Impacted Sentence Examples
Too much of the on-again, off-again war has impacted your neighbors.
Clearly the advent of new Tory leader has not impacted on the Scottish electorate, at least yet.
I will visit the grooming lady to see if the glands are impacted, or do you think it would be better to contact our vet?
She agreed it was Julie's place to tell Howie about the letter she sent and how it impacted the rest of us.
The Temecula wineries located in Temecula Valley in Southern California, the wine is good, the area is not as impacted and it's just a hop, skip and jump away from metropolitan areas like Los Angeles and San Diego.
Has any aspect of secular eschatology impacted on these agencies?
Horsfield 's tortoises fed on cat or dog food frequently die from renal failure or from impacted bladder stones of solidified urates.
Many valedictorians share how their faith has impacted their lives and ability to come out at the top of their class.
Finally, the dentist may take x rays, looking for evidence of decay between teeth, a cracked or impacted tooth, or a disorder of the underlying bone.
Impacted tooth-Any tooth that is prevented from reaching its normal position in the mouth by another tooth, bone, or soft tissue.
AdvertisementFractures can be further subdivided by the positions of bony fragments and are described as comminuted, non-displaced, impacted, overriding, angulated, displaced, avulsed, and segmental.
As more and more electronic items become available and even necessary the atmosphere becomes more impacted by the increasing amounts of CO2.
An impacted fracture is characterized as a bone fragment forced into or onto another fragment resulting from a compressive force.
A wisdom tooth may rotate, tilt, or be displaced as it attempts to emerge, and it can become impacted (partially buried) in the gums.
With the movie Sideways not only did Pinot Noir get a huge boost in sales and people clamoring to taste the wine, the Pinot growing regions became hugely impacted.
AdvertisementImpacted wisdom teeth do not always cause problems.
However wisdom teeth are always difficult to clean and susceptible to decay and gum disease; thus an impacted wisdom tooth is usually extracted.
If a child has an impacted bowel, the doctor can insert a gloved finger into the rectum and gently dislodge the hardened feces.
This happens when the bowel twists on itself (volvulus) or as the result of hernias, impacted feces, abnormal tissue growth, or the presence of foreign bodies in the intestines.
The pain is caused by the pressure of several layers of impacted earwax against the eardrum.
AdvertisementImpacted cerumen is not a medical emergency.
Family care practitioners recommend that parents try to remove the impacted wax at home before calling the doctor.
Irrigation is the most common method of removing impacted cerumen.
One alternative method that is sometimes touted as a way to remove impacted cerumen is ear candling.
The doctor holds the child's head steady with one hand while using the curette with the other hand to ease the impacted wax away from the sides of the ear canal.
AdvertisementPractitioners of ear candling claim that the heat from the burning candle or smoke creates a vacuum that draws out the impacted cerumen.
Ear candling is not only an ineffective way to remove impacted cerumen, it can actually damage the ear.
In most cases, impacted cerumen is successfully removed from the child's ear by irrigation or manual extraction with no lasting side effects.
Removal of impacted cerumen from children's ears is a routine procedure and should not ordinarily cause parents a great deal of concern.
Ear candling-An alternative method for removing impacted cerumen with a lighted hollow cone of paraffin or beeswax.
Impacted cerumen can sometimes cause otalgia.
In these children, feces have become impacted in the child's colon, causing it to distend.
After all, homeschooling can be challenging and that challenge shouldn't be further impacted by financial stress.
These are interesting biographies and even historical fiction that help the student understand not only the events of history but the people whose lives were impacted by those events.
Jobs in Germany aren't abundant, so expect your search to take awhile and be impacted by your ability to speak the language and adapt to the culture.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency, or FEMA, is a relief organization of about 2,600 full-time employees for areas impacted by disasters.
Start by checking the website of your local emergency response agency and sites of environmental protection groups that focus on areas being impacted by the spill.
Financial markets around the world were impacted, and the effects will be felt for decades to come.
Many newly diagnosed celiacs and others following a gluten-free diet find that breakfast is one of the most significantly impacted meals; with most cereals and other breakfast foods being off-limits.
Parents who don't want their children negatively impacted by viewing excessive amounts of violent acts on television can combat these less than desirable effects, but it will take some effort.
So, too, have the Internet and cell phones impacted the way in which aspiring actors, singers and dancers learn about where the audtions are.
This happened in May of 2009, and the man stated that his life has been forever negatively impacted.
Often, a component of those readings included aspects of past lives that impacted current situations.
The Western influence has impacted the Chinese people, as well.
Of course, the focus was primarily on the manner in which the events impacted the Pryor family.
Tight economic times and declining viewership seriously impacted soap operas in 2009 with the cancellation of Y&R's sister CBS soap opera Guiding Light, pay cuts, reduced airtime and veteran soap actors leaving long-term roles.
A stakeholder approach to business ethics, on the other hand, focuses on doing what is right for all groups who are impacted by the organization.
Is the decision truly in the best interests of all who will be impacted by it?
The same labeling issue that affected the 2010 Sienna also impacted the 2009 model.
This issue also impacted some 2006 and 2007 Siennas.
Quality of life is severely impacted by obesity.
The principles of how a person with diabetes should eat in many ways echo the healthy eating habits that everyone should strive to develop, whether impacted by this disease or not.
Unfortunately, that and other excuses have impacted activity.
Individuals, families and small businesses will all be impacted by the elements included in this legislation.
One thing that Amy's trials and tribulations have impacted are her tour dates.
Depeche Mode reigns supreme as one of the last keepers of the New Wave flame, even though singer David Gahan's struggles with drug addiction have impacted the band's ability to tour and record on schedule.
The conclusion of every episode involves the family being revisited by camera crews in order to find out how Jo impacted them.
She explains the intense pressure models face over their weight and how daily weigh-ins impacted her self esteem.
Even the scent of his blood barely impacted her senses.
Wilson S.A., Lopez R. (2002) ' What is the best treatment for impacted cerumen?
Fagan gives almost no consideration to how Clark's personal politics impacted on his writings.
Fish farms are represented by the filled rectangular block, with the areas of impacted seabed denoted by the filled ellipses.
How has this rather profound erudition impacted both on your own poetry and your skills as a translator and editor?
Furthermore, many children of ex-prisoners have been negatively impacted upon via gossip, stigma, negative perception, discrimination and overt hostility.
Click here for answer This is gall stone ileus, a large pigmented stone having impacted in the mid ileum.
The other ten concluded that there was a lack of evidence to support prophylactic removal of impacted third molars.
In agriculture, margin was adversely impacted in wheat based animal feeds but improved in sugar beet based ruminant feeds.
Impacted by summer typhoons and winter snowstorms, the park requires careful environmental conservation and maintenance of hiking trails.
An impacted sigmoid colon or rectum can give rise to bladder spasms which obstruct free drainage of urine.
Horsfield's tortoises fed on cat or dog food frequently die from renal failure or from impacted bladder stones of solidified urates.
As the car impacted there was a deafening screech of metal on metal and the car flipped up onto it 's side.
The WHO asserts a high health risk at beaches impacted by crude sewage discharges.
The CFA Disaster Relief Committee was formed in 1992 and provided assistance to pet owners impacted by Hurricane Andrew in 1992.
Modern family values have been tremendously impacted by the changing concept of individual freedom.
Water resources are not impacted from any kinds of discharge.
Empire style emerged in the 19th century and impacted architecture, art, furniture design, interior decorating and fashion.
Though none of us actually jump for joy at the prospect of sitting unguarded and defenseless in the dentist's chair, there are times when we actually go for reasons other than impacted wisdom teeth and root canals.
The instability hasn't impacted his finances at all.
Red wine calories are also impacted by alcohol content, with higher alcohol content equating to more calories.
If the damage cannot be treated by these methods, or if the tooth is impacted, the tooth must be extracted.
Doing so creates space for the permanent teeth, especially unerupted canine teeth that might become impacted or erupt in the wrong position.
The emergence of widespread homelessness, substance abuse (especially crack and methamphetamines), unemployment, increased incarceration rates, street violence, and HIV/AIDS have all impacted poor communities.
Cerumen is most likely to become impacted when it is pushed against the eardrum by cotton-tipped applicators, hair pins, or other objects that people put in their ears, and when it is trapped against the eardrum by a hearing aid.
The diagnosis of impacted cerumen is usually made by examining the ear canal and eardrum with an otoscope, an instrument with a light attached that allows the doctor to look into the canal.
Many people who purchased their first homes during the 1990s and early 2000s aren't aware of the wildly fluctuating interest rates that impacted the real estate market during the 1970s and 1980s.
California is one of those states that seems to be heavily impacted whenever the economic climate of the United States has big changes.