Immortal Sentence Examples
How godlike, how immortal, is he?
The white dove that Batty releases with his death does not begs the question, "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?", but instead asks, "Do Artificial Replicants have Immortal Souls?"
While fighting for survival, Michael struggles to adjust to the concept of immortal creatures living among humans, and Selene struggles with her own growing attraction to Michael-now a Lycan and her sworn enemy.
It was a wonderful, glorious song, and it won the blind poet an immortal crown, the admiration of all ages.
The story begins as the former Emperor of the oddly named Uricointi Empire decides to release the four immortal heroes -- the Warrior, Elf, Valkyrie and Wizard -- from their bondage.
The Dark One was going to turn her Immortal.
In accumulating property for ourselves or our posterity, in founding a family or a state, or acquiring fame even, we are mortal; but in dealing with truth we are immortal, and need fear no change nor accident.
If the day and the night are such that you greet them with joy, and life emits a fragrance like flowers and sweet-scented herbs, is more elastic, more starry, more immortal--that is your success.
The love story between the brooding vampire Edward Cullen and the one human girl who means more to him than his own immortal life has a following that appeals to youth and adults alike in 39 countries.
Yes. She was hurt by an Immortal and is in a coma of sorts.
AdvertisementThe strange Immortal world was so unwelcoming.
The soul is immortal--well then, if I shall always live I must have lived before, lived for a whole eternity.
To complete your luminescent Twilight makeover, Immortal Body Shimmer adds a subtle sparkle to arms, legs and shoulders while the special formula hydrates to keeps your skin looking amazing.
He'd chosen to stay with her that long, and she'd broken Immortal laws to take her place as his mate.
You're the only Immortal I've met worth saving.
AdvertisementShe sped up, and so did the creature. Katie stopped fast. The shadow Immortal stopped with her.
There's another Immortal down here?
It's part of the Immortal Code.
Smells like a human, acts like an Immortal.
As far as he knew, no Immortal voluntarily came to Death's underworld.
AdvertisementHe'd remembered the immortal world with fondness, for it was the only place and time he'd ever been happy.
Darian sat for a long moment, comprehending why Jenn viewed the immortal world with such bitterness.
The minute his feet touched the ground of the immortal world, he heard shouts.
She'd lost contact with her mate before being taken to the immortal world.
After the exchange in the immortal world, she knew Sofi was on no good terms with Xander.
AdvertisementSprawled on the ground, Jenn stared at the pillar of roaring magic that replaced the obelisk, as if a cork had been loosened from the core of the immortal world.
Jenn drew back, unwilling to let her mate die in the immortal world.
The hot midday sun was reminiscent of the immortal world, but the screaming was gone, replaced by silence.
He didn't know how he left the immortal world, but if he made it, Jenn could.
They must've escaped before the immortal world collapsed.
The immortal world is gone.
You can't disappear into the immortal world.
He sat back and stared at the portal listlessly, knowing the immortal world was no more.
Might be some guardsmen loose in Mexico who escaped before the immortal world collapsed.
He found The Book of the Damned and fought with immortal ability and speed.
From this point, Xander was able to see most of the city, including the white dome of the palace at its center that marked the home of one of the three Gods that ruled the immortal realm.
Eden stood on top of the tavern overlooking the immortal city of the Grey God.
He didn't understand the difference between an immortal warrior and a human child, between opponent and innocent.
If the immortal world posed a threat to hers now, it might again in the future.
His abilities were beyond those of any immortal she knew.
After all, he was the single most powerful immortal on the planet, and the oldest.
The others he hoped had died when the immortal world was destroyed months ago by the Grey God.
Eden was little older than Xander, the day he was made immortal.
She had a weapon capable of destroying the immortal realm but had chosen not to unleash Xander completely, knowing what might happen if she did.
Six months ago, they lost their ability to move between worlds, mainly because the immortal world was destroyed.
He lost a round with her in the immortal world, when she manipulated him into saving her life and those of her sisters-in-law.
His gaze darkened, and Xander knew his long-time ally was thinking of their shared history from the time before the Schism that split the mortal and immortal worlds apart.
Were man not immortal, religion would be of little value.
The western ridge culminates on the north in the peak of Kaisargarh (11,300 ft.), and the eastern in a block, or detached headland, on the south, where rests the immortal " zirat " or shrine (11,070 ft.).
Of matters generally regarded as pertaining to natural religion, that on which they were least agreed was the certainty, philosophical demonstrability and moral significance of the immortality of the soul, so that the deists have sometimes been grouped into "mortal" and "immortal" deists.
What makes the Lyons sojourn of the greatest real importance is that at this time probably appeared the beginnings of the work which was to make Rabelais immortal.
The irrational soul, as well as the rational soul, is immortal.
Before he left his prison he had begun the book which has made his name immortal.
In us this living power constitutes the ego, which is truly immaterial and immortal.
The doom of death under which mankind had sighed since Adam's fall could only then be averted, when the immortal Word of God (Alyos) assumed a mortal body, and, by yielding this to death for the sake of all, abrogated once for all the law of death, of which the power had been spent on the body of the Lord.
Nay, more, it imported that personality into him, making him a limb or member of Christ's body, and immortal as Christ was immortal.
Two years afterwards he published Les Orientales, a volume of poems so various in style, so noble in spirit, so perfect in workmanship, in music and in form, that they might alone suffice for the foundation of an immortal fame.
The ultimate sanctions of the moral code were the infinite rewards and punishments awaiting the immortal soul hereafter; but the church early felt the necessity of withdrawing the privileges of membership from apostates and allowing them to be gradually regained only by a solemn ceremonial expressive of repentance, protracted through several years.
Christianity is for the most part conceived as essentially a proclamation through the Divine Word, to immortal beings gifted with free choice, of the true code of conduct sanctioned by eternal rewards and punishments.
The results to which this Probabilism, applied with an earnest desire to avoid dangerous rigour, led in the 17th century were revealed to the world in the immortal Lettres provinciales of Pascal.
When we go farther back into Persian antiquity we find an immortal bird, amru, or (in the Minoi-khiradh) sinamru, which shakes the ripe fruit from the mythical tree that bears the seed of all useful things.
There were two classes of gods - the first immortal, of whom Ndengei is the greatest, said to exist eternally in the form of a serpent, but troubling himself little with human or other affairs, and the others had usually only a local recognition.
Demosthenes gained an overwhelming victory for himself and for the honour of Athens in the most finished, the most splendid and the most pathetic work of ancient eloquence - the immortal oration "On the Crown."
For while he maintains constantly his favourite maxim "that there is nothing in the intellect which has not been in the senses" (nihil in intellectu quod non pries fuerit in sensu), while he contends that the imaginative faculty (phantasia) is the counterpart of sense - that, as it has to do with material images, it is itself, like sense, material, and essentially the same both in men and brutes; he at the same time admits that the intellect, which he affirms to be immaterial and immortal - the most characteristic distinction of humanity - attains notions and truths of which no effort of sensation or imagination can give us the slightest apprehension (Op. ii..383).
These supernatural beings are sometimes represented as immortal, but often they fall victims to the prowess of mortals.
Whether or not the Irish druids taught that the soul was immortal is a question which it is impossible to decide.
Had Maui succeeded in his attempt to pass through the body of Night (considered as a woman) men would have been immortal.
The oldest sources as literary documents are the Homeric and Hesiodic poems. In the Iliad and Odyssey the gods and goddesses are beautiful, powerful and immortal anthropomorphic beings.
The victory remained with the younger branch, the immortal Olympians of Homer.
Not necessarily immortal, the gods restored their vigour by eating the apples of Iduna.
Men are assumed to be naturally immortal, hence a series of myths to account for the origin of death.
He wrote Rational Psychology (1848), System of Moral Science (1853), Empirical Psychology (1854), Rational Cosmology (1858), Creator and Creation, or the Knowledge in the Reason of God and His Work (1872), Humanity Immortal (1872), Logic of Reason (1874).
He didn't know if a two-bit thug like Talon rated the attention of the King of Darkness or if Talon was stupid enough to challenge an immortal so much more powerful.
Damian found him just before and adopted him first as his servant then as his brother, once they were thrown from the immortal world into the mortal realm.
Dusty knew nothing of the immortal divisions, but since an Other was the evil equivalent of a Watcher, they were in some serious trouble.
You'd been protected by other immortal beings called the Watchers until it was time for your fate to unravel.
Talon made you immortal and awoke your gift, Sofi replied.
Unlike touching Czerno, whose dark memories had overwhelmed her just standing near him, Jonny had only one bad memory, that of his first kill that turned him from human to immortal.
Thank the gods we're immortal.
Bring them back, Dusty said, not understanding how Darian had punctured a hole between the mortal and immortal worlds.
In the ancient times, there were also God-slayers, men of a special kind who were bred and raised by the Gods for immortal wars.
They possessed a unique gift, the ability to kill an immortal without being an immortal.
The White and Black Gods never allowed the slayers to become immortal, no matter how bloodthirsty they were.
None of the Guardians, save Damian and Darian, had their immortal powers, though the Naturals seemed unaffected.
The Watchers thought him lesser, because he'd chosen the mortal world over the immortal one.
Jule baited the immortal creature.
The Grey God has torn the fabric between the mortal and immortal realms.
We're stitching this tear back together from the immortal realm.
Returning to the immortal realm with me and regaining your powers.
He wasn't sure how returning to the immortal realm would make a difference.
A Watcher was stronger than any Guardian in the mortal realm, except for Damian, and more powerful than any immortal in the immortal realm, except for an Original Being.
The Watcher had been up front with him about the mission, which meant there was much more than the immortal creature was saying.
Some sort of immortal creatures called Guardians are trying to destroy humanity.
She looked too sweet to be someone about to destroy the fabric between the immortal and mortal worlds, even if he did sense some sort of dark secret in her gaze.
He'd never forget his single run-in with one of the Others, a group of Watchers working to destroy the mortal world in favor of an immortal one.
He'd chosen a human over the immortal realm and been banned for it.
In fact, he'd chosen a woman over his life in the immortal realm.
Neutrality is probably less likely to piss off the immortal realm.
The Watcher had sent an immortal after the woman, all right.
The tall figure loping after them was the equivalent of an immortal pit bull, one of the Watchers' own elite personal guards.
I'm an immortal who's older than dirt.
There is a state of constant struggle between good and evil here on earth and a similar struggle in the immortal world between the Others and another faction called the Watchers.
The Watchers stripped the Guardians of power, but their base of power is in the immortal realm.
I didn't send their souls to the immortal realm, because I'd hoped you'd be standing here one day, able to drain the magic from them.
Even when he'd been in the immortal realm, no one crossed a Watcher or Other.
Admittedly, I'm the youngest of the oldest immortals and the only immortal on Earth of my generation.
Jule had chosen to stay with Cassandra instead of returning to the immortal realm when the Schism occurred.
You chose a human and serving the White God over the immortal realm at the Schism, despite the need for your power by your fellow immortals.
Whatever had happened in the immortal realm to make him hate the little bastards, he was glad the sense of distrust wasn't wiped out with his memories.
Gazing at his adopted brother and recalling everything they'd done to protect humans, Jule had no doubt giving up his life in the immortal world was worth it, despite Xander's uncertainty.
I never told you why I was exiled from the immortal world, mainly because I didn't fully know why myself.
The hope is that the Original Being will oversee the transition and make sure none of the immortal entities interfere.
They want me back in the immortal realm to help them battle the Others.
What would make an immortal who chose humanity once return to who he was in order to save the humans again?
D, I need my Original powers back, but I'm not going back to the immortal realm.
The White God must exist for the sake of humanity, but an exiled immortal is no loss if he dies.
Immortal, take me back.
He'd cracked the gateway when Jonny became the Black God, and now, the immortal realm peeked from the clouds into the mortal world.
With Jule—and you—I think we have a chance of ridding the planet of the immortal interference and returning to our day-to-day battle between good and evil.
At more than double both their ages, Jule was as old as the Watchers, exiled to earth after pissing off someone somewhere in the immortal world just before the Schism.
Her back was bare to display the name of Darkyn amid the Immortals' geometric writing that marked her as an Immortal mate.
She'd never thought about how long Darkyn might wait to claim his mate by Immortal law in that way.
To kill a man, Immortal or demon fast, touch him here.
If I've learned anything, it's never to trust a deity or an Immortal or a demon.
The Immortal who posed as her only friend and surgeon for years – who also nearly killed her – stood before her.
She'd learned a lot lately about how obligation held more sway in the Immortal society than truth or emotion.
Flanked by the Immortal she knew as Kiki and two more, Rhyn stood several meters away.
Standing between the men who could claim her as a mate at some point in the past week, she was caught in the need to taste Darkyn and the desire to have the love of an Immortal whose heart was never hers to start out with.
She has an anomaly that makes her immune to young and old Immortal magic, all the way back to the Ancients.
Accepting, loving, trusting someone – even if bonded – was beyond Immortal Laws to dictate.
It gave her a little bit of peace, knowing she wasn't solely at the mercy of the Immortal Laws and Fate.
Immortal Mate (Death – current) and Immortal Mate (Dark One - current) This much he predicted.
The two demons lurking in the shadows weren't opening the only way out of Hell for an Immortal.
This morning, he left a perfectly healthy woman – who looked like his mate and wore the Immortal mating tattoo – and yet was distinctly different.
As the head of the Immortal Council That Was Seven, Rhyn was charged with protecting the human population from demons.
He wasn't allowed to tell Rhyn, due to Immortal laws governing the dealings between deities.
Dressed in a mock turtleneck of some expensive fabric and slacks, the seated Immortal was relaxed and bright-eyed, despite accompanying them on the hunt that led them to the meat locker a couple of hours ago.
Gabriel was envious of how refreshed the Immortal managed to appear without sleep.
The only calm, civilized Immortal on the Council That Was Seven, she had sought him out rather than try to reason with the irrational leaders of the Council.
Andre was an Immortal, a friend of Gabriel.
The Ancient Immortal was studying him hard.
He wanted to be different than the other deities who didn't respect any boundaries, even if he was breaking Immortal Laws right and left to try to salvage his underworld.
Unless you're using magic on her, there's no way any woman – Immortal, deity or human – would ever choose to stay with you.
His mate was allegedly no longer dying of a tumor, even if he couldn't figure out what secrets she hid, and his newfound independence left him wary of the Immortal Laws but no longer enslaved by them.
Nothing – not even Darkyn – could change that, even if the Immortal mating script changed again.
The first Ancient Immortal approached her.
In the matter of seven days, Gabriel had come close to breaking more Immortal Codes governing Death's actions in the mortal world than his predecessor did over hundreds of thousands of millennia.
You broke no part of the Immortal Code, and you followed our procedures.
His predecessor chose the best, like the cautious and steady Immortal awaiting his decision.
He emerged at the Caribbean Sanctuary, one of four places that connected the mortal and immortal worlds.
Governed by Death, the Sanctuaries were located on islands protected by magic and tended by convents of Immortal nuns, who helped any who came to them.
The Immortal Code, rule seventy four states that my status as a former-human has no relevance, once I was made Immortal.
They were all serious, absorbed with following the Immortal Code and performing their duties.
Written across the top of her back was his name and the geometric Immortal script marking her as his mate by Immortal law.
Gabe was halfway across the gym where the Immortal foot soldiers were training before he knew where he was.
Gabe sat up as Kiki approached, and the tall Immortal paused, critical gaze taking in both of them.
By Immortal Code, he was obligated to claim her and protect her as Rhyn had Katie.
Tourists and locals alike bartered with vendors, and he entered a tiny silver shop, where he sensed the Immortal he sought.
It led down another hallway lined with wooden doors, each marked with an Immortal symbol.
He sensed magic, though, and understood the Immortal was able to access the tablet in a way Death had no need to.
Its function could determine the meaning of the symbols, since the most ancient Immortal writing is based on a complex system of symbolic context.
She thinks you blew up the gym because Deidre is your mate by Immortal law.
The Immortal had the temper of a demon, the power of a deity and the self-control of a child.
By Immortal Code, Gabriel was obligated to protect Deidre.
The deity managing the Future was wise in the way of an ancient immortal that had seen everything since the time-before-time, yet laid back and friendly, two traits Gabe didn't expect.
Anyway, now, by Immortal law, you're his mate, so he legally has to protect you instead of get revenge.
It was a violation of multiple rules within the Immortal Code.
Gabriel asked, not understanding why the Dark One chose the Immortal that was his archenemy for thousands of years.
Gabe watched it, anger stirring as the Oracle confirmed Darkyn's story about bringing back a dead-dead immortal.
The laws and magic governing the mate of an Immortal are much more forgiving.
He had to determine if the one he owed Darkyn was present or not and then warn Rhyn that the half-demon's Immortal father would soon no longer be dead-dead.
No other demon was permitted close the Immortal fortress.
The scent of an Immortal – a female one – made his hunger roar to life.
We're here to do the interview we do for all new members to the Immortal society.
She feared asking what they meant by Immortal society.
When did the Immortal mating inscription appear?
We're managed by a council that very poorly oversees Immortal activities in the mortal world and fights demons to keep the underworld dwellers from destroying the human world.
We follow the Immortal Code, which dictates our interactions with humans and our obligations within our society.
As far as we know, Immortal mates are predetermined.
You might have an Immortal bloodline somewhere in your ancestry or a simple mutation.
Immortal doesn't mean omniscient or anything.
By Immortal Code, Death can't kill you, and neither can any of his dealers.
Though, if what they said was true, she was destined for the Immortal society anyway.
He spoke like Mr. Checkmate, the Immortal that greeted her on the beach and spoke of a history with her when she'd never seen him before.
He wasn't curious about the existence of an Immortal society, only about what she intended to do, now that she knew it existed.
Always drama with Immortal mates.
Gabe bristled, aware of the quiet lethality of the Immortal before him.
The disaster that remained of the Immortal society and its Council was evidence.
The Immortal was planning something and intended to use Deidre to get it.
Wynn had missed the events of the past few thousand years, which meant the changes Gabe went through the past few months were mysteries to the Immortal.
Rare emotion went through the gaze of the Immortal before him.
The Immortal knew as much as Gabe about the portals and how to evade those who followed.
It wasn't Death's duty to track a rogue Immortal like Wynn, but he had a need to ensure the right person did.
Nothing screamed Immortal or that there was something about him she should be worried about.
Deidre guessed she'd stumbled upon somewhere in the Immortal world.
In fact, if she'd stayed away from the beach this weekend altogether and had dinner with her doctor instead of causing her boyfriend to be eaten by a demon, she wouldn't be facing an Immortal mood beast or teaching Immortal children not to feed humans rocks.
I'm happy to see you instead of an Immortal mood beast.
You also broke immortal laws to let me go instead of killing me.
Yeah. You should be able to see the Immortal markings, too.
Figured it was no coincidence that a mysterious man named after a dead-dead Immortal just happened to fall into the life of a former deity, Gabriel replied.
No, easy was not something she was willing to accept, even if it meant caving to someone she craved, whose looks drove her crazy and whose touch made her feel more at home than she did in the mortal and Immortal worlds.
Anxious to be out of the Immortal stronghold, Deidre dug through her clothes to find the warmest she packed.
Things changed when you were dragged back into the Immortal world, he said.
She wasn't an Immortal, but a blank check from a deity had to be valuable.
The Immortal sighed and trotted down the stairs.
None of the remaining were old enough to remember how Wynn had run things, and no other Immortal in the human world had been around when Wynn was in control.
Gabe resisted the urge to behead the Immortal.
Our Deidre is a mix of human and immortal.
Now, it's not removable by human medicine or by Immortal power, Wynn added.
What made her good was that she was able to work around the Immortal Code that has you by the neck.
View the Immortal Code like a woman and what I'm telling you to do like ...making love to that woman.
Thousands of years of experience rendered Gabe intimately familiar with both a woman's body and the Immortal Code.
The Code enslaved me as an everyday Immortal.
I am also the only deity, Immortal or human alive who ever crossed that bitch and won.
In all his years, he'd known one Immortal with the unrivaled gifts of not only tracking demons in the mortal realm but manipulating the minds of Immortals and mortals.
The same Immortal would balance the damage done by past-Deidre when she raised Wynn and help Rhyn manage the Council and Immortals.
It was a long shot, but Gabriel was willing to bet that raising the dead-dead Immortal would pay off.
Mainly because it broke a few thousand Immortal Codes.
Shut off from the underworld, he could only hope he had enough soul power here on the mortal world to reincarnate one Immortal.
The night-skinned Immortal appeared to be either dead-dead or sleeping.
Chuckling, Gabe stood and offered the Immortal a hand.
The Immortal sat at the nearest end of the neighboring couch while Gabriel remained standing opposite her on the other side of the ottoman.
If the Ancient Immortal surgeon I had for years couldn't do it with modern science and magic, and Death doesn't know the answer, then I'm assuming it's not gonna happen.
She didn't expect him to sit with her for hours; she definitely didn't expect him to stay solely for her comfort without trying to force anymore Immortal bullshit down her throat.
He made it clear he didn't have to curry her favor, not with the Immortal Code on his side and the arrangement he proposed.
His plan took Wynn, Andre, the oldest of the Healers he knew and his own magic, and the best he was able to come up with was given a one percent chance by Wynn, whose mind Gabriel stripped to the core to ensure the Immortal didn't deceive him.
If that meant he took Wynn with him everywhere from here on out to ensure the Immortal didn't disappear, he'd do it.
Only a deity can turn a human immortal, which is what it'll take to keep you alive while we remove the tumor.
No Immortal alive had a good opinion of the deity, and the mocking way she spoke about Gabriel infuriated Deidre.
Your fate still lies within the Immortal society.
Am I … am I an Immortal now?
Deidre was relieved to see the Immortal script, until she saw it wasn't Gabriel's name on her back.
Rhyn's powers were beyond even Gabriel to control, and the unfortunate immortal was a loose cannon that'd accidently almost destroyed the world more times than he could count.
How many times have I warned you about breaking Immortal Code?
Right now, he's useless to them and anyone else, just an immortal whose freakish power should've landed him on my list long, long ago, she said.
And, you can't break the Immortal Code to help him.
Gabriel took it and smiled, cheered by the thought of the most powerful immortal ever born cursed with the self-control of a five-year-old in a room with fresh-baked cookies and no adult supervision.
He watched her go, wondering how he could help his friend without breaking the Immortal Code yet again.
Portals to the mortal and immortal worlds glowed warm yellow through the fog like beacons.
Without the contents of the vial, Rhyn was defenseless against any immortal.
He felt the magic penetrate him to the core, and the ancient tattoos marking him as both an immortal and an Ancient blazed red in the darkness before subsiding.
I'm breaking Immortal Code one last time to bring that to you.
The book was an immortal's, clasped in a flexible leather-like cover with thin, transparent pages.
Sasha had an affinity for collecting the worst of the worst -- creatures whose intentions toward humans and immortals alike were as far from the Immortal Code as could be.
Despite Rhyn's fury and occasional diversion from the Immortal Codes, he still believed in them, a weakness Sasha was trying to beat out of him since their eldest brother --the peacemaker and enforcer of the Council That Was Seven --sentenced them both to Hell.
His late birth in the immortal world landed him Antarctica, where he could do little harm with his wild powers.
Gabriel followed, ignoring the rows of delicate glassware, Bunsen burners, machines, and other science toys that employed the two dozen immortal scientists.
The immortal Council's leader, a silver-haired man with violet eyes and a face untouched by time, stood at the entrance.
Yeah. She's an immortal mate, a special one.
Special enough she's immune to immortal magic.
He took up his position outside of Katie's apartment building to protect Rhyn's mate despite his promise to Death not to break any more Immortal Codes.
As he weighed if he'd be forced to choose between someone he loved and an immortal's mate with a desirable gift, he couldn't help thinking Jade wouldn't take breaking up well.
Sasha himself, followed by two members of his guard of immortal badass creatures, delivered the new, bloodied tenant to the cell across the hall.
In all his years as an immortal, he's never drooled over anything!
And the defects are in all respects commonplace; they have no resemblance to that uncanny discomfort which often warns the wise critic that he is dealing with an immortal.
Besides these works he wrote A Letter to Mr Dodwell, arguing that it is conceivable that the soul may be material, and, secondly, that if the soul be immaterial it does not follow, as Clarke had contended, that it is immortal; Vindication of the Divine Attributes (1710); Priestcraft in Perfection (1709), in which he asserts that the clause "the Church.
The same post brought a letter from Oxford, soliciting Swift's company in his retirement; and, to the latter's immortal honour, he hesitated not an instant in preferring the solace of his friend to the offers of St John.
God is " all truth, all knowledge, all bliss, boundless, almighty, just, merciful, unbegotten, without a beginning, incomparable, the support and Lord of all, all-pervading, omniscient, imperishable, immortal, eternal, holy, and the cause of the universe; worship is due to him alone.
Their immortal, perfected bodies are quickened by the spirit, not blood.
The only purpose of the mortal body of flesh is to serve the immortal spirit during its sojourn in the material world.
This country quite voluntarily surrendered the once seemingly immortal concept of the sovereignty of parliament and legislative freedom by membership of the European Union.
Has there been anything immortal in it, which will survive the speedy wreck of all sublunary things?
Telomere maintenance is essential for tumor cells to by-pass replicative senescence and become immortal.
A proper, spanking pop tune that contains the immortal line, Hey, what 's your name?
You sing whatever immortal Homer left unsung, so the Trojan War wo n't lack the final touch.
Includes the immortal line " Vino tinto, vino blanco, makes me feel like General Franco ".
You can choose from categories like Immortal FX Lenses, Theatrical FX Lenses, Hand Painted FX Lenses, and Hand Painted Sclera Lenses.
You can shop their selection of immortal lenses, theatrical FX lenses, hand painted FX lenses, and hand painted sclera lenses (these cover the whites of the eyes, too).
Vamp Fangs lets you choose from immortal FX lenses, Theatrical FX lenses, and Hand Painted FX Lenses (regular and sclera).
Immortal contact lenses look the most natural of the bunch, but they come in unnatural shades.
Then, with them out of the way, the advisors attempted to become immortal and overthrow the Emperor, who then decided to make right and free the heroes.
Gauntlet Seven Sorrows is an action/adventure role-playing game about four immortal heroes who were betrayed by an Emperor.
This hog is immortal and cannot die no matter what happens.
Three Lucky Immortals, Fuk (also Fu), Luk (Lu) and Sau (Su) weren't really immortal.
Sau (Su) is the immortal who symbolizes health and long life.
The Chinese first wrote about kombucha tea in the year 250 B.C., calling it "the immortal health elixir."
Couples on a budget who want to capture the spirit of the immortal bond between Bella and Edward may also want to consider this ring for their own engagement.
Twilight engagement ring replicas make nice promise rings for couples who want to make a statement of immortal love.
The Twilight engagement ring symbolizes an immortal love that will never die and a relationship where one could not exist without the other.
To "work smarter, not harder" is a business world cliché made immortal by Dilbert and others, but when it comes to dieting it truly is the guiding light.
The Wraith were practically immortal, dying only if they were killed by force or starved to death.
So why is he still very much in evidence today, fighting with a sword and righting wrongs?MacLeod is an Immortal.
An Immortal doesn't even know he's immortal until he dies.
Once he or she receives the wound that would be mortal to anyone else, the Immortal wakes up and the immortal part of live begins.
When one Immortal meets another, the odds are excellent that they're going to fight to the death.
Helping people, both mortal and Immortal, is what he does.
When a young thief breaks into his place, he recognizes an incipient Immortal, and becomes a mentor for Richie Ryan (Stan Kirsch).
He frequently crosses paths with a very old thief, Amanda (Elizabeth Gracen), an Immortal who is an on-and-off love interest whom Duncan continually tries to reform.
A later addition to the cast is Methos (Peter Wingfield), the legendary Oldest Immortal whom most Immortals believe to be a myth.
Modern fantasy has returned the fairies, elves and other immortal beings to their ancient beginnings - human-sized, long-lived and impossibly beautiful.
A common theme in fantasy is that immortal or long-lived races have little in common with short-lived ones, although temporary alliances against a common enemy can be forged.
Immortal races are often depicted as being forced out of their natural and native lands by the shorter-lived, yet more fertile human races.
The novel was the basis for the 1969 ABC Movie of the Week, "The Immortal," with Christopher George, and the 1970-1971 television series also called "The Immortal."
Woven throughout Wonder Woman's story were the threads of her background going back to her days on Paradise Island, as the daughter of the immortal Amazon Queen Hippolyta.
Some say pixies live 15-20 years and others say they are immortal.
Jule snapped off the end of the arrow in his shoulder, not about to bleed to death before he'd killed the immortal.
She wasn't able to reconcile the creature that turned her Immortal with the man before her.
She'd experienced one night with an Immortal mate, and it was the most incredible night of her life.
Was what she felt for Gabriel nothing more than destiny and Immortal laws she knew nothing about?
This was too similar to what she physically felt towards Gabriel to be anything other than the Immortal bond that branded Darkyn's name across her shoulders.
It's against the Immortal laws.
You already know the Immortal mating is what made you feel that way towards Gabriel.
She's his mate by Immortal laws, and we both know how seriously he takes his duty.
I didn't just turn you Immortal; I turned you into one of my kind.
At the reminder, she looked away, uncertain how to handle her newest foray into the weirdness that was the Immortal world.
The Immortal who posed as her only friend and surgeon for years – who also nearly killed her – stood before her.
Deidre waited nervously, uncertain what to think about the Immortal staring at her.
I'm the only Immortal who can walk into Hell.
She wasn't an Immortal or deity.
The man in whose arms she lay was not only her husband by Immortal and demon laws but the Dark One who turned her into a demon.
He cannot enter Death's domain or other areas of the Immortal world without invitation.
Deidre never felt she belonged in the mortal or Immortal worlds, because she didn't.
Immortal Laws be damned.
The immortal mating script clearly read, Gabriel.
He listened, though, curious what kind of deal human-Deidre had made with the only goddess to ever outsmart the Dark One and Immortal Laws.
He circled the small, blonde woman and stopped behind her, gaze on Gabriel's name, which was written across her back, along with the Immortal mating script.
Selyn. My daughter, a hatchling born by an Immortal blood monkey.
The mating bond of the Immortals and deities and the blood bond of the demons were the two oldest bonds, unbreakable under the Immortal Code and from the laws older than the Code.
He wasn't the arrogant, ruthless Immortal she remembered.
This morning, he left a perfectly healthy woman – who looked like his mate and wore the Immortal mating tattoo – and yet was distinctly different.
It was a new one, recently made by the Ancient Immortal that Gabriel hired to help, indicating another of his dealers had defected.
Not many people thought differently of the first Ancient Immortal, who had led the Council with six of his sons for many years before being killed.
He walked down the line to the nearest of the five the demons had approached with offers and paused before the Immortal with icy blue eyes.
The Immortal offered a polite smile.
He used to frown at her when she acted outside the Immortal Laws, unable to appreciate that a deity charged with managing a domain often had to take steps outside the rules to protect one's underworld.
This Ancient Immortal hadn't given up his soul without a struggle.
Gabriel doubted Darkyn was after the Immortal because he was fighting demons.
He looked around to make sure he hadn't missed anything else that might give him a sign as to what Darkyn was doing by killing off an Ancient Immortal.
He then called a portal to visit Tamer, the Immortal making the soul compasses.
The keeper of ancient Immortal histories, Tamer was able to read scripts from the time-before-time.
The graceful Immortal was in the study, hands folded in his hands, as if waiting for him.
He began to think more and more that raising Andre was worth breaking the thousands of Immortal Laws it cost.
Unless you're using magic on her, there's no way any woman – Immortal, deity or human – would ever choose to stay with you.
No deity or Immortal or living human ever welcomed or accepted Death, but the souls always had.
Maybe Gabe was right; maybe this was partially her fault for breaking too many Immortal Laws at once.
The immortal mating rules from the time-before-time couldn't be broken.
Nothing – not even Darkyn – could change that, even if the Immortal mating script changed again.
He watched them, recalling a time he'd overseen the training of all Immortal warriors.
She'd been raped and killed by an Immortal.
Wynn doubted she knew that the Immortal who did it was his son.
The Immortal approached with caution, his movements deliberate and his voice steady and low.
The Immortal glanced up from his laptop, brow furrowing in irritation.
Now, I know what I should do by Immortal law.
Gabe glanced at the Immortal.
Awww, you're a baby Immortal mate!
Like someone who was immortal.
He sounds like an Immortal.
The knowing look on Wynn's face, however, made him realize the long dead-dead Immortal had figured things out.
Some sign he was an Immortal?
Being Immortal, that meant pretty much forever.
He appeared to be any other Immortal.
Wynn was an Immortal.
I happen to be an Immortal rather than a human, he said gently.
I'm an Immortal, and Gabriel has moved on after thousands of years at your feet.
I'm done with this Immortal shit.
The Immortal led him down the hallway to a familiar library.
From any other Immortal, it wouldn't have been a threat.
He heard how to bring an Immortal back from the dead-dead from past-Death but never saw it done.
Nothing yet in the Immortal world had been as easy as this bargain.
Deidre accepted his hand and let him take her into a new part of the Immortal world.
He was going to turn her Immortal.
Am I … am I an Immortal now?
I mean, I guess there could be two Gabriels in the Immortal world, she said.
Each of the four Sanctuaries sat on an island straddling the human and immortal worlds and housed an immortal treasure, such as the Oracle.
He'd always hoped Rhyn would have another chance, that Hell was a place to stash the dangerous immortal until the world was ready for him.
I'm violating Immortal Code by serving you, by locking Rhyn in Hell to keep Kris from killing him.
It was his immortal powers, which Death had yanked from him when she ordered Gabriel to take him to Hell.
The death dealer was his only friend who'd stuck with him since he'd been banned to Hell by his brothers and dragged there by the immortal death dealer before him.
I can't break Immortal Code to protect her.
But an immortal's mate was off hands.
She's an immortal mate.
She's beautiful and she's an immortal's mate.
You're immortal --can't kill you.
She wondered what it took for an immortal to look as if he'd been through Hell and back.
Not if you're already dead or immortal.
Doesn't give him a right to break the Immortal Code.
I broke the Immortal Code.
He sensed another immortal in the house but couldn't place where exactly.
I've wanted to protect her, but Immortal Code --
You broke Immortal Code what?
The immortal he sensed sat inside a large library.
Giovanni is an immortal.
Her hand went to her neck, where the name of her Ancient Immortal mate, Rhyn, had been until he broke their mating bond two days before.
The five-year-old angel, whose appearance in her life several weeks ago plunged her into the Immortal underworld, squeezed through the cracked door.
Rhyn was all she would take away from the twisted Immortal world.
You sacrificed your immortal soul for him.
I broke Immortal Code to grant your favor of not killing Rhyn.
Instead of going to see the Immortal leader, Gabriel crossed through the shadow world, squinting as he emerged into the bright mid-morning sunlight.
He.d miss the smell and sight of his homeland and yearned already to stay here rather than return to his dark corner of the Immortal underworld!
Before he gave his Immortal soul to death, he.d never noticed how sweet the air was or how the grass sang as the wind whipped through it.
I gave Death my Immortal soul.
His gaze lifted, and he recalled vividly the last time he.d seen his parents in this very spot, when they were cut down by bloodthirsty demons during the only period in Immortal history when demons attacked humans.
At barely above her height and slender, the mad scientist was very unlike the Immortal warriors that filled the castle.
Just spray any Immortal that gets too close.
In Hell, the Immortal Jade, formerly the most trusted lieutenant to the leader of the Council That Was Seven, looked around his new bedchamber with a shiver.
It has many Immortal comforts we care nothing for.
The demon closed the door—one of the Immortal comforts, for there were no doors in Hell—and left him to wonder how many men and women Sasha had in the bed before him.
As she fell asleep, she couldn.t help thinking Rhyn was the only Immortal on the Council she.d trust to keep humans safe.
I have enough problems with psycho Immortal demon jackasses.
It.s my fault Toby was wandering around without someone watching him, but really, Kris, who assigns a woman an Immortal kid that.s not even her own and expects her to know what to do with it?
He knows how to do things no Immortal has ever done.
Her fiancé is an Immortal.
The slender Immortal glanced up from his computer.
Gabriel was at his place in the underworld, a small cottage tucked into Death.s realm, in the Everdark forest of Immortal trees whose hissing, fanlike leaves and snake-like branches moved to catch the quiet wind.
Gabriel had always been a free man; now the human- turned Immortal was a slave.
The healers moved to the other side of the Immortal world, past Elisia and closer to Hell.
He.d spent most his life in Hell and remembered little of the Immortal world.
She went to the unoccupied fireplace and sat with her back to the wall, afraid of any Immortal who felt her draw enough to approach.
I, in turn, used her to climb the Immortal ladder.
He wouldn.t have been hurt if not for her, and Hannah may not have been dragged into the Immortal world if she hadn.t hit the radar of Kris.
Iliana was a relatively young Immortal who had been at his side for only a few decades, having caught his attention with her fighting skill and fierce loyalty.
By Immortal Code, you must turn him over to me.
I ask that, in the meantime, you refrain from attacking any Immortal traveling the road to the castle.
Her draw was not as consuming as Katie.s, which meant she.d have a much better chance of surviving if not every demon and Immortal was drawn to her.
I wonder how there came to be two women destined to be Immortal mates in one family.
No Immortal is innocent.
Didn.t you just get dumped by one Immortal?
Hannah saw nothing but the gilded world around her; she had no idea about the dark underside to the Immortal world.
The Immortal rubbed the injection spot with a grimace, stretched, and climbed inside the ring in the lowermost basement in the castle.
The Immortal launched himself at Rhyn, and the two sparred as the scientist watched intently.
Ully blew a whistle at last and motioned the Immortal over to check his wounds. got Toby to think about, and raising him where he.s attacked by demons and subjected to the stupidity of the Immortal world—it.s not happening.
And with Hannah here, I can.t leave the Immortal world with her still in it.
Jade had trained under Kris, the greatest of the Immortal warriors, and knew Sasha to be a lazy fighter.
He.d been responsible for enough Immortal deaths this night; he couldn.t stomach more.
The Immortal died in Hell, where he probably belonged.
Katie paced her corner of the gymnasium, where she had been herded with the rest of the Immortal mates.
She didn.t know if there was a second gym where other Immortal mates were, but Kris had said Hannah would be down.
They crossed unimpeded through the portal and onto the island Sanctuary, one of four such sites bridging the mortal and immortal worlds.
She didn.t understand much of the Immortal world, but she knew Death always won.
The snow was drenched with blood, like an Immortal snow cone.
Kris, he knew, was the best Immortal warrior ever known.
He wondered what a half-human son would be like, and his thoughts went to Gabriel, who started out human before turning Immortal.
Two Immortal mates were already eating, and she looked over the food with disinterest.
We had an Immortal wash up on our shores last night.
The Ancient Kris probably contacted the other three, because we only have about forty Immortal refugees here now.
Katie waited until he was gone then shook her head, tired of Immortal surprises.
I.m looking for an Immortal named Ully.
That he came from the mortal world rather than the Immortal one had left a taint on him that no amount of success could get rid of.
She heard no signs of the demon pursing but trotted down the stairs, hoping to find another way into the dungeons where the Immortal warriors lived.
The tallest looked a great deal like Andre, the deceased Immortal she.d met a short time before he was killed.
He was cast out of the Immortal world fairly young.
She turned at the familiar voice, pleased and surprised to see Megan, the Immortal warrior who befriended her and showed her around when she arrived to the castle several weeks before.
I gotta keep looking for demons or any other Immortal survivors.
The Immortal on the other side of his door was too excited to wait until he entered to shout the news.
An unbound Immortal.s mate had no protection from demon or Immortal Code.
Kris had come close to breaking the Immortal rules or his own oaths to his father.
I.ll post two Immortal guards to ensure he doesn.t do anything stupid.
The Immortal nodded and trotted away to gather more. the best Immortal warrior there is.
Her Immortal guard poked his head in every corner and door and looked under the bed before he left her in peace.
Frowning, she rose to see if her Immortal guard was nodding off at his post.
Her heart slowed, and she stepped back, imagining the Immortal fighting off some demon that had stayed hidden until dark.
He grabbed one of the Immortal books, fingering the soft, leather-like cover and transparent pages.
Part demon, part Immortal, part human who.s immune to magic?
He sold his Immortal soul to Death so she wouldn.t kill Rhyn.
He was about to rise and open a portal to Hell—Kris be damned!—when an Immortal knocked and opened the door.
Your Immortals caught a man who claims to be an Immortal as well.
Yes, but I have to object to Immortal business being carried out in the Sanctuary.
Fury rose within him again as he took in the Immortal who had betrayed them and taken Katie.
Oh, because you Immortal jackasses know it all, right?
She wanted Kris dead in that moment, even if the arrogant Immortal was her sister's husband.
She's an Immortal or demon or what?
You will kill any demon or Immortal in your path.
Toby frowned, worried as much about his human charge as his Immortal friends.
Stuck in the Immortal underworld.
How many rules are in the Immortal Code?
Do demons have Immortal Codes?
I know the Immortal world better than you, mortal.
I heard the Immortal underworld is an awful place. What if Death decides to keep you or Rhyn drops you in Hell forever?
I was born, wandered the Immortal world for the first few years.
He'd lost them all. Lilith, Jade, Hannah. Even Andre. He'd not only failed every Immortal that ever lived, he'd failed the only people he'd ever cared for. He lay on the ground, gasping as he tangled his fingers in Hannah's hair.
Kris looked at him, anger building. The muscular half-demon was bleeding from a wound in his chest. His dark eyes glowed like a demon's, though his face was still that of an Immortal.
She's breaking Immortal Code to let you go. We have to leave, before she changes her mind.
I do my best, but I'm as flawed as any Immortal. I just hope our brothers see that I'm trying.
The Immortal was alive, but barely.
Toby looked at the unconscious Immortal twice his size and back up at Rhyn.
His closest friend and advisor, the Original Immortal Jule, waited for him atop a horse.
Darian mounted his horse again, joining Jule as the Original Immortal led his horse down the beach.
It rose from the beach to the sky and harbored the source of the immortals' power in the immortal world.
The Original Immortal was visibly disturbed.
Darian guided the horse through marble streets marked by statues of his forefathers and beyond the city into the wood running along a stream that ran through the immortal countryside.
My daughter is the ruler of the immortal world, her father said.
It was blood red, casting a shadow the color of blood over the immortal world.
There was no way to move up or improve life in the immortal world, but Jenn heard tales of the mortal world.
It spit out someone else from the immortal world then slowed to a near stop.
There was nothing she could do for Talia, nothing that remained of the immortal world.
She didn't want to say it, but the bloodied immortal didn't look like he'd wake up for quite a while, especially if there was no Healer among the survivors.
He peered at the Original Immortal curiously then looked up at her.
There was no immortal world to go back to now.
In less than two weeks, he'd aged, transforming from the lost youth she'd tried to take care of into a young immortal exploring his dark powers.
If the Others wanted to find a way to keep the Grey God from assuming his role as the Gatekeeper between immortal and mortal worlds, they'd likely find her a good target.
One of five Original Beings, he'd landed on earth when the Originals escaped from their immortal exile.
There are now two places on earth where we can enter from the immortal world.
Go back to the immortal world.
Something as small as a piece of hair or a tooth—anything that the soul of the dead immortal might still cling to.
The stars didn't shine quite so bright in the immortal world, and the sky didn't seem as endless.
If he didn't find what he sought, there might not be an immortal world anymore.
The guardsman hesitated, not sensing the soul of the dead immortal despite the blood.
The colors and sensations of the immortal world were richer on the senses, but the mortal world seemed raw, untamed.