In-advance Sentence Examples
You've paid in advance.
In many respects he was far in advance of his age.
He'd paid in advance for two assignations after he began to suspect there was a traitor in his organization. The second had been for Katie, in case she couldn't be reasoned with.
It seems he was in Europe someplace and didn't sign up for the tour in advance so he stopped by Cortez just to see if he could pick up a last minute cancellation.
The foundation was closely modelled on Winchester College, with its warden and fellows, its grammar and song schoolmasters, but a step in advance was made by the masters being made fellows and so members of the governing body.
He was usually paid in advance.
In intellectual matters he was not in advance of his day.
If you wish to use the fiche it is advisable to book a reader in advance.
At last, when he was reduced to actual destitution, it was arranged that the East India Company should grant him an annuity of 4000 for a term of years, with 90,000 paid down in advance.
Everything was concerted in advance with the ecclesiastical authorities, and immediately after the baptism both child and nurse disappeared.
AdvertisementFar in advance of his contemporaries on this question, whenever his personal action is don.
The contrast between a campaign of Cromwell's and one of Turenne's is far more than remarkable, and the observation of a military critic who maintains that Cromwell's art of war was two centuries in advance of its time, finds universal acceptance.
The subscriber pays a fixed annual rent which covers a certain number of free out - ward calls, say boo; additional calls he purchases in advance in blocks of several hundred at so much per hundred, the price being reduced as the number increases.
The framework was capable of accommodating itself to new facts, and was indeed far in advance of the knowledge of the period.
East and west of the mountain and a little in advance of it are lesser hills, the Devil's Peak (3300 ft.) being to the east and Lion's Head (2100 ft.) to the west.
AdvertisementJews, and elsewhere Russians,-to whom the peasants are for the most part in debt, as they purchase in advance on security of subsequent payments in corn, tar, wooden wares, &c. A good deal of the internal trade is carried on by travelling merchants.
Roads had been constructed in advance of settlement, and land-seekers had been transported to these frontier sections only to become dependent upon the railways for their very existence.
The weight of the engine may be assumed in advance to be 80 tons.
At the same time it should be remembered that many points await elucidation, and it is unwise to assume conclusions in advance of the evidence.
A recollection of the manifold forms which religious life and thought have taken in Christendom or in Islam, and the passions which are so easily engendered among opposing sects, will prevent a one-sided estimate of the religious standpoints which the writings betray; and to the recognition that they represent lofty ideals it must be added that the great prophets, like all great thinkers, were in advance of their age.
AdvertisementIn Israel as in Judah the political disasters not only meant a shifting of population, they also brought into prominence the old popular and non-official religion, the character of which is not to be condemned because of the attitude of lofty prophets in advance of their age.
The public school system was established in 1839, being based on the programme for state education prepared in 1816-1817 by Archibald Debow Murphey (1777-1832), whose educational ideas were far in advance of his day.
It is to be noted that the Hirudinea differ from the Oligochaeta in that the male pore is in advance of the gonads (except in Acanthobdella, which here, as in so many points, approximates to the Oligochaeta), whereas in Oligochaeta that pore is behind the gonads (again with an exception, Aliurus).
The defence of the country was next cared for by regulations for the arming of the whole nation, down to every one who owned the value of a cow, a measure far in advance of the old feudal levy.
The classification was quite new, and made a step distinctly in advance of anything.
AdvertisementConsidering the enormous stride in advance made by L'Herminier, it is very disappointing for the historian to have to record that the next inquirer into the osteology of birds achieved a Berthold.
Bacon, it is now said, was not appreciated by his age because he was in advance of it; he is no schoolman, but a modern thinker, whose conceptions of science are more just and clear than are even those of his more celebrated namesake.'
A narrow deep furrow is usually run immediately in advance of the planter, to break up the soil under the seed.
Eager to win the first spoils, the German crusaders, who were in advance of the French, attempted a raid into the sultanate of Iconium; but after a stern fight at Dorylaeum they were forced to retreat (October 11 4 7), and for the most part perished by the way.
Only in one species, Carinella inexpectata, a step in advance has been made, in so far as in connexion with the furrow just mentioned, which is here also somewhat more complicated in its arrangement, a ciliated tube leads into the brain, there to end blindly amidst the nervecells.
As a social reformer Wesley was far in advance of his time.
The founder of the modern point of view, explained in this article, was Leibnitz, who, however, was so far in advance of contemporary thought that his ideas remained neglected and undeveloped until recently; cf.
The Vakuf tenants were at that time extremely prosperous, for their rent had been fixed for ten years in advance on the basis of the year's harvest, and so had not risen proportionately to the value of their holdings.
The former year naturally felt the effect of this, and the tithes which should have been encashed in the last months of the year were discounted and spent several months in advance.
Rapidly renouncing his previous intentions, he issued orders to concentrate on Allenstein; but this point was chosen too far in advance and he was anticipated by Murat and Soult at that place on the 2nd of February.
The divaricators proper are stated by Hancock to arise from the ventral valve, one on each side, a little in advance of and close to the adductors, and after rapidly diminishing in size become attached to the cardinal process, a space or prominence between the sockets in the dorsal valve.
Bertold was a man of great ability and resourcefulness, and as a statesman who strove for an ordered and united Germany was far in advance of his age.
But he was not a blind follower of the system; he wished for unlimited freedom of trade in many,cases; and he was in advance of his more eminent contemporary Montaigne in perceiving that the gain of one nation is not necessarily the loss of another.
A period of mathematical stagnation then appears to have possessed the Indian mind for an interval of several centuries, for the works of the next author of any moment stand but little in advance of Brahmagupta.
However this may be, it is certain that the Hindu algebraists were far in advance of Diophantus.
His travels and mercantile experience had led E t u eopre him to conclude that the Hindu methods of computing were in advance of those then in general use, and in 1202 he published his Liber Abaci, which treats of both algebra and arithmetic. In this work, which is of great historical interest, since it was published about two centuries before the art of printing was discovered, he adopts the Arabic notation for numbers, and solves many problems, both arithmetical and algebraical.
It is accordingly necessary to suppose that the secondary waves start with a phase one-quarter of a period in advance of that of the primary wave at the surface of resolution.
The aberration is here unsymmetrical, the wave being in advance of its proper place in one half of the aperture, but behind in the other half.
If, as suffices for all practical purposes, we limit the application of the formulae to points in advance of the plane at which the wave is supposed to be broken up, we may use simpler methods of resolution than that above considered.
To meet this exigency, Zarlino proposed that for the lute the octave should be divided into twelve equal semitones; and after centuries of discussion this system of "equal temperament" has, within the last thirty-five years, been universally adopted as the best attainable for keyed instruments of every description.3 Again, Zarlino was in advance of his age in his classification of the ecclesiastical modes.
The meaning was soon enlarged to include any place where travellers could be lodged or entertained, and also by transference the person who provided lodgings, and so one who goes on before a party to secure suitable lodgings in advance.
Dingaan passed into Swaziland in advance of his retreating forces, and was there murdered, while Panda was crowned king of Zululand by the Boers.
In irregular and uncertain deposits this work of development should be kept at all times so far in advance of mining operations as to ensure a regular and uniform output.
In some cases, where the barren areas are large, it may be necessary to have two or three years' supply of ore thus blocked out in advance.
Several floors can be mined simultaneously, the work in the lower floors being kept well in advance.
While abundant warning of the caving-in of the workings is thus given in advance it may happen that men are unexpectedly imprisoned by the closing of the main passage ways.
Hamilton, and he framed his plans well in advance.
In Egypt, however, no traces have at present been found of the industry in a rudimentary condition, and the vases which have been classified as " primitive " bear witness to an elaboration of technique far in advance of the experimental period.
Already (1887) the government had voluntarily made a great step in advance by divesting itself of the right to imprison or fine editors by executive order.
The Iroquois are in advance of the Algonkins; their creator-hero has no touch of the animal in him.
On the Prussian side, von Alvensleben's Corps (III.) shortly after daybreak was moving north-westward from the Moselle in two columns, on the right the 5th division, via Gorze and Flavigny on Vionville, on the left the 6th division with corps artillery by Arnaville on Mars-la-Tour, von Alvensleben himself riding a little in advance between the two.
While these writings were generally intelligible, and therefore of the greatest didactic importance, the principle of homogeneity, first enunciated by Vieta, was so far in advance of his times that most readers seem to have passed it over without adverting to its value.
The most successful of the first class, or pick machines, that of William Firth of Sheffield, consists essentially of a horizontal pick with two cutting arms placed one slightly in advance of the other, which is swung backwards and forwards by a pair of bell crank levers actuated by a horizontal cylinder engine mounted on a railway truck.
Uberto Doria, the Genoese admiral, was stationed in the centre and in advance of his line.
Wellington on the other hand was far less satisfactorily placed; for in advance of Gosselies he had placed only a cavalry screen, which would naturally be too weak to gain him the requisite time to mass there.
The literary skill of Amos leads one to suppose that he had prepared in advance for this, perhaps we may say, not altogether unfortunate necessity.
The very large mass of detail collected at these inquiries entails an unusually long time spent in compilation; the statistics of population, accordingly, are available considerably in advance of those relating to production and industries.
In this he was in advance even of most Separatists, who held with Barrow 1 " that the Prince ought to compel all their subjects to the hearing of God's Word in the public exercises of the church."
If the two interfering waves, being still of same length X, be in opposite phases, or sõ that one is in advance of the other by 2X, and consequently one produces in the air the opposite state of motion to the other, then the resultant wave is one of the same length X, but the excursions of the particles are decreased, being the difference between those due to the component waves as in fig.
On the north-west front, 203-Metre Hill, in advance of the main line, was occupied by strong semi-permanent works, with trenches and redoubts to either flank; and 174-Metre Hill, 1500 yds.
The Government had not prepared in advance any measures for setting industrial production going again in any way.
A characteristic peculiarity of the process is that the claims of the Roman see were always in advance of the actual facts and always encountered opposition; though there were many periods - at the height of the middle ages, for instance - when the voices raised in protest were only timid and hesitating.
Deacons and preachers make engagements seven or eight years in advance.
Ascham's influence is apparent in the Positions of Mulcaster, who in 1581 insists on instruction in English before admission to a grammar-school, while he is distinctly in advance of his age in urging the foundation of a special college for the training of teachers.
General Lee had thus on the seventh day concentrated his army of ten divisions in the enemy's front; but Jackson's dispositions were unfortunate and General Lee's plan of attack was thus upset; and while seeking a route to turn the enemy's right the Confederate commander was apprised that a battle had been improvised by the divisions in advance.
Agricultural and pastoral industries gradually gained footholds here and there, and in time became important, but mining continued far in advance until near the end of the 19th century.
Amphibia appeared before its close, and plant life was abundant and varied, though the types were not greatly in advance of those of the Devonian.
The contents of this work, which was several times republished and translated into Dutch, German and French, show him to have been an investigator much in advance of his time.
Yet throughout the west and south-west the Teutonic frontier remained from fifty to two hundred miles in advance of its position in Roman times.
During the great trade "boom" of 1905 there was a good deal of buying by exporters in advance of their indents because manufacturers continued to contract engagements which threatened to exclude dilatory buyers.
Among the loftier elevations in advance of this southern barrier the most conspicuous is the Zobten (2356 ft.).
Their deliberations are secret and are based on prepared documents bearing on the case, written, or more often printed, which are distributed to all the cardinals about ten days in advance.
It is a general rule throughout plant culture that the activity of the roots shall be in advance of that of the leaves.
The two last-named must not be applied direct to growing crops, but to the soil some weeks in advance of sowing or cropping.
The scions should be taken off some weeks before they are wanted, and half-buried in the earth, since the stock at the time of grafting should in point of vegetation be somewhat in advance of the graft.
In the early stages seeds of carrots and radishes are sown simultaneously on the same beds, and over them young lettuces that have been raised in advance are planted.
As regards education and the spread of Christianity among the natives, the west coast division is far in advance of the rest of the island.
The same functions of storage in advance of fructification are also exercised by the stromata so common in Ascomycetes.
As for the qualities necessary to secure success as a writer on history, he felt that he possessed them in a high degree; and, though neither his ideal of an historian nor his equipment for the task of historical research would now appear adequate, in both he was much in advance of his time.
But the evidence of the Continental Chronicles makes it probable that the Saxon Chronicle is a year in advance of the true chronology in this part.
In both respects Monboddo was far in advance of.
Their aims, inspired by their admiration for English institutions, were far in advance of the possibilities of the time, and even after they had been raised to regular ministerial positions but little of their programme could be realized.
Along with word-printing, or indeed in advance of it, there had sprung into use another kind of printing, picture-printing, or what is commonly called engraving.
But this idea was quickly dispelled; on the 22nd he expressed his surprise that anybody should have thought he intended to approve of Mr Chamberlain's plan; he was not prepared to dismiss in advance a proposal for the consolidation of the empire made by the responsible government, but he believed that the objections to a policy of preference were insurmountable.
Douglas invaded Scotland, in advance of an English army, but was defeated by an army under Bishop Kennedy.
In most of their manufactures they were, however, in advance of the Papuans.
In mathematical and physical science Cusanus was much in advance of his age.
His very dogmatism brought him many enemies, but at times, especially when he went in advance of his time, he was a much misunderstood man.
In some respects this scheme may have been in advance of the time; but it supplied a definite outline, which has gradually been filled up with each succeeding year of progress.
This would not have mattered if the necessary defensive works had been carried out, but the energies of the troops had been directed to preparing elaborate works in advance positions not well suited for defence, and the positions chosen by Cadorna for the main line of resistance were in many cases untouched.
Despite the weakness of the Sleme - Mrzli line, both dominated and enfiladed, despite the practical certainty that it could not be maintained against a resolute offensive in force, the enemy attack found a large number of Italian guns, including many of medium calibre, stationed well in advance of the Pleca - Selisce line.
His stay in Leeds was marked by vigorous and far-reaching church extension, and his views on education were far in advance of his time.
By this simple device he provided a means of measuring small electric currents far in advance of anything yet accomplished, and this instrument proved not only most useful in pure scientific researches, but at the same time was of the utmost value in connexion with submarine telegraphy.
With regard to international commerce Colbert was equally unfortunate in not being in advance of his age; the tariffs he published were protective to an extreme.
Any plants getting much in advance of the rest should be topped, and the whole kept to some 4 ft.
Reading the Ephesian doctrine with the eyes of a Cynic, and the Cynic ethics in the light of Heracliteanism, he came to formulate his distinctive theory of the universe far in advance of either.
In their view of man's social relations the Stoics are greatly in advance of preceding schools.
The court was far in advance of the people, and the persecuting laws were in large part incapable of execution.
His name, however, is identified with great causes, justice to the Jews and humanity to the Indians, and the fact that he was in advance of his age led to many of his troubles, while his disinterestedness in money matters is deserving of all praise.
It should, however, be remembered in his honour that his advocacy of religious toleration was far in advance of his day.
Even in those which have most fully retained the primitive order of development, as in the Penaeidea and Euphausiidae, the last pair of abdominal appendages make their appearance in advance of those immediately in front of them.
The same thing happens when the wing is depressed from e to f and elevated from g to h, the wing describing a waved track as at There are good reasons why the wings should always be in advance of the body.
The wings consequently must be made to strike forwards and kept in advance of the body of the bird if they are to prevent the bird from falling downwards and forwards.
The old idea was that the wings during the down stroke pushed the body of the bird in an upward and forward direction; in reality the wings do not push but pull, and in order to pull they must always be in advance of the body to be flown.
His many-sided and far-reaching studies in experimental science were mainly his own, conceived and carried out long in advance of his time, and in communion with only such more or less isolated spirits as were advancing along one or another of the same paths of knowledge.
In physiological matters he is in advance of Aristotle and Galen, though we can hardly assert - as has sometimes been thought - that he anticipated Harvey's discovery of the circulation of the blood.
Eight years afterwards parliament was induced to take a fresh step in advance.
The democratic principle argued for in the Second Treatise, while in advance of the practice of his age, was in parts anticipated by Aquinas and Bodin, as well as by Grotius and Hooker.
The disciple certainly takes a step in advance by stating definitely, as an essential characteristic of virtuous action, that it is chosen for its own sake, for the beauty of virtue alone; but herein he merely formulates the conviction that his master inspires.
The precision with which the path of an eclipse is laid down years in advance cannot but imbue the minds of men with a high sense of the perfection reached by astronomical theories; and the discovery, by purely mathematical processes, of the changes which the orbits and motions of the planets are to undergo through future ages is more impressive the more fully one apprehends the nature of the problem.
They were accordingly able to fix in advance the approximate positions of these objects with reference to ecliptical stars which served as fiducial points for their determination.
Benedetti expounded in his Speculationum Liber (Turin, 1585) perfectly clear ideas as to the nature of accelerated motion, some years in advance of Galileo's dramatic experiments at Pisa.
As the varying phenomena presented by the moon grow out of its orbital motion, the general character of the latter will be set forth in advance.
He was a man much in advance of his age - shrewd, enterprising, and undeterred by difficulty - a kind of Peter the Great of his time.
He did not succeed either in stemming the tide of expense, nor in his administration, being in no way in advance of his age, and not perceiving that decisive reform could not be achieved by a government dealing with the nation as though it were inert and passive material, made to obey and to payS Like a good Cartesian he conceived of the state as an immense machine, every portion of which should receive its impulse from outsidethat is from him, Colbert.
By partitioning her in advance with the other strong powers, England and Holland, by means of the treaties of the Hague and of London (1698-1699),as he had formerly done with the emperor in 1668,he seemed at first to wish for a pacificsolutibn of the eternal conflict between-the Habsburgs and the Bourbons, and to restrict himself to, the perfecting of his natural frontiers; but on the death of Charles II.
The works have been twice moved and enlargements have been made in advance of the needs of the city.
The doctrine of knowledge expressed in the Dissertation was the final form which the Wolffian rationalism could assume for him, and, though many of the elements of the Kritik are contained therein, it was not really in advance of the Wolffian theory.
I am especially fond of the canopied four- poster, furnished far in advance for a future young lady, after she's out grown the crib she now claims in her nursery.
She was up and around far in advance of her usual hour and baked like a demon—half a freezer full of pies, muffins, and pastries of every description.
Apologize in advance to the readers who already know this.
We need to ascertain in advance of commitment that the necessary statutory basis and other legal authorities are in place.
Preparation for the scan People having abdominal, pelvic, or brain scans may be given special instructions in advance about eating and drinking.
It is financially advantageous to book tickets in advance.
These radical insights brought him to a passionate advocacy of Turner, another spirit in advance of his era.
The chances for peace are usually bettered by letting a potential aggressor know in advance where his aggression could lead him.
Contracts often include arbitration clauses nominating an arbitrator in advance.
How to Find Archive Material For access to archive material users should contact the archivist in advance.
Alison's tips Do book your seat with a baby bassinet well in advance.
A controversial antislavery pamphlet has been republished in advance of next year's bicentenary of the Abolition of the Slave Trade Act.
New, hand-made bricks are procured in advance of the work, due to the long lead-in period for their manufacture.
Parents and schools of prospective candidates are urged to contact the Director of Music in advance.
The main elements of almost all ceremonies conducted by humanist celebrants are rehearsed in advance.
Quot of the states older families chi rising number of in advance.
The person who is to acquire Bulgarian citizenship should have given his/her consent in writing to that end in advance.
Austin was killed on his third trip in advance of the front lines to rescue his wounded comrades.
These are obtainable in advance at a Turkish consulate, or upon entry to Turkey, at a cost of £ 10.
I like to plan and prepare my lunch and dinner in advance so that I don't grab convenience food.
Please book well in advance to ensure a mutually convenient time.
Most professional cake decorators will take orders well in advance of the big day.
I f you have any special dietary needs just let us know in advance.
If you have any special requirements (e.g. dietary, access, hearing etc.) please let us know in advance.
In order to avoid disappointment please book in advance.
Emma called in today, we can just turn up on the night but they say its better to book in advance.
For situations, other than medical or last minute computer problems, you are normally expected to submit the request 7 days in advance.
The service is provided for a fixed fee agreed in advance.
Also just bought a digital camera in advance of a holiday to johnny foreigner land so something like Flickr seems useful.
My tip would be to sow green manures well in advance of their last possible sowing dates, " says Sally.
Preparation for the arrival of your guinea pig Get everything ready in advance of collecting your new guinea pig.
Being forced to turn up two or three hours in advance for a short hop makes rail a much better prospect.
Please phone the granulocyte immunology laboratory to discuss these cases in advance.
Always soak the reel line in advance with washing-up liquid.
Maya cozumel south america are signs the months in advance.
In fact they gave a second dose of flea med " frontline " to Oreo without telling me in advance!
The goods may be delivered by the Company in advance of the quoted delivery date on giving reasonable notice to the customer.
While costly government action generally follows each media outcry, Parliament does not always have the foresight to limit risk in advance.
Firstly, Contract Hire requires a low initial outlay compared to conventional finance deals, usually only three monthly payments in advance.
Bank overdrafts Make sure you arrange the overdraft with the bank in advance.
We will not necessarily have an overhead projector available so please do not bring a presentation on acetates unless you warn us in advance.
Clothing plan in advance and do not overspend.
You know ow ow you say it for God's sake you clearly wrote this speech in advance!
This is a temporary measure, required to make the road safely passable in advance of permanent repairs.
If you take a pedicab (bicycle rickshaw ), agree the price in advance.
The Head of Department will inform the probationer in writing at least seven working days in advance that there is to be a hearing.
Rent is payable quarterly in advance by standing order.
The rental is to be paid quarterly in advance by bankers order.
But to close options in advance is rather quixotic.
The tablets along with information booklets are being issued in advance of the planned restart of the pressurized water reactor at Vulcan.
You cannot legislate in advance for what ' good role-playing ' will be, you need to see it in action.
This means you don´t need to book in advance or pay for a whole series of classes at once.
Literally, if you download your very own love sonnet in advance.
On we went to the third climb I had this well sussed in advance.
This paper gives views on tobacco taxation in advance of the forthcoming Budget.
This allows the labeled tracer to be prepared in advance and injected into a patient at any time over the subsequent six hours.
But Saddam remains in power, having rejected the ultimatum in advance.
Webcast of this call, we recommend you register in advance.
To listen to the audio Webcast we recommend that you register in advance.
Either Hadrian or, more probably, his successor Pius pushed out from the Odenwald and the Danube, and marked out a new frontier roughly parallel to but in advance of these two lines, though sometimes, as on the Taunus, coinciding with the older line.
In 1671 scarcely less enthusiasm was roused in Montpellier; and in 1680 he opened a course of lectures at Paris, with such acceptance that hearers had to take their seats in advance.
Didelphia, the alternative name of the group was given in allusion to the circumstance that the uterus has two separate openings; while other features are the inclusion of the openings of the alimentary canal and the urino-genital sinus in a common sphincter muscle, and the position of the scrotum in advance of the penis.
The fact that a question of which Smith had given the solution in 1867, as a corollary from general formulae governing the whole class of investigations to which it belonged, should have been set by the Academie as the subject of their great prize shows how far in advance of his contemporaries his early researches had carried him.
In the interval between his nomination as Protector and the summoning of his first parliament in September 1654, Cromwell was empowered together with his council to legislate by ordinances; and eighty-two were issued in all, dealing meat of with numerous and various reforms and including the reorganization of the treasury, the settlement Lilburne and the anabaptists, and John Rogers and the Fifth Monarchy men, were prosecuted only on account of their direct attacks upon the government, and Cromwell in his broadminded and tolerant statesmanship was himself in advance of his age and his administration.
As far as pure science goes, the inference from science in favour of materialism has visibly lost much of its plausibility, and Protestant apologists would probably be prepared to accept in advance all verified discoveries as belonging to a different region from that of faith.
It extends the initiative of the Commission from the investigation of complaints to the investigation of rates on its own motion; authorizes it to suspend rates in advance of their going into effect, pending an investigation which may be continued for ten months, and to establish through routes; and provides for a special commission, appointed by the President, to investigate questions pertaining to the issuance of railway securities.
Considerably in advance of public opinion, it already pronounced in favour of a republic. By its erudite, brilliant and courageous examination of the rights of king, of nobles, of clergy and of people, it attained a wide and sudden popularity; it secured for the author the friendship and protection of Mirabeau, and the studied abuse of numerous royalist pamphleteers.
If the two interfering waves, being still of same length X, be in opposite phases, or sõ that one is in advance of the other by 2X, and consequently one produces in the air the opposite state of motion to the other, then the resultant wave is one of the same length X, but the excursions of the particles are decreased, being the difference between those due to the component waves as in fig.
In 1867, with a view to popularizing the researches and results of the Liberal school, he undertook the editorship of a Bibel-Lexicon (5 vols., 1869187S), a work which was so much in advance of its time that it is still useful.
Persuading the king to forgo £120,000 of his civil list, and his colleagues in the cabinet to relinquish part of their ministerial stipends, he effected savings amounting to £2,400,000, proposed new taxation to the extent of £1,600,000, and induced landowners to pay one year's instalment of the land tax in advance.
The senate itself might, in the later Republic, invite a victorious general to assume the title; and in these two customs - the salutation of the troops, and the invitation of the senate - we see in the germ the two methods by which under the Empire the princeps was designated; while in the military connotation attaching to the name even under the Republic we can detect in advance the military character by which the emperor and the Empire were afterwards distinguished.
If this chapter angers the Right and Left, the Greens and Browns, the capitalists and socialists, the nutritionists and farmers, I apologize to all in advance.
A fortnight after the letter Prince Vasili's servants came one evening in advance of him, and he and his son arrived next day.
As proof of this the peasant had brought from Visloukhovo a hundred rubles in notes (he did not know that they were false) paid to him in advance for hay.
The Russians, they say, fortified this position in advance on the left of the highroad (from Moscow to Smolensk) and almost at a right angle to it, from Borodino to Utitsa, at the very place where the battle was fought.
Reservations for meals should be made in advance at the purser 's office.
They were observed to rehearse what they are going to present to the other person in advance.
Paying rent in advance or removal expenses for a new home?
Rum butter is the sort of thing you can make in advance.
Here is a rundown of important things that should be done in advance.
All the plot turns, and indeed most of the jokes, are telegraphed long in advance.
Smaller firms are often unable to finalize recruitment plans far in advance and traineeship opportunities arise all the time.
Under such an accrual system, leave is built up monthly in advance at the rate of one twelfth of the annual entitlement.
These permits can be purchased in advance and validated when required.
They vitiated the decision not to offer any assistance in advance of the road having been built and in use for a year.
To listen to the webcast of this call, we recommend you register in advance.
To listen to the audio webcast we recommend that you register in advance.
Parties should be booked no later than two week in advance and paid for at the time of booking.
However, accounts do need to be paid for yearly in advance.
How can you always procrastinate? I prefer to get things done well in advance.
Think and talk about the inevitability of product change in advance of this change occurring.
They also need to find out in advance how the adoption agency will handle these potential problems.
Unless you are planning on hosting the party at home, you may need to make reservations several months in advance.
However, you may need to book these quite a bit in advance to get the date you'd like to host the party on.
If you are worried about your animal's reaction to a baby crying, you could play tape recordings of baby's cries several weeks in advance of your baby's birth.
Just be sure you don't begin preparing him too far in advance.
Try to begin planning as far in advance as possible, and check and recheck your list.
No Surprises-Be sure and let your child know that she will be going to school in advance of the actual day.
If you plan fresh decorating, do it well in advance of the baby's arrival.
While some parents know in advance that their baby will be born prematurely, others are taken completely by surprise.
Practical and flexible choice - easier for baby to be taken to day care or be looked after by dad if mom has to go out as bottles can be prepared in advance.
A great idea is to compile these memories in advance of the shower.
If you plan on using real flowers, don't make the corsage too many days in advance of the shower.
Also, order in advance so that you can ensure the gift will arrive on time.
Doing the research in advance will ensure that you get a car with a good crash rating and the most up-to-date safety features.
When buying clothes for your daughter, granddaughter or another girl in your life, it is important to do a little planning in advance.
When buying greeting cards, do a bit of planning in advance to make sure that you get the perfect card.
However, if you take care to prepare yourself in advance you can take some of the headache out of buying a greeting card.
You can always compromise with her, but setting limits in advance can help prevent any unpleasant scenes in public.
While you might experience a bit of conflict with the teenage girl in your life over this matter, you can avoid this to some extent by addressing potential areas of friction in advance.
Some allow you to set the machine in advance so that the coffee is brewed and ready to drink before you wake up.
Try to buy your ticket three weeks in advance to take advantage of early purchase discounts.
The more in advance you buy your ticket, the less it's likely to cost.
Keep in mind that you should shop in advance to when you're actually going to use them in play.
Faculty generally place orders for books for their classes with student stores well in advance so you can be sure you're getting the right books for the right classes.
Most ads in the paper have to be sent in a week or two in advance before it is actually released.
Basically, printed ad requests are made in advance by dealerships at least a couple weeks before printing.
You must plan in advance by deciding between a new and used motor home, looking into financing options and checking out reviews and comparisons.
First, don't worry about what time of year you purchase fireworks; just worry about purchasing them in advance of your fireworks event so you have time to compare prices and research what a "good" price actually is.
You'll find the deals that will be online as well as in the stores so you'll be able to come up with a game plan well in advance.
Know in advance that the lowest-priced listings on these sites are usually refurbished laptops, so read carefully before clicking on any transactional buttons.
Try starting your search for a good price a month or more in advance.
You can often find the best sales and deals and you may be able to get the ads weeks in advance of the time when they are sent out to the general public on this and other online deal sites.
If you know you are going to shop at the mall ahead of time, you can make reservations 24 hours or more in advance with the shuttle service.
Find out in advance what payment methods are acceptable.
I've had cats before, but none ever "leaked" on me.Thanks in advance for any help you can give.
It is never rude to ask in advance the cost of something and whether a payment plan is available.
Another option is to prepare your own fresh Daiquiri mix in advance by blending the strawberries, triple sec, lime juice and sugar together and storing it in the refrigerator in an airtight container.
Reservations. You may need to book your trip a certain amount of time in advance to use your points.
A prepaid phone card, which is also commonly called a "virtual" calling card, is a service that can be purchased in advance of its use.
Because money must be spent on a prepaid phone card in advance of its use, there is always a possibility that the full amount in the prepaid account may never be used.
Be certain that the online bill paying service provider allows you to arrange for repeating payments and schedule payments for standard monthly expenses in advance.
If you know you're going to need to make an online purchase with a virtual card make sure to get your card at least three days in advance.
Individuals can schedule a payment as much as 30 days in advance.
You also have the ability to schedule payments in advance.
As a business or a personal user, it is important to know the benefits of working with any company in advance.
You may schedule payments for up to six months in advance through this feature.
If you would like to have $500 available to use on the card, you will need to make a deposit of at least $500 in advance.
You can also select a payment date so you can set up payments in advance and make sure you are never late again.
Link a checking or savings account to your Discover account and schedule payments in advance or pay on the same day.
These are either agreed upon in advance or they are charges that the plaintiff in the case seeks to prove.
Finding out this information in advance means you will feel less frustrated after the papers have been filed or you have been served with them.
Map your routes in advance to find the most efficient way to get to and from your destination.
Map your trips in advance so you choose the most efficient route and try to bundle your errands to make fewer trips.
If you expect to undergo surgery, make sure you discuss your use of valerian with your doctor well in advance.
Plan your budget in advance and stick to it.
When you're choosing your interior design program, it is important to consider in advance what your career goals are and the interior design licensing requirements of your state.
Deciding in advance which way you want to go, however, will make it easier to narrow down the decorating ideas.
Although these mark-ups are an important part of income for interior designers, it is worth discussing in advance what mark-ups/commissions you will be charged before signing a contract.
Spotty, oily skin could ruin an otherwise perfect prom, so your preparations should begin well in advance of the big night.
A few months in advance you should start a habit of monthly facials to make your skin its wedding day best.
Do a test run before a major event so you'll know in advance how the tan reacts with your skin.
Prepare in advance you'll be a picture perfect bride.
These are questions you'll need to ask yourself in advance.
The site is updated daily year round, meaning that you can start planning your draft picks well in advance of the beginning of the season.
Study draft guides in advance and have an extensive list of different players in different positions.
With intimate glamour work, it's imperative to speak to the client in advance about retouching.
Plan ways to combine both of these elements.Additionally, try to plan a few positions in advance so that you don't go into your photo shoot feeling silly.
When preparing to teach your children about cooking and food safety, it would probably be a good idea to think about the recipe you want to prepare in advance.
Purchasing tickets in advance may also be reduced in price.
Finding accommodations is up to the individuals attending the convention; be sure to reserve hotel rooms in advance if you are attending a large convention.
Find out about any contests or challenges well in advance.
Since many conventions offer contests for cards and scrapbook pages, be sure to find out about the contests well enough in advance that you can create your entry if you are interested in doing so.
White House tours must be scheduled weeks in advance so if you were unable to tour the actual building, postcards or photos from outside the fence will have to do.
Purchasing Keystone lift tickets in advance will save you a considerable amount of money.
You should plan your heli skiing vacation at least three months in advance.
For those skiing the Poconos Mountains and resorts for the first time, plan in advance.
Because lessons are limited, make sure you call in advance to make your reservation.
Be assertive and let your child know that you don't have the time to make them and that he needs to let you know in advance when cupcakes are needed.
If you are hosting a holiday dinner make the plans in advance.
If you decide to change your do before the big day, make sure you get your hair cut at least a several days in advance of your session.
How far in advance you get facial treatments will depend on the depth of the peel, facial, or other treatment.
Ask you aesthetician how far in advance you should get your skin care procedures to make sure healing is complete by the day of you session.
In many cases, girls begin searching for the perfect dress months in advance of the big occasion.
These on-site sales are usually advertised well in advance of graduation.
Go shopping for a corsage at least two weeks in advance so that there are still options available to you.
If you're a teen boy trying to pamper his date, ask in advance if she would like a corsage.
The event is normally exclusive to seniors graduating that year (many schools have a junior prom for other students) who have paid in advance for a ticket.
Make sure the corsage is ordered at least a week in advance and keep it in the refrigerator until it's time to pick up your date.
Make sure you know in advance the color of your date's dress to match the corsage flowers and ribbon colors.
Another option instead of an illustration is to ask someone in advance if he or she will share a powerful personal story that goes with the lesson.
Know in advance which colors to check out and ones to avoid.
If this is something you might enjoy doing with your friends, plan in advance as Six Flags can be quite busy this time of year.
Order a few weeks in advance to get your wedding items on time.
Destination weddings are expensive for guests, so it is important to let them know as far in advance as possible of your plans.
These are very popular wedding dates and churches and reception halls might be booked years in advance.
This means that the initial costs - airfare and accomodations - must be paid for in advance when booking on whatever travel site the couple desires.
Be sure to order your favors well in advance of your wedding date, and plan extra time if you are engraving your favors.
Ask the food provider in advance about particular ingredients that may cause issues, and also try to have some vegetarian/healthy options.
Since SUV limos are high on the popularity list, companies may be booked months in advance.
As all brides know, wedding dresses (and often bridesmaids dresses as well) have to be ordered months in advance of the wedding.
Whereas wedding invitations are typically mailed two months prior to the ceremony, save the date cards are sent up to a year in advance.
Save the date cards are also critical for weddings near holidays when travel options may be more limited and guests will need to make arrangements well in advance.
Making your own bouquets out of silk Christmas flowers allows for more trial and error, as they can be made far in advance of the wedding.
Get all the details that can be taken care of early done in advance for a less stressful wedding day.
A bride and groom who choose to make many of their own accessories will often face a time crunch if they did not plan well in advance.
Bands are often booked well in advance (sometimes a year or more) for dates during the peak wedding season.
Check with that country as far in advance as you can so that you will have time to fill out the appropriate documents and be well on your way.
Reservations for beach areas must be made 30 days in advance.
If possible, make centerpieces several weeks in advance of the wedding.
Order your catalogs well in advance of the event so you have time to view all of the available invitations.
If your wedding is set to occur at a nearby church, synagogue, or temple, you'll need to inquire about availability well in advance of your preferred date.
Since they're such popular days, you'll want to secure your date well in advance.
No matter what time of day or how many guests you have attending, planning a simple menu for the reception in advance allows you to really enjoy the day.
More formal weddings are also available at many of the resorts but due to the popularity, make sure you allow for enough time to plan a destination wedding because the resorts often have to be booked several months in advance.
Finally, guests who know about upcoming nuptials far in advance can shop for unique items while on business trips or vacations.
Bear in mind that the officiant may also need to approve the vows in advance.
When your wedding ceremony will take place on the beach you have additional concerns that you need to take care of as far in advance as possible.
If you plan to give the couple luggage as a gift, it is recommended that you send it or give it to them several days in advance of the actual wedding so they can utilize it during their honeymoon.
For destination weddings, there is usually the requirement to book several months in advance and deposits as much as 50 percent of the final cost may be required up front.
Gilding fruit can be done a couple of days in advance and letting your friends assist you will make the task go by much quicker.
Many churches require reservations several months in advance so consult your chosen church early to prevent disappointment.
Knowing the price far enough in advance can also help with budgeting and prevent you from overspending at the last minute.
Depending on how far in advance you set the date, you may be able to take advantage of off season dresses.
Since silk bouquets last, you can order it well in advance of the photo shoot and use it in photos so both the formal bridal portraits and the photos taken on your wedding day are the same.
If you do choose to go with an allover turquoise frosting, discuss the shade with the decorator in advance.
When trying to coordinate wedding cake design colors with decoration or clothing colors, always bring samples of the shades well in advance so that the decorator can make his or her best efforts to match.