If Sentence Examples
I'll take care of the others if you want to watch the kids.
What if we thought differently?
It's all very well if you're single.
I'll use my own hat, if you please.
If we keep cool and moist, and meet with no accidents, we often live for five years.
If anything more is wanted I'll send after you.
If God thought it was wrong, nothing we could have done would have been successful.
If a man was obliged to go from one city to another, he often rode on horseback.
Let the son marry the daughter, if both agree, and give them the treasure as a wedding portion.
If you hadn't happened to find the piglet, Eureka would surely have been executed.
AdvertisementAs if you could kill time without injuring eternity.
We can stop right here if you want, Carmen.
It seemed as if no one saw that coming because, frankly, no one could conceive of it happening.
If I should attempt to tell how I have desired to spend my life in years past, it would probably surprise those of my readers who are somewhat acquainted with its actual history; it would certainly astonish those who know nothing about it.
If you don't open this door I'm going to kick it open.
AdvertisementCall me if there's any change.
Now if that's all...
We must cease raving if we are sons of our Fatherland!
He didn't care if she got cold.
A touch of humor lurked in Señor Medena's dark eyes, but he continued as if he didn't notice.
AdvertisementIf I had an even faster computer than I have today, I could come up with really interesting questions to ask it.
I was quite ill afterward, and I wonder if retribution also overtook the turkey.
I don't know if he's angry or not.
The greater part of what my neighbors call good I believe in my soul to be bad, and if I repent of anything, it is very likely to be my good behavior.
At this point, if you follow my reasoning, we have established at least the possibility of a bright future.
AdvertisementIt was very difficult to walk over, the ties were wide apart and so narrow that one felt as if one were walking on knives.
Prince Andrew shook himself as if waking up, and his face assumed the look it had had in Anna Pavlovna's drawing room.
Well, if my cooking is that bad...
You do realize that if it's a girl, we're going to be unevenly matched.
The shah sat silent for a while, as if in thought.
One may almost doubt if the wisest man has learned anything of absolute value by living.
As for reaching the top of the earth, I have never heard that it is possible to do that, and if you succeeded in getting there you would probably fall off.
It's almost as if it is a lifetime goal.
The main point, however, was that they flew, and flew swiftly, if a bit unevenly, toward the rock for which they had headed.
She went quickly over uninteresting details, and never nagged me with questions to see if I remembered the day-before-yesterday's lesson.
You may do that tomorrow if you wish.
It is a sad story, but if you will try to restrain your tears I will tell you about it.
As they had no wings the strangers could not fly away, and if they jumped down from such a height they would surely be killed.
If you can prove I'm guilty, I'll be willing to die nine times, but a mind's eye is no proof, because the Woggle-Bug has no mind to see with.
But don't try to make out I'm too innocent to eat a fat piglet if I could do it and not be found out.
If you had looked ahead fifty years to 1240, you wouldn't have anticipated much change.
What if the Smolensk people have offahd to waise militia for the Empewah?
Of course, if you prefer, we can wait until you come home from work and make it a fun family event.
If he hadn't hid it from her all this time, it wouldn't be such a shock.
If he was guilty, he probably deserved it, but is family didn't.
If there are, they are liable to be glass oats!
He won't need to destroy ME, for if I don't get something to eat pretty soon I shall starve to death, and so save him the trouble.
If he reports that our losses were great, it is not true; perhaps about four thousand, not more, and not even that; but even were they ten thousand, that's war!
I can neither punish him if he does wrong nor reward him if he does right.
Whenever anything delighted or interested me she talked it over with me just as if she were a little girl herself.
She paused as if she felt it indecorous to speak of her pregnancy before Pierre, though the gist of the matter lay in that.
Alex wouldn't lie, but if he was given enough time to think about it, he could certainly evade the issue.
But it would have been alright if I had?
If he treats me differently than others, I'm sure it's because we are married.
If only she could conquer these mood shifts.
If he didn't love you, he wouldn't care.
I don't know if you realize how expensive it would be.
Its delicate blossoms shrank from the slightest earthly touch; it seemed as if a tree of paradise had been transplanted to earth.
Finally his head turned slowly, as if feeling her intense gaze.
A spiked drink might seem harmless, but if a person was taking certain prescription drugs, it could be dangerous.
If I didn't want to do what he said I'd tell him so - and he would listen to my reasons.
Your father even offered you land if you would come down here to stay.
If he had simply ignored her, she might have been able to get her emotions under control, but now a sob threatened so convincingly that she was afraid to breathe.
For the most part, the facial expressions of those sitting around the table were sympathetic, but Dulce looked as if she was ready to break into tears.
Yet somewhere deep inside she feared that if he was capable of betrayal once, then he might be again.
Jonathan and Alfonso were playing with the sticks as if they were swords.
If you don't remember where you buried the bone, it isn't going to be much help when you get hungry later.
Señor Medena was watching her again in that strange way, as if it truly mattered what she thought.
He flinched visibly as if she had slapped him, his fingers tightening on her arm.
If he trusted her, he wouldn't have been snapping at her as if she had done something wrong.
Still, if Señor Medena adopted Dulce when she was a baby and raised her, then he was her father - blood relative or not.
If Katie hadn't disclosed that incident to her before she met Alex, would he have revealed that facet of his past?
If he had passed Dulce over, it was because she wasn't what he wanted.
Right now she'd like to kiss those smooth lips - and she might if she didn't know where they'd been last.
If Dulce hadn't chased him so hard, would he have fallen in love with her?
His words were comforting, even if they didn't resolve her concerns.
I guess I'd wonder too, if I were in your shoes.
If that Alex returned to his roots, there was no reason she couldn't be at his side.
I was thinking about buying a new vehicle and wondered if we had the money, so I looked at his financial information on the computer.
I'm not all that secretive, but you were the one who kept telling me that if he wanted you to know, he'd tell you.
I always wondered if that was why Mom and Dad split up for a while - because Mom was used to a different lifestyle and social circle.
As if Destiny had not been through enough already, she was forced to stay inside the tent.
If you don't get some sleep when you go home, you won't be able to relieve me tonight.
When I told her about Destiny, she asked if she could come up and help.
She'd buy the pizza and have it delivered if they would bring her some.
Later she remembered that Alex had asked her to call him if there was any change.
He would want to know, yet if he did, he might try to drive in on icy highways.
The line was silent for so long that she checked her phone to see if the call had been dropped.
If he was in bed under the current circumstances, he must be sicker than he was letting on.
He said Destiny's fever had broken and if she continued to improve, they would take the tent off her bed in a few days.
If it's something we simply can't afford, that's one thing, but we should be encouraging things like this, Alex.
He treated her as if she were actually pregnant.
Normally he would have asked if she was ready to go to bed, or even if she needed help.
If he had lied to her, he might have cheated as well.
If Alex had known he had a son, things would have been different.
If it wasn't Dulce, then who?
I just want to do my part, and I can't if I don't have all the facts.
She could drive, if someone would simply tell her where they were.
How would you feel if...
If I wanted someone to organize my life, I would have stayed back in Muskogee with my parents instead of moving here.
We can run another test, if you wish.
If you guys are through socializing, we'd better get moving.
I'll see if I can find a deer next time.
After all he had done, he dared talk to her as if she were a child.
If I holler, fan out and make a circle.
Cassie, if things get rough, you find Bordeaux and stay with him.
If he had buttered up to her, it was merely to make his job easier.
He deserved an apology, and she intended to give him one - if she ever saw him again.
If you leave the wagons behind, you'll be rewarding the Indians.
On the other hand, if you abandoned the wagons and rode the mules, you might be able to keep ahead of the Indians.
But what if we buried the supplies under the wagons and then burned the wagons?
I like the idea of burying the supplies, but I don't think the Indians would be fooled if we buried everything – even if we could.
If something happens to the rest of us, I want you to ride as fast as you can to Ashley.
Maybe you'd like to stick around here for a while to see if they show up.
But if they don't want our food, why would they follow us?
What would they do if they caught up?
And if she still couldn't make up her mind?
But if they thought she and Bordeaux were engaged, the matter would be closed.
If any rays missed their bodies, the sand reflected it to them.
As if in answer to her question, he dug a tin from his shirt pocket and handed it to her.
If he wanted to discuss her father, it was going to be a one-sided conversation.
Could Bordeaux resist temptation - and if not, would he expect forgiveness from her?
If they did, they'll be looking for us.
If Pete had that much faith in Bordeaux, he had good reason.
If she couldn't keep up she would likely get him killed.
But if you'd rather take them off, go ahead.
But if Bordeaux wasn't a Mormon, why would he propose to two women in one day?
What if he had changed his mind?
If you need anything, my room is at the end of the hall.
If he intended her harm, he would hardly have fixed the door so it would lock from the inside.
So far, deer and rabbits are easier for a few wolves to pull down than a healthy cow, but if the pack gets too big they may go after cattle.
Nothing is going on, if that's what you're getting at.
Mary studied her reflectively and finally spoke in a hushed tone, as if she didn't actually want to know the answer to her question.
You know, this house wouldn't be as cold if there were some curtains on the window and some rugs on the floor.
If you use the right colors, and brighten the walls with a few large pictures, or some mirrors, it wouldn't be so dark.
If you want to put them up, go ahead.
Yet it left her wondering if Mary was still romantically interested in him.
What if he didn't like it after she was done?
Of course, if you think it would be too much work... you'll only have two weeks.
I think it would be a good idea if I moved upstairs.
If there was anything going on in this house, it's not like your rooming upstairs would make it look any different.
There's nothing sensitive about Claudette, but if you want to move into that room upstairs with the balcony, go ahead.
If she thought her face could get no warmer, she was unpleasantly surprised.
Little did he know that she wouldn't have left the ranch if her truck had been available.
It isn't troubling me, but if you really don't want me messing with it...
If it does, then you can pay me back if you want.
Well, if I was in your shoes, I'd see my doctor about some form of birth control.
It would be nice to know she could leave the ranch at will without leaving Cade afoot, but she doubted if she would be driving to town soon.
If he returned her affection, would she grow tired of him?
If he hasn't been with a woman, it's probably because he's had other ways of...
But if Mary and Cade met, there was no indication.
If something is upsetting you, consider sharing it.
If he'd knocked me up I'd have got an abortion.
Once on our stools and served, I asked him his plans if he did in fact recognize the town of his dream.
When I rose and asked if we were ready to begin another session, he was eager to join us on our trek to the basement.
If doing this would be too painful...
If that son of a bitch gets away with this it would kill me!
I guess I looked funny, so he asked me outright, if we'd been lovers.
If Quinn didn't place him at the hotel, he felt he might locate it himself.
Howie's record was thirty-four minutes but he felt he could extend this if needed.
I'll see if I can check it out but it might take a while.
If we were to spread any false crumbs, she would be the best source.
If that's the case, in a word, dig, dig, dig.
I asked her, as if it was business as usual.
I knew this conversation deserved more thought on my part but it felt good taking some action, even if it might prove misguided.
I wouldn't be surprised if you were in his sights.'
How about it if I give you a chance to put your public straight?
When the next company of Gargoyles advanced, our adventurers began yelling as if they had gone mad.
Tell them it would be foolish for me to eat the piglet, because I had sense enough to know it would raise a row if I did.
Once someone from church came by to see if she needed help.
If you weren't concerned about your own life, you might have thought about your chances of taking someone else with you.
If you had been with them you couldn't have done anything to prevent the accident.
On the other hand, if Sarah was telling the truth, there was another side to Giddon - a loyal brother.
After weeks of tense waiting to see if she passed, she finally reached her goal.
If I didn't know you better, I'd swear you didn't think your mother was worth the cost.
One and a half or two if you leave the wagons - and leave tonight.
Even the animals were quiet, as if they knew danger lurked in the darkness.
If they left the reservation because they were hungry, why would they be out here?
Cassie, if I were the type of man to run away from responsibility, would I be here right now?
Even if it hadn't been dark, visibility would have been less than a few feet.
As much as she would like to have offered to walk while he rode, she knew they would cover ground faster if she rode and he walked.
If she said he was responsive, Claudette would assume something was going on.
If she confirmed that Cade was unresponsive she would be as much as endorsing an ugly rumor.
Now if you been a male...
Cade looked as if he'd been slapped.
If you knew Mr. Cade nearly as well as you think you do, you would know that he is actually very sensitive.
It was best to stay out of the entire thing - if they would only let her.
If she was, she had picked a poor time.
If you decide you want to go, you can leave with us tomorrow morning.
Then I wondered if you were putting on a show for her to prove nothing was going on between us.
If the show had been for Claudette, would I have been so rough?
If you'd fired me, or even hit me...
If she hadn't flirted with him, kissing her probably wouldn't have come to mind.
And Cade had become more solemn in the last few weeks, as if he sensed her dilemma and felt uncomfortable as well.
Of course, if he was already going to the store to get something...
Cade knew how to be a friend, even if he didn't know what to say.
He tucked her under the covers as if she were a child.
If you're feeling up to it.
No, if you must know, he was trying to encourage me to get out and date.
He rode as if he were part of the horse, his lean body swaying with the stride of the graceful animal.
If it was a tornado, standing next to glass doors wasn't the smartest thing to do.
Cade still slept peacefully - not that he would have cared if she left at this point anyway.
After all, even if it was the right time, it didn't mean pregnancy was inevitable.
After all, if she hadn't turned her head when he kissed her on the cheek, maybe things wouldn't have turned out the same way.
If he wanted to forget it had ever happened, so much the better.
If he wanted to see Mary, why did he have to drag her along?
If you want to visit Mary, why don't you go see her?
If you're not fighting, why don't you go see her?
If you want to go into town for pizza, please don't feel obligated to invite me.
Sometimes I wonder if you...
If I have any feelings at all?
If only he would always be this way.
If she went back to the diner she would be lonely and broke.
None of this would have happened if they hadn't been alone in the house.
If it's that important to you, I guess we could try a few guests.
But if this is because you're lonely . . .
If you want me to leave you alone, it's done.
He paused, as if searching for a tasteful word.
If he refrained from making advances, how could she know if she was capable of resisting him?
If I didn't bring a horse or something, I'd be afoot from then on.
If you dump them evenly you have rows of hay.
If you'd only said something - told me how you felt.
Cindy, our baby wouldn't be a burden to me even if my financial status was shaky - and it isn't.
I noticed you were a good looking woman, if that's what you mean.
After that I got to thinking how nice it would be if I had someone to cook me a meal every day.
I thought he could stay in one of the rooms upstairs at night – if you don't mind.
I've pondered the events of those few months so often and so deeply I know if I don't at least commit the experience to paper I'll never move forward.
If you don't think I've seen scars, I'll take you down to hospital ER on any Saturday night.
If Howie was stunned he didn't show it as he pulled off his toupee with a smile.
How would I know if you were lying?
If you're concerned about a messed up head, either shave it all off or comb over the scars.
The world will come to an end if he does.
Quinn stood, as if addressing a class of incoming freshmen.
You could pretend to use the toilet and see if he's all right.
He jumped up, as if he'd seen a ghost.
I have to mull it around in my head a bit more if you don't mind.
What would you do if you saw a flying saucer?
Perhaps I'll move further east and see if the plucking is better when the weather is cooler.
I guess I'd like a little input from you guys, if you don't mind.
Howie, I'm sorry if this vision was disturbing, but it's really interesting.
If you think it's capable of something world shattering, you're mistaken.
I volunteer to sleep there tonight, if the love of my life is willing to come along.
I'm sorry if the lab caused problems, but no one has to sleep there again, at least with Quinn's gizmos operating.
If something occurs that is thought to be impossible, it either isn't impossible or it didn't occur.
It should be Howie's choice if he wants to take this matter forward.
If you have concerns, what are they?
If nothing happens, we can eliminate one possibility.
All experiments are fruitful if you don't have any preconceived notions about the results.
If Betsy and I were forced to share it, we wouldn't get much sleep.
I'll try it again, if you folks won't think I'm a fool.
There was murmured sound downstairs and Betsy asked from outside the door if there was a problem.
I'm ready to try again if you guys are willing.
Betsy was frustrated; anxious to learn if the town of Alder's Bridge existed.
Granted, that's a step in the right direction but we still wouldn't know if the scene Howie saw actually occurred.
We don't know if Quinn's paraphernalia has anything to do with your dreams.
Think of the possibilities if by the remote chance Howie is envisioning the past!
If Howie drops into ten or twenty minutes of anyone's life, chance are all he sees is them picking their nose, reading a book or working.
Think how much worse you'd feel if the town you visualized really existed.
The conversation slipped back to our New York life with our sojourn in New Hampshire relegated to a fun, if bizarre weekend with friends.
But if Brockville is just like Howie described, we have to get Quinn and Howie on the same page.
Even if Brockville proved to be all he described, what would that tell us?
If Brockville is the Alder's Bridge I saw I'll probably faint.
If you could point me in the right direction, I'll be on my way.
It's as if the town died.
As if on cue, an old car with more rust than clear metal chugged to a stop at the dollar store.
We asked if there was anyone around who might still be living who would remember that far back.
It's like a gift I've been given and I'm supposed to do something with it and if I don't, I'm...
I'm sure if he sees how important this is to you, he'll relent.
My acquiescence lightened the mood for the remainder of the trip as Betsy and Howie chatted as if future sessions were a faite accompli.
Quinn will think were requesting something like a séance or spiritual encounter but if we don't humor Howie, he'll be devastated.
If I didn't have a pregnant wife practically begging me, I wouldn't even be making this phone call.
Objects attract if their charges are different or repel if they are the same.
That's not my field but I'm not sure if anyone is producing serious study.
I do remember some theories concerning relativity suggesting some sort of motion in space might allow time travel if space-time geometrics are possible.
That theorizes if you travel in time and kill your grandfather before your father is conceived, would you simply not be?
If I thought Howie might have difficulty napping, I was dead wrong.
We don't even know if the plants have anything to do with it.
I'm a scientist and if I don't know an answer, I seek counsel from sharper brains.
I feel as if I'm spying.
If I can somehow utilize this gift I can't do it without all your help.
Then he started feeling guilty, as if he was doing something wrong.
Instead we speculated on what we'd personally do if we had this gift or curse and it proved to be a true trip to the past.
We all agreed but I silently wondered what our collective reaction would be if the opposite occurred!
Just think if it's successful.
Betsy screamed, It's like if The Lord Jesus was standing here, writing a mother's day card to the Virgin Mary, you'd be sitting around on your asses discussing if it was really the month of May!
I just know I'll burst into tears or not know how to answer if they ask questions.
When I retrieved it, she was asking if I'd tried to intervene.
If they found you out, the assault on you from every quarter would be unimaginable.
I mean, if you were willing.
Not if we're careful and not if it isn't false!
God, if this ability became widespread, it would be an assault of secrecy itself!
He's got this weird thing like if he sees himself, he'll self-destruct or something.
I don't know what, if anything, Howie saw but he knew Quinn tricked him and he went ballistic.
Then he said, 'you guys have this history when you were kids,' as if he was left out.
But if Quinn got drunk and slept with Betsy, like years ago, you'd understand and forgive her, wouldn't you?
Then Howie asked if we'd try to run a session this weekend, long distance, by phone.
We weren't sure what to do or even if we should report Howie's feelings.
We would have arrived earlier if we'd driven.
And recognize we have a life, even if it's only by necessity; the bills keep coming and I get hungry once in a while.
We would restrict our altruistic activity to weekends and possibly an evening or two a week by phone, if it worked.
If I take on this job, my word is law.
If anyone could trace a disposable phone, they could.
If you want to speak to an agent, you best leave your number.
We won't hassle you if that's what you're worried about.
I don't know how you're doing what you do but I got a strong feeling if I keep an open mind, good things will happen.
He asked if there were others and I told him about two.
I had the feeling if I hadn't, he might have chased them down himself.
If we can show them it's in their best interests to work with us and let us keep our privacy we're far better off.
If he can get us better and timelier information and direct us to the best place to call in our tips, we're miles ahead.
If what I'm seeing isn't some kind of joke, I'm at the end of the yellow brick road.
If any of this gets out, no more tips; it's finished.
Agreed. If those tips can continue, I'll do anything you say.
You won't know if the source is male or female, old or young, from the east or west or how long the tips will keep coming.
If we could convince him to give you free rein to helping us with him remaining totally in the dark, we'd both have what we want.
Frankly, if you can convince him, it will take a lot of heat off me.
If successful, I was appointed to request what I felt was needed.
I'd be lying if I didn't admit we have expenses and we're limited in what we can do because of real life restraints, but we're not in this for a golden purse.
The man summoned me, on Sunday, if you can believe it!
If anyone links me to you, I'm to bury my head and walk away.
His name is Merrill Cooms, Brennan stated, sounding as if I should know the man.
Betsy absented herself, feeling it unfair to listen if the other couldn't.
I thought he would jump at a chance to devote more time to experimentation even if it wasn't as broad as he wished.
If you rescue him, you'll be late for a movie, or a ballgame or dinner.
I have no idea how they do it but if my money helps to save lives; it is being put to good use.
If I flushed hundred dollar bills down the toilet, the city of Cleveland would run out of water before I went broke.
If they put a gun to my grandson, I'd falter in a minute.
If we get started on this Cooms guy's offer, we'll waste all day.
Now enrolled in college, he was dressing the part, as if trying to fit in.
If he isn't blowing smoke, it's a world-class opportunity.
The world's our atlas if we have the guts to flip a coin and take a chance.
This is the definition of my Shangri-La; the town should have a good hospital where my child will enter this world and, if Martha want's to, she can work enough hours to utilize her skills.
We stumbled into an incredible gift that was bestowed on Howie and we couldn't live with ourselves or look at one another if we didn't embrace everything in our power to maximize its benefits.
To ask Brennan directly might lead to us so I made up a story we were checking old cases to see if someone released from prison might have returned to this type of crime.
I mentioned finding the old name of Willard Humphries and asked if Brennan could check if he'd been released.
If the police investigated in an orderly way and took their time the victim would most likely be harmed or killed.
If they rushed in, a good defense attorney was rewarded by having a great day in court.
Well, if you do exist, Mister or Missus Psychic, I'll find you first and smash you and your crystal to bloody dust!
Other members of the defense bar would surely look closely if their clients were apprehended because of unverifiable tips and assail the source, if they could locate it.
I was wondering if you jumped out of a California closet.
Let him prove it if he has any gift.
If we thought Howie was upset over the Youngblood matter, it was arsenic versus ice cream compared to how enraged he was over a challenge to his ability.
The birth of her child was imminent, if not past due.
If pressure was applied to Daniel Brennan, it was never passed on to us.
If you're concerned my little project might impact your security, don't be alarmed.
I asked Daniel Brennan if there was any progress in the Bryce case.
He keeps saying we're harassing his client if we even ask questions.
Well, he'd be in for a shock if we posted it.
So what if he shaves off the mustache?
I think it's worth publicizing it, especially if the license plate turns out to be stolen and we have nothing.
If the word normal could in any manner describe what we were doing, we slowly slipped into a somewhat normal routine.
If you come under attack, you'll need an alternate identity... something similar to witness protection.
If our privacy was assaulted by some mistake we made, at least we could start over.
You can expand on it if you want to; say get a driver's license in another state, or establish an address.
If one of us is identified as being part of what we're doing, we're all in trouble.
If one of us is threatened, we can't give up the others if we don't know where they went.
We can always tell each other later if it's to our advantage to do so, but we can't just 'forget' once we know it.
She looked to Howie before answering, as if looking for direction.
It's your call if you don't want to go there.
If you had to watch lord knows what mayhem he sees you'd have shrieking nightmares too!
If they succeeded, they'd stick your guy... or girl, in a box in McLean and pump 'em dry.
Same old, same old, if you ask me.
Maybe he's waiting to see if we buy her story or the tip that mentioned his facial hair.
By the way, if you took my bet, you lost five bucks.
The way you tell it, it sounds nearly impossible for us to catch him if he learns everything we can and might do.
Besides, if he was imprisoned for a crime like these murders, he'd still be rotting behind bars.
We all are, as if we let him slip away.
She just shrugged again, as if it wasn't her concern.
The rest of us waited in nervous anticipation for her Friday arrival, not knowing if we'd even see her when she returned.
Weekends were private time for all of us and we weren't sure if Howie would adopt the usual routine of doing our own thing.
We had little choice but to wait and see if the weekend presented any answers.
When Martha was in a session with Howie, Betsy took over, coveting the child as if she were her own.
Quinn quipped it would be worth the price of the car if she kept motoring north to Canada and out of our lives.
I won't, if you mind daddy and tell me the truth.
The tip covers only a few minutes, like she has to leave quickly, even though there must be more to be learned if she stayed.
If I tell you, will you let me go?
If you tell me every little thing you know or even suspect, I'll just drive away and let you walk down the lane to one of those farm houses we passed.
If we write them down, we could get fired.
She looked at me as if I was the psychic!
Not if it screws up what we're doing... what we should be doing right now, instead of talking about my love life.
God, I don't know if I ever even kissed a girl before Julie!
Can you imagine that... a guy in his thirties not even knowing if he's ever been kissed?
I couldn't live with myself if I wasted this gift I've been given.
If they didn't, they will.
I would think if they see the connection they might be leery of taking our calls.
You're just as much a bull's eye if this monster is able to pick up your trail.
If you ask me to keep it off the record, I will.
Ask a few questions; I'll see if there are any I can answer.
I'll tell you if it's on or off the record.
If the Federal Government is continuing to dog us, they are doing so clandestinely, as we've heard nothing of their activities.
Martha asked if she'd like to hold the baby, thrilling Molly further.
I began to wonder if Martha would ever get her baby back!
If he bails out maybe Betsy will lend me you for a fill-in.
Molly appeared less shy around Howie than us, acting more casual toward him as if he was a member of her family.
He in turn, looked at her as if a princess was visiting his humble abode.
Howie's total conversational contributions, if not discussing his flowers, were hovering entreaties if everyone had enough to eat or drink.
She kept looking toward Martha until Martha asked if something was wrong.
Quinn complained of a headache and I silently wondered if he'd over indulged the night before.
Howie had tried to explain to us that when he was under, as he called it, he had trouble telling if he was speaking aloud.
If he tried to follow a moving automobile, he could sometimes attach himself, if the vehicle was slow or stopped, but the act was tenuous at best.
Howie, if Quinn could get you back to the road, is there any way you could stay with this guy to his car, or whatever he's driving?
Sometimes with an automobile, I can sort-of get inside, if it doesn't move off too fast.
Martha came in with baby Clair looking as if she'd gotten over what ailed her.
The director wanted me to help as much as I could but if someone was getting too close, I was to drop it.
So far, all their snooping is fact finding but if they want your talents, they don't take no for an answer.
I know for a fact they've talked to the tip line people and didn't get very far but who knows if they're tapping the line.
I ended the conversation wondering if it was the last time I'd speak to Daniel Brennan, a stand-up guy.
If your stay is prolonged, we'll discuss alternatives later.
But if I went elsewhere, how would I explain a gunshot wound?
Strange though, when I asked if gunshots were common, they answered yes, but it was a quiet weekend; none had been reported for several days.
I asked her if she perceived any hint of threat.
Let's leave it this way; I'll not pry if you're forthcoming.
We've been asked a number of times, by the press and everyone else if we're an adjunct to the tipster person.
I'm in another country, if only for a short while to see if the pickings here are to my liking.
If I am unsuccessful there are others who may hold the answers I demand and I now have plans to get them as well.
He'd die if he knew what I did!
He will, if he finds out if you can't help me.
He offered to buy the food if I cooked the next week, I agreed.
Okay, it wasn't exactly true love but Howie's a nice guy and I would have let him do it even if he wasn't so generous.
It's not as if you just learned it?
There's no question he'll walk away from what he's doing if it becomes public.
I'll tell him if you won't.
If I couldn't be honest with her, there was no one I could trust.
I felt if Quinn learned that fact he would want to scrub the entire operation.
She harbored suspicions as a result of Howie's dreams and wanted to know if they were true.
He never questioned if Julie knowledge presented any kind of threat.
The three left for the school office; Betsy, with a slight smile on her face, Molly looking excited and Julie wondering if she was dead man walking.
How about if I write a piece about her other life?
Then I asked if she perceived any threats.
If our boy made his getaway at more than five or ten miles an hour, you can bet your ass he was on one of these babies.
Betsy looked at her, as if wanting to hear more.
If we don't get this guy, he'll get us!
He's stalking us and he's going to be successful if Miss Julie spills the beans.
Even if Howie were here, chances are we wouldn't learn a thing.
We would if he'd let me bracket enough times instead of quitting just because he gets tired.
I wondered if, with his days off, he might be hitting the bottle early.
I don't suppose you'd go if you say your wife can't.
You go if you're so set on doing it.
I didn't know if I'd catch a cab or a bus would hit me.
I'm just wondering if we should tell them, for their own protection.
I don't want to place anyone in harm's way by holding back information but Julie is part of this nightmare and I want to keep peace if possible.
With luck, he'll tell us if it's our man or some local hoods trashing Julie's place.
If harm gets too close, stop your activities.
Betsy might have picked it up on her daily internet search if Howie hadn't been out of action.
If this Vermont attempted abduction is his work, he re-entered the United States in that state.
See if you can get Howie back there.
If we found they were destroyed, it would take a big weight off our minds.
Molly shrugged her shoulders, as if she were being scolded.
If our ship didn't sink, it was certainly leaking like the Titanic.
Martha shook her head, as if looking for more.
No, it's not over but it will be if you tell Quinn.
I had to know if Martha had telephoned her husband.
If this monster is truly stalking us, it's worth the risk of being more forward with Mr. Brennan.
Howie always has the option of quitting and denying he's the tipster if someone comes close to revealing him.
Before he could respond I asked if Julie was nearby.
I told her we escaped the Vermont abduction attempted, if it really was one.
It's a relief the monster wasn't responsible for Vermont but I'd feel much better if I knew he didn't break into Julie's place.
I think she understands if Quinn learns what Julie did, he's going to blow his stack.
Maybe if you let her know the Vermont abduction was a non-event it will help decide.
She deserves to know, if only for her peace of mind.
If I can slip them, I may be able to help.
I'll try to dig up an old case file if you decide you want my help.
Maybe later if need be.
I gave him Frank Vasapolli's phone number and told him I would pass along his number to Frank if I thought it was needed.
When I heard his voice, my heart jumped, not knowing if he'd been told by Martha of Julie's earlier treachery.
If I expected a warm response, I was mistaken.
I feared my unique relationship with Martha was terminally damaged and if so, I was heartbroken.
She asked if I thought Martha would fly out for the funeral or memorial service.
If she wants to go, I could take care of Claire.
Yeah; that's public information, but something tells me that only works if he actually registers; you think?
It would be so unfair to so many people if we quit, but God almighty, it's difficult and scary.
If I'd taken an instant to do so, I know I'd have pissed my pants where I stood.
My head throbbed and my side felt as if a car, no, an SUV were parked on me.
A nurse was unhitching things from my body and asking if I could sit up.
I seriously wondered if I had but I continued.
If that was his intention, it sure worked.
He wanted to know if there was anyone else in the house.
If I had a clue where the breaker box was located I'd have turned the lights on, not off!
If it is not she I suspect she possesses knowledge of the one I seek, the one who is my target.
My medication contributed to my comfort if not my state of mind.
If this other maniac Bryce could find us, so can he.
If Howie wants to continue, let him do it under the some government program.
With that information and if he doesn't change his license plate, it's only a matter of time until we get him!
I've been checking old cases too, real old ones, to see if I can get a handle on when our friend Grasso started in business.
It's tough on these old cases, especially if it's considered solved.
I just want to see if Martha left me a note or if there's any hint to what's going on.
It's best if you and Howie return to Keene.
But now Quinn's gone too, so Howie couldn't go back even if he got up his courage to do it!
See if he left a note for Howie.
If you sound anxious, it will only upset him more.
If she just turned her head, she could see me, sitting comfortably a scant ten feet away in the darkened living room.
Betty-Boop or whatever your name is, if you tarry much longer I may be forced to introduce myself, though taking you, at least at this time, would cause a mild alteration to my carefully formulated plans.
I don't know if Betsy was becoming immune to alarming news or if her husband was paranoid.
Quinn is gone and we couldn't do anything more if we wanted to.
You're smart and I know he wouldn't fool you; you'd know if he was lying.
I peered closely, searching to see if I could detect any movement but saw nothing.
I wonder if that nasty dog is in need of a walk.
When I informed him we were terminating our operation, he said he'd have suggested it if we hadn't already done so.
Knowing the local police included Detective Jackson, I suggested he contact the Simi Valley attorney first to find out if the vehicle I saw was in fact his.
I'd planned to wait until Betsy and Molly returned from walking Bumpus but I decided if I had to drive back into downtown Keene, I might as well swing by Wheelock Park Campground as it was on the way, at least sort-of.
I parked by the horse shoe pits and ambled down the road, as if out for a woodland stroll.