Immersing Sentence Examples
These in their simplest form are cans filled with water, which is heated by immersing them in a vessel containing boiling water.
Guncotton is made by immersing cleaned and dried cotton waste in a mixture of strong nitric and sulphuric acids.
While I felt a secret of that magnitude couldn't remain so in an intimate relationship, I equally dreaded immersing myself so deeply into Howie's life.
When this ceases to be rewarding, or becomes too stressful, then we can escape this questioning by immersing ourself in religion.
For example, Wilde produced copper printing surfaces for calico printing-rollers and the like by immersing rotating iron cylinders as cathodes in a copper bath.
The first of these was found by immersing the hydrometer in pure water, and marking the stem at the level of the surface.
Blanching means immersing the vegetables quickly in boiling water, then immersing them in ice cold water.
It looks like Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt are playing the law of averages - by immersing themselves in so many projects, they're bound to find success with one of them.
The effects of violent video games range from small children playing hours upon hours of Mature-rated games to adults immersing themselves in a violent game environment without breaks into the real world.
Fans of J.R.R. Tolkien's books and the blockbuster movies will enjoy these adventure games, playing as some of their favorite characters and immersing themselves in the world of Middle Earth.
AdvertisementImmersing yourself in a tub full of this blissful treat can easily make all of your troubles least for a little while!
If you enjoy reading great stories while simultaneously immersing yourself in historical culture, the historical fiction genre is likely to be very appealing to you.
Even little things, like knowing how to greet someone and respecting personal space can vary widely by nation, so it's important that you're aware of the cultural differences before immersing yourself.
Immersing yourself in Christmas music at a special concert is a wonderful way to enjoy these seasonal tunes.
If, after immersing yourself in the children's yoga world for a bit, you can attend a special kids' yoga teachers' training in which you will gain certification to teach children.
AdvertisementSimply massaging a rich fragranced cream into your skin or immersing yourself into an aromatic tub is enough to delight the senses.
Immersing your hands in water frequently will make your fingernails split.
He remained, however, uncertain how to do so without immersing himself further in Lydia Larkin's sordid activities.
Phosphorous acid, P(OH) 3, discovered by Davy in 1812, may be ' obtained by dissolving its anhydride, P 4 0 61 in cold water; by immersing sticks of phosphorus in a solution of copper sulphate contained in a well-closed flask, filtering from the copper sulphide and precipitating the sulphuric acid simultaneously formed by baryta water, and concentrating the solution in vacuo; or by passing chlorine into melted phosphorus covered with water, the first formed phosphorus trichloride being decomposed by the water into phosphorous and hydrochloric acids.
Much can be done in this case to clean the seed before sowing by immersing it in hot water or in some solution that will kill the spores without injuring the grain.