Identity Sentence Examples
They know who I am, and that I want to keep my identity silent.
I've kept my identity hidden for five years now, but I knew deep down inside that it couldn't last forever.
You'll have to create a whole new identity again.
She had been so certain that he was making up stories – hiding his identity – that she had insulted him.
You gotta get me like a new identity...a new life!
But why would Dad want him to hide his identity, now that she knew?
No. Just stop searching for her identity and have compassion.
I'll just have to work on my new identity.
For a moment the idea of totally losing her identity was a frightening reality.
Identity theft and penalty has become a popular topic of conversation since it's obvious that the crime of identity theft is not going anywhere anytime soon and, in fact, affects millions of Americans a year.
AdvertisementThe unlocking of a cellular device that operates off the GSM network is possible because every such phone contains a Subscriber Identity Module (SIM).
You can help prevent identity theft if you can stop it before it happens.
There are many ways to prevent identity theft, but you can't keep the fort entirely secure as long as the big companies are allowed to keep a wide, gaping hole in the wall for their convenience.
Best-case scenario, it's a clerical error that is fixed right away, but you could be the victim of identity theft.
Identity theft is the unauthorized access of information (such as through a data breach), and may not necessarily translate to fraud.
AdvertisementIdentity thieves might steal information and wait sometime before they inflict any damage.
The media has sensationalized cyber crime and hacking to the extent that many people have been led to believe that using the Internet makes you more susceptible to identity theft and/or fraud.
Medical identity theft occurs when a thief uses the victim's personal information to obtain medical treatment, such as tests, doctor visits or even hospital stays.
Identity theft in America is a serious crime.
Identity theft is a threat to many individuals.
AdvertisementFour percent of identity thefts happen when thieves steal the mail of an individual to gather personal information, according to the United States Postal Service.
We don't even know each other's identity.
It can be an overwhelming task to find informative and reliable sources for identity theft articles.
If you are working to keep your family secure, child identity theft prevention should also be included in your efforts.
The Federal Trade Commission reports that about nine million people are victims of identity theft each year, and about five percent or 450,000 of these are children.
AdvertisementThe rate of identity theft is starting to decline as more and more consumers increase their knowledge of identity theft and take actions to minimize the risk of the theft of their identity.
Bank of America guarantees that accounts will be credited promptly after an incident of online identity theft, usually within one or two business days.
This theft represents one of the largest cases of identity theft in the United States.
When they commit this crime, the thieves can often obtain driver's licenses, identity cards and even passports.
Social Security identity theft is particularly controversial as it relates to immigration.
This type of identity theft is pretty self-explanatory.
As implied by the name, this is when thieves use identity theft to help them get away with crimes.
The worst part about this type of identity theft is that it can be hard for the victim to clear his or her name without a good alibi and lawyer.
I trusted Brennan sufficiently to reveal Julie's identity and the burglary.
I told her what we found and that we believed her and we're closer to finding the man's identity.
It transpired to be a case of mistaken identity.
An identity thief can use the Social Security number as the key to obtain other information about the child.
Once a child's identity is stolen, the identity thief can create, and then abuse, new financial accounts.
They whispered conspiratorially about the "true" identity of the other guests—the bearded gentleman on the left, by the palm tree?
It was Roman's father Shawn, who reached out to Rex for comfort and helped Rex to accept his identity as a Brady.
The style takes on a very different identity when teamed with the leather strap.
Naked yoga women just prefer to do it without the constraints of clothing, finding a sense of identity and freedom in bare skin.
The autism rights movement considers autism culture to be evidence of an identity and not a disability.
The activists who advocate for safe treatments and support services strive to make sure all interventions still respect the dignity and identity of autistic individuals.
The activists who oppose an autism cure feel that a cure would eliminate their identity.
Each is unique and each has an identity that goes beyond labels and designations.
For many, a cure for autism is highly welcomed, while others may find the notion of curing autism the same as taking away the person's identity.
And with any data gathering system, errors are bound to creep in, or problems develop, especially in this era of identity theft.
Make sure that the latter reflects her married identity and your last name.
Business Card Design is an important component of your business identity.
You can establish your company identity on your individual Web site, or use another company's Web site as an electronic catalog, offering hundreds of products that you represent.
What saved Santa was the United States Postal Service delivery of thousands of letters to Santa at the courthouse, proving proof of his identity.
Caller's identity is displayed in received email or in web account, works with Call Waiting and displays the new caller's identity when Call Waiting tones are enabled.
Caller ID Block, "*67" - allows you identity blocking when making a call.
Knowing what to expect quickly establishing brand identity as does uniform packaging.
Because litigation can affect franchise brand identity, most franchise agreements include binding arbitration clauses.
This gradually became malicious, with these nasty programs designed to destroy hard disk files or impede networks with hacker identity tags as a medal of honor.
If this kind of personalization doesn't work for you or doesn't fit the company or interviewer's identity, don't bother with it.
If an identity thief gets his or her hands on discarded job application forms and then causes mischief, the business owner may be liable for not having protected the applicant's sensitive information.
If you want consumers to choose your organization instead of doing business with one of your competitors, having a strong brand identity is essential.
The process of branding a business involves differentiating the organization from competitors and other entities by establishing a unique identity for the company.
There are several different things you can do to establish a clear identity for your company.
It needs to be well-designed, unique, and it needs to make an appropriate statement about the identity of your business.
The scam artists hack into your bank account and steal your money, your identity information, or both.
If you're buying a vehicle but are uncertain about the registered owner's identity, you should be very cautious.
A Social Security number is a valuable piece of information for a person who is looking to steal someone else's identity.
In order to obtain a card, parents will need to fill out an application (Form SS-5) and prove their identity, in addition to providing a copy of the birth certificate or other proof of the baby's identity.
Replacement cards are issued after the applicant proves both identity and citizenship.
Other documents need to be filed as well, such as the SS-5 and proof of identity.
Allied Insurance also offers other options for your property policy at an additional cost, such as identity theft protection, earthquake coverage, renter's coverage, condo protection, and coverage for valuables.
California, for example, requires that you know the identity of the driver or car that hit you.
Erin never does get to uncover his true identity.
Erik might be her spy handler, in charge of coordinating Erin's various missions, and who must keep his identity secret for security purposes.
Identity Theft Protection is also offered through this insurance brokerage.
This policy is designed to serve as coverage in the event of identity theft.
The Identity Theft Protection product is not considered an insurance policy and can be purchased in annual or monthly increments.
An identity theft rider can be added to a homeowners' rental or condo policy for a nominal amount.
Paperless statement are a great way to protect your privacy since mailed paper statements are often thrown away and can lead to identify fraud if found by anyone looking to make a profit on your identity.
You may run the risk of having your identity stolen as you submit your personal medical information through the mail.
Men who wear feminine clothes, it is usually because they have a strong identity with women, they love women.
Now in its 20th year, SXSW actually wears the face of 3 different festivals - an interactive media festival, a film festival, and its most popular identity, the music festival itself, which runs from March 15 - 19.
Album number six 13 came along in 1999, though by 2003's Think Tank, it was clear Blur had lost their musical identity, displaying a bizarre mish mash of genres that no longer appealed to the British public.
Many hackers and identity thieves are trying to take advantage of Myspace's popularity.
Hannah Montana is a famous pop star herself and Miley is forced to keep her identity hidden from all but her closest friends and family.
Overall, the song highlights Stewart's ability to take advantage of the privileges of fame without having to deal with any of the downsides, since no one knows her true identity.
The quicksilver attention span of most teens references their constant search for identity.
Ideally, the identity of the mask wearer should not be known to the game participants.
Someone then turns on the lights, and people take turns trying to guess the identity of the murderer.
Viewers got to watch as Danity Kane struggled to find an identity for themselves as a band, recorded hit singles, made their record, recorded music videos, and prepared to tour.
The thing that set Jersey Shore apart from other such reality shows is its heavily reliance on Italian-American culture - or at the embracing of an Italian identity of the cast (in reality, some of the cast have no Italian roots).
Although the Italian theme gave the show a unique identity, it was also at the root of much of the controversy.
The clothing was judged on how well it met the theme or guidelines for the challenge and how well it fit with the overall aesthetic and identity of the clothing line the contestant hoped to launch.
She has never revealed the identity of Ryan's father but has shared that the marriage was short lived.
It's discovered that much of the gamma quadrant is under the control of the Founders, a race whose true identity is revealed later in the series.
It was the first time Clark realized that not everyone was strong enough to carry the burden of Clark's identity and origins.
The Prisoner was all about identity and freedom.
Ostensibly about what happens when a British secret agent tries to resign his position, the series explored issues of identity, privacy, community, responsibility and sanity.
The image of the Last Supper caused much Internet speculation to discover the identity of the final and fifth Cylon.
Through various television shows and movies, a letter was added to distinguish it from other ships with the same call identity.
Palpatine's secret identity is Darth Sidious, and it is this identity that manipulates the Clone Wars in an effort to destroy the Jedi.
Wonder Woman hid her identity as Diana Prince and took a position that kept her close to Steve and all of the action.
While the dystopian future explored the complexities of identity, these three female androids stand out.
Since members are required to reveal their identity to the social networking site's owners when they register, it is difficult for participants to attempt to scam fellow investors.
Along with this growth is the occurrence of identity theft among the social bookmarking users.
Security issues with social networking websites dealing with identity theft are centered on these profiles.
If identity thieves get their hands on your personal information they can pretend to be you online.
Some online chat users find that avatars accentuate their experience greatly because it gives them a larger sense of identity among all the other people chatting.
Many people fail to realize the potential consequences associated with such widespread dissemination of personal information, including identity theft, fraud, and personal safety issues.
Additionally, with the ever-growing specter of identity theft and phishing scams, the ability to use proxy sites to visit MySpace can only help users retain a sense of security and comfort in their wish to enjoy social networking.
The proxy site acts as a gateway to other sites while concealing the identity of the original address.
Anyone with an Internet connection can sign up for a free email account, under a false identity, and start communicating their ideas over hate social networks with other people who share those beliefs.
In 2006, an unknown blogger named Bill Kerr uncovered the identity of the mystery page that got Florida Republican Mark Foley into so much trouble, and forced him to resign.
It's called LiveJournal Secrets, and it allows you to post your deepest, darkest secrets without revealing your identity.
You need to have a Facebook identity to play Café World.
Take control of your Internet identity and always be aware.
You may even be able to use the tool to leverage your own identity and find a new job, opportunity or direction.
Establish identity - The uniform also needs to enable every sailor, from the lowest rank to the highest, to easily establish each other's identity in terms of name, rank, service, and often job and specialty.
While they differ in many ways, they also share a common identity.
A great number of the uniforms worn by employees of Cintas clients are considered corporate identity uniforms.
First of all they set the entire team apart from other teams and create an identity, but uniforms also provide a measure of safety that protects the driver.
The symbols are both a part of the scouting identity and also a reward for intrepid young women trying to make the world a better place.
The point of customizable soccer jerseys is to give your players exactly what they need, but also to help establish their identity as a team.
A piece of the official uniform of the Future Farmer's of America, it is part of an identity far beyond agriculture.
Part of the adoption of the blue corduroy jacket was also to bring the cost of the jacket down, so that every member could afford it and show their pride and identity.
First, uniforms can help with corporate or company identity.
When that happens, the gold rush of names will occur again, and whole new strategies will have to be adopted to secure an Internet identity.
Although web marketing is not something that works miracles, it is something that, when done properly, can achieve things that can push a business higher and higher in terms of return of investment and brand identity.
How will the site reflect your business' brand identity?
However, while your electronic identity may be hidden, that does not mean that you are more secure.
There are some less reputable CGI proxy sites that are designed specifically to trap data like this and use it for identity theft.
Keeping both small and large computer systems secure from hackers and identity thieves is one reason why many security experts disable most client-side scripting capabilities on the browsers used within corporate networks.
Additionally, they specialize in print design, corporate identity, as well as writing services.4141 Northgate Blvd.
Similar to your email address, a website defines your online identity, which you can define using one of 300 ready-to-use templates.
Blogs enable individuals and companies to express their views, voice their opinions, and brand their online identity.
The goal is to come up with a site that expresses your company's value, brand identity, and purpose clearly.
One of the first questions people ask when trying to establish their online identity is "How Do I Register a Domain Name?"
In adolescence, there is a marked desire to establish your own autonomy and identity.
The key to becoming a young adult is to establish who you are going to be, as an identity separate from your parents.
These include a craving for more responsibility, a more realistic approach toward life and their future endeavors, taking interest in the opposite sex, and a larger formation of personal identity such as religious and social beliefs.
If your teen chooses revealing prom dresses, it may be a sign she is struggling to form her own identity and wants to blaze her own trail.
They can become a part of a student's identity and lead to memorable moments at sporting events.
Coming out is essentially a matter of being true to yourself and your personal identity.
Another teen may be equally secure in her identity, but rarely bring up the topic.
This group aims to fight homophobic attitudes while also providing teens with the information they need to help them understand their sexual identity.
Many famous poets use names different from their own to hide their identity.
Teens, however, spend more time involved in media-related activities and in a stage of life where they are perhaps more open to media influence because much of our personality and identity development takes place during these years.
They are whom they cling to as they try to find their identity and separate from their parents.
With all the pressure to fit in and form a unique identity, there are many opposing forces that teenagers face in daily life.
Look through teen magazines, online photos, and catalogues to identity the look and feel for your photos.
In a time of life so heavily focused on creating your own identity and image, having a twin can make the experience much harder at times.
Mistaken identity is common with identical twins; as a developing teen, this can be a heartbreaking experience.
As with any online activity, it is important to keep your identity and location a secret so that online predators or identity thieves do not get a hold of your information.
While this might not seem very unique on the surface, this can be a great way to honor tradition by sticking to your school's identity.
Being unique has to do with having identity and taking pride in that.
Affix the card to the player's forehead with tape and then let the players mingle, asking questions about their card's identity.
The first player to guess his identity correctly, wins.
Members must also promise to protect the identity of their Fellowship.
Officials don't want to disclose the third person's identity as it might hamper the investigation process.
While the identity of the ex-boyfriend is unknown, Ling has been linked with singer Chris Isaak and Backstreet Boy Nick Carter.
Both parties had agreed that the identity of the surrogate not be revealed.
When you go shopping for Ralph Lauren polo shirts, remember that you are buying more than just a piece of clothing - you are buying the brand identity and the reputation and quality.
They are just cheerleaders in uniforms, lacking a personal identity beyond what they deliver on the field.
It takes a unique devotion to a craft to lose your personal identity for the greatness of the team.
They are unaware of the identity of applicants during the review.
Millions of college lesbians come out during this time in their lives because it's a period when you start to accept who you are and want to explore the world around you without having to hide your true identity.
They will help you feel better about yourself and give you the confidence to share your identity with your family and friends.
However, some anthropologically sound functions of the penis sheath can be identified, such as it acting as a carrying pouch, protection, display, or a marker of age, status, or tribal identity.
For this reason, it helps to look at each room as a section of the whole, rather than its own identity.
The girl, Bella Swan, wants to date her vampire love, Edward Cullen, but finds obstacles in the form of other vampires, werewolves, another potential love interest and the reality of Edward's vampire identity.
Critics have also stated that MySpace fails to adequately protect adult users against the risk of identity theft and cyberstalking.
An individual online may feel free to lie, cover up their true identity, or embellish, simply because they're hidden under the cover of the web.
While some are proud to be associated with the moniker "Baby Boomer," others are determined to carve out a separate identity, free from the generalizations of pop culture and marketing expectations.
Identity theft protection for seniors is a growing concern as seniors too often fall prey to scams and thieves.
A few simple steps ensure better identity theft protection for seniors.
While many people tend to focus on high-tech methods in offering identity theft protection for seniors, some old-fashioned methods still remain.
If you do become the victim of identity theft, this is an easy way to catch it before too much damage is done.
Phishing is an increasingly common online identity theft scam.
Find out more about identity theft, or report it, at the Federal Trade Commission Web site.
Consider getting a free e-mail address through Hotmail or Yahoo to help protect your identity.
Choose a screen name or ID that does not give away your real identity.
A logo is a crucial part of any company's identity.
The regulations will require games in which players can kill other players to have identity authentication systems; these systems will require each player to enter their Citizen ID Card number in order to play a game.
Defend the city and customize your own hero by choosing super powers and a secret identity costume.
With the help of your friends you'll uncover many secrets as to your true identity as you battle to save the world from impending doom.
You can create your own user identity and keep track of your high scores.
Actually, that lackluster impression may derive from the confusion about Pinot Blanc's identity and origin.
Antique & Collectible Stanley Tools Guide to Identity & Value by John Walter is considered by many antique professionals to be the Stanley tool collector's Bible.
Saving money is not worth risking having your identity stolen via an ecommerce scam.
You will also need to get a SIM (Subscriber Identity Module) card for your chosen carrier.
You will need to get a SIM card (Subscriber Identity Module) from your chosen wireless carrier.
Some psychological theorists and researchers consider adjustment disorders in adolescents less of an illness than a stage in establishing an identity.
They are working hard to establish their own identity, one that is separate from that of their parents.
There is a growing amount of scientific research that suggests gender identity develops at a very early age.
Gender identity and awareness of sex differences generally emerge in the first three to four years of a child's life.
Researchers have found that both early socialization and hormonal factors may play a role in the development of gender identity disorder.
Children with gender identity disorder usually feel from their earliest years that they are trapped in the wrong body and begin to show signs of gender confusion between the ages of two and four.
Girls with gender identity disorder are bored by ordinary female pastimes and prefer the rougher types of play typically associated with boys, such as contact sports.
Inchildhood, girls with gender identity disorder experience less overall social rejection than boys, as it is more socially acceptable for a girl to be a tomboy than for a boy to be perceived as a "sissy."
Children with gender identity disorder refuse to dress and act in sex-stereotypical ways.
The distinction between these children and gender identity disordered children is that the latter experience significant interference in functioning because of their cross-gender identification.
Most children eventually outgrow gender identity disorder.
Those individuals in whom gender identity disorder persists into adulthood retain the desire to live as members of the opposite sex, sometimes manifesting this desire by cross-dressing, either privately or in public.
Some psychiatrists are critical of gender identity disorder being classified as a psychiatric condition at all, saying it is more a social stigma.
A key developmental task of adolescence is the formation of an identity or sense of the kind of person one is and the kind of person one wants to be.
Gender identity is a person's sense of identification with either the male or female sex, as manifested in appearance, behavior, and other aspects of a person's life.
The third component is what psychologists call the core gender identity.
Gender identity emerges by the age of two or three and is influenced by a combination of biological and sociological factors reinforced at puberty.
They have also established their style of behavior and core sexual identity.
In childhood, girls with gender identity disorder experience less overall social rejection than boys, as it is more socially acceptable for a girl to be a tomboy than for a boy to be perceived as feminine.
Children with gender identity disorder have strong cross-gender identification.
Ensure the child's school has anti-discrimination policies that include gender identity and that the policies are enforced.
If indicated, take the child to a psychotherapist with expertise and tolerance for issues related to gender identity and sexual orientation.
Gender identity disorder (GID)-A strong and lasting cross-gender identification and persistent discomfort with one's biological gender (sex) role.
Some psychiatrists are critical of the psychiatric classification of gender identity disorder, saying it is more a social stigma.
Borderline personality disorder (BPD)-A pattern of behavior characterized by impulsive acts, intense but chaotic relationships with others, identity problems, and emotional instability.
Differentiation-The ability to retain one's identity within a family system while maintaining emotional connections with the other members.
Whether heme precursors occur in the blood, urine, or stool gives some indication of the type of porphyria, but more detailed biochemical testing is required to determine their exact identity.
For most adolescents, establishing a sense of autonomy, or independence, is as important a part of the emotional transition out of childhood as is establishing a sense of identity.
They need to provide proof of identity (such as a driver's license or social security card) and supply names, addresses, and phone numbers for three to five references.
It should be noted that the categorization of gender identity disorder as a mental illness has been a point of some contention among mental health professionals.
Anxiety is often a realistic response to new roles and responsibilities, as well as to sexual and identity development.
These personalities have great difficulty with their own sense of identity and often experience the world in extremes, viewing experiences and others as either "black" or "white."
The location of the infection and the identity of the causal bacteria determine which of several effective medications should be prescribed.
The fifth stage, Learning Identity or Identity Diffusion (Fidelity), occurs during adolescence from age 13 or 14.
Maturity starts developing during this time; the young person acquires self-certainty as opposed to self-doubt and experiments with different constructive roles rather than adopting a negative identity, such as delinquency.
The well-adjusted adolescent actually looks forward to achievement, and, in later adolescence, clear sexual identity is established.
Since the great majority of victims know their assailant, the purpose of the medical examination is often not to establish identity but to establish nonconsensual sexual contact.
Development of sexual identity in middle childhood and early adolescence is a natural process but is more stressful for homosexual adolescents, according to the American School Health Association (ASHA).
Professionals generally agree that homosexual identity development usually occurs in stages, according to a March 2003 article in ASHA Journal of School Health.
The second stage is "identity confusion," in which simple awareness is no longer ignored.
This stage is usually resolved by denying or hiding homosexual feelings, repressing same-sex attraction, or taking on a homosexual identity.
The next stage is "identity assumption," in which the person accepts their homosexuality but usually limits disclosure to others.
The final stage is "identity consolidation," also known as "coming out," in which disclosure may be expanded and the homosexual identity may be incorporated into social activities.
The toxin's origin and identity remained vague until Emile van Ermengem (1851-1932), a Belgian professor, isolated Clostridium botulinum in 1895 and identified it as the source of food poisoning.
A throat culture or mononucleosis test usually reveals the identity of the germ.
The association argued that white families were unable to foster the growth of psychological and cultural identity in black children.
Adolescents may have questions about identity that are connected to their not knowing their biological parents.
It seems to be a part of the rebellious need to establish their own identity for the new generation, just as the previous one seems to forget that their "proper" way of dancing was most likely horrifying to their parents.
Many identity thieves have developed websites that seem to be legitimate providers of death records.
The informational and authorized copies have the same information but the informational one cannot be used to prove identity.
Identity thieves have been using these types of sites to gain personal information from people.
Either way, it's important that the child have an identity with which you -- and those close to you -- can associate.
However, each deceased person's identity must be confirmed before funeral arrangements are finalized.
Clues to an ancestor's identity in some records may come from co-signers, location and even the way he or she signed his or her name, as opposed to the correct spelling of the given name and surname.
In a way, mitochondrial DNA is a clue about the identity of our ancient female relatives.
While modern privacy laws have helped in preventing identity theft, they have also barred some records, such as birth and death certificates, from public viewing.
Just as children role play their favorite television shows and movies, this is another opportunity for girls to be superstars without giving up their personal identity.
When a person loses their hair due to cancer, they sometimes feel they've lost their identity.
If you're going for the punk look, remember to show a bit of your true self to mark your own identity.
Thrift shop hair salons are the perfect place to discover a new identity and embrace your creative roots.
Individuals will be asked to verify their identity and will need to provide their address and social security number.
These scams may appear legitimate at first glance, but are actually phishing scams conducted by identity thieves and other unscrupulous individuals and organizations.
You want to make sure you're aware of the cultural identity of the company before you sign on.
Guests brought gifts that represented their personalities and challenged the pregnant Mariska Hargitay to guess to identity of the giver.
Critics may sharply say "Deal with it!", but if you live your life as if you are really someone else, dealing with it may involve bouts of depression and doubt about your own identity.
A person who has XXY chromosomes creates an unusual situation that gives rise to the question of gender identity and male pregnancies.
In an effort to maintain as much of the team's identity as possible during the move, the new San Francisco Giants made minimal changes to their logo.
A Spiderman accessory pack was offered so that Captain Action could assume Spiderman's identity.
Upon collecting the appropriate number of clothing and accessory cards, players open the game door to discover the identity of their mystery date.
In either case, they now have access to the donor's financial information - which can potentially lead to identity theft.
The program keeps your identity hidden except for those who will sort and deliver the items.
However, since it's a secret, you must find clever ways to deliver these gifts without revealing your identity.
Some groups leave clues with each daily gift and make guessing the identity of your Secret Santa part of the fun.
A full mask is exciting in that your identity is completely concealed.
Whether your child dresses as a cowboy, a villain, a super hero or a ninja, a simple mask ensures his or her true identity is kept under wraps.
Principles to put forth during dating are honesty, integrity, good self-assessment, and an equally strong sense of identity.
What are the specific privacy policies and how do they prevent problems like identity theft?
They welcome members for whom the religion is part of their identity and their everyday lives.
To ignore these values is to not have an identity.
Don't give away too much of your identity.
I would like to keep my identity anonymous because of the subject matter.
Regardless of your opinions on sexual identity, the fact is that romantic interactions between women are becoming more and more a part of our mainstream culture.
The methods women use to attract other women are similar to the tools of seduction used by any human, regardless of sexual identity.
The site features instant messaging and anonymous emailing, giving you the ability to connect while still protecting your identity.
A lot of times identity thieves use fraudulent e cards to try to get people to download viruses to their computers.
Identity theft continues to rise as scammers become more adept at ferreting out personal information.
All a person needs to begin committing identity theft is a birth date, Social Security number, name and address.
Protect your heart, your identity, and your finances by exercising caution in all online interactions.
In Today by Melody Jackson, the native American woman tells of how "listening to the silence" helped her find her own integrity, her own joy in her identity.
As the messages between you get more intimate, you can choose to reveal as much about your identity as you'd like.
These are all important parts of a person's identity, but there aren't really any places in the profiles of these standardized dating sites to list them.
An authentic Chanel bag will always arrive with an identity card.
In 2010, the brand's creative director Hannah MacGibbon introduced a new brand mark, a gold French-style "C" in cursive, revitalizing the brand's identity.
It is a practical fashion accessory, verses simply a fancy ring, as your purse can be your signature and carry your identity items.
Remember that authentic Chanel bags will be accompanied by an identity card which guarantees that your bag is a genuine Chanel product.
In as much as the hippies were forging an identity new and different from their forebears, the floral design of a painted purse was nothing new.
It is surprisingly easy to create a whole new identity online.
For many kids, tweens, and teens, their identity is closely linked to their appearance.
Children are prime targets for identity theft because the crime is usually not discovered until the victim reaches adulthood.
Besides, your identity will be protected; no one will ever know you made the report.
The widespread belief that uniforms mask the identity of the wearer can be argued on many fronts.
People against school uniforms rightfully feel clothing plays a large role in identity and individualism.
When visiting websites to look for auditions, you should be careful to avoid any that could be a scam or that could result in identity theft.
The process of branding your business ties strongly to building an identity for your company.
The doctor would learn he or she was treating the so-called psychic tipster but nothing else about the person's identity.
To create a fake identity, one would need at a minimum, our age, physical description and picture.
Learning about Ed Plotke is still the best lead we have on finding the identity of Martha's bones.
If that were the case, why did someone try so hard to cover up his identity?
Fred O'Connor seemed a tad put out that he'd been absent from the final confrontation in the Lucky Pup Mine until Dean reminded him that without his Internet connection and library research, Martha's bones would still be without identity.
Carmen asked, trying to establish identity.
As soon as the couple joined Fred behind the closed door of their office-sitting room, Dean explained the identity of their new guest.
He looks around for a place to stash the dough and start a new identity.
I'm getting a whole new identity!
He was working on his new identity.
He probably holed up there for a few days and set up his driver's license and the rest of his identity.
The yellow jacket and telltale 888 were Dean's only clues to the biker's identity.
Selling the dairy goats had erased a part of her identity.
It's nice to have someone to bounce things off of, but don't lose yourself in her identity.
Older and wiser, Xander was aware of what she did now, just as he was starting to understand the identity crisis that caused Eden to seek him out.
Considering the wide differences between the two groups in the size and external characters, and in the mode of life, including the mode of feeding, it is indeed surprising that in every important organ the two groups should show a fundamental morphological identity.
His identity was unknown to the authorities of Basel, who had no suspicion of his heresies.
The account of Josephus (above) raises several difficulties, especially the identity of Bagoses.
The habitat of the Nysaeana, and the identity of certain tribes of Kafiristan with the descendants of these pre-Alexandrian colonists from the west, are also well established.
The weak parts of this story are the sudden and unexplained departure of the Simons; the subsequent useless cruelty of treating the child like a wild beast and keeping him in a dark room practically out of sight (unless any doubt of his identity was possible), while his sister was in comparative comfort; the cause of death, declared to be of long standing, but in fact developed with such rapidity; the insufficient excuse provided for the child's muteness under Gomin's regime (he had answered Barras) and the irregularities in the formalities in attending the death and the funeral, when a simple identification of the body by Marie Therese would have prevented any question of resuscitated dauphins.
There are also ruins of an old church, the dedication of which, like the island chapel, is ascribed to one St Begnet, perhaps a diminutive form of Bega, but the identity is not clear.
Not unfrequently he represents the unity of the Father and the Son as a unity of agreement and harmony and "identity of will."
He took no immediate part in the movements of 1848, but in the following years he drew up several memoranda for the king, whom he encouraged in his efforts to defend the character and identity of the Prussian state against the revolutionaries.
Identity in properties necessitated identity in structure.
Of great importance is the chemical identity of the diamond, graphite and charcoal, a fact demonstrated in part by Lavoisier in 1773, Smithson Tennant in 1796, and by Sir George Steuart-Mackenzie (1780-1848), who showed that equal weights.
Identity in composition, but difference in constitution, is generally known as " isomerism " (q.v.), and compounds satisfying this relation differ in many of their physical properties.
The identity of the four valencies of the carbon atom follows from the fact that the heats of combustion of methane, ethane, propane, trimethyl methane, and tetramethyl methane, have a constant difference in the order given, viz.
Identity, or approximate identity, of crystal form is not in itself sufficient to establish true isomorphism.
The cardinal point of his doctrine was the identity of religion and philosophy.
Their monotheism remains Semitic - even in their conception of the cosmogonic and illuminating function of Wisdom they regard God as standing outside the world of physical nature and man, and do not grasp or accept the idea of the identity of the human and the divine; there is thus a sharp distinction between their general theistic position and that of Greek philosophy.
Assuming then 01 to have the coefficients B1, B2,...B,, and f l the coefficients A 1, A21...A,n, we may equate coefficients of like powers of x in the identity, and obtain m+n homogeneous linear equations satisfied by the m+n quantities B1, 2, ...B n, A 1, A 2, ...A m.
For the cubic (ab) 2 axbx is a covariant because each symbol a, b occurs three times; we can first of all find its real expression as a simultaneous covariant of two cubics, and then, by supposing the two cubics to merge into identity, find the expression of the quadratic covariant, of the single cubic, commonly known as the Hessian.
To assist us in handling the symbolic products we have not only the identity (ab) cx + (bc) a x + (ca) bx =0, but also (ab) x x+ (b x) a + (ax) b x = 0, (ab)a+(bc)a s +(ca)a b = 0, and many others which may be derived from these in the manner which will be familiar to students of the works of Aronhold, Clebsch and Gordan.
In ancient times it was disputed whether the original was the work of Praxiteles or Scopas, and modern authorities are not agreed as to its identity with the group mentioned by Pliny.
Secondly, identity of structure in two organisms does not necessarily indicate that the identical structure has been inherited from an ancestor common to the two organisms compared (homogeny), but may be due to independent development of a like structure in two different lines of descent (homoplasy).
The identity of this work with the Acts of Paul is confirmed by a remark of Hippolytus in his commentary on Daniel iii.
According to this reading, William sought to rectify his position by asserting, not the numerical identity of the universal in each individual, but rather its sameness in the sense of indistinguishable similarity.
In the Persons of the Trinity, on the other hand the relation is one of absolute identity.
Abelard also perceived that Realism, by separating the universal substance from the forms which individualize it, makes the universal indifferent to these forms, and leads directly to the doctrine of the identity of all beings in one universal substance or matter - a pantheism which might take either an Averroistic or a Spinozistic form.
A statement such as (i.) or (ii.) is sometimes called an identity.
The two expressions whose equality is stated by an equation or an identity are its members.
The more cautious Cuvier adopted a view of the relationships of animals which, whilst denying genetic connexion as the explanation, recognized an essential identity of structure throughout whole groups of animals.
This identity was held to be due to an ultimate law of nature or the Creator's plan.
The tracing out of this identity in diversity, whether regarded as evidence of blood-relationship or as a remarkable display of skill on the part of the Creator in varying the details whilst retaining the essential, became at this period a special pursuit, to which Goethe, the poet, who himself contributed importantly to it, gave the name " morphology."
They are addressed in the form of narrative to a lady who is not known, though guesses have been made at her identity, some even suggesting Madame de Sevigne herself.
The identity and personality of this "Friend of God," who bulks so largely in the great collection of mystical literature, and is everywhere treated as a half supernatural character, is one of the most difficult problems -in the history of mysticism.
The accounts of his life say that about 1343 he was forbidden to reveal his identity to anyone save Rulman Merswin.
Such objects might be imitated in other materials and by successive copying lose their identity, or their first meaning might be otherwise forgotten, and they would ultimately exercise a purely decorative function.