Impetuous Sentence Examples
In the past, impetuous young men would drop out of college and run off to join the army.
He had by nature what he himself called a " vulnerable temper and impetuous moods."
They're very scattered, very impetuous, very spontaneous.
Barred by reefs, and full of rapids and impetuous currents, it cannot become a commercial avenue.
Tacking and jibbing, we wrestled with opposing winds that drove us from side to side with impetuous fury.
His style is impetuous, rich, torrential at times; his thought is practical and imaginative rather than deeply philosophical.
If things didn't ' come right ' instantly, I was too impetuous, too lazy maybe, to stick with them.
His rush was so impetuous, that he fairly overturned several of his opponents by dashing against them.
He was impetuous, intense and often vehement, unflinchingly courageous, devoted with his whole soul to the cause he had espoused; but his vanity, his pride of opinion and his inborn contentiousness were serious handicaps to him in his political career.
Nevertheless, whatever his chief motive may have been, whether to displace Oxford as leader of the party, to strengthen his position and that of the faction in order to dictate terms to the future king, or to reinstate James, Bolingbroke, yielding to his more impetuous and adventurous disposition, went much further 1 Berwick's Mem.
AdvertisementHe is naturally influenced to some extent in what he says by his poor opinion of Bethmann Hollweg's capacities and by his own thorough knowledge of the Emperor's fickle and impetuous character.
Regular river navigation begins only at Abrantes, a few miles below which the Tagus is greatly widened by receiving on its right bank the impetuous Zezere from the Serra da Estrella.
With impetuous zeal he urged his views on his countrymen, and though he took no active part in the revolution of 1868, the effect of his opinions exercised no slight weight in the struggle.
Schelling was prematurely thrust into the position of a foremost productive thinker; and when the lengthened period of quiet meditation was at last forced upon him there unfortunately lay before him a system which achieved what had dimly been involved in his ardent and impetuous desires.
He subsequently rides other horses, each with some peculiarity perhaps, and, to keep his place in the string, a sluggard must be kept going, and an impetuous one restrained; they cannot both be ridden alike, but they must both be ridden as a jockey should ride them.
AdvertisementEssex warmly espoused Bacon's cause and earnestly pressed his claims upon the queen; but his impetuous, pettish pleading tended to retard the cause.
Mme de Maintenon was a born teacher; she had so won the hearts of her first pupils that they preferred her to their own mother, and was similarly successful later with the young and impetuous duchess of Burgundy, and she had always wished to establish a home for poor girls of good family placed in such straits as she herself had experienced.
Figures slim, muscular and bony, action impetuous but of arrested energy, tawny landscape, gritty with littering pebbles, mark the athletic hauteur of his style.
Never throughout the middle ages was pope more energetic, impetuous or uncompromising.
The majority of them change their courses very often, and vary greatly in volume; frequently they are impetuous torrents, forming numerous waterfalls.
AdvertisementIf you knew me as a bright and somewhat impetuous youth, and could meet me now, you would see the same entity.
Perhaps tends to be a little impetuous, but experience will cure this.
This river, the ancient Alutas, is at first an impetuous mountain torrent, as are also all its chief tributaries - the Zunzha on the right, and the Ardon, Urukh, Cherek, Urvan, Chegem, Baksan and Malka on the left.
The head (or right wing) and centre were not closely engaged, and their fleeter opponents had time to ride off, but the rear of the column carried all before it in its impetuous onset, and cut down the Saracens in great numbers.
Bauer was a man of restless, impetuous activity and independent, if ill-balanced, judgment, one who, as he himself perceived, was more in place as a free-lance of criticism than as an official teacher.
AdvertisementHe went, attended by a numerous crowd of people, whose impetuous zeal so overawed the ministers of Valentinian that he was permitted to retire without making the surrender of the churches.
The tariff reform movement itself was now, however, outside the purely official programme, and Mr Chamberlain (backed by a majority of the Unionist members) threw himself with impetuous ardour into a crusade on its behalf, while at the same time supporting Mr Balfour in parliament, and leaving it to him to decide as to the policy of going to the country when the time should be ripe.
Rama, perhaps too perfect to enlist all our sympathies; his impetuous and loving brother Lakshman; the tender, constant Bharat; Sita, the ideal of an Indian wife and mother; Ravan, destined to failure, and fighting with all his demon force against his destiny - the Satan of the epic - all these are characters as lifelike and distinct as any in occidental literature."
He is there characterized as ardent and impetuous in character and style.
The received a great impetus from the enthusiasm of the great Amerieastern part of the North Atlantic has been the scene of many can oceanographer Captain Matthew Fontaine Maury, U.S.N., expeditions, often purely biological in their purpose, amongst who directed the whole impetuous strength of his character to which there may be mentioned the cruises of the " Travailleur " the task of compelling the silent depths of the ocean to tell their and " Talisman " under Professor Milne-Edwards in 1880-1883, tale.
For nearly its entire length it is an impetuous torrent running through a succession of gorges.
His impetuous oratory, popular on the platform, was less adapted to the halls of legislation.
Entering parliament in 1861 as deputy of the extreme Left for Castelvetrano, Crispi acquired the reputation of being the most aggressive and most impetuous member of the republican party.
In the difficulty with which he expressed himself and in a certain indecision of character the king was curiously unlike his father, the frank and impetuous Henry of Navarre, and his absolute son Louis XIV.
Of the Suchiate and Hondo, which form part of Mexico's southern boundary, the first is a short, impetuous mountain torrent flowing into the Pacific, and the other a sluggish lowland stream rising in north-eastern Guatemala and flowing north-east through a heavily forested region to Chetumal Bay.
Henceforth he was bitterly but unjustly accused of want of patriotism, and in 1738 was compelled at last to retire before the impetuous onslaught of the triumphant young Hat party.
The quondam "'chaser" is, how ever, usually apt to be somewhat impetuous at his fences.
In 1580 the Jesuit mission to England was begun, and he accompanied Robert Parsons who, as superior, was intended to counterbalance Campion's fervour and impetuous zeal.
He was too sensitive and self-conscious to be altogether successful as a leader of men, and too impetuous to take part in public affairs; but he had many of the gifts that go to make a first-rate journalist, for, "with all his love for and his profound study of antiquity, there was something about him that was conspicuously modern."
Some of the Jews had married women of Ashdod, Ammon and Moab, and the impetuous governor indignantly adjured them to desist from a practice which was the historic cause of national sin.
He was recklessly impetuous in his temperament, coarse and grossly superstitious according to modern standards.
Impetuous and magnificent streams after heavy rain, they become in the summer mere rivulets, or even dry up altogether.
You were not right, not quite in the right, you were impetuous...
She turned away and was about to ask the countess again how to go to him, when light, impetuous, and seemingly buoyant steps were heard at the door.
The long and laborious study demanded by the sculptor 's profession subdued for a long time Sarrasine 's impetuous temperament and unruly genius.
But the more impetuous members of the aristocratic party climbed on to the roof, stripped off the tiles, and stoned Saturninus and many others to death.
The former are found over a wide range of country, extending into Bolivia and Argentina, and are noted for their impetuous pugnacity.
Vergniaud certainly was far superior to him in oratory, but Brissot was quick, eager, impetuous, and a man of wide knowledge.
Baudissin (Herzog-Hauck, Realencyklopddie) prefers to derive it from ish, to drive, set in motion; whence ish-min, driving, impetuous.
He quickly became the acknowledged leader of the Romantic school whose impetuous litterateurs had begun to tire of the cold abstractions of Fichte.
Having strongly entrenched himself, Parsons beat off, with heavy loss to the dervishes, two impetuous attacks made on the 28th by Ahmed Fedil.
We forbade ourselves to even discuss our impetuous actions for fear of disturbing Howie so all we could do is cross our fingers and pray.
His character was naturally impetuous and enthusiastic, but became marked with great self-control as he gradually brought his will under his reason.
As king, he still retained something of the clerk in the habit of his dress; but he was at the same time a warrior so impetuous, as to be sometimes foolhardy, and his policy was on the whole anti-clerical.