Import Sentence Examples
He worked well whatever the import of his work.
Since 1895, however, the heavy import corn duty has caused a slight rise in the income from corn lands.
The import of Katie's words struck with a vengeance.
The export trade in corn and import trade in coal is considerable.
The full import of his actions hit her, bringing a flood of warmth to her face.
It took a few seconds for the import of his words to sink in.
Though Siberia has within itself all the raw produce necessary for prosperous industries, it continues to import from Russia all the manufactured articles it uses.
The cardinal doctrines of the Kabbalah embrace the nature of the Deity, the Divine emanations or Sephiroth, the cosmogony, the creation of angels and man, their destiny, and the import of the revealed law.
He was allowed to import munitions of war.
On the one hand it became necessary, in face of an inadequate harvest, to suspend in 1898 the application of the law on the import of corn.
AdvertisementBut, influenced by medical views and by the almost insuperable difficulty of enforcing any drastic import veto in the face of Formosa's large communications by junk with China, the Japanese finally adopted the middle course of licensing the preparation and sale of the drug, and limiting its use to persons in receipt of medical sanction.
The import trade of various cereals by sea to Hamburg is very large, and a considerable portion of this corn is converted into flour at Hamburg itself.
As a place of import, the Peiraeus surpasses Patras, Syra and all the other Greek maritime towns, receiving about 53% of all the merchandise brought into Greece.
The collection of a part of the import duties in gold has served to give the government the gold it requires for certain expenditures, but it has complicated returns and accounts and increased the burden of taxation.
Among recent advances having medical import in our knowledge of the Nematodes, the chief are those dealing with the parasites of the blood.
AdvertisementThe Falkland Islands Company, having its headquarters at Stanley and an important station in the camp at Darwin, carries on an extensive business in sheep-farming and the dependent industries, and in the general import trade.
The trend of the import trade in meat, live and dead (exclusive of rabbits), may be gathered from Table XVII., in which are given the annual average imports from the eight quinquennial periods embraced between 1866 and 1905.
Before you import a vehicle into the U.S. from Canada, make sure you understand the process.
A rifle cracked, piercing the silence with deadly import.
By far the most important " indirect " revenue is that produced by the customs, consisting of import, export and transit duties, and various unspecified receipts.
AdvertisementThe floods of the Mississippi usually occur in spring or aummer; Owing to the great size of the drainage basin, it seldom happens that the three upper tributaries are in flood at the same time; the coincident occurrence of floods in only two tributaries is of serious import in the lower river, which rises 30, 40, or occasionally 50 ft.
Her total foreign trade (import and export) was in 1906 over £100,000,000.
In 1890 the island was ceded to Germany, and in 1892 it was incorporated with Prussia, when it was provided that natives born before the year 1880 should be allowed to elect either for British or German nationality, and until 1901 no additional import duties were imposed.
There is a considerable import of coal, cotton, iron and breadstuffs, the chief exports being butter, fish, timber and wood pulp. During the period of emigration, owing to political troubles with Russia, over 12,000 Finns sailed from Hangs in a single year (1901), mostly for the United States and Canada.
Each scene from the history of Christ is prefaced by a tableau of typical import from the Old Testament.
AdvertisementBut there can be no doubt that a considerable import and export trade with the continent had sprung up quite early.
But the free-traders did not like Mr Balfour's formula as to reversing the traditional fiscal policy of import taxes for revenue only.
There is some import trade in flax, timber and, coal.
The trade is very largely centred in the export of palm oil and palm kernels and the import of cotton goods and spirits, mostly gin.
The labour unions took advantage of this trouble to force Pennsylvania, Indiana, Illinois, Minnesota, Colorado and several other states to pass anti-Pinkerton statutes making it illegal to import irresponsible armed men from a distance to quell local disturbances.
The custom from the first, he says, had been to feast on one and the same day the two births, much as they differed in sacramental import and in point of time.
While John's Apocalypse is distinctly eschatological, the Epistles and the Gospels often give these conceptions an ethical and spiritual import, without, however, excluding the eschatological.
Great Britain and Germany, besides mining a great deal of ore, still have to import much from Spain, Sweden and in the case of Germany from Luxemburg, although, because of the customs arrangement between these last two countries, this importation is not usually reported.
In two articles, tobacco and rice, Bremen is the greatest market in the world; in cotton and indigo it takes the first place on the continent, and it is a serious rival of Hamburg and Antwerp in the import of wool and petroleum.
The import of coal in 1906 was 439,494 tons, being nearly double the average for 1901-1905.
The revenue is derived mainly from import duties, and the most important branches of expenditure are the salaries of public officials, the army, public instruction and debt.
The Conversion Office, which is authorized to sell or lend gold, receives a fixed revenue of £30,000 from certain import and export dues; it was reorganized in 1903 for the administration of the public debt.
The word " Induction," which occurs in only three or four passages throughout all his works (and these again minor ones), is never used by him with the faintest reminiscence of the import assigned to it by Bacon; and, as will be seen, he had nothing but scorn for experimental work in physics.
The chief exports are cocoanut products, for the preparation of which there are factories, and tea; and the chief import is rice.
The inscriptions, which contain altogether about five thousand words, are entirely of religious import, and their references to worldly affairs are incidental.
The Russians have themselves established several important factories at Hankow, which is the chief seat of this industry, and to which place they import in large quantities tea-dust and small broken tea from India, Ceylon and Java.
The Zolltarifgesetz of the 15th of July 1879, while restricting the former free import, imposed considerable duties.
In these circumstances it was decided to introduce a system of comparative free trade; raw materials were admitted free; a uniform import of 10% was levied on manufactured goods, and 20% on colonial wares, the tax being determined not by the estimated value, but by the weight of the articles.
It has merely caused great bitterness among the Polish peasants, and the effect on the population is also counteracted by the fact that the large proprietors in purely German districts continue to import Polish laborers to work on their estates.
It was a sign of mostserious import for the future that in 1897 thc e,lgctoral law in the kingdom of Saxony was altered with thc express purpose of excluding the Socialists from the Saxon Landtag.
In all these treaties the general principle was a reduction of the import duties on corn in return for advantages given to German manufactures, and it is this which brought about the struggle of the government with the Agrarians which after 1894 took the first place in party politics.
Of more serious import were the yearly and increasing deficits in the imperial budget, and the consequent enormous growth of the debt.
Grand Haven is the port of entry for the Customs District of Michigan, and has a small export and import trade.
The prostrations of the credens before the Perfect were in their manner and import identical with the prostrations of the catechumen before the exorcist.
The principal articles of import are cotton and cotton goods, wool and woollen goods, silk and silk goods, coffee, tobacco and metals.
Some 70% of the import and export trade was with Germany, the remainder being almost entirely with Great Britain.
He took his seat in the House of Commons as one of the members for Durham on 28th July 1843, and on 7th August delivered his maiden speech in support of a motion by Mr Ewart for reduction of import duties.
The laws and regulations were generally very concise revelations, but most of them have been amalgamated with other pieces of similar or dissimilar import, and are now found in very long suras.
These conditions were that all rights of conquest acquired by the Fulani throughout Northern Nigeria passed to Great Britain, that for the future every sultan and emir and principal officer of state should be appointed by Great Britain, that the emirs and chiefs so appointed should obey the laws of the British government, that they should no longer buy and sell slaves, nor enslave people, that they should import no firearms, except flint-locks, that they should enforce no sentences in their courts of law which were contrary to humanity, and that the British government should in future hold rights in land and taxation.
In addition to imports from the United Kingdom, British possessions took 6.0% of the import trade.
Next to Great Britain, Turkey had the largest share of the import trade, but it had declined in the sixteen years from 19 to 15%.
France about 10%, and Austria 6.72%, came next, but their import trade was declining, while that of Germany had risen from less than I to over 3%, and Belgium imports from 1.74 to 4.27%
Thus in 1906 the salt monopoly was abolished at a cost to the revenue of 175,000, while the reduction of import duties on coal and other fuels, live-stock, &c., involved a further loss of 1I8,000, and an increase of over 1,000,000 in expenditure was budgeted for.
The warders at an asylum have been hypnotized to sleep by the bedside of dangerous patients, and "suggested" to awake the instant the patients attempt to get out of bed, sounds which had no import for them being inhibited by suggestion.
The value of export is exceeded as a whole by that of import in the proportion, roughly, of 1 to 1.35.
Denmark carries on its principal import trade with Germany, Great Britain and the United States of America, in this order, the proportions being about 30, 20 and 16% respectively of the total.
The act was renewed in 1693 and 1695, and in the former year another act was passed prohibiting the export of lint and permitting its import free of duty.
It should be added that on the figures of import and export value in 1909, Aberdeen had changed places with Methil, and Burntisland with Granton.
The chief sources of revenue were licences (which include the farms let for the collection of import duties in opium, wine and spirits) $4,248,856, nearly half the revenue of the settlement; post and telegraphs $424,645; railway receipts $196,683; and land revenue $104,482.
The port is a free port, import duties being payable only on opium, wines and spirits.
Commerce.-A summary of import and export values of trade in the Persian Gulf, excluding Mohammerah and Basra, is appended.
Bushire, Hanjam, Bahrein, Abadan and Basra Summary showing Import and Export Values of Trade in the Persian Gulf (excluding Iraq and Arabistan) in two pre-war years and in the latest post-war year available.
At length, however, in 1912 the Sultan of Muscat issued a proclamation requiring all arms imported into Muscat to be placed in a special warehouse from which they could not be removed except on production of an import permit from the competent authority at their destination.
The terms of the treaty of Paris were not only of indefinite import but were susceptible of contradictory interpretations.
One other cry He uttered, and the end came, and at that moment the veil of the Temple was rent from top to bottom - an omen of fearful import to those who had mocked Him, even on the cross, as the destroyer of the Temple, who in three days should build it anew.
The chief articles of import are coal, grain, timber, copper, steel and wine, and the exports are manufactured goods principally to Russia and Scandivania.
The total import of sugar in1905-1906was valued at £5,182,000, chiefly from Java and Mauritius.
The chief articles of import are cotton goods, cotton yarn, metals, sugar, mineral oils, machinery and mill-work, woollen manufactures,.
The only other important article of import is sugar, which came to about 5 millions in 1905-1906.
Still thinking that foreign nations could be coerced through their commercial interests, he scouted as visionary the idea that Great Britain would go to war on a refusal to carry Jay's treaty into effect, thinking it inconceivable that Great Britain "would wantonly make war" upon a country which was the best market she had in the world for her manufactures, and one with which her export trade was so much larger than her import.
Upon this it bases a theory of predication, which, however, is compatible with more than one reading of the metaphysical import of the ideas.
It is to be regarded as a propaedeutic, 12 which, although it is in contact with reality in and through the metaphysical import of the axioms, or again in the fact that the categories, though primarily taken as forms of predication, must also be regarded as kinds of being, is not directly concerned with object-reality, but with the determination for the thinking subject of what constitutes the knowledge correlative to being.
There was necessarily a " sense " or direction in every proposition, with more than the purely psychological import that the advance was from the already mastered and familiar taken as relatively stable, to the new and strange.
So again in determining the " import " of propositions, it is no accident that in all save existential propositions it is to the familiar rubrics of associationism - co-existence, sequence, causation and resemblance - that he refers for classification, while his general formula as to the conjunctions of connotations is associationist through and through.
In the second, there is no claim that thought at one and the same time imposes form on " the given " and is susceptible of treatment in isolation by logic. With Herbart the forms of common experience, and indeed all that we can regard as his categories, are products of the psychological mechanism and destitute of logical import.
The trade of the port amounted in 1899 to 531,229, and in 1904 to X424,442, the principal import being cotton yarn and the principal export opium.
It was an article of faith with her disciples that the outward and visible Helena Petrovna Blavatsky was on certain occasions the vehicle of psychic powers of transcendent spiritual import.
In 1878 he took part in the debates over the Wood Tariff Bill, proposing lower import duties; and in the same year he voted for the Bland-Allison Silver Bill.
Unlike the Spartiates they might, and did, possess gold and silver and the iron and steel wares from the mines on Mt Taygetus, the shoes and woollen stuffs of Amyclae, and the import and export trade of Laconia and Messenia probably enabled some at least of them to live in an ease and comfort unknown to their Spartan lords.
The purchaser undertook to introduce settlers from northern Europe, to import cattle for the improvement of the Nicaraguan breed, to plant rubber and vanilla, and to provide schools for agricultural instruction.
A special feature of the Sakti cult is the use of obscure Vedic mantras, often changed so as to be quite meaningless and on that very account deemed the more efficacious for the acquisition of superhuman powers; as well as of mystic letters and syllables called bija (germ), of magic circles (chakra) and diagrams (yantra), and of amulets of various materials inscribed with formulae of fancied mysterious import.
At first sight these rites seem intended to call down the pity of heaven on man, but as Robertson Smith points out, their real import was by shedding blood on a holy stone or in a holy place to tie or renew a blood-bond between the God and his faithful ones.
In the treatment of her subject allies Athens was more rigorous, general import and export duties of 5% being imposed on their trade.
The older land-taxes were probably accompanied by import dues and taxes on property.
In spite of certain prejudices against the import of luxuries and the export of gold, there is little indication of the influence of mercantilist or protectionist ideas.
All tithes have been abolished, except those on cereals, carobs, silk cocoons, and, in the form of to% ad valorem export duties, those on cotton, linseed, aniseed and raisins (all other export duties and a fishing tax have been abolished); (4) sheep, goat, and pig tax; (5) an excise on wine, spirits and tobacco; (6) import duties; (7) stamps, court fees, royalties, licenses, &c.; (8) salt monopoly.
Oldenburg, however, was a man of no speculative capacity, and, to judge from his subsequent correspondence, must have quite failed to grasp the real import and scope of the thoughts communicated to him.
With Russia on the other hand the trade is principally import.
Thus in 1892, when the import duty on unground corn was reduced from 2S.
Other clauses dealt with the rights of the Laplanders to graze their reindeer alternatively in either country, - and with the question of transport of goods across the frontier by rail or other means of communication, so that the traffic should not be hampered by any import or export prohibitions or otherwise.
In 1906 the receipts from all sources were estimated at 149,100,000 pesos, of which 62,200,000 pesos gold were credited to the tax on nitrate, 39,800,000 pesos gold to import duties, and 23,500,000 pesos currency to railway receipts.
To ensure an income that would meet its foreign engagements, the government collected the nitrate and iodine taxes and import duties in gold.
A conversion fund was also created, and, although the government afterwards authorized two more large issues, the beneficial effects of this law were so pronounced that the customs regulations were modified in 1907 to permit the payment of import duties in paper.
Before closing the reign of Mahommed Shah note should be taken of a prohibition to import African slaves into Persia, and a commercial treaty with Englandrecorded by Watson as gratifying achievements of the period by British diplomatists.
Germany, which has but a small share of the import trade, takes about 45% of the exports.
At the close of 1903 the mine-owners, to meet the deficiency, asked for permission to import Chinese.
An agreement between the Transvaal and the Portuguese governments, concluded in April 1909, while the fate of the draft constitution was still in doubt, assigned to Lourenco Marques 50 to 55% of the import trade to the Rand, and (with certain exceptions) provided for free trade in native products between the Mozambique province and the Transvaal.
Vast profits were derived from the import trade in the innumerable products of the tropics, of which Portugal was the sole purveyor in Europe.
Many legal questions of interesting constitutional, treaty and common law import have been decided in the Federal (and state) courts in cases involving Chinese; see the collections of reports.
The import trade of Bolivia is restricted by the poverty of the people.
The imposition of the import duty on tea and other commodities was the project of Charles Townshend, and was carried into effect in 1767 without consultation with Lord Chatham, if not in opposition to his wishes.
The lines of Chatham's policy were abandoned in other cases besides the imposition of the import duty; his opponents were taken into confidence; and friends, such as Amherst and Shelburne, were dismissed from their posts.
Port Elizabeth has a large import trade, chiefly in textiles, machinery, hardware, apparel and provisions, supplying to a considerable extent the markets of Kimberley, Rhodesia, the Orange Free State and the Transvaal.
The average annual import of Persian and Turkish opium into China is estimated at 1125 piculs, and if this quantity were to be reduced every year by one-ninth, beginning in 1909, in nine years the import into China would entirely cease, and the Indian, Persian and Turkish opiums no longer be articles of commerce in that country.
With the exception of laying an import duty no legislative effort was made - nor is it likely that any would have been allowed by the crown - to restrict the importation of slaves during the colonial period.
This merely federal plan, reported from a Conference attended by the delegates from Connecticut, New York and Delaware, as well as those from New Jersey (and by Luther Martin of Maryland), consisted of nine resolutions; the first was that " the Articles of Confederation ought to be so revised, corrected and enlarged as to render the federal Constitution adequate to the exigencies of government and the preservation of the Union "; and the actual " plan " was for a single legislative body, in which each state should be represented by one member, and which should elect the supreme court and have power to remove the executive (a Council), to lay taxes and import duties, to control commerce, and even, if necessary, to make requisitions for funds from the states.
The import of ore (the bulk coming from Spain) has consequently increased, and the ports where the principal import trade is carried on are those which form the principal outlets of the iron-working districts of Cleveland and Furness, namely Middlesbrough and Barrow-in-Furness.
Long after textile and other industries had been flourishing in the leading states of the continent, in the Netherlands, Flanders and France, England remained, as a whole, an agricultural and pastoral country, content to export her riches in wool, and to import them again, greatly enhanced in value, as clothing.
The first five years of the existence of the state were greatly hampered by the provision of the Berlin Act prohibiting the imposition of any duties on goods imported into the Congo region, but at the Brussels conference, 1890, a declaration was signed by the powers signatory to the Berlin Act, authorizing the imposition of import duties not exceeding to ad valorem, except in the case of spirits, which were to be subject to a higher duty.
The opinion is deeply rooted in modern as in ancient thought, that only a distinctively human element of the highest import can account for the severance between man and the highest animal below him.
No other article of import approaches cotton in importance, but a considerable trade is done in arms and ammunition, rice, sugar, flour and other foods, and a still larger trade in candles and matches (from Sweden), oil, carpets (oriental and European), hats and umbrellas.
Such classifications are, however, uninstructive, and it has been found practically necessary in financial writing to take the principal taxes by name, or by such a general grouping as that of import or stamp duties, and then describe their nature, characteristics and incidence.
Few countries have so short a list of import duties, but this is in consequence of their design to give protection, which raises totally different questions from those of revenue.
Some English applications of free trade theory in recent times in the matter of import duties have been pedantic - the abolition of the shilling corn duty in 1869 by Robert Lowe (Lord Sherbrooke) being typical of this pedantry, though it is not the only instance.
No doubt, in theory, this duty, being levied on the import only and not on the home production of corn, took from the tax-payer a shilling on every quarter of grain produced at home which did not go into the exchequer.
In the Barranquilla customs returns for 1906 the imports were valued at $6,787,055 (U.S. gold), on which the import duties were $4,333,028, or an average rate of 64%.
The public revenues are derived from import duties on foreign merchandise, from export duties on national produce, from internal taxes and royalties on liquors, cigarettes and tobacco, matches, hides and salt, from rentals of state emerald mines and pearl fisheries, from stamped paper, from port dues and from postal and telegraph charges.
The chief trade of Harlingen is the exportation of Frisian produce, namely, butter and cheese, cattle, sheep, fish, potatoes, flax, &c. There is also a considerable import trade in timber, coal, raw cotton, hemp and jute for the Twente factories.
There was never any serious danger, but the fact that under the new rgime baronial rebellion was possible, despite of all Williams advantages over other feudal kings, and despite of the fact that the rebels were hardly yet settled firmly into their new estates, had a sinister import for the future of England.
There is also an import and export trade to and from Urumchi and China, via Kulja and Ak-su.
In the six months ending with that date the receipts were $1,259,574 (largely from import and export duties, and taxes on liquors, tobacco, matches, coffee, opium, salt, steamship companies and money changers), and the cash balance for the six months was $105,307.
That it was forced in that direction we should say rather, looking back, for it was a time of dire distress, especially in the manufacturing districts of the north; so that in his second session Peel had to provide some relief by revising the corn laws and reducing import Poli, Y g g P dues generally.
That it should be brought to a successful conclusion was of the utmost import for France.
Among other things he said, "It is, almost certain that within a generation the ever-increasing population of the United States will consume all the wheat grown within its borders, and will be driven to import like ourselves."
The import of this term is essentially social; and we can explain Plato's use of it only by reference to the analogy which he drew between the individual man and the community.
Of these notions the former has a somewhat complex ethical import; it seems to blend several elements differently prominent in different minds.
Iceland has her own customs service, but the only import duties levied are upon spirits, tobacco, coffee and sugar, and in each case the duties are fairly low.
Meanwhile, from 1849 to 1852, he was governor of Virginia, in which position he recommended to the legislature the enactment of a law laying an import tax on the products of such states as refused to surrender fugitive slaves owned by Virginia masters.
The principal items of import are cotton yarns, metals, sugar, petroleum and coal; of export, silk, representing in value 34% of the total exports, cotton, tea, rice, hides and skins, wool, wheat and beans.
The adoption, by Sir William Huggins in 1876, of gelatine or dry plates in celestial photography was a change of decisive import.
Meantime he studied Spinoza and Plato, and was profoundly influenced by both, though he was never a Spinozist; he made Kant more and more his master, though he departed on fundamental points from him, and finally remodelled his philosophy; with some of Jacobi's positions he was in sympathy, and from Fichte and Schelling he accepted ideas, which in their place in his system, however, received another value and import.
Cotton Manufacture.-This was introduced into Ireland in 1 777 and under the protection of import duties and bounties increased so rapidly that in 1800 it gave employment to several thousand persons, chiefly in the neighbourhood of Belfast.
It was estimated that the aggregate value of the actual import and export trade in 1904 probably exceeded a total of £105,000,000.
In 1832 there was a majority from each section in favour of Nullification, and the legislature called the famous Nullification Convention, which met at Charleston the 19th of November, and five days later passed the Ordinance of Nullification declaring that certain acts of Congress imposing import duties " are unauthorized by the Constitution of the United States and violate the true meaning and intent thereof, and are null and void and no law, nor binding upon this state, its officers or citizens."
Better means of internal transport and increased production in the island have greatly reduced the import of rice, which came mostly from Saigon.
Perhaps the conjecture least open to objection is that which regards the terms Urim and Thummim as the names of two lots 2 (perhaps actually written on them) of opposite import.
He tried to import more method into the very unequal distribution of taxation, less brutality in collection, less confusion in the fiscal machine, and more uniformity in the matter of rights; while he diminished the debts of the much-involved towns by putting them through the bankruptcy court.
Manufactures .T he maritime provinces, being those most favorably situated for the import of coal, and, where necessary, of raw material, are the chief seats of Spanish manufactures.
In 1882 a Liberal cabinet revived the system of a gradual reduction of import duties to a fixed maximum, and made commercial treaties with France and several other nations, which were followed by a treaty with Great Britain in I 886.
They reformed the tariff in harmony with the treaties, and with a view to the reduction of the import duties by quinquennial stages to a fiscal maximum of 15% ad valorem.
The price of corn rose, owing to the reimposition by the government, before the elections, of the import duties on corn and flour; and in November there was serious rioting in Seville, Granada, Oviedo, Bilbao and Valencia, M
Almost everything connected with bee-craft has been revolutionized, and apiculture, instead of being classed with such homely rural occupations as that of the country housewife who carries a few eggs weekly to the market-town in her basket, is to-day regarded in many countries as a pursuit of considerable import ance.
In the first place, the movements and position of the heavenly bodies point to such occurrences as are of public import and affect the general welfare.
His ultimate purpose was always the strengthening of the union; but before particularizing his political theories, and the political import of his financial measures, the remaining events of his life may be traced.
It has railwaycarriage works, cotton mills, steam flour mills, tallow works and quarries of limestone, and carries on an active trade in the export of wooden wares and in the import of grain, salt and fish, brought from the Volga governments.
The principal articles of import are coffee, cotton-piece goods, &c., grain, hides, coal, opium, cottontwist and yarn.
In June 1639, however, a more definite statement of political principles was framed, in which it was clearly stated that the rules of Scripture should determine the ordering of the church, the choice of magistrates, the making and repeal of laws, the dividing of inheritances, and all other matters of public import; that only church members could become free burgesses and officials of the colony; that the free burgesses should choose twelve men who should choose seven others, and that these should organize the church and the civil government.
On the sacrificial use and import of frankincense and similar substances see Incense.
But, despite this resemblance, it seems clear that, so far as the Dissertation is concerned, the way had only been prepared for the true critical inquiry, and that the real import of Hume's sceptical problem had not yet dawned upon Kant.
Throughout the positive portion of his theory of cognition, Kant has been beset by the doctrine that the categories, as finished, complete notions, have an import or significance transcending the bounds of possible experience.
There still remains, over and above the realm of nature, the realm of free, self-conscious spirit; and, within this sphere, it may be anticipated that the ideas will acquire a significance richer and deeper than the merely regulative import which they possess in reference to cognition.
Coal is the chief import.
In the 16th century Sir Richard Grenville, the famous Virginian settler, did much to stimulate the commercial development of Bideford, which long maintained a very considerable trade with America, Spain and the Mediterranean ports, the import of tobacco from Maryland and Virginia being especially noteworthy.
In spite of Ouray's isolation, the world was getting smaller, he said, and with growth came the import of the same problems plaguing the rest of the country.
It kept conking out whenever they tried to import any mp3s, and was understandably annoying.
Relate Sourcing Request [BUY] Printed baby bibs I would like to import printed baby bibs with our own artwork...
Have limited import mistake hindered the produced equally blackened images thompson's letter to.
Under existing regulations low value import consignments (under £ 18) may be exempted from import VAT.
Today we import American blame culture by the sack load.
Two approved foreign trade zones will allow the deferment of import taxes.
The import process has been enhanced to accept comma delimited files, which may now contain many more fields than in the past.
Ask them for instructions on how to import tab delimited text files.
Make a quick sketch, import a photo or map, or just have a little doodle.
A ban on the import of foreign radioactive waste and spent fuel 3.4 Britain must stop being a nuclear dustbin for other countries.
The tax would have to be payable on the item entering the country, effectively operating as an import duty.
But tho the general import of their message is clear enough, the details of Bosch's pictorial language are still enigmatic.
No country outside the Community has banned totally the import of animal protein from the UK.
Why has the Prime Minister not more seriously restricted the illegal import of meat into this country?
Russ Ballard - Russ Ballard Can you believe that the only way I could get this on CD was Japanese import?
My previous vehicle was a Jap import, a Toyota Surf, in fact it did belong to a Japanese gentleman from Osaka.
This investigation could lead to the unilateral imposition of import quotas.
We'd be tempted to pay a little extra and avoid the lengthy delivery times inherent in buying an import.
Televised final table spawned an entire have limited import petersburg ivan Ivan ivanovitsch.
Televised final table spawned an entire have limited import petersburg Ivan ivanovitsch.
These may well involve high import costs, ecological damage and displace alternative livelihoods.
Braden's using the doll business to import Junk, for the local Mafia.
In order to support that flexibility, the user has to write an import program in the integrated modeling language mistral.
Market The market for Scottish mohair is large, taking into account the potential for import substitution.
Duty free import facility of capital machinery has also been extended to the 100% export oriented industies out side the EPZ.
But what isn't obvious is that import precedence is stronger than priority selection.
One idea propounded is the removal of import tariffs on goods produced in poor countries.
Sweden did not want to import computers with halogenated flame retardants.
Jobs import their inbox sandbox from the Resource Broker, and export their output sandbox, using the globus-url-copy command.
An example of this might be the introduction of ISA through the import of live smolts from Norway.
For added sparkle, import graphics from the clip art library to add visual spice to your design.
Under these Special Directions, every time a licensed clinic wishes to import sperm into the UK, they must apply to the HFEA.
The casks are made with our own staves, which we import from the US and naturally air dry for two years.
Harry Studholme reminded the Board that the issues were not just about import substitution, they were to do with sustainability generally.
You can even import any existing preset banks from the original synthesizers in a format called SysEx sound data.
Smuggled, low price counterfeit goods also mean significant loss of revenue for countries with import tariffs.
The IAEA in March 2003 had not received any evidence about Iraqi attempts to import uranium.
I require to know if you sell ps2 games and if so, can you quote the vat and import duties.. .
Sandling import loads of quality gear and supply both through their own retail venture and also wholesale to other suppliers.
Of the import trade Hong-Kong supplied 86%, and of the export trade 70%, Cochin-China, Tongking and Annam claiming the remainder.
The trade is chiefly confined to the shipping of grain, fish, coal, malt and timber, with some cattle and wool, and to the import of coal and tar, but of late years it has declined, despite excellent wharf accommodation and a considerable depth of water (12-15 ft.).
Boston is the second import port of the United States, but its exports in 1907 were less than those of Philadelphia, of Galveston, or of New Orleans.
An attempt to recapture the city in 1149 was defeated by the heroism of the women, who were thenceforth empowered by the count to wear the red sash of the Order of La Hacha (The Axe), to import their clothes free of duty, and to precede their bridegrooms at weddings.
The native industries in silk, cotton and wool have been almost entirely destroyed by the import trade from Europe.
There are thirteen ports of export and import, but 75% of the total business is done at Tamsui.
An important trade is carried on in the export of coal, ships, machinery, iron and other metallic ores, woollens and cottons, and in the import of timber, sugar, iron and copper ores, and eggs.
The uninitiated cannot perceive them; but they are plainly revealed to the A ntiquity spiritually minded, who discern the profound import of this theosophy beneath the surface of the letters and words of Holy Writ.
They export US$13 billion more food than they import.
In the Tuna-Dolphin dispute, the US had imposed import bans on tuna caught by the use of dolphin setting with purse seine nets.
Customs Allowance Passengers over 18 may import, duty-free, 200 cigarettes or 250 g tobacco articles; 1 quart of wine or spirits.
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You may want to reissue the namespace import command to pick up new commands that have appeared in a namespace.
The best example is a shop for rewinding electric motors, which saves Uganda Railways from having to import new.
If the secession of the slave states was truly immoral, than of what possible import was the legal right?
That mystery which surrounds the word in the natural world shrouds only too completely its spiritual import.
That is what it means to have an inspired Scripture and this is the import of the sola scriptura principle for doctrine.
For the first time, sugar beet farmers in eastern England were presented with the prospect of reform of the EU import regime.
For example, we were recently the first to import organic tamarind paste for the manufacture of organic Worcester Sauce.
Customizing the para template (or import precedence lesson) 32.
Please see the reply that I have given TODAY to KAVITHA in the thread entitled " GARMENT IMPORT TO THE US ".
I require to know if you sell ps2 games and if so, can you quote the vat and import duties...
Motivation Wallboard systems can provide further motivation for agents by being able to import and display information from sources other than the ACD system.
However, the award of import and export contracts - both legal and illegal - has yielded some dividends at crucial times.
Department stores such as Nordstrom and Bloomingdales will often import designer nursing bras in a wide range of styles, ensuring that the latest nursing bra trend will at some point end up on their racks.
Whatever the case, it is illegal to import Cuban cigars into the United States or to buy them from someone who has done so.
While you are searching online, if there is a country that doesn't import iPods, but they are offering too-good-to-be-true prices, they are probably fakes.
Globally, you want to watch the import and export numbers to find consumer buying trends.
If you want to put on an expensive professional show, you can choose their "import fireworks" option, which costs approximately $30,000 and allows you to purchase fireworks at their lowest possible prices.
They must also import cats from outside catteries to expand their breeding lines.
These fabrics are more expensive than their Chinese import counterparts, but the higher quality will ensure that your outdoor cushion lasts much much longer.
Although the Federal Drug Administration has allowed these hormones to be used in the meat industry, it is interesting to note that several countries have outlawed the import of meats that come from cows treated with growth hormones.
She and her husband, Raj, created an import business in Brazil exporting goods from India.
In 1980, it became the first company to import Henna from India.
Bloomingdale's has the distinction of being the first American company to import Fendi's products, but soon other companies followed suit.
Save the character, and then import another one of the same character.
Then load the first saved game and import your character from the other one.
Set in the town of Huntington, Little Shop of Treasures begins when you decide to go into business for yourself and purchase a building to start up an import shore.
That said, if you're already a veteran of the import hit Osu!
Nintendo owners can get DDR Mario Mix for the GameCube (25 songs that include remixes of classic Nintendo themes), and if you have a Japanese Game Boy Color (or newer), you can import 5 different Game Boy games for your fingers.
Even the Sega Dreamcast has a version of DDR, but you have to import it from Japan and the Dreamcast dance pads are a pain to find if you don't have the PlayStation to Dreamcast adapter.
To offer a more unified experience for gamers, the developers have also opened up the ability to import tracks from other related games into Guitar Hero 5.
This import feature comes at a small fee, roughly equivalent to $0.10 per track.
At the time of release, a total of 35 World Tour songs and 21 Smash Hits were available for import.
Guitar Hero Explorer (Ghex) is a program you can use to import songs that can be custom coded with note charts to coincide with the Guitar Hero game.
One of the least known but most enjoyed import titles from Japan for the Nintendo DS is Osu!
In Superstar Mode, you either import a created player from another EA Sports football title, or create him from scratch by choosing his parents.
When Need for Speed Underground hit shelves in November 2003, it shifted the franchise from Ferrari supercars to the tricked-out import scene.
Chance are that there is a themed DS Lite available for it, though you may have to import most of these special Nintendo DS Lite colors.
If you are into importing games, and a huge fan of Devil May Cry 4, then you may want to import a special package from Japan.
If your lands do not provide enough resources, you can always import them from other regions (at a cost of course).
It has been years since a new game was released for the Nintendo 64, but that doesn't mean you can't enjoy the console, its games and strange import games for free.
With these mod chips, gamers can enjoy import games as well as homebrew applications.
Before you jump into the world of import video games, however, there are several issues that you may need to consider.
Secondly, you should think about how "import friendly" any given game may be.
In addition to this, you must personally consider shipping costs, as well as possible duties, fees, and import taxes.
While they may be difficult to find say, at your neighborhood import store or fancy interior design store, they are available at plenty of places on the Internet.
Decorating in this style can be easily accomplished with items found in local retail and import stores.
Depending on where you are, there is a good chance that you can find a local importer who is able to import iPhones purchased from the United States or Europe.
You may be able to import a Telus phone, but you should check with your local Koodo representative for more information.
Some Windows Mobile 6.1 users have a program called MP3 Trimmer that lets you import a full MP3 song and block off a section of the song that you can save to the ringtone folder or automatically set as the main ringtone.
For a personal dish, serve each of your guests their own small shrimp cocktail in tiny specialty glasses, which you can find at your local bar supply shop or import store.
Amazon also stocks import versions of the CD.
They import merchandise from a large number of manufacturers and importers.
Import Tuner magazine also listed them as the "Top 25 Hottest Girls of all Time", which also included Tila Tequila.
Since Ramsay's other reality show, Hell's Kitchen (also a British import), was doing well in the ratings, FOX decided that a double dose of the chef would likely appeal to fans.
This British import TV series redefined television in 1967.
Some online chat rooms allow users to import their own avatars.
Later, the ability to import blogs from other blogging platforms was also added.
Most include basic features such as the ability to import current bookmarks, interface enhancements such as CSS and Ajax, and generate RSS feeds.
Find the link to the RSS feed of the blog you want to import.
You need to import financial data from sources other than Quicken, QuickBooks or Microsoft Money.
Unlike other sites that use templates, you can use a "canvas" to draw your design on, or import from Photoshop.
Basically, the program works like a word processor where you input your text, import pictures and insert other dynamics without knowing any programming techniques.
You can download the code in a file that you can import into a program or you can copy and paste it directly into the program you use.
As illustrated on the W3C Schools site, once you know how to make a stylesheet you can import as many as you like into a document, and make the power of CSS work for you.
Although Leo did not fully comprehend the import of the movement, he directed (3rd February 1518) the vicar-general of the Augustinians to impose silence on the monks.
The average value of the principal articles of import and export (special trade) over quinquennial periods following 1890 is shown in the two tables below.
The chief articles of import are apparel and textiles, machinery and hardware, stimulants, narcotics, explosives, bags and sacks, books and paper, oils and tea.
It would be impracticable to go fully into the varieties of each specific form; but, partly as an example of modern geographical classification, partly because of the exceptional import of ance of mountains amongst the features of the land, one exception may be made.
Peter had endeavoured to import from western Europe the essentials of good government and such of the useful arts as were required for the development of the natural resources of the country; Catherine did likewise, but she did not restrict herself to purely utilitarian aims in the narrower sense of the term.
In the same year it was decreed that the Jews should pay " a special tax of 40,000 florins for the right to import their citrons for the feast of booths."
The import trade reaches nothing like the same value, and what there is is confined almost entirely to Batum.
It is equally true that, when under the influence of special local or other demand - proximity to towns, easy railway or other communication, for example - the products which would otherwise be retained on the farm are exported from it, the import of town or other manures is generally an essential condition of such practice.
In 1770 most of the merchants agreed not to import goods from England and transferred their trade with New York City, where Loyalist influence was strong, to Boston and Philadelphia.
The culture developed in the West during the 13th century was not only permitted to develop by the protection of the Crusades, it grew upon materials which the Crusades enabled it to import from the East.
In 1905 financial resources had to be found for the special administration of the three European vilayets as insisted upon by the powers, and to this end the Porte initiated negotiations with the latter to increase the import duties by 3%.
Since then the import duties have been collected at the rate of 11% ad valorem under the supervision of the Public Debt Administration, the bondholders having certain rights, under the decree of Muharem, described below, over any increase of revenue arising from modification of the commercial treaties.
What Cardiff lacks is a corresponding import trade, for its imports in 1906 amounted to only 2,108,133 tons, of which the chief items were iron ore (8 9 5,610 tons), pit-wood (303,407), grain and flour (298,197).
Of the total importations of all kinds of coal to Hamburg, that of British coal, particularly from Northumberland and Durham, occupies the first place, and despite some falling off in late years, owing to the competition made by Westphalian coal, amounts to more than half the total import.
The falls can only be approached from below, where a monastery has been erected, the resort of countless pilgrims. Their height is estimated at 70 ft., and by Tibetan report the hills around are enveloped in perpetual mist, and the Sangdong (the " lion's face "), over which the waters rush, is demon-haunted and full of mystic import.
The alake exercises little authority apart from his council, the form of government being largely democratic. Revenue is chiefly derived from tolls or import duties.
The import trade consists of timber, maize, paper, crockery, sugar, tobacco, kerosene oil, &c. Gold has been found in the territory, and silver, tin, lead and iron are said to exist.
In 1586 sugar is mentioned as an import, and in 1646 deal boards were brought here from Hamburg.
Formerly import duties were payable in currency, but in 1899 it was decided to collect 10% of them in gold to provide the government with specie for its foreign remittances.
Two funds were created for the redemption and guarantee of paper issues, the latter receiving 5% of the import duties payable in gold.
The chief exports, not all products of the province, are coal, wool, mohair, hides and skins, wattle bark, tea, sugar, fruits and jams. The import trade is of a most varied character, and a large proportion of the goods brought into the country are in transit to the Transvaal and Orange Free State, Natal affording, next to Delagoa Bay, the shortest route to the Rand.
Meantime it was agreed by the Cape, Transvaal and Natai governments that, subject to Natal entering the Union, its share of the Rand import trade should be 25% before and 30% after the establishment of the Union.
As aids to the study of logic, the doctors of this period, beside the commentaries and treatises of Boetius (q.v.), possessed two tracts attributed to St Augustine, the first of which, Principia dialecticae, is probably his, but is mainly grammatical in its import.
That it was used also in official documents and ordinances is shown by copies of formularies of oaths, the import of which proves beyond a doubt that the originals belonged 1301- to the reigns of Louis I.
Finally, to enable them to work their mines to their full capacity, the Rand houses asked for leave to import Chinese labourers.'
Simultaneously with the issue of this patent the use of wood for melting glass was prohibited, and it was made illegal to import glass from abroad.
A considerable part of the trade, export and import, was in transit, chiefly with French Congo, which had no direct communication with the sea except through Belgian Congo.
Opinions differ as to the true import of these glosses; some scholars hold that the Salic Law was originally written in the Frankish vernacular, and that these words are remnants of the ancient text, while others regard them as legal formulae such as would be used either by a plaintiff in introducing a suit, or by the judge to denote the exact composition to be pronounced.
Herein also lay, probably, the true import of the baptism which he administered to those who accepted his message and confessed their sins.
The seventh article provided that bountied sugars (sucres primes) must be excluded from import into the territories of the signatory powers, by absolute prohibition of entry or by levying thereon a special duty in excess of the amount of the bounties, from which duty sugars coming from the contracting countries, and not bountyfed, must be free.
Licht of Magdeburg; and the prices are obtained from statements supplied by importers into the United States of the cost in foreign countries of the sugars which they import.
The whole of the sugar produced in India is consumed in the country and sugar is imported, the bulk of it being cane sugar coming from Mauritius and Java, and about 85% of the import is of high quality resembling refined sugar.
Hodeda is the only port of any import ance since the days of steamships began; the other ports, Mokha, aohaia and Kanfuda merely share in the coasting trade.
The public revenues are derived from customs, taxes, various inland and consumption taxes, state monopolies, the government wharves, posts and telegraphs, &c. The customs taxes include import and export duties, surcharges, harbour dues, warehouse charges, &c.; the inland taxes comprise consumption taxes on alcohol, tobacco, sugar and matches, stamps and stamped paper, capital and mining properties, licences, transfers of property, &c.; and the state monopolies cover opium and salt.
Both interpretations, " He (who) is (always the same)," and " He (who) is (absolutely, the truly existent)," import into the name all that they profess to find in it; the one, the religious faith in God's unchanging fidelity to his people, the other, a philosophical conception of absolute being which is foreign both to the meaning of the Hebrew verb and to the force of the tense employed.
He wrote Addresses on the Kingdom of God (1827), History of the Alton Riots (1837), Statement of Anti-Slavery Principles (1837), Baptism, its Import and Modes (1850), The Conflict of Ages (1853), The Papal Conspiracy Exposed (1855), The Concord of Ages (1860), and History of Opinions on the Scriptural Doctrine of Future Retribution(1 878).
It possesses excellent wharves, does a large import trade in coal, and has shipbuilding yards, breweries, distilleries, cloth aid paper factories, glass-works, copper-works, soap-works and rice mills.
Agriculture, fisheries and import and export trade furnish the chief means of subsistence.
In 1901-1902 the value of the import and export trade with British India amounted only to £57,000.
It will be sufficient here to point out in general terms the import of the message of archaeological discovery in the Victorian Era in its bearings upon the great problems of world-history.
There were numerous sceptics, however, who did not hesitate to assert that the import of the message so obviously locked in these curious inscriptions must for ever remain an absolute mystery.
Special encouragement was given to merchants to import articles of food.
At the Cape, in spite of a long endeavour to prohibit the import of the phylloxera, it appeared about 1884.
She was naturally incapable of seeing the full import of the Revolution, and merely temporised with Mirabeau.
Besides coffee there is a large trade in durra, the kat plant (used by the Mahommedans as a drug), ghee, cattle, mules and camels, skins and hides, ivory and gums. The import trade is largely in cotton goods, but every kind of merchandise is included.
Inside and out, the whole of the temple is covered with scenes and inscriptions in crowded characters, of ceremonial and religious import; the decoration is even carried into a remarkable series of hidden passages and chambers or crypts made in the solid walls for the reception of its most valuable treasures.
More than half the entire trade, both export and import, is with Zanzibar.
The principles of interpretation on which he proceeded were, to import nothing into Scripture, but to draw out of it everything that it really contained, in conformity with grammaticohistorical rules; not to be hampered by dogmatical considerations; and not to be influenced by the symbolical books.
In the import trade Cape Town is closely rivalled by Port Elizabeth, but its export trade, which includes diamonds and bar gold, is fully 70% of that of the entire colony.
Necessaries had been delayed in the attempt to import steamers from the coast before the railway was made.
It had a large import and export trade, and in the 13th century was the second wine port in England.
William Kieft was appointed director-general late in 1637, and in 1638 the Company abandoned its monopoly of trade in New Netherland and gave notice that all inhabitants of the United Provinces, and of friendly countries, might trade there subject to an import duty of io %, an export duty of 15%, and to the requirement that the goods should be carried in the Company's ships.
Yet it was at this moment that a political financier, Sir Julius Vogel, at that moment colonial treasurer in the ministry of Sir William Fox, audaciously proposed that the central government should borrow ten millions, make roads and railways, buy land from the natives and import British immigrants.
In the 18th century it ranked next to Leith as a port, but the growth of Grangemouth, higher up the firth, seriously affected its shipping trade, which is, however, yet considerable, coal and pig-iron forming the principal exports, and pit props from the Baltic the leading import.
The city has a large import and export trade for an immense region watered by the Maranon, Huallaga, Ucayali and other large Amazonian rivers navigated from Iquitos by lines of small boats.
Apart from a growing import trade in coal and machinery, its commerce has declined; but it is among the first twelve manufacturing places in Sweden, having large mechanical workshops.
The last-named place, though the centre of the iron-manufacture of Saxony, has to import every pound of iron by railway.
This factor was the rupture of communications with foreign countries, due in the earlier stages of the war to the limitation, and at one time the prohibition, of exports by neutral countries, the passing over of some of these countries to the enemy, and lastly the blockade by the enemy Powers, which increased in efficiency and made it more and more difficult to import the most essential commodities, until in the end it was almost impossible to obtain from abroad anything, needed either for the soldiers or the civilians.
These boards were now given the monopoly of the right to import certain wares (sometimes private buyers were allowed to purchase, but only on condition of selling the goods imported to the board); they were also entrusted with the reception of the instalments of raw materials already mentioned as released from bond in Germany.
At first this organization acted as agent of the newlyestablished approvisionment departments; it was only later that it received the monopoly of the right to import certain articles, the Government at the same time placing at its disposal certain wares with which to pay for them.
The revenue of Penang, that is to say, not only of the island but of the entire settlement, amounted in 1906 to $6,031,917, of which $2,014,033 was derived from the revenue farms for the collection of import duties on opium, wine and spirits; $160,047 from postal revenue; $119,585 from land revenue; $129,151 from stamps.
In the year, however, of the Crimes Act 1887, an event took place which was of more intimate personal concern to the queen, and of more attractive import to the country and the empire at large.
Though his sentences themselves are not wordy, he is extremely diffuse in treatment, habitually repeating an idea in successive sentences of much the same import.
In 1863 Fransen van de Putte, minister for the colonies, introduced the first of the annual colonial budgets for which the Regulations had provided, thus enabling the statesgeneral to control the revenue and expenditure of Netherlands India; in 1865 he reduced and in 1872 abolished the differentiation of customs dues in favour of goods imported from Holland, substituting a uniform import duty of 6% and establishing a number of free ports throughout the archipelago.
The import duty was considered so moderate that an increase required for revenue purposes was readily conceded in 1886.
It is less favourably placed in respect of the iron and textile industries, having to rely to a large extent upon the import of raw materials from abroad.
The first of them, in 1842, was signalized by the introduction of the Income Tax as a means of raising revenue to replace that lost by the diminished import duties.
A very few articles (spirits, beer, wine, tobacco, tea, coffee, cocoa) yield practically all of the customs revenue, and, so far as these articles are produced within the country, they are subject to an excise duty, an internal tax precisely equal to the import duty.
The import duties were correspondingly raised, partly by way of off-set to the internal taxes, partly as a means of getting additional revenue, and finally in some degree because of a disposition to protect domestic industries.
The main features of the tariff history of the United States since the Civil War have been that the internal taxes have been almost entirely swept away, the import duties on purely revenue articles similarly abolished, while those import duties that operated to protect domestic industries have been maintained, and indeed in many cases increased.
Thus one statute permitted the szlachta henceforth to export and import goods duty free, to the great detriment of the towns and the treasury.
The import of wool exceeds the export.
He was the first tsar to import foreign teachers on a great scale, the first to send young Russians abroad to be educated, the first to allow Lutheran churches to be built in Russia.
Import and export duties are levied, the former in many cases for the protection of national industries.
The national revenues are derived from import and export duties, port dues and other taxes levied on foreign commerce; from excise and stamp taxes and other charges upon internal business transactions; from direct taxes levied in the federal district and national territories, covering a land tax in rural districts, a house tax in the city, commercial and professional licences, water rates, and sundry taxes on bread, pulque, vehicles, saloons, theatres, &c.; from probate dues and registry fees; from a surcharge on all taxes levied by the states, called the " federal contribution," which is paid in federal revenue stamps; from post and telegraph receipts; and from some minor sources of income.
Of the former 46,500,000 pesos are credited to import duties, 31,930,000 pesos to stamps, excise taxes, &c., 10,930,000 pesos to direct taxes, and the balance to various sources.
At whatever date the Americans began to people America, they must have had time to import or develop the numerous families of languages actually found there, in none of which has community of origin been satisfactorily proved with any other language-group at home or abroad.
In brief, under President Diaz's rule the history of Mexico is mainly economic. In the six financial years1893-1894to1899-1900inclusive the yield of the import duties increased by upwards of 80%; the revenue from ogressic stamps over 60%, though the duties were reduced; the postal revenue from1895-1896to1899-1900rose 60%; the telegraph revenue over 75%.
The treasury was filled out of the proceeds of the landed possessions of the community, especially such fruitful sources of revenue as mines and quarries, and out of import and export duties.
This presentation of it as an ethical system of universal import was the joint work of Paul and Marcion.
The industrial activities of Rio Janeiro have been largely increased since the organization of the republic through increased import duties on foreign products.
The chief articles of import are cotton goods (European white longcloth and American grey shirting), rice and jowari, flour, dates, sugar and tobacco (the last from Rotterdam).
From 1850 onwards French cultivators were compelled, in order to keep up their silk supply, to import graine from uninfected districts.
In 1867 the import of raw material amounted to 491,983 lb.
On October 1st Mr Balfour spoke at Sheffield, reiterating his views as to free-trade and retaliation, insisting that he "intended to lead," and declaring that he was prepared at all events to reverse the traditional fiscal policy by doing away with the axiom that import duties should only be levied for revenue purposes.
But as Dhammapala confines himself rigidly either to questions of the meaning of words, or to discussions of the ethical import of his texts, very little can be gathered from his writings of value for the social history of his time.
Tzibos took advantage of the extreme poverty of the Lazi to create a Roman monopoly by which he became a middleman for all the trade both export and import.
This production permits a considerable export of coal to the west and south of the empire, but the distance from the coal-fields to the German coast is such that the import of British coal cannot yet be dispensed with (1905, over 7,000,000 tons).
The suras are very edifying for one who is already reconciled to their import, but to us at least they do not seem very well fitted to carry conviction to the minds of unbelievers.
When the Philippines were discovered by the Spaniards it was the only cultivated crop of importance, and until the 19th century it was the chief article of export, but as the culture of the more profitable crops of hemp, sugar and coco-nuts was extended it became an article of import.
The principal articles of import are shirtings, drills, jeans and twills, opium, woollens, steel, lead, needles, J apanese sea-weed and sugar; and of export, wool, skins, beans and pease, straw braid, coal, dates, tobacco and rhubarb.
In 1781 he favoured an amendment 'of the Articles of Confederation giving Congress power to enforce its requisitions, and in 1783, in spite of the open opposition of the Virginia legislature, which considered the Virginian delegates wholly subject to its instructions, he advocated that the states should grant to Congress for twenty-five years authority to levy an import duty, and suggested a scheme to provide for the interest on the debt not raised by the import duty - apportioning it among the states on the basis of population, counting three-fifths of the slaves, a ratio suggested by Madison himself.
Stockholm is the first port in Sweden for import trade, but as regards exports ranks about level with Malmo and is exceeded by Gothenburg.
It may be added that the maximal import figures for France within the period are those of 1906 (£53,871,661), for Germany those of 1909, and for the United States those of 1901 (£141,015,465).
In England it was greeted with immense popular enthusiasm, and the government, without realizing the full import of the step it was taking, sent an expedition to the Peninsula.
The value of the export and import trade of the whole valley in 1850 was but £500,000.
Revenue was almost entirely derived from import and export duties.
Tarmac aggregate operate on a 5 hectare site dedicated to the import of marine dredged aggregate.
To encourage export of package tea duty drawback at that rates on FOB value will be provided on import of packing materials.
Reluctantly he agreed, with the assent of the home government, to the proposal of the mineowners to import Chinese coolies on a three years' contract, the first batch of Chinese reaching the Rand in June 1904.
In the year1910-1911the import duties were estimated to produce £T3,980,395, the transit duties £T20,276, and the export duties (1% ad valorem, which it was hoped the government might soon afford to abolish) £T168,993 - total customs revenue, £T4,217,752.
The treatise of Porphyry deals with the notions of genus, species, difference, property and accident (see Predicables); and he mentions, but declines to discuss, the various theories that have been held as to the ontological import of genera and species.
Notation of Multiples.-The above is arithmetic. The only thing which it is necessary to import from algebra is the notation by which we write 2X instead of 2 X X or 2.
Thus it appeared in Austria-Hungary in 1868; in Italy, in spite of the frantic efforts made - as in other countries - to keep it out by strict legislation against the import of vines, in 1879; in Russia in 1880; in Germany, on the Rhine and Moselle, and in Switzerland in 1872; in Madeira, Spain and Portugal, about 1876.
Other favours include exemption from taxation and exemption from import duties on machinery and raw materials.
Her total foreign trade (import and export) was in 1906 over £100,000,000.
Shipbuilding is carried on at Las Palmas; and the minor industries include the manufacture of cloth, drawn-linen (calado) work, silk, baskets, hats, &c. A group of Indian merchants, who employ coolie labour, produce silken, jute and cotton goods, Oriental embroideries, wrought silver, brass-ware, porcelain, carved sandal-wood, &c. The United Kingdom heads the import trade in coal, textiles, hardware, iron, soap, candles and colonial products.
Nominally, the import duties are moderate, so much so that Bolivia is sometimes called a " free-trade country," but this is a misnomer, for in addition to the schedule rates of io to 40% ad valorem on imports, there are a consular fee of i-% for the registration of invoices exceeding 200 bolivianos, a consumption tax of 10 centavos per quintal (46 kilogrammes), fees for viseing certificates to accompany merchandise in transit, special " octroi " taxes on certain kinds of merchandise controlled by monopolies (spirits, tobacco, &c.), and the import and consumption taxes levied by the departments and municipalities.
They will provide technical standards which must be adhered to, and the initial cost of incorporating power import and export metering can run high.
Soy candles are natural, whereas paraffin is made from petroleum, which is an import for the United States.
The early Spaniard colonists tried fermenting agave sap and created a new beverage, tequila, when they couldn't import European liquor fast enough to meet demand.
Picture It gives you the option to import from a camera or scanner.
When you import, you have the ability to make common editing changes to all or some of the photos at once.
The program allows users to import, process, manage, and display their pictures.
Whatever program you use (and you can really use almost any program, including Microsoft Word, but it won't make for fancy pages), to get started you open a document and import your picture or pictures that you want to use on the page.
The company began operations in the early 1900s as the first North American business to import exotic papers from Asia and Europe.
This kit allows users to import photos, graphics, and other scrap embellishments to create truly unique invites.
However, as enforcement agencies crack down on the import, smugglers have had to get more creative.
If you're looking to buy this one, take note that it is an import disc, so it will cost you a few more dollars.
Although such devotion is certainly flattering, it's import that your friend begins to discourage her dog's overly protective behavior now before the baby arrives.
I have never dealt with them, but they should be able to advise you about plants suitable for your area as well as import regulations.
Import stores - offered in unisex sizing.
Features include being able to import information from GEDCOM or FamilyScript format, save information in its database, add photos and share everything privately by inviting family members or friends to take a look.
Customs and Border Protection is also charged wtih protecting the property of American businesses, by keeping intellectual property safe, enforcing trade laws, taking up import duties, and assisting in international trade.
Starting as an import mail-order company in 1982, the Internet has since boosted Cannon's merchandise visibility and sales to a level far beyond what she could have originally dreamed.
Some of the game templates are not that large, but what you can do is import them into an image editing program like Adobe Photoshop or Corel Draw.
Type in or import email addresses of the card's recipients.
Santa Claus does make an appearance in South Korea, as he is another Western import.
Import stores, estate sales, and dollar stores are also good sources for angel ornaments that are different from the usual traditional choices.
If you want to fill your tree with inexpensive but attractive angel ornaments, check out online import shops that carry several styles of ornaments at great prices every year.
You can often find beaded Christmas ornaments in import shops, such as Cost Plus, or even thrift shops.
Complete with spellchecking and the ability to import Word and HTML formats, RoughDraft is both powerful and easy to use.
Data import - If you plan to import data from Microsoft Excel or Outlook, you will need these programs installed as well.
Following in Hayek's footsteps, Jennifer Lopez announced early in 2009 that she was seeking to import Rebelde Way, a teen focused telenovela from Argentina that spotlights the trials and tribulations of a teen pop band.
Fill out, or import, your distribution list as desired.
The premium version allows multiple users to import data from excel, and also has built-in financial tracking capabilities.
It includes several free templates and includes an option to import others.
Choose the one you'd want to keep based on how easy it is for you to use as well as the features it has like backgrounds and images or at least the ability to import them.
This version also allows you to import data from spreadsheet programs, track inventory and have multiple users work on your bookkeeping at the same time.
You'll also find cartoons of many kinds, import vehicle decals, 4X4 stickers, and custom decals like paint splatters.
Exceptions were made permitting the states to grant bounties on mining and (with the consent of the parliament) on exports of produce or manufactures - Western Australia being for a time partially exempted from the prohibition to impose import duties.
A few old Turkish houses, built of plaster, with red-tiled roofs, are left among the ill-paved and insanitary districts bordering upon the rivers, but as the royal residence, the seat of government, and the centre of the import trade, Belgrade was, after 1869, III.
High import duties are imposed by the national government and export duties by the states.
Write letters requesting that these companies import clothing from eco-safe manufacturers.
The import trade shows the largest totals in foodstuffs, wines and liquors, textiles and raw materials for their manufacture, wood and its manufactures, iron and its manufactures, paper and cardboard, glass and ceramic wares.
At a subsequent period the demand for instruction in the sacrificial science called into existence a still more practical set of manuals, the so-called Kalpa-sutras, or ceremonial rules, detailing, in succinct aphorisms, the approved course of sacrificial procedure, without reference to the supposed origin or import of the several rites.
The import of the manufactured product from 1875 to 1900 increased at a much greater ratio than that of the raw grain, for whilst in 1875 the former represented less than one-ninth of the total, by 1900 the proportion had risen to nearly one-fourth.
There is further an import trade amounting to between two and three-quarters and three millions sterling annually with Manchuria, to over one million sterling with the United States, and to a quarter to half a million sterling with Japan.
Order wine by the glass or bottle, or enjoy a micro-brew or an import beer.
Bryan Edwards estimated the total import into all the British colonies of America and the West Indies from 1680 to 1786 at 2,130,000, being an annual average of 20,095.
A portorium - apparently one-eighth for eunuchs, onefortieth for others - was paid on their import or expori, and a duty of 2 or 4% on their sale.
Negotiations were undertaken to increase the customs import duties by a further additional 4%.
Delfzyl, which was formerly an important fortress for the protection of the ancient sluices on the little river Delf (hence its name), has greatly benefited by the construction of the Ems (Eems) shipcanal connecting it with Groningen, and has a good harbour with a considerable import trade in wood.
Important monopolies in the 18th maritime- century, and prohibitive import duties, as well as large tares and money bounties, in the 19th, contributed towards the pe t t y - In accumulation of immense private fortunes, but manu- pastries.
The leading articles of export are sugar, tobacco and fruit products; of import, textiles, foodstuffs, lumber and wood products, and machinery.
The import trade is chiefly with Great Britain and India, the articles in chief demand being cotton, coloured shawls and hardware.
His anxiety was increased by news of sinister import respecting frequent interviews between those former rivals, Talleyrand and Fouche, in which Murat was said to be concerned.