Imparting Sentence Examples
I discovered that you can't train people how to trade by just imparting knowledge.
Varenius was reluctant to include the human side of geography in his system, and only allowed it as a concession to custom, and in order to attract readers by imparting interest to the sterner details of the science.
On $40, she made eating out accessible by imparting her knowledge of the best inexpensive eats in a variety of cities.
Hence the service or ministry of the member is to serve the church with Christ, thus imparting Christ to others.
This at one time seems to have meant "for the sake of," carrying with it some idea of supplication; but it has now lost this connotation, seeing that it can be used not merely after the name of a god, but after that of any sacred object or incident held capable of imparting magic efficacy to the formula.
The Chronicles re-traversed much of the ground already gone over by the Record, preserving many of the songs in occasionally changed form, omitting some portions, supplementing others, and imparting to the whole such an exotic character as almost to disqualify the work for a place in Japanese literature.
That baptism is called the Seal (vdpa'yls), and Illumination (4ceno-phs) in the 2nd century has been set down to the influence of the pagan mysteries; but as a matter of fact the former term is a metaphor from military discipline, and the idea conveyed in the latter that gnosis or imparting of divine love is an illumining of the soul is found both in the Old and New Testaments.
It also enhances cooperation, imparting a soothing, calming and tranquilizing influence.
Imparting an excellent source of information for any family including advice and research on childcare.
Very short stories will hold their interest, so if imparting a message is important to you, look for books in your child's reading range for the best results.
AdvertisementImpress your friends by imparting the 150-year history of Cointreau over drinks, and laugh at them when they pronounce it "coin-TRUE".
You have two options for imparting a strawberry sensation to your Daiquiri.
A product like Benefit's Benetint will enhance your natural glow while imparting a slight rose tint.
These compacts feature three shades in one, each imparting a natural, healthy glow reminiscent of the perfect fan.
With the addition of sun blocking SPF's, many lip glosses also protect the sensitive lip area while imparting a gorgeous and slick glow.
AdvertisementWhen choosing a blush to compliment the rest of her makeup style, look for a peachy pink shade that will instantly perk up your complexion without imparting too much color.
Shiseido's Hydro Powder eye shadow in Lemon Sugar is the perfect shimmery shadow that will open up the entire eye area while imparting a sexy sheen, and it works on every skin tone.
You may also apply a clear mascara which lengthens and defines lashes without imparting any color.
High-iodine fish, such as cod, shellfish, and mackeral react with the tannins in red wines, imparting a metallic, off flavor to both the wine and the food.
The color of the wine plays an important role in the enjoyment of the drink besides imparting a lot of information on the wine such as its age.
AdvertisementA straightening iron can help flatten your bob to a more slenderizing shape while imparting a gorgeous glow on your locks.
It will also include the best methods for imparting your knowledge to other people who are taking your classes.
Available in a variety of fragrance combinations, these products moisturize and cleanse while imparting a sweet scent.
When electric oscillations are set up in an open or closed electric circuit having capacity and inductance, and left to themselves, they die away in amplitude, either because they dissipate their energy as heat in overcoming the resistance of the circuit, or because they radiate it by imparting wave motion to the surrounding ether.
Innumerable clusters of wild cherries (Prunus Chamaecerasus), wild apricots (Amygdalus nana), the Siberian pea-tree (Caragana frutescens), and other deep-rooted shrubs grow at the bottoms of the depressions and on the slopes of the ravines, imparting to the steppe that charm which manifests itself in the popular poetry.
AdvertisementNeander found in him the very impulse which he needed, while Schleiermacher found a pupil of thoroughly congenial feeling, and one destined to carry out his views in a higher and more effective Christian form than he himself was capable of imparting to them.
On the other hand a map drawn on the surface of a sphere representing a terrestrial globe will prove true to nature, for it possesses, in combination, the qualities which the ingenuity of no mathematician has hitherto succeeded in imparting to a projection intended for a map of some extent, namely, equivalence of areas of distances and angles.
In the deposition of gold the colour of the deposit is influenced by the presence of impurities in the solution; when copper is present, some is deposited with the gold, imparting to it a reddish colour, whilst a little silver gives it a greenish shade.
Hence the difficulty of imparting any considerable permanent magnetization to a short thick bar not possessed of great coercive force.
But the bulk of his work consisted in imparting scientific definiteness to what was already vaguely known, and in demolishing the errors of his predecessors.
The blood suffers first; its pigment is dissolved out and soaks into the surroundings, imparting to them the pink hue so diagnostic of commencing gangrene.
She marched through the open door into the Roman state, and settled down there to Christianize the state by imparting to it the word of the Gospel, but at the same time leaving it everything except its gods.
Strickland established a new system of education based on the principle of beginning from the bottom, by teaching to read and write in Maltese as the medium for assimilating, at a further stage, either English or Italian, one at a time, and aiming at imparting general knowledge in colloquial English.
One of the first measures to which he directed his attention was the withdrawal of the power of nominating juries from the judges, and the imparting, of a right of peremptory challenge to prisoners.
When the heliometer-part of Lord Lindsay's heliometer was acquired by Gill in 1879, he changed the manner of imparting the motion in question.
His clearness of statement and power of imparting interest to the most abstruse topics were the conspicuous features of his teaching, and in his various capacities as a scientific lecturer, a physiologist, and a practical physician, he was ever surrounded with large and increasing classes of intelligent pupils, to whom his eminently suggestive mode of instruction was specially attractive.
He is frequently introduced in legendary sagas, generally in disguise, imparting secret instructions to his favourites or presenting them with weapons by which victory is assured.
Such barbarism was alien to the spirit of the Founder, who substitutes bread and wine for his own flesh and blood, only imparting to these his own quality by the declaration that they are himself.
But these good spirits can only save men by imparting to them the true gnosis concerning nature and her forces, and by calling them away from the service of darkness and sensuality.
Among other provincial agencies for Agri imparting information there are farmers' institutes, cultural travelling dairies, live-stock associations, farmers', dairymen's, seed-growers', and fruit-growers' associa- tions tions, and agricultural and horticultural societies.
Verneuil succeeded in imparting a sapphire-blue colour to artificial alumina by addition of i 5% of magnetic oxide of iron and o.
The Method of Mixture consists in imparting the quantity of heat to be measured to a known mass of water, or some other standard substance, contained in a vessel or calorimeter of known thermal capacity, and in observing the rise of temperature produced, from which data the quantity of heat may be found as explained in all elementary text-books.
On the whole, however, savage society tends to regard it as something acquired, the product of acts and abstinences having a traditional character for imparting magicoreligious virtue.
An important motif in magico-religious ritual, which may not have been without effect on the development of sacrifice, is, as Dr Frazer's main thesis in The Golden Bough asserts, the imparting of reproductive energy to animals, plants and man himself, its cessation being suggested by such phenomena as old age and the fall of the year.
Here he fell in love with a young girl who had been dumb from birth, and henceforth devoted himself to discover a method of imparting speech to deaf-mutes.
Neutral solutions are to be avoided because in them silver dissolves from the anode and, being more electro-negative than copper, is deposited at the cathode, while antimony and arsenic are also deposited, imparting a dark colour to the copper.
Henry Wilde, in 1875, in depositing copper on iron printing-rollers, recognized this principle and rotated the rollers during electrolysis, thereby renewing the surfaces of metal and liquid in mutual contact, and imparting sufficient motion to the solution to prevent stratification; as an alternative he imparted motion to the electrolyte by means of propeller blades.
An excess of the precipitant is shown by a drop of the solution imparting a yellow colour to a solution of tannin, prepared by dissolving one part of tannin in 300 of water; drops of this solution are placed on a white porcelain plate, and as the precipitant is added to the lead solution a drop of the latter is removed from time to time on a glass stirring-rod and added to one of the drops on the porcelain plate.
In 1906 Lunge (in a paper published with Bert) to some extent modified his views, by introducing an intermediate compound, sulphonitronic acid, SO 5 NH 2, which had been noticed by various chemists for some time through its property of imparting a deep blue colour to sulphuric acid.
The Enchiridion ad Laurentium is a slight but interesting sketch of a system, while the De Doctrina Christiana is another lesson in the imparting of Christian instruction, as is also, naturally, the De Catechizandis Rudibus.
Hale devised on the same principle the " spectroheliograph," an instrument by which the sun's disk can be photographed in calcium-light by imparting a rapid movement to its image relatively to the sensitive plate; and the method has proved in many ways fruitful.
While most short styles won't require a smoothing serum, glossing gel or tress repair, you will need a wax or pomade to finish your style while imparting a small amount of shine and hold.
This lightweight serum defrizzes hair while imparting a healthy glow and a fabulous smell perfect for sashaying throughout your day.
Now, instead of the suit imparting a man-eating quality, the suit actually becomes rather sweet.
Thus, imparting a sense of confidence necessary in a competitive workplace.
It is a hydrating, skin-smoothing treatment that helps quench dry, dull skin while imparting it with the decadent fragrance of Spellbound.