Impairments Sentence Examples
Many have impairments as a result of repeated beatings and being made to carry heavy loads for long distances.
The attitude of people with other impairments, especially sensory, is often depressed.
Survivors suffer from severe neurological impairments.
Scout Group boosts communication in community A Scout Group opened earlier this year to offer specialist scouting for children with hearing impairments.
These types of activities provide those with cognitive and memory impairments with a sense of self-worth and a purposeful life.
Puzzles - Puzzles with large pieces are suitable for residents with visual impairments and fine motor skill problems brought on by arthritis.
Memory games - Simple card games, such as Concentration, and games for following instructions, such as Simon Says, may help patients with memory impairments.
These devices also accommodate people with visual impairments because the text size can be increased.
Ignored or neglected infants who are not provided the mental and physical stimulation required for normal development may suffer irreversible learning impairments.
By the age of three, about 30 percent had minimal problems and 46 percent had significant impairments, while 24 percent of the infants were normal.
AdvertisementAdaptive behavior scales are standardized tests used to describe and evaluate the behavior of infants, toddlers, and preschoolers, especially those at risk for communication delays and behavior impairments.
If left untreated, hyperhidrosis can result in physical, social, and occupational impairments.
These problems may have a greater impact on a child's life than the physical impairments of CP, although not all children with CP are affected by other problems.
Children with CP, however, tend to develop these skills more slowly because of their motor impairments, and delays in reaching milestones are usually the first symptoms of CP.
Spasticity, muscle weakness, coordination, ataxia, and scoliosis are all significant impairments that affect the posture and mobility of children and adults with CP.
AdvertisementA speech therapist and high-tech aids such as computer-controlled communication devices can make a tremendous difference in the life of those who have speech impairments.
In the milder form, most of these individuals live to adulthood and have normal intelligence or only mild mental impairments.
Audiologist-A person with a degree and/or certification in the areas of identification and measurement of hearing impairments and rehabilitation of those with hearing problems.
In addition, it is sometimes included in neuropsychological testing to assess the brain function of individuals with neurological impairments.
Tics are a type of dyskinesia, which is the general medical term given to impairments or distortions of voluntary movements.
AdvertisementLanguage delay is a communication disorder, a category that includes a wide variety of speech, language, and hearing impairments.
With Down syndrome and some other disorders, language delay is more severe than other mental impairments.
Children who receive early intervention for hearing impairments can develop at nearly the same rate as other children.
Behavioral and educational impairments as a result of the injuries require the attention of additional specialists.
Hearing impairments also are classified as prelingual (occurring before a child learns to speak) and post-lingual (occurring after the child has acquired language).
AdvertisementTemporary and permanent hearing impairments are not uncommon among children.
For example, more than 70 known inherited disorders account for about one-half of all severe sensorineural hearing impairments; however, 90 percent of children with congenital hearing impairment are born to parents with normal hearing.
Early detection of and intervention for hearing impairments are crucial for preventing or minimizing developmental and educational delays.
However, in the United States, the average age of diagnosis is at two years of age, and significant hearing impairments have gone undiagnosed in children as old as six.
Because hearing impairments may delay speech and language acquisition, interfere with cognitive development, and disrupt progress in school, the educational decisions that parents make for their child are of special significance.
It often is used for assessing children with speech, language, or hearing impairments, academic handicaps, or brain impairments, and for children who do not speak English.
Unfortunately, about 20 percent later develop severe hearing impairments and mental retardation.
Some children recover completely, while others may have a variety of lifelong impairments, including an inability to properly absorb nutrients in the intestines, as well as mental retardation.
Children with learning disorders, or disabilities, have specific impairments in acquiring, retaining, and processing information.
Learning disorders are thought to be caused by neurological abnormalities or differences that trigger impairments in the regions of the brain that control visual and language processing and attention and planning.
A common concern among parents has been whether recurring episodes of otitis media will cause impairments in their child's development.
They are often included in neuropsychological testing to assess the brain function of individuals with neurological impairments.
A very loud alarm can ensure that people with hearing impairments can hear the morning alarm.
Common threads in the various conditions that fall under the autism spectrum disorder umbrella include significant impairments in the areas of communication, both verbal and non-verbal, and deficits in social interaction skills.
These include significant impairments in verbal and nonverbal communication and social interaction skills, along restricted interests and repetitive behaviors.
Preoccupation with certain subjects paired with a dependency on routine can lead to significant social impairments.
Another may have appropriate communication skills but significant impairments in social interaction.
Motor skills impairments are often among the symptoms of Aspergers, causing those affected by the disorder to appear clumsy or uncoordinated, or have difficulty mastering tasks that exercise fine motor skills.
This has left many adults with Asperger syndrome and their families to muddle through the difficulties and impairments of the disorder on their own.
Others are unable to overcome impairments in social and communication skills well enough to form lasting friendships, remaining quite isolated in their daily lives.
Communication impairments, such as speech delays and language skills deficits, are among those common characteristics.
A family of genetic syndromes that are caused by changes in the same gene, Fragile X can result in impairments in a spectrum that ranges from mild learning problems with a normal range IQ to severe developmental disabilities.
Delays or impairments need to be monitored.
Some people are high functioning and others have severe impairments in language, communication and social skills.
Asperger syndrome (AS) is a pervasive developmental disorder related to impairments in social skills and odd or restrictive behavior.
The checklist is one of many tools used to evaluate behavior and identify possible impairments in socialization and communication.
The main argument against autism culture is the fact that it is generally viewed as a medical condition with evidence of neurological impairments.
Neurologist Dr. Bruce Miller found evidence of a possible connection between savantism and left hemisphere brain damage, which resulted in the right brain hemisphere compensating for the left hemisphere impairments.
Langdon Down around 1887 that describes an unusual condition in which a person has advanced skills in certain areas paired with substantial impairments.
While the range of severity is great, each person on the autism spectrum has challenges that affect nearly every area of development, and impairments are typically permanent.
State agencies keep a list of impairments that automatically qualify you as disabled.
G.T. had a dysexecutive syndrome characterized by impairments in planning and memory, as well as a tendency to confabulate.
But as many as 68 percent of classical musicians also evinced impairments.
Scout Group boosts communication in community A Scout Group opened earlier this year to offer specialist Scouting for children with hearing impairments.
People with sensory impairments, eg people who have sight loss, a hearing loss, or perhaps both.
The submarine Ocelot may not be suitable for those visitors with less severe mobility impairments because of its steep ladders and hatches.
Students will explore the particular learning styles of pupils with autism spectrum disorders, taking into consideration the triad of impairments.
Some students, for example those with vision impairments or dyslexia, may take longer to read and digest information.
Paget Gorman-While this system is primarily used to help those children who have speech impairments or difficulties, some parents find it beneficial to use in teaching infants to sign.
Also, individuals with digestive impairments may have a difficult time breaking down proteins in sunflower seeds.
Generally, dogs with unstable personalities, fear or abuse issues, or physical impairments should not be exposed to shock collars.
Alzheimer's care is designed for seniors with Alzheimer's disease and related memory impairments.
Nursing home care should be considered for people who have mental or cognitive impairments are not able to properly care for themselves.
Impairments of smell and touch usually have medical (organic) causes or are side effects of certain medications.