In-a-way Sentence Examples
Within a few minutes the plane was dipping and rising in a way that made her stomach roll uncomfortably.
Deidre looked from Harmony to Selyn, wishing she knew how to diffuse the situation in a way that Selyn was able to escape.
He looked pissed as it was, his unusual golden eyes swirling in a way not even remotely human.
They understood each other in a way no one else ever could.
She craved him in a way that nearly crippled her.
I wanted to explain things to you in a way you'd be able to understand.
The sensations within her churned and burned in a way that demanded she do something.
She enticed him in a way he wasn't expecting and lived through handling the gem at his neck.
Time-lapse photography recorded the process, showing the building in a way that it never existed on the ground.
Further, your designer may be able to special order pieces in a way you wouldn't be able to.
AdvertisementShe sat up and gazed at him, chewing her lip in a way he knew to be an indication that she was troubled.
Whatever she'd accidentally done to him in the alley, she'd sealed them together in a way he never thought possible.
You interpreted what he told you in a way that gave you hope.
Back and forth, back and forth, in a way that left her skin tingling and her feeling as if she was falling under some sort of spell.
The raised eyebrow expressed her disapproval of his sudden appearance in a way that made him want to touch her and remind her that he did what he wanted now.
AdvertisementShe tasted sweet and saucy, like the woman herself, her heat, scent and silky skin filling his senses in a way that left him wanting more of her.
Those huge hands had started to explore her body in a way that left her feeling feminine, delicate, and willing to let him take control in a way she never permitted him before.
His French accent rolled off his deep voice in a way that made her smile.
She yielded, fitting against him in a way that made him more possessive of her petite frame and fiery spirit.
She rose and paced, the dress tracing her movements in a way that made his eyes follow her body.
AdvertisementRunning a hand through his hair in a way that Carmen had grown to recognize as a nervous habit, he addressed Lori in a tone that was both stern and conversational.
His gaze searched the woods behind them in a way that made her nervous.
Never would she have thought that a push up bra was necessary with ample firm breasts, but they swelled from the bra in a way that was smooth and attractive.
The restlessness was gone from his blood, his body relaxed in a way he couldn't remember feeling.
She'd wanted him in a way the other women in his life never had.
AdvertisementDoubting she'd welcome him, he was drawn to her in a way he wasn't going to be able to fight for long.
He had to figure out a way to do it in a way he was able to recover from, if she survived.
She listened, dismayed but also interested in someone interpreting the insanity of her mind in a way she could grasp.
Her vulnerability shimmered around her in a way that left him unable to leave her alone, until he was certain the worst was over.
As with the underworld, he'd tried to act in a way he thought was best since meeting her.
You made him love us in a way he never loved me.
He stared at her, considering and wary, in a way that made her uncomfortably fevered.
I guess in a way I bonded with Donnie, thinking he did what I wanted to do.
He loved that she appreciated the beauty of this place, and her laugh warmed him in a way he had never experienced.
Communicating love in a way neither had ever experienced, they converged in an esoteric dance in which the world fell away.
Something about her stirred his insides in a way that he thought might never happen again.
He backed up a few feet and stopped, lowering his head and growling in a way that made the hair on the back of her neck stand on end.
Let me start all over - in a way I know you'll understand.
Even if their paths never crossed, his offer still made her feel special in a way she'd never had time to experience with another man.
He said nothing, aware the creature before him wasn't capable of communicating a truth in a way most others could understand. Death was from a time before time. He would never understand what she saw when she looked out over humanity and saw its Past, Present, Future, and the soul of each human that ever lived. The size of her vision rendered her unique interpretations puzzling, even to him.
She was a pretty girl, but not in a way that would attract much attention.
Randy just smiled in a way that said he understood.
Actually, Alex did look into her eyes a lot – and his gaze wandered over her face sometimes in a way that left her wondering what was on his mind.
As she gripped the small box in her hand, he pulled her into his arms and claimed her lips in a way that was different than he had ever done before.
His deep voice filled the room in a way she had never noticed before.
Well, in a way it was.
Don't let him into this house when I'm not here — and if he ever so much as touches you in a way you don't like, tell me.
The wounds healed as she watched, his magic caressing her from the inside in a way that—she was embarrassed to admit—was arousing.
If she told him more, he might influence the paths she saw in a way that would make their slim chance of survival even slimmer.
His magic filled the space around them, bending light and shadows in a way she found as mesmerizing as flames or the falling snow.
Her scent still lingered in the air, and he could almost feel her hands on his body again, caressing him in a way that turned him from a god in control of himself into a fawning teenager.
Gerald obviously admired Alex, and Alex talked to him in a way she had only heard him talk to Bill.
Maybe in a way he blamed her for letting Ed suffer as well.
He nodded, his gaze traveling up and down her body in a way that made her feel naked.
He winced visibly and crammed his hands into his pockets in a way that made her wonder if he thought she would be safer that way.
Xander was in the kitchen, a few feet away, still gazing at her in a way that told her he really didn't know what to think.
He drew closer once more, pausing on the opposite side of the counter, watching her in a way that left her feeling as if she was standing naked in his living room, armed with a gun.
He shifted forward, gripping her forearms in a way that brought their faces inches apart.
He lowered his head to the side of her neck away from the camera and nuzzled her neck in a way that made her heart race faster.
Just not in a way that lets everyone involved live.
She was hot from the inside out, stunned by the kiss in a way that reminded her of how she barely walked away from his bite.
He breached her comfort zone in a way that left her shaken, scared.
Xander's body moved behind hers, resting lightly against her in a way that ratcheted up her pulse.
Xander's eyes glowed with hunger, and his fangs were receding in a way not remotely human.
But you caught his attention in a way that I don't envy.
She surrendered to him last night in a way that made his body crave her, something that never happened with the other girls.
She smiled at him, troubled yet gazing at him in a way that explained why she didn't just throw the necklace away.
Borelli (1608-1679) as its most notable name, entered in a way on the mechanical study of anatomy suggested by Descartes, but was probably much more dependent upon the positive researches of Galileo.
The invention of the damper-pedal in the pianoforte epitomizes the difference between polyphony and symphonic art, for it is the earliest device by which sounds are produced and prolonged in a way contrary to the spirit of "real" part-writing.
The liberators of Rome thereupon proceeded to plunder the city in a way which brought shame on their cause and disgrace (perhaps not wholly deserved) on the general left in command, Massna.
It remains to add that the Ligurian Republic and that of Lucca remodelled their constitutions in a way somewhat similar to that of the Cisalpine.
It was clear that so long as Austria, bribed by Germany, could act in a way so opposed to Italian interests in the Balkans, the Triple Alliance was a mockery, and Italy could only meet the situation by being prepared for all contingencies.
In the Critique of Judgment, Kant restates his new type of theistic argument in a way which has had great subsequent influence.
Humboldt's concrete illustrations and the remarkable power of his personality enabled him to enforce these principles in a way that produced an immediate and lasting effect.
In Ireland the Norman was more purely a conqueror than anywhere else; but in Ireland his power of adaptation caused him to sink in a way in which he sank nowhere else.
In 1875 Bismarck was suspected of a design of again attacking France, and Gorchakov gave him to understand, in a way which was not meant to be offensive, but which roused the German chancellor's indignation, that Russia would oppose any such scheme.
The case is again often misunderstood because the words "patrician" and "plebeian," like so many other technical Roman and Greek words, have come in modern language to be used in a way quite unlike their original sense.
The peer - in strictness, the peer in his own person only, not even his children - became the only noble; the ideas of nobility and gentry thus became divorced in a way in which they are not in any other country.
This history, as we now have it, is extracted from various sources of unequal value, which are fitted together in a way which offers considerable difficulties to the critic. In the history of David's early adventures, for example, the narrative is not seldom disordered, and sometimes seems to repeat itself with puzzling variations of detail, which have led critics to the unanimous conclusion that the First Book of Samuel is drawn from at least two sources.
The effect of these extraordinary changes, then, was the carrying out of Napoleonic satrapies in the north and centre of Italy in a way utterly inconsistent with the treaty of Luneville; and the weakness with which the courts of London and Vienna looked on at these singular events confirmed Bonaparte in the belief that he could do what he would with neighbouring states.
The duchy of Berg, along with the eastern part of Cleves and other annexes, now went to Murat, brother-in-law of Napoleon (March 1806); and that melodramatic soldier at once began to round off his eastern boundary in a way highly offensive to Prussia.
The project of a Crusade and of an attack on Constantinople wove themselves into a single thread, in a way which very definitely anticipates the Fourth Crusade of 1202-1204.
The frames into which hard soaps are ladled for cooling and solidification consist of rectangular boxes made of iron plates and bound and clamped together in a way that allows the sides to be removed when required; wooden frames are used in the case of mottled soaps.
In any case the proposal was well received at Paris both by Napoleon and by his ministers; and though there were difficulties respecting the divorce, of Josephine, yet these were surmounted in a way satisfactory to the emperor and the prelates of Austria.
Antoninus directed that slaves treated with excessive cruelty, who had taken refuge at an altar or imperial image, should be sold; and this provision was extended to cases in which the master had employed a slave in a way degrading to him or beneath his character.
Those heresy-hunts show us the worst side of St Bernard, yet they are in a way just the obverse of his deep mystical piety.
By care and economy, however, aided by generous royal grants, she was enabled to pay off mortgages and to bring up the children in a way befitting their rank.
Many of the psalms are doxologies or the like, expressly written for the Temple; others are made up of extracts from older poems in a way perfectly natural in a hymn-book, but otherwise hardly intelligible.
He was greedy, restless, and in a way Bohemian.
The former at once assumed Magnin - the reins of government and became ruler of Florence in a way neither Cosimo nor Piero had ever attempted; he established his domination by means of balie consisting of the signory, the accoppiatori, and 240 other members, all Mediceans, to be renewed every five years (1471).
He did not confine himself to news, but wrote something very like finished essays on questions of policy, trade and domestic concerns; he also introduced a "Scandal Club," in which minor questions of manners and morals were treated in a way which undoubtedly suggested the Tatlers and Spectators which followed.
Not till 1736 were the statutes against witchcraft repealed; an act which the Associate Presbytery at Edinburgh in 1743 declared to be" contrary to the express law of God, for which a holy God may be provoked in a way of righteous judgment."The recognition and condemnation of errors in religious belief is by no means confined to the Christian Church.
Pirminius, who was far from being an original writer, made great use of a treatise by Martin of Braga, but substituted a Roman form of Renunciation, and refers to the Roman rite of Unction in a way which leads us to suppose that the form of creed which he substituted for Martin's form was also Roman.
During the reign of Louis XIV., after 1660, the French government paid great attention to Canada, but not in a way capable of leading to the formation of a colony.
After giving this account of themselves they ask for information about several points in a way which shows the exigencies of a rude and isolated society, and finally they say that they have been much disturbed by the Lutheran teaching about freewill and predestination, for they had held that men did good works through natural virtue stimulated by God's grace, and they thought of predestination in no other way than as a part of God's foreknowledge.
They are thrown together in a way unusual with Mark, who is accustomed to place each important saying in a setting of its own.
While it is true that the building of railways, the opening of mines, the growth of the lumber industry and the settlement of frontier lands by hardy pioneers was rapidly promoted by this policy, it also resulted naturally in the accumulation of great wealth in the hands of a comparatively few men who were controlling lumber, coal, oil and railway transportation in a way that was believed to be a menace to the public welfare.
It has been suggested that the form which the essays assumed was in a way accidental, and this of itself precludes the idea of a definite model, even if such a model could be found.
The British government were on the point of demanding reparation for this act in a peremptory manner which could hardly have meant anything but war, but Prince Albert insisted on revising Lord Russell's despatch in a way which gave the American government an opportunity to concede the surrender of the prisoners without humiliation.
In its external features the new phenomenon was exceedingly like what is still seen in the East in every zikr of dervishes - the enthusiasm of the prophets expressed itself in no artificial form, but in a way natural to the Oriental temperament.
In the rubric in question words are altered here and there in a way which shows that its reappearance can hardly be a mere printer's error; but in any case its importance is very slight, for the Act of Uniformity specially provides that the English service alone is to be used for the Eucharist.
Taking advantage of a petition presented by the Polish landed proprietors of the Lithuanian provinces, praying that their relations with the serfs might be regulated in a more satisfactory way - meaning in a way more satisfactory for the proprietors - he authorized the formation of committees "for ameliorating the condition of the peasants," and laid down the principles on which the amelioration was to be effected.
Hicks 1 has modified Rydberg's equation in a way similar to that of Ritz as shown by (5) above.
Our souls he tried his best to endow with a quasiexistence, arguing that the unity of consciousness requires an indivisible subject, which is distinct from the plurality of the body but interacting with it, is in a way a centre of independent activities, and is so far a substance, or rather able to produce the appearance of a substance.
Wundt proves that all idealisms are in a way one.
But his principal work was Historiae Philippicae in forty-four In the trogon of Cuba, Prionotelus, they are most curiously scooped out, as it were, at the extremity, and the lateral pointed ends diverge in a way almost unique among birds.
By means of it a variety may often be propagated, or its fruit improved in a way not found practicable under ordinary circumstances.
It expresses the spirituality of Yahweh in a way that indicates a marked advance in the conception of his nature.
In the part omitted, at p. 154 of the original edition, Hobbes refers to his first introduction to Euclid, in a way that confirms the story in Aubrey quoted in an earlier paragraph.
The weak point of this theory is that Clement and Ignatius bring Peter and Paul together in a way which seems to suggest that they perished, if not together, at least at about the same time.
Meanwhile international politics had developed in a way that necessitated a change in Ali's attitude.
It is further pointed out that this procedure is quite consonant with the practice of science with regard to its axioms. Originally these are always postulates which have to be assumed before they can be proved, and thus in a way "make" the evidence which confirms them.
This announcement, however, was no sooner made than it was explained away by the supporters of both, and early in 1902 Lord Rosebery spoke at the National Liberal Club in a way which indicated that an understanding might still be arrived at.
That it was used for other than literary purposes strengthened that sentiment in a way which mere scholarly or literary interest could not have done.
Its composite population is a faithful reflection of the heterogeneous elements in the dominions of the Habsburgs, while the trade and industry of Hungary are centralized at Budapest in a way that can scarcely be affirmed of any other European capital.
The constitution declares that the state's rights of eminent domain shall never be so abridged as to prevent the legislature from taking the property and franchises of incorporated companies and subjecting them to the public necessity in a way similar to the treatment of individuals.
His personal tastes, apart from his activities as a Maecenas, being economical, he endeavoured also to limit public expenditure, in a way which was not always a benefit to the country.
They were wilfully blind, and they would rather not see good done than see it done in a way that contradicted their teachings and undermined their influence.
But the theses posted somehow touched heart and conscience in a way unusual in the common subjects of academic disputation.
Both in a way use given particulars as evidence.
Nature, e.g., is not deduced as real because rational, but being real its rationality is presumed and, very imperfectly, exhibited in a way to make it possible to conceive it as in its essence the reflex of Reason.
So Schopenhauer, but in a way all his own, finds the truth of things in a will which is indeed unaffected by conscious motives and yet cannot be separated from.
In the Orange River Colony, General Hertzog aroused much opposition by administering the education act in a way which forced the teaching of Dutch in a rather arbitrary fashion.
Here he had an opportunity of displaying his public spirit and integrity in a way that deeply impressed both the king and the country.
The public voice spoke in a way that was not to be mistaken.
He sets forth the restriction of the mission of Jesus during His life on earth to the people of Israel in a way which suggests at first sight a spirit of Jewish exclusiveness.
Every science which deals with human phenomena is in a way an implement in this great factory system, in which the past is welded together again.
Ratramnus sought in a way to reconcile science and religion, whereas Radbertus emphasized the miraculous.
He speaks of Wisdom in a way reminding us of the book of Proverbs.
The pilgrim enters the Haram in the antique and scanty pilgrimage dress (ihram), consisting of two cloths wound round his person in a way prescribed by ritual.
Things continued in this position until about 1823, when James Smith of Deanston, having discovered anew those principles of draining so long before indicated by Blith, proceeded to exemplify them in his own practice, and to expound them to the public in a way that speedily effected a complete revolution in the art of draining, and marked an era in agricultural progress.
In 1874, when Gladstone published his pamphlet on The Vatican Decrees, Lord Acton wrote during November and December a series of remarkable letters to The Times, illustrating Gladstone's main theme by numerous historical examples of papal inconsistency, in a way which must have been bitter enough to the ultramontane party, but demurring nevertheless to Gladstone's conclusion and insisting that the Church itself was better than its premisses implied.
Wycliffe was a metaphysician and a theologian, and had to invent a metaphysical theory - the theory of Dominium - to enable him to transfer, in a way satisfactory to himself, the powers and privileges of the church to his company of poor Christians; but his followers were content to allege that a church which held large landed possessions, collected tithes greedily and took money from starving peasants for baptizing, burying and praying, could not be the church of Christ and his apostles.
It is used in a way peculiar to himself - " ` the term which, I think, stands best for whatsoever is the object of the understanding when a man thinks " or " whatever it is which the mind can be employed about."
But affairs developed in a way which disappointed him.
This authority was in his mind connected with papal supremacy, though in a way quite novel - intellectual rather than political.
The queens marriage was miserable; and she consoled herself in a way which at once made her court the scandal of Europe, and upset the French kings plans by providing the throne of Spain with healthy heirs of genuine Spanish blood.
The well-read and intelligent bee-keeper, content to work on orthodox lines, will be able to manage an apiary - large or small - by guiding and controlling the countless army he commands in a way that will yield him both pleasure and profit.
Certain of his poems, moreover, - for example, " To Mary," " The Receipt of my Mother's Portrait," and the ballad " On the Loss of the Royal George," - will, it may safely be affirmed, continue to be familiar to each successive generation in a way that pertains to few things in literature.
He had looked at the empire from the colonial point of view, in a way only possible in a colonial atmosphere; and at home some of his colleagues had gone a long way, behind the scenes, to destroy one of the very factors on which the question of a practical scheme for imperial commercial federation seemed to hinge.
But in the 13th century this feeling began to disappear, and Brandenburg enjoyed an independence and carried out an independent policy in a way that was not paralleled by any other German state.
He began suckling in a way that allowed air to enter around his mouth.
He laced his fingers behind his neck and stretched in a way that made his upper torso ripple with muscular activity.
He didn't need the distraction, but Gods, he wanted her in a way he'd never wanted anyone else!
His direct look warmed her body on the inside in a way she knew wasn't appropriate for the time, place, or man in front of her.
You will have to balance the realms in a way we didn't desire.
But seeing her lifeless on the table made his soul wrench in a way that reminded him of how he'd felt when he found his brother's lifeless body thousands of years ago.
Her eyes were riveted to his frame in a way that warned her the bond she'd felt with Gabriel was now with this creature.
He growled, a sound that made his chest vibrate against hers in a way not remotely human.
Andre pulled the truth out of her in a way that reinforced how weak she'd become.
She'd held no part of herself back from him and surrendered in a way that made him want to memorize each sigh, the softness of her skin, her silky depths and the way her blue eyes grew dark with desire.
She'd teased and flirted with him, adventurous one minute and submissive the next in a way that made him burn hotter for her.
He sensed magic, though, and understood the Immortal was able to access the tablet in a way Death had no need to.
She'd proven herself to him in a way no immortal ever had.
Actually, Alex did look into her eyes a lot – and his gaze wandered over her face sometimes in a way that left her wondering what was on his mind.
Don't let him into this house when I'm not here — and if he ever so much as touches you in a way you don't like, tell me.
The wounds healed as she watched, his magic caressing her from the inside in a way that—she was embarrassed to admit—was arousing.
He stirred her blood in a way no mortal man ever had.
It compelled him in a way that made him frantic to run away, before he crossed the line his mother warned him about and caused harm.
Toni's face lit up, and she thrust out her chest in a way that made Jessi want to laugh in embarrassment on the oblivious model's behalf.
His skin was hot, working its way through her thin dress in a way that did nothing to lessen the warmth racing through her blood.
Such a culture could well lead to genuine learner autonomy in a way that enforced learner training can't.
The book concludes in a way that hardly matches my own political proclivity.
He was profound in a way that surprises me.
Adrian searle You need the story in a way.
Here it zig-zags upwards in a way that feels more Alpine than Scottish.
So they built Hubble in a way that allowed astronauts to go there and pull out old stuff and out in the new.
We really want to capture the adventuresome and pioneering spirit he brought to Napster in a way that is not the ordinary biopic.
Bulimia This section describes bulimia This section describes bulimia in a way that is meaningful both for those who suffer from it and those who do not.
It is pure calumny to say that the Pagans worship their idols in a way any different from this.
However it wasn't fully solved in a way sailors could use at sea for some 150 years, when accurate chronometers became available.
It uses ordinary objects in a way that doesn't seem conceivable.
The topology of X / G is defined in a way that makes the map continuous.
These two stories will eventually converge in a way that only David Lynch could pull off.
Self organizing systems are part of the way science is beginning to understand the real cosmos in a way that traditional science cannot.
Take care that you express yourself in a way that will not be deemed defamatory.
This seems somewhat Draconian and forces smokers to become social outcasts in a way.
Are able to discipline someone in a way that does not cause enmity.
These can be estimated in a way similar to the power spectrum, but more data is usually needed to get reliable estimates.
I will pray that you will come to discover the God who loves you in a way that perhaps your earthly father never could.
Succinct, easy-to-read chapters teach the fundamentals in a way that everyone can understand and put to work right away.
But divine grace actually empowers us to fulfill the moral demands of the law in a way that the law alone could never do.
It's one of those books that follows you around, screaming its existence in a way that really seems quite impolite.
Mathematicians undoubtedly use probability in a way that fits well with the propensity interpretation, but they leave it undefined.
I would be interested to see how you would answer this in a way which was not " morally intolerable " .
This was to be a constructive process conducted in a way that was not judgmental.
Jesus quickly makes his identity known in a way that shows there are ties that are stronger than blood kinship.
I gave up smoking on Monday and feel a bit listless in a way.
I hadn't ever come across opposing fans before, and I loathed them in a way I had never before loathed strangers.
Look for the FSC logo to make sure it has been produced in a way that does not harm wildlife or their fragile habitat.
At first he was hopeful but as he needed more meds and treatment he became bitter in a way that scared me.
It is brutally heavy and wonderfully melodic in a way that surpasses a lot of the bands in this movement.
Even the accompanying background music seemed melodramatic to me, sort of over-indulgent, in a way.
She modeled a process of ' interrogation ', in a way that helped to reveal the multiplicity of meanings that might be constructed.
It will therefore be important for BAS to be involved - but in a way that will not overcommit our human resources.
Hopper's enduring popularity stems from his ability to stage scenes from everyday life in a way which also addresses universal concerns.
So prophesying on that occasion was speaking for God in a way that formed part of someone's guidance.
Tim Keller explained, ' New Yorkers are dazed and " rubbed raw " in a way that even long-time residents have never seen.
Write in a way that is easy to understand and avoid local slang or phrases.
Article continues The Blairs have always seemed stingy in a way that only the British middle class can be.
You sit you the largest towboat in a way tea served at.
Churches become centered on a particular person in a way that is deeply unhealthy.
The great literary achievements of the Greeks in the 5th century lay already far enough behind to have become invested with a classical dignity; the meaning of Hellenic civilization had been made concrete in a way which might sustain enthusiasm for a body of ideal values, authoritative by tradition.
But, confining ourselves to what is here our special business, it is to be remarked that perhaps the heaviest blow dealt at these strange doctrines was that delivered by Rennie, who, in an edition of Montagu's Ornithological Dictionary (pp. xxxiii.-1v.), published in 1831 and again issued in 1833, attacked the Quinary System, and especially its application to ornithology by Vigors and Swainson, in a way that might perhaps have demolished it, had not the author mingled with his undoubtedly sound reason much that is foreign to any question with which a naturalist, as such, ought to deal - though that herein he was only following the example of one of his opponents, who had constantly treated the subject in like manner, is to be allowed.
It seems to have been common among the Jews, and the case of the witch of Endor is narrated in a way to suggest something beyond fraud; in the book of magic which bears the name of Dr Faustus may be found many of the formulae for raising demons; in England may be mentioned especially Dr Dee as one of the most famous of those who claimed before the days of modern spiritualism to have intercourse with the unseen world and to summon demons at his will.
Before leaving Soham he had written the substance of a treatise in which he had sought to counteract the prevailing Baptist hyper-Calvinism which, "admitting nothing spiritually good to be the duty of the unregenerate, and nothing to be addressed to them in a way of exhortation excepting what related to external obedience," had long perplexed his own mind.
Everyone wins in trade, because goods are reallocated in a way that increases utility to all parties involved.
The Internet solves for this in a way no library ever could. 7.
As we understand our own genome better, we will know better how to eat in a way that is custom tailored for us.
She ran her fingers along the lines, finding the words she knew and guessing at the meaning of others, in a way that would convince the most conservative of educators that a little deaf child, if given the opportunity, will learn to read as easily and naturally as ordinary children.
And Kutuzov smiled in a way that seemed to say, You are quite at liberty not to believe me and I don't even care whether you do or not, but you have no grounds for telling me so.
He had an intellectual and distinctive head, but the instant he turned to Prince Andrew the firm, intelligent expression on his face changed in a way evidently deliberate and habitual to him.
Denisov did not take his eyes off her and beat time with his saber in a way that clearly indicated that if he was not dancing it was because he would not and not because he could not.
Young men read books before attending Helene's evenings, to have something to say in her salon, and secretaries of the embassy, and even ambassadors, confided diplomatic secrets to her, so that in a way Helene was a power.
Have these policies redistributed income in a way that your government would approve of?
We talked about expressing one 's religiosity in a way not to touch another person.
Third, new style terrorism is ruthless in a way in which old style terrorism was not.
Their murals were thus anathema to old-style mural painters who saw the new murals as sectarian in a way their own never were.
I speak of God and spirituality in a way that most people understand.
It was working under Tim that I learned how radio could tell stories in a way that stretched the imagination.
Workers ' class position enables them to grasp the totality of social relations in a way that is denied an exploiting class.
The development of an SE in a cat had raised a concern that BSE might be transmissible in a way that scrapie was not.
Firstly, they must address the largely unspoken needs of the client in a way that demonstrates great understanding and significant empathy.
Secondly, a new agent, presumably BSE, is virulent in a way in which previous agents such as scrapie have not been.
Her prose was quite lyrical, almost poetic in a way.
If in the end it must happen, execute it in a way that mitigates the damage--investors are repaid (in part or whole), employees leave satisfied and your reputation remains intact.
Looking at pictures of decorated nurseries can give you a wealth of ideas, but feel free to outfit your baby's room in a way that works for your family.
If the dealer or seller is pushing the car on you in a way that doesn't feel comfortable, it's most likely because there is something in your gut telling you to walk away.
The packages are organized in a way that makes it easy to meet your needs.
Shel Silverstein poetry is masterful because he introduces complex poetic elements in a way that appears to be simple on the surface.
Essentially, the property will be divided in a way that the court deems to be fair, not necessarily equal.
In Georgia, marital property is divided in a way that is fair, but what is a fair settlement for one couple may not be that way for another.
In general terms, equitable division refers to dividing the property in a way that is fair.
When the co-parent introduces a new activity or approaches a situation in a way you would not, accept it.
You can arrange the pieces in a way that fits the room, then rearrange them when you get bored.
Many retailers cater to the small furniture niche and it can be easy to tie a whole look together affordably, quickly, and in a way that opens up the room rather than drawing attention to the limited amount of space.
The pieces can be arranged in a way that fits the room, then rearranged when a new look is desired.
While many lawn chairs are perfectly fine on their own, they can be personalized and made to suit your outdoor space in a way that makes them a little more unique.
You can use the black china cabinet hutch to display your items in a way that keeps them looking their best.
With a corner china cabinet, however, the table and cabinet are less likely to line up in a way that will put a damper on the mood when your guests need to move around at meal time.
Finding environmentally friendly alternatives to these products is important, as is ensuring they are disposed of in a way that minimizes any environmental harm.
If you do determine that an item must be replaced, be sure to dispose of your outdated materials in a way that ensures that they will be reused or recycled.
When used properly, biodegradable plastic can be a great way to help reduce your environmental impact in a way that won't inconvenience your life.
Kids are able to view the environment on a personal level, feeling empathy for animals and their surroundings in a way that most adults may overlook.
Decorate your bedroom in a way you're not happy with, and instead of being a place you can let go of your stress, your bedroom will just be one more thing to keep you up at night.
Cowhide can also be treated in a way that leaves the hair intact, making interesting and unique upholstery for chairs and sofas.
Have a view of the doorway or entrance - Position your living furniture in a way in which you can see the entrance when seated.
They should express your individuality and be decorated in a way that sets the stage for the rest of your decor.
Rather than emulate your home, why not build the addition using modern materials and methods and design it in a way that stands apart from the home, but complements it?
It's important to decorate it in a way that makes you feel the best.
It's a good idea to arrange items and surfaces in a way that will make these jobs as easy as possible.
Because wooden rods are often thicker, are always of one piece and are usually more expensive, it makes the most sense to use them in a way that shows them off to their full advantage.
The end result should be a space that uses color in a way that pulls everything together.
To make sure that you are hanging the tapestry in a way that highlights the space, rather than clutters it, consider using one in any of these areas.
Although advances in skincare and cosmetic products continue to come onto the market, makeup should be timeless and used in a way that enhances you naturally.
Available in various colors and made of strikingly different materials, perfume bottles exemplify elegance in a way that few other accessories truly can.
In fact, I shied away from it in a way most people jump when they see '80s-style blue eye shadow.
I'm guessing that I do, in fact, look pretty good since my husband is fawning over me in a way that I haven't seen since our dating days.
Introduce yourself in a way that shows that you have read the woman's profile.
Also, you want to make sure that you are able to pay any fees for the services in a way that is secure and convenient for you.
Do the toes taper in a way your wide feet couldn't handle?
No matter what the item, a good photographer will get his female subject to enhance it in a way that attracts the most viewers.
The goal of sensual portrait photography is to capture your subject in a way that conveys love and passion, but more importantly, you want to leave the viewer wanting more.
Sometimes, photographers get lucky and find a model whose natural positioning produces fantastic images, but most of the time it's up to the photographer to place her in a way that enhances her assets.
They add immediate interest to your page and really stand out in a way hand-lettered titles would not.
One form of constructive anger is expressing your feelings in a way that is assertive but nonthreatening.
By communicating your needs and concerns clearly and in a way that is assertive without being aggressive, you are conveying your anger in a manner that is positive and healthy.
Once you have your images, arrange them on the board in a way that looks attractive to you, and paste.
If the work involves concentration, make sure the person is set up in a way to maximize focus.
The existing tests at the time failed to differentiate between the symptoms of anxiety and depression in a way that was adequate for proper diagnosis and treatment.
Efficient time management is utilizing your time management skills in a way that gets the most done in the least amount of time.
It is important to manage your time in a way that is focused.
You get to start asserting your independence and making decisions about your life in a way that you haven't been able to do before.
Goddess Magazine is a bi-monthly lifestyle magazine that's focused on allowing teen girls to share their challenges, dreams and aspirations in a way that will resonate and inspire.
Although admittedly steeped in controversy, this CD shined a light on the reality of police brutality in a way that, up to that point, had never been covered in the mainstream media.
This is a great opportunity to let him know how you feel, but in a way that is non threatening.
Let them know you will be more likely to buy their products if they advertise in a way that challenges society's thin ideal.
Break out of your comfort zone the next time you dine out and try tofu prepared in a way you haven't tried.
They may pepper the vegetarian with questions as to why he or she would want to live in a way that is not considered normal.
To get the most from beets' health benefits, prepare them in a way that preserves nutrients without adding a lot of fat, calories, or cholesterol.
They especially don't know how to do it in a way that lives up to the inflated and Hollywood-ized romanticism of marriage proposals.
Personal wedding vows add an intimate, romantic touch to a wedding ceremony in a way that only the bride and groom can.
With a bit of coordination and planning, it is easy to create this type of buffet in a way that will be pleasing to everyone, no matter what candies they like.
Wedding guest attire etiquette is oftentimes quite simple, as long as guests remember that a wedding ceremony and reception is not the time to dress in a way to draw attention to themselves.
Since a photographer may be taking pictures of that event, it's best for the couple to cut the cake in a way that is most photogenic, and it's not necessary for them to follow any specific rules regarding where or how to cut.
Celebrating in a way that wasn't financially possible for the initial wedding.
Causes you to behave in a way you're not proud of.
An intervention should be done in a way that is productive and doesn't evoke immediate anger or distress.
A tropical theme really gives them wide berth to decorate in a way that says, "This is me!
The superior absorbency of microfiber bath towels is due to the splitting of the microfibers in a way that increases the fiber's surface and thus the ability to absorb more.
This word describes so many types of designs that it would almost be impossible and unfair to pigeonhole it in a way that limits its potential within your home.
These yarns are woven in a way that they "float over" or are drawn through a single weft yarn.
You really need to be able to address and handle the pressure in a way that keeps your team focused rather than spinning out of control.
Yoga pants, footed cotton pajama pants, and corduroy are all represented in a way that makes price comparison very simple.
They allow you to dress your child in a way that's trendy and practical at the same time.
River cruises can introduce eager guests to that incredible beauty face to face, in a way that mainstream cruises never could.
Small ship cruises are a unique and intimate way for passengers to experience ports of call and to immerse themselves in different cultures in a way that larger vessels cannot.
There is great gratification in helping a family pet learn to behave in a way that makes his owner proud.
Remember, training your dog is not unlike training your child to behave in a way society expects.
These nineteenth-century performers never actually disrobed, but they were harassed, fined, and occasionally jailed for pulling up their skirts, flashing their underwear, and swiveling their hips in a way that evoked the throes of passion.
In England they thrive in a way on moist soils, but flower best in the limestone soils of Ireland.
If you're in the middle of a blistering guitar solo on an electric, you can fudge the details a little bit in a way that would never fly on an acoustic.
The text is easy to read and covers everything from the basics of the bass to more advanced techniques like soloing and improvising in a way that isn't overwhelming.
With songs like Born to Be Wild and Magic Carpet Ride, Steppenwolf continually explored this duality of human kind in a way that was thoughtful yet still fun and full of spirit.
When setting the tile remember to plan it in a way so that you will not box yourself in and have to step on any tiles to get out.
Some mold killing chemicals can be as bad for your health as the mold is, so go natural first to eliminate mold in a way that won't make you ill.
This means that one can easily browse through all of the various styles of suits, in a way that is just as easy as flipping a page.
Hip and Zen has a wonderful coded system that tells you which products are organic, handmade, recycled, fairly traded and natural, so you can buy things that are made in a way that best suits your priorities.
Whether you choose organic cotton, bamboo, or other organic fibers, you can feel good that your bag was made in a way that doesn't harm the environment.
They must be allowed to behave in a way that is natural to them.
Often, there's no need for special plus sizes, since even 'regular' ped socks can be forgiving in fit for the feet in a way that's seldom seen for hosiery or stockings.
These occasions call for all-out glamour in a way that few other moments on the social agenda do.
Management can still get the same benefit, which is to have people on board who know and understand the safety rules regarding their job duties, but in a way that the employees find enjoyable.
If you're fit and active and a vital part of the modern world, there's no reason not to dress in a way that reflects that.
The lenses themselves are crafted in a way that water will simply flow out.
While they're not impenetrable, when they do "shatter" they do so in a way that prevents small pieces of the material from finding its way into your eyes.
Polycarbonate lenses break in a way that is least likely to spray shards into your eyes on impact.
If your Serengetis are damaged after the warranty period, or if they are damaged in a way that is not covered under the warranty, the company has a repair service available.
Wraparound styles work well to block the glare because they hug the face in a way that prevents sunlight from getting in.
Smith Catalyst glasses are designed in a way that promotes clear — not distorted — peripheral vision.
Second, some readers fit in a way that make you hold your head a certain way in order to see the book.
This is to be expected in a way given that the whole game is in fact just an edited version of a pre-existing title named Puyo Pop developed by Compile.
It looks like cell shading but is done in a way that I've never seen before.
A way to express his inner creativity in a way that would keep his attention and keep him from getting bored.
The graphics in Seed are realistic enough to be believable but styled in a way that's very pleasing to the eye.
Pick up a few and read through them a bit-find one that seems to talk to you and worded in a way that you "get" and enjoy reading.
People also show a lack of consistent morality by sometimes choosing to act in a way that they know is not moral, while continuing to consider themselves moral people.
The triangles in a family system usually interlock in a way that maintains family homeostasis.
When children reach age three, parents should begin teaching them about "bad touches" and about confiding in a suitable adult if they are touched or treated in a way that makes them uneasy.
When blood vessels are injured in a way that causes bleeding, platelets collect over the injured area, forming a temporary plug to prevent further bleeding.
In the halo effect, the observer evaluates the child's behavior in a way that confirms his general previous impression of the child.
Halo effect-An observer bias in which the observer interprets a child's actions in a way that confirm the observer's preconceived ideas about the child.
Peer pressure can also have a negative influence on children ages five to eight when a friend or friends encourage them to act in a way that is not natural for the child.
Major depression in children and adolescents is a serious condition that should be treated in a way that includes careful follow-up and monitoring.
During the first three or four months of life, many babies feel comforted if they are held tightly in a way the reminds them of the womb.
The goal of surgery in congenital muscular torticollis is to cut and then reattach the SCM muscle in a way that will remove the constricting bands of fibrous tissue, improve range of motion, and allow the head to be held vertically.
Usually the middle of a story expresses some sort of conflict as well, which will be resolved by the end in a way that makes the audience feel satisfied.
For example, the Cordillera from the northern Philippines contains movements representing such everyday tasks as carrying water - but does it in a way that makes it graceful and balanced.
It is very similar to the basic step, but angled in a way so that every step makes the dancers cover ground in one direction (instead of moving vertically for the two slow steps and then laterally for the quick-quick).