In-action Sentence Examples
She didn't think he was celebrity material before seeing him in action.
Hence, when the coil at one fixed station was in action it generated high frequency alternating currents, which were propagated across the air gap between the ordinary telegraph wires and the metallic surfaces attached to one secondary terminal of the induction coil, and conveyed along the ordinary telegraph wires between station and moving train.
He caused the relay in series with the sensitive tube to set in action not only a telegraphic instrument but also the electromagnetic tapper, which was arranged so as to administer light blows on the under side of the sensitive tube when the latter passed into the conductive condition.
In more primitive ritual, however, set forms of prayer are the rule, and their function is mainly to accompany and support a ceremony the nerve of which consists in action rather than speech.
In this way smoothness of working is ensured, the cog-wheel being constantly in action with the rack.
This evidence of a gradual process of upheaval still in action may throw some light on the physical (especially the climatic) changes which must have passed over that part of Asia since Balkh was the " mother of cities," the great trade centre of Asia, and the plains of Balkh were green with cultivation.
It again, however, became the resort of pirates, and the names of many of the worst of these ruffians are associated with New Providence; the notorious Edward Teach, called Blackbeard, who was afterwards killed in action against two American ships in 1718, being chief among the number.
Since the final state of the system would be the same as in the actual processes of the cell, the same amount of heat must give a measure of the change in internal energy when the cell is in action.
But he took his place amongst the defenders of his country, and in the same month he displayed his gallantry in action at the forcing of the Tyne at Newburn.
It follows that between two neighbouring magnets, the poles of which are regarded as centres of force, there must always be four forces in action.
AdvertisementThe comte de La Rochejacquelein had in fact to obey his army, and could only display his personal valour in action.
As a result of disease, and of casualties in action and from bombardment, the British divisions recruited in the United Kingdom were constantly far short of establishment, no proper provision having been made for keeping them up to strength.
He entered the navy in 1 755, and in 1757, while serving on his father's ship, was promoted to the rank of ensign for his bravery in action.
In the United States a revolving furnace is used which is quite continuous in action.
The French column is similar in action.
AdvertisementPercy Lyulph Wyndham, who followed his father in the Coldstream Guards, was married in 1913, a few weeks before his father's death, and was killed in action in France on Sept.
He was shot in action on the 4th of May 1827.
The use of these contrivances is more common in, collieries on the continent of Europe, where in some countries they are obligatory, than in England, where they are not generally popular owing to their uncertainty in action and the constant drag on the guides when the rope slacks.
The wider view, according to which the hypothesis of direct transmission of physical influences expresses only part of the facts, is that all space is filled with physical activity, and that while an influence is passing across from a body, A, to another body, B, there is some dynamical process in action in the intervening region, though it appears to the senses to be mere empty space.
Cognition is therefore distinct from emotion and conation; it has no psychological connexion with feelings of pleasure and pain, nor does it tend as such to issue in action.
AdvertisementEugenius was dignified in demeanour, but inexperienced and vacillating in action and excitable in temper.
He was military agent in New Orleans in 1809-1810, was deputy quartermaster-general in April - July 1812, and was in active service in the War of 1812 as adjutant and inspector-general in the campaign against York (now Toronto), Canada, and in the attack on York on the 27th of April 1813 was in immediate command of the troops in action and was killed by a piece of rock which fell on him when the British garrison in its retreat set fire to the magazine.
Brock fell in action on the 13th of October, while repulsing Dearborn's subordinate Van Rensselaer, a politician named to command by favour, and ignorant of a soldier's business.
There is a tradition that the battle of Brunanburh was fought in the valley of the Axe, and that the bodies of the Danish princes who perished in action were buried in Axminster church.
The leaders on both sides - the Netherlanders Tromp (killed in action on the 10th of August 1653) and de Ruyter, the Englishmen Blake and Monk - covered themselves with equal glory.
AdvertisementHe himself on more than one occasion went to sea with the fleet, and inspired all with whom he came in contact by the example he set of calmness in danger, energy in action and inflexible strength of will.
Death is to be averted by such measures as will keep the heart and lungs in action until the drug has been excreted by the kidneys.
Nor were the new ships a great success, as we hear of them grounding in action and foundering in a storm.
Everywhere there have been great and constant changes of level since that period, and the process of flexure and the formation of anticlinals traversing the northern districts of Afghanistan is a process which is still in action.
His father, an officer in the Artillery, was killed in action shortly after the birth of his son.
This party used Vergniaud, whose lofty and serene ideas they applauded and travestied in action.
It will be well, in dealing with the Renaissance in Spain, to touch first upon the arts and literature, and then to consider those qualities of character in action whereby the nation most distinguished itself from the rest of Europe.
The great power of this press adapts it to the working of large and solid formes in printing, but it is somewhat slower in action than the Albion press, which is both lighter in construction and quicker in working.
The twisting is most marked at the tip and posterior margin, particularly that half of the posterior margin next the tip. The wing when in action may be divided into two portions by a line running diagonally between the tip of the wing anteriorly and the root of the wing posteriorly.
But disinterested advice was difficult to obtain, and in spite of the unquestionable desire of the young ruler to do the best for the country, wild extravagance both in action and expenditure resulted, leaving the sultan with depleted exchequer and the confidence of his people impaired.
On the death in action of General M ` Pherson, Howard, in July 1864, was selected to command the Army of the Tennessee.
The sum of being consists of the two systems of substantial forms and interactional relations, and it reappears in the form of concept and judgment, the concept representing being and the judgment being in action.
Schleiermacher classifies the virtues under the two forms of Gesinnung and Fertigkeit, the first consisting of the pure ideal element in action and the second the form it assumes in relation to circumstances, each of the two classes falling respectively into the two divisions of wisdom and love and of intelligence and application.
After all she conquered Ireland, which her predecessors had failed to do, though many of them were as crooked in action and less upright in intention.
This worn-out septuagenarian, who prized rest above everything, imported into foreign policy the same mania for economy and the same sloth in action.
There is some probability that he did not perish in the battle, but escaped to fall two years later, at Seguyjuela near Salamanca, in action with Merwan the son of Mus.
Muscarine has a very close resemblance in action to pilocarpine.
The electromotive force so selected is balanced against the steady potential difference produced between a fixed and a sliding contact on a wire traversed by another steady current, and if there is any difference between this last, the potential difference, and the instantaneous potential difference balanced against it, a relay is operated and sets in action a motor which shifts the contact point along the potentiometer wire and so restores the balance.
Betsy won't even look at the web site, afraid of the anguish she'll feel seeing negative results from some of our cases and in action on others.
He received four citations for merit and bravery and was wounded in action.
Attraction had given way to admiration and respect over the months as he sparred with her and saw her in action.
He showed conspicuous gallantry in action.
His background in action is also duly noted here as some of the action sequences in Nemesis look very good.
Failure by your business to make the required adjustments may result in action being taken against you in the Courts.
Some examples of modern anarchism in action seem to spring from socially similar roots.
While the number of Americans killed in action per month has declined slightly bomb attacks are now the largest killer of American troops.
The Bolshevik party has shown in action a combination of the highest revolutionary audacity and political realism.
An example of the RSS Feed in action using the Firefox " live bookmarks " feature.
I have seen such cabals in action for more than 30 years.
The vehicles were admired by the many visitors and several cavalcades gave the proud owners a chance to show their vehicles in action.
The Transport Secretary saw West Midlands police in action as they began the crackdown.
Lester showed us a slide of his spin drier in action spinning out heather honey.
Did Marxism find then a genuine embodiment in action?
Event Description Our expert falconer displays his finest birds in action.
In December last he was awarded the Military Cross " for conspicuous gallantry in action.
We went to view the phalanx in action as well as seeing the 20mm gun in action.
At home the news of loved ones lost in action brought heartbreak to many families.
He was awarded the Army's second highest decoration for gallantry, the Distinguished Service Cross, for " extraordinary heroism in action " .
Property does not however include intangibles or things in action.
Here is a godly jealousy, which results in action.
He lives on, tho, in old newsreels and in the fine photographs taken of him in action by George Monkhouse.
I hope that you are not getting tired of receiving my photos of the highly photogenic 73096 in action.
Initial critical reaction to Walcott's play has suggested that it is an example of multiculturalism or of liberal pluralism in action.
Watch a video clip of the SLS process in action What machines do we build prototypes on?
And anyone who takes on a leadership role can learn a lot from watching him in action.
You cannot legislate in advance for what ' good role-playing ' will be, you need to see it in action.
Can anyone resist the chance to see the new scoreboard in action?
Another way to think of this is to consider the sense of agency that is normally an aspect of pre-reflective self-awareness in action.
Last weekend five UK military personnel were killed in a helicopter crash in Basra, including the first British servicewoman to die in action.
Call us on +44 (0) 1488 73366 to see teammate in action We will also have a mobile demonstration unit available.
Yet it misses the main selling point of the television series itself - namely, watching the thunderbirds themselves in action.
See fire helicopters, trucks Hess toy truck and helicopter and boats in action with tips for fire safety included.
Uranus transits becuase they are such great evidence of astrology in action.
The official website for Henley Royal is in action today.
At English common law debts and other choses in action were not assignable (see CHOSE), but by the Judicature Act 1873 any absolute assignment of any debt or other legal chose in action, of which express notice in writing is given to the debtor, trustee or other person from whom the assignor would have been entitled to receive or claim such debt, is effectual in law.
Against any attempt in action to subvert parliamentary government, there was no lawful measure, he said, from which ministers would or could shrink.
Mr Roosevelt declined the colonelcy of the regiment, preferring to take the post of lieutenant-colonel under his intimate friend Dr Leonard Wood, who, while a surgeon in the United States army, had served in action with gallantry and skill against the Indians.
To colleagues and subordinates alike, he was considerate and tolerant; he was unassuming, trustworthy in the smallest detail, accurate and comprehensive in thought, energetic and conscientious in action.
The changes produced at a distance by distribution of toxins may be very manifold - cloudy swelling and fatty degeneration, serous effusions, capillary haemorrhages, various degenerations of muscle, hyaline degeneration of small blood-vessels, and, in certain chronic diseases, waxy degeneration, all of which may be widespread, are examples of the effects of toxins, rapid or slow in action.
Give it them! he mentally exclaimed at these sounds, and again proceeded to gallop along the line, penetrating farther and farther into the region where the army was already in action.
After passing some Austrian troops he noticed that the next part of the line (the Guards) was already in action.
You've already been in action?
Was killed in action No. 1915 by a rifle grenade whilst handing over to the Royal Berkshire Regt at Vermelles.
There are a lot of American riflemen in action now, and some have been Gunsite trained.
Prior to meeting Alan Pardew for his showdown talks, Murray was in action for Bristol City, perhaps for the last time.
Push the buttons to turn the turntable, shunt in the yard or see the mountain railroad in action.
Jump Cams automatically kick in when you get into the air and show a slow-motion shot of your jump in action.
Small spritzer type bottle What was the item like in action?
Call us on +44 (0) 1488 73366 to see TeamMate in action We will also have a mobile demonstration unit available.
Yet it misses the main selling point of the television series itself - namely, watching the Thunderbirds themselves in action.
See fire helicopters, trucks hess toy truck and helicopter and boats in action with tips for fire safety included.
I actually love uranus transits becuase they are such great evidence of astrology in action.
One of only two known photographs showing a Sentinel S6 steam wagon in action.
This allows you to see the printer in action and decide whether it is adequate for your purposes.
This is the most convenient way to buy a computer and in most cases, you can see the computer in action through an in-store demo.
Get your pearly whites back in action with the below tips from Joanna.
If you're curious about how the system works, check for in-store events at Sephora that show the Temptu system in action.
However, in action photography, you take many more shots than you can use, so if anything, you will learn how to be patient as you practice your craft.
Don't forget to include images of yourself and other sports fans in action in the stands.
If you've ever looked at an old photo album full of faded pictures, you've seen this process in action.
Once you have the paper background down, then glue cut out photos of your player in action.
If you are creating a football layout for a high school player, then you'll likely have more personal mementos to work with than if you are designing a page spotlighting your last trip to watch a pro team in action.
The location of this park makes it possible for others to watch and admire riders in action.
If you want to catch a glimpse of Dempsey's McSpeedy moves on the track, check out the Grey's Anatomy Season 3 DVD set, which includes bonus footage of Hyper Sport in action.
They're available in Infrared/VR50 Photochromic and constantly look like they're in action.
Scratches happen, especially in action sports, so knowing that a relatively simple, inexpensive solution is available adds security.
After disappearing for 15 years, the Over the Jumps Carousel is back in action.
There's a pause button in Action mode, but - curses! - it also hides the screen.
Its strength really lies in action games, which tend to be less well-represented on other puzzle game sites.
Camouflage is awesome to wear and even cooler to see in action.
You can participate in action scenarios in military, sci-fi, secret agent, detective and other cool roles.
The graphics of all the Soul Caliber games have been exceptional and viewing the screenshots and videos of the game in action proves SC3 is right on track.
In escaping from the Shadoloo headquarters, Charlie could not escape a massive explosion, and it is presumed that he is killed in action.
Featured means you don't get to play them at all, you will only see them in action or in supporting roles.
If you’ve ever puckered your lips from the bitter taste of Cabernet, you’ve experienced tannins in action.
Although these products have different labeled uses, they are very similar in action and side effects and may be used interchangeably, subject to differences in route of administration and duration of action.
Skills - Of course, the biggest determination of an instructor's ability is going to be actual demonstration of the dance skills, usually through photos and videos of them in action.
Lastly, this Samba Demonstration is a great video for seeing many of the samba steps you've learned in action.
Military records can offer insights into your ancestors' service in the armed forces, as well as information about survivors if they were killed in action.
If you've ever heard a teacher tell a student, "Sound it out," you are hearing synthetic phonics in action.
Spouses of service personnel being held as prisoners of war or who are listed as missing in action may also utilize this benefit.
Once you have clarified your desires regarding natural childbirth, you can begin to take the necessary steps to put your plan in action.
The bridge has suicide hotline phones installed on it, and there is also a camera system and a watch group in action.
They also tend to cover enough skin to keep you G-rated even when you're in action swatting a volleyball, swimming laps or building a sand castle.
You should also investigate Kristina's Krochet for high-style patterns and Knitting Iris for great vintage styles, including original photos of the suits in action.
If you've ever heard of the proverbial "two band-aids and a cork" bathing suit, you can see the concept in action with slingshot swimsuits.
The better the fit, however, the more likely the suit will behave itself when in action.
You can watch an animation of the playset in action on the Lego website.
These pets are lots of fun to train and then watch in action.
I was able to see the "masters" in action.
While the quality of the recording may not be the best on some videos, it can be very useful to learn more about candle making by watching other candle makers in action.
First impressions can make a huge impact on your decision, so listen to your gut reaction as you survey the outside and inside of the facility, meet the staff, and watch the children in action.
Many pages featuring Spiderman in action scaling walls, fighting crime and flying through the air.
They are fascinating to watch in action as well.
Experts suggest that keeping track of things monthly is an efficient way to see your personal budget in action.
Take a couple of turns around the shoe store to make sure that your new shoes will be just as comfortable in action as they are when you're standing still.
When you're shopping for shoes, make sure you walk around in them to test how they'll feel in action.
As any softball enthusiast knows, it's important to wear comfortable, field-appropriate shoes in action.
It also wasn't long before his father caught the two of them in action.
Every apprenticeship is unique, but in most cases you'll have to work your way up the ladder - starting with unpaid grunt work around the studio, learning safety and sterilization techniques, and observing your mentor in action.
Try to see it in action and make sure the movements of the watch hands are smooth and fluid.
An example of viral marketing in action in the brick and mortar world is when a health club runs a promotion where members are invited to bring a friend to work out at no charge.
It is best to do any tumbling that you're going to do when the game is not in action.
Coaches will also find an opportunity to witness all kinds of new material in action.
Seeing the dancers in action will give you a better idea of what it takes to cheer and dance for a professional basketball team.
Metrolyrics is supported with pop up ads - lots of them - so make sure your pop up protector is in action!
Dedicated fans of the show know that you might not actually get a meal, but you will get a chance to see Chef Ramsay and the contestants in action.
Deadliest Catch films commercial fisherman in action on the Bering Sea as they face the highs and lows of the profession.
The format is similar to that of the long-running police show COPS, in that the women are shown in action while they work, and address the cameras to explain what's going on or to share information about themselves.
As Michael Bay's Transformers hit the big screen, both young and old packed the theaters to watch these amazing machines in action again.
This official movie poster is a montage of characters in action and a sure conversation starter among The Lord of the Rings fans visiting your home.
Originally a teaser shot of Gandalf, this poster captures him in action with his white beard and hair flowing in the wind, sword drawn for battle.
Sometimes a Friendster background looks great as an individual picture, but once you install it you don't like how it looks in action.
His quiet power was underwhelming, until one saw him in action.
Actually, I was looking forward to seeing you in action.