Identifiers Sentence Examples
The POI convention provides a simple means of assigning ` relatively persistent ' global identifiers within the Internet's ` http ' namespace.
A table is used to map context identifiers to cluster centroids, each of which is represented by a weight vector of terms.
That is to say, no unbound variables are allowed. names represent signals in syndi and are syntactically similar to identifiers.
Lighter weight fabrics and paler colors are key identifiers of summer apparel like women's summer jackets.
In addition to knowing that the money stays within your pack, you also have the added bonus of having some of the patches in place, such as the den or pack identifiers.
She'd removed her personal identifiers, hacked into the government's tracking mainframe to deactivate the implant in her brain, and changed into the black tactical uniform Elise brought her over her civilian grays.