In-evidence Sentence Examples
There were several more trunks in evidence.
The hurricane, too, was followed by repeated droughts, and the inhabitants of the out-islands were reduced to indigence and want, a condition which is still, in some measure, in evidence.
In this, the earliest period of Saxon history recorded, there appears to be no relic of the Christianity of the Britons, which at one time was well in evidence.
Every belief of mankind is in the last analysis amenable to reason, and finds its origin in evidence that can appeal to the arbitrament of common sense.
It is particularly in evidence round the whole of the Antarctic Shelf, where it occurs down to depths of 2500 fathoms. It is the chief deposit, according to Nansen, of the North Polar Basin and, according to Schmelck and Bdggild, of the Norwegian Sea also, where it is largely mixed with the shells of the bottom-living foraminifer Biloculina.
The famous correspondence produced next year in evidence against her at the conference of York may have been, as her partisans affirm, so craftily garbled and falsified by interpolation, suppression, perversion, or absolute forgery as to be all but historically worthless.
The samovar, or urn for boiling the water, is always much in evidence.
Irish-born were most in evidence in Coatbridge (with 15.158 in every ioo), Partick (with 12.05) and Govan (with 11.51).
The newly organized powers of the Crown were in evidence everywhere, interfering in the family affairs of the great feudatories and taking advantage of minorities, such as that of Theobald IV.
It is convenient to have a notation which shall put in evidence the reciprocal character.
AdvertisementIn English law, on the other hand, the confession of an incriminated person can be received in evidence against him only if it has been free and voluntary.
Considering an equation in point-co-ordinates, we may have among the component curves right lines, and if in order to put these in evidence we take the equation to be L 1 Y1..
It was given in evidence that out of X234,431 collected under the plan of campaign only £125,000 had been given to evicted tenants.
Here the volcanic action, which preceded the general upheaval of recent strata and the folding of the edges of the interior highlands, is still in evidence in occasional boiling mud volcanoes on the coast-line.
None of the Philadelphia family was in evidence but a gigantic wreath from Delasandro and Company dominated the foot of the casket.
AdvertisementComputer output is only admissible in evidence where special conditions are satisfied.
Thus general disrepair actually in evidence on the property was disregarded.
There is no crisis of confidence or general distrust in evidence.
White-eared Solitaires were once again in evidence and several swallow-tailed kites wheeled gracefully over the clearing.
By the end of the 19th century sawn lath produced by machinery was also much in evidence.
AdvertisementHow much of these qualities is in evidence in the free lunchtime Standard?
No grain in evidence and the slow mo gives you a feast of eye candy fit for a king.
Glacial retreat moraines are in evidence at Gunnerside Bridge, Lower Whita Bridge, below Grinton Bridge and by Ellerton Abbey.
So details such as stable paviors, latch doors, exposed beams and wood floors are much in evidence.
However there were few puffins in evidence probably they were out at sea looking for sandeels for their young.
AdvertisementIt attracted riders from across the spectrum of cycling and it was particularly pleasurable to see members of Bristol Cycling Campaign strongly in evidence.
Excitement, drama and humor often associated with the music of Patterson is much in evidence in this virtuoso showpiece for solo violin.
After-all we're not always very good at capturing the vibrancy of community life that seems in evidence in the early church.
This has been in evidence in recent disputes, most impressively the postal workers ' wildcat walkouts late last year.
The conclusion is that the friends of the towns and the traders were less in evidence at Runnimede than they were at the earlier meetings of the barons, but that the neighbouring Londoners were strong enough to secure a good price for their support.
The interest passes from the bulky dense interior, with the elaborate features of its cell -walls, to the superficial parts, where its life is in evidence.
In conformity with the principle of English law that a person ought not to be made to incriminate himself, it is usual, when a person in custody wishes to make a statement or confession, to caution him that what he says will be used in evidence against him.
Neither gnarled fingers nor old scars nor old doubts and sorrows were any of them in evidence now.
After-all we 're not always very good at capturing the vibrancy of community life that seems in evidence in the early church.
Breeding Curlew were among the abundant breeding waders much in evidence on the moorland.
Certain Chinese masks, such as the Chinese New Year masks, are much in evidence in modern Chinese culture.
Bright, primary colors are in evidence throughout the range, and flower motifs and cut-outs add interest to classic designs.
So why is he still very much in evidence today, fighting with a sword and righting wrongs?MacLeod is an Immortal.
Having this information is important when making a complaint because without it, a complaint is lacking in evidence.
Baby Claire was often in evidence in our work place, sleeping on mother's arm or in her file cabinet remodeled crib, or supping on Martha's breast.
She skipped back to the jeep, her earlier reluctance nowhere in evidence.
The ghost of Jeffrey Byrne, who had spent his final hours in the same dining room, was nowhere in evidence.
The old tendency illustrated by the outcome of the revolutionary movements of 1848 was once more in evidence - the tendency of merely artificial theories of democratic liberty to succumb to the immemorial instinct of race and race ascendancy.
Certain central Aegean islands, Antiparos, Ios, Amorgos, Syros and Siphnos, were all found to be singularly rich in evidence of the middle-Aegean period.
Each organism possesses within itself the means of protection against its parasitical enemies, and these properties are more in evidence when the organism is in perfect health than when it is debilitated.