In-particular Sentence Examples
Anyway, she was telling me how much he loved animals — horses in particular.
Was there one of them in particular you think might have been responsible for Annie's murder?
The " rhapsodic theogony " in particular exercised great influence on Neoplatonism.
A memorial in Church Square commemorates the Franklin expedition to the discovery of the North-West Passage, and in particular Captain Francis Crozier, who was born at Banbridge in 1796 and served on the expedition.
The Discourse of Method and the Meditations apply what the Rules for the Direction of the Mind had regarded in particular instances to our conceptions of the world as a whole.
The Tripoli hinterland, however, was in danger of being absorbed by other powers having large African interests; the Anglo-French declaration of the 21st of March 1899 in particular seemed likely to interfere with Italian activity.
This was not the first time that approaches had been made to such a doctrine, and Diogenes of Apollonia in particular was led to oppose Anaxagoras, who distinguished Nous or Thought from every other agent within the cosmos which is its work by postulating as his first principle something which should be at once physical substratum and thinking being.
The Jews in particular had a friend at court.
But scattered through all these alternate outbursts of hope and despair we find precious lessons of purest morality, and solemn warnings against the tricks and perfidy of the world, the vanity of all earthly splendour and greatness, the folly and injustice of men, and the hypocrisy, frivolity and viciousness of fashionable society and princely courts in particular.
How far this scheme of sacrifice holds good for other areas, and in particular for more primitive peoples, is an open question.
AdvertisementHe also encouraged architecture, and in particular constructed the beautiful colonnade in the piazza of St Peter's.
The new edition in five volumes (1814) contained some previously unpublished matter, and in particular the fragment on the revolutions of Switzerland.
Rivoira, in the book cited below, shows that many of the characteristic architectural details can be traced back to a classical and in particular a Roman origin, and were not derived from the East, e.g.
At Alexandria in particular Alexander provided for a Jewish colony which soon became Hellenic enough in speech to require a translation of the Law.
The publication of Hume's treatise turned his attention to philosophy, and in particular to the theory of external perception.
AdvertisementThe former admitted of the general use of wheel-carriages, of the ready conveyance of produce to markets, and in particular of the extended use of lime, the application of which was immediately followed by a great increase of produce.
Wheat in particular was a poor crop in 1892, and the low yield was associated with falling prices due to large imports.
The sentence was approved by most of the churches, in particular by that of Rome.
Bonaparte in particular discerned the advantages which peace would bring in the consolidation of his position.
His own violations of the treaties of Luneville and Amiens were overlooked; and in particular men forgot that the weakening of the Knights of St John by the recent confiscation of their lands in France and Spain, and the protracted delay of Russia and Prussia to guarantee their tenure of power in Malta, furnished England with good reasons for keeping her hold on that island.
AdvertisementDuring this period of diplomatic work he acquired an exceptional knowledge of the affairs of Europe, and in particular of Germany, and displayed great tact and temper in dealing with the Swedish senate, with Queen Ulrica, with the king of Denmark and Frederick William I.
It will perhaps be most convenient to begin by mentioning some of these last, and in particular a number of them which appeared at Vail- Paris very early in the 19th century.
This last fact in particular caused western Europe to dream of an alliance with the great khan "Prester John," who should aid in the reconquest of Jerusalem and the final conversion to Christianity of the whole continent of Asia.
In 1858, under the stimulus of Henry C. Brockmeyer, Harris became interested in modern German philosophy in general, and in particular in Hegel, whose works a small group, gathering about Harris and Brockmeyer, began to study in 1859.
The molecular volume is additive in certain cases, in particular of analogous compounds of simple constitution.
AdvertisementThe history of this is part of the history of America and of Pennsylvania (q.v.) in particular.
The brunt of the attack fell upon the command of Moore, and in particular upon the 28th (Gloucestershire Regiment).
His text, however, is so confused, both from obscurity of style and from corruptions in the MSS., that there is much difference of opinion as to the meaning of many words and phrases employed in his narrative, and their application in particular points of detail.
To these ecclesiastical precepts and expiations belong in particular the numerous ablutions, bodily chastisements, love of truth, beneficial works, support of comrades in the faith, alms, chastity, improvement of the land, arboriculture, breeding of cattle, agriculture, protection of useful animals, as the dog, the destruction of noxious animals, and the prohibition either to burn or to bury the dead.
Greek philosophy in particular was the preparation of the Greeks for Christ.
All mortal sins, and in particular all public and other disorders, which are contrary to God's law shall in every rank of life be duly and judiciously prohibited and destroyed by those whose office it is.
An authority on precious stones, and especially the diamond, he succeeded in artificially making some minute specimens of the latter gem; and on the discovery of radium he was one of the first to take up the study of its properties, in particular inventing the spinthariscope, an instrument in which the effects of a trace of radium salt are manifested by the phosphorescence produced on a zinc sulphide screen.
Russell in particular entered into close communication with the marquis de Ruvigny (Lady Russell's maternal uncle), who came over with money for distribution among members of parliament.
Neither Pope nor Swift, who perhaps excelled him in particular branches of literary production, approached him in range of genius, or in encyclopaedic versatility.
It is not fitting to subtilize overmuch, and in the end John of Salisbury's solution is the practical one, his charitable spirit pointing him in particular to that love which is the fulfilling of the law.
Gauss in particular employed it in the calculation of the magnetic potential of the earth, and it received new light from Clerk Maxwell's interpretation of harmonics with reference to poles on the sphere.
The battle of Kumanovo in particular was greeted with indescribable enthusiasm throughout the Yugoslav provinces.
But, without entering upon matters of this kind, we may inquire in what manner a primary wave may be resolved into elementary secondary waves, and in particular as to the law of intensity and polarization in a secondary wave as dependent upon its direction of propagation, and upon the character as regards polarization of the primary wave.
In physical chemistry he carried out many researches on the nature and process of solution, investigating in particular the thermal effects produced by the dilution of saline solutions, the variation of the specific heat of saline solutions with temperature and concentration, and the phenomena of liquid diffusion.
Gull and Sutton asserted that in particular states of body, and more especially in the condition associated with cirrhotic kidney, such a fibrosis becomes general, running, as they alleged it does, along the adventitia of arteries and spreading to their capillaries.
The abdomen is still "full of surprises"; and he who has most experience of this deceptive region will have least confidence in expressing positive opinions in particular cases of disease without operative investigation.
Special chaplains (Acting Chaplains for Temporary Service) may be appointed by a secretary of state under the Army Chaplains Act of 1868 to perform religious service for the army in particular districts.
But their excesses, and in particular the Cabochien ordinance of the 25th of May 1413, aroused public indignation; a reaction took place, and in the month of August the Armagnacs in their turn became masters of the government and of the king.
These canals pass through the richest and most populous districts of China, and in particular lead into the great silk-producing districts.
With regard to the history of Irak in particular he was deemed to have the best information, and for this subject he is Tabari's chief source, just as Madaini, a younger contemporary of Wagidi, is followed by preference in all that relates to Khorasan.
The southern coast in particular is deeply indented; and there two bold peninsulas, extending for several miles into the sea, form two capacious natural harbours, namely, Deep Water Bay, with the village of Stanley to the east, and Tytam Bay, which has a safe, well-protected entrance showing a depth of 10 to 16 fathoms. An in-shore island on the west coast, called Aberdeen, or Taplishan, affords protection to the Shekpywan or Aberdeen harbour, an inlet provided with a granite graving dock, the caisson gate of which is 60 ft.
Avicularia of this type occur in the common Flustra foliacea, in various species of Membranipora, and in particular in the Onychocellidae, a remarkable family common in the Cretaceous period and still existing.
They occur in particular in relation with the orifice of the zooecium, and with that of the compensation-sac. This delicate structure is frequently guarded by an avicularium at its entrance, while avicularia are also commonly found on either side of the operculum or in other positions close to that structure.
These are probably important in checking overgrowth by encrusting organisms, and in particular by preventing larvae from fixing on the zoarium.
This appears to indicate B that the Polyzoa are remotely allied to other phyla in which this type of larva prevails, and in particular to the Mollusca and Chaetopoda, as well as to the Rotifera, which are regarded as persistent Trochospheres.
Sparta in particular remained, even after the reforms of Lycurgus, and on into historic times, simply the isolated camp of a compact army of occupation, of some s000 families, bearing traces still of the fusion of several bands of invaders, and maintained as an exclusive political aristocracy of professional soldiers by the labour of a whole population of agricultural and industrial serfs.
But the comparative study of religions has suggested the lines of reconstitution and the careful analysis of survivals embedded in literature and the evidence of monumental remains, and in particular of the old calendars, has enabled modern scholars to make good progress in the task of separating the elements due to different periods and influences.
The "spirit" of Maximilla gained a signal victory, a certain Themiso in particular having reduced the bishops to silence.
Even before this latent antagonism was made plain there were many minor matters which were sufficient to precipitate a rupture in particular congregations.
Even in particular districts where emigration is heavy the loss is made up by births.
In 1898 he was appointed financial secretary to the War Office, a post in which he distinguished himself during the Boer War, in particular by a brilliant defence, in the debate on.
The result of all this labour was the Latin translation of the Scriptures which, in spite of much opposition from the more conservative party in the church, afterwards became the Vulgate or authorized version; but the Vulgate as we have it now is not exactly Jerome's Vulgate, for it suffered a good deal from changes made under the influence of the older translations; the text became very corrupt during the middle ages, and in particular all the Apocrypha, except Tobit and Judith, which Jerome translated from the Chaldee, were added from the older versions.
His labours in the decline of life were chiefly directed to the doctrine of probabilities in reference to practical purposes, and in particular to economical subjects, as, for example, to inoculation, and to the duration of married life in the two sexes, as well as to the relative proportion of male and female births.
He attacked it mainly on the score of the moral evils that must flow from any system of determinism, and exerted himself in particular to vindicate the freedom of the will.
Pettersson's view that ice-melting dominates the 'whole circulation of the oceans and regulates in particular the currents of the seas round northern Europe must, however, be looked on as carrying the explanation too far.
Like so many of the Italians of that time, who were almost destitute of a moral sense, she looked upon statesmanship in particular as a career in which finesse, lying and assassination were the most admirable, because the most effective weapons.
Tirpitz advances two contentions; first, that he would have sent the navy into decisive action at an earlier stage of the war; secondly, that he would have made an earlier and more ruthless use of the German U-boats; but his opponents traverse both these claims, and in particular assert that as Secretary of State he had neglected the construction of submarines, so that Germany entered the war with a comparatively small supply of these vessels.
The work thus begun by Ptolemy Soter was carried on vigorously by his descendants, in particular by his two immediate successors, Ptolemy Philadelphus and Ptolemy Euergetes.
These philological labours were of great indirect importance, for they led immediately to the study of the natural sciences, and in particular to a more accurate knowledge of geography andhistory.
In Birmingham in particular this system became highly developed and was long in use.
Opinion at one time inclined to the view that the True Word was written in Rome, but the evidence (wholly internal) points much more decisively to an Egyptian, and in particular an Alexandrian origin.
Most of the many names of gods are mere names that appear and vanish again in particular districts and temples.
Mason, who, in The Christian's Magazine, of which he was editor, had attacked the Episcopacy in general and in particular Hobart's Collection of Essays on the Subject of Episcopacy (1 806).
Other passages might be pointed out in which it is suitable to suppose that this disciple in particular was the informant.
In addition to voluntary submissions and references by rules of court there are in America, as in the United Kingdom, various statutes which provide for arbitration in particular o cases.
Next follow chapters on the literary renaissance of the nation, its progress in art, mathematics, chemistry and natural science; the magnificent development of agriculture, modern industry, commerce and finance; and in particular its flourishing selfgovernment, " which will be exercised in the fullest freedom," and in which " the communal organization embodies in the highest degree the conception of self-government " (p. 234), and " the independent sphere of activity unlimited in its fundamental principle " (p. 235) in that " State control is exercised seldom and discreetly " (p. 236).
The Social Democrats in particular had always insisted that the working-classes were necessarily international.
This bold plan met with no success; the economic programme in particular did not come into force; it was an empty promise, which was not taken seriously.
In the year 1789, when the French Revolution broke out, he was archdeacon of Ajaccio, and, like the majority of the Corsicans, he felt repugnance for many of the acts of the French government during that period; in particular he protested against the application to Corsica of the act known as the "Civil Constitution of the Clergy" (July 1790).
Deissmann, Bible Studies, pp. 1-60, for this distinction between the genuine "letter" and the literary "epistle," as applied to the New Testament in particular.
Both bodies of exposition represent the traditional principle at work in the sub-apostolic age, making for the preservation in relative purity, over against merely subjective interpretations - those of the Gnostics in particular - of the historic or original sense of Christ's teaching, just as Ignatius stood for the historicity of the facts of His earthly career in their plain, natural sense.
His materials are borrowed from the cyclic poems from which Virgil (with whose works he was probably acquainted) also drew, in particular the Aethiopis of Arctinus and the Little Iliad of Lesches.
Tournaments in particular are fertile occasions of all the deadly sins; and mystery plays, except those of the birth and resurrection of Christ performed in the churches, also lead men into transgression.
Foreign chapmen eagerly competed for special privileges of Skanor and Falsterbo, and the Hanseatic merchants in particular aimed at obtaining a monopoly there.
Some 60% of the entire area of the republic is included in the basin of the Danube, the rest being traversed by the Labe (Elbe) and the Vltava (Moldau), the former passing in particular through regions remarkable for their rich fertility.
It had always been opposed to intervention in Russia, and insisted upon Russia desisting from any act that might be construed as intermeddling in the affairs of Czechoslovakia, in particular the pursuit of Bolshevist propaganda on Czechoslovak territory.
In pursuance of its practical policy of rapprochement and economic cooperation in the reconstruction of central Europe in particular and of Europe in general, Czechoslovakia concluded a series of commercial treaties with her various neighbours and with the Allied Powers.
They pursued a national as opposed to an international social policy, being thus opponents of the Social Democrats and in particular antagonistic to Communism.
The Hydrozoa are thus shown to belong to the group of Coelenterata Cnidaria, and it remains to consider more fully their distinctive features, and in particular those which mark them off from the other main division of the Cnidaria, the Anthozoa, comprising the corals and sea-anemones.
But the attitude maintained by the Academics was chiefly that of a negative criticism of the views of others, in particular of the somewhat crude and imperious dogmatism of the Stoics.
The beautiful Gardens at Cologne, founded in 1860, contain many interesting features and in particular one of the finest aviaries in Europe.
Among the translations made by "Carmen Sylva" are German versions of Pierre Loti's romance Pecheur d'Islande, and of Paul de St Victor's dramatic criticisms Les DeuxMasques (Paris,1881-1884); and in particular The Bard of the Dimbovitza, a fine English version by "Carmen Sylva" and Alma Strettell of Helene Vacarescu's collection of Rumanian folk-songs, &c., entitled Lieder aus dem Dimbovitzathal (Bonn, 1889).
The aim of that association is " to promote the development, and maintain the well-being, of classical studies, and in particular (a) to impress upon public opinion the claim of such studies to an eminent place in the national scheme of education; (b) to improve the practice of classical teaching by free discussion of its scope and methods; (c) to encourage investigation and call attention to new discoveries; (d) to create opportunities of friendly intercourse and co-operation between all lovers of classical learning in this country."
Such in particular were the Greek Isles of the Blest, or Fortunate Islands, the Welsh Avalon, the Portuguese Antilia or Isle of Seven Cities, and St Brendan's island, the subject of many sagas in many languages.
Some lands were granted in particular to natives of Alsace-Lorraine, who preferred to retain French nationality after the war.
The leading Reformers - Luther, Zwingli, Melancthon - frequently expressed themselves against the prevailing view of the manifold sense of Scripture, and in particular questioned the legitimacy of allegorical interpretation - except for purposes of popular and practical exposition.
Some important contributions towards a right critical method of using the material collected have been made - in particular by Lagarde, who has also opened up a valuable line of critical work, along which much remains to be done, by his restoration of the Lucianic recension, one of the three great recensions of the Greek text of the Old Testament which obtained currency at the close of the 3rd and beginning of the 4th centuries A.D.
At the same time we can see from Luther's attitude how the doctrine of the Reformers (unlike that of the Protestant scholastics who came later) admitted considerable freedom, in particular with reference to the extent of the canon, but also to several questions of higher criticism.
The books of Joshua, Judges, Ruth, Samuel are proved much later than the times recorded in them by the numerous passages which speak of customs, conditions, &c., remaining " unto this day," and Judges in particular by xviii.
Hobbes, drew attention in particular to the confused mixture of law and narrative in the Pentateuch, the occurrence of duplicate narratives and chronological incongruities.
Did they know the Oriental religions, Judaism and Christianity in particular?
Kundt found that similar effects occur with a large number of substances, in particular with all those which possess the property of "surface colour," i.e., which strongly reflect light of a definite colour, as do many of the aniline dyes.
His fame rests chiefly on his successful wars, in particular his numerous invasions of India.
The conduct of foreign affairs in particular was entrusted almost entirely to him.
Its domestic government has gradually, though not very quickly, improved since that time - the oppressive game-laws in particular having been abolished.
But if the first human beings thus stood entirely under the dominion of the devil, the glorious spirits took them under their care from the very outset, sending aeons down to them (including Jesus), who instructed them regarding their nature, and in particular warned Adam against sensuality.
Its approval is necessary to any important action, and in general the president finds it advisable to keep the leaders of the senatorial majority, and in particular the Senate committee on foreign relations, informed of pending negotiations.
The chairman in particular is generally reappointed, and is often, in a populous area, a person of great and perhaps autocratic power, who has large funds at his disposal and a regular army of workers under his orders.
As a young woman she studied art, but, owing to an acquaintance with Miss Octavia Hill, became interested in social work, and in particular in questions of housing.
There is no mention of it in al-Anbari's work, and it is in itself somewhat improbable, as in al-Asma`i's time the schools of Kufa and Basra were in sharp opposition one to the other, and Ibn al-A`rabi in particular was in the habit of censuring al-Asma`i's interpretations of the ancient poems. It is scarcely likely that he would have accepted his rival's additions to the work of his step-father, and have handed them on to Abu `Ikrima with his annotations.
There are two reasons in particular why the part which emendation plays in the shaping of Greek and Latin texts is apt to be overlooked.
Some of the books he wrote have unfortunately disappeared - in particular the De spectaculis, De baptismo, and De virginibus velandis in Greek; his works in Latin on the same subjects have survived.
In the final act, the conference went farther in agreeing to the " principle of compulsory arbitration," declaring that " certain disputes, in particular those relating to the interpretation and application of the provisions of international agreements, are suitable (susceptible) to be submitted to compulsory arbitration without any restriction."
His energy was stimulated by the stirring words of Catherine of Siena, to whom in particular the transference of the papal see back to Italy (17th of January 1377) was almost entirely due.
The inhabitants of Bethulia (Betylua) and Betomestham in particular (neither place can be identified), directed by Joachim the high priest, guard the mountain passes near Dothaim, and place themselves under God's protection.
In Scotland excavation has been more active, in particular at the forts of Birrens, Newstead near Melrose, Lyne near Peebles, Ardoch between Stirling and Perth, and Castle Cary, Rough Castle and Bar Hill on the wall of Pius.
The civilization which had thus spread over half the island was genuinely Roman, identical in kind with that of the other western provinces of the empire, and in particular with that of northern Gaul.
Large tracts, in particular Warwickshire and the adjoining midlands, were very thinly inhabited.
In addition to his teaching, however, he also applied himself to studies in Oriental literature, and in particular acquired from Cornelius Bertram, one of his brother professors, a knowledge of Syriac. While he resided at Geneva the massacre of St Bartholomew in 1572 drove an immense number of Protestant refugees to that city, including several of the most distinguished French men of letters of the time.
Where the movement was really of a migratory character it may generally be ascribed to external pressure, in particular from the Huns and the Avars.
Two of them in particular - the two who had the longest reigns - viz.
In this field he contributed to our knowledge of the manufacture of iron and steel, sulphuric acid, glass and paper, and in particular worked at the saponification of fats with sulphuric acid and the utilization of palmitic acid for candle-making.
By liberal endowments and minute but judicious regulations he brought about a rapid development of Silesian industries; in particular he revived the mining and weaving operations which at present constitute the country's chief source of wealth.
The gods whom they worshipped belonged essentially to the earth; the fertile field, trees and mountains, headlands and rivers and springs, were believed to be inhabited by different divinities, who were therefore primarily local, many in number, with no one in particular supreme over the rest.
The Mappa mundi contains a useful description of England shire by shire, giving in particular a list of the castles and religious houses to be found in each.
The " Ecumenical Missionary Conference," held at New York in April 1900, was an astonishing revelation to the American public of the greatness of missions generally and of the missions of their own churches in particular.
Pruning, or the removal of superfluous growths, is practised in order to equalize the development of the different parts of trees, or to promote it in particular directions so as to secure a certain form, and, by checking undue luxuriance, to promote enhanced fertility.
He was distinguished for his researches on the Carboniferous and Cretaceous rocks and fossils of Saxony, and in particular for those relating to the fauna and flora of the Permian or Dyas formation.
These and kindred difficulties make each new shape or size a new problem, and in particular they require that for each and every individual casting a new sand or clay mould shall be made with care by a skilled workman.
Consequently, of each pair of isomers we may establish beforehand which is the more stable; either in particular circumstances, a direct change taking place, as, for instance, with maleic acid, which when exposed to sunlight in presence of a trace of bromine, yields the isomeric fumaric acid almost at once, or, indirectly, one may conclude that the isomer which forms under greater heat-development is the more stable, at least at lower temperatures.
It is almost exclusively in the mines of Bahia, and in particular in the Cincora district, that the valuable carbonado is found.
He was an enthusiastic student in particular of natural history and geology.
This conception led Kekule to his "closed-chain" or "ring" theory of the constitution of benzene which has been called the "most brilliant piece of prediction to be found in the whole range of organic chemistry," and this in turn led in particular to the elucidation of the constitution of the "aromatic compounds," and in general to new methods of chemical synthesis and decomposition, and to a deeper insight into the composition of numberless organic bodies and their mutual relations.
In general Grattan supported the government for time after 1782, and in particular spoke and voted for the stringent coercive legislation rendered necessary by the Whiteboy outrages in 1785; but as the years passed without Pitt's personal favour towards parliamentary reform bearing fruit in legislation, he gravitated towards the opposition, agitated for commutation of tithes in Ireland, and supported the Whigs on the regency question in 1788.
On the 17th of October it was ordered that the committee to which the bill was referred " should be empowered to receive information touching such books as tend to atheism, blasphemy and profaneness, or against the essence and attributes of God, and in particular the book published in the name of one White, 1 and the book of Mr Hobbes called the Leviathan, and to report the matter with their opinion to the House."
Articles 23-26 deal with permissions to read prohibited books; these are given by the bishop in particular cases, and in the ordinary course by the Congregation of the Index.
Although British influence was powerful and the British consul for the Oil Rivers during this period exercised considerable authority over the native chiefs, requests made by them - in particular by the Dualla chiefs in 1882 - for annexation by Great Britain, were refused or neglected, with the result that when Germany started on her quest to pick up unappropriated parts of the African coast she was enabled to secure Cameroon.
In course of time the tribes became localized in particular districts, under the influence of a growing central authority, and their gods then passed from tribal into local deities.
During the whole of the war the chief cause of complaint was the refusal of the authorities to permit the correspondents to identify the units taking part in particular operations, or, in other words, to name the troops engaged.
Generally speaking, the policy adopted was to suppress all information concerning the doings of the navy and allied forces and in particular events of an unfavourable character.
The authorities also failed to appreciate the necessity for telling other peoples, and in particular the Overseas Dominions and America, what Great Britain was doing.
Again the third gospel in particular betrays relations between the Pharisees and Jesus very different from those of the common Christian view, which conjures up an impossible picture of an absolute breach between the Prophet of Nazareth and the whole corporation of the Pharisees as a result of a quarrel with certain members of that dissident sect of independent thinkers.
As an administrator of his principality he displayed rare energy, issuing numerous ordinances, appointing expert officials, and in particular establishing the finances on a scientific basis.
He published, both alone and jointly with others, a large number of papers on physical, and in particular electrical, subjects, and his name was especially associated, together with that of Professor John Perry, with the invention of a long series of electrical measuring instruments.
In his speech of that year to the delegations he declared the maintenance of the Triple Alliance, and in particular the closest intimacy with Germany, to be the keystone of Austrian policy; at the same time he dwelt on the traditional friendship between Austria and Great Britain, and expressed his desire for a good understanding with all the powers.
Jerome in particular considered it an act of faith for a man to offer his prayers where the feet of the Lord had stood, and the traces of the Birth, of the Cross, and of the Passion were still to be seen (Ep. 47, 2).
On the other hand, a steady and increasing market was gained for the products of the British Empire, and in particular for those of India; the ports of the Gulf were made safe, not so much for the British as for the Indian trader; nearly 75% of the trade of the Gulf ports was in 1921 with India, and an even greater proportion in the hands of Indians, Persians and Arabs.
As a man he retained the impressions of his youth, and his great work was to be also a monument of his reverence for the monks in general and for the disciples of Hilarion in particular.
Throughout he was conspicuous as an opponent of the extension of slavery, though he was never technically an abolitionist, and in particular he was the champion in the House of Representatives of the right of petition at a time when, through the influence of the Southern members, this right was, in practice, denied by that body.
Here his chief aim was to liberate from Turkish domination and bring under the influence of Russia the Christian nationalities in general and the Bulgarians in particular.
These Difficulties Have Been Removed By The Great Advances Since 1880, And In Particular By The Introduction Of Accurate Standard Cells For Measurements Of Electrical Pressure.
In the case of this star there is evidence that the outburst must have been extremely rapid, for the region where Nova Persei appeared had been photographed repeatedly at Harvard during February, and in particular no trace of the star was found on a plate taken on the 19th of February, which showed eleventh magnitude stars.
That the universe must have a boundary in the directions SR and SR', we can hardly doubt, but nothing is known of its shape or distance except that in all directions it must be far greater than SP or SP'; in particular it is not known whether the sun is near the centre or otherwise.
The first contains a collection and exegesis of all the texts in the New Testament relating to the doctrine of the Trinity; in the second the doctrine is set forth at large, and explained in particular and distinct propositions; and in the third the principal passages in the liturgy of the Church of England relating to the doctrine of the Trinity are considered.
With them all malcontents, in particular the Shiites, found support; by them the dynasty of the Omayyads and the supremacy of the Arabs was finally overthrown.
The draining and tilling of submerged or uncultivated land on a large scale, the promotion of agriculture in every way, in particular by the digging of channels, and the regulation of the system of taxation, were carried out on his initiative.
He acted invariably on the advice of those who for the time had his confidence, and occupied himself mainly with the affairs of his harem, with polo, fishing, wine and music. The five years of his reign were disastrous to the empire, and in particular to Bagdad which never entirely recovered its old splendour.
He had embraced the Motazilite doctrine about free will and predestination, and was in particular shocked at the opinion which had spread among the Moslem doctors that the Koran was the uncreated word of God.
All these points about speech, eloquence and argument between man and man were absorbed into Aristotle's theory of reasoning, and in particular the grammar of the sentence consisting of noun and verb caused the logic of the proposition consisting of subject and predicate.
Not so; when an induction is causal, the particular instances are already, beliefs in particular causes, e.g.
The formula for an indefinite number of particular things in particular places at particular times, and all of them presentable in sensuous imagery of a given time and place, is not itself presentable in sensuous imagery side by side with the individual members of the group it orders.
But much more it belongs to his transformation of the epistemological problem, and to the suggestiveness of his philosophy as a whole for an advance in the direction of a speculative construction which should be able to cancel all Kant's surds, and in particular vindicate a " ground of the unity of the supersensible which lies back of nature with that which the concept of freedom implies in the sphere of practice," I which is what Kant finally asserts.
It is impossible to read the speeches of Vergniaud without being convinced of the solidity of his education, and in particular of the wide range of his knowledge of the classics, and of his acquaintance - familiar and sympathetic - with ancient philosophy and history.
Meanwhile Lamennais had published his Essai sur l'Indiference, - a passionate plea for Christianity and in particular for Roman Catholicism as necessary for the social progress of mankind.
So universal are such ideas that the problem in particular religions is not their origin but their form.
Three points of contact with Josephus in particular are cited.
That they have been attributed to Beowulf in particular might seem to be adequately accounted for by the general tendency to connect mythical achievements with the name of any famous hero.
The Carnegie Institution of Washington, founded by Andrew Carnegie in 1902 and endowed by him with $22,000,000 ($10,000,000 in 1902; $12,000,000 later), is designed "to encourage in the broadest and most liberal manner, investigation, research and discovery, and the application of knowledge to the improvement of mankind; and in particular to conduct, endow and assist investigation in any department of science, literature or art, and to this end to co-operate with governments, universities, colleges, technical schools, learned societies and individuals; to appoint committees of experts to direct special lines of research; to publish and distribute documents; and to conduct lectures, hold meetings and acquire and maintain a library."
To find the pressure exerted by a bar AB on the pin A we compound with the force in AB given by the diagram a force equal to P. Conversely, to find the pressure of the pin A on the bar AB we must compound with the force given by the diagram a force equal and opposite to P. This question arises in practice in the theory of three-jointed structures; for the purpose in hand such a structure is sufficiently represented by two bars AB, BC. The right-hand figure represents a portion of the force-diagram; in particular ZX represents the pressure of AB on B
At the instant t+t, Ox, Oy, Os will no longer coincide with Ox, Oy, Os; in particular they will make with Ox angles whose cosines are, to the first order, I, rot, qOt, respectively.
Grote in particular held that the original poem, which he called the Achilleis, did not include books ii.-vii., ix., x., xxiii., xxiv.
Villon, his contemporary, may rather be ranked, so far as artistic form and use of knowledge are concerned, with poets of the middle ages, and in particular with the Goliardi.
It marked, moreover, in the condition of armed resistance against established authority which was forced upon it by the Counter-Reformation, a firm resolve to assert political liberty, leading in the course of time to a revolution with which the rebellious spirit of the Revival was sympathetic. This being the relation of humanism in general to reform, French learning in particular displayed such innovating boldness as threw many of its most conspicuous professors into the camp at war with Rome.
Recent history, and in particular the history of democracy, claims for its province the several stages whereby this principle was developed in England and America, and its outburst in the frenzy of the French Revolution.
Security, and in particular the absence of arbitrary impositions, combined with convenient modes of collection, have come to be recognized as indispensable auxiliaries in financial administration which further aims at the selection of really productive forms of charge.
A valuable account is given in particular by Graetz, History of the Jews, vol.
Mishnah, but they differ from and are sometimes older than the Mishnic material, with which they sometimes conflict (so in particular as regards the rejected decisions of the school of Shammai).
Allusions in particular passages of the Koran to the " mother of the scripture," the invisible originals of the prophet's speech, led to the doctrine of its uncreated being.
St Bridget, or Birgitta (1303-1373), an historical figure of extraordinary interest, has left her name attached to several important religious works, in particular to a collection of Uppenbarelser (" Revelations "), in which her visions and ecstatic meditations are recorded, and a version, the first into Swedish, of the five books of Moses.
Count Gustaf Philip Creutz (q.v.; 1731-1785) was a Finlander who achieved an extraordinary success with his idyllic poems, and in particular with the beautiful pastoral of Atis och Camilla, long the most popular of all Swedish poems. His friend Count Gustaf Fredrik Gyllenborg.
Where, as in some parts of northern Germany, the potato is grown for the purpose of manufacturing spirit great attention is necessarily paid to the quantitative analysis of the starchy and saccharine matters, which are found to vary much in particular varieties, irrespective of the conditions under which they are grown.
There are also numerous ostrich farms, in particular in the districts of Oudtshoorn and Ladismith in the Little Karroo, where lucerne grows with extraordinary luxuriance.
He was bitterly opposed, however, to the liberal practices that followed the Half-Way Covenant and (after 1677) in particular to "Stoddardeanism," the doctrine of Solomon Stoddard (1643-1729) that all "such Persons as have a good Conversation and a Competent Knowledge may come to the Lord's Supper," only those of openly immoral life being excluded.
With regard to the literary relation of this chapter with Ezekiel, it must be admitted that Ezekiel presents many striking parallels, and in particular makes use, in common with chap. xxvi., of several expressions which do not occur elsewhere in the Old Testament.
This attitude, which was that of most educated Byzantine laymen, has in particular cases made it possible for him to arrive at very free judgments.
The second section of Varro's works, those on history and antiquities, form to the present day the basis on which a Iarge part of our knowledge of the earlier Roman history, and in particular of Roman constitutional history, ultimately rests.
Naturally, then, they took the lead, collectively-in form at least, though really the initiative lay with one or two of their own number, Peter in particular.
The squadron was not very well manned, and Byng was in particular much aggrieved because his marines were landed to make room for the soldiers who were to reinforce the garrison, and he feared that if he met a French squadron after he had lost them he would be dangerously undermanned.
The General Assembly of Glasgow in 1638 abjured Laud's book and took its stand again by the Book of Common Order, an act repeated by the assembly of 1639, which also demurred against innovations proposed by the English separatists, who objected altogether to liturgical forms, and in particular to the Lord's Prayer, the Gloria Pcrtri and the minister kneeling for private devotion in the pulpit.
The great Bohemian nobles, and in particular the supreme burgrave, Zdenek Leo, lord of Rozmital, ruled the country almost without control.
On the other hand he dealt very severely with the towns - Prague in particular.
As a natural consequence German influence declined in the Austrian empire, and in Bohemia in particular.
According to some, Acca Larentia was the mother of the Lares, and, like Ceres, Tellus, Flora and others, symbolized the fertility of the earth - in particular the city lands and their crops.
This liturgy and the service generally are either in Old Greek or in Old Slavonic, and frequent disputes have arisen in particular districts about the language to be employed.
The voyage in particular allowed the widest licence of satirical allusion, and he availed himself of that licence in the widest sense.
It is argued that Livy's mode of using his authorities is tolerably uniform, and that his mode of using Polybius in particular is known with certainty from the later decades.
Jordanes records several traditions of their conflicts with other Teutonic tribes, in particular a victory won by Ostrogotha over Fastida, king of the Gepidae, and another by Geberic over Visimar, king of the Vandals, about the end of Constantine's reign, in consequence of which the Vandals sought and obtained permission to settle in Pannonia.
The History is defective in its lack of objectivity; Graetz's judgments are sometimes biassed, and in particular he lacks sympathy with mysticism.
He was also specially concerned to show that prophecy is fulfilled in the life and work of Jesus, but the conception of this fulfilment which is presented to us is a large one; it is to be seen not merely in particular events or features of Christ's ministry, but in the whole new dispensation, new relations between God and men, and new rules of conduct which Christ has introduced.
The thought of the future coming of Christ, and in particular of the judgment to be executed by Him then, is much more prominent in this Gospel than in the others.
He devoted himself mainly to investigations in organic chemistry, and in particular to synthetical studies by the aid of "condensation" reactions.
He soon showed that he was a boy of great capacity, and in particular that he was possessed of remarkable mathematical ability.
It behoves us then at the outset to scrutinize very carefully the general configuration of flying animals, and in particular the size, shape and movements of their flying organs.
Of these are the Malvern Hills, east of Hereford, and in particular the hills of Shropshire.
He took an active part in all the great political and religious affairs of his time, and was especially energetic in defending and extending the rights of the church and of the metropolitans in general, and of the metropolitan of the church of Reims in particular.
At first he followed Beneke's empiricism, and strongly opposed the subjectivistic tendency of the Kantian system, maintaining in particular the objectivity of space and time, which involved him in a somewhat violent controversy.
In common with them he was prepared to believe that the king's ministers, and in particular Lord Sandwich, then First Lord of the Admiralty, were capable of any villany.
After asserting these in detail under nine different heads, he speaks under a tenth of his proficiency as a civil engineer and architect, and adds lastly a brief paragraph with reference to what he can do in painting and sculpture, undertaking in particular to carry out in a fitting manner the monument to Francesco Sforza.
The idea, inasmuch as it is a law of universal mind, which in particular minds produces aggregates of sensations called things, is a "determinant" (iripas ixov), and as such is styled "quantity" and perhaps "number" but the ideal numbers are distinct from arithmetical numbers.
In thus reverting to the crudities of certain Pythagoreans, he laid himself open to the criticisms of Aristotle, who, in his Metaphysics, recognizing amongst contemporary Platonists three principal groups - (1) those who, like Plato, distinguished mathematical and ideal numbers; (2) those who, like Xenocrates, identified them; and (3) those who, like Speusippus, postulated mathematical numbers only - has much to say against the Xenocratean interpretation of the theory, and in particular points out that, if the ideas are numbers made up of arithmetical units, they not only cease to be principles, but also become subject to arithmetical operations.
The people flocked to hear him, attracted by the force and homeliness of his language, the grotesqueness of his humour, and the impartial severity with which he lashed the follies of all classes of society and of the court in particular.
Their incidental allusions sometimes cast vivid though undesigned light on the circumstances of the age, and they have made large contributions to our knowledge of imperial jurisprudence in particular.
The neglect of these facts has led to many errors in estimating the mean rainfall on watershed areas from the fall observed at gauges in particular parts of those areas.
It is merely a geometrical determination of the conditions necessarily consequent in England, Scotland and Wales, upon a given mean rainfall over many years, upon evaporation and absorption in particular years (both of which he must judge or determine for himself), and upon certain limiting variations of the rainfall, already stated to be the result of numerous records maintained in Great Britain for more than 50 years.
Above all, he both magnifies the office of the Christian ministry as a whole and alters what is said of it in detail (for example, the deaconess loses rank not a little), to make it agree with the circumstances of his day in general, and with his own ideas of fitness in particular.
After a second visit to Scotland, June - October 1742 (where at Cambuslang in particular he wielded a great spiritual influence), and a tour through England and Wales, 1 74 2 -1744, he embarked in August 1744 for America, where he remained till June 1748.
The second, and more fatal, was that this council of ordainers, when installed in office, showed energy in nothing save in persecuting the friends of Edward and Gaveston; it neglected the general welfare of the realm, and in particular made no effort whatever to end the Scottish war.
The whole theory of the inflections of a cubic curve is discussed in a very interesting manner by means of the canonical form of the equation x +y +z +6lxyz= o; and in particular a proof is given of Plucker's theorem that the nine points of inflection of a cubic curve lie by threes in twelve lines.
It is a form of the theorem for the case D = r, that the coordinates x, y, z of a point of the bicursal curve, or in particular the co-ordinates of a point of the cubic, can be expressed as proportional to rational and integral functions of the elliptic functions snu, cnu, dnu; in fact, taking the radical to be r -0 2 .r - k 2 0 2, and writing 8 =snu, the radical becomes = cnu, dnu; and we have expressions of the form in question.
Private worship of Christ's heart in particular is of great antiquity in the Church, and is prominent in St Gertrude and other mystics.
Guanaco also have favourite localities in which to die, as appears from the great heaps of their bones found in particular spots.
Definition And Subject-Matter Of Ethics In its widest sense, the term " ethics " would imply an examination into the general character or habits of mankind, and would even involve a description or history of the habits of men in particular societies living at different periods of time.
But when such criticism passes into the attempt to find a universal criterion of morality - such an attempt being in effect an effort to make morality scientific - and especially when the attempt is seen, as it must in the end be seen, to fail (the moral consciousness being superior to all standards of morality and realizing itself wholly in particular judgments), then ethics as a process of reflection upon the nature of the moral consciousness may be said to begin.
It is assumed that divine commands have been implicitly given for all occasions of life, and that they are to be ascertained in particular cases by interpretation of the general rules obtained from texts of scripture, and by inference from scriptural examples.
Human law, however, can deal with outward conduct alone, and natural law, as we have seen, is liable to be vague and obscure in particular applications.
The ideas above expressed were not peculiar to Grotius; in particular the doctrine of the " fundamental pact " as the jural basis of government had long been maintained, especially in England, where the constitution historically established readily suggested such a compact.
But in spite of the strong interest taken in the theological aspect of this question by the Protestant divines of the 17th century, it does not appear that English moralists from Hobbes to Hume laid any stress on the relation of free-will either to duty generally or to justice in particular.
Dr. Addison had to deal with various labour troubles, and in particular with a serious strike of engineers in May 1917.
In spite of great opposition from the authorities of the order, and in particular from the prioress and sisters of the Incarnation, she persevered with her scheme, being encouraged to appeal to the pope by certain priests who saw the benefit which would accrue to the Church from her zeal.
Muller made numerous researches in various departments of physiology, and in particular he extended knowledge as to the mechanism of voice, speech and hearing, and as to the chemical and physical properties of lymph, chyle and blood.
He occupied himself in particular with colonial questions.
But he prosecuted his translation of Plato and prepared a new and greatly altered edition of his Christliche Glaube, anticipating the latter in two letters to his friend Dicke (in the Studien and Kritiken, 1829), in which he defended with a masterly hand his theological position generally and his book in particular against opponents on the right and the left.
Protestants were weeded out of the army, Protestant officers in particular being superseded by idle Catholics of gentle blood, where they could be found, and in any case by Catholics.
A policy of colonial expansion generally, and in Africa in particular at this time, was manifest in France, as in other European countries, and the French claims on the Hova were pressed with vigour.
Where religion is concerned, travellers in general and missionaries in particular are biased in several distinct ways.
These representations have been subordinated to others, in particular to the descent into Egypt of Jacob (Israel) and his sons, and the Exodus of the Israelites.
The chief points were (I) the lawfulness and expediency of certain terms employed by the Jesuits in naming God Almighty, such as Tien, " Heaven," and Shang-ti, " Supreme Ruler" or "Emperor," instead of Tien-Chu, " Lord of Heaven," and in particular the erection of inscribed tablets in the churches, on which these terms were made use of; 2 (2) in respect to the ceremonial offerings made in honour of Confucius, and of personal ancestors, which Ricci had recognized as merely "civil" observances; (3) the erection of tablets in honour of ancestors in private houses; and (4), more generally,- sanction and favour accorded to ancient Chinese sacred books and philosophical doctrine, as not really trespassing;on Christian faith.
See in particular Thucydides, ii.-v.; what Diodorus xii.
The south, indeed, and in particular the fertile valley of Andalusia, the region of the Guadaiquivir (Baetis), then called Baetica, was from the first fairly peaceful.
The Montana (hill country) of Burgos, and in particular the district called the Alfoz of Lara, was the cradle of the heroes of the Castilian share in the reconquestthe count Porcellos, and the judge of the people, Lain Calvo, the infantes of Lara, the bastard Mudarra, and Ruy Diaz 0I Bivar, in whose lives legend and history are mingled beyond disentanglement, and of whom some are pure figures of romance.
Philip endeavoured to placate the Portuguese by the fullest recognition of their constitutional rights, and in particular by favoring the fidalgos or gentry.
He had liberated the Sudanese from the extortions of the Egyptians, but the people soon found that the Mandi's rule was even more oppressive than had been that of their former masters, and after the Mandi's death the situation of the peasantry in particular grew rapidly worse, neither life nor property being safe.
By this time his unpopularity had nearly died away, and generally revered and beloved, he occupied a dignified and enviable position, which he constantly employed for the promotion of culture and in particular for the relaxation of subscription to ecclesiastical formularies.
Hewins, in particular - brought effective criticism to bear on the one-sided "free trade" in vogue.
On the 16th of August 1812, without any resistance and without consulting his officers, he surrendered the city to General Brock, for reasons of humanity, and afterwards attempted to justify himself by criticism of the War Department in general and in particular of General Henry Dearborn's armistice with Prevost, which had not included in its terms Hull, whom Dearborn had been sent out to reinforce.'
This scheme brought him into conflict with more than one privileged corporation, but in particular with his own chapter, who vigorously disputed his claim to exercise the right of visitation over their community.
He wrote books which have long held their place, La Petite Comtesse (1857), Dalila (1857), and in particular that universal favourite, Le Roman d'un jeune homme pauvre (1858).
All these prebends were generally assigned to special holders, but there were also praebendae currentes, which were not held by any persons in particular.
She went down the line, smelling everything, until one candle in particular caught her attention.
Anyway, she was telling me how much he loved animals — horses in particular.
The cause of a hangover Consuming large volumes of alcohol causes by-products in your body, in particular a nasty chemical called acetaldehyde.
In verse 11 in particular he has five final admonitions.
Kidney transplant patients in particular are prone to gout and are often prescribed allopurinol.
Several of the papers look into the practicalities of usefully exploiting human anthropomorphism in particular situations.
Research I am currently working on a number of projects concerning extragalactic astronomy, in particular the Fornax Cluster Spectroscopic Survey.
Our economy and in particular its business cycles are much more closely attuned to that of the USA than the rest of the EU.
Voices are used in particular sections, and synth sounds sometimes augment the mix.
He will not end up there because basically, NUFC and Freddie Shepherd in particular will not bankroll huge transfer fees without success?
The noble Lord, Lord Judd, dealt in particular with Clause 8 on desertion, as did the noble baroness, Lady Dean.
The special bindings from George Fisher's in-house bindery in particular have been internationally acclaimed.
The invention of firearms and in particular the development of the sporting rifle dealt a near fatal blow to the breed.
The malted brown bread is also fine here, and it blends quite nicely with the stuffing in particular.
John has worked on a range of topics related to Hamiltonian mechanics and variational calculus, and in particular their application to water waves.
With Italy's entry to WWII Morini was forced to convert his factory to produce military equipment, in particular alloy castings for aircraft.
Here the United States, and in particular its decennial census, will be used as the case-in-point.
The human cerebral cortex in particular has three or four times more surface area than that of a chimpanzee.
Also, you will need to know very basic combinatorial concepts, in particular binomial coefficients.
No talk about Victorian combinatorics would be complete without a mention of map coloring, and in particular the celebrated four-colour problem.
Good practice in the use of the layered treatments and tuned dampers is discussed and illustrated in particular cases.
Hill sheep in particular suffer great deprivation mainly from neglect.
Also it is of considerable interest to produce bigger protein crystals for neutron diffraction studies of hydrogen deuterium exchange, in particular cases.
Whilst the Church's law determines that individuals in particular circumstances may not receive certain sacraments, each specific case requires pastoral discernment.
It was unfortunately drowned out by too load music in particular the drummer.
In the past this has made Alex wonder whether he seems effeminate to black men or just to Marvin in particular.
It uses the entrails, in particular the intestines of human sacrifices.
The book concludes by exploring the implications of these findings for theological scholarship, in particular Old testament exegesis.
Please avoid, however, placing solid wooden furniture, in particular oak products, in rooms with under floor heating.
These groups will focus directly on rural development and in particular encourage new innovative measures to develop locally generated potential.
The purpose of this chapter is to extend this discussion to the study of aging and in particular the field of critical gerontology.
Clark bought not just for Britain but also for the colonies the Canadians in particular enjoyed the taste of Dutch gin.
Bucks in particular get very greasy with orange muck on their skin across the loins area.
One ace in particular underlined the gulf between Williams at her best and the rest of the field.
Hawks in particular hated the way Gary Cooper's sheriff showed indecision and needed the help of other people, even his wife.
The Labor Party is now irredeemable from the point of view of working-class people and socialists in particular.
These groups in particular should make an appointment with their GP for their free annual flu jab.
He didn't have anything against flannel jammies in particular.
He has been sharing one Last Supper with his disciples in particular the twelve apostles.
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has a litany of evils they blame on TV in particular.
This music in particular has been alluded to in other film scores concerned with space and possibly malevolent forces.
This placed it at the forefront of technology and the Camborne, Redruth and Hayle area in particular became a melting pot of inventiveness.
Cardiovascular disease remains the most common cause of morbidity and mortality in most of the Western world and in Scotland in particular.
Its main therapeutic use is in the suppression of vomiting, in particular preventing motion sickness.
We are using molecular genetic approaches, in particular random mutagenesis, to analyze fungal genes involved in the disease process.
I enjoy training individuals with various goals in particular pre & post natal.
They will look in particular at the role of a certain type of white blood cell, called a neutrophil.
Unfortunately aluminum nitride in particular has angular particles which are abrasive, leading to excessive mold wear.
Each character, in particular those which cannot be typed directly from the keyboard, can also be typed in three digit octal notation.
The earlier the better _ in particular when you have problems.
He loathed the bourgeois notions of acceptable sexuality and sexual behavior, and in particular the tradition of female passivity.
We are studying the role played by autophagy, and in particular cysteine peptidases, during these transformations.
First buick ragtop to be everywhere democrats in particular of a hand.
During this time of year in particular there can also be daily afternoon rainstorms.
The other scientist whose works he studied deeply was Helmholtz, in particular reading Helmholtz '1860 results on the acoustic resonator.
A brief history of nonlinear bistable optical resonators is discussed and the simple fiber ring resonator is analyzed in particular.
One in particular is universally reviled for its dire service record.
Firstly, the final product is a viscous paste which exhibits complex rheology, in particular irreversible thixotropy.
They can be helped, which is something that Jacobs in particular cannot do, with his doomsday scenario of despair.
Not only for the various stalls but for one in particular â the " council housing sell-off stall " .
They have also sensitized me to certain issues that have led me to depart from them in particular important areas.
It will focus in particular on functionalism, Marxism, symbolic interactionism, figurational sociology and feminism.
In the past decade, one place in particular has become synonymous with catching giant sturgeon.
This requires some subordination of present to future objectives, and in particular getting the best education of which we are capable.
The ring substituents R=H and also R=F were studied, the latter having being shown to enhance Möbius aromatic character in particular.
Arch's dress in particular was strongly suggestive of such a mission.
One person in particular looks like he's auditioning to be in the next karma sutra, only with clothes and on a train.
The research work centers on the development of LEDs and photodiodes using narrow band-gap semiconductors, in particular indium antimonide and cadmium mercury telluride.
Members asked the Secretariat to circulate a note explaining the terminology used in other countries, in particular ' spatial planning ' .
Spring and autumn tern passage is always notable, in particular Black tern passage is always notable, in particular Black Terns which often visit in good numbers.
He who wants a peaceful solution in particular cannot waver in this regard.
They desired to assign simple whole numbers to everything -- and in particular they assigned ratios of numbers to musical intervals.
This is an account of the natural world of the Highlands, in particular the red deer.
In this matter, there are very worrisome developments in Asian countries, in particular in China.
The Seriema must be regarded as the not greatly modified heir of some very old type, such as one may fairly imagine to have lived before many of the existing groups of birds had become differentiated, and it is probable that the extinct birds known as Stereornithes, and in particular the fossil Phororhachos from the Miocene of Patagonia, were closely allied to its ancestors.
It is not easy, however, to perceive much resemblance between the method of Pascal and that of Gibbon, though in particular passages we may discover the influence which Gibbon acknowledges.
It was in particular the misfortunes of the later 'seventies that gave the needed fillip to that branch of stock-farming concerned with the production of milk, butter and cheese, and from this period may be said to date the revival of the dairying industry, which received a powerful impetus through the introduction of the centrifugal cream separator, and was fostered by the British Dairy Farmers' Association (formed in 1875).
Newlands in England, that if they are arranged in the order of their atomic weights they fall into groups in which similar chemical and physical properties are repeated at periodic intervals; and in particular he showed that if the atomic weights are plotted as ordinates and the atomic volumes as abscissae, the curve obtained presents a series of maxima and minima, the most electro-positive elements appearing at the peaks of the curve in the order of their atomic weights.
In Transylvania the princes of the Bathory family (1571-1604) were ardent disciples of the Jesuit fathers, and Sigismund Bathory in particular persecuted fiercely, his fury being especially directed against the queer judaizing sect known as the Sabbatarians, whose tenets were adopted by the Szeklers, the most savage of " the three nations " of Transylvania, many thousands of whom were, after a bloody struggle, forced to emigrate.
The proposal led to a new civil war; and, although a temporary compromise was arranged, Richard soon sought the help of Philip Augustus, to whom he did homage for all the continental possessions in the actual presence of his father (Conference of Bonmoulins, 18th of November 1188) In the struggle which ensued the old king was overpowered, chased ignominiously from Le Mans to Angers, and forced to buy peace by conceding all that was demanded of him; in particular the immediate recognition of Richard as his successor.
Since the kinship of the latter with the members of adjacent non-Dorian states was admitted, two different explanations seem to have been made, (I) on behalf of the non-Dorian populations, either that the Dorians were no true sons of Hellen, but were of some other northerly ancestry; or that they were merely Achaean exiles; and in either case that their historic predominance resulted from an act of violence, ill-disguised by their association with the ancient claims of the Peloponnesian Heraclidae; (2) on behalf of the Dorian aristocracies, that they were in some special sense " sons of Hellen," if not the only genuine Hellenes; the rest of the European Greeks, and in particular the anti-Dorian Athenians (with their marked likeness to Ionians), being regarded as Hellenized barbarians of " Pelasgian " origin (see Pelasgians).
He enlarges in particular upon what he considers the folly of the declaration of war upon Russia (see Bethmann Hollweg).
These ideas became known to his Spanish rulers, and to assuage them he wrote a philippic called the Mars gallicus (1635), a violent attack on French ambitions generally, and on Richelieu's indifference to international Catholic interests in particular.
Marcion's reaction, too, against the Judaic temper in the Church as a whole, in the interests of an extravagant Paulinism, while it suggests that Paul's doctrines of grace generally were inadequately realized in the sub-apostolic age, points also to the prevalence of such moralism in particular.
The French government - fearing to displease the other powers by following up its conquest, and hampered in particular by its engagements towards England, yet conscious that the only means of putting an end to the piracy was to remain - decided provisionally in favour of that intermediate system, called restricted occupation, which consisted in occupying merely the principal seaports and awaiting events.
His researches, in particular instances, prove their high importance for the history of disease, for characterization of the races inhabiting Egypt, and in other ways.
In his time the college consisted of a master (magister), a vice-master (promagister), a flamen, and a praetor, with eight ordinary members, attended by various servants, and in particular by four chorus boys, sons of senators, having both parents alive.
Cicero in particular is important as showing the effect or philosophical eclecticism upon Roman cultivation, and as the often author and always popularizer of the Latin terminology of philosophy.
The great series of German thinkers, Lessing, Herder, Kant, Hegel, Fichte, Schleiermacher and their 1 This does not, of course, preclude the possibility of degeneration in particular instances.
For the sacrificial system of H (= Law of Holiness) is less developed than that of P, and in particular shows no knowledge of the sinand trespass-offerings; the high priest is only Primus inter pares among his brethren, xxi.
The curve has important mechanical relations, in particular it is the orbit of a particle moving under the influence of a central force which varies inversely as the square of the distance of the particle; this is the gravitational law of force, and the curve consequently represents the orbits of the planets if only an individual planet and the sun be considered; the other planets, however, disturb this orbit (see Mechanics).
But I must not forget that I was going to write about last summer in particular.
Laughter and singing in particular seemed to her like a blasphemy, in face of her sorrow.
Computer animations in particular rely a great deal upon data collection, human judgment and speculation at each step of the animation process.
Within Ireland the killings resulted in a dramatic increase in support for Republicanism in general and the IRA in particular.
Not only for the various stalls but for one in particular â the " council housing sell-off stall ".
This is primarily due to the stereotypical semiology of seizures arising from the temporal lobe, and in particular the mesial temporal structures.
Scottish rivers in particular are a European stronghold for the species.
Arch 's dress in particular was strongly suggestive of such a mission.
At present his main research interest is in the family Sterculiaceae, in particular the taxonomy of the tropical tree genus Scaphium.
Members asked the Secretariat to circulate a note explaining the terminology used in other countries, in particular ' spatial planning '.
Spring and autumn tern passage is always notable, in particular Black Terns which often visit in good numbers.
It also provided a forum for employers to ask questions about third party assisted processes and mediation in particular.
All bulls are high type and will improve dairy type in particular teat length and udder attachment.
My hearing does not have problems with volume as much as frequency, in particular unvoiced consonants.
Its most successful advocates were the utopian socialists, in particular Robert Owen, back in the early 19th century.
My strongest interest is in the area of electronic structure theory, in particular the valence bond model.
More plausibly, however, sets of ambitious countries might set up several different vanguard groups to facilitate closer cooperation in particular policy areas.
The Bt cotton debate in particular and the GM controversy in general have been vexed by claims and counter-claims.
Sterling has been very volatile against the other currencies this week, in particular the Australian Dollar.
Vulnerable witnesses in particular must receive the help and support they need to feel confident and reassured about giving evidence.
Anorexia and bulimia are two common eating disorders, which affect women in particular.
All babies need their sleep, and newborns in particular sleep more than they are awake for the first few weeks.
Ask important questions such as how long the owner has been breeding cats in general and the breed you want in particular.
Sometimes, the theme centers around literature that focuses on science, in particular bugs.
Middle school students in particular often struggle with finding a balance between being true to their own identity while still longing for the approval of a parent.
Game Day by Tiki and Ronde Barbar is a definite read for boys in particular.
However, there are two brands in particular that are popular among consumers.
Teak versions in particular are quite lovely.
Cynthia Rowley in particular found him to be confident and "macho."
Barnwood in particular will feature terrific weathering from years of exposure to the elements.
Ethan Allen in particular tends to feature a great deal of Victorian inspired furniture, and you can turn to antique sales to find original pieces.
Middle Eastern themes in particular were in favor during this period.
Japanese home decor in particular is commonly considered part of minimalism.
The height of your panels in particular is something to consider.
For twin headboards, the Pottery Barn Teen catalog in particular is a good source.
Teens in particular will benefit from sampling various shades, especially if they are not accustomed to wearing face makeup on a daily basis.
Visit eBay and search for your color; be sure to check auctions and stores both, since many cosmetic sellers specialize in Avon glosses in particular.
The sales associate informed me that the problems associated with the older lip products no longer applied to these, and that the Stickglosses in particular were being met with great fanfare.
Anyone who's followed makeup trends in recent months may have noticed quite a phenomenon in the mascara world, in particular.
This in particular is a great way to relieve stress fast because you're focusing on something that hopefully doesn't bring more feelings of stress into your day.
I think that this season in particular we see 60's and 80's influences particularly with the cropped jackets and long tunic tops and sweaters.
Several scholarships - scholarship contests, in particular - are available to both high school freshmen and high school sophomores who would like to get a head start on paying for college.
If there's something in particular that you're looking for, you can sign up for email alerts and be notified when someone posts a similar item.
As of now the best place to find up to date information on herbals for health and depression in particular is The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM).
One in particular is a television movie called Christmas at Water's Edge starring Keshia Knight Pullium (from The Cosby Show) and Tom Bosley (from Happy Days).
Authorities are not releasing the concentration amounts of each medication, nor are they stating any drug in particular as the major cause of death.
Young boys in particular prefer wearing boxers as sleepwear.
Although their adult clothing catalogs sometimes create quite a stir among parents, there is no doubt that this clothing line is popular with tweens in particular.
Gap Kids in particular carries clothing for children, including sizes for husky kids.
No two cruise itineraries are identical, and each one offers different lengths of stay in particular ports, shore excursions, and routes between ports.
Many cruise passengers initially fear that visiting several cruise destinations on a single voyage will be repetitive - after all, many Caribbean nations in particular have similar cultural roots.
At the same time, sailing in the off-season may mean that some popular attractions are closed or undergoing renovations, which could make even these European discount cruises a worse value for travelers interested in particular sites.
Even the largest ships have fewer on board amenities, and gym and spa facilities in particular are often much smaller or entirely absent.
There's one small dog breed in particular that seems especially overjoyed to romp with children, and that's the Chinese Pug.
Beginners in particular might find that online lessons are a challenge for them.
Some of the retailers below specialize in particular materials, so you might have to look around some if you are interesting in getting bulk picks made from a more exotic material.
What areas are you looking to improve in particular? in particular is a good source of handmade items including many unusual pieces of glass jewelry.
Another reason why storing earrings safely is important is that earrings for pierced ears in particular must be kept clean to avoid causing infections.
Not in particular the Corded Cotton Sportcoat; its chic lines are the epitome of classic cool, while the price of $138.00 also strikes the right note.
The parallels between "reel" and real life were impossible to ignore, as men's designers embraced Hollywood-influenced styles in particular.
Coats in particular are less casual than, say, a biker jacket, so it might be appropriate to seek out something with a slightly more formal, cleaner look.
Tennis and golf enthusiasts in particular love them for their comfort and practical design - in fact, it was professional tennis player René Lacoste who designed what we now recognize as the polo shirt today.
These stores in particular often have a great selection of designer clothes for men - but as with any sale, it's wise to act fast if you see a piece you love in your size.
Big and tall men in particular can take advantage of many styles.
Why is organic wool in particular a good bedding choice?
It is important that you have the right fit for any kind of denim, but plus size in particular.
The 1950s in particular work well for plus-sized women because the ideal figure of the decade was generously proportioned in the bust and hips.
Fits and cuts do vary from label to label, though, and bike shorts in particular can be uncomfortable if they are too small (or too large, for that matter).
While any type of ill-fitting garment is unfortunate, lingerie in particular ranks high on the list of items that can cause serious annoyance as the day wears on.
Though there may be some options here and there at everyday retailers, your best bet for the most impressive selection is to visit a store that caters to your size in particular.
Are you dressing to swim the English Channel, suiting up to soak up the sun, or wearing a suit to get the attention of someone in particular?
Shopping for upscale clothing in particular has long proven quite challenging.
Plus size cuts in particular usually include a built-in bra for additional support, while the comfortable, stretchy material ensures that the suit comfortably molds to the body - without constricting it.
The fishnet tube dress in particular is quite risqué, shows plenty of skin and is therefore best suited to the bedroom.
Thanks to its informal look, this dress style in particular is exceptionally cute!
Sleepwear in particular has grown leaps and bounds, and is now available in a multitude of stylish designs that look just as wonderful as they feel.
Plus size women in particular can revel in their practical shape, which tends to favor a long, lean cut that extends past the hips.
Another correlation between a lack of sleep, and in particular sleep apnea, and weight gain has to do with the body's ability to produce hormones.
The causes of narcolepsy may be the inability of the brain to regulate the sleep cycle, in particular the sleep and awake mechanisms.
G30 lenses in particular are great for adding contrast to blues and greens.
The Sharingan power is marked by red eyes with black detail and can be several different shapes (but not to be confused with the red cat eyes of Naruto), and the Mangekyu one (pinwheel shape) in particular is one of the most popular styles.
However, for outdoor enthusiasts, and in particular aviators who need to block as much glare as possible, polarized lenses are a lifesaver.
Through the website, you can glean travel information for every Disney park, and Indians in particular are able to receive news and traveling tips that Americans take for granted.
One special item in particular will even allow your Urb to carry around a toilet and bed to sleep in!
Parts of Mendocino and Sonoma are directly exposed to the sea and are becoming known for cooler-climate wines, Pinot Noir in particular.
It was difficult to make a bad Pinot Noir in California in 2002, a standout vintage year with supple, juicy, and harmonious wines abounding everywhere, in particular on the Sonoma Coast.
Silver Oak Cellars is a premium winery specializing in one thing and one thing only, Cabernet Sauvignon, in particular palate-pleasing, complex, powerful yet profound Cabs with longevity.
From their experiences and from statistics and studies of bear behavior, we can predict bear behavior in particular situations.
Plastic wrapping in particular may pose a suffocation hazard to the youngest children.
Early adolescence in particular is a time of increased nutritional requirements for girls, who experience their greatest growth spurt at this time and also begin menstruating.
Infants in particular need physical comfort as well as caloric nourishment in order to thrive.
When mineral toxicity results from the excessive consumption of mineral supplements, toxicity can be prevented by minimizing the use of dietary supplements and keeping iron tablets in particular out of the reach of children.
Physical therapy, in particular regular stretching, is used to maintain the range of motion of affected muscles and to prevent or delay contractures.
Young children in particular are naturally curious and may intentionally put such shiny objects as coins or button batteries into their mouths.
This has been crucial for refugee children in particular.
While there are many forms of Irish dance culturally, one in particular has captured the attention of audiences - the Munster form from southern Ireland.
Candles in particular hold significant importance; they encourage positivity and create just the right sort of ambiance for a couple, which in turn helps strengthen the relationship.
The gel in particular is a sought after product because it comes in two formulas, one to help straighten hair (another trendy look), and one to preserve the vivacity of curly hair.
Beach brides in particular favor pearls to add a tropical, sea-worthy touch to their style.
Your local homeschool group can be a great resource; try the email loop in particular.
This book is noted in particular for taking the ideas of Charlotte Mason and bringing them into the 21st century.
One "issue" with homeschooling that has many public educators in particular up in arms, is the lack of standardized regulations for homeschoolers.
We don't advertise jobs in particular areas.
The United States in particular uses the LIBOR as a common interest rate index offered to borrowers applying for adjustable rate mortgages.
Two approaches in particular appear to increase the potential for multiples in a pregnancy.
Some have expertise in particular facets of the city; others can tell you about the weather in every San Francisco neighborhood.
Kids in particular love the aquarium's web cams because it's like they can go to the beach whenever they want.
The renowned casual-wear brand, that specializes in everything from tank tops and slim T-shirts to denim and fleece apparel, is known in particular for their extensive collection of board shorts.
Finally, we turn to Venus Swimwear, and one three-in-one top in particular.
Is there something in particular about it that you just liked or loved?
Jantzen tankinis in particular tend to stand out from many of its swimsuit competitors because the tops are well constructed, more often than not offer tummy control panels, and come in a wide array of eye-popping, but flattering, colors.
Although smaller children in particular may resist the idea of wearing a sun hat, it's important to make sure that children's heads are covered at all times in the sun.
Short-torsoed girls in particular have a difficult time finding a suit that fits comfortably.
The available stock varies, so you should contact them if there is something in particular you wish to buy in bulk.
Smokers would be wise to supplement with extra vitamin B-12, since this powerful antioxidant has shown itself to be particularly effective at combating carcinogens in general and the ill effects of airborne pollution in particular.
Petite individuals in particular may avoid a longer length because it can overwhelm small frames with an abundance of fabric, but it's certainly possible for a smaller woman to pull it off, provided she's wearing the right cut.
Since there are so many looks available to try, you're sure to get something that works for your body type and your taste in particular styles of interest.
Though bright colors essentially ruled the decade, summer in particular saw a special fondness for pastels and neon hues.
Dresses in particular may be difficult to shop for, because many are simply not cut for the short woman.
Cocktail dresses in particular are quite intricate in their detail and craftsmanship, from the stitching and seams to the visible embellishments.
Disgraced politicians in particular can make a good costume out of a suit and an appropriate prop related to their downfall.
Women in particular also need to be aware that when being flipped or spun there's a high likelihood their skirt is going to flare up, so the skirt needs to have full coverage built in.
Though the book is not entirely about online dating, there are many chapters specific to online dating in general and the eHarmony dating service in particular.
One in particular was how to take care of people.
Rings in particular have a rich heritage reflected in the variety of antique styles that can be found.
Couples in particular may choose matching rings because of their similarity to wedding ring sets and the commitment those sets symbolize.
The good news is you'll find your Dooney and Bourke handbags at lower than retail prices; the bad news is you may not find the Aqua bag in particular.
Visit eBay in particular for a decent selection, and be sure to check back often for fresh styles.
Little bodies in particular love to creep closer to the birthday child as presents are being opened.
Both Elizabeth and Roberta saw a need for greater public awareness of children's health issues, and in particular allergies.
One area in particular on which MECA has focused its efforts is the Gaza Strip, a narrow section of land located between Israel and Egypt along the Mediterranean.
The reviews clarify the particular reasons that films are rated high in particular categories.
To find a movie, you can simply browse an alphabetical listing of their choices, or you can search for something in particular.
Also, try eBay, (shops), and - these sites in particular deal with older titles.
Two haunted insane asylum stories in particular stand out in terms of intense paranormal activity or friendliness to ghost hunting groups.
In order to market its products to the appropriate audience, the company often appears as an exhibitor at specialty tradeshows that offer women's products in particular.
The sheepskin lining and wool fleece footbed in particular are destined to make for a comfortable feel, while the thick rubber sole makes every step just a bit easier, no matter how harsh the conditions might be.
Holidays in particular are the best times to get the best deals, as well as specific seasons of the year.
In recent years, the wedge ankle boot in particular has become quite a favorite of runway models, big-name designers and women in the "real world."
Shoes in particular can be tricky to purchase without actually trying them on.
Be sure to try several brands if your child seems uncomfortable with one in particular.
During spring and summer, look in particular for flip flops and thong sandals that are beaded or otherwise embellished.
The drama Peyton Place (1964-1969) demonstrated that soap operas could draw an audience in the evening hours as well daytime, and two nighttime soaps in particular made some lasting contributions to the genre.
The question of who plays Julia on As the World Turns seems simple on the surface, but the two powerhouse actresses to portray these two different Julias left their mark on ATWT, in particular on the relationship of Carly and Jack Snyder.
You might also want to add a few DVDs to your collection; a handful of selections are available, including This is Coronation Street, an introduction to the program that will delight new fans in particular.
The widespread admiration and popularity of the actresses in particular led to the decision.
Bill's vampire nature fascinates Sookie in particular because she can't hear his thoughts.
The fantasy series focuses on the impact of vampires living publically on the small town of Bon Temps in particular and the larger world in general.
As the years progressed and the company grew, Tissot engineering and technology continued to advance into the extraordinary line of watches that the company offers today, in particular the Tissot T-Tracx men's watch.
Seeing the movement signed with "Robert Roskell" can send shivers of excitement up the spine of any collector, in particular if the piece is of exceptional and working quality.
Tell your writer the key points to stress to a prospective employer, adoption agency or landlord if you know they're looking for something in particular.
Many people think that women in particular will have a difficult time learning to drive a standard.
Notice in particular how the leveling and timing add complexity to the routine without making the moves more difficult.
They are appropriate to wear with A-line straight skirts in particular because they do not come up to the navel.
While all spirit squads make public appearances, the Cabaret dance team and Big Al in particular bear much of the responsibility of representing the university.
Turkey in particular is low in fat and high in B vitamins.
Peppermint tea in particular is good for aiding digestion.
While each of these low-carb diet plans is similar, you may find that one in particular works well for you.
Ashtanga yoga in particular is a high energy, strenuous workout.
Women in particular are often intimidated by weightlifting because they are concerned that the exercises will be too challenging or they don't want to bulk up.
Training obliques in particular can help visually "tighten up" the waist by acting as the body's own girdle, just don't overdo it to the point where they get too bulky and take away from the flat abs you've worked so hard for.
Listening to and practicing the pronunciation of vowel sounds in particular can make speaking easier, and daily pronunciation practice is recommended.
One concern in particular is that high deductible plans may not lower costs overall.
The economy took precedence as well as the resources of the administration, in particular because the economy would play such a large part in his 1994 re-election campaign.
Cone bras in particular can offer even more support for mature or well-endowed women's busts.