Immunofluorescence Sentence Examples
Pneumocystis carinii was identified by immunofluorescence in only one (placebo) of 73 nasopharyngeal aspirates from children with pneumonia.
Investigations The serum will be investigated by the indirect granulocyte immunofluorescence and chemiluminescence tests using donor granulocytes typed for HNA-1, -2 and -3.
This test uses an immunofluorescence staining technique, and was first linked with WG in 1985 16.
There is another useful test called indirect immunofluorescence (sometimes called an antibody titre test ).
This can be achieved by typing the patient for the relevant antigen and/or performing a direct granulocyte immunofluorescence test.
If the feline leukemia test is positive, your veterinarian will likely follow up with more definitive testing using a immunofluorescence assay (IFA).
Immunofluorescence monoclonal antibody testing is very sensitive technique that gives a rapid diagnosis of inclusion conjunctivitis.