in Germany, Frederick in person led the imperial army against Frederick II., duke of Austria, who had defied and overcome his repreFrederick sentatives; having taken possession of Vienna and Germany.
Of the German sovereign states but four were unrepresentedAnhalt-Bernburg, Holstein, Lippe and Prussia; but the absence of Prussia was felt to be fatal; the minor princes existed by reason of the balance between the two great powers, and objected as strongly to the exclusion of the one as of the other from the Confederation; an invitation to King William was therefore signed by all present and carried by the king of Saxony in person to Berlin.
The first campaign, however, which he conducted in person was a dismal failure; the Turks followed the Austrian army, disorganized by disease, across the Danube, and though the transference of the command to the veteran marshal Loudon somewhat retrieved the initial disasters, his successes were more than counterbalanced by the alliance, concluded on the 3 1st of January 1790, between Prussia and Turkey.
Mezetius, commander of the Eastern army of Constans, revolted, but Sicily and Roman Italy kept their allegiance to the new emperor Constantine Pogonatus, who came in person to destroy him.
The mother, whose maiden name was Lloyd, is said to have been a woman of high character, charming in person and eminent for piety.
He was debarred from following up his victory by trouble in Africa which he had to settle in person.
It is possible that the Apology was read to Hadrian in person when he visited Athens, and that the Syriac inscription was prefixed by a scribe on the analogy of Justin's Apology, a mistake being made in the amplification of Hadrian's name.
In the centre the battle was now between the two mounted reserves led respectively by the king and the emperor in person.
Considering that his legal reforms are those by which his name is mainly known to posterity, it is curious that we should have hardly any information as to his legal knowledge, or the share which he took in those reforms. In person he was somewhat above the middle height, well-shaped, with plenty of fresh colour in his cheeks, and an extraordinary power of doing without food and sleep. He spent most of the night in reading or writing, and would sometimes go for a day with no food but a few green herbs.
The emperor Constantius attended in person.
Thus the letter assumes that its readers already have considerable knowledge as to " the Lord Jesus Christ," and as to His relation to " God the Father," a knowledge derived from teaching given in person on a former visit.
Omar and his followers in person cleaned it, and established the place of prayer which, though later rebuilt, has borne his name ever since.
Under these circumstances the population grew rapidly in wealth and influence by land and sea, so that, when Henry was attainted by the emperor, Frederick I., who came in person to besiege Lubeck in 1181, this potentate,"in consideration of its revenues and its situation on the frontier of the Empire," fixed by charter, dated the 19th of September 1188, the limits, and enlarged the liberties, of the free town.
In 1570 he obtained possession of Oudh and Gwalior, In 1572 he marched in person into Gujarat, defeated r the last of the independent sultans of Ahmedabad, and formed the province into a Mogul viceroyalty or subah.
But Clive in person marched to the rescue, with an army of only 450 Europeans and 2500 sepoys, and the Mogul army dispersed without striking a blow.
Clive's first step was to hurry up from Calcutta to Allahabad, and there settle in person the fate of half northern India.
On his refusal war was declared, and Wellesley came down in state to Madras to organize the expedition in person and watch over the course of events.
The repulse of Lake in person at the siege of Bharatpur (Bhurtpore) (1805) is memorable as an instance of a British army in India having to turn back with its object unaccomplished.
His only military exploits were the occupation of the island of Mauritius, and the conquest of Java by an expedition which he accompanied in person.
Peace was restored by the battles of Maharajpur and Punniar, at the former of which Lord Ellenborough was present in person.
In 1262 the Tatar tribute was felt so grievously all over Russia that preparations were made for a general insurrection, and Alexander, who knew that an abortive rebellion would make the yoke heavier, was obliged to go to the Horde in person to prevent the Tatars from again attacking Russia.
In 779 the caliph decided on leading his army in person.
Musa, informed of his father's intentions, refused to obey this order, and Mandi determined to march in person against him.
The caliph went in person to Merv, in order to judge of the reality of the complaints which had reached him.
Nasr al-Khoza`i was seized and brought to ISamarra, where Wathiq beheaded him in person.
At the end of April Cadorna went to visit the lines in person.
He was handsome in person and benevolent in disposition.
It needed the intervention of Mehemet Ali in person before, in the following year, they were finally subdued.
Thus the praetor possessed military power (imperium); even the city praetor, though attached by his office to Rome, could not only levy troops but also in certain circumstances take the command in person.
He was so handsome in person as to have earned the sobriquet of "the beauty of holiness."
On the adjournment of the Congress he returned to Virginia, where he continued to be active, as a member of the House of Burgesses, in urging on the organization, equipment and training of troops, and even undertook in person to drill volunteers.
Calhoun in person was tall and slender, and in his later years was emaciated.
At last he came forth from his seclusion, and it was soon understood that he was in person to undertake the subjugation of the rebels in Ireland, with a larger force than had ever before been sent into that country.
Aga Mahommed then advanced in person against his rival.
The Majlis was duly elected, and was opened by the shah in person on the 7th of October 1006.
He led in person several armies into Italy, and proved as severe and pitiless towards his enemies as he was gentle and clement towards his subjects.
Pedro abdicated (April 1831); he determined to return to Europe and conduct in person a campaign for the restoration of Maria II.
Or he could come in person to hold the parlement, and have the law registered in his presence in a lit de justice.
Unsuccessful overtures were made to him in 1763, and twice in 1765, in May and June - the negotiator in May being the king's uncle, the duke of Cumberland, who went down in person to Hayes, Pitt's seat in Kent.
He scarcely ever saw any of his colleagues though they repeatedly and urgently pressed for interviews with him, and even an offer from the king to visit him in person was declined, though in the language of profound and almost abject respect which always marked his communications with the court.
The peace did not last long, and in 309 Ptolemy commanded a fleet in person which detached the coast towns of Lycia and Caria from Antigonus and crossed to Greece, where Ptolemy took possession of Corinth, Sicyon and Megara (308).
Simon is there made to maintain that he has a better knowledge of the mind of Jesus than thedisciples, who had seen and conversed with Him in person.
If you were not an adversary, you would not be slandering me and reviling the preaching that is given through me, in order that, as I heard myself in person from the Lord, when I speak I may not be believed, as though forsooth it were I who was condemned and I who was reprobate.'
He conducted in person the war against the Visigoths under Fritigern (in Macedonia and Epirus), and on one occasion was nearly betrayed into the enemy's hands; this campaign, in which Gratian's general Arbogast eventually lent help, was ended by Fritigern's death.
Margaret came in person and was duly recognized as countess in Holland, Zeeland and Hainaut; but returned to her husband after appointing her second son (the eldest, Louis, renounced his rights) Duke William of Bavaria, as stadholder in her place.
At the same time he sent assurances of loyalty to the lord deputy, whom he met in person at Dundalk in the summer of 1592.
He was educated by his mother because, being a Protestant, he couldnot attend school, and he grew up at once thoughtful and passionate, studious and social, handsome in person and graceful in manners.
A splendid legend relates the coming of St Peter in person to hallow his new church.
He is said to have feasted amongst his impaled victims. When the sultan Mahomet, infuriated at the impalement of his envoy, the pasha of Vidin, who had been charged with Vlad's deposition, invaded Walachia in person with an immense host, he is said to have found at one spot a forest of pales on which were the bodies of men, women and children.
Caesar, who regarded him as a formidable opponent, set out against him in person.
He intended to follow de Valence to Scotland, and to complete the suppression of the rising in person.
But he marched no further than Dumfries, and then turned back, on the vain pretext that he must conduct his parents funeral in person.
It was his regular habit to refer those who came to him on matters of state to his good brother Piers, and to refuse to discuss them in person.
The war did not entirely cease, but became local and spasmodic. In Brittany the factions which supported the two claimants to the ducal title were so embittered that they never laid down their arms. In 1351 the French noblesse of Picardy, apparently without their masters knowledge or consent, made an attempt to surprise Calais, which was beaten off with some difficulty by King Edward in person.
The king marched against him in person in 1400 and 1401, but Glendower showed himself a master of guerrilla warfare; he refused battle, and defied pursuit in his mountains, till the stores of the English army were exhausted and Henry was forced to retire.
Meantime, in 1418, Henry had gone in person to relieve Ceuta from an attack of Morocco and Granada Mussulmans; had accomplished his task, and had planned, though he did not carry out, a seizure of Gibraltar.
The citizens must serve in person.
He seized the office of United Ireland in person.
Since then, besides the visit of the prince and princess of Wales in 1885, Prince Albert Victor and Prince George of Wales had visited Ireland in 1887, and the duke and duchess of York (afterwards prince and princess of Wales) in 1897; but the lack of any permanent royal residence and the long-continued absence of the sovereign in person had aroused repeated comment.
But Henry demanded that he should again receive from him in person investiture in his office of archbishop, thus making the dignity entirely dependent on the royal authority.
Revenue was derived from customs duties, firstfruits, fines and confiscation of offenders' property, and a money offering called hdsind, presented on a great variety of occasions both to the sovereign in person and to her representatives; and these were supplemented by " benevolences " (in the medieval sense of the word) levied upon the people for occasional state necessities.
He only let him depart when he had sworn in the treaty of Pronne to fulfil the engagements made at Conflans and Saint-Maur to assist in person at the subjugation of rebellious Liege, an.d to give Champagne as an appanage to his ally the duke of Berry.
A further appeal to the emperor in person was heard at Milan in 316, when all points were finally decided in favour of Caecilian, probably on the advice of Hosius, bishop of Cordova.
The president of the Republic and his ministers had to call in person on their guest to tender an apology, which was coldly received by Alphonso and his minister for foreign affairs.
In December 915 he granted the imperial crown to Berengar, and with the assistance of the forces of all the princes of the Italian peninsula he took the field in person against the Saracens, over whom he gained a great victory on the banks of the Garigliano.
The governor of Panama showing little disposition to encourage the adventurers, Pizarro resolved to apply to the sovereign in person for help, and with this object sailed from Panama for Spain in the spring of 1528, reaching Seville in early summer.
William came in person from Maine to lead the attack in the Vexin in September, and crossed the Seine, penetrating to within 30 m.
When he accepted the annexation of Romagna offered by the inhabitants themselves the pope excommunicated him, but, although a devout Catholic, he continued in his course undeterred by ecclesiastical thunders, and led his army in person through the Papal States, occupying the Marches and Umbria, to Naples.
The chief conspirators - Prince ShchepinRostovski, Suthoff, Ryleyev, Prince Sergius Trubetskoi, Prince Obolenski and others - were arrested the same night and interrogated by the emperor in person.
He was constantly urging her to go up to the Marsh ranch, insisting that his father was anxious to have them confirm the news in person.
If we meet I may be so bold as to ask for advice in person if all is not going well.
She made up her mind to call in person at the address given for the Mormons, which was conveniently central.
The chief men expostulated against his going forth to fight in person.
Bags of personality It's an incredible eye-opener to be at such events in person.
He also has plenty of other fetishes which you'll have to talk to him about in person.
In the case of joint holders, any one holder may vote in person or by proxy.
For customers who call in person or phone, our public offices can arrange interpreters over the telephone through the Language Line service.
In particular, the costs to be allowed to a solicitor litigant in person are to be subject to the two thirds restriction.
If the look is not nearly perfect, you may be disappointed when you see the look-alike in person.
Michael was the only constitutional monarch to have led his people in person during the Second World War.
The best way to see a panda, of course, is in person!
Whenever things looked hopeless he was sure to appear in person and by his apparent unconcern for danger restored the confidence of all ranks.
Wallace almost alone maintained the struggle for freedom which the nobles, as well as Baliol, had given up, and Bruce had no part in the honour of Stirling Bridge in September 1297, or the reverse of Falkirk, where in July 1298 Edward in person recovered what his generals had lost, and drove Wallace into exile.
The dialogue is entitled, The Book of Divine Doctrine, given in person by God the Father, speaking to the mind of the most glorious and holy virgin Catherine of Siena, and written down as she dictated it in the vulgar tongue, she being the while entranced, and actually hearing what God spoke in her.
In 1030 he resolved to retaliate upon the incursions of the Moslems on the eastern frontier by leading a large army in person against Aleppo, but by allowing himself to be surprised on the march sustained a serious defeat at Azaz near Antioch.
Small and slight in person and never robust in health, Robertson Smith was yet a man of ceaseless and fiery energy; of an intellect extraordinarily alert and quick, and as sagacious in practical matters as it was keen and piercing in speculation; of an erudition astonishing both in its range and in its readiness; of a temper susceptible of the highest enthusiasm for worthy ends, and able to inspire others with its own ardour; endowed with the warmest affections, and with the kindest and most generous disposition, but impatient of stupidity and ready to blaze out at whatever savoured of wrong and injustice.
The king held his court in person less and less often, and it pronounced its decrees in his absence; we even find him pleading his cause before it as plaintiff or defendant.
Mechanics and tradesmen who come in person to the forest on no other errand, are sure to attend the wood auction, and even pay a high price for the privilege of gleaning after the woodchopper.
I do not hesitate to say, that those who call themselves Abolitionists should at once effectually withdraw their support, both in person and property, from the government of Massachusetts, and not wait till they constitute a majority of one, before they suffer the right to prevail through them.
But before Pierre--who at that moment imagined himself to be Napoleon in person and to have just effected the dangerous crossing of the Straits of Dover and captured London--could pronounce Pitt's sentence, he saw a well-built and handsome young officer entering his room.
Instead of sending e-mail, children can talk on the telephone or socialize with friends in person.
In criminal cases, the Courts have the power to subpoena witnesses to attend Court in person to give evidence.
Find a videotape of a technical presentation that you attended in person.
I wrote a long winded letter, I could never tell them in person.
This form is a petition to classify an orphan child as an immediate relative, and it must be filed in person by at least one of the prospective parents.
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Wood samples and color options viewed in person can also help give you a good idea of what the table will actually look like when it arrives.
If you find a good deal on a website, see if your local furniture store carries it as well; you can see the table in person this way, while still benefiting from the lower online price.
In Hickory there's no shortage of great furniture outlets, so if you're in the market for some new items, take a trip either in person or online and see all that the area has to offer.
If you would prefer to see one of these armoires in person at a local retail store in your area, you can go to the manufacturer's Website, and click on the find a dealer tab in the upper right corner of the page.
New items arrive regularly, so it's a good idea to visit the store in person to get an accurate idea of exactly what pieces are available.
Our sales associates can help guide you through our color palettes either in person at our showroom or by sending you a catalog in the mail.
If you love leather furniture, shopping at a leather furniture outlet online or in person offers you a wide selection, low prices and great savings.
If you don't have this service, you can separate your plastic and deliver it in-person to your local landfill.
While you may want to try out an office chair in person to get the right fit, check out these resources for office furniture online.
With larger pieces, shipping costs can double the cost of purchase, so try looking for free shipping offers or websites that have physical locations that allow for in person pick up.
Some of these retailers have showrooms or stores where you can go see their floor lamps in person.
Before deciding on a color, go to a store and check out the paint colors in person.
Many retailers will happily send you swatches of fabric from their area rugs to give you a better idea of how the rug looks and feels in person.
From brand name to store brand, you can save a tidy bit of change in these stores, with the added benefit of seeing the items in person and not paying for shipping.
The way a product looks in person can make all the difference!
Your best bet is to go to the counter to be matched in person.
If you'd rather purchase your scents in person but want a greater selection than the usual drugstore fare, try a discount department store, such as Marshalls, TJ Maxx, Filene's Basement, Loehmann's or Ross.
A little practice is really all it takes, but in order to get started, it can be very helpful for beginners to witness the process in person and firsthand.
Coralista appears just as attractive in person as it did online - in fact, better, because the images don't exactly do it justice.
This is an easy way to make an assessment before you decide if you want to meet someone in person.
After e-mail correspondence and a few phone calls, you feel ready to take the plunge and meet your Internet date in person.
Your date might be outspoken online, but more shy in person - or have some tic or habit that drives you crazy in real life.
Even if you've spent hours instant messaging, your first meeting in person is essentially a blind date, and it's a good idea to treat it as such.
Shared interests, hobbies and goals go a long way - both online and in the eventual in-person meeting.
They find they enjoy the practice and get to build up skills necessary for playing in person.
A specific number of players gather, either in person or on the Internet, prior to the start of the National Football League's season, so they can select players and create their own fantasy teams.
The site also contains listings for job fairs where you can go and meet recruiters in person to find the perfect fit for your skills and interests.
If you do not live close to an official outlet store, there are other ways to score deals other than shopping in person.
Are you looking for a Gap Outlet store that you can go to in person?
Online debt collection is an easy way to collect on old bills without having to deal with an in-person debt collection agency.
Reviews can give a list of features, but it is no substitute for trying a camera in person.
Try to include some great action shots, especially if you can attend the game in person.
Not only do you have a huge variety of choices in themes, sizes and colors, you also have the option of shopping online or in person.
However, it is wise to take at least one or two lessons in person before you actually hit the slopes.
Take some time to call a loved one and vent or ask to meet up somewhere to talk in person.
While an online course is usually administered for a fee, most in-person anger management classes mandated by the courts are offered for free, or for a small administration fee.
Most online classes will satisfy the requirements set forth by the court systems and they will issue the same certificates of completion that an in-person anger management class offers.
While the format of the class may be slightly different than in person sessions, the content of the classes offered are the same.
Courses whether in person or online will provide you with several alternatives to an angry outburst.
They offer both one-on-one in person tutoring and online tutoring in all subjects.
I'm not sure if Connor likes you or not, I'd have to know more, and see the two of you interact more in person.
Then, to take the edge off, a lot of teens I know communicate through the internet because sometimes they are too shy in person.
Call agents to find out if they have any open calls so you can meet and greet prospective agents in person.
The model will then go in person to the business to discuss the job.
An open call is a time when a modeling agency will see prospective tween models in person.
Give the gift in person if you possibly can, though mailing it is acceptable if you cannot make it to see the graduate before they leave for college.
The drawback to this is that you can't scrutinize the merchandise as you can when buying it in person.
Keep in mind however, that when you purchase a wedding dress online, you don't have the benefit of being able to see the dress in person.
Keep in mind however, you won't be able to examine the goods as you would in person and most clothing is sold "as is."
If you find someone you like that your wedding planner didn't recommend, have him/her speak with the photographer in person and get references.
This must be done in person at least 16 days before the ceremony.
However, they do not offer online shopping, so you will have to determine whether the store is near you and if so, visit in person.
Applying for a license in person with your spouse-to-be.
Visit their showroom to try dresses on in person.
You can try on dresses in person instead of hoping something ordered online fits.
For example, when using silk flowers you can plan a tropical themed wedding in the middle of winter and you can still see the flowers in person.
There are telephone support groups, online support groups, and in person groups.
The report found that 75 percent of people who gamble online are problem gamblers compared to just 20 percent of people who visit casinos in person.
Many times colors are not accurately represented online due to lighting, so being able to see the curtain in person before purchasing can save you time and money.
When possible, check in person at a local shop to be sure the colors will match the other colors you've selected to use in your bathroom.
In these cases, seeing the bedding in person may be helpful in deciding whether or not it is worth the price.
We give the designers a brief about the particular item we want to produce and then work closely via email, phone or in person to shape the final design.
Although she turned down a chance to audition in person because she was performing in a high school play on the same day, producers allowed her to try-out by video.
The night after appearing in person to pick up her Razzie Award, as well as one for Worst Screen Couple that she shared with Bradley Cooper, Bullock won the Academy Award for her role in The Blind Side.
It can be a real surprise for fans to meet cherished celebrities in person and discover the actual heights of these public icons.
Once you have a collection in front of you (whether in person or in photos), the most important things to consider are color and style.
As mentioned previously, your local department store is also a great choice when you're looking for a dress you should see in person before you buy.
Shop in person and hit the sales and clearance racks for serious savings.
If you opt to buy Old Navy clothing, you can do so either in person or online.
You can shop at Crazy 8 stores either in person or online.
You'll be delighted to know that the jerseys are readily available and that your little one can accompany you to games, either in person or on the sofa, decked out in high style.
Although there are many shops online that have a good selection of boys' fashion suits, if you are shopping for a tween or older, it can be best to shop in person so that he can try the suit on.
Many mention that the selection in the brick-and-mortar stores is better than that online and that they prefer the experience of shopping in person.
This accelerated learning combines the best of in-person education with speed, allowing students who can meet the grueling schedule an opportunity to complete college their way.
Applications are available online at Tidewater Community College's website, as well as in person at any of the branches.
Students seeking admission to Richland College may apply in person or online.
You can also download a PDF and send your application by mail or pick it up in person on campus.
The Semi-Finalist pool is then narrowed down to 250 students who are invited to Atlanta, GA in April for in-person interviews.
Students can submit an online application or print out an application and submit it through the mail or in person.
Many professors use Blackboard to inspire class discussions when it's not possible for students to meet in person.
Emerging technology and Blackboard distance learning tools enhance existing course content and make it easy for a student to learn more about fellow classmates' personalities, views, and opinions without ever meeting them in person.
Distance learning for bioengineering degree programs allows students with an interest in bioengineering to pursue educational opportunities without having to attend courses in person.
Online distance learning master's degree programs are designed to allow students maximum flexibility to pursue further education while getting the same high-quality courses and instruction they would receive with an in-person study program.
Thus, a number of doctoral programs have several in-person research requirements that students must fulfill to earn their degrees.
Committed students know that online classes are just as difficult as their in-person alternatives.
Students who seek a college scholarship for distance learning online often have full-time jobs or related commitments that make attending classes in person impossible.
Earning a distance learning university degree is a goal for hundreds of potential students who aren't able to attend college classes in person.
Also, you can be assured that students and instructors interact online and can really gain a personal experience despite not being there in person.
The courses are taught (on rare occasions) in person on campus.
Prospective students may view the rankings as an unofficial guide to schools that they don't have a chance to visit in person.
While some may find that the cost of an online PhD is more affordable than an in-person one, few will find the time investment any less than that of a local college.
In fact, some cite that online courses are even more time intensive than attending classes in person.
Online PhD programs do not offer the face time that in-person education does.
Online paralegal certificates are an excellent way to increase your earning potential and land a secure career, even if you don't have the time or opportunity to attend college in person.
Most require you to attend classes in person once you are admitted.
Local travel agents often advertise the rock-bottom fares; however, all last-minute purchases must be made in person.
Pick up your puppy in person so that you can make sure you are adopting the puppy you paid for.
The best way to tackle this problem and bring your dog some much needed relief is to let your vet take a look at your dog up close and in person.
Taking guitar lessons online offers some advantages over in-person lessons.
Although taking these lessons online offers many benefits, it might still be a good idea to take a lesson or two in person to learn the basics of how to hold a guitar and how to strum.
Last but not least, if you're planning on taking lessons online because you're too nervous to play in front of other people, dragging yourself to an in-person class will do you a world of good.
For this reason alone, it may be a better idea to purchase the lesson DVDs separately and select your guitar in person.
Sometimes, having a commitment to attend a class in person that you have to pay for whether or not you show up is just the motivation you need.
Their online store has a wide selection of electric guitars, but you can also find a store near you and stop in to see the guitars in person.
Using YouTube with the sites listed above provides you with nearly everything that you would get from taking formal, in-person lessons.
Keep in mind that you won't be able to examine the cabinetry in person and the merchandise might not arrive looking as it did in a photograph.
It is best to see the wood in person so you can weigh the differences in grade and cost before placing an order.
You'll also have the benefit of seeing the samples in person so you can tell if the color will work in your home.
From there, you can locate dealers that are in your area and go take a look at some of these beautiful fans in person.
It's also not recommended to purchase discontinued vinyl tiles from an unfamiliar online source without seeing the product in person.
To truly appreciate the artistry that goes into each and every millefiore multi heart ring, you really need to see one of these pieces in person under good light.
Although most used jewelry professionals and pawnshop owners are honest, selling pieces in person gives you a chance to gauge the buyer's reactions and avoid shady deals.
Try to purchase a vintage jewelry ring holder in person so that you can inspect it for flaws before buying it.
Be sure to examine the ring in person to check the stone quality.
If shopping online, make sure the jeweler offers a return and refund policy just in case you aren't satisfied with the ring in person.
The advantage to shopping locally is that you can see the jewelry in-person before actually purchasing it.
As previously mentioned, many retail stores also offer offensive shirts, making them more convenient to buy and try on in person.
It's preferable to buy your first designer tie in person so you can hold it up or try it on, but definitely shop around to see if you can land a great tie at a bargain.
For something as substantial as a leather coat, it's helpful to try it on in person first.
If there's a specific reason you want to order online (for example, perhaps there's a great discount code you want to take advantage of), try the coat on in person first and then order it online.
Another advantage to buying from an online store that also has a physical location is the ability to return items in person - something that online retailers like Amazon can't offer.
If you're a big or tall guy looking to expand your wardrobe, shopping online or in person at a big and tall men's store is the way to go.