Implausible Sentence Examples
However for some reason, the more implausible a character, the more accepted it is in the soap opera world.
Actually there are quite a few things I found very implausible.
Instead, young readers are fed a relentless diet of self-evident, unproved, implausible, and in some cases manifestly false propositions.
You do not need a PhD in airport economics to find this forecast wildly implausible.
It would be wholly implausible to expect cooperation with such an unchecked range of powers.
Private sector provision of Internet access for all looks increasingly implausible even in affluent countries.
There are very few in the public limelight willing to contradict the implausible notion of a house price plateau.
I guess I was worried the truth might sound a bit pretentious, silly, or implausible.
No Prior Collapse Induced by Fire The official theory is rendered implausible by two major problems.
However, the consequences of an aging population make such cuts implausible.
AdvertisementOne feels one has wondered into implausible plot after implausible plot at every turn!
If these aren't implausible enough you can add belief in miracles or the literal transubstantiation of wine into blood.
If these are n't implausible enough you can add belief in miracles or the literal transubstantiation of wine into blood.
What cannot be denied is that they have carried forward the debate beyond the implausible alternatives to liberalism offered by 1980s communitarian thinkers.
In any case, the notion of a pitched battle in mountainous terrain seems inherently implausible.
AdvertisementFor the scientific reductionist, it is utterly implausible that a Rolls Royce should give birth to a Mini.
The latest " evidence " about George is equally implausible.
His own claim, that he has become a genius with no effort or enthusiasm at all is totally implausible.
The old explanations seem either implausible, or they explain only a fraction of cases.
The claim of mass rape sounded just too implausible to the Newsroom to be included in the program.
AdvertisementHis nice-guy persona never gels with his actions and so the film becomes implausible.