Immigrant Sentence Examples
There is a large Indian immigrant population.
The immigrant population is concentrated in or near the large cities.
Boston is the second immigrant port of the country.
The immigrant movement brings with it many new sects, as, for example, the Eastern.
Since 1880 Italians, Russians, Poles, Austrians, Bohemians and Hungarians have enormously increased in the immigrant population.
The inhabitants are mostly of immigrant Malayan stock.
The immigrant is worth what it has cost to bring him up only if he is able-bodied, honest and willing to work.
On the other hand, the language of the warlike invader or peaceful immigrant may yield, in a few generations, to the tongue of the mass of the population, as the Northman's was replaced by French, and modern German gives way to English in the United States.
In Albania the aboriginal Illyrian element, which preserved its ancient language, maintained itself in the mountains and eventually forced back the immigrant race.
When an immigrant moved to Rome from one of the cities of the Latin league, or any city which enjoyed the jus commercii with Rome, and by the exercise of the right of voluntary exile from his own state (jus exulandi), claimed Roman citizenship, it is impossible to suppose that it was necessary for him to make application to a Roman patron to represent him in his legal transactions; for the jus commercii gave its holder the right of suing and being sued in his own person before Roman courts.
AdvertisementAccording to ancient authors (Herodotus, Xenophon, Strabo, &c.), the Bithynians were an immigrant Thracian tribe.
Midea and Tiryns form a group of cities founded by an immigrant people in opposition to Argos, the natural capital of the plain and the stronghold of the native race.
The immigrant farmers ruthlessly shot down game of all kinds and most of the animals named were exterminated, so far as the province was concerned.
On its western side, which is occupied by an immigrant Chinese population, are open and well-cultivated plains; on the east it is mountainous, and occupied by independent indigenous tribes in a less advanced state.
Valdivia is one of the most recently settled provinces and has a large immigrant element, chiefly German.
AdvertisementIn producing Plato, Athenaeus and Aristophanes, the scholar-printer was largely aided by Musurus, who also edited the Aldine Pausanias (1516) and the Etymologicum printed in Venice by another Greek immigrant, Callierges (1499) The Revival of Learning in Italy ends with the sack of Rome (1527).
The most scientific procedure, however, is to calculate the probable earnings of the immigrant during the rest of his lifetime, and deduct therefrom his expenses of living.
Immigration is on a small scale (1024 in 1908), but tends to increase; it is encouraged by the government, which seeks to divert to Paraguay some portion of the Italian labour immigrant into Brazil and Argentina.
Such an immigrant, therefore, must have become at once a free plebeian citizen of Rome.
The great bulk of the Indo-Aryan or Hindu population consists of Uriyas, with a residue of immigrant Bengalis, Lala Kayets from Behar and northern India, Telingas from the Madras coast, Mahrattas from central and western India, a few Sikhs from the Punjab and Marwaris from Rajputana.
AdvertisementIn consideration of the large immigrant population again, the birthplace of each parent is recorded, with details as to nationality, naturalization and date of immigration.
The government has aided immigrant farmers and farm labourers having a certain sum of money, also female domestics, by paying part of their passage money.
Their descent is traced to a Breton immigrant, Alan the son of Flaald, which Flaald was a brother of Alan, steward (or seneschal) of Dol in Brittany.
Certain remarkable analogies between Albanian and the other languages of the Peninsula, especially Bulgarian and Rumanian, have been supposed to point to the influence exercised by the primitive speech upon the idioms of the immigrant races.
In Messenia they were reputed immigrant founders of Pylos, and were connected with the seafaring Taphians and Teleboans of Homer, and distinguished from the Pelasgians; in Lacedaemon and in Leucas they were believed to be aboriginal.
AdvertisementThe population of the immigrant colony was 792,666, consisting mainly of thriving and prosperous peasants with occupancy rights in holdings of about 28 acres each.
These last are mainly composed of immigrant Malayan peoples.
Among the mountains, gold was perhaps worked under Trajan, who first appointed a Procurator Metallorurn, or overseer of mines, for Dacia; certainly in the 14th century, when immigrant Saxon miners established a considerable trade with Ragusa, in Dalmatia.
The interior of Novaya Zemlya shows hardly a trace of animal life, save here and there a vagrant bird, a few lemmings, an ice-fox, a brown or white bear, and at times immigrant reindeer.
The awakening of literary ambition among these Servians of the Adriatic coast was originally due to the influence of immigrant Greek scholars who came to Ragusa after the fall of Constantinople in 1453.
It is said, for instance, that an adult slave used to be valued at from $800 to $1000, so that every adult immigrant may be looked upon as worth that sum to the country.
So, too, the immigrant is worth his future net earnings to the community only if there is a demand for his labour.
The change, wrote General Walker, which produced this falling off from the traditional rate of increase of about 3% per annum, was that from the simplicity of the early times to comparative luxury; involving a rise in the standard of living, the multiplication of artificial necessities, the extension of a paid domestic service, the introduction of women into factory labor.2 In his opinion the decline in the birth-rate coincidently with the increase of immigration, and chiefly in those regions where immigration was greatest, was no mere coincidence; nor was such immigrant invasion due to a weakening native increase, or economic defence; but the decline of the natives was the effect of the increase of the foreigners, which was a shock to the principle of population among the native element.
The natives of Taliabu are allied to those of the Banggai Islands and the eastern peninsula of Celebes; but immigrant Malays are the principal inhabitants.
Of the immigrant arrivals for the forty-seven years given, 1,331,536 were Italians, 4 1 4,973 Spaniards, 170,293 French, 37,953 Austrians, 35,435 British, 30,699 Germans, 25,775 Swiss, 19,521 Belgians, and the others of diverse nationalities, so that Argentina is in no danger of losing her Latin character through immigration.
In the British Isles, especially Ireland, there is (in addition to the Celtic-speaking elements) a considerable population which claims Celtic nationality though it uses no language but English; and further all Teutonic communities contain to a greater or less degree certain immigrant (especially Semitic) elements which have adopted the languages of their neighbours.
Unfortunately, too, for Norway's independence, the native gentry had gradually died out, and were succeeded by immigrant Danish fortune-hunters; native burgesses there were none, and the peasantry were mostly thralls; so that, excepting the clergy, there was no patriotic class to stand up for the national liberties.
The Labour movement in Australia may be traced back to the early days when transportation was in vogue, and the free immigrant and the time-expired convict objected to the competition of the bond labourer.
The government has made repeated efforts to secure immigrants from Europe, but the lands set apart for immigrant settlers are in the forested provinces south of the Bio-Bio, where the labour and hardships involved in establishing a home are great, and the protection of the law against bandits and criminal assaults is weak.
Large numbers of immigrant artisans joined the population during the latter half of the 19th century, attracted by the great development of industry.
She was dressed in a tattered coat, hands in her lap, sitting as nervously as an immigrant awaiting deportation.
Immigrant species have even come from Texas and New Mexico, from the Dakotas and the Rockies.
The huge variety of immigrant languages has enriched American vocabulary.
This immigrant then undergoes recombination with the local elite; the fittest individual created so far within this cell.
The bulk of the population, so far as race goes, is of the Semitic family, and at bottom Aramaean with a large admixture of immigrant Arabian blood, which is constantly being reinforced, and a comparatively small strain of Hebrew blood.
The final immigrant admitted to the United States through the immigration facility at Ellis Island was Arne Peterssen of Norway.
As a sixteen-year-old immigrant, Lena Himmelstein arrived in New York in 1895.
Gund was founded in 1898 by a German immigrant named Adolf Gund in Connecticut.
But perhaps you are ethically disinclined to purchase a handbag that costs as much as it does to feed an immigrant family for a month.
The majority of immigrant ships arrived in New York City ports.
When a potential immigrant came to shore at Ellis Island, he or she had to undergo an interview and health inspection.
If you think you are a descendant of an Ellis Island immigrant, you may find letters, birth records, and death records to help you put your family tree together.
Once you've spent some time researching your ancestors online, consider visiting the Ellis Island Museum in New York to help you understand what it was like to be an Ellis Island immigrant.
Jobs are first given to residents of Switzerland, but if there is no one to fill the gap, an immigrant may be considered.
In areas with high immigrant populations, LIHEAP applications may be available in both English and Spanish.
It also crosses the Mediterranean to Algeria and Morocco; but there, as in southern Spain, it is probably but a winter immigrant.
Time showed that the winning of Kansas was a question of the lightest-footed immigrant.
It consisted of a narrow strip of land near the coast, which together with the adjacent islands was occupied by immigrant Greeks of the Ionic race, and thus distinguished from the interior district, inhabited by the Lydians.
An immigrant, Hamilton had no particularistic ties; he was by instinct a " continentalist " or federalist.
To every free immigrant was given a tract of land in proportion to the amount of capital brought by him to the colony - the possession of £Soo entitling the holder to 640 acres, and so in proportion, a very liberal view being taken as to what constituted capital.
But the confusion of the Leleges with the Carians (immigrant conquerors akin to Lydians and Mysians, and probably to Phrygians) which first appears in a Cretan legend (quoted by Herodotus, but repudiated, as he says, by the Carians themselves) and is repeated by Callisthenes, Apollodorus and other later writers, led easily to the suggestion of Callisthenes, that Leleges joined the Carians in their (half legendary) raids on the coasts of Greece.
This paper proposes that immigrant settlement of such areas may have a particular spacial pattern.
Fines for the first offense can be up to $ 3000 for each employed undocumented immigrant.
Once the adoption proceedings are finalized and you've obtained a Chinese passport, exit permit, and immigrant visa for your child, you're ready to return to your home country with your new son or daughter.
Alex Manoogian was an immigrant from Turkey that settled in Detroit in the 1920s.
The winery was established in 1917 by an Italian immigrant, Santo Cambianica, who settled into Los Angeles' Italian-American community.
An Italian immigrant, Vittorio originally started the winery in San Francisco (delivering the wine door-to-door) but ceased operations in 1920 because of Prohibition.
Immigrant youth organized themselves into street gangs, often as a means of economic survival.
Various folk dances arrived with immigrant groups and by the mid-19th century vaudeville and ballroom dance were popular.
Useful information in these listings include the age of the immigrant, town of origin and ship name.
Immigration abstracts help when tracking an immigrant ancestor.
The Board of Special Inquiry Program puts on reenactments of events from the busiest time in history for Ellis Island, such as the immigrant hearings.
Look for your ancestors' name on the American Immigrant Wall of Honor, which has 200,000 names of passengers.
For genealogists researching their immigrant ancestors who arrived during this time, these records are full of important information.
The receiving center reopened for immigrant processing in 1920, but the end was near.
A museum is located on the grounds, a popular site for some of the 100,000 million Americans who trace their descent from an Ellis Island immigrant.
Officials often spelled the surname phonetically, as they were not familiar with the language of the immigrant.
With so many immigrant records, a simple search may yield too many results to review.
Officials recorded information like the immigrant's name and occupation, and doctors performed medical examinations of the immigrants.
Finally, United States citizenship or "eligible immigrant" status are taken into consideration.
Income distribution is far from equal across the U.S. Poverty tends to be concentrated in areas that have high immigrant populations and few high-paying employers.
The USDA Food and Nutrition Service website has additional information regarding how to get food stamps if you are an immigrant.
Bulova watches began in 1875 with an immigrant setting up a jewelry store in New York City, Joseph Bulova.
In 1875 a 23 year old immigrant from Bohemia, Joseph Bulova, stepped onto North American soil.
In 1875, a young Bohemian immigrant named Joseph Bulova opened a small jewelry shop in New York City.
Founded in New York by a Bohemian immigrant in 1875, the company has gone from strength to strength.
In 1875, a 23-year-old Bohemian immigrant, Joseph Bulova, opened a jewelry shop in New York City.
Income, assets and resources are all taken into consideration when deciding eligibility, but other factors that will be considered include if you a pregnant, disabled or blind, and whether you are a U.S. citizen or legal immigrant.
Nevertheless, it is not probable that without the training introduced by Lycurgus the Spartans would have been successful in securing their supremacy in Laconia, much less in the Peloponnese, for they formed a small immigrant band face to face with a large and powerful Achaean and autochthonous population.
A drunk illegal immigrant whose car killed a schoolboy was jailed for just EIGHT WEEKS.
If an alien (non-US citizen or permanent resident) marries a US citizen or permanent resident, that person is usually given an immigrant benefit.
If a divorce is granted before the immigrant spouse is granted permanent resident status, then he or she cannot be granted a permanent residency through the marital relationship.
African immigrants have heavily influenced reggae and calypso music in the Caribbean, Latin music, blues and gospel music in the USA, and rap music in the USA and Europe - especially in the immigrant communities of London and Paris.
Regional variations exist from the Highlands of Scotland, to the Republic of Ireland, to areas with large Celtic immigrant communities, like Brittany and Canada.
Her father was a Mexican immigrant, and his language and culture featured prominently in the home.
In later times the story of a Phoenician immigrant of that name became current, to whom was ascribed the introduction of the alphabet, the invention of agriculture and working in bronze and of civilization generally.
It is particularly useful when our overseas members supply information regarding their English immigrant ancestor.
Although not in favor of forced assimilation, most people clearly want immigrant communities to become integrated into the wider society.
By expanding racial/ethnic immigrant enclaves, mass immigration makes it easier for immigrants to find mates within their own group... .
Or limiting immigrant finally we find excellent is omitted these are the.
Repression Not every local organization or post-colonial immigrant organization has a politically subversive language.
France is paralyzed by its own elite, leaving a despised, excluded, largely immigrant underclass of the poor and disenfranchised.
His present research is on immigrant youth and their fascination with contemporary, Afro-American ghetto culture.
The birth-rate is exceptionally high, largely because of the immigrant population, the greater part of which is concentrated in or near the large cities.
The influence of such legislation on unsettled immigrant labourers may be seen in the number of Italians who periodically migrate from Argentina to Brazil, and vice versa, seeking to better their condition.
During this period many immigrant labourers settled here; for the ironworks and dynamite factory of Baracaldo prospered greatly, owing to the increased output of the Biscayan mines, the extension of railways in the neighbourhood, and the growth of shipping at Bilbao.
Among this Semitic folk is to be observed a great variety of immigrant stocks, settled in isolated patches, which have done much to contaminate the masses about them.
Thirdly, there are the immigrant Malays.
The statement of Diodorus Siculus that the mingling of these Iberians with the immigrant Celts gave rise to the Celtiberians is in itself probable.
When the Semitic settlers of the age of Sargon, whom it is now common with some justice to call Akkadians (see Sumer), had become thoroughly merged in the population, there appeared a new immigrant element, the Amurru, whose advance as far as Babylonia is to be traced in the troubled history of the postGudean period, out of the confusion of which there ultimately emerged the Khammurabi dynasty.
The sweatshop owner, often an immigrant himself, is usually " the most innocent one in the supply chain, " he says.
There is also coverage of the huge variety of immigrant languages which have enriched the American vocabulary.
The immigrant family found it difficult to assimilate to new customs because they were vastly different than their own culture.
Includes both Dutch language literature from the Netherlands and her colonies, Belgium and her colonies, France and foreign Dutch immigrant populations including Afrikaners before Afrikaans became standardised.
The Vedic deities of the nobler sort, the shining devas, the asuras (the " breathers " or living, perhaps to be identified with the Scandinavian cesir) rose above a vast multitude of demonic powers, many of them doubtless derived from the local customs and beliefs of the native races whom the immigrant Aryans subdued.
By the law of 1894 the immigrant must have been at least 14 years in the country and be 40 years old before in the most favourable circumstances he could be admitted to the franchise.
The dwelling was built in the 17th century by his ancestor, the sturdy immigrant, Thomas Whittier, notable through his efforts to secure toleration for the disciples of George Fox in New England.
In the midst of the Annamese live Cambodians and immigrant Chinese, the latter associated together according to the districts from which they come and carrying on nearly all the commerce of the country.
Or, it has been said that an adult immigrant represents what it would cost to bring up a child from infancy to the age, say, of 15.
At this time, too, about zoo fugitive immigrant families from Santo Domingo greatly augmented its industrial importance.
The bronze image of the same divinity at Horyu-ji, said to have been cast at the beginning of the 7th century by Tori Busshi, the grandson of a Chinese immigrant, is of good technical quality, but much inferior in design to the former.
The valuable element is the able-bodied immigrant himself as a factor of production.