In-box Sentence Examples
Instead of having faxes received by a fax machine located in a common area, you will receive facsimile transmissions directly to the In Box of your e-mail account.
You'll either clog up the employer's In box or raise fears about computer viruses.
When a fax comes in, you will receive a message in your In Box to let you know.
When you get something in the In box of your e-mail account that you think is interesting enough to share with your friends, co-workers or relatives, you are participating in a type of viral marketing.
For example, stack all of the sheets of paper together and put all of the yarn in box or basket.
The quote will be delivered to your In Box very shortly afterward.
Each prize draw includes an opt in box inviting you to say yes to the draw sponsor sending you further offers.
Reasons must be given in box 2. If there are none, the appeal should be treated as invalid.
Normally by the end of the calculation less than one half of the entries in BOX actually are used to define the limiting polyhedron.
Try sending an e-mail to close family members and friends (be sure to blind carbon copy recipients so they don't get the e-mail addresses of everyone in your in-box) letting them know you're on the prowl.
AdvertisementWith the success of his recent releases, casting him in Indiana Jones was a match made in box office heaven.
The trilogy is the highest grossing trilogy of all time, having earned nearly $3 billion in box office receipts -- more than Harry Potter or Star Wars.
If you do not want to litter your regular e-mail in-box, have the newsletter sent to a secondary account that you check less often.
The facts of the case are set out in Box 1. Do we need new legislation to cover embryology?
Rhino Records, purveyors of the finest in box sets, recently released a three disc set dedicated to just this kind of music.