Impact Sentence Examples
He was realizing the impact the lie had on their relationship.
The impact knocked her back.
We're just beginning to understand their impact on nature and the universe.
The impact jarred her to the core.
The fractured edge is smoothed by the impact of a gas flame.
She gasped, waiting to feel the impact of the hard ground.
His punch had the impact of a bag of bricks, his kick of a sledgehammer.
The impact was close enough to deafen her to everything but her own breathing.
The impact of the rocket knocked her on her backside.
It's small, but the impact it has can be huge.
AdvertisementHis face was emotionless, but the impact of Darkyn.s words was unmistakable.
Petroleum has a negative impact on the environment.
If you're concerned my little project might impact your security, don't be alarmed.
And say the net cost to society of having a gallon of polluted water dumped into the river—the cleanup cost, or the economic impact of the gallon of dirty water—is $10.
Blucher's worn-out soldiers could not withstand the tremendous impact of Napoleon's choicest troops, and the Prussian centre was pierced and broken.
AdvertisementAs we consider the lot of those left behind, it becomes clearer how the end of scarcity will have a profound impact on the world.
She didn't doubt the impact of her battered visage on any man, especially A'Ran.
Bosch quiet shredders use a unique low impact system which is an environmentally friendly solution to recycle garden waste.
Hardware is small, but its impact is huge.
The jets came from the west, beyond the river, a realization that didn't register until the ground shook under the impact of the first laser missile strike dropped.
AdvertisementThe environmental impact is highly controversial.
Solar power can help to reduce your environmental impact.
To prevent the bottom of the apparatus being knocked out by the impact of the substance, a layer of sand, asbestos or sometimes mercury is placed in the tube.
The impact stresses depend so much on local conditions that it is difficult to fix what allowance should be made.
Parents who are already teaching their children to be aware of their environmental impact, and parents who are just getting started can use the Disney Channel Friends for Change movement as a tool to assist their efforts.
AdvertisementI can't imagine the impact of both on him when one is more than enough.
He felt the impact of the past few hours much more than he preferred.
The idea was to use a format that would give maximum impact while the domination provided clear standout.
Preclinical development is much higher than for efforts in cardiovascular disease, although the latter has a higher impact on mortality statistics.
Both home-based and school-based methods had an impact but the former appeared superior in promoting book sharing.
Competition from out of town superstores has had a particularly harmful impact on Paignton town center.
Some commentators are deeply suspicious of the way the Deep Impact data is being handled.
The main issue before the court was the impact of section 25 in cases where the custody time limit had expired.
Maximum sustained winds were near 90 knots and was one of the strongest typhoons to impact the region in several years.
Our aim is to improve existing measures of monetary value while extending monetary valuation to as many other categories of impact as is practical.
The impact of water pollution on aquatic life and land life can be devastating.
By making small lifestyle changes and being mindful of the environmental impact of the decisions you make, you can make a difference.
This fact alone should prompt you to consider the long-term impact of wind energy.
Another disadvantage is the impact on aesthetics.
Another thing to remember is that electric bills continue to increase year after year, whereas an off-the-grid home won't feel the economic impact of higher monthly power bills.
Little details make a big impact when you create a home theater.
Obviously you won't use bold colors for every surface, but determine which surfaces make the most overall impact or your kitchen color scheme.
Southern style has a major impact on Brown's work.
Between Jennifer Lopez, Britney Spears, Shania Twain and plenty of others joining the perfumer's ranks, it almost seems there isn't room left for anyone else to make an impact!
However, the increasing usage of micronized ingredients in all types of beauty products has raised concerns about the safety of these particles and their impact on overall health.
Packable and portable lip stains are a low maintenance beauty product with high impact sex appeal.
Other ensembles, though, require the magic of makeup to really make a memorable impact.
A pistachio green, a light pink, or a butter yellow hue will still have the same eye opening impact.
Using light reflective pearls for its impact, you can apply it wet or dry as a powder or cream.
In addition to the steps above, keep in mind that you can use an eyelash curler to create and even greater impact.
A simple black spider is a fast face painting design that can make a big impact come Halloween.
For maximum impact, design your flier to look like a mini scrapbook page and create different versions targeting projects such as wedding, baby, vacation, or family heritage scrapbook ideas.
Practicing meditation for at least 30 minutes a day will have a tremendous impact on your overall sense of well-being.
Exercise has a wonderfully positive impact on the mind.
He continued his scientific correspondence with unbroken interest and undiminished logical acumen; he thought out the application of the pendulum to the regulation of clockwork, which Huygens successfully realized fifteen years later; and he was engaged in dictating to his disciples, Viviani and Torricelli, his latest ideas on the theory of impact when he was seized with the slow fever which in two months brought him to the grave.
A deficiency in the amino acid taurine, for example, will have a direct impact on the heart's ability to function.
Some choices make more of an impact than others, but all are worthwhile.
Research has shown that the release of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) from aerosol cans, refrigeration systems and air conditioners have a direct impact on the stability of the ozone layer.
Still, this is gothic makeup, so avoid allover shimmer and opt for artful placement for maximum impact.
A light hand helps when applying natural makeup, but your choice of color also has a huge impact on just how naturally beautiful you appear.
Coaching has a significant impact on player performance and should not be ignored by anyone with their eyes on the prize.
This page has many links to pages about player movement and other information, such as potential college draftees and their impact on the National Football League.
Knowing where you want to shoot will impact decisions about lighting, props, and clothing.
By filling your camera's viewfinder with the child's face and eliminating extraneous background details, your photos will have greater impact.
Don't overwhelm the infant with props or busy backgrounds, since these lessen the impact of the overall image.
Try to avoid distracting backgrounds, since these will minimize the impact of your self portrait.
Also known as the “photographer’s business bible”, this book has the latest information on the role of the Internet, e-mail technologies and the impact of online stock photography sites on pro shooters.
What kind of blades come with the appliance (or are available for an purchase) should also impact your purchase decision.
Although world travel wasn't frequent until the last century, it has had an impact on global gastronomy for centuries.
Emphasis is placed on eating foods that are as close to their natural state as possible, with the hope that this will provide not only highly nutritious food but do it in a manner that avoids causing negative environmental impact.
Considerations in soil health, crop rotation and pest control all impact the final harvest.
My children had a profound impact on my life and having their memories boxed up in a closet was not an option.
However, in most cases, high impact exercise will burn more calories than low impact.
Additionally, the company is revamping its production processes to have the least environmental impact possible.
Stress reliever games have a greater impact on your life than you probably think.
Stress infiltrates many areas of a sufferer's life and can have a wide impact.
If you didn't experience some level of stress from a situation, you may not notice how much of an impact that situation could have on your life now or in the future.
Change can always cause stress, but how you perceive and react to that change will have a major impact on your well being.
Each person has different talents and preferences, and those variables impact how stressful a particular job is for any given individual.
The time of day you have to work can have a major impact on how stressful you find a particular job to be.
The size of a company can impact how stressful the work is.
Constant stress can have a big impact on your physical and mental health.
In recent years, many scientific studies have emerged showing that stress can have a huge and detrimental impact on the body.
Surprisingly, it's these everyday stressors, or hassles, that leave the biggest impact on our bodies, not the really "big" events that transpire in our lives.
Participants can use the information provided in this section to determine the extent to which stress is having an impact on their bodies.
This difference can have a great impact on if they will use the stress management techniques you are teaching.
Join committees in which you can have a direct impact on the workplace, and make suggestions to your boss about improving company morale.
However, many people do not understand the impact on the emotional and financial aspects of a family affected by stress-related health problems.
Discuss small changes you might incorporate on a daily basis to impact better health.
When you're learning new skills, it's important to actively plan to learn the skills through experience in order to maximize the impact of the process.
Losing or forgetting things is a common response to stress, but its impact can go far deeper.
These hormones remain in your brain, and continue to impact its functioning, far longer than adrenalin.
A mental health professional or physician typically asks about the amount of anxiety and worry you experience along with the impact on your life the anxiety has.
Although the additional stress by itself would not have a big impact on your stress level, it is all your body needs to trigger the panic attack.
All of these decisions will make a big impact on what happens in the rest of your life.
The weather has a major impact on what we wear, and can be an important factor when shopping.
Use crosses the line to abuse when it begins to affect everyday life, cause social problems, and/or impact a teen's physical well being.
The question of how do music lyrics impact teen behavior has been a hot button topic ever since the advent of rock and roll.
From the 1960's general unrest, to NWA's "Cop Killer", we as a society, have seen and felt the impact of controversial lyrics.
So, how do music lyrics impact teen behavior?
Chances are you will impact at least one young life through your words.
Great pictures and graphics are fine, but don't forget that what you have written has an impact, too.
Pilates, Yoga or a combination of the two - combines stretching and controlled breathing to tone your body without the impact on your joints of running or aerobics.
It's amazing the impact a few words can have.
Impact This research used the most up to date DNA profiling techniques to identify practical strategies to help farmers control trypanosomiasis.
Therefore, fossil charcoal provides a unique tool to assess the extent of wildfires ignited by the K/T impact.
Yes, things are going well, but all sorts of issues around growth strategies will arise, and they have a huge impact on your company not only now but in the future.
Even though they were written thousands of years ago, their meaning and impact still play a large role today.
The storybook shows the wonder of a new life and the impact the new baby has on his surroundings.
Many of the titles are classics, while others are newer publications that are certain to have an impact for many years to come.
Handing clients and employees a mug or t-shirt featuring your business logo is one thing, but giving a gift card is a promotional item that can have a real impact on how the client or employee views your business.
Be sure to prominently display your business name or logo on these cards for maximum impact.
One great aspect of using these cards is that the amount of money you load onto the card does not necessarily need to be substantial in order to have an impact.
If you want to maximize your promotional impact by featuring your brand, theme or other message, an American Express Incentive Services Gift Card can make a perfect option.
Late payments - Late or missed payments will have a negative impact on your score.
As awareness spreads about the damage that mankind is doing to the environment, and by extension, ourselves, more of us have begun to seek answers and take action to reduce our personal impact on our surroundings.
There are many steps that can be taken and everyone, however small, can have a far reaching impact.
An environmentally friendly water heating option will help to provide an efficient water heating system while helping to reduce the negative impact on the environment.
From cotton to silk, wool, bamboo and more, the way that the natural materials used in home décor and textiles are grown can have a tremendous impact on the health of your family and the health of the world.
Women of color have some unique situations that impact the way they use and apply makeup.
Mental health professionals look more toward the psychological impact of the worry as opposed to the physical symptoms, although alleviation of the worry and anxiety oftentimes makes the physical symptoms lessen or diminish completely.
Eco-friendlier choices, while perhaps lacking in visual impact, are cool in that they don't make as much of a negative impact upon the planet.
Yes, a dark blue tie will work against a light blue shirt, but there is probably a lot more you can do to make the look have impact.
The company has been around for over a century, so it's no wonder it has had such an enormous impact on athletes all over the world.
Bike Web eventually became known as the Bike Company, but its impact on the sports industry - and the world at large - continued to remain strong.
Another change that had a major impact on the men's fashion industry was the introduction of catalog shopping.
Jung studied and spoke extensively about symbols and the powerful impact they have upon the observer.
With that kind of press, it's easy to see that this shirt is making quite an impact!
People are looking for ways to have less of an impact on the earth, and buying organic clothing is an easy way to help the planet.
The company keeps its packaging and shipping processes low impact and checks the companies that it works with to make sure that you are getting real, organic items and not just items that have been green washed.
While this will certainly not be a small investment, it's better to think of the impact on your long-term health.
The fabrics are woven in the United States and use low impact dyes.
All of the clothes are made from either organic color grown cotton or organic cotton which has been dyed with low impact dyes.
Make sure that the items are color grown cotton or dyed with low impact or all natural dyes.
More parents are opting for organic clothing for their children to minimize the chemical impact on both their children and the planet.
All of the clothes are made from either color-grown cotton or low impact dyes.
It asks us to consider the impact on future generations of people as well as animals and the ecosystem of the world around us.
If you're interested in learning more about how you can reduce your impact on the environment while making healthy choices for your family, you've come to the right place!
Organic sustainable furniture is a great choice for a modern home and for people who are interested in living their lives with as little environmental impact as possible.
Sustainability has to do with environmental impact as well as economic and social impact.
The belief is that this focused integration will ensure future growth and reduce the potentially harmful impact of chemicals on many levels of the environment and the population.
Another benefit of organic cotton is that it has a low impact on the environment.
Some people worry about the environmental impact of shopping online because of the packaging that must be used and the fuel that is used to get the product to your door.
This makes the environmental impact of your purchase a little smaller compared to if you drove to the store yourself.
If you want your gift to have less environmental impact, have it shipped directly to the person you are giving it to if possible.
It's important that everyone works together to create a healthier planet - you can't think in terms of, "Well, it's just my one little yard" because your actions do make an impact.
You'll learn about the struggles coffee farmers have faced in ten different countries around the world, and how Fair Trade certification is making a positive impact on their businesses and their lives.
Consumers who make responsible purchasing decisions can make a positive impact on the environment, as well as on the lives of coffee growers struggling to make a living all over the world.
Organic lawn care utilizes different methods that have less of an environmental impact than chemically based lawn care products.
All these fabrics have a natural patina and are great stand-alone textiles, but they can also be combined for an even greater impact.
Jessica was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 2004 and began researching the impact of toxins on health.
Organic cotton is grown and processed in such a way that there is very little impact on the environment.
Organic cotton, such as can be found in a bamboo organic cotton tote bag, is typically unbleached and undyed, reducing the chemical impact its production will have on the ecosystem.
Organic cotton for an organic cotton futon is typically unbleached and undyed, reducing the chemical impact its production will have on the ecosystem.
It is also naturally pest resistant and grows very quickly, so cultivating it has a low environmental impact.
Since argan trees grow in such an isolated area, how the nuts are harvested and the trees treated can make a huge impact on whether this oil will be available for future generations.
Choosing to purchase organic cotton can, over time, have a huge impact on the environment.
Another benefit of supporting U.S. organic farmers is that natural eco-friendly farming practices have less of an impact on the surrounding environment.
Studies have yielded mixed results with regards to the health impact GMOs can produce in humans and animals, as well as the environmental impact these types of crops can bring.
Genetically altering crops may have an environmental impact.
An organic gift basket for new baby is a thoughtful baby shower present, especially for a mother that's concerned about her baby's exposure to chemicals or her impact on the planet.
We are going to stay committed to our original deep purpose for starting Kopali as we grow, scale, and have ever increasing positive impact, and become a global snack brand known everywhere for snacks that are "Good for you.
For us at Kopali, starting this brand as we did to have positive impact, we are aware that every snack we sell is having that impact - so it is critical that we grow our reach as much as possible.
It may not seem sensible to spend more money on a food product just because it's organic, but many people, including health-food advocates and those who are concerned about environmental impact, believe organics are a wise choice.
The colors are created with low impact dyes or, in some cases, may be color grown.
When you support companies that support causes you believe in, you make a positive impact on the planet.
The premise is to minimize the environmental impact of land disturbance through farming.
Organic farming recognizes the environmental risk this action imposes and seeks ways to minimize the impact.
According to the National Organic Standards Board definition of "organic," the goal is to minimize ecological impact while enhancing biodiversity and soil life.
In the final analysis, the advantages and disadvantages of organic farming boil down to how much you are willing to spend to minimize the environment impact of farming.
For those concerned about their carbon footprint, buying natural and organic foods is one way you can reduce your environmental impact.
The impact of this kind of technology is yet to be fully realized, and it may be many years before these types of foods are available in mass quantities all over the world.
By using organic lawn products, you can minimize your negative environmental impact by making choices which are safer for the environment.
Combined with a common-sense approach to lawn care, you can have the healthy lawn you desire while minimizing the impact on the environment.
Some individuals may benefit from taking a vitamin because of diet or health conditions which may impact nutrient absorption.
You may choose organic ground beef simply because it has less environmental impact than conventionally produced meat.
This in turn, means a lower environmental impact from buying organic versus conventional.
Buying organic allows you to make good choices based on your own regard for you and your family's health as well as your environmental impact.
You also have the satisfaction of knowing that your purchase of organic products has less of an environmental impact than other types of foods.
When you see a food labeled organic, you can rest assured that the farmer is following best practices for minimizing his impact on the environment.
Organic food labeling is your best guide to making choices which for products which have less of a negative environmental impact.
Amy's Organic Foods or Amy's Kitchen is one of several lines of organic products which offer more choices for consumers concerned about the source of their foods as well as their environmental impact.
In addition, organic products are eco-friendly; having less of a negative impact on the earth.
The use of sustainable attractive clothing is part of a growing movement to promote earth-friendly alternatives in an effort to reduce consumer impact on the world's delicate ecosystems.
For a bolder impact, the Hollywood satin gown with matching shawl is hard to beat.
You can wear this on or off the shoulder - either way makes an impact.
Wear a dress that hits right above your knees for maximum impact, like this pretty Diva Convertible dress.
All that said, the attitude that plus size bikini swimsuits should not even exist has had some impact on the swimsuit design industry.
The impact of cyber bullying is harsh and a very real threat to teenagers everywhere.
There are many steps that can be taken that may lesson or stop the impact of cyber bullying on a teen victim.
Due to the impact of cyber bullying, there are children who have developed depression and others who have gone to far as committing suicide.
The compliance officer for your region can help you determine the regulations that impact your business.
An anti-reflective coating added to the lenses can affect the impact resistance of any type of protective lens, necessitating additional testing of the lens after the coating is applied.
Ask your optician or optometrist to confirm that the lenses have been tested for impact resistance.
A plus sign included in the "Z87-2" marking means the lens has passed both basic impact testing and high-velocity testing.
If there is no plus sign included in the "Z87-2" mark, that means the lens has only passed basic impact testing.
High-velocity impact goggles are appropriate for both professional and recreational use.
For a low impact option, take a walk or a swim if you have access to a pool.
In reality, the impact of the Kennedy brothers' assassinations, the civil rights movement, or Woodstock is far greater for someone born before 1954 than after.
A Dynasty Trust can be used to minimize the impact of estate taxes.
Not only is there the time strain, but the emotional impact of watching someone who has always been healthy, strong and a role model takes its toll on the family member providing care.
Many physical diseases that impact the flow of blood through the circulatory system can lead to cognitive impairment symptoms such as those associated with dementia.
Many factors impact the type of attire older adults might choose to wear, including the type of activities they engage in on a regular basis, as well as health factors.
The suspension of RMDs did not impact the 2008 RMD.
These conditions may also impact your style selection.
The low impact involved in swimming is ideal for men who has joint problems, arthritis, or back pain.
So these are just some of the factors that may impact when you choose to leave the workforce and how your long-term investments will perform.
There's no pressure at these events to purchase goods or services, but the chance to talk face-to-face with representatives from different services and agencies may impact some decisions later on.
They are too young to remember the direct impact of the death of President Kennedy, his brother Robert and Dr. King.
The primary benefit of senior chair exercises is that they are low impact.
The Totalization Agreement which would have an impact on Social Security benefits going to people that worked in the United States without proper legal authorization.
This overwhelming feeling of low energy can have a big impact on everyday life and relationships.
Weight redistribution, mobility issues, arthritis, changing lifestyles, and budgetary considerations all have an impact on fashion choices for seniors.
Stretching outdoors or in a peaceful place in your house is a low impact fitness activity that can relieve minor aches and pains and keep your muscles toned.
Not only do you want to be sure that what is promised is actually being delivered, but it is important to take in the whole picture and consider the impact of relocating on your lifestyle and family relationships.
Senior citizen advocacy organizations work toward having a positive impact on the issues and concerns of senior citizens while striving to protect their benefits and rights.
Car accidents - A series of severe motor vehicle accidents due to excessive sleepiness can have a major impact on an individual.
Ultimately, lack of sleep has an impact on personal happiness and success.
It is important to note that sleep deprivation is connected with mental health problems, and lack of sleep has a significant impact on mood.
Sleeping awkwardly or bending your hands awkwardly can have an impact on the nerve and create the numb sensation.
It has undergone clinical studies in which it showed a significant impact on those with sleep disturbances compared to a placebo.
Dreaming can have an effect on the ability to sleep well and it can have an impact on mood as well.
To receive a diagnosis, a person must display symptoms for at least a month and the condition must have a noticeable impact on the person's life.
These episodes usually cause a drop in blood oxygen levels, which can have an impact on the quality of sleep and ability to stay asleep.
Impact resistant polycarbonate lenses and 100 percent UV protection are also important features of Anarchy glasses.
This particular line uses a CR-39 lens or a lens of polished glass which is made to exceed ANSI standards for shatter and impact resistance.
One factor that may impact your decision to purchase Caviar frames is the price.
Not all sport goggles are suitable for every sport, so be sure to check the impact resistance.
If you're wearing goggles while biking, you'll also want to check that the goggles provide impact resistance, usually in the form of polycarbonate lenses.
You don't have to sacrifice impact protection for price.
You can get prescription lenses, and all the lenses are impact resistant and offer UV protection.
Some look just like the real thing; just don't expect a knock-off to have undergone the same impact resistance training or have all the technology to give them an ideal fit.
High-density polycarbonate frames are a popular choice because they are highly impact resistant.
The lenses are formed using lightweight polycarbonate for high impact resistance and are distortion free, protecting against up to seventy percent of infrared heat.
They need lenses that won't shatter or break away from the frame at impact, damaging their eyes.
On impact, they may form cracks, but shards don't escape as they can in glass or plastic lenses.
It is impact resistance and works great for children and adults with active lives.
Polycarbonate lenses are more impact resistant and less likely to break.
For example, not wearing soft lenses for a week does not impact the level of comfort you will have once you begin wearing them again.
They offer 100 percent UV protection, impact resistant anti-fog lenses, and faux leather padding.
Note though that glass lenses are not recommended for high impact sports.
They are ANSI Z87.1 approved for impact resistance, OSHA approved, scratch resistant, feature Flex2Fit temples for a secure fit and come with an adjustable head strap and cloth storage pouch that can be used as a cleaning cloth.
When light rays impact a flat surface such as a car windshield, water, snow, or pavement, they are diffused in all directions.
If you need the impact resistance and quality of a non-knockoff pair of Oakleys, you don't want to sacrifice your vision for a good deal from a less than reputable seller.
The lenses were polarized for cutting glare and made from polycarbonate for impact resistance and super light glass for comfort.
The hingeless, flexible style of the frames, the durability, and the impact resistance also make them good alternatives to the discontinued model.
It is important to note that Maui Jim glass lenses are not suitable for night driving or impact sports, and they should not be used as safety glasses.
It is made of polycarbonate and also features impact protection.
The polycarbonate crystal lenses also provide clarity and impact resistance.
This is a lens reinforcement system that protects your eyes in case of collision or instances of high impact, stopping the lenses from shooting inward and preventing severe eye damage.
The durable thermoplastic frames are designed to hold up against both collisions or high impact and extreme temperatures.
This is the support structure which makes the frames so durable and resistant to impact.
They not only protect you from harmful UV rays but give you impact protection and repel water and dirt.
They filter 100 percent of UV rays and offer impact protection as well.
One thing that is extremely important to those who engage in sports is impact protection.
This is a lens material that provides one hundred percent UV filtering along with impact protection that other label makers can't offer.
Polycarbonate is a durable material that does not tend to shatter upon impact.
If you'll be participating in a high impact sport, your best bet is a pair of polycarbonate lenses.
Not getting into the high impact sports in favor of more leisurely activities like fishing?
Polycarbonate lenses break in a way that is least likely to spray shards into your eyes on impact.
Polycarbonate lenses are soft and relatively flexible, which is what keeps them from breaking upon impact.
If affected by impact, it may crack--possibly even in a spider web pattern--but you generally don't have to worry about shards of it making it into your eyes.
Look for polycarbonate lenses --which are durable and impact resistant -- and nylon or quality metal frames.
Additionally, Coyote also claims that the shades' "double hard coating" makes it particularly impact resistant and even claims that the glasses are "unbreakable".
Other notable features include the fact that it is impact resistant, offers razor sharp clarity, and is designed to feel extremely lightweight when worn.
While available in both jet and clove, it's only in pearl that you get the full impact of this rhinestone studded sunglass.
Impact goggles are generally made with polycarbonate lenses so they won't shatter when flying debris comes near your eyes.
Scratch and impact resistant designs for both frames and lenses to ensure longevity and durability.
All lenses are scratch and impact resistant and all designs are by hand.
All lenses offer 100 percent UVA/UVB protection and are impact resistant.
The material the frames are made of has the highest impact on the final price of those frames.
These are durable magnetic clip-on's desigened to stay put with impact or activity.
Additionally, these frames offer one hundred present UV protection and are impact resistant.
These are impact resistant polycarbonate lenses, but the real show-stopper is the grilamid injection frame.
They're nearly impossible to break and the memory metal recovers from impact well.
This type is arguably the most comfortable and the safest of all the options, and ideal for the high impact sports.
Subtle those details may be but they make a big impact and give the frames a look like no other.
Optical glass lenses are scratch resistant and impact resistant.
The frames house polycarbonate lenses that are scratch-resistant and can stand up to impact without shattering into sharp and potentially harmful shards.
The last thing you want to do is play such a high impact game without proper vision.
The prescription lens and the frame should be impact resistant (anti-shatter).
There's a price point for every budget . You can work with confidence that you're buying a quality product that will protect your eyes from debris, impact and harmful UV (Ultraviolet) rays.
While Guitar Hero never made an official appearance on the original Xbox, it has made a huge impact on the Xbox 360.
Needless to say, most of these games failed to make much of an impact.
Experience new impact punches, design your own fighting style and see how you do against some of the world's best boxers.
The top portion that goes around the IR end is bulbous and is designed to absorb most of the impact since remotes that have flown from hands had that end smack against TVs.
Seconds before the impact, a narrator takes the scene and flashes back to three weeks prior.
Take Two has indicated that the ban will not have a dramatic impact on their current sales projections.
Will a boycott this far into the life of the video game have any impact whatsoever?
Use the Wii Remote to pass, kick and shove your way through a brand new season of high impact football.
Stuff happens, and Calintz finds an amnesiac girl by the name of Reith, and of course their chance meeting sets off a chain of events that will impact the entire world.
Play a practice game with all your Impact players in the zone.
All of your impact players will be in the zone.
One cool, but mostly useless addition, in my opinion, is the Impact Player.
Then, Nintendo found themselves in quite the battle when the Sega Genesis hit the market, but the Sega 32X made little impact.
Use combos and dodges, blocks and parries and even the elusive Guard Impact to defeat your enemies.
A strategy game is one in which the players' decisions have a major impact on the outcome of the game.
Whereas the first game made little impact, Street Fighter II popularized the one-on-one fighting genre.
In Street Fighter III, these two brothers are merely palette swaps of one another, though in 2nd Impact and 3rd Strike, they become more distinct characters.
Little did he know the enormous impact it would have on the gaming community.
Make sure to adjust the settings to experience the full impact of the voices, creature noises, music and background noises that make this game a horror fans dream.
The following list of games didn't make much of an impact in terms of nudity.
New advances in game technology have made games more immersive and interactive and some video game detractors point to these developments as added reasons that the games have a negative impact on children.
The results of these findings indicate that the video games appeared to impact a part of the brain that influenced aggressive behavior and concentration.
While politicians point to studies that show violent games have a negative impact on those who play them, there are just as many studies that show there are no such effects on normal people.
Little spelling mistakes are so easy to make and can ruin the impact of the personalized wine labels.
The size of the bottle can have a small impact on its value.
The type of grill you choose can have a significant impact on the results of your campfire cooking efforts.
Any time you're buying or selling an RV or any other high ticket item, it's in your best interest to educate yourself about all the factors that impact the items true fair market value.
Once the Rangers discovered the members of the group hours later, they found four dead from the elements and one killed by the impact of the tremendous fall.
Tell the campground representative what type of RV you'll be traveling in, as that may impact whether or not travel to the area is advisable.
For this reason, lightweight trailers have less of an impact on gas mileage than their heavier counterparts, making them one of the most cost efficient RV options.
However, if you are looking for a vehicle that is easy to tow, doesn't have a huge negative impact on your gas mileage and can be towed by a practical, affordable vehicle, a lightweight camping trailer is very likely to meet your needs.
Cases are usually made of rubber, neoprene, or leather and are designed to help the cell phone withstand an impact, protecting it from potential disasters like spilled liquids.
No one could have fathomed how much of an impact the original Apple iPhone would have on the marketplace.
It's very low-key but offers protection for your phone thanks to impact resistant plastic.
The Invisible Shield line from Zagg is a popular choice, as it does not have a big impact on the look and feel of your phone.
A child's self-feeding skills can impact his or her health outcome.
However, the severity of impact on the body is much greater with heat stroke.
Although this number is small compared to the number of those treated for cancer or diabetes, the vasculitides can nonetheless have a significant financial and emotional impact on the families of children diagnosed with them.
Authoritative parenting that combines warmth and firmness has the most positive impact on the youngster's development.
Management of all types of EDS may include genetic counseling to help the affected individual and his or her family understand the disorder and its impact on other family members and future children.
Cardiovascular disease can affect the patient's lifestyle and function in addition to having an impact on family members.
Some children find that the syndrome has little impact on their overall lifestyle; others have found their lives centered on the disorder.
Parents should intervene when the lying is of a serious nature and explain the impact of dishonesty on another's feelings.
These symptoms can last four to ten days and can have a substantial impact on a woman's life.
Treating the symptoms is always an integral part of lessening the impact of the disease.
The way in which the parent feels about the child's disability has a very strong impact on how the child feels about it.
A child with conduct disorder can have a tremendous impact on the home environment and on the physical and emotional welfare of siblings and others sharing the household.
The delay in normal functioning caused by brachial plexopathy and any muscle imbalances across a joint can have a major impact on the child's growing skeleton and can result in permanent muscular-skeletal abnormalities.
Gender also has a major impact on how a child is treated within the birth order arrangement.
These children often do have deficits in core areas of social competence that have a negative impact on their social development.
Speech disorders and significant speech delays can have a lasting negative impact on children.
A tool to measure the impact headaches are having on patients' lives, to track headaches over time, and to share this information with the physician.
Some autoimmune diseases constitute a group of medical conditions that have a major impact on pregnancy.
Home testing can prevent dangerous highs and lows and help parents and children understand how food and exercise impact blood sugar levels.
Worldwide, acute infectious diarrhea has a huge impact, causing over 5 million deaths per year.
While most deaths are among children under five years of age in developing nations, the impact, even in developed countries, is considerable.
Although separation anxiety is normal in infants and toddlers, cultural practices have an impact on the timing of its emergence and its extent.
Thus it is important for parents to consult a physician as soon as possible to minimize not only the physical but also the emotional impact of hair loss on their child.
These problems may have a greater impact on a child's life than the physical impairments of CP, although not all children with CP are affected by other problems.
Parental attitudes regarding alcohol and behaviors related to alcohol use have a major impact on how children and young adults view drinking alcohol.
The kind of injury the brain receives in a closed head injury is determined by whether the head was unrestrained upon impact and the direction, force, and velocity of the blow.
If the head is resting on impact, the maximum damage will be found at the impact site.
A moving head will cause a contrecoup injury where the brain damage occurs on the side opposite the point of impact, as a result of the brain slamming into that side of the skull.
Psoriasis can seriously impact children's lives when the hands and feet are affected so the children cannot take notes or walk or play, or when the disease becomes so widespread that the immune system becomes compromised.
Of them, 75 percent report that their disease has a serious impact on their daily lives.
However, the lack of a second parent often has a less negative impact on children than family instability, lack of structure, and inconsistent enforcement of parental standards.
Poverty exerts its greatest impact during children's preschool years, the age group in which children are most likely to live in poverty.
Polycarbonate lenses have approximately 50 times the impact resistance of glass lenses.
Parents or other primary caregivers should consider how much time their children spend on these activities and the impact they have.
The negative impact on learning and school activities may, however, persist into adult life.
More commonly, however, the disease has a severe impact on families because of the length and complexity of treatment as well as the possibility of complications from the disease itself and side effects from the medications.
In some cases, the shaking is accompanied by a final impact to the baby's head against a bed, chair, or other surface.
Interestingly, one study found that students whose parents are certified teachers performed no better than other students and that neither parental income nor parents' educational background had a significant impact on student performance.
However, the key to decreasing its impact on overall health is early diagnosis and strict adherence to the prescribed GFD.
Hyper-IgM syndrome has a major impact on the family of a child diagnosed with the disease.
For example, heart or kidney defects may significantly impact their quality of life.
Parents can also discuss with their children the impact of advertisement on personal spending habits and introduce their children to consumer advocacy publications such as Consumers Report.
The prognosis for children with diaphragmatic hernia depends on the extent of the defects of the lungs and the impact of the treatments necessary to save their lives.
The victim may continue to feel fear and anxiety for some time after the incident, and in some instances this may significantly impact his or her personal and academic life.
Within the history of developmental psychology, the work of Jean Piaget (1896-1980), the Swiss psychologist, has had the greatest impact on the study of cognitive development.
Motor development has a powerful impact on the social relationships, thinking, and language of infants.
Test anxiety can have an impact on a child's performance, so parents should not place undue emphasis on the importance of any psychological testing.
Parents and care-givers can have a significant impact on early language development.
Second impact syndrome occurs when a person with a concussion, even a very mild one, suffers a second blow before fully recovering from the first.
They should ask questions and communicate their concerns regarding treatment issues and the impact of the diagnosis on the family.
Some persons with IED benefit from cognitive therapy in addition to medications, particularly if they are concerned about the impact of their disorder on their education, employment, or interpersonal relationships.
Stresses at home, such as parents arguing a lot, and problems at school, such as difficult lessons, being bullied, or not having friends, can have a negative impact on a child's self-esteem.
Pain can have a negative impact on a person's quality of life and impede recovery from illness or injury.
There has been an increase in part-time employment among youth, but it has had little impact on peer relations.
In some cases, the method of childbirth may impact the chance of passing an infection from mother to child.
Loss of sleep has a cumulative impact on the well being of both children and adults.
Most congenital brain anomalies, however, will impact mental functioning, development, and, in some cases, physical mobility.
Chiari malformation can have a significant impact on both the child and the family.
All of these factors have a significant impact on the family.
Dyslexia may have an impact upon the child's family.
First aid or emergency care given immediately after the amputation has a critical impact on both the physicians' ability to salvage and reattach the severed part(s) and the patient's ability to regain feeling and function.
Parents of a newborn baby with a cleft lip or palate are often confused and afraid of the impact the defect will have on their child's life.
The impact of frequent bullying often accompanies these victims into adulthood; they are at greater risk of suffering from depression and other mental health problems, including schizophrenia.
A child with antisocial behavioral problems can have a tremendous impact on the home environment and on the physical and emotional welfare of siblings and others sharing the household, as well as their peers at school.
Research has shown that children enrolled in Head Start enjoy immediate, measurable gains in cognitive test scores; however, researchers disagree as to the long-term impact.
To help determine Head Start's effectiveness, a research project called The National Head Start Impact Study was underway as of 2004.
Parents' concerns often are focused on the psychological impact of torticollis in children who do to respond completely to treatment.
To cope with the impact of AD on other family members, parents may find counseling and support groups helpful.
Making yourself available to parents either via phone, email, or office hours will give you great networking and a chance to really impact the life of a child.
Many dancers find they have not had an opportunity to get such "tunnel vision" when it comes to dance, until they begin competing and seeing how much of an impact the craft makes in their life.
If you teach a low impact aerobics class, or even a beginning dance class for seniors, jazz dance routines can spice up your session and add that extra dose of fun and activity level necessary for good heart health.
Whatever the reason and skepticism aside, Matt has made a great impact on the Internet generation, and continues to do so with his speaking engagements and enduring online charm.
Woodspring™ Basketweave - This floor system weaves three bands of yellow pine and also contains elastomer blocks to reduce the force of impact.
Fancy footwork and high impact dance steps are showcased, and there is not a single hint of fatigue or fumble to be seen.
For example, in the section of the dance where the dancers raise one shoulder and lower the opposite shoulder, this move makes very little impact if you lift one shoulder slowly and not very high.
Slaves were also imported from West Africa, and this too had an impact on the development of these three primary dances.
The etiquette of sending thank you cards suggests that this should be left no longer than two weeks after the funeral, if left longer than this, the gesture tends not to have the same impact.
Reading a short remembrance poem invades thought processes for just the right amount of time to have a true impact on them.
Color has a strong psychological impact and can be used to enhance a feng shui interior or exterior.
It's true that different colors have different emotional impacts, but different colors also have an impact on different areas of our lives.
Personally, I love color and use it a lot because it can have a tremendous impact on how we feel in a space.
Each of the two yang energies impact the two yin ones by fueling and fanning the energies of creation (life).
If the beneficial chi energy can't move easily through your home then it can impact your life in very negative ways.
The Internet revolution had a huge impact on genealogy.
The Internet explosion has had a huge impact genealogy.
While both nations had an impact on the state, it was the 1681 land grant to William Penn by Britain's King Charles II that would shape its destiny.
If you desire long and lustrous straight black hair styles, remember that there is no miracle pill for hair growth and that every process to which you subject your hair has an impact on it.
Many have said that Frieda's impact on the world of hair care products is unmatched.
Certified organic ingredients are preferred whenever possible because they have less of an impact on the environment.
Type of hair and whether or not you use hair color will impact the setting.
Yes, this form of highlighting is also known as streaking, but even these slight color variations can have a remarkable impact on your coloring.
Clearly, hair styles have a great impact on popular culture.
Whether you wish to add a few strands of color or go with an overall color look, you will need to lighten the hair that is going to receive the color treatment first to get the most impact.
For a woman however, hair loss, even on a minor scale, is likely to be distressing and have a profound psychological impact.
For added impact, add some punky color to the remaining hair.
Paneled and chunking hair color techniques add visual appeal, while rich and decadent permanent color choices can create a whole new look, proving that just a small change can make a big impact, regardless of your hair length.
To make the most impact with razored ends, hair should be shoulder length or shorter.
If you have naturally curly hair for example, a chunky weave will offer a lot more impact than a finer section highlight, which will limit separation when the hair is kinky.
Color placement is what makes the most impact in a color trend.
To make the most impact, ask your colorist for a full weave with small sections and a fine weave.
Today, the mullet is worn by plenty of emo dressers but is most notably combined with high impact fashion hair colors.
This underground look was also paired with funky fashion hair colors for added impact.
If you choose to wear a veil, it may impact your choice of updo, depending on how it attaches to your hair.
In addition, a super short micro bang adds a funky impact that is often embraced by anyone seeking a punk or emo style.
Get inspired and make a minor or major impact with these playful hair highlight ideas.
If you're ready for more impact, you can move on to a full or partial head of blonde if desired.
Bangs can make a major impact on any haircut.
Soft fringe bangs are a likely option for anyone who wants to add a bit of style to their cut without a major impact.
If you want a clean line without a dramatic impact, a basic bikini wax is the safest and most traditional bet.
All of this stress can really impact the parent/child relationship.
To stay up-to-date on homeschooling and legal issues that may impact homeschoolers HSLDA provides a news resource.
Despite the negative impact on their local public school districts, the movement shows no sign of slowing down.
There are several things that you can - and should - do to minimize the financial impact of job loss and to secure new employment as quickly as possible.
Before you start the application process, take the time to educate yourself about the factors that impact whether or not your claim is likely to be approved or denied.
Length of Employment - The length of time that you spent working for your former employer can have an impact on whether or not you qualify for unemployment compensation following job loss.
If you have filed a successful claim for benefits within the past year, that fact may impact whether or not you are currently eligible for payments under the program.
When an oil spill occurs, the impact is not immediately known.
Keep in mind that the culture may have a significant impact on what the reality of the job is like regardless of what is stated in any sample nonprofit office manager job description you may review.
As a nurse, your skills and experience can positively impact the international community while also enabling you to broaden your horizons.
This is done by looking at both the interest rates offered by a lender and at the impact changes in the economy are likely to have on your interest rate.
Many users work with free mortgage calculators a number of times, adjusting numbers and increasing or decreasing amounts to see the impact on the eventual payments.
For example, you can click a button to find out the impact on interest paid and payment amounts by switching the worksheet to figure an adjustable rate mortgage.
The rate that you pay can have a significant impact on your monthly mortgage payments.
The quality of the build job will impact how long the home lasts and how many repairs you will have to make in the coming years.
Whether you are refinancing your current house or are in the process of buying a new home in Oregon, the mortgage lender you choose can have a significant impact on the outcome of your real estate transaction.
The impact was not limited to the mortgage and real estate industries.
The impact of the mortgage meltdown of 2007 will be felt in the mortgage industry and in financial markets around the world for decades to come.
People who weren't affected by the volatile real estate market in the early 1970s and 1980s often underestimate the impact that interest rate fluctuations can have on their real estate buying power.
Consumers must be diligent in their efforts to stay on top of the factors that impact the real cost of financing real estate transactions.
Buying a new house is a big decision, but some people enter into it without much regard for the actual financial impact that homeownership can have.
These factors can have a major impact on the current and future value of a property.
You can also use a mortgage amortization table to find out what the impact of any extra payments will be on your mortgage.
Reverse mortgages can have a negative tax impact on the homeowner's eligibility for federal and state assistance programs such as SSI or Medicaid.
It is essential to consider the impact of a high monthly mortgage on your retirement plans and future goals.
Look for a table that allows the calculation of the impact of any additional payments which you may decide to make during the term of your mortgage.
One or two large bunches of similar flowers can make a bold statement, or try putting together a mixture of different paper flower designs for impact.
Spell out "I LOVE YOU" or another message for added impact.
For added impact, dress in a form-fitting shirt that accentuates your newfound curves!
Pregnant women should avoid high impact exercises, especially later in their pregnancy.
Since children learn much of their behavior during the early years of their lives, relationships with siblings have a substantial impact on adult temperament.
If you're concerned about the development of your only child, remember that parenting styles have a substantial impact on a child's well-being.
Should you decide to go semi-nude, have your significant other wear dark colors to maximize impact of your baby belly.
That means being aware of factors that impact pregnancy and birth and knowing about the basics of prenatal care and preconception care.
Knowing that heat has an impact on male fertility, the student asked how that amount of heat would affect a man who holds a laptop on his lap for long periods of a time.
Jennifer Hudson is a former American Idol contestant who has made a huge impact on the entertainment industry.
This impact can cause a small amount of blood discharge.
The following information will explain ovulation and its impact on conception.
Not much is known about how a father's impact can affect a woman's risk of miscarriage.
In everyday life, whether you are Rh positive or negative has no impact on your health or life; however, when you are pregnant, an incompatibility between your own Rh factor and your baby's can cause significant pregnancy complications.
Birth control pills can sometimes impact the effectiveness of other medications you may be taking.
Athletes might notice differences in their breasts when they run; the chest may feel more sensitive or even painful during impact exercises.
Other physical activities that may put you into labor are swimming, stretching, dancing, jumping slightly on a trampoline, and other low impact exercise.
Jumpers travel almost ninety miles and hour and are in the air for nearly four seconds before they impact with the water.
And finally, if you are interested in the significance and impact that the bridge has had on the Bay Area, check out the great article on the importance of the Golden Gate Bridge.
Founded in Boston during 2003, the company now operates out of both cities, offering customers a chance to lessen their environmental impact.
It's a pretty rare two-piece that can withstand the impact of hitting the water at full speed and stay in place, although even one-piece bathing suits are not always immune to such disasters.
The lingerie industry has always had somewhat of an impact on the swimwear industry.
These sexy swimsuits also make a dramatic impact on the runway and gather more than their fair share of attention as the models make their way down the catwalk.
Again, we see a high impact floral design (in shades or orange and fuchsia), but this time a skirted bottom is thrown into the mix.
In many accidents, life jackets that were on the boat, but not physically attached to the people inside the boat, had no impact whatsoever on the safety of those in the boat.
In other words, if you chug big doses of B12, the main impact is that you get extra expensive urine.
Sure enough, it seems pretty obvious that a type of supplement that directly combats the impact of aging would have great benefits on looks and health alike.
In fact, some studies show that reckless antioxidant supplementation can have a downright negative impact on your health.
Medical professionals had known about the impact of certain foods on ailments (notably citrus fruit for preventing scurvy) since the 18th century, but it wasn't until much later the "missing link" was properly identified and classified.
Much can be done to stabilize blood sugar with smart adjustments to eating and exercise habits, but some vitamins do indeed seem to have a proven impact.
While all antioxidants don't have a direct impact on blood sugar management, studies have shown diabetes uses up more antioxidants.
It seems almost everything is fortified with folic acid these days thanks to its proven ability to prevent birth defects in unborn children, but it also has a positive impact on cardiovascular health for those with diabetes.
That makes supplements that have a direct impact on this area, such as chromium (often touted for weight-loss purposes) unsuitable for self-medication.
Lacking in this vitamin will negatively impact your health.
Researchers are still studying the impact of antioxidants, as well as dietary supplements.
Serotonin levels in the body can impact rest patterns, appetite, and mood.
Other fat-soluble vitamins, like vitamin A and E, can also impact absorption.
Disorders of your digestive tract can impact how your body absorbs vitamin D and other nutrients.
Vitamin D was once thought necessary only for healthy bones and teeth, but now, according to renowned health expert Dr. Joseph Mercola M.D., vitamin D may impact as many as 3,000 genes in the human body that express different illnesses.
The biggest impact on modern fashion was the introduction of the mini skirt.
They wanted to look bold, and dark lipstick and dramatic eyes made for a powerful impact on whomever they might choose to wink at.
Even if the 80s wasn't your favorite decade, you can't deny the impact it had on fashion, whether or not the fads were to your taste.
Here are at least some of the top 5 fashion for females in the 80s - those that had a strong impact and still resonate strongly today, either for their notoriety or their beauty!
In small doses, shiny details have far greater impact, subtly catching the light and exuding radiant glamour.
However, with cut out swimsuits making a huge impact upon the swimwear, this particular style is now back and infiltrating the world of couture in a fun and sexy way.
Of course, your clothes don't have to be see-through to make an impact.
Though not quite an aspect of history normally studied in school, the German takeover did have an impact on American fashion designers, who were heavily inspired by French couture prior to World War II.
Instead, look for luxurious satin, silk and lace, which all make a dressy impact and look fabulous with a pair of tailored wool pants and sexy heels.