Improve Sentence Examples
Maybe his mood would improve, anyway.
Sometimes I think he was trying to improve my skills.
To improve their profits?
The ability of science and technology to improve human life is known to us.
So you're saying the wolves improve your herd by culling out the weakest animals?
These meetings need to improve, brothers.
He was trying to communicate – to improve their relationship.
Did she think it would improve their situation?
There was helpful information for us to improve observation techniques.
Just tell her the Parkside Betterment Society voted for Billie and Willie to improve the city by getting lost.
AdvertisementIf the position of the Russian army really began to improve from the time of that march, it does not at all follow that the march was the cause of it.
He was furious and plowing into that tourist isn't going to improve his temperament.
What's more, the algorithms used to make that recommendation are self-learning and will improve their suggestions over time.
The next work on the husbandry of Scotland is The Countryman's Rudiments, or an Advice to the Farmers in East Lothian, how to labour and improve their Grounds, said to have been written by John Hamilton, 2nd Lord Belhaven about the time of the Union, and reprinted in 1723.
Dr. Humason is still trying to improve my speech.
AdvertisementOrigen's textual studies on the Old Testament were undertaken partly in order to improve the manuscript tradition, and partly for apologetic reasons, to clear up the relation between the LXX and the original Hebrew text.
He said this with a smugness that didn't improve Dean's mood one iota.
Kutuzov alone would not see this and openly expressed his opinion that no fresh war could improve the position or add to the glory of Russia, but could only spoil and lower the glorious position that Russia had gained.
Attempts have been made to improve submarine cables in this respect, and in 1906 a short cable " loaded " with Pupin coils was laid across Lake Constance.
Where, as in England, they felt that they could improve, they substituted for the style of the country their own style - that is, a style which they had not created but which they had adopted, which they had made thoroughly their own, and which they went on improving in England no less than in Normandy.
AdvertisementI had made my homeward journey, talking constantly to Miss Sullivan, not for the sake of talking, but determined to improve to the last minute.
As the days passed, her mood did improve.
At the beginning of the 19th century it did not contain 20,000 inhabitants, and its real advance began with the reigns of Kings Frederick and William I., who exerted themselves in every way to improve and beautify it.
Where, as in Sicily, the Normans felt that they could not improve, they simply adopted the style of the country.
By the judicious selection of a type of yeast it is possible to improve the bouquet, and from an inferior must obtain a better wine or cider than would otherwise be produced.
AdvertisementSometimes children with optic neuropathy find spectacles improve vision.
For verbal tests, start reading a good quality newspaper or magazine with editorial articles to improve your command of language.
Many think that seeds improve with age.
He said Destiny's fever had broken and if she continued to improve, they would take the tent off her bed in a few days.
All that was true enough, but remaining bitter about it wasn't going to improve their relationship.
Alex continued to improve and Thursday the doctor told him they would release him the next morning.
There was no way to move up or improve life in the immortal world, but Jenn heard tales of the mortal world.
Certainly it was the main reason she was trying to improve – to keep him interested.
The Congested Districts Board made many efforts to improve the condition of the inhabitants, especially by introducing better methods of fishing.
Good cattle for breeding purposes are being imported from Switzerland and Sicily, and efforts are likewise being made to improve the breed of horses, which are bought mainly for the army.
Gradually Durham, Short horn, Hereford and other stock were introduced to improve the native breeds, with results so satisfactory that now herds of threequarters-bred cattle are to be found in all parts of the country.
As November wore on, the situation did not improve.
Part of the trade of Ashanti had been diverted to the French port of Assini in consequence of the wars waged between England and the Ashanti, but on the suppression of the revolt of 1900 measures were taken to improve trade between Kumasi and Cape Coast.
In addition, a force of native scouts, which ultimately reached a total of 860 men, was organized in eighteen companies, and partly armed with Snider rifles, to cover the advance of the main column, which started on the 27th of December, and to improve the road.
Always keenly alive to the interests of chemists in general, Bell conceived the idea of a society which should at once protect the interests of the trade, and improve its status, and at a public meeting held on the 15th of April 1841, it was resolved to found the Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain.
During the period of the truce the archdukes, who were wise and statesmanlike rulers, did their utmost to restore prosperity to their country and to improve its internal condition.
Maximilian Emanuel was an able man, who did his utmost to improve the condition of the country.
The animals are small, but Durham and Hereford bulls have been introduced from Argentina to improve the breed.
John, who was called " Cicero," either on account of his eloquence, or of his knowledge of Latin, was interested in learning, welcomed Italian scholars to the electorate, and strove to improve the education of his people.
In 1842 he was married to Adelaide, daughter of the Austrian Archduke Rainer, as the king desired at that time to improve his relations with Austria.
She could let this escalate or she could accept the fact that he was trying to improve.
I have another idea to improve this crap too.
Certainly it was the main reason she was trying to improve – to keep him interested.
Original releases came exclusively packaged in a highly distinctive, minimalist package to improve on the aesthetic.
We are continually striving to improve our e-newsletter -- any comments and feedback would be gratefully appreciated!
Extra time is, however, undoubtedly useful to improve the quality of "technical" drafting which is not politically contentious.
A focus solely on congestion reduction may bring economic benefits to some road users; it will not necessary improve the safety of all.
Facilities Plymouth track has recently been awarded funding from Sport England to improve facilities including floodlights which will enable all year round training.
There is great potential to use these seasonal forecasts to improve public health.
To fail to bow to the current pressure to improve corporate governance is a false economy however.
The whole aim of the Program is to improve healthcare.
The freedoms they offer provide a new incentive for all to improve.
Such reform would create the incentives for services to improve dynamically.
The redevelopment will improve pedestrian linkages throughout the town, attract quality retailers, and reduce leakage to nearby centers such as Newcastle.
The idea is exploded that auriferous loded that auriferous lodes necessarily improve in value with depth.
Another innovative step in the on-going battle to improve pearl millet has been in the area of molecular mapping.
The Council recognize the need to improve and to ensure core services are maintained and enhanced, while delivering successful, high quality regeneration.
The aim of work in these areas is to maintain and improve neutron spectrometry and neutron dosimetry capabilities and services.
Changes of level - Improve lighting; highlight tread nosings on steps.
Hopefully therefore the adjacent brief notes should help improve this skill.
The aim of the unit is to generate, disseminate and apply knowledge in order to improve practice and patient outcomes with rheumatology nursing.
Ethanol is most commonly used to increase octane and improve the emissions quality of gasoline.
Palliative care Our palliative care Our palliative care aims to maintain and where possible, improve quality of life for patients and their families.
Steroids improve airway patency in croup, haemangioma, lymphoma and some mediastinal masses.
Electronic registers, swipe cards and truancy patrols improve registration.
Have centralized payroll to improve the health care access they have already.
We are also working to improve the performance of international peace support operations, such as UN peacekeeping.
The plan aims to improve conditions for the disabled, pedestrians and cyclists by sustainable transport projects.
Failure to improve suggests fungal and secondary peritonitis (see below ), or just a bad infection.
She's finally persuaded to see a doctor, who tells her that she must improve her diet.
The knowledge of the seasonal dynamics of vegetation phenology allows to improve current land surface model runs.
Together we are going to plan a project to improve literacy in the islands ' schools by introducing synthetic phonics teaching methods.
An object of diameter 1 meter would only improve the error to give pi to about 1 more decimal place.
A nationwide poll suggests most people would like the government to take more action to improve public health.
There are a few concrete steps we can take together now to improve preparedness for an influenza pandemic.
Everyday I do exercises at home to improve my health including press-ups.
What exactly do NGfL Managed Services offer to busy head teachers and college principals who are looking to improve their ICT facilities?
The wider area will be treated with bus priority measures to improve reliability of services.
Our school meals continue to improve as we strive to include local seasonal produce in all meals.
The articulate and accurate pronunciation will help you to dramatically improve your command of English.
This is a serious problem and it is unlikely to improve without some help from your doctor or accredited psychologist.
As Anne approached puberty with all its attendant problems things did not improve - indeed they became steadily worse.
Clearly, agents that support the integrity or function of motor axonal sprouts may improve or delay patient symptoms in PPS.
Focus for Senior Members is coaching to refine and improve upon their swimming skills, improve stamina and personal best times.
At the age of 22 to improve my quality of life, I decided I had to overcome the stammer.
We believe there is great scope to improve design standards on new build for the benefit of all.
Information to improve our site We collect web statistics automatically about your visit to our site based on your IP address.
They improve consistency and cooking tolerance and decrease stickiness, checking and oil uptake in noodles and pasta made from regular wheat.
Google's powerful SiteSearch capabilities are designed to improve site navigation and usability, as well as increase site stickiness.
For many patients having a stoma will improve their quality of life.
That will fix your missing sound problem and improve your stuttering picture... but I am still getting a little picture stutter on Freeview!
We are planning to use infrared observations of type Ia supernovae to improve the accuracy of the results obtained at optical wavelengths.
Therefore, perhaps supplementary prescribing should be seen as a tool to implement evidence-based medicine, which does improve outcomes.
New to kite surfing or want to improve your skills?
After a stern talking-to by his mom the teenage star has vowed to improve.
Using it can improve mental focus and to relieve muscular tension.
Adenovirus could be used to improve the efficiency of gene therapy that has been achieved using DNA transfection.
This guidance is part of ongoing work to improve the transparency of the processing rules for contractors.
To the extent that outcomes are not efficient, could improved pre-and /or post-trade transparency improve bond market efficiency?
And which puts forward smart ideas to improve public transport in our Cities.
From the first moment we drive unaccompanied, experience should improve these skills.
This will be largely uncommitted funding to improve faculty stipends and student grants, and build and renew laboratories and infrastructure.
The vocational training program is a key project to improve the economically underdeveloped area, where 56% of girls are illiterate.
The use of vapor permeable underlay to improve the thermal performance of the roof will inevitably change the roof ventilation requirements.
We want to improve iodine uptake from soils into crops and then into human food.
The same trick was used to improve Hib vaccine ten years ago, and has recently been used for pneumococcal vaccine.
Our aim is to improve existing measures of monetary value while extending monetary valuation to as many other categories of impact as is practical.
But the ice itself is the object of most interest, though you must improve the earliest opportunity to study it.
In reality, however, all these movements forward and backward did not improve or alter the position of the troops.
Since 1890 much has been done by the national Government, aided in many cases by the local authorities and by private enterprise, to improve the harbours and to extend the limits of river navigation.
Its trade revived during the French occupation of 1809-13, and it continued to improve during the 19th century.
It is the centre of an important gold-field, the reefs of which improve at the lower depths, the deepest shaft on the field being 2558 ft.
A considerable hindrance to the development of the empire's resources has been the lack of an adequate system of communications; but although it is still deficient in good roads, much has been done of late years to develop railways, extend canals and improve river communications.
His prudent measures at once re-established some degree of order in the army and the fleet, while he sought by a wise tolerance to improve the position and conciliate the sympathies of the non-Moslem subject races.
The humane and tolerant measures provided for in the " nizam-i-jedid," or new regulations for the better treatment of the Christians enacted by Mustafa Kuprili during his grand vizierate (1689-1691), did for a time improve the position of the rayas.
Through the kindness of Henry Salt, the traveller and antiquarian, who was ever afterwards his patron, he was engaged at Astley's amphitheatre, and his circumstances soon began to improve.
It is therefore to be expected that as time goes on the quality of " plantation " rubber will improve, and there would seem to be no reason why it should not eventually be fully equal to that of the " wild " rubber.
He had joined his efforts to those of Francis Place, of Westminster, and other philanthropists, to relieve and improve the condition of the working classes, labouring especially to establish schools for them on the Lancasterian system, and promoting the formation of savings banks.
Charles sought to improve the condition of Navarre by making canals and rendering the rivers navigable, and in other ways.
If this machinery is to act smoothly we must improve our motive power, the source of which is human passion and sentiment.
The purpose of this condition was in order to improve the value of the paper milreis in order to increase the specie value of the revenues.
The demand which the growing trade made upon the one port of Natal, Durban, encouraged the colonists to redouble their efforts to improve their harbour.
Another important reform was the law permitting the free disposal of landed estate, which gave the holders an increased interest in their property, and an inducement to improve it.
Specialists may here and there improve on a statement or a theory, but it will always remain a great authority, a monument of patient and exhaustive research of intellectual power, and f ripe and disciplined judgment.
The decline in stock-raising would also suspend the practice of burning off the dead grass to improve the new pasturage.
No effort is made to improve the Venezuelan product, a part of which is exported to Cuba for cigar making.
The extension of the Pan-American railway across the state, from San Geronimo, on the Tehuantepec National line, to the Guatemalan frontier, is calculated to improve the industrial and social conditions of the people.
The Romans exerted themselves to improve the lower navigation of the river, and appointed prefects of the Rhine to superintend the shipping and to exact the moderate dues imposed to keep the channel in repair.
Besides attending to the spiritual needs of the lepers, he managed, by the labour of his own hands and by appeals to the Hawaian government, to improve materially the water-supply, the dwellings, and the victualling of the settlement.
A noteworthy scheme to improve the condition of the Thames, first put forward in 1902-1903, was that of constructing a dam with four locks across the river between Gravesend and Tilbury.
Most of these more or less directly improve the land by adding to it certain plant food constituents which are lacking, but the effect of each process is in reality very complex.
The cut tobacco is now roasted, partly with the view of driving off mositure and bringing the material into a condition for keeping, but also partly to improve its smoking quality.
A year later he was appointed professor of natural philosophy in Edinburgh University, in succession to Sir John Leslie and in competition with Sir David Brewster, and during his tenure of that office, which he did not give up till 1860, he not only proved himself an active and efficient teacher, but also did much to improve the internal conditions of the university.
Since the end of the 19th century efforts have been made to improve the stock through the importation of merinos, with good results.
Though Porta's merits were undoubtedly great, he did not invent or improve the camera obscura.
Concave lenses should never be used for work within the far point; but they may be used in all cases to improve distant vision, and in very short-sighted persons to remove the far point so as to enable fine work such as sewing or reading to be done at a convenient distance.
Since the beginning of the 10th century strenuous efforts have been made to improve the sanitary condition by a new system of drainage, a better water service, the filling up of marshes wherein the malarial mosquito breeds, and in other directions.
It will not suffer any training, nor does it, like the plum, improve by pruning, but the sunshine that attends its brief period of bloom in April, the magnificence of its flower-laden boughs and the picturesque flutter of its falling petals, inspired an ancient poet to liken it to the soul, of Yamato (Japan), and it has ever since been thus regarded.
He was interested in the development of agriculture and commerce; sought to improve education and the administration of justice, and was in general a wise and liberal ruler.
In order to improve his financial position, he accepted early in 1786 the post of librarian to the elector-archbishop of Mainz, who bestowed many important offices upon him and obtained his elevation to nobility from the emperor in 1791.
Some cotton is raised as a rotation crop, but no care is taken to improve the quality.
But every one of the allies mistrusted all the others; and the sole object of every satrap was to improve his condition and his personal power, and to make a favourable peace with the king, for which his neighbours and former allies had to pay the costs.
He published essays on the way to destroy mendicancy and to improve the condition of the labourers, and also on the establishment of a fund for rural relief and the organization of rural education.
He reformed the Frankish liturgy, and brought singers from Rome to improve the services of the church.
Charles was unwearying in his efforts to improve the education of clergy and laity, and in 789 ordered that schools should be established in every diocese.
Experience has shown that there is little that can be advantageously changed to improve this instrument either in convenience or precision of working.
The new liberties, as might be expected, did not tend to improve the relations between the town of Utrecht and its ecclesiastical sovereign; and the feud reached its climax (1481-84) in the "groote vorlag," or great quarrel, between the citizens and Bishop David, the Bastard of Burgundy, who had been foisted upon the unwilling chapter by the combined pressure of Duke Philip of Burgundy, his half-brother, and the pope.
Having the good fortune to serve a king who was both economical and just, he was able to diminish the imposts, to introduce order among the soldiery, and above all, by the ordinances of 1499, to improve the organization of justice.
Antoine Megret d'Etigny, intendant from 1751 to 1767, did much to improve the city and its commerce.
In 1822 Auguste Miot endeavoured to improve on Larcher; and in 1828-1832 Dr Adolf Scholl brought out a German translation with copious notes (new ed., 1855), which has to some extent superseded the work of Lange.
They are a fine, frank race, naturally open-hearted and free-handed, fond of change and given to an out-door life; but they do not seem to improve on being brought into contact with civilization.
The crop is often allowed to lie loose for a day or two, owing to the belief that sunshine and dews or even showers mellow it and improve its colour.
In 1765 the regent Prince Xaver imported 300 merino sheep from Spain, and so improved the native breed by this new strain that Saxon sheep were eagerly imported by foreign nations to improve their flocks, and " Saxon electoral wool " became one of the best brands in the market.
Francis, who did something to improve the administration of his duchy, was succeeded in turn by his two sons and his two grandsons; but on the death of Julius Francis, the younger of his grandsons, in 1689 the family became extinct.
During the four years for which he held that office, although he allowed the finances of the colony to get into confusion, he endeavoured to improve its condition by introducing the vine, sugar-cane and tobacco plant, and by encouraging the breeding of horses and the reclamation of land.
The government has since 1903 given attention to sericulture, and steps have been taken to improve Siamese silk with the aid of scientists borrowed from the Japanese Ministry of Agriculture.
The reform movement inaugurated by the commission of 1803 was resumed in 1830, when Governor-General Johannes van den Bosch endeavoured to improve the conditions of land-tenure and agriculture by introducing the so-called "culture system."
As governor of Burgundy he did much to improve the industries and means of communication of that province.
Dutch, Ayrshire and other breeds are used to improve the breed of cattle by crossing.
The activity of the inexhaustible inspector knew no bounds, and he neglected nothing which could possibly improve this arm.
The Democratic party (liberal-conservative) ruled from 1865 to 1870, and did much to improve the finances of the state.
Though ammonium chloride has certain irritant properties which may disorder the stomach, yet if its mucous membrane be depressed and atonic the drug may improve its condition, and it has been used with success in gastric and intestinal catarrhs of a subacute type and is given in doses of io grains half an hour before meals in painful dyspepsia due to hyperacidity.
He established a library at Salzburg, furthered in other ways the interests of learning, and presided over several synods called to improve the condition of the church in Bavaria.
Every attempt to improve matters, by reforming the impossible constitution, stranded on the opposition of the gentry.
The peasants were freed in Lithuania, and in Poland proper much was done to improve their position.
The place belonged to various noble Bohemian families, and in the 17th century came into the hands of Wallenstein, who made it the capital of the duchy of Friedland and did much to improve and extend it.
Attempts by the French to improve the education of the natives were at first marked by hesitation and long periods in which little or nothing was done.
The Alexandrian was clearly a literary recension of it, and WH strove to show that the Western was merely due to the non-literary efforts of scribes in other parts to improve the narrative.
Stockfarming, a relatively undeveloped industry, tends to become more important, owing to the assistance which the state renders by the importation of horses, cattle, sheep and swine, from Europe and the United States, in order to improve the native breeds.
He also laboured to improve his English style by translation, particularly from the French.
Some time after the accession of Queen Elizabeth an attempt was made to improve the authorized Great Bible, and in this way to challenge the ever growing popularity of the Calvinistic Genevan Bible.
Cattle-raising was once the principal industry in the interior, but has been almost extinguished by the devastating droughts and increasing aridity caused by the custom of annually burning over the campos to improve the grass.
It is doubtful how far these societies served to organize and improve particular industries.
Most of the mining development is in southern British Columbia, where a network of railways and waterways gives easy access; but as means of communication improve to the north a similar development may be looked for there.
At certain epochs in the transmission of literature systematic efforts have been made to improve the transmitted texts, and these efforts have naturally been accompanied by a good deal of emendation both successful and unsuccessful.
The intelligence, integrity and morality of the Babis are high, but their efforts to improve the social position of woman have been much exaggerated.
It was undertaken in 1903, during the administration of President Rodrigues Alves, as part of a vast scheme to improve the sanitary and traffic conditions of the city, including the construction of a new shore-line and filling in the shallow parts of the shore, which had long been considered one of the prime causes of the unhealthy state of the city.
At Oxford he set his pupils to work on making roads to improve the country.
Its main disadvantage is the lack of harbours - Honolulu and Pearl Harbor are the only ones in the archipelago; but under the River and Harbour Act of 1905 examinations and surveys were made to improve Hilo Bay on the island of Hawaii.
Mr Chamberlain spoke all over the country, advocating a definite scheme for reorganizing the budget, so as to have more taxes on imports, including food, but proposing to adjust the taxation so as to improve the position of the workingclasses and to stimulate employment.
The mariner's compass during the early part of the 19th century was still a very imperfect instrument, although numerous inventors had tried to improve it.
The home trade merchant or merchant-manufacturer works largely through agents and travellers, and though railway facilities continue to improve, some shopkeepers rarely visit their markets.
In 1818 the Lehigh Navigation Company was formed to improve the navigation of the Lehigh river from its confluence with the Delaware to Coalport, and two years later coal was successfully carried down the Lehigh and Delaware rivers to Philadelphia in " arks " or rectangular boxes, two or more of which were joined together and steered by a long oar.
Childers was a capable and industrious administrator of the old Liberal school, and he did his best, in the political conditions then prevailing, to improve the naval and military administration while he was at the admiralty and war office.
In 1837 he went to London to improve his knowledge of printing, and on his return to Wales in the following year ardently threw himself into literary, educational and religious work.
The gardener therefore may, and does, by modifying, improve upon the conditions under which a plant naturally exists.
Many garden plants have originated solely by selection; and much has been done to improve our breeds of vegetables, flowers and fruit by systematic selection.
The consolidation of Bavaria under Louis lasted for seven years, during which the emperor was able to improve the condition of the country.
Vanadium in small quantities, 0.15 or 0.20%, is said to improve steel greatly, especially in increasing its resistance to shock and to often-repeated stress.
In short the electric furnaces can be used to improve the molten product of the Bessemer converter and open-hearth furnace, essentially because their atmosphere is free from sulphur and oxygen, and because they can therefore remove sulphur, iron oxide and mechanically suspended slag, more thoroughly than is possible in these older furnaces.
But while the wisdom of one age thus succeeded in restricting within bounds the tidal water of the river, it was left to the greater wisdom of a succeeding age to improve upon' this arrangement by admitting these muddy waters to lay a fresh coat of rich silt on the exhausted soils.
Numerous regulating bridges and locks have been built to give absolute control of the water and facilities for navigation; and since 1901 a second weir has been constructed opposite Zilta, across the Damietta branch of the Nile, to improve the irrigation of the Dakhilia province.
It has been proposed to construct two new canals, the Jamrao and the Shikarpur, and to improve and extend three existing canals-Nasrat, Naulakhi and Dad.
Majorian thereupon made peace with Genseric. But his ill-success had destroyed his military reputation; his efforts to put down abuses and improve the condition of the people had roused the hatred.
After the battle of Chacabuco O'Higgins was entrusted with the administration of Chile, and he ruled the country firmly and well, maintaining the close connexion with the Argentine, co-operating loyally with San Martin in the preparation of the force for the invasion of Peru, and seeking, as far as the confusion and embarrassments of the time allowed, to improve the welfare of the people.
He did much to improve and beautify Rome; he laid the foundation-stone of 'St Peter's (April 18, 1506); he founded the Vatican museum; and he was a friend and patron of Bramante, Raphael and Michelangelo.
From 1204 onwards, however, fortune again veered round, and Philips prospects began to improve.
They were intensely jealous of the princes, and it occurred to Hutten and Sickingen that the Reformation might be used to improve the condition of the knights and to effect a total change in the constitution of the Empire.
It was difficult for the men by their own exertions to improve their condition, for the masters had full liberty of association, which the law refused to the workmen.
Quintana (governor in 1796-1799) did much to improve the city and encourage literature.
He did something to improve the condition of the duchies by restoring order, introducing German colonists into the eastern districts, and seeking to benefit the inhabitants of the towns.
Colonel Sir Francis Grenfell succeeded General Sir Evelyn Wood in March 1885, and while under his command the army continued to improve, and fought successful actions at Gemaiza, Argin, Toski and Tokar.
The extortions necessitated by these wars for the maintenance of armies and the incompetence of the viceroys brought Egypt at this time into a miserable condition; and the numerous political crises at Bagdad prevented for a time any serious measures being taken to improve it.
All over Egypt there was a feeling of unrest, and the well-meant but not very successful efforts of the British to improve the state of things were making them very unpopular.
Various attempts were also made to improve trade and industry by abolishing the still remaining privileges of the Hanseatic towns, by promoting a wholesale immigration of skilful and well-to-do Dutch traders and handicraftsmen into Denmark under most favourable conditions, by opening up the rich fisheries of the Arctic seas, and by establishing joint-stock chartered companies both in the East and the West Indies.
Frederick William, whose temper was by no means so ruthlessly Spartan as tradition has painted it,was overjoyed, and commissioned the clergyman to receive from the prince an oath of filial obedience, and in exchange for this proof of "his intention to improve in real earnest" his arrest was to be lightened, pending the earning of a full pardon.
The codification of the laws initiated in 1801 was never carried out during his reign; nothing was done to improve the intolerable status of the Russian peasantry; the constitution drawn up by Speranski, and passed by the emperor, remained unsigned.
The young hound begins cub-hunting when he is some eighteen months old, and as a rule is found to improve until his third or fourth season, though some last longer than this.
The land is held by a few proprietors, and caste sentiment is strong among those who claim unmixed European descent; consequently the mestizos have limited opportunities to improve their condition.
He did much to improve the condition of the country, to foster trade, to promote the prosperity of the towns, and to maintain order and security in his lands by wise laws and firm administration.
The amir's first measures were designed to enhance his popularity and to improve his internal administration, particularly with regard to the relations of his government with the tribes, and to the system introduced by the late amir of compulsory military service, whereby each tribe was required to supply a proportionate number of recruits.
Loftus was constantly occupied in attempts to improve his financial position by obtaining additional preferment.
This book he continued to amplify and improve in the light of further research; the last edition appeared in 1902.
But consignment to a prison for lengthened periods was, as a penalty, of more recent introduction, and of still later date is the recognition of the duties incumbent upon the authority to use its powers mercifully by humane endeavours to reform and improve those on whom it laid hands.
It was laid down in these that over and above safe custody it was essential to preserve health, improve morals, and enforce hard labour on all prisoners sentenced to it.
On the wings it was possible to improve the situation.
To those who maintain that Cadorna should have sacrificed everything in order to improve his defensive position in the Trentino sector, it may be answered that the line on which he stopped (or rather the modification of it necessitated by the retreat after Caporetto), properly prepared, backed by other lines in sufficient depth, and adequately served by new roads, was maintained until the end of the war.
Here the symmetry points at once to the selection of the three principal axes as the directions for i, j, k; and it would appear at first sight as if quaternions could not simplify, though they might improve in elegance, the solution of questions of this kind.
This prohibition of a custom which had undoubtedly given rise to grave abuses seems to have been inspired by a genuine desire to improve public morality, and received the support of the official aristocracy and a section of the clergy.
Resentment, however, incited him to personal revenge on the Californian government, and an ambition that clearly saw the gravity of the crisis prompted him to improve it unscrupulously for his own advancement, leaving his The government to support or disavow him according as P1 war should come or not.
During his reign, acting, as he did in most things, under the influence of his mother, he did much to improve the morals and condition of the people.
Large numbers of sheep and Angora goats are reared on the plateau, and fair horses are bred on the Uzun Yaila; but no effort is made to improve the quality of the wool and mohair or the breed of horses.
In 1280 it was found by an inquisition that the men of Hedon "were few and poor" and that if the town were demised at a fee-farm rent the town might improve.
Probably the singer was always himself an original poet; he might often be content to reproduce the songs that he had learned, but he was doubtless free to improve or expand them as he chose, provided that his inventions did not conflict with what was supposed to be historic truth.
The Rhetoriqueurs, while protracting medieval traditions by their use of allegory and complicated metrical systems, sought to improve the French language by introducing Latinisms. Thus the Revival of Learning began to affect the vernacular in the last years of the 15th century.
Highly alcoholic wines, such as port and sherry, will improve and remain good for a much longer period than relatively light wines, such as claret, champagne or Moselle.
With regard to claret it may be said that as a general rule the wine will not improve after twenty-five to thirty years, and that after this time it will commence to deteriorate.
While the Rhine wines generally improve in bottle for a lengthy period, the Moselles are as a rule at their best when comparatively fresh.
During his second governorship York maintained, if he could not improve, the English position in Normandy.
By introducing into his church a printed book of prayers and also an organ, Dr Lee stirred up vehement controversies in the church courts, which resulted in the recognition of the liberty of congregations to improve their worship. The Church Service Society, having for its object the study of ancient and modern liturgies, with a view to the preparation of forms of prayer for public worship, was founded in 1865; it has published eight editions of its " Book of Common Order," which, though at first regarded with suspicion, has been largely used by the clergy.
Canton first suggested the use of an amalgam of mercury and tin for use with glass cylinder electrical machines to improve their action.
He was now brought into relations with James, and his prospects began to improve.
To a large extent retting continues to be conducted in the primitive fashions above described, although numerous and persistent attempts have been made to improve upon it, or to avoid the process altogether.
A very weak current gives a pale and brittle deposit, but as the current-density is increased up to a certain point, the properties of the metal improve; beyond this point they deteriorate, the colour becoming darker and the deposit less coherent, until at last it is dark brown and spongy or pulverulent.
During these years Chile held the anomalous position of a country spending large sums annually to secure immigrants while at the same time her own labouring classes were emigrating by thousands to the neighbouring republics to improve their condition.
Nothing is being done to improve the vine, and the Persian wines, until recently of world-wide reputation, are yearly getting thinner and poorer.
Young Scott was retained as junior counsel in the case, and though he lost the petition he did not fail to improve the opportunity which it afforded for displaying his talents.
In order to improve his knowledge of the Roman ritual he spent four years with Malchus, bishop of Lismore (in Munster), a strong advocate of Romanism.
There was at first no idea of permanent settlement, and naturally no time whatever to improve the city.
They are addicted to the excessive use of chica (a native beer made from Indian corn), and have little or no ambition to improve their condition, but this may be attributed in part to their profound ignorance and to the.
As early as 1732 an attempt was made to improve the channel.
The idea that systematic efforts should be made to improve the breed of mankind by checking the birth-rate of the unfit and furthering the productivity of the fit was first put forward by him in 1865; he mooted it again in 1884, using the term "eugenics" for the first time in Human Faculty, and in 1904 he endowed a research fellowship in the university of London for the promotion of knowledge of that subject, which was defined as "the study of agencies under social control that may improve or impair the racial qualities of future generations, either physically or mentally."
Crowned in St Peter's on the 31st of August at the age of sixty-three, he entered upon the lonely path of the reformer_ His programme was to attack notorious abuses one by one; but in his attempt to improve the system of granting indulgences he was hampered by his cardinals; and reducing the number of matrimonial dispensations was impossible, for the income had.
Among the miscellaneous powers of an urban council with respect to streets may be mentioned the power to widen or improve, and certain powers incorporated from the Towns Improvement Clauses Act 1847, with respect to naming streets, numbering houses, improving the line of streets, removing obstructions, providing protection in respect of ruinous or dangerous buildings, and requiring precautions to be taken during the construction and repair of sewers, streets and houses.
Contrary to his expectations Darnley did not receive the crown matrimonial, and his foolish and haughty behaviour, his vicious habits, and his boisterous companions did not improve matters.
In this year Count Pietro Antonelli was despatched to Shoa in order to improve the prospects of the colony by treaties with Menelek and the sultan of Aussa.
As the land becomes higher, the dwellings improve; but, despite the presence of a doctor in each commune, disease is everywhere rife.
The attempts which have been made to improve and to imitate this book are not to be numbered.
The staple product is short, but experiments have been initiated in the Santa Marta region to improve it.
The business of the session mainly consisted of measures either to demobilize the forces which had been mobilized for the war and restore previous peace conditions, or to improve the social condition of the people in accordance with the pledges of the joint leaders' election manifesto.
In 1807, after conducting a successful suit on behalf of a client's title to a part of the batture or alluvial land near New Orleans, Livingston attempted to improve part of this land (which he had received as his fee) in the Batture, Ste Marie.
This simple method is subject to variations in manufacture, and the addition of a small quantity of Jamaica rum, in particular, is said to much improve the flavour.
Much has been done to improve the cotton of the presidency.
Cumberland and Durham, but its chief value is for crossing, when it is found to promote maturity and to improve the fattening propensity.
He was anxious to improve the work by additions to the theory of the motion of the moon and the planets.
They established manufactures, introduced the cultivation of hops, reclaimed the waste soil, and did much to improve agriculture.
It was hoped that when he came to roans estate things would improve, but the reverse was the case.
But the battle did not improve the Presbyposition of the Scots.
Burke did not believe that altered machinery was at that time needed to improve the quality of legislation.
The fact that considerable area is required and that the works do not improve the neighbourhood are important conditions, and although economy of space should be considered, arrangements should be such as to allow of extension.
In the Thoughts on Education imaginative sentiment is never allowed to weigh against utility; information is subordinate to the formation of useful character; the part which habit plays in individuals is always kept in view; the dependence of intelligence and character, which it is the purpose of education to improve, upon health of body is steadily inculcated; to make children happy in undergoing education is a favourite precept; accumulating facts without exercising thought, and without accustoming the youthful mind to look for evidence, is always referred to as a cardinal vice.
A respite was thus given and something was done to improve the army.
Little was done to improve the finances, and the assignats continued to fall in value.
Nevertheless much has been done to improve such paths as there are, and several miles of driving roads have been made, more particularly in the south.
After the advent to power of Dr Vladan Georgevich (October 1897) persistent and successful efforts were made to improve the country's financial and economic condition.
The violent party strife which from 1880 to 1895 had absorbed the best energies of the country and paralysed every serious and productive work, ceased almost completely, and the nation as a whole turned to improve its agriculture and commerce.
France there had not been as yet any overt revolt against the Church of Rome, but multitudes were in sympathy with any attempt to improve the church by education, by purer morals, by better preaching and by a return to the primitive and uncorrupted faith.
At last Thakombau, disappointed in the hope that his acceptance of Christianity (1854) would improve his position, offered the sovereignty to Great Britain (1859) with the fee simple of 100,000 acres, on condition of her paying the American claims. Colonel Smythe, R.A., was sent out to report on the question, and decided against annexation, but advised that the British consul should be invested with full magisterial powers over his countrymen, a step which would have averted much subsequent difficulty.
The Department of Agriculture has made efforts to improve and foster its cultivation, but without any marked results as regards increasing the area sown.
In order to improve the condition of affairs in congested districts, the board was empowered (I) to amalgamate small holdings either by directly aiding migration or emigration of occupiers, or by recommending the Land Commission to facilitate amalgamation, and (2) generally to aid and develop out of its resources agriculture, forestry, the breeding of live-stock, weaving, spinning, fishing and any other suitable industries.
Chiefly owing to his influence, many measures tending to improve the administration were introduced.
The peasants, no less than the industrial laborers, suffered from the absence of any capital laid by, which alone could have enabled them to improve their land or to face a time of bad harvests.
Bessemer's attention was drawn to the problem of steel manufacture in the course of an attempt to improve the construction of guns.
That experiments, founded on the study of his nature and properties, which have from time to time been made to improve the breed, and bring the different varieties to the perfection in which we now find them, have succeeded, is best confirmed by the high estimation in which the horses of Great Britain are held in all parts of the civilized world; and it is not too much to assert that, although the cold, humid and variable nature of their climate is by no means favourable to the production of these animals in their very best form, Englishmen have by great care, and by sedulous attention to breeding, high feeding and good grooming, with consequent development of muscle, brougnt them to the highest state of perfection of which their nature is capable.
She carefully avoided taking any side in party politics, but she was actively interested in phases of Imperial extension which were calculated to improve the condition of the black races, as in Africa, or the education and relief of the poor or suffering in any part of the world.
Besides his brilliant isolated discoveries in bibliography, he did much by his untiring zeal to improve the standard of library administration.
Tasmania shows a decline in sheep-breeding, yet the state is singularly well adapted for sheep-raising, and its stud flocks are well known and annually drawn upon to improve the breed in the other states.
This helps to improve diction, organize what they want to say and focus on the main points of interest.
There is not time to fully exploit the opportunities to improve which are often found on the way.
The extra funds being provided to the NHS give us a unique opportunity to improve.
Having the fantastic opportunity to give feedback will help improve the way we communicate with the public.
We're able to simultaneously show the benefits of the product as well as to improve perception of the brand.
They are a leading global provider of technology-based solutions and agricultural products that improve farm productivity and food quality.
As part of our continuing program of product development, we reserve the right to improve and update productdesigns.
The service listens to its customers and offers them choice and flexibility, and will continuously strive to improve.
We will alwaysstrive to improve our services.
To improve pupils ' achievement and progress in games through developing high quality learning activities.
Sunlight is thought to help improve moderate acne in about 60% of cases.
The ceiling stepped down toward the screen to improve acoustics.
To this end luminaries should have full horizontal cut off using a white light source to improve visual acuity.
The majority of large prolactin-secreting pituitary adenomas shrink in response to DA drug therapy and any visual loss will improve in most patients.
Any sort of action to improve adherence was allowed.
The most obvious way to improve treatment adherence is via adequate care.
The point of Stub Zones is to streamline administration, improve name resolution and possibly, reduce network traffic.
The project is designed to improve the health of this group and so reduce the frequency of acute admissions.
The restructuring of the European aerospace and defense industry is a major step which will help to improve competition in the global market.
I'm confident that together we will continue to rapidly improve our ability to combat any would-be cyber aggressors.
Both siphoning and the use of compressed air cylinders were experimented with but failed to noticeably improve the up to 3.5% C02.
I removed it to improve the airflow in the case.
Will QCA's revised criteria improve students ' mastery of basic skills and particularly algebraic techniques?
Both the image normalization and tissue segmentation algorithms developed by our group significantly improve the statistics in tumor volume measurement.
Boldine, the major alkaloid, is responsible for the plant's bile stimulating effect, which has been reported to improve appetite.
To improve charging system performance under these conditions, a new, higher output alternator is now available.
Attempts to improve the water quality in the smaller ponds may benefit amphibians.
This in turn should improve artificial limb fitting, comfort and quality of life for below-knee amputees.
Like many early antiquarians, he couldn't resist the temptation to improve the ruins.
In this collection, loving reflections provide wisdom and encouragement to help overcome anxiety, gain self-esteem, and improve relationships.
A black card placed behind the tubes will also improve appearance.
Transferable Skills Students will further improve skills in logical argument, mathematical reasoning.
Arrhythmia Awareness Week arrhythmia Awareness Week Arrhythmia Awareness Week is a campaign that aims to improve the quality of life for people living with Cardiac Arrhythmias.
I thought, probably with youthful arrogance, that I could improve on that.
The MLS BER has the potential to improve the diagnostic value of conventional BER in babies who suffered birth asphyxia.
Due to its ability to improve performance its principles are utilized in a number of other areas where physical athleticism is required.
To develop East Ayrshire's Literacy program within the school to improve attainment in Language.
A typical Key Outcome would be to improve levels of educational attainment.
Avant-garde poetry To improve my mind, I bought a book of avant-garde poetry To improve my mind, I bought a book of avant-garde poetry.
A striped awning is mounted at the entrance where flowering plants help to improve the austere academic severity of the school entrance.
Other drugs are frequently prescribed and used together with steroids to improve or maintain the condition including azathioprine and cyclosporin.
Instead of managing your e-mail while you nibble on that chicken baguette, improve your health.
Barry greenstein phil to improve there.
Deliver TV to patient bedsides to improve the health care environment.
Our objective is to develop novel biosensors based on functionalised carbon nanotubes that boost the detection limits to improve the quality of our lives.
However he could improve for the fitting of first time blinkers.
Club Entrance The club have installed a road blocker at the entrance to the club to help improve security.
In advanced liver disease (alcoholic hepatitis and cirrhosis) nutritional supplements have been shown to significantly improve the liver blood tests.
This not only helps improve accessibility for disabled users but also for search engine bots.
The ability to remotely troubleshoot, configure, and update handsets can improve the bottom line by reducing costs.
If your symptoms do not improve after 3-4 weeks of taking bran, then stop or reduce it.
All three had the same ambition - to improve their native cattle and challenge the English beef breeds.
Ok, how does one improve the look of the exterior brickwork.
Phosphor bronze Small additions of phosphorus in tin bronze, typically 0.4% to l %, improve the castability of the alloy.
Any feedback you give will be used to improve vam-email bulletin.
Knowing the structure of amorphous calcium phosphate will improve our knowledge of bone growth.
A rigid code of ethics was established to improve the caliber of Shaolin boxers.
Like the Roman roads, Telford's road also had a marked camber to improve drainage with water running into channels.
Kohner, Melford and Robinson worked closely as a team determined to improve upon the American version utilizing more fluid camerawork and enhanced lighting.
The phased moved away from a slots allocation based on historic patterns to one based on weighted capitation should improve the equity of access.
Phantom uses a Global Positioning Satellite System and 24 hour monitoring center to greatly improve the chances of recovering a stolen caravan.
Warde P, Payne D. Does thoracic irradiation improve survival and local control in limited-stage small-cell carcinoma of the lung?
Only £ 35.95 View details Komeda Saunas with Infrared Reduce stress, ease pain, burn off calories, clear cellulite and improve skin.
By learning and performing nursery rhymes and songs the little chatterboxes taking part improve their speech and language skills too.
Roots and bacteria also excrete natural chelates to improve the intake of iron.
Primary objective Does the addition of induction chemotherapy to CHART improve overall survival over CHART alone?
Packed with nutrients, you could improve your health by simply chomping on lots of fruit everyday.
Its aim was to improve our understanding of how ocean circulation affects the Earth's climate.
The reflexes are stimulated to help the body's own healing energies to become activated and balanced and to improve blood and lymph circulation.
Mr Miliband said the government was also seeking to empower citizens through third sector organizations in order to improve services at local level.
It would improve clarity to use the RGB inputs of modern TVs.
It really will improve your ability to select the right collocation, I promise!
In his view senior management could do more to improve managerial competence.
Thought to provide therapy for gall stones and urinary complaints and improve complexion and vision.
The ceramic particles in dental restorative composites are coated with a silane coupling agent to improve their adhesion to the resin matrix.
The extent and quality of available data and information will improve in future cycles making later assessments more comprehensive and robust.
There would be no element of legal compulsion, merely a strong moral case to improve the lot of others.
The WHO source said that civil society in general should improve conditions of hygiene in the city.
But soft lasers energize the skin cells and greatly improve skin condition, making it more elastic, flexible and youthfully smooth.
One of the aims of the annual review of the assessment regulations is to improve the consistency of treatment of students.
As individuals, there are things we can do to improve the situation, firstly as informed consumers, and secondly as campaigners.
Much of the report relates to Home Office issues and ways to improve coordination at both local and national level.
Occupational Therapists recommend mazes as fun therapeutic exercises to their patients to improve their fine motor skills and eye-hand coordination!
For example, we are taking steps to improve interagency coordination.
Waterfront Projects This package of schemes aims to improve the waterway corridor running through Aire Valley.
We applaud Ukraine's commitment to curb corruption, promote the rule of law and improve the business climate.
Heavy doses of copper can be introduced into the seat to improve heat transfer and thus counteract the tendency to overheat.
On a more general note, he says there are three clear priorities for livestock farmers seeking to improve the management of forage crops.
Trying to improve search engine rankings is just like a rubics cube.
Biological control can include choosing resistant turf grass cultivars or using soil bacteria to help improve the turf grasses ' health.
Whilst the vessel is probably not in immediate danger of falling to pieces, a great deal could be done to improve things.
The interior featured a new dashboard with a padded upper half to improve interior safety.
With no sun and our recent deluge the flavor is disappointing but I am sure it will improve.
For dementia The mission of For dementia is to improve the quality of life for people affected by dementia.
In order to improve on this, the threshold extension demodulator was developed.
This project aims to improve the evidence base for historical demography in Tanzania in two ways.
The primary care dermatology service was developed to provide a unique GP-led service to improve access to dermatology care in the local community.
However, a recent approach is to use a cultured human dermis to improve healing.
We have over 8,000 local volunteers for an agroforestry program to improve farmersâ fields and to control desertification.
Our CCTV initiative aims to improve public safety and confidence whilst actively deterring crime.
Finally, I totally agree with Bond that discourse contexts will improve generating more accurate determiners that have anaphoric relations.
Labor's crude economic determinism will not improve those lives made a daily hell by crime.
This process will also require training to improve the human mental dexterity in using the system.
Honda's 140PS 2.2-litre i-CTDi diesel continues; but as aerodynamic efficiency is improved by 12 per cent, fuel economy should improve.
Ginger is also known to relieve travel and morning sickness and can improve a sluggish digestion.
The use of standard classification schemes will improve resource discovery [40] .
Both of these new features are designed to improve thermal dissipation.
Alcohol Concern Working to promote sensible drinking and to improve services to help problem drinkers.
Variation makes it very difficult, if not downright impossible to improve a process by making the work flow and setting the drumbeat.
The surgery may involve measures to improve drainage of the pancreatic duct, partial or complete removal of the pancreas.
Although these cannot cure the dystonia they will improve the symptoms.
New technologies have the power to improve our lives, but they can also widen the gap between rich and poor.
Over the the last few centuries there have been many great garden designs that have inspired other gardeners to copy or further improve on.
This treatment failed to improve symptoms or improve gastric emptying.
The aim of the Darlington gateway Environmental Scheme is to improve the approaches to Darlington as the western gateway to the Tees Valley.
Even quite gentle green exercise can improve your health.
Goth kids who like darkness will figure out some way to improve the storminess without raining on everyone else's parade.
Treatment Improve drainage by adding grit or organic matter to heavy soil.
These centers give a better guaranty for maintenance and expansion of knowledge and will improve the possibility to exchange experience and knowledge.
This information will be used to improve the flesh quality of farmed halibut and cod.
The photograph of the bloody handprint was first digitized, in order to improve the clarity of the fingerprint ridge detail.
Bavaria 32 The popular 32 Sport is back with an interior makeover and an optional hardtop - but does it improve on the original?
This supports broader Government measures designed to improve sexual health.
Weight reduction will improve cycle control and reduce the heaviness of menstrual flow.
Conclusion - the challenges The Updated drug strategy (Home Office, 2002) aims to improve access to prescribed heroin.
Areas where the Talyllyn has to improve include housekeeping, stacking and storage.
If you are looking to improve shop floor housekeeping and address Health & Safety issues don't miss this one!
Spring cleaning Some basic housekeeping might improve your computer's performance enough to postpone the ' upgrade or replace ' decision altogether.
You can also improve your personal hygiene by stopping any nasty habits like biting your nails or picking your nose.
The most common technique to improve our memory is visual imagery.
It identified four institutional impediments to improve co-ordination of land use and transportation policies.
We value positive attitude and welcome change to continually improve all that we do.
Clinical Governance is a framework which helps staff to continuously improve and safeguard standards of patient care.
Several trials have shown that ace inhibitors improve survival in patients with all grades of heart failure.
That discovery helped improve HP's first color inkjet printer.
To improve own practice - casework, multi-agency working, providing in-service.
New technology can also be used to improve the way citizens engage with each other and with democratic institutions.
Should the sound output prove insufficient for any reason then there are a few things that can be done to improve the situation.
Improve access to care welfare policy maryland baltimore county of reputable insurers.
Also limiting access to these spaces to spatial movement may improve social interaction.
Beneficial smells to driving include peppermint and cinnamon, which improve concentration levels as well as making drivers less irritable.
China is adopting a step-by-step approach to reform and improve the stock issuance regulatory system.
Where yearly updates to sports titles barely even attempt to improve on the previous iteration.
Since IG3 we've been thinking of ways to improve on our last LAN and increase our sponsorship support.
Its aim is to improve the environment by reducing the amount of waste from electrical and electronic equipment entering landfills.
Various surgical techniques can be used to keep the larynx open to improve breathing.
As their circumstances improve, American leftists in time might acquire the self-confidence to call themselves social democrats rather than liberals!
This will enable the lessees to apply for local authority grant-aid to improve or repair the property if necessary.
Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals NHS Trust is to get two new linear accelerators to cut delays and improve treatment for cancer patients in Oxfordshire.
At least £ 15m was required from player sales in order to improve liquidity.
How would you improve this experiment to include the properties of stereotyped locomotion that were not measured in this study?
The proposals made were put forward to improve the management of Council activities and to provide a more contemporary and flexible structure.
Improve your knowledge and help make the Fepow Story an everlasting memorial to their memory.
Does this analysis have to rest largely on judgment, or can mathematical models of the economy be used to improve the process?
My Proposal to Improve DAB Synchronous modulation First as I've just described, DAB uses differential modulation.
Synthetically manufactured peptide antigens and antigens produced using molecular biology are also being examined in an attempt to improve test specificity.
Work to improve pedestrian facilities at key junctions is also ongoing.
However, we have taken the steps outlined above to try to improve the security of your information.
It will improve the situation whereby people's problems are often pigeonholed into one category, such as race, gender or disability.
The bioenhancing effects of piperine have been demonstrated in several other studies which show that piperine can improve the absorption of many nutrients.
But it must also be an aim to improve and enhance environmental quality in those areas already degraded or grossly polluted.
Action for low P & K fields NOW is the time to apply potash to improve low K soils.
To improve your wellbeing sauce tempura prawns there are five all calls are.
Newborn screening may therefore improve prognosis of people with CF.
Some babies may develop a rapidly progressive disease, although symptoms often improve.
Used alone, acitretin can improve severe psoriasis in 75 per cent of patients, 30 per cent achieving complete clearance.
It might improve economic life for many Iraqis and change international public opinion.
We influence local and national policy to improve public services for the most vulnerable, using the law to achieve change.
We have driven forward structural reforms to improve our capacity to deliver.
Any alternative therapy which induces relaxation may then improve the symptoms.
Furthermore, other loci containing tandem repeats within the M. tuberculosis genome are currently being investigated to further improve the MIRU panel.
Criteria for judgment have been updated where necessary and shortened or consolidated to improve alignment between levels and eliminate repetition.
To help other workers who are in struggle to defend or improve their conditions is not reprehensible.
The wise business will use these good times to invest in measures to improve resilience.
Opportunities for owners to improve the flood resilience of their properties will be discussed.
The team rookie Rob McNealy continues to improve and is still learning.
The purpose of the traffic calming is to improve road safety and discourage rat running.
Such was its reputation that it seemed sacrilege to dare to improve on it.
The review group has published an interim report outlining a number of recommendations to improve the safety of the event in 2001.
Largely as a result of this book, it was decided to adopt a series of measures to improve sanitation in Manchester.
The use of a written sealant policy and protocol for sealant application and equipment maintenance could further improve retention rates.
As it is built in a highly seismic zone, measures have been taken to improve the school's structural safety against earthquakes.
The Service also aims to improve the quality of their lives by rebuilding self-confidence, improving moral and supporting their families.
Moderate exercise is beneficial to the immune system, and can also improve mood and offer an important way of maintaining a healthy self-image.
Such a program of treatment is likely to improve the person's self-image.
The Cabinet Office Better Public services - Striving to improve standards in service delivery across the public sector in the UK.
Small-scale farmers often grow sesame as a cash crop, but face economic and technical barriers to improve their returns.
We hoped that the wind would improve our chances of seeing a few shearwaters on the crossing.
The next cycle starts either to improve upon the outcome or to overcome the shortcomings of the previous cycle.
The flesh is then singed by a blowtorch to improve its appearance.
There is no better way to improve your language skills than to immerse yourself in the culture.
The loss of breeding skylarks from at least one site in Darwen followed amenity tree-planting to ' improve the environment ' .
Like libel slander switched to a systems would improve.
This is intended to reach a greater understanding of the current constraints facing smallholders and to improve the efficiency of markets for them.
If itâs slightly snowy occasionally, then after switchover itâs likely your reception will improve.
The paper then discusses the use of geographically weighted regression (GWR) which can be used to improve spatial modeling.
The purpose might be to retard spoilage, to enhance flavor, to increase nutrition, or to improve texture.
These competencies help clients enable sustainable, long-term and cost-effective compliance strategies that can also improve overall process value and effectiveness.
If you want to improve your personal fitness, train for competitive swimming, or swim for fun.
They appear to improve overall symptomatology, but there is little data on their effect on quality of life.
This method, called tachistoscope, was originally invented to help the human brain improve accuracy and speed of taking in and retaining information.
Lower prices and cheaper access will encourage takeup as well as improve content and services.
To date, analytics has mainly been used to improve outbound telemarketing.
Allocate funds to improve road access to existing or new rail freight terminals.
Tories in recent years have become too timid about saying how we want to improve society.
Many farmers either gave tacit support to their workmen, or urged the parish vestry to improve the levels of poor relief.
They provide an excellent way to get out on the water, to learn a new watersport or improve existing skills.
In addition to the proposed work to improve flood protection, several weirs will be modified to allow fish movement along the river Alne.
Rather than go quietly I would like to do something to improve animal welfare on upland organic farms.
We believe this scheme will improve the overall well-being of nursing home residents in Wallasey.
The hiatus did nothing to improve the flow of the game and both sides were probably grateful for the half-time whistle.
Many toothpastes claim to improve the whiteness of teeth as well as freshening breath.
The conference will also discuss how to improve patient safety and learn from mistakes to ensure a safer workplace for all.
You can improve the benefit of using brewer's yeast by eating cultured yogurt or supplement good bacteria capsules between meals.
Clubs in England began to consider the question of legislation, and to improve their greens.
Subsequent improvements included dredging operations in the Medway to improve the approach, and the provision of extra dry-dock accommodation under the Naval Works Acts.
A select committee of the House of Commons (with Mr Arnold Morley, Postmaster-General, as chairman) was appointed " to consider and report whether the provision now made for the telephone service in local areas is adequate, and whether it is expedient to supplement or improve this provision either by the granting of licences to local authorities or otherwise."
All these causes, and especially the first-mentioned, have enabled the Sla y s to maintain their ethnical purity in a relatively high degree, whereby they have been enabled to assimilate foreign elements and make them intensify or improve the ethnical type, without giving rise to half-breed races.