Improving Sentence Examples
Things were improving now.
I may have to work on improving that.
You can help improving the quality of this site.
Physically, he was improving, but not in the conversation or response area.
He immediately brought forward a scheme for improving the condi - tion of the poorer clergy by equalizing the incomes of the bishops, the reception of which at the time may be imagined, though it was substantially the same as that carried into effect by Lord Melbourne's government fifty years later.
Where, as in England, they felt that they could improve, they substituted for the style of the country their own style - that is, a style which they had not created but which they had adopted, which they had made thoroughly their own, and which they went on improving in England no less than in Normandy.
The guests, apparently taking advantage of the improving weather, had not returned.
He was definitely improving in that area.
As long as he was improving, there was hope.
In 1819 she wrote A Plan for Improving Female Education, submitted to the governor of New York state; and in 1821 she removed to Troy.
AdvertisementIf her clothes and car were any indication, life was improving for her now.
He was awake now, and improving.
The methods adopted by the zemstvos for improving the condition of agriculture have included the formation of agricultural councils, the appointment of inspectors, and the founding of museums, meteorological stations and depots for the sale of agricultural machinery.
The earl was a great gambler, but he was wealthy enough also to spend money on improving his house at Althorp, which he beautified both within and without.
It is evident from this book that the society had exerted itself with success in introducing cultivated herbage and turnips, as well as in improving the former methods of culture.
AdvertisementNumerous patent ropes, some having wires and strands of special shapes, have been introduced with the idea of improving the wearing properties.
In the mountainous region dairy-farming is carried on after the Alpine fashion and the breeding of sheep is improving.
The primary treatment for dependent personality disorder is psychotherapy, with an emphasis on learning to cope with anxiety, developing assertiveness, and improving decision-making skills.
Suddenly teachers at dance studios all over were teaching and improving on all sorts of disco dance steps and variations.
When you're not taking the lesson, you can still be improving your dancing.
AdvertisementImproving the overall property by installing an alarm, sprinkler system, or landscaping.
Improving on Ptolemy, he makes the island of Taprobane (Ceylon) twenty times as large as it is in reality.
Although the establishment of a lucrative trade between India and central Asia had been the dream of many successive Indian viceroys, and much had been done towards improving the approaches to Simla from the north, very little was in really known of the highlands of the Pamirs, or of the regions of the great central depression, before the mission of central Asia.
At the beginning of the 19th century a subscription was raised by the proprietors of land in the neighbourhood for improving the harbour, and an act was obtained by which they were incorporated under the title "The Grimsby Haven Co."
On the other hand, the small farmers who occupied separated holdings were deterred from improving by the fear of a rise in rent.
AdvertisementThe husbandry of the country was thus steadily improving, when suddenly the whole of Europe became involved in the wars of the French Revolution.
Improving upon the procedure of the Convention in Vendemiaire 1795, Bonaparte procured the nomination of three consuls in an article of the new constitution; they were Bonaparte (First Consul), Cambaceres and Lebrun.
Euric's code remained in force among the Visigoths of Spain until the reign of Leovigild (568-586), who made a new one, improving upon that of his predecessor.
The general tendency of this period appears to have taken the form of improving and developing the methods of the alchemists; 1 The definite distinction between potash and soda was first established by Duhamel de Monceau (1700-1781).
Rapidly as the standard of musical translations was improving before this work appeared, no one could have foreseen what has now been abundantly verified, that the Ring can be performed in English without any appreciable loss to Wagner's art.
By the autumn of 1921 conditions for work were improving.
The compass may of course have been used for improving these charts, but they originated without its aid, and it is therefore misleading to describe them as Compass or Loxodromic charts, and they are now known as Portolano charts.
The disillusionment as regards material means for improving the life of mankind had given rise in many minds to a quest for religion, and this mystic current had attracted men like Struve, Bulgakov, Berdiayev and others.
The government acknowledges the unavoidable necessity of greatly extending and improving the internal communications of the country, but cannot see its way to doing so satisfactorily out of the ordinary resources of the country.
In 1717 Prince Eugene of Savoy conquered it for Austria, which kept it until 1739, improving the fortifications and giving great impulse to the commercial development of the town.
In the first statute passed for improving the navigation of the river near Oxford (21 Jac. I.) it is called the river of Thames, and it was only in a statute of George II.
He immediately addressed himself to the task of improving the financial position of the country, carried out the conversion of the State loans, and succeeded, for the first time in the history of the Hungarian budget, in avoiding a deficit.
Many towns were founded, among which were Dresden, Leipzig and Freiburg; Chemnitz began its textile industry; and although the condition of the peasants was wretched, that of the townsmen was improving.
It controlled the operations for improving the sea entrance until 1893, when on the establishment of responsible government it was abolished.
Coming thus into virtual possession of a good library, Lambert had peculiar opportunities for improving himself in his literary and scientific studies.
In this respect, however, matters are improving, the death-rate sinking from 33.1 per thousand in1881-1885to 28.1 per thousand in 1896-1900.
Owing to its wide stretches of pasture-land Hungary is admirably suited for cattle-raising, and in the government " economies " the same care has been bestowed on improving the breed of horned beasts as in the case of horses.
But, as we have seen, such an error of phase causes no sensible deterioration in the definition; so that from this point onwards the lens is useless, as only improving an image already sensibly as perfect as the aperture admits of.
If there had been no fighting daring these autumn months worthy of mention, much creditable work had been carried out by the invaders in respect to developing communications and to improving jetties and landing-places, especially at Suvla.
Efforts at improving optical glass had, however, not been confined to the descendants and successors of Guinand and Fraunhofer.
He therefore employed the best available art and skill in improving the craft of glass-cutting.
Progress was made in improving river and lake navigation.
The application of pure cultures of bacteria for improving the fertility of the land is still in an experimental stage.
The paring and burning of land, although formerly practised as an ordinary means of improving the texture and fertility of arable fields, can now only be looked upon as a practice p to be adopted for the purpose of bringing rapidly into cultivation very foul leys or, land covered with a coarse turf.
The most efficient means, however, of improving strong, ill-tasting tobacco is by renewed fermentation artificially induced by moisture and heat.
The development of alfalfa cultivation is extending the area of cattle-breeding somewhat and is improving the quality of the beef Livestock.
Adoption, for example, as a practice for improving the happiness of families and the welfare of society, is capable of being weighed, and can in truth only be weighed, by utilitarian considerations, and has been commended 1 For Comte's place in the history of ethical theory see Ethics.
Now the government was pledged by the diet in 1907 to an expenditure of 111/8 millions (spread over 8 years) for extending the old state system of roads, and an expenditure of 63/4 millions (spread over 12 years) for improving them.
He also bought up various blocks of slum dwellings and converted them into model tenements, with the object of improving the conditions of the poorer classes of Dublin.
Sanitation, however, is improving and much good has resulted from the boring of numerous artesian wells which yield good water.
He aimed at improving relations with Austria, and also tried to bring about a reconciliation with France; it was in fact under his auspices that President Loubet visited Rome.
He continued the policy of improving relations with Austria, which did not contribute to his popularity; after the annexation of Bosnia and the Herzegovina his imprudently worded speech at Carate created the illusion that Italy was to be compensated, perhaps by the cession of the Trentino, and the disappointment when nothing of the kind materialized greatly weakened his prestige.
The earliest important undertaking with a view of improving the 'waterway was due to the initiative of Frederick the Great, who recommended the diversion of the river into a new and straight channel in the swampy tract of land known as the Oderbruch, near Ciistrin.
In 1905 a project was sanctioned for improving the communication between Berlin and Stettin by widening and deepening the lower course of the river and then connecting this by a canal with Berlin.
As early as 1801 Morris became interested in projects for improving the communication between the Hudson river and Lake Erie, and from 1810 to 1816 he was chairman of the board of canal commissioners, which after exploring the country prepared plans for the Erie Canal.
The process practically consists in using the table as it stands for improving the first or second differences of v and then building up the table afresh.
A government Department of Agriculture, created in 1904, affords help to the farmers in various ways, notably in combatting insect plagues, in experimental farms, and in improving the breed of horses, sheep and cattle.
He was certain that war with Spain was inevitable, and he did much to prepare the navy for hostilities, framing an important personnel bill, collecting ammunition, getting large appropriations for powder and ammunition used in improving the marksmanship of the navy by gunnery practice, buying transports and securing the distribution of ships and supplies (especially in the Pacific) in such a way that, when hostilities were declared, American naval victories would be assured.
On this ground during his presidential administration Mr Roosevelt was deeply concerned in many measures for improving the administrative side of the War Department and educating, training and strengthening the army.
Cromwell's policy in this respect was continued under the Restoration, and in 1660 a committee of the privy council was appointed for the purpose of obtaining information as to the imports and exports of the country and improving trade.
He was employed by Napoleon to superintend the engineering operations for protecting the province of Ferrara against the inundations of the Po and for draining and improving the Pontine Marshes.
One of his latest public acts was a proposal laid before parliament for improving the revenues of the church, and a project for a college of controversial divinity at Chelsea.
In 1663 the "Invisible College" became the "Royal Society of London for improving natural knowledge," and the charter of incorporation granted by Charles II.
On his health improving he was sent to King's College, London, from which he obtained a scholarship at St John's College, Cambridge.
As early as 1783 steps were taken to extend these facilities to the navigable waters of the Ohio, chiefly by improving the navigation of the Potomac above Georgetown.
At Wotton he employed himself in improving his brother's property, making a fishpond, an island and other alterations in the gardens.
He was commissioner for improving the streets and buildings of London, for examining into the affairs of charitable foundations, commissioner of the Mint, and of foreign plantations.
Still the work of improving and correcting went on through the centuries, and a modern copy of the Authorized Version shows no inconsiderable departures from the standard edition of 1611.
Their excellence aroused a much greater interest in the common school system, and throughout the 19th century various experiments for improving it were tried; among them were the division of towns into districts, the appointment of county school commissioners, and the establishment of a state board of education.
The superintendent of public instruction is appointed by the governor and council for a term of two years, and it is his duty to prescribe the form of register to be kept in the schools, to investigate the condition of the schools, to make suggestions and recommendations for improving them, to lecture upon educational subjects in the towns and cities, to hold at least one teachers' institute each year in each of the counties, and to designate the times and places for holding examinations of those who wish to teach.
The seed branch of the department of agriculture was established in 1900 for the purpose of encouraging the production and use of seeds of superior quality, thereby improving all kinds of field and garden crops grown in Canada.
Meanwhile the republic, which had for many years drained Canada of hundreds of thousands of artisans to work its factories, steadily declined to consider any suggestion for improving trade relations between the two countries.
Most of the legislation during Oscar I.'s reign aimed at improving the economic position of Sweden, and the riksdag, in its address to him in 1857, rightly declared that he had promoted the material prosperity of the kingdom more than any of his predecessors.
Nothing has discredited emendation as a means of improving texts more than the want of method, common care and research, which those addicted to it show.
Having in 1264 united the whole of Pomerania under his rule, Barnim devoted his energies to improving its internal condition.
In the work of improving the city, the national government assumed the expense of the commercial quays, the filling of the Sao Christovao bay, the opening of the Mangue canal and its embellishment, the opening of the Avenida Central, the extension of the sewage system and the addition of new sources to the water supply, while the city was responsible for the Avenida Beira-Mar, the opening of a new avenue from the Largo da Lapa westward to Rua Frei Caneca, the removal of the Morro do Senado, the widening of some streets crossing the Avenida Central and the opening and straightening of other streets.
Cotton and silk culture have been experimented with on the islands; and the work of the Hawaiian Agricultural Experiment Station is of great value, in introducing new crops, in improving old, in studying soils and fertilizers and in entomological research.
Accordingly Mr Gibson addressed a protest to the great powers, deprecating any further annexation of the islands of the Pacific Ocean, and claiming for Hawaii the exclusive right " to assist them in improving their political and social condition."
Charles's chief claim to remembrance is that he was the first ruler to adopt the system of hiring his soldiers out to foreign powers as mercenaries, as a means of improving the national finances.
Burnt clay has a very beneficial effect on clay land by improving its texture and rendering soluble the alkaline substances it contains.
He was partially successful in improving the condition of the country; and in 1500 Bavaria formed one of the six circles into which Germany was divided for the maintenance of peace.
In the same year he was elected a member of the Council of Public Instruction, and devoted himself to improving the scheme of French education, especially in girls' schools.
The natural steps first of making it intentionally by putting such stones into his fire, and next of improving his fire by putting it and these stones into a cavity on the weather side of some bank with an opening towards the prevalent wind, would give a simple forge, differing only in size, in lacking forced blast, and in details of construction, from the Catalan forges and bloomaries of to-day.
American and Canadian dressing is gradually improving, but hitherto their results have been inferior to the older European methods.
Before the arrival of the staff and contingent from England (December 1895) the native forces were employed in improving the road from Cape Coast to Prahsu (70 m.), and in establishing road stations to serve as standing camps for the troops.
Though no radical changes have been made in the design of turbines for some years, an immense amount of skill and ingenuity has been shown in perfecting and improving details, and such machines of great size and power are now constantly being made, and give every satisfaction when in use.
The government also did much in the way of improving the internal communications of the country, in repairing the roads and canals, in forming new ones, in deepening and widening rivers, and the like.
At the close of the session he retired into private life; and the six years that remained to him were spent in revising and improving the works upon which, at least as much as upon his public career, his fame now rests.
Much, however, may be done towards improving two of the recensions which now lie before us.
Wheat, barley, oats, peas, potatoes and other roots are staple crops, the average yield of wheat being about 20 bushels an acre; cattle are increasing in number and improving in quality, and all branches of dairy farming prosper.
It was by their influence that a law was introduced limiting the rate of interest, and they co-operated with the government in legislation for improving the material condition of the people, which had been neglected during the period of Liberal government, and which was partly similar to the laws introduced at the same time in Germany.
The Porte was not able at the time to take active measures for the suppression of All Bey, and the latter endeavoured to consolidate his dominions by sending expeditions against marauding tribes, both in north and south Egypt, reforming the finance, and improving the administration of justice.
By mitigating the hardships of the corve, and improving the irrigation system, on which the prosperity of the country mainly depends, he had conferred enormous benefits on the fellahin, and had laid the foundation of permanent budgetary equilibrium for the future.
Miquel had entirely given up his Liberalism, and aimed at practical measures for improving the condition of the people irrespective of the party programmes; yet some of his measures - such as that for taxing "Waarenhauser" (stores) - were of a very injudicious nature.
Main as chief assistant at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, and at once undertook the fundamental task of improving astronomical constants.
Under the Congested Districts (Scotland) Act of 18 97, £35, 0 0 0 a year was devoted within certain districts of Argyll, Inverness, Ross and Cromarty, Sutherland, Caithness, Orkney and Shetland, to assisting migration, improving the breeds of live stock, building piers and boatslips, making roads and bridges, developing home industries, &c.
He favoured trade by encouraging Flemish emigrants to settle in the country, by improving the roads, regulating the coinage and establishing the first posts.
Elementary education is improving, but, after Dalmatia, Bukovina still shows the largest number of illiterates in Austria.
Here he remained improving his estate (having refused a foreign mission) until elected vice-president in i 796.
This great rise in the supply, unaccompanied by an equal expansion of the market for Indian tea, involved the industry in great difficulties, to meet which it became necessary to restrict the area under tea as far as possible, and to reduce the quantity of leaf taken from the plant, thus at the same time improving the quality of the tea.
Galileo devoted all his time to improving and perfecting the telescope.
Carrying on and improving the chronological labours of Scaliger, he published in 1627 an Opus de doctrina temporum, which has been often reprinted.
The horses, which are of Mexican, Spanish and Chinese origin, are small and poorly cared for; some American horses have been introduced for the purpose of improving the breed.
Meanwhile the Austrians were continuing their advance in the centre, but the situation on the Italian left was improving.
The analogy between treaty-making and legislation is striking when a congress agrees upon general principles which are afterwards accepted by a large number of states, as, for instance, in the case of the Geneva conventions for improving the treatment of the wounded.
Other mineral products of the state are 1 The breed of horses in Wyoming has improved rapidly; in 1904, when the U.S. Department of Agriculture purchased eighteen mares and a stallion in hope of improving the American carriage horse, six of the mares were from Wyoming and were principally of Morgan stocks.
Keble had purposed in his own mind to keep them beside him, correcting and improving them, as long as he lived, and to leave them to be published only "when he was fairly out of the way."
The use of pure culture yeast derived from many of the most famous European vineyards has also done much towards improving the quality.
Siemens effected a great improvement by inventing a shuttle armature and improving the shape of the field magnet.
A great many modified scutching machines and processes have been proposed and introduced with the view of promoting economy of labour and improving the turn-out of fibre, both in respect of cleanness and in producing the least proportion of codilla or scutching tow.
As regards social evils generally, however, the low, though undoubtedly improving, standard of Sweden has had one of its chief reasons in the national intemperance.
While refusing to allow the people any share in, or control over, the government, the Conservative leaders devoted themselves to improving the condition of the people and of the country, and under their firm rule Chile advanced rapidly in prosperity.
He removed his capital from Samarkand to Herat, of which place he rebuilt the citadel, restoring and improving the town.
In 1833 an act was passed for paving, watching, cleansing and improving the streets; as well as for the regulation of police, and the establishment of a market.
He was a good king, full of moderation and humanity, and bent upon maintaining order and improving the administration of justice.
The act, while a most important landmark in the constitutional history of England, in no sense creates any right to personal freedom, but is essentially a procedure act for improving the legal mechanism by means of which that acknowledged right maybe enforced.
He had to deal with two difficult settlements as to boundaries with Chile and Brazil, and to take steps for improving the means of communication in the country, by this means reviving its mining and other industries.
Possessed of great political sagacity and knowledge of the lessons of history, Vieira used the pulpit as a tribune from which he propounded measures for improving the general and particularly the economic condition of Portugal.
About the age of fifteen he went to Caen (Normandy), taking with him a little stock of merchandise, on which he traded, and so maintained himself whilst learning French, improving himself in Latin and.
His diligent investigations into the efficiency of various illuminants in differing circumstances, and into the best conditions for developing their several maximum powers of brilliancy, while greatly improving the usefulness of the line of beacons along the extensive coast of the United States, effected at the same time a great economy of administration.
In the event of the borough fund being more than sufficient to meet the demands upon it without recourse to a borough rate, any surplus may be applied in payment of any expenses of the council as a sanitary authority or in improving the borough or any part thereof by drainage, enlargement of streets or otherwise.
Among the miscellaneous powers of an urban council with respect to streets may be mentioned the power to widen or improve, and certain powers incorporated from the Towns Improvement Clauses Act 1847, with respect to naming streets, numbering houses, improving the line of streets, removing obstructions, providing protection in respect of ruinous or dangerous buildings, and requiring precautions to be taken during the construction and repair of sewers, streets and houses.
For the purpose of improving knowledge of star-places he reduced James Bradley's Greenwich observations, and derived from them an invaluable catalogue of 3222 stars, published in the volume rightly named Fundamenta Astronomiae (1818).
Documents show him, among other things, planning during an absence of several months from the city vast new engineering works for improving the irrigation and water-ways of the Lomellina and adjacent regions of the Lombard plain; ardently studying phenomena of storm and lightning, of river action and of mountain structure; co-operating with his friend, Donato Bramante, the great architect, in fresh designs for the improvement and embellishment of the Castello at Milan; and petitioning the duke to secure him proper payment for a Madonna lately executed with the help of his pupil, Ambrogio de Predis, for the brotherhood of the Conception of St Francis at Milan.
A more laboured work, his Proposal for Correcting, Improving and Ascertaining the English Tongue (1712), in a letter to Harley, suggesting the regulation of the English language by an academy, is chiefly remarkable as a proof of the deference paid to French taste by the most original English writer of his day.
In 1866 and 1872 laws were passed for still further improving the position of these small proprietors; and in 1879 a measure was carried for allotting lands to 48,000 recently married couples, and for restoring to many peasant families lands which had been alienated.
In1906-1907an active campaign was begun at Kansas City for improving the channel of the Missouri and stimulating river freighting below that point.
The object of the Samaj is to benefit the world by improving its physical, social, intellectual and moral conditions.
The yield, which is rough, unequal and woody in texture, is called virgin cork, and is useful only as a tanning substance, or for forming rustic work in ferneries, conservatories, &c. Subsequently the bark is removed every eight or ten years, the quality of the cork improving with each successive stripping; and the trees continue to live and thrive under the operation for 150 years and upwards.
During the protracted minority she administered the affairs of the duchy with the greatest prudence, strengthening its resources and improving its position in spite of the troubles of the Seven Years' War.
By various measures, such as subsidies, charitable gifts and foundations, he endeavoured to show that "the idea of improving the lot of those who suffer and struggle against the difficulties of life was constantly present in his mind."
The Lincolnshire towns suffered from the general decay of trade in the eastern counties which marked the 15th century, but agriculture was steadily improving, and with the gradual drainage of the fendistricts culminating in the vast operations of the 17th century, over 330,000 acres in the county were brought under cultivation, including more than two-thirds of Holland.
Remarkable progress has also been made in the art of queen-rearing, and in improving the common or native bee by judicious crossing with the best foreign races, selected mainly for hardiness, working qualities and the prolific capacity of their queens.
This prosperity was brought about largely by improving the water-supply, and thus bringing more land under cultivation, by the creation of new industries, and by the improvement of means of communication.
His accession to office was marked by speeches breathing a new spirit of imperial consolidation, embodied either in suggestions for commercial union or in more immediately practicable proposals for improving the "imperial estate"; and at the Diamond Jubilee of 1897 the visits of the colonial premiers to London emphasized and confirmed the new policy, the fruits of which were afterwards seen in the cordial support given by the colonies in the Boer War.
This society acts in consort with two other powerful organizations (the Royal Commission on Horse-breeding, which began its work in 1888, and the Brood Mare Society, established in 1903), with the desirable object of improving the standard of light horse breeding.
In 1882 he became first lieutenant and was stationed at Cincinnati, where he was engaged in improving the channel of the Ohio river.
The river and Lake Albert were mapped by Gordon and his staff, and he devoted himself with wonted energy to improving the condition of the people.
Although he brought a certain degree of order into the finances, his poverty and the constant inroads of external enemies prevented him from seriously improving the condition of the country.
Equally important was his work in improving the administration of justice, and in this direction he was aided by scholars from the university which he had founded at Frankfort-on-Oder in 1506.
Victor Emmanuel devoted himself to his duties as a constitutional king with great conscientiousness, but he took more interest in foreign than in domestic politics and contributed not a little to improving Italy's international position.
This pulled some of the heat from the Parkside Police Department, and even the Ice Lady seemed to be backing off, improving her editorial chastisement and the mood of Lieutenant Anderson with it.
We settled for improving last years car by converting to 16 " wheels with covers, improving the aerodynamics & fixing the gears.
Control of Autonomous Ground Vehicles Improving factory automation for Siemens A&D by using a radio based location system to control Autonomous Ground Vehicles.
A large study is required to determine whether screening for asymptomatic bacteriuria continues to be relevant in improving pregnancy outcome.
Improving the access should help to deter motor bikers from using the site.
Getting it sorted The men's Health Forum's definitive blueprint for improving men's health is based on two years of consultation.
Spend time brainstorming ways of improving the areas around the school.
Progress has been made in improving the design of cage fronts to make access better for depopulation thus reducing bone breakage.
This has encouraged more farmers to grow cassava, improving many lives.
Intravenous injections of the amino acid arginine have been shown to be remarkably effective at improving intermittent claudication.
Allergic rhinitis and asthma often coexist and improving the management of rhinitis may lead to a reduction in asthma symptoms.
Effective in improving had access to the HMO cohort.
Contact me for a scientific, yet compassionate, approach to solving problems or just for improving the relationship with your horse.
Those patients who do not wish to can still be helped by improving concordance.
It represents a cornerstone of our commitment to improving Working Lives.
There is too little attention paid by medical school deans to improving teaching.
One page is a proposal for improving the rules to remove the disincentives to work.
He was found to be improving with a decrease in his respiratory distress.
The possibility of introducing or improving late night public transport services with, for example, trained doorman on board.
Visibility then improving to 10 km with patchy drizzle.
Trabio failed to meet the primary endpoint of improving the outcome of surgery for glaucoma compared to placebo.
Indian Head Massage relaxes the scalp and tones up the subcutaneous muscles relieving eyestrain, headaches and improving concentration.
Yet, India has far to go in improving the lives and productivity of its subsistence farmers.
To ensure realism, the decoys utilize appropriate paintwork to define important features thereby improving the overall fidelity.
The class concentrates on improving fluency through discussion of social issues.
The weather was improving, and the sun beginning to melt the slight frost which could be seen glinting off the grass blades.
Purposes and values To a large extent strengthening local governance is about improving relationships between those who govern and those who are governed.
You on the above project funded by EPSRC which is aimed at improving a new design of the stent graft.
They are the only National Charity which concentrates all its efforts on improving the lot of ex-racing greyhounds.
It might smell like a fisherman's armpit, but it is very good at improving microbial activity and helps accelerate growth.
The ABI's generous offer of support shows the commitment to improving occupational health across our industry.
Improving the showers by installing an instant type gas heater was also approved.
These issues remain at the forefront of concern among teachers, and remain also a hindrance to improving standards in schools.
For years, economic illiterates have been claiming that it would, supposedly by improving the ratio of working people to retirees.
This report investigates the experiences of acute psychiatric inpatients with the aim of improving acute psychiatric services.
To support work on improving housing conditions, the ODPM will establish a single housing inspectorate to drive up standards in housing provision.
The implications for programs aimed at improving intergroup communication and reducing intergroup communication and reducing intergroup tension within Northern Ireland are important.
Overhead conditions aside, theres some nice skiing to be had, particularly for improving intermediates.
The new car has a wheelbase 105mm longer than the outgoing 156, significantly improving both front and rear passenger legroom.
The provision of a small swimming pool for captive macaques is an effective contribution to improving their welfare.
Strategies include mechanical locking with lead ' fishtails ' and die pad perforations, and improving the overall package symmetry by using depressed pads.
The excellent palatability facilitates administration to calves and pigs and is useful in improving intake of other medicaments.
As well as improving standards of sewage treatment, the reeds should offer shelter for bird species including moorhens, coots, and warblers.
Once planted, give your plants a very generous mulch of garden compost every spring to keep improving that soil.
The second challenge is to harness the information explosion to combat mental overload, thus improving decision making.
Japan sought to educate its colonial subjects for the purpose of improving productivity and not for cultivating a highly educated populace.
It also has the effect of improving joint proprioception (i.e. feedback to the muscles from the nerve endings in the joint ).
Sadly this contained no requests for improving books, tie and handkerchief sets or warm pullovers.
As the only queer literary and arts journal in the UK, we want to keep growing and improving.
AlltheWeb AllTheWeb, which is operated by FAST, recently improved its search results by improving its relevancy ranking.
Displays are continually improving, making text material more refined and easier to read and allowing better graphic and image presentation.
The Service also aims to improve the quality of their lives by rebuilding self-confidence, improving moral and supporting their families.
Included in this sum is £ 9.3 million for improving residential child care services.
In business terms, this means keeping utility and waste bill s down, whilst improving environmental performance - a clear 'win-win ' situation.
There are some ways of doing so-called ' non-invasive ' angiography, and these are improving all the time.
Colleges could teach the core units to combined classes of students studying a number of engineering specialisms, thereby improving the economics of teaching.
Improving blood flow throughout the body, Ginkgo biloba can also reduce blood ' stickiness ', which lowers the risk of blood clots.
The pilots will be evaluated to help guide future policy on reducing substance abuse and improving sexual health.
Improving blood flow to the peripheral limbs with a surgical vascular graft or a chemical sympathectomy.
Therapeutic questions across both pathways - To assess the value of low dose thalidomide in maintenance in improving overall and progression-free survival.
Satellite remote sensing with aim of improving knowledge of ice sheet topography, ice dynamics and surface energy balance.
Those without secure incomes appear to be forming a permanent underclass, with very few prospects of improving their life opportunities.
We need to work harder at improving the understanding of the needs of disenfranchised groups.
Based on the initial state of the structure, the seismic resistance verification will indicate the required degree of improving the walls strength.
The government can also appeal to disillusioned heartland voters, by claiming to be improving inner-city schools.
Improving the service to vulnerable or intimidated witnesses 30.
Drug packaging is, very slowly, improving but the standard is still pretty woeful.
To hear about the importance of a healthy workplace in improving productivity.
The manufactures include Turkish leather, cotton, silk and tobacco; trade and industry, however, are far from prosperous, though improving owing to the immigration of the Greek commercial element.
The cattle consist chiefly of the Zulu and Africander breeds, but attention has been given to improving the breed by the introduction of Shorthorn, Devon and Holstein (or Friesland) stock.
The work of improving the harbour was however continued with vigour, and finally, in 1904, such success was achieved that vessels of the largest class were enabled to enter port (see Durban).
The fertility of a soil is dependent upon a number of factors, some of which, such as the addition of fertilizers or manures, increase the stock of available food materials in the soil (see Manure), while others, such as application of clay or humus, chiefly influence the fertility of the land by improving its physical texture.
Improving his advantage, Bolivar pressed forward, and on the 6th of August defeated Canterac on the plains of Junin, after which he returned to Lima, leaving Sucre to follow the royalists in their retreat to Upper Peru - an exploit which the latter executed with equal ability and success, gaining a decisive victory at Ayacucho, and thus completing the dispersion of the Spanish force.
In addition to regulating the distribution of raw materials these boards exercised other useful functions, such as discovering fresh sources of supply, improving methods of production, etc. They also acted as receiving centres for goods imported from neutral countries, allied states or occupied territories.
Of the three objects mentioned by the Rhetor, this last, that of improving mankind, especially appealed to Pierre.
We have developed a protocol which is effective in improving IVF outcome in high responder patients, including those with PCOS.
Disease control Diseases are the major limiting factor for improving productivity in scavenging systems.
Improving the efficiency of the lower river system, particularly in the tidal reaches, by removing silt deposition regularly.
Intermediate skiers will rejoice in the vast amount of long red runs, ideal for improving your skiing.
Its current focus is on a genetics project aimed at improving the temperament of dog breeding stock.
Meeting new emission standards The three-way catalyst has had an enormous impact on improving air quality.
Wasted energy at the heart of government Friday, August 26, 2005 Improving energy efficiency could be the best hope we have.
The works has played a major part in improving the quality of the treated wastewater released into the Medway Estuary.
Improving Accuracy The accuracy of the models can be improved by including higher order waveguide modes.
Lifting free weights improves your coordination by improving the neuromuscular pathways that connect your muscles to the central nervous system.
It is a document setting out a local program for improving the well-being of the citizens of Welwyn Hatfield.
Its site has the slightly more wieldy title of Improving human potential and the socio-economic knowledge base but he keeps going with it !
Sam went to his English teacher for tutoring in hopes of improving his rhetoric.
The company adopted a relatively frugal mindset, improving our chances of survival when we hit the inevitable rough spots.
Going forward your story should be improving, as revenue should start flowing in.
Baby care expert and author Meg Faure is one of those authorities who has dedicated herself to improving the health of babies.
This technology is called Multiple Input/Multiple Output, or MIMO; essentially, because of the multiple antennae involved, more streams of data can be resolved simultaneously, improving download and streaming speed significantly.
One of the great things about automated litter boxes is that manufacturers are constantly improving current models and putting new litter boxes on the market.
They offer help in acquiring creditworthy customers, improving collection efforts, preventing money laundering, improving marketing, and improving business to business results.
Doing this shows lenders that you are on the path to improving your financial goals.
Those who exercise with a Pilates chair do so because of the many fitness benefits associated with it, including improving balance and posture, increasing strength, balancing moods, and boosting energy levels.
New technologies are being introduced and are improving the efficiency of production.
The bulbs are continually improving, so that they are now softer and pleasanter.
Unfortunately, of course, more effort was placed into securing further use of fossil fuels, but interested scientists were still devoted to improving solar technology for consumer and business use.
Technological developments mean that the efficiencies of alternative fuel systems are improving, making them an increasingly attractive option.
The technology is improving to the point where it makes economic sense for many families to make the investment in this clean source of energy.
Other methods, like reducing soil erosion or improving water treatment, attempt to stop contaminants from entering natural water systems through runoff or leaks.
It can help to fight free radicals in your body, improving your skin quality, your digestive system, and reducing the risk of cancers and heart disease.
In the Ayurveda methods of treatment used by ancient India cultures, cinnamon was heavily used as a tool for improving diabetes, colds and indigestion.
Other cinnamon health benefits include improving cognitive function, improving memory, inhibiting bacterial growth and reducing leukemia and lymphoma cancer cells.
Supplements can also go a long way in improving your health, though herbs and vitamins should never take the place of a healthy diet.
It only means that it is not a miracle cure for losing weight, improving your vision or finding that extra energy you need.
Green tea provides numerous health benefits, including lowering cholesterol and improving kidney function.
Muted colors are soothing and comforting, improving sleep and relaxation.
Improving stain resistance and ease of cleaning.
Besides improving appearance through color and enhancement, this treatment can also be used to conceal scars and other damages caused by invasive surgeries.
It wasn't until this past year, though, that I really came around to appreciating the products for what they are, and that's due in great part to the company's commitment to improving their line.
McEvoy has been constantly improving her makeup line over the last few decades.
If you're interested in improving your photography, a good compact digital camera is one of the best ways to work on your shooting skills.
Free how to scrapbook with Photoshop tutorials can be a helpful resource for anyone interested in improving their digital scrapbooking skills.
This convention is a great place to get together with other scrapbooking enthusiasts and learn fun tips for improving your skills.
If you are improving in your ski skills, or are a novice learning to improve, have your release settings adjusted as your skill improves.
Take a deeper look to see how each one affects each area and how you can start improving your life.
Help Guide provides information and guidance to those that are feeling the effects of work stress including the warning signs of excessive work stress, how to break bad habits, and improving your emotional intelligence.
Controlling stress starts with improving organization, practicing effective time management, and carving out time for rest and relaxation.
Improving communication can often make relationships more peaceful and less stressful, and discussing problems can defuse conflicts before they become a chronic source of stress in a relationship.
Physical activity improves your ability to handle current stressors and offers some immunity toward future stressors by improving your health and quality of sleep.
Bike riding is not only an excellent means of reducing stress and improving fitness and health, it is a fun way to spend more time with your family.
This book provides users with relaxation techniques, how to manage anger, anxiety and improving communication skills.
Improving your relationships is an important step toward stress free living.
Join committees in which you can have a direct impact on the workplace, and make suggestions to your boss about improving company morale.
This willingness to work towards improving oneself is essential for growth and change when it comes to changing the way you respond to stressful situations.
If you're skeptical about the effectiveness of wilderness camps for troubled teens, researchers have found that therapy programs like wilderness camps are effective in improving mental health status.
Improving each client's nutrition is another part of the treatment.
In fact my financial situation is improving very quickly and going in a positive direction.
Your lung function increases, improving your circulation and decreasing your risk for respiratory infections and heart disease.
People magazine named her their "Most Beautiful" celebrity for 2011, proving that her looks are improving with age.
Of course, Trump later asserted that it was because of him that the show's ratings were improving.
There are endless ways to redo the sundress concept and designers are always improving on old concepts to keep consumers on their toes.
The company's Kohl's Cares for Kids program is dedicated to supporting the community by improving health and educational opportunities for kids.
If you're struggling to keep up with your reading assignments, you may need to work on improving your reading speed.
Take a free speed reading test online to learn more about how improving your reading speed will help you excel in the classroom.
Typing Tutor has a free online typing test, tutorial, and tips for improving your keyboarding skills.
Al Bunny's Typing Class was designed as a game for children to play, but adults may find it useful in improving their typing skills as well.
The key to improving your own future is to be proactive.
More education carries no guarantee of improving your job prospects or helping you change careers.
The course objectives are designed to demonstrate your competency in predicting and improving performance, conducting research, policy decisions and managing complex organizational changes.
It takes this kind of study to the next level because it has been around for a while, continually improving the way instructors conduct online courses.
By giving your dog the training it needs, you're not only improving your relationship with your dog, you're providing him with a happier, healthier life.
The industry is rapidly changing and improving.
These training guides will show you the best way to teach your dog to carry through on a command, improving your communication skills so you both get the most out of your training sessions.
According to dog owners on many sites including Rate It All, there is plenty of praise about the formula lines improving their dog's health and well-being.
Poor breeding practices often produced poor quality dogs because back yard breeders and puppy mills are more concerned with profit than improving the breed.
Improving the pH is relatively easy and can affect your garden more dramatically than any other kind of treatment.
A well-placed and well-designed garden structure can add beauty while improving the health of your vegetable garden.
By carefully selecting the location for the vegetable garden, planning the vegetable garden layout, and improving the soil, you'll naturally ward off pests and increase your yield of delicious vegetables.
Improving on an old tradition, Mr. Frary first explains the traditional string changing process with photos and diagrams that are clear and easy to follow.
Improving your skills will eventually help you play more difficult songs and might even lead you into forming a band of your own.
Regardless which of the attic insulation products you choose, improving your home's energy efficiency should reduce your energy costs and ultimately pay for itself.
Dedicated to improving your style via a series of consultations and wardrobe makeovers, image consultants take their roles as fashion gurus very seriously.
As with other kinds of organic agriculture, growing cotton organically starts with a focus on improving the soil so that it can support healthy plants without chemical fertilizers or pesticides.
Cooking with organic, raw apple cider vinegar is a great way to improve the taste of your meals while you are improving your health.
Adding fertilizer is not the answer to improving the condition and structure of your sandy soil.
We have an eco committee that focuses solely on improving our products, packaging and processes to be as eco friendly as possible.
Danskin seems to add more pieces regularly and is constantly improving upon design and color choices.
Many people are interested in refining and improving shopping strategies and working toward saving more money on groceries.
Compost or animal manures offer other natural approaches toward improving soil quality.
It should be noted that they are not strict copies but rather original designs, making them even more special and improving the fit.
Improving overall conditioning, strength, flexibility, timing and balance.
The AARP is a nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the lives of people over the age of 50.
Senior singles sites are improving with member feedback, better registration processes, and a dedication to security.
Even improving the nutritional quality of Meals on Wheels offerings would do a lot to ensure that poor, house-bound seniors are getting the nutrients they need.
Things like cardiovascular heath, improving strength and flexibility, and balance are all important.
Treatments may help either cognitive or behavioral symptoms by working on emotional centers in the brain or improving the activity of nerve cells to help inhibit cognitive decline.
The main focus of The National Council on Aging is improving every senior citizen's health and economic security.
For those who have been lonely, dating can be a way to find happiness as well as companionship, vastly improving the dating seniors' lives.
Finding a solution to snoring requires improving the amount of tissue located here.
Reduce the amount of stress you have through either developing better coping methods or improving the problem.
Improve the environmental factors in your life such as reducing noise and light and by improving the temperature comfort level.
It will reduce the size of the tonsils, improving airflow.
Acupuncture may be helpful for improving sleep apnea.
The device keeps the airway open, therefore alleviating the sleep apnea condition and improving sleep.
For those who don't have good sleep habits now, improving them will lead to improvement in overall health.
Regular exercise and a nutritionally-balanced diet can help a patient to lose weight, thus decreasing the pressure on the chest cavity and improving the overall functioning of the cardiovascular system.
If there is a sleep disorder, such as sleep apnea, the only relief will come from improving this condition.
The breathing obstruction is minimized improving breathing ability at night.
Improving muscle tone in the throat is another unusual snoring remedy.
Finding the best CPAP mask is one step towards improving your breathing ability.
Reducing stress and improving sleep habits can greatly reduce the chances of developing the condition.
Aerobics are naturally helpful in improving circulation and in reducing stress.
Anti-snoring devices can reduce frequent or loud snoring, thereby improving sleep, increasing productivity, and decreasing the risk of negative health effects.
Those who study dental sleep medicine learn numerous techniques for improving sleep apnea and other SBD.
It can aid in improving restlessness and pain, too.
However, improving the condition is necessary to maintain health and well-being.
Improving the quality of your sleep can help you reduce episodes of insomnia . Good sleep hygiene can help promote rest whether you suffer from a sleep disorder or stress.
These are all positive steps toward improving your sleep experience.
If a negative emotion is a result, it might mean there is a problem in a relationship, but if the dream causes good feelings, this may be an indication that your love relationships are improving.
However, there are multiple options for improving sleep and ensuring that a person gets the sleep that she needs.
Resmed's equipment demonstrates their commitment to improving both the diagnosis process and patient care.
Improving upon the bifocal and trifocal concepts, a new lens called Varilux was born.
It stops 99% of reflections while improving visual comfort by removing other reflections that might impair vision.
The glass in these lenses contains three elements (neodymium, erbium, and praseodymium) which enhance color perception while improving both contrast and depth perception.
Magnetic clip-on technology is always improving, offering stronger magnets and better placement.
On the flip side, many action games do not have the same kind of complexity when it comes to improving your character's attributes.
You lose weight and decrease your body mass index while improving your balance and stamina.
While improving the digs is an integral part of the Diner Dash experience -- buying more tables, expanding the decor, getting a karaoke stage, and so on -- it doesn't make as much sense in this context as in previous incarnations.
By playing rhythm games, they are improving their hand-eye coordination.
Gametap is constantly improving their service.
The King's Quest series followed shortly after, improving upon the graphics if not the writing.
When you play hunting games online, you will find realistic looking first-person shooter type titles to goofy simple cartoon versions that are more for basic fun than strategy and improving your precision shots.
Whether you're improving your rank on "The Tour" or shoving your friend's face in the snow in the game's multi-player "Quick Play" mode, you will not be lacking for different ways to play the game.
As if the enjoyment of the career mode wasn't enough of a reward already, playing through the season mode with a created wrestler can also aid in improving the character's attributes and ratings.
Drinks well now, but should keep improving with some aging.
Monaco is dedicated to continually improving the product line.
A newer version of the Jawbone has since been released by Aliph, improving on the older model in just about every way.
There are many ways for you to improve your reception, not only reducing the number of dropped calls, but possibly also improving your overall call quality.
Specific treatment goals will vary from one child to the next but will focus on restoring maximum function and independence, helping the child return to normal activities, and improving the child's quality of life.
Spatial and dimensional awareness keep improving as the baby learns to aim accurately when reaching for objects.
Activities such as stacking building blocks, coloring, and cutting all assist in improving eye/hand/body coordination, eye teaming, and depth perception.
They often have curriculum elements that focus on improving student self-esteem, fostering growth of individuality, and enhancing social skills.
A key focus of treatment for anorexia nervosa is teaching the principles of healthy eating and improving disordered eating behaviors.
Although significant progress has been made in improving childhood immunization rates, some disparities in overall immunization coverage rates among racial and ethnic groups continue.
The most important single factor in improving the child's prognosis is early diagnosis.
When peer problems have been stable and have existed for a long time, more extensive intervention focused on improving peer relations may be needed.
These organizations are dedicated to improving the lives of families affected by A-T.
Balloon valvuloplasty uses a balloon-tipped catheter to open a narrowed heart valve, improving the flow of blood in pulmonary stenosis.
Administering the needed vitamins and improving diet treats gingivitis caused by poor nutrition or vitamin deficiencies.
Exercise is essential for improving overall health, maintaining fitness, and helping to prevent the development of obesity, hypertension, and cardiovascular disease.
Regular physical activity plays a positive role in preventing disease and improving overall health status.
In sports, goal setting is essential for improving individually and working as a team.
By improving physical strength, mental concentration, and emotional serenity, yoga can provide the same benefits.
Vegetarians claim that a vegetarian diet is a major step in improving the health of citizens and the environment.
However, soldiers, some athletes, and others who engage in activities requiring high degrees of endurance may spend years improving their level of muscle and body coordination and gross motor skills.
Teaching a child the missing skills is often more effective in improving peer relationships than working only on reducing negative behavior.
Early identification and treatment are critical to improving the outcome for these infants.
The child may remain in the hospital for a day or two after the surgery, although with improving technology and techniques some children may go home the same day.
Proper prenatal care in many cases allows for early diagnosis and thus early treatment of certain infections, thus improving the newborn's prognosis.
Kaleida. "How Helpful is Pneumatic Otoscopy in Improving Diagnostic Accuracy?"
Widespread use of penicillin has been responsible for reducing the number of existing cases, but the only way to eliminate bejel is by improving living and sanitation conditions and through continuing health education.
Common strategies for the treatment of reading disorders focus first on improving a child's recognition of the sounds of letters and language through phonics training.
The program not only helps in improving neighborhoods but also in expanding the prospects of home ownership for thousands of individuals and families.
Improving communication skills is also a large part of the education plan in Lamaze; this will allow the woman and her partner to communicate more effectively with each other during labor and with the members of the birthing team.
Cosmetic dentistry involves improving the appearance of a patient's teeth and smile.
Sprint has had a reputation of dropped calls, but the coverage quality is improving.
The fabric is highly compressing, thus improving muscle efficiency.
Many women who are diagnosed with breast cancer may find that surgery is their best option for removing the cancer and improving their health.
Michael Phelps is a proud member of Team Speedo, and the two work together to continue improving swim performance.
The suit's ability to control extends in all directions, improving both the look and the comfort.
Swim camps that focus on racing work on improving a swimmer's stroke, flexibility, strength and form in order to drastically improve speed through more efficient movements.
Competitive swimmers know that a well fitted swim cap reduces hair drag in the water, improving speed and race times.
A site should be something you're constantly improving, even though it's only for practical use.
The strategically placed Tripwires™ make the suit more hydrodynamic and efficient, thereby improving the wearer's performance while also improving muscle performance and encouraging recovery.
Vitamin supplements are often more costly than what you'd spend improving the quality of your diet.
Of course, there are certain circumstances where a vitamin supplement may be the only practical option for improving your overall health.
It may be effective in improving body composition to a healthier profile, which can lead to increased metabolism.
Improving the ratio of Omega-6 to Omega-3 fatty acids to a healthier level can help to fight inflammation that contributes to these disorders.
The makers of Proleva claim this fruit may help improve the appearance of the skin, while improving digestive health.
Foods in this category are believed to have a positive affect on health by improving immunity, eliminating free radicals (and thus potentially having anti-aging benefits,) preventing disease and providing increased energy.
While the primary causes for muscle cramping related to nutritional deficiencies are minerals, some vitamins may play a role in improving leg cramps.
Good nutrition plays a crucial role in protecting and improving eyesight.
The results in that experiment showed that vitamin C was no better than a placebo (an inert substance) at curing cancer or improving outcomes in cancer patients.
In its "Vision 2010" Strategy, Philips emphasizes that it is a "people-centric company" that strives to consistently deliver their brand of "sense and simplicity" products, improving the quality of life through meaningful innovations.
Dyson is a company with an outstanding reputation that has been built upon improving on things that already work great.
We are driven by the belief that everyone needs a comfortable place to call home and are focused on improving lives one person, one family, one home, one community at a time.
Once they get use to the interface, kids will find their skills improving just by playing the game.
Her charity efforts seem focused on charitable causes that are centered on improving the quality of life for minorities across the world.
You'll find foundations dedicated to curing diseases, to music, art, theater, helping sick or abused animals, rescuing battered women, educating children, improving the local community and just about anything else you can think of.
In developing countries, the Foundation focuses on improving people's health and giving them the chance to lift themselves out of hunger and extreme poverty.
The Foundation works closely with partners to overcome difficult problems that exist in the United States and focuses on improving public education.
Mental Health Block Grant is dedicated to improving mental health services throughout the United States.
By standard definition, community foundations are in society to help gather together donations into grant making designated toward improving the community of a designated area.
The more chances you have to find funding, the stronger your financial foundation will be so you can effectively focus on more important matters - namely, improving your corner of the world for the better.
Save The Children Canada is committed to improving the lives of Canadian children living in their home country and overseas.
Some community development activities that use the funding are acquiring real estate, demolishing run down properties, rehabilitating houses, improving public facilities and paving streets and sidewalks.
We definitely listen to everything our customers have to say regarding adding new designs or improving product performance.
Sometimes the idea of "being oneself" trumps the adaptive measure of "improving oneself to meet status quo."
Also, consider improving the odds by finding trips where the group is large.
Improving these areas will help us subcounsciously improve our overall appearance.
Once trust has begun to developed, you will find you are calling her with more regularity and your phone skills improving.
This will help you to find dating sites that have people who have similar backgrounds, thus improving your chances of finding a match.
While of course you want to meet other people, you are also improving yourself as well.
Finally, work on improving your self-esteem.
If your wife begins an aggressive exercise regime, she may just be interested in improving her health.
Basically it is approaching the situation with the sole goal of improving the woman's day.
The game has several different levels, and you try and work through each one, learning about the characters and hopefully improving your ability to read them.
You can take turns drawing from the jar each week, learning more about each other, creating romantic adventures and improving not only your physical affection, but also your emotional affection as well.
If your partner is unable to compromise or is unwilling to work with you on improving your relationship, it's time to decide whether you want to stay with him.
Ancient lore attributed the stone with mystical powers for improving health and providing physical protection.
Continue improving your craft by paying close attention to the details that matter--punctuation, spelling, and grammar.
For example, Web Grammar provides articles detailing common grammatical errors as well as a free e-mail newsletter for people interested in improving their writing skills.
Assuming a level playing field in terms of talent, those freelancers who succeed are those who keep trying, keep learning, and keep improving their skills.
Soy and almond flours are good additions to your diet when it comes to improving your cardiovascular health.
Some hybrid manufacturers are improving on this problem by providing a removable exterior for traveling, leaving your clubs protected by the original hard-cover shell.
Sweetie purse purchases also support Grupedsac, an organization that assists villages in improving water and agricultural conditions for survival.
Learning English is the goal, but improving cognitive development within the child's native tongue is also valued.
As expected, much of the site is devoted to teaching and improving reading.
Some school districts report increased test scores without improving the core curriculum.
Several organizations are in place and dedicated to improving the lives of children in the Middle East and Eurasia as well.
In addition, Save the Children focuses on improving healthcare for children and their families within the Middle East.
Such an awareness provides the way towards recognizing and improving psychic abilities.
This significantly lowers the weight of each shoe while improving cycling performance.
Owned by Reebok International Ltd., Rockport shoes is in the business of improving footwear.
The heel is demi-wedge, adding to the sexiness and improving balance.
Critics continue to report an increased love and respect for the show, commending the storylines and actors for improving further with each episode.
The biggest change came in 1675 when a number of watchmakers learned that a spiral spring attached to the balance went a long way in improving accuracy.
Excellent photos further enhance one's understanding of how to execute the pose and where to focus one's attention in terms of improving the pose over time.
The postures also open up the chest area and improving digestion.
In addition to reducing stress and improving flexibility, you can use yoga exercises for your belly to target the stomach and reduce abdominal fat.
Many support groups have formed both in real life and on the internet, and through the sharing of knowledge with families and professionals they are improving every day.
Relationship Development Intervention - Developed by Steven Gutstein, a parent-based treatment focused on improving social interactions over the long term.
Depending on where your child is now, you may wish to focus on improving their social skills.
Pragmatic language such as improving beginning and ending conversations can be improved upon.
This may include improving some work skills as well.
Work on your child's sense of touch and muscle tone while improving his balance with the following preschool activities for autistic children.
In addition to improving balance, this activity helps children learn about distance and spatial relationships.
The first addresses sensory integration disorder and the second game focuses on improving social and communication skills.
A wonderful result of improving communication and the ability to read facial expressions is that overall social skills improve as well.
Assistance is available to those who cannot afford the services of a private consultant but are interested in starting a small business or improving or expanding an existing small business.
Overnight, your mind will continue to work on your writing and editing processes, so when you come back to it the next morning, you'll see things that need changing and improving.
Although this situation is improving, installing a GPS locator in your car may be necessary until the problem is fixed.
Her college education covers systems analysis and today Suzanne studies communication styles, advertising, and focuses on improving profits and understanding Return On Investment.
Attending seminars on how to give great customer service provides an effective means of improving customer relations.
You'll gain new experiences that need to be added, as well as come up with ideas for improving your resume based on feedback from people who review the document throughout your job search.
Are you responsible for improving sales?
There's no one right way to format a resume, but looking at sample documents and examples of other people's resumes can be a great way to identify options for improving yours.
My experience has included handling employee terminations and aiding in improving company productivity.
Given the steady rise in profits of my division and my long history of improving products and customer service in my division, I am requesting a promotion to Vice President of Chocolate Confections.
Typically four channels will do the trick, but more expensive models can simultaneously track ten or more satellites, greatly improving its accuracy.
When interest rates on car loans are lower, banks and car dealerships need to look for other ways to add on to the purchase price to help improving profit margins.
Suggestions for improving efficiency include using the energy from exhaust gas, waste heat and compressed air or traditional gasoline hybrid engines.
The wash kills 99.9% of E Coli, salmonella, and acts as a meat tenderizer, sealing in the moisture and improving the quality of the cooked meat and fish.
With the weather improving you will want to get your windows sparkling clean so you can see the seasonal changes taking place outdoors.
The LoveToKnow Diet community is made up of real people who are interested in changing, improving or just watching their diets.
Meal planning, how to change eating habits, and improving exercise practice are just a few topics covered.
Not getting enough of these nutrition basics may not completely explain your depression, but improving your diet can certainly help.
By improving the strength of all major muscles, individuals shaped their entire physique instead of create disproportionate tone and flab.
Aerobic exercise strengthens the heart and lungs, making breathing more efficient and improving the efficiency of the heart.
And, the more you concentrate on keeping your body active and improving your nutrition, the less likely you are to want a cigarette.
It plays an important role in loosening mucus and improving blood flow.
If your BMI score falls within this range, you should take steps to lose weight by improving your diet and increasing your activity level.
The texture will be richer and creamier, and you'll add protein and vitamin C, improving the health benefits as well.
The cinnamon may work by affecting blood sugar, activating certain enzymes like glycogen synthase and kinase (insulin receptor), resulting in increased insulin sensitivity and overall, improving the body's capacity to store glucose.
If you're trying to lose weight in conjunction with improving your cholesterol numbers, you may want to consider trying one of the many popular diets on the market today.
Exercise can go a long way toward improving your metabolism.
The word "exercise" actually encompasses a number of types of exercise, but it can most readily be defined as a period of planned physical exertion performed specifically for the sake of improving health and fitness.
Engaging your body in regular exercise is important because it can improve mental, physical and emotional health, helping you ward off chronic disease and depression while improving your memory and ability to reason.
Some forms of exercise, like running or swimming, focus on improving muscular endurance, while other forms of exercise, like strength training, focus on muscular strength.
Typically, performing anaerobic exercise is synonymous with improving agility, strength, power and speed.
Besides putting you in a good mood, the confidence you feel from exercising and improving your health can spill over into your romantic relationships.
Exercise can indirectly relieve stress and anxiety by improving existing health conditions, such as high blood pressure or high cholesterol.
Once you get the basics down, you'll easily be able to adjust your routine to your improving fitness level.
They teach artists to "kill your darlings" to keep them developing their talents; your muscles work the same way and will only keep improving as long as you push them out of your comfort zone.
Physical fitness is an extremely important aspect of an overall plan for improving and maintaining your health.
Improving your level of physical fitness in this area protects your heart and lungs.
Additionally, improving your posture can work wonders for giving the appearance of firm and lifted breasts.
Heart rates are important for improving cardiovascular health, and there are several cardio workout benefits for the heart.
That said, before you decide to go under the surgeon's knife, keep in mind that a well-designed chest and back exercise program can enhance the appearance of the breasts while improving both static and dynamic postural alignment.
While many feel that stretching is a waste of time, improving your body's flexibility through warm up and cool down stretching will help you to improve your overall flexibility, which is an important aspect of physical fitness.
Get out in the back yard and play soccer or tag on a regular basis, and you'll see your fitness levels improving.